TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. } GOD ^.ISriD OUR OO^XTNTRY.i QLUME 9. ? : ill SATURDAY MORNING, DEOEMBER fe?J$M' 'iii' "?') yr?m n P. ?..,TOALEJL Manufacturer JJOORS, SASHED" GLINDS, FLOORING, &C> Builders1 Hardware, Sole Agent for . THE NATIONAL MIXED PA|jNX ?L TUB GREAT AMERICAN FIRE EXT1N WISHER CO. PAG2 MACHINE BELTING COMPANY. IORTRIOES. OM% &, WARERQOMS ?'oh. 20 and SO Hay 11c mud 33 aud. 35 Pinckncy Sis. FACTORY aud YARDS, -Ashley Iviver, West End Broad St, CI-T^A^liESTGlSr; S. O: Rcpt25 1 87? ly McMlCHlEL HOUSE ORANGEBURG, S. C. Thit HGlfJSB' Ik now open* for the recep tion ?f BOARDERS. G U ESTS well takcij ?core ot The TABLE amply supplied, and .a IIACK meeting each train at the Depot. Turins Moderate. may 29 1S7? ly JDENfiSTRY. OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL. BY -A. M. Sgid&ft i I. J. Caivort. S&~ Office open at all times. Kolled to the Fro,it XI IK Ci h A n g ii s.to1? k. The Highest Market ( price, paid for Country l'v?diiev, .Weh as Corn, l'eas, Mice, Binden, Kgss. t'liickeus, r-ViwIcs, Hides. Hecmoi, (I"allow and Wool. ALSO 'Kre?h (irocaractv?c.. always on hand. A full nnd coinploto sioi:k of.Ulnek?. Jewelry. Cutlary &c', at reasonable priteft. Repairing Watches, Clocks. Jewelry?("c.. ?done in the best manner nnd at /he shortest notice isud at prices lo'snit the tlBic*. ?>. K. EZKlCIKh. ' oet 10 . ; ly. l*he Cordial JSulm ot Wyricum onsd Tonic. SUILs, m^iM>.A V ! - IfKltVOUS DEBILITY,. ?r ry l? ' ?; ' '*??'. Vowave^-obifcwftltc dause 'may be which wntribirto; j to render nerrous debility a Hlrttarttj rrr j prevalent, . affecting, an it noes, eewlj .oao-hnlf lof-our adult population, it ia ? ?aUrtcpoly? ifact that day by day, and year ?y year, wo witness a most frightful in. erenM of nervouvaflcctions from tho slight cat neuralgia to the I more grave and -CK Ir em ft forms of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, la characterized by a genera! languor or weakness of the whole organism, especially of tho nervous system, obstructing and pre venting the Afrdtnaj\Vj d\irrptions, ofnature;. lioncc there" is'a disordered" state of the accretions; constijuttion, ''scanty I nml high colored urine, with an excess ofearthy or lime sediment, indicative of waste of brain and nerve substance,'frerjnent palpitations of tho heart, Joas. ofmemory and marked irresolution of .?purpose, nml inability to carry into action any well-defined business onterprjse, or to fix the inipd }?po,n syiy one thing it a time. Thcrc'is great sensitive ness toiiuprcss, though retained but a short time, with a fliekering,nnd fluttering condi tion of the nionlar faculties, rendering an individual what is lcominonly called a whifile-mindi'd or flick'lo-mindcd man. This 'condition of the individual, distrcss ing as ifls, may^yitji a certainty* heciired by THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIOUM AND LOTIIROr'S TONIC PILLS, Medicines unrivaled for their wonderful, properties and irerpark able' eurcs'bf-allNor-' voua Complaints. ? Their efficacy is equally great in* the treatment and.cure of Cancers, Nodes, ?Ulcers, Pustule,, Tetter, Fever, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald head. Barbers' Itch, ?eurvyJSalt Rheum, Coppor-Golored- Blotches, Glandular Swell ing's, AVorma andtBhick.S'iwits in tho Flesh, Discolorations, Ulocra in theThrotit, Mouth nnd Noaej Soror 'Uega, and Sores of every character, because ? these medicines are the very beat ;? II ?'? ? ' ? .' ' ? 1 BL??D MEDICINE' , ' ; Ever plnced before the people, and are war ranted to bo'?lrc meist powerful 1 Alterative ever originated by man, removing Morbid Sensibility,. Depression of Spirits, Dementia and Meinnchoba B/Sfr* Sold by all DruggjaUvapdavtLl be sent by express to all parts ot* thclobnAtry (|y ad dressing the ?proprjetor, < CK EDGAR LOTH ROI?, M\ ,*D;! 143 CohrtstrCet, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted free of charge cither personally or by mail. Send 25 cents and get a copy of his Rook on Nervous Diseases. i on IIJ i aug 14 ' '1875 ly The Last Meoting. jThd Ia?t'tnedtihg1 betw^dn WbsidenV Grant and'Vice-ProsiOont Wilson is thus described: Tho last meeting be tween President Grant nod Vice-Prosi dent Wilson was on the day after the Viee-Prcsideut was originally attack ed?Thursday, Nov. 11th. The Presi j dent, much to the surpris? of many who luid supposed that Mr. Wilson's outspoken utterances on tho third terra question and his criticism of some of tho President's official acts had seriously impaired the friendly relations which had previously existed between them, visited the Vice-Presi deht at his room .at, Uie Capitol, He was met by Dr. Baxter, who,'prc ccding him, said to Mr. Wilson. 'Mr. Vice-Presidont, the President has conic to see you.' Mr. Wilsou, with great effort, par tially raised himself on his elbows in tho bod, when the President advancing extended his ban.!, which Mr. Wilson I grasped,"the President saying:. j 'Well, how is tho Vice-President? I I rim very sorry to find you ill.' The^fice-Prcsi^ept ?eplied: 'How do yo\t do, Mr. President? I am glad I to see )'OUt I am feeling somowhat easier to-day.' The President, who had meanwhile taken a sent by ttie bed, then i&iid : *How did this conic about? When j wore you. attacked? I just arrived from New York this morning/ Tho Viec-Prc-ddeui then proceeded to narrate with considerable particu larity, but in a low, feeble voice, the Kirioncr in wheeh he was scucd in the Senate barber shop lifter taking a, warm bath, and told how, when in New York, he underwent a severe surgical -opoiatiun,..the seating ?f the I flesh over bis spinal coiuiun between the shoulders with a white heated iron, und added : 'I imagine the oper ation had .something to do with my present prostration. Don't you, doctor?' 'Oh, no,1 replied Dr. Baxter; 'it will undoubtedly hnvo a .very beneficial edict. The immediate cause was the warm bath,"which it was very impru dent in you to lake, I fear.' He ad ded, pleasantly turning to the Presi dent^ 'the Yicc-Pnisi'teht ate too many good dinners in IS'ow York. Conversation then turned on the President's visit to New York, lie staled th?,t, Jp^wcnt Lhqre with Mrs. Grai)t, who do..spmcshop ping, and that his visit was one of business merely. He referred to the weather in New York as very fine! A pause ensuing in the conversation, the Vicc-President asked : 'Do you hear from Nellie' (meaning Mrs. Sar torisy 'often?' 'Ob, yes,' replied the President. 'Her mother gets a letter almost ovcry week?by every steamer. Hie writes long and very interesting letters. She writes with great facility.' The President remained about fif teen minutes, when, taking up his hat and rising, he said : 'I hope you will be better soon, Mr. Yice-Presidcnt. I will come up again this evening or send up to sec how you arc getting along.' 'Thank you, Mr. President,' said Mr. Wilson, again partially rising on hia elbows. 'X nm obliged to you for your call.' This was the last meeting between the President and the Vice-President. A Bravk CAi-TAm.?A very cour ageous feat was performed by a Nor wegian captain named Hausen, in the latter part of October, off tho coast of Eugland. iiis bark,loaded with iron nnd deals, was badly injured in a fear ful gale, and all her pumps were dis abled. A smack came in sight, and Capt. Hanson's crow, not believing the vessel could live, left him. He re fined j to leave, hoping to got his .bark into IGrimsby. Ho mannged, all alone, to set tho foresail, and to light tho side-lights and the binnacle light, and then steered