Visitors to the Fair Will find it to their interest to visit the New and Handsome Store ou liaenell Street at Captain Hriggmnnu's Old Stand, now oceupi n\ by Brigg mann & Crook, whore they will lind the "Old Captain" surrounded by Now Good* of the Latest and muU Approved Style.-? ami Importations. Tho geod people of Orangeburg City and County 4 Are Notified by the Committee Of Arrangements of the Agricultural Society that the Fair commences ou the 26th day of October and will continue until the 29th; During that in terval crow?? will throng the Marts and Kmporia of the city of Orangeburg. Tho8? who desire to unite business with pleasure will be shopping, and par ticular attention to the varied stock of ?r"y CrOOdS of Ftill and Win ter designs, Clothing "? endless variety, HatS, BOOtS and 8b06& G-rOCerieS ,() suit the farm house and the city home, ?ibuor& Ales. Tobacco ???* Segars ?t every Grade ?ud Rhade- Reserving elxiuge enough i TO OE^T THEIR TICKETS i Te ge Into the Fair Grounds, peopL- are assured that they would loose noth log by in Testing the balance in purchases at this Old Stand, now so com pletely Glied with geeds to suit the taste and add to the'oo&aforiiQf all classes and ages. Don't fail to call at * BRIGGMANN & CROOK'S, Quality is of tho First Importance/' DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE ~ OBANEB?RG DRUG STOEE Can always be found a Selected Stock of PURK CHEMICALS, Genu ia* Drugs* Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs and Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Also Cutlery, Scgara and Tobacco. Pysicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. MST RIGHT BELL answered promptly. J. G. WAJ.NAMAKF.R, & CO. ENTERPRISE GROCERY A. FISCHEE. Has just returned from Charleston with a COMPLETE STOCK of FRESH GROCERIES An^A full .supply of Liquors, -A-les, Wines, ?&c, both Domestic and Imported, Best brands of CHAMPAGNE. Imported RHINE WINE, warranted genuine. Tho finest lot of HAMS brought into this market lately. ENTERPRISK SALrOOAT. 'The BAR attached to the Grocery is well Stocked with good Liquors, Wines, Ac, and attended to hy polite and attentive clerks. A. FISCHER. THE CHEAP CASH STORE! J. P. HARLEY & CO. We would call attention to our LARGE and VARIED stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Which va are yreceiving from ; NEW YORK And cine? GOOD MARKETS. .. Sre ntke s SPECIALITY of ; ; BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Arid'giiaraatoa a SAVING to all fch at will give ui a call. *? , J. JE>. HARLEY ? And all other articles necessary for family use, to which I respectfully:in vite the attention of old friends and the public generally. Mv GOODS und PRICES are iruarauieed to suit overv one. * 36 YEARS! After an experience of thirty-six years, I think I know just how to please my friends and customers, and returning my thanks for. pavt Jayors, would su}' that I have just returned from .-NEW YOB*' WITH A FULL STOCK Bought at LOW DOWN .PANIC PRICES. I am not bragging. Come and satisfy yourselves by examining my assortment of every description of goods. D. LOUIS. Harness, Saddles, Plow Gearing axd A General Assortment of Saddlery Harcljdar?. We lu'fj to inform the Public that wo have made large additions to our manufacturing Establishment, and are now prepared to sell cheaper than any other JLjtuu in the South, manufacturing ad (jocidsin our line, we are prepared to warrant all of them, in work manship ami material, (live us a cab ami see our Bitchy I-Iariie^s ;it 312 per Sett 1 ?ND OUR ]lfcCIJFXl;AX SADUIjKS AT ?:i EACH the same that arc Selling elsewhere at These are no factory goods but the genuine home mare am) waiiranted. CMAPEAU & HEFFRON Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. sept 18 1ST ? 3ni 300 BUSHELS RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS In STORE and for sale at J. GEO. VOSE'S The usual supply of GROOEPaES, O Y GOODS, BOOTS. SHOES* "&"C. Constantly on hand. Prices to suit the times. goods m:LiVKUi:L>. PRICE REDUCED FltOItK $1.00 TO 50 Cents Uer 33ox TO MEET TU K I) KM A X I)' 'FOR A S A V E. AND II ELI AHLE Fever and Ague Antidote AT A Pit IGE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. . em i rely vegetable. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. rm 'sic 'i a xs i *h ksi m i u /?: tu km HiSy*' Never was Medicine so Deservedly l'dptibtr. ang M 187-3 3ai OLDEST CROCKERY HOUSE IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTAMjISIIKI) 1837, 128 MEETIMG STBEET. Heing now prepared for the FA 1,1, TltA I > E Ibl' 1875, 1 wish lo cnil the attention of Merchants to my Large and Varied Stock of CJhina, Glass, Earthenware, Xiooking G-lasses, Kerosene Goods, Japaned Ware, &c, A great part of it C in port cd l>ircct from K11 rope Besides Staple Cioods, 1 keepjdwnys a Large Stock of i kim ii cm.v-i A.M> (11 G Ii ASS. My thorough knowledge of the business, acquired by an experieneeof over Twenty Years, enables nie t<> buy at the Lowest figures, and cbhseuociuly to sell at Prices on which the Retailer can realize a llaudsoinc I'rotii. WMi \*. W 12 95 Bl , 3 2? Meeting Street, Oil A K LKSTON, S. C. 21 1875 2uw JOHN (i- MILKOlt. THKO. A. WIL?UR JACOB J..?J?'AKTIN JOHN G. MILNOR & G?:;i AVIIOIjESAI/E DEALER IX ? ry Ooocls, Fancy . Goods, Qtotnmg? fiCats Caps, ahd Sraw Goods, I.adieRTi-iinmed';^ ? Hat^.Eto.,- , / *: ;"VT-T^ Xo. 143 IflEETlXCl SI., Opp. HayneSt., ^A^^^^?^^?^ NEW YORK OFFICE, 46 WEST BROADWA-V;- j ' : - i*H**4 Pi low guaranteed a? LOW aK any howe in the city, and Terms, to rcBponsiMe- 0 houses n.H aceninuinthith'.g. ? ' .-. *1!t,;',) ? ' B"1*? Orduw will meet our prompt and careful attention.' ,: ^~ 'l iiug 1875 " *? '?(jjgptf ^???^ ?'? ? ? 'i.t. .'.-?Jei; amvellt^ , JsQ .0. Jamltt^ Portable or 8cd ..rr ? i'tcit.uiiJ CORNER OF MAIN AND MARKET STREETS.. -r ?.a ' '"'. ??> .??' .'< ??? T.uir.-T "?? j ni*ivi .,u take pleasure in announcing to my PATRONS and the PUBLIC ???A ig- : ? t.T tali fir -?VV ? ? . J ts^rjol 1o ,3il ) uiodj bwov. Which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. * ' ? ? 1 ..' -ii oyoiri * My stock is so .large that I have placed a considerable portion offifc . ? t? iuthc store' MA i t .d V CORNER OF MAIN STHTSjET 1 ; ?tdjt ,- .... .;.?)? Jlvr. RAIT. ROAD AVEBTTE formerly occupied by Mr. J. S. Albergotti where the public will find as fino nil assortment to select from a? can he shown down Town. A lino lot of ALES, WINES and LIQUORS always on hand'at both stores. STABLE! V.'l Ii I have al.?o rented the STABLES and LOT in rear of my store'on Market Street where any one coming into Town can hioc their Hnnro i:?r? fully griionied and fed, and vehicles cared for. Saddle Hnr??es and Vehicles for hire. - -.??.?,.. JOAB AV. MOSELKY. ?n-i?i-r~n rr Tiimivrw *.' : t Mi3 33 TT TT THE SliEAREll VOKTABLE' COTTON TKESS! The undersigned having bceit appointed AGENT for the abotfe,lnarn/odH; Press, beg leave to call the attention of Planters and others in need of'-a) "i * -* ; FIRST CLASS PRESS , rI ^ To call and examine a model of the same, at his Office1, hafefe; purchitMn^f * ** elsewhere. These PRESSES have the ADVANTAGE over anyother Press? nivi yet Patented, for Cheapness, Durability and Economy of jLabofi.- besi^ef|/> ^;w{ they can be put in the Lint Room, or as near hy as will unit the convenience of parties who use them. Should any pajtj break (jphichjj QPt^pr^bj^jeJgt can, be"? repa'irdd'by 'ftify-eorhthb'iS'rio^?ren ! A bale of Cotton weighing six hundred pounds can be,,pressed with ease ijy two U^"?8-; These,Presses are^ f mr.riufacturcd under tho Supervision of Mr. JOS. .STRAUS, a , Practical, ^edhahi?i? sPri?o 812&1' < > I * MJ JAS: VAN TAS?KL.1 **r'n"m aug '28 ?: ,1875 - ? ? i ? ' ' ? ? - r.i -. tf^ ii ae _, . ,_, .; ,, j .. ? , .... Vi ?? j - ? >Lