,_?_I.m_.^._r _ . f:, - / / 6 L/ C. / ?- V. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. ^ _ GOD OUR COUNTRY. AL^^^YsT^VX^T^ voLqif^i^iif^ ;|H'r Saturday moiSingT^ p. p. Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLIN DS, FLOORING, &C. Dealer in Builders' Hardware, Tj|e NlS^^yMfWEpL?AInt CO. %Hfi GREAT AMERICAN PIKE EXTIN GUISH EU VAU PAGE t?ACrllNE BELTING COMPANY? ?i ?l> FOR PRSCKSs OFFICE & WAREROOMS Kos. SO and 30 Huyne and 33 and 35 IMnckney Sts. FACTOI^~npd VAR??, j Ashley RivefVjj W|*| j^W tP^js %: CHARLESTON, S. C. nept25 1875 ly McMICHAEL HOUSE ORANGEBURG, S. C. Thia HOUSE is now open for the recep ?*ion of BOARDERS. GUESTS well taken ?are of. The. TABLE amply supplied, and a HACK meeting each train at the Depot. Terms Moderate. ? - / \ * may 29 1875 ly J? CARD. Dr. J. G. W A NN A M A K E R & Co., heg tto inform the public that they arc belter gjnept-iwl to till Ord erathan ever before. X!ie iQrtJigebnrg Drug Store ?hall at all Iuourn lie provided with competent persons jfor filling >0,edcrs ?riith dispatch, so from Biow heiicefowa.pil.tbe people of Oraugeburg eieed not, be pJuced in ftJdlU'iiujia to know -where* td find iifU'riiggMt. We ajso joxnrepjj ?mir grateful thanks to the public for the magnanimous ?upport given uk, and with strictest jittohtl'in io .biwh'.ert??Mope teuerer sniuntaiii their om?denue Dr. J. U. WANNAM AK KR Co. au? 21?.'Im ' TrlE ' ? ? * ' STATE CRANGE FERTI LtZEK, AND ' THE CLLMAX." Two firt-l class, pure bnne,-auinioi;iatcd Fertilizers, few sale by D. .1ENNIN?S ?x ,*>0N and J. I> AiivEX, Agents, Charleston. ft. C. The bigii<*t testimonials cun be given. Please nerd for circular. aug 28?3iu The Cordial ISalm of .Syrteuni and Tonic I'ill.s. NERVOUS DEBILITY, However obscure the cause may be which contribute, to render nervous debility a 4iitue ho prevalent, affecting, as It doe.*, nearly one-half of our adult population, it is u melancholy fact that day by day,and ?ear by year, wc witness a. inq?Vfrigjhuul in crease of nervoue.lfflk*&>jM from il#?lfght-( ?st neuralgia \h* uiif wore; grave und ?KtTeme forms of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, la charaeferized by a general languor or ^reakofw of the whole organism, especially of theTlerv^UB Kyfitctn; Obstructing and pre renting^the I'Prdinnry- functions ofnatnre; bonce there is n disordered slate of the secretions; constinatioui scanty and high colored' urine, with .m'excess ofearthy or lime sediment, indicative of waste of brain and nerve substance, frequent palpitations of the heart, loss of memory and marked irresolution of purpose, anil inability to carry into action any well-defined business enterprise, or to fix the mind upon any one thing at a time. There is great sensitive ness to imprest), though retained but a short time, with a/bckeriiM^and^luLte^bigcondi tion of the mental {jacultlea raim^ig^ni^ individual what is" ^SPomfiinnlv ?"railed *ft whiflle-minded or lliekle-mimled man. This condition of the individual, distress ing :us it is, may with a certainly becureiLby THE COJU^aj* j?aul OEp ^'Ri^^h AN&g^iftGgrjs I Tj&JlC&fi LI'^I . Medicines unrivaled for their wonderful properties and remarkable t ures of aRNer votiH Complaints. TlicircHii'acy is equally great in the treatment and ciirc of Cancers, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter, J'cvcr, Sores, Ringworm,Erysipelas, Scald head. Barbers' Itch, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Copper-Colored blotches,Glandul?r Swell ings, Worms ami (Muck Spots in the Flesh, Discoloratiuns, Ulcers in thcThroat, Mouth mid Nose, Sore Legs, and Sores of every character, because diese medicines are the Very best j?^ ?f ?O V.: Ever placed before the people, and are war ranted to be Hie most powerful! Alterative ever originated by man, removing Morbid Sensibility, Depression of Spirits, Dementia and Melancholia J&fcay~ Sold by all Druggists, and will he sent by express to all parts of the country qy ad dressing 'the proprietor, G. Kl KS AR LOTH ROI?, M. D., 1VA Court street, boston, Mass., who may be consulted free of charge either personally or by mail. Send 25 cents and get a copy of' his Rook on Nervous Diseases. nng U LS7? ]y An Anniversary. In a chamber old and ?Aken, In a faint and faltering nay, Haifa dozen words were spoken, ?Just eleven years to-day. "What was hound and what was broken, Let a woman's conscience say. IIalfado7.cn words excited, Whispered by u lover's side, Half delighted, half a frighted, ? Half in pleasure, half in pride : RSid^i^l^tHnli u hligjdcd^ : ; v . And, ailulsfi idve-knoL is tied. / 01 Jl I.J plasia^i^iidcn iu)t 'a;fceling ? ^^Jnit can; s^ell,\apd sing, and eoar ? ." Came'not" VcHier "spirit stealing Thoughts of things that were before? In her heart did no revealing I Tell her love was something more? Barelv half a dozen glances, Hal fin earnest, half in mirth ? Five, or six, or seven dances? What Is Mich a wooing worth ? Courtship in which no romance is, Cannot give a true love birth. Passion is a pain and power Thai arises in anight. Lightly is the promise spoken, Lightly is the love knot tied; And the maid redeems the token, Living at her husband's side; And her heart?it is not broken, but it is not in its pride. With the years shall como a feeling, Never, may be, felt before; She shall find her heart concealing Want:* it did not know of yore; Silently the truth revealing, J^eal ipve|iapomet|iii?-; more. The friends of the late Mr. llalstou have at length discovered a cause for the California bank fuilure which en tails no discredit on the.dead presi dent. The press was the root ot the evil! At a public meeting recently held in San Francisco, where spoecbes eulogistic oftbc deceased were made, the imbolders of MY. Jtalston denoun ced', tub 'Associated I'ress lor'baying subtilely circulated intelligence which led to t he crisis because of a quarrel between the Bulletin, und Call and the bank proprietors. The newspaper press is indeed an institution of many sided utility. Statesmen, politicians, men cf commerce, and those generally who stand out saliently, lind it most useful?when*they get badly "corner ed''?as a scapegoat which may be made to bear all the evils they pro perly are chargeable.with..They em ploy it thus with all the more effron tery because they feel their at tack? will be ignored, if only they be ?bt too personal. ' The general agent of the Associated Press having been spoken at very directly, however, at the San Francisco meeting, Mr. J. W. Simon ton has stepped to the front in do fence, and told the voracious orators a few things more pointed than flatter ing. In a letter to the New York ?^iWiHT w^Vf tA have? '-waked rn vain for' any "dis tinct specification that would enable me to bold some respectable party responsible^ n such .way its'wouldtbring the facts to a judicial decision. If our assailants,believe a tithe of what they put forth by means of craven insinu ation, they , are false to their duty as citizens' when they fail to make such formal complaint as would subject the undersigned to the perils of that law which makes tit (era neb of false news for t he purpose of affecting values, a criminal oHcn.se. But that course would explode the calumnies ami ex pose their uttcrors to public reproba .iioi^ -.aud so they will not abandon $ii|e(ii)imich which timid assassins of character in every age have sought to reach their vic tims. 1 repel their charges with indig nant scorn, aud both challenge and d?fyvMienv. Xjttf This is' plain talking, and should evoke a plain rejoinder, Tbc la>t mail trains now daily run ning bet ween Now York and. Chicago are doing good service. In one day they look out about five hundred thousand newspapers and 280,000 letters, and, in addition to what had beeuleft at stations on the route, bj*biHght 'iii about fifty thousand news papers and 100,000 letters. The most attentive man to busines hn record was he who wrote on bis shop door: ''Cone to bury my wile; return in hrJf an hour." lie was no relation to the lawyer who put upon hh ollice door: "lie back in live minutes," aud returned only after a jplqtisure trip of three weeks. The Number Seven. j On the B?YO?th day God ended Ida work. On the seventh month Noah's ark touched the ground. In seven days a dove was sent. Abraham pleaded seven, times lor Sodom. Jacob mourned seven days for Joseph. Jacob served seven years for Rach el, and yet another seven years more. Jacob was pursued a seven-days' journey by La ban. A r.lenty of seven years and a fam ine of seven years were foretold in Pharaoh's dream by seven fat and seven lean beasts, and seven ears of full and seven ears of blasted coin. On the seventh day of the seventh mouth the children of Israel fasted seven days and remained seven days in their tents. Every seven days the land rested. Every seventh year the law was read to the people. In the distruction of Jericho seven persons bore seven trumpets seven days. On the seventh day they sur rounded the walls seven times, and at the end of the seventh round the walls fell. Solomon was seven years building the temple and fasted seven days at its dedication. In the tabernacle were seven lamp?. The golden candlesticks had seven branches. Naamnn washed seven times in the river Jordan. Job's friends sat with him seven days and seven nights, and offered seven bullocks and seven rams for an atonement. ? Our Saviour spoke seven times from the cross, on which he hung seven hojirs, and after his resurrection appeared seven times. In the revelation, wo read of seven churches, seven candlesticks, seven stars, seven trumpets, sevcu {dagoes, seven thunders, seven vials, seven angels and a seven-headed monster. Makkyikg Him to Save IIm Life.?It was the twilight hour, and they were meandering over the uxecrable sidewalks on Veto street. He Was blacker than the king of clubs, and could discount the ten-spot of spader. 'Susan, I lub you !' he suddenly re marked. 'Shoo! Go long!' she replied. 'Susan, will yer marry rac !' he con tinued. 'Go long wid you, Pete!' 'If yer don't I shall embrace (he float in' waters of de dark ribbcr. Den dc coroner will haul me out an* sot on me; dcy'll plant nie und?r dc roses, an'de verdict will be, 'Dat feller died ofa broken heart!' 'You don't mean dat, Pete!' 'I do, Susan V 'Den, Pete,' she said, as she sighed heavily, 'Den it's my duty to marry you to save yer life, and dc weddin' is t > come off in do fall.' And they elasped hands and rolled their eyes and stumbled along. 1 'ii'kxbitry I/erqhl. ''Say, Rill, what's dat all 'bout in dc paphas 'bout 'flnshun ob do ?cur rency, an wat'l bo do 'feck on shinin'?" "'Flnshun ! Ain't you been rccdin well's mo in de ptipah'A ?' "Well, I dunno; I don't zackIy misro mcmbnh how it is." "You fool niguh can't 'stand nulhing. It's jes dis: Dar's sum 'er dem fellers dat wants tor git dar boots sinned twice wid one ten cent dime; and agin, dar's sum wat links it ant jestis. Dem fits ones is llashunists and do udder ones is disllashunists." "Oafs it, jes it, an' 1 don't beleeve in flash im fall; dat's it, de hole subjeck." Captain Webb is confident he will yet sivini across the English Channel hecauso ho is Webb-footed. But in his first attempt ho made ducks and drakes of his backers' money. The next time let Webb foot it. That which makes us so disconten ted with our own condition is the false and exaggerated estimate we are apt to form of the happiness of others. Good Advice. The author of thin is not known, but be or 'slid is certainly a wise man or woman : Would you show yourself really good to your daughters ? Then bo geaerous to them in a truer senso than that of hcap.ng trinkets on their necks. Train them for independence first, and then labor to give it to them. Let thein( as soon as ever they are grown up, have some little money, or means of making money, to be their own, and teach them how to deal with it, without needing every mom ent somobody to help them. Calculate what you give them or will bequeath to them, not as is" usually done, on the chances of their making a rich mar riage, but on the probability of their remaining single, and according to the scale of living to which you have accustomed them. Suppress their luxury .now if need be, but do not leave them with scarcely bare necess aries hereafter, in striking contrast to their present home. Above all, help them to help themselves. Fit them to be able to add to their own means, rather than to be forever pinching and economizing till their minds are nar rowed and their hearts are sick. Give all the culture you can to every power which they may possess. If they should marry alt?r all, they will be the happier and better for it. If they should remain among the million of the unmarricd, they will bless you in your grave, and say of you, what can not he said of many a doting parent by liisM?rviving child: ?Iy father cared that I should be happy alter his death - as well as while 1 was his pet and bis toy. I A Good Rule. Do./unto others as you would have otheft)"^o?tinto you, is a rule so bene ficent that, if followed strictly, this world be an Eden, blossoming iikcthc rose. It. is the violation of this rule, this golden precept, that makes so much of the missery we suffer in this life. We would have others just, kind, and