toward the west. He fell down several times from sheer weariness. ? The cabin was full of watorj but ho finally succeeded in get ting his vessel into port. What to Do with Tramps. Tho authorities of a city have sent a'circular to the authorities of other cities, requesting them to meet in con vention to diBCUBB the propor trcat meut of tramps. Keferring to this an exebaugo adds: The evil is so large and so universally diffused, that the action of towu or Stale authorities coin alone grapple with it successfully, and the effort now being made to se curo uniform municipal legislation in thp matter is a wise and necessary one. What is needed is to set tramps at work. No doubt, there is occasionally an honest an-1, iudustrous man who beconfes a tramp because he cannot . find work. It would be hard to refuse such n man the temporary relief which hcs?.ely needs, but indiscrimi nate private charity encouraged a scoro of idle vagrants where it relieves one real case of suffering. The lion est tramp will gladly pay for food and lodging by work, and the lazy tramp, who discovers that he can na,longer livo on charity, will find the charm of profession gone. Let us have, in every town, a relief commiUec of the town officials, who will turn no man away hungry, but who wijl require tramps to work out the full value of what they receive. In this way the trnmp nuisance [can be speedily abol ished, householders can be saved from annoyance aud danger, while no in justice will bo done io tho deserving poor. 'Iho experiment has been en tirely successful. The uniform^action of all the towns in the country, how ever, is needed before the tramp nui sance can be finally and effectually suppressed. Where the Sun Does Kfot Set. A scene witnessed by some travelers in the north of Norway, from a cliff elevated a thousand feet above (hesea, is thus described: ? i At our feet the ocean stretched away in silent vastness;the.sound_of its waves scarcely reached our airy lookout; away in tho north, the huge old sun swung low along the horizon, like the slow beat of the pendulum in the tall clock of our grandfather's parlor corner. We all stood silent, looking at our watches. When both hands came together at twelve, mid night, the full round orb bung' triumphantly above the waves, a bridge of gold running due north, spanning the water between us and i him. There he sjiojie in silent wajes- . ty, wn'ich:'j..Jkuew ' no'" sotting.-J We' involuntarily took off our hats; no word was said. Combine, if you can, the in?st brilliant sunrise and sunset you ever saw, and the beauties will pale before the gorgeous coloring which how lit up the ocean, heaven and mountain. In half an hour the sun had swung up perceptibly on his beat, tue colors changed to those of morning, a fresh breeze rippled ovor' the flood, pue songster after another piped up in the grove behind us?we had slid into another day: Von Moi.tke's Strategy.?Count Moltke, says a London writer, ou ? recent "visit to Rostock, returning homo l?te ono night, was unable to find his way to his lodgings. .Ho thought-oycr various schemes for find ing out the rond without betraying wdio he was, and at last hit upon the following device: Ho went up to a man who appeared to be a native of the town, and inquired, in the broad local dialect ' of the neighborhood : 'Can you Loll me whore'Count iuoitkc is staying?' 'That I can,' replied tho man in .tho same tone, 'he is staying in tho large houso opposite tho school in tho next Btreot to this.' 