NEW and COMMODIOUS BRICK BUILDING on Mc's OLD Stand will bo found B. JONES Wi&#fujl supply of! ^J^rWSr^^ A^5M ERCHANDISE, Consjgtjng in part !of Calicos, 10 cts; 4-4 Browns; 10 cts; 3 Browns, 8 Blue Goodo from 8 to 18 cts;1 Jeans, Cnssimeres, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, &ci My GROCERY DEPARTMENT is COMPLETE in the way of the Beat Flour, Cheapest Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Butter, Bacon, Hice, Grist, Meal, ChoicestCaprfeiJ,'Good?,/?6\vThe ^i^rudetpi: will give Personal Attention to the Coin K?nnd.Infs"of Physicians Prescriptions and i rivate FtfrmnlnN. yclcinna deairoua of purchasing will find it to their advantage to INSPECT MY STOCK Rccogniiing the fact that "In Medicine Purity is abore Price," we ?hall ?pare no pains to secure the very best Medicines. A cull is respectfully solicited. f I I !/ i -A- ?.'..HYDRICK, Druggist. oet ^^;*\^.>?-? 177? 52 AT THE GRAND CENlFn?^?RY^GOOpS ESTABLI&HME K OF rE?ve & Co., Columbia, S. C. -:o: The citiieh? of Orangebnrg county will save money by buying their goods at the above h-QuaSi They keep a buyer in New York and other markets all the time; they receive goods by ,every steamer from auction aud wherever they can l>e bought CHEAPEST P?K CASH. They keep tho largest and most varied stock of any house this, flidcof New York?.and sell as LOW as the same goods can be bought in that city. and Colgate & Co., Toilet Soaps and Perfumeries, which we sell by the single price at Cojgsto &. Oo.'a prices by the wholesale trade. We arc agents for Keep'a PortJy Made Shirts, at Fifteen Dollars Per Dozen, The Cii?apct)th the Beat, and the Best Fitting Shirt ever introduced to the market. gST Danaples sent when requested, and all packages over ten dollars sent by express WM. r>. LOVE & CO. ?cite 'Ts7o " "? u Eft? t*w ta"i ixuTi '1 j.j ??' 1 ?ix M >f.rt od' ? h?s? j?l ?Ma r * ,baiuv! ^ '{??** s? an."'.-?t:?. U ff> I ,wemt t! *-t?K ?!-) &u* ^r.a'-w.r.M ,v 1 M -t <*S& tet't*/!"* l*aa . H.^RZilS Y & CO. 36 YEARS! After an experience of thirty-six years, I think I know just how to please my friends and customers, and returning my thanks for past favors would say that I have just returned from ' WITH A' ' * FULL STOC K Bought ot LOW DOWN PANIC PRICES. I am not bragging. Come and satisfy yourselves by examining my assortment of every description of goods. D. LOUIS. The Orangeburg Bakery. T W: ALBBRGOTTI, Fraprieipr. Offers to the Pubic at a Tiities FR H BREAD, CAKES, PIES, FRUITS," CANDIES; TOILET rshrlTS, id every Description of Fancy Goods. Wedd ng Calie Furnished at the Shortest Notice. A splendi Lot of Christmas TOYS and PRESENTS for Children^ ha* just Been Received Harness, Saddles, Plow Gearing AM) A General Assortment of Saddlery Hardivare4* We beg to inform the Public that ire have made large additions to our manufacturing' Establishment, and are now prepared to sell cheaper than any other Hjusein the South, manufacturing all: tioodsiu our line, we are prepared to warrant all of them, in work manship and material. Give uh a call and ace our Buggy Harness at $12 per Sett AND OUR HcCLELLAN SADDLES AT $3 EACH the same that arc Selling elsewhere at $>3.50. These ure no factory goods but the genuine HOME MADE AND WARRANTED. CHAPEAU & HEFFRON Meeting St., Charleston, 8. C. ???t 18 1876 ? ? >. . mmtmrn OLDEST CROCKERY HOUSE IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISIIEO 1837, 128 MEETIMG STREET. Being now prepared for the FALL TRADE for 1875, I wish to ?all the attention of Merchants to my Large and Varied Stock of China, Glass, Earthenware, Looking Glasses. Kerosene Goods, Japaned Ware, &c, A great part of it Imported Direct from Europe. Besblcs Staple Goods, I keepjalways a Large Stock of ' FRENCH CHINA AXD CUT GLASS. My thorough knowledge of the business, acquired by an experience of over Twentr Team, enables me to buy at the Lowest Figures, and conscqneully to sell at Prices on which the Retailor can real ire a Ilaudsome Profit. WM. fc. W EBB. 128 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. 21 1875 ii ti.2.?. J. STRAUSS J. J. STREET JAS. H#FO\VLES J. STRAUSS & CO.* Proprietors of the Orangeburg l ice Mill, Grist and San Mill. i Oar Mills being now in full ope-ation, we arc prepared to fib orders for Rice and freshly ground (Jrist and Meal, (holtcd or unbolted), .it living prices. Onr SAW M ILL, being initiated near the Town, is now turning ?Mit superior Lumber and bills for all ran be tilled at short notice. Vic can Mipply secondhand Steam Engine*. Portable or Ktat'onarv, and Saw Mills, guaranteed by our Mr Strauss, at Itsw that half the usual price.' - liighcxt price paid for Rough Rice and Corn. JOAB W. MOSE LEY, CORNER OF MAIN AND M ARKET STREETS. take pleasure in announcing to my PATRONS and the PUBLIC generally that I have LARGELY INCREAEED my STpCK OF MERCH ANDISE, Which -ill be sold LOW FOR CASH. My STOCK is so large that I have placed a considerable pertitn ?/ it inthe store COENER OP MAIN STREET AND ? ? ? ?' RAIL ROAD AVENUE formerly occupied by Mr. J. S. Albcrgotti where the public trill find as lino an assortment to select from aa can be shown down Town. A fine 'lot of ALES, WINES and LIQUORS always ?a hand at both stores. STABLES. I have also rented tho STABLES and LOT in rear of myslore on Market Street where any one coming into Town can have their Horaea care fully groomed and fed, and vehicles cared for. Saddle Horses and Vehicles for hire._ JOAB W. MOSELEY. BUY THE SPEAKER PORTABLE COTTON TRESS! The undersigned having been appointed AGENT for the aboTe named Press, beg leave to call tho attention of Plantora aud others in need of a FIRST CLASS PRESS To call and examine a model of the same, nt his Office, befe-ro purchasing elsewhere. These PRESSES have the ADVANTAGE over any other Press yet Pntentod, for Cheapness, Durability and Economy of Labor, beside* an be put in tho Lint Room, or ns near by as will suit tho convenience they tics who use them. Should any part break (which is riot probable) can be repaired'by any common laborer. A bale of Cotton weighing ic hundred pounds can be pressed with cose by two hands. These Presses t manufactured under tho Supervision of Mr. JOS. STRAUS, a Practica Mechanic. Price $125. JAS. VAN TASfcEL. aug 28 1875 if