considerate to us, we blame them when they are not so; but we take no account of our own short comings, our own wanderings from the perfect way. There are very few who pretend to take this rule as their guide in dealing with their brother man, or sister woman. We do unto others many things that we would rather not have them do unto us, acts of injustice, cruelty, arid wrong. Did we cherish this rule in our heart, and walk by its pure light, ho*w uia^y tears would never have flown, how many woes would, never have thrown their shadows lipon our path way. Thore would be no evil speak ing nor slandering; no deceiving, tin taking advantage of each other; no robbing, no killing. Home would be a sweet, restful spot, where no harsh word would jar the melody of love and kindne-s. Tlic marts of business would know no over-reaching, no (Iis lioncsty. The balls of pleasure would resound with mirth, unmixed by envy, jealousy, and evil* passions. Do unto others as you would have others 'do unto you is truly a precious golden rule, which if universally car ried out, would produce a complete and most happy revolution among tbo inhabitants' of this earth. "Man," says Victor IIugok"was the conundrum of the eighteenth century; woman is the conundrum of the nine teenth ? century." We can't guess her, but we'll never give her up?no, never!?'Columbia (?S' G.) Union Her ald. Don't keep in a constant fret about things that may be annoying, or wor ry about things you can't help. Troubles are not lightened by fretting. The triJO remedy is to keep cool, and try to master difficulties, and not lot them master you. The New York ciitics arc rather severe on Mr. Woolt's new drama, "The Mighty Dollar/' They can't 6ce any cents in it.?Boston VW/. A bad marriage is like an electric machine; it makes you dance but you | can't let go. A Heart Moving Scene. One of the grandest upoetaeles ever witnessed was put upon the stngo of the Masonic Temple, Louisville, dur ii g the session of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Tho hour of adjournment arrived, and Grand Master Jones an nounced that the body would adjourn without signs, as he had reason to be lieve eavesdroppers were behind the I scenes. He urged the members to re main, and all retained their Heats. Tho gavel Bounded, the bell tinkled, the curtain ti prose, and before the as tonished Grand Lodge sixty orphans stood, wards ol Masonic charity. The elfeot waseleetric. The very sight of these fatherless ones moved strong men to tears, and many eyes unused to tears rcudercd a tribute to tins sil- i cut appeal. A welcome song was sung, the sentiment of which touched every heart and tears fell down rri.Vn< ly cheeks like rain. There were other exercises speeches, dialogues, songs, etc., all ol them adapted to the occa sion, and each in succession intensify ing feeling until the pent-up hearts could obtain no longer, and sobs were audible all through the vast hall. When the exercises, concluded there w a3 a spontaneous call, loud and prolonged, from six huudred brethren of the auditorium to send the girls down for j a collection. It was taken, and the treasury of tho ?'Home" was hand some! V reinforced. All opposition to this institution was disarmed, and every one turned away resolved to do something to build up and reirfler per manent an institution whose firVt fruits were vo rich.?Kentucky Free Mason. - ? in ? ? - ? aim i i. ? - Clogged Lamp Wick. The light often is unsatisfactory while, all is apparently in good order. It should be borne in mind that though the wick is but little burned it is constantly becoming less able to conduct tli3 oil. During several weeks some quarts of oil are slowly filtered through the wick,stops every particle of dust or other matt 1 that will with the utmost cure be in the best kinds of oil. Tho result is that the wick though it is of sufficient length and looks as good as ever has its conduct ing power greatly impaired, us its pores so to speak or the minute chan nels by wlrtch the oil reaches the place to be burned become gradually ob structed. It is often economy to substitute a new wick for nn old one, even if that be plenty long enough to hum for sometime to com*. A Western editor returned a tailor's bill, endorsed, "Declined; haudwrit ing illegible." The last instance of modesty is that of a lady who refused to w?:ar a watch in her bosom because it had hands. You can't eat enough in one week to last a whole year, and yon can't advertise on that plan either. Speaking of his late barber, a Mont street man with a tender face said, "Ilo cut me, and I cut him." A whine from the East?the claret is stiil flowing freely in the Turkish provinces, but the Porte is very near ly exhausted. There are forty-two churches in Troy, N. Y,, and yet there are more co. k fights there on Sunday than in airy other city in the State. Of persons Irani fifteen years to ninety years, for every ten temperate that die, thirty-two are traceable to intemperance. A Sar.-.loga philosopher says a single woman, as a general thing, can be told from a wife, and yet ho has known many a girl to be taken for a j wife. The Easton Free Prps* says that Joshua was the first man who ever stopped a newspaper, lie stopped the daily s?n, We suppose he did uo he cause tho war news did not suit hint. "Revivalists, iudoed!" said Mrs. lWtington, "1 ain't got no patience with such folks. I made my dear P. promise faithful that if I preceded him to the grave ho never would take | another." A new definition of an old maid U . a woman wh? has been made for a, long lime. Eugene?"Com", sit down on the' rholly shore, and hear tue mighty * oeoau roar." Amelia?"I can't Bit i down, you silly goose, because I'd l burst my pin-back loose." Hon. A. II. Stephens iv now .con sidered to bo entirely out of danger. D. Steiner of Augusta; pronounces his complaint to have been neuralgia of ail the organs of the abdomen, "What object do you now'see" ask ed the doctor. The young mail hesi tated for a few moments, and then re plied: "It appears like a jackal doctor, but I rather tliink it is yoiir .shadow." Chatty Old G?nt?"Have you long hours he ar, portar? Railroad Porter (whoso temper has been spoilt)?* "Same as anywheres else, I e'poso-r sixty minutes?" (licll rings, railway porter touches Old Gent's iavonto corn, and ruahca off!) Old Gent? "Ph o-o-o-!"?Punch. IS YOUR IFF WORTH lO C5KXTS? Sickness prevails everywhere, and every* body complains of some dlcease during ttoir life. "When sack, the object is to gel well; now we nay plainly tint nu person in thia world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Coaiplaint and its cflccta, such at In digestion, t!o?tivenei?a, Sich Headache, Sour Stomach, Hcnrt-burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirit*, Biliouinem, Sec, can lake Greek's Auoust Flower without getting reliof and cure. If von doubt this, go to your Druggist DR. A. C. DUKES and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular hize 75 cento. Two doses vt 111 relieve you. ? ? ? DR. A. C. DUKKS. HOW TO CURE FEVER AND AGUE. If any person suffering with Fsveb xxo ; Ague Intermittent or'Bilioua Fever will call at ths Drug Stord of UR. A. O. DUKKti and get a hottly of AG UK CONQUEROR, . their immediate cure is certain, and the chilis will not conic back during that reason. It <-o:itain? no Quinine, Arsenic or other Poisons, and after taking one-half bottle you will feel bett er in health than you have felt perhaps for years. It entirely cieauae* the whole system, parities the liver and other ficeretory organs, l'rice SI.00 poc bottle iry it. A*k ymir Drilggidt about others who bare used it. I)U. A. C. DUKEH. N" O W ist ii m time; For you to buy your Drugs, Medicines^ Toilet Articles, Painta, Oils,' Brushes, &c, Also a Fine Assortment of Cutlery, Segars, Tobacco and. Pipes, ? All of which will bo sold CHEAP ?bV cash at tho Ol,? ?RI O STORE op OR A NTfi I? BURG, by 5>r. A. V. 1>UI?ES. It E MOV E ? TO THE REAR OF a. fisciikk'h store Where 1 am prepared to serve the Tubbo at the shortest notice hi my line of business. Thanking the Citi/.ena for then? Ubcra\ patronage in the past, 1 beg a continuance of the same in iho future. MOSES M. BROWN, Barbar. N Q T10 E OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ORANQEncitQ County. Or.tngcbn.rg, S. C, September 14th 1873, Scaled Proposal* will be Received at thU Oflipc, for the Repairing of Horse Range bridge. Also for the Repairing of tho three bridges over Providence Swampy within thirty days from thui date. Bv Order of the Board. GEO, BOLIVRR, Clerk of Board of Co., Cooi'M Orangeburg County, sept 25 I6?u 5} GKo7s~S!iTlUlR7" Conm?ssion Morohant, nnALnn in GRCCEPJES, FlN K WINES, Ac. Agent for iVwtonVi Planier, A very** l'Iows, and all kinds of Agricultural Implements. A\ New Brick Store next to Dii^*** Hrug Mot** sept 85?%