'Yes/ it turncd the count, 'that's just what I thought myself,' and he returned to his lodgings delighted with the suc cess of his stratagem. Grief that Kills.?In ono of tl.o cars of a Portland train, tho Argus says, was a beautiful young lady dressed in tho deepest mourning who was taking home the dead body of her mothor, which was forward in the baggage car. Suddenly tho girl apraugj'up*. ih-; he*r>;^etot aud began Bh()uUitg-^'J O A Hooker, O B ltiley a?dJnmesP Ott, and containing eight hundred acre* more or less, ?luwld not be partioned and 'divided, allot ting to the . said Joel J Hooker, Caroline Brooker, O B Kiley, Assignee, Plaintiffs, fcnd Martha M 11 Avinger Defendant, oach one-fifth hereof, and the remaining one fifth in equal portions to the said Alice V Gardner and Jacob Kiley, Defendants, and to answer upon oath all and singular the matters nnd things contained in the petition o/ the Plaintiff this day, filed in the oflico of the said Judge of Probate'. Given under my Hand, thi.. fifteenth day o September in the year of our Lord ouo thousand eighteen hundred nnd seventy five and in the one hundredth year of American Indupeudcncc. AUG. B. KNOWLTON, [L.R] Judge of Probate, ?. C To Martha M K,A vinger, ono of theDefcn-! '?dants above named? Take Notice, that the Summons and Peti tion herein now filed in tho Court of Probate for Orangcburg County, South Carolina, on the l?th day of Septcinoer, A. D. 1875, and that unless you appear and show sufficient cause against the sale or division of the lands mentioned in the Petition within the time required bylaw, an order pro con fesso -will be entered against von. i,r IZLAK ? DIBU E, nov 0?5 Attorheys for Petitionor. Book.! Stationery! Music! AI.SO A lot of WINDOW SHADES of an im proved Patent, being neat, put tiny up. durable ?ml CHEAP in price Lamps, Chitnucys and Lamp Fixture* always on hand. SOLE AUEXT f?ll THE Celebrated "WATT PLOW and Castings, which I sell at Manufacturer's Prices, with freight added, viz: One Horse A and B.SO 00 Two Horst M and N. 0 00 Castings.7c per lb. Iusuianeo and Collections prompt ly attended to. AGENT FOR Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Co. Georgia Heine Insurance Co. Man Italien Life Insurance Co. KIRK ROBINSON. Market St. oet 2 3q , ,*f?ftlliir.7/ i I1 ? Mir: .VttM.lW > ?E t. Kuhn & brother DRY GOODS. E-M:P.0;E.;I11I, .iii-iif| ih 1,1* i :;Sj : v Jil-'h i: --aoii?io, ' ' , . ... ... !>;?;: , ?-.<>? .ixoiittftrifryi ,!fji!i um yjuo rf'Ji '?v. l;i ^i,i"T rn ?i' r| li .i. ftJiVjil*] :! yiutiit -.nor:! of, ! . ' ' ' ? ? ? h - . w'i ??> wkl yiOa (< For they havo now on hand a COMPLETE and FRESH STOC? ?f ,r1 V ? ? .-r. j oj i>-? . : I ;i ;<) .viJr.iiiiiii f^?hiotst^bile: dres? goods ?< ? flip,:;! : ? ?] ' SHAWLS, BALMORALS, BLANKETS, F^ANNEL^'/'?''[[.'1 ' Jeans, Cassimeres, Domestics, Calicos, Hosiery,- ?' ,!: ?" Kid and Lislie Gloves, Full lines off - ?*?.?1 ?;",ut 0,|! Gents, Ladies, and Children's u -ii* a Undor Ueats, &c, &c. ? '- ?[?) . u ? All of which wo offor at PRICES equal to \ ] . ? . 1 ' - ? ? H?: ' "'7. ??"4?.,.1 ^-?-Lj/jut..^... iib ' ' ' : , :;! .. &'??? ? /. ?? :T:T?'7m'" l'Mf Cotton at Six Cents per Pound, We flatter ourselves that we havo the LARGEST, FINEST ??? CHEAPEST stock of . ? : , j &EADYMADE Audi are selling them to SUIT the HARD TIMES. Money is eegrftSi *x& a Good Suit of Clothing can be bought for a LITTLE MUNE? .&?^ i Our Boot and Shoe Bepartsieal Aro well filled with CHOICE GOODS, suitable Good* for ?Mffyfcdto & veiy LOW FIGURES. Ladies and Children's Eine Shoes .A. SPECIALITY! Having them Manufactured to our own ORDER in PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE, wo are enabled to WARRANT ovory pair. BEST and LATEST STYLES of Gents, Youths and Children's Hats. That tho Market can supply at LOW RATES. BURLOCK'S SHOOTS tSr Soliciting a call from all intending to purchase, e?r?S assure them that wo ore in a position,to offer tho .1 ['.vi! SOMEST, BEST and LARGEST STOCK to select from in tho county and telling at BOTTOM PRICES! T. KOHN & 110., MAMMOTH DRY GOODS EMPORIUM.