DR. A. 8. HYDRIC DKUGGIST AND CHEMIST Has just opened an entire new Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICAL^, At the Stand Formerly Occupied by the late E. J. Olireros. The Moat popular ? PATENT MEDICINES With full line of TOILET ABTICLES OonBtnn?y on hnnd. The Proprietor will give Personal Attention to the Com Ktrading of Physicians Prescriptions and Private Formnlan. /oiciana desirous of purchasing will find it to their advantage to BXSPECT MY STOCIt Before Baring Klnewheio. Recogniiing the fact that "In Medicine Purity is abo re Price," we ?hall spare no pains to secure tho very bent Medicines. A call in respectfully solicited. A. S. HYDRICK, Druggist, oct 30 1775 52 \ CHEAP Dkl MS, BOOTS, SHOES, ?, AT TH? GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMEX OF Wm, D. Love & Co., Columbia, S. C. -:o: The citixens of Orangeburg county will save money by buying their goods at the above house. They keep a buyer in New York and other markets all the time; they receive goods by every Rteamer from auction and wherever they can be bought CHEAPEST FOR CASH. They keep the largest and most varied stock of any house this side of New York, and sell as LOW as the name goods can be bought in that city. "We kecp'a full line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Paper Hangings, Boot*, Shoes, Jeans, Tweeds, Cassinierei, Cloths, Homespuns of every description, Blankets, Flannels, Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Toweling-), Laces, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, and Colgate A Co., Toilet Soaps and Perfumeries, which we sell by the single prioe at Colgate & Co.'s prices bv tho wholesale trade. We are agents for Keep's Partly Siude Shirts, at Fifteen Uollarw Per Dozen, The Cheapest, the liest, and the Best Fitting Shirt ever introduced to the market. 3&" Samples sent when requested, and all packages over ten dollars sent by express free of charge. WM. I>. LOVE & CO. oct 30 1876 ly The Orangeburg Bakery. T. W. ALBERGOTTI, Proprietor. ' Offers to tho Pujbic at a Times PR H BREAD, CAKES, PIER. FRUITS, CANDIES, TOILET SETTS, id every Description of Fancy Goods. Wedd n$ Calte Furnished at the Shortest Notice. A apleodi Lot of Christinas TOYS and PRESENTS for Children hasjust been Received THE LARGEST CIRCUS XXT THE WORLD! ' I? that advertised to be horc on tho 27th inst. It is not JOHN ROBINSON'S But a much better one, (A better SHOW can bo acen at my Storo ??ery day in tho week.) FIVE LIONS Will be turned loose in the ring, while a genuine Gorilla will pass through the audience selling tickets to the concert, but I havo SOME ' THING in my store to beat all this. ONE HUNDRED MONKEYS Will do the apple Felling, (but I have more than apples for sale.} And now without jesting, I can honestly announce to my Customers and the Public that I have on band as full and complete a line of the following nr ticlcrt as wits ever brought to Orangeburg, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Foots, Shoes, Hardware, Ales, "Wines, Liquors, Tobaccos, Segars, &c. Respectfully, J WALLACE CANNON n Medicines, Quality is of the First Importance DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT TUR ORANEBURG DRUG STORE Can always be found a Selected Stock of PURK CHEMICALS, Genu ino Drugs, Patent Mcdiciucs, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs and Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Article*, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Also Cutlery, Segars and Tobacco. Pysicians* Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. MT*NIGHT BELL answered promptly. J. G. WA?NAMARER, & CO. OFFICE OF GEO. H. CORNELSON I would Respectfully inform my Friends, Customors and tho Public generally that J am now Receiving tho Largest and Best Selected Stock OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE and that the same is now ready for inspection, and I would bring to the notice of Cash Buyers especially that they can srto From lO to 15 per cent by calling at ray Store before making purchases elsowbere. As my Stock is too varied, I cannot enumerate all the different goods in so short a space, and can therefore only assure them that they will find tho same complete and well assorted in all its different Branches. I slnU as heretofore adhere to my old motto, QUICK SALES AND SMAXL PROFITS. Respectfully yours, GEORGE H CORNELSON". the CHEAP CASH STORE! J. P. HARLEY & CO. We would call attention to our LARGE and VARIED Btock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Which we iure dj?lyroooiving from NEW YORK And cthor GOOD MARKETS. We make a SPECIALITY of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND FAMILY GR0CERH3S. And gtxaronto a SAVING to Ml that will give as a call, lb j. i>. HARLEY <& CO. C. D. KORTJOHN Begs to inform his friends, patrons and the public generally, that hav ing DISPOSED of his Entire Stock of Liquors, Now desires a CONTINUANCE of their patronage by offering.to his cus tomers at fciUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE. And aB my stock is too large to mention every article, 1 respectfully solicit an inspection of my goods. Goods shown free of charge. Call and see. C. 33. KORTJOHN. 36 YEARS! After an experience of thirty-six years, I think I know just how to please my friends and customers, and returning my thanks for past favors, would say that I have just returned from mm vork WITH A FULL STOCK Bought ?t LOW DOWN PANIC PRICKS. 1 am not bragging. Come and satisfy yoursolvca by examining my assortment of every description of goolln. D. LOUIS. -Harness, Saddles, Plow Gearing AXD A General Assortment of Saddlery Hardware. ip and material. Give u? a call and ae Bl*ggy Harness at $13 per Sett AND OUR McCL.EILI.AlV SADDLES AT EACH the tame that are Selling elsowhero at *3.50. These are no factory mods bat fft genuine HOME MADE AND WARRANTED. CHAPEAU AHEFFROtf Meeting St., Charleston, 8. C. wyt 21 1871 Mm OLDEST CROCKERY HOUSE IN CHARLESTON, S. C, ESTABLISHED 1837a 128 MEETIMG STREET. Kcingnow prepared for the FALX. TRADE for 1875, I wuh to ?all the; attention of Merchant* to my Largo and Varied Stock of ^hina. Glass, Earthenware, Looking Glasses. Kerosene Goods, Japaned Ware, &c, A groat part of it Imported Direct from Europe. Besides Staple Goods, 1 keep^AlYravs a Large Stock of FRENCH CHINA AND CUT OEASS. My thorough knowledge of the business, acquired by an experience of over Twenty Yean*, enables nie to buy at the Lowest Figures, and consequently to sell at Prices oa which the Retailor can realise a llaudsoinc Profit. WM. JL. WEBB, 126 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C 21 1875 2iL J. STRAUSS J. J. STREET JAS, H. FOWLES J* STRAUSS & CO., Proprietors of the Orangeburg -Nice Mill, Grist and Saw Mill. Our Mills being now in full operation, we are prepared to fill orders for Bio? aad freshly ground Grist and Meal, (bolted or unbolted), at living prices. Our SAW MILL, being situated near the Town, Is now turning out superior Luaaber and bills for all sixes can be filled at short notice. We can supply second hand Steam EllgmOP, Portable or Stat'ofcary, aad Saw Mills, guaranteed by our Mr Strauss, at less that half the usual price; Highest price paid for Rough Rice and Cora. JOAB W. MOSELEY. CORNER OF MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. take pleasure in announcing to my PA1 illy that I have LARGELY INCREAEEJ P ATHONS and the PUBLIC generally that I have LARGELY INCREAEED my STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, Which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. My STOCK is so large that I have placed a considerable per?en a/ it iuthe scoro CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND IS AXIL ROAD AVEtfUE formerly occupied by Mr. J. S. Albergotti where the public will find as iao an assortment to stlect from a* can be shown down Town. A fine lot of ALES, WINES and LIQUORS always ea hand afc Utk storm STABLES. I hare also rented the STABLES and LOT in rear of mystoro en Market Street where any one coming into Town can have their Horses sars fully groomed and fed, and vehicles cared for. Saddle Horace aad Vehicles for hire. JOAB W. MOSELEY. BUY THE . SHEARER PORTABLE COTTON PRESS! The undersigned having been appointed AGENT for the aboTe named Press, beg leavo to call tho attention of Planters and others in need of a FIRST CLASS PRESS To call and examine a model of the same, at his Office, before purchasing elsewhere. These PRESSES have the ADVANTAGE over any other Prow yet Patented, for Cheapness, Durability and Economy of Lafcsr, beaids? an be put in the Lint Room, or as near by as will suit the convenient they ties who use them. Should any part break (which >s not probable) can be repaired by any common laborer. A bale of Cotten weighing it hundred pounds can be pressed with case by two hands. Those Presses I manufactured under the Supervision of Mr. JOS. STR AUS, a Pract eg I Mechanic. Price 8125. JAS. VAN TASMSL. aug 28 18'5 If PRICE REDUCED FROM $1.00 TO 50 Cents Per Box TO MEET THE DEMAND FOR A SaM AND RELIABLE Fever and Ague Antidote AT A PRICE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE THEM OtiSF" Never was Modicin? so Deservedly Pppiilvr. aug 14 1875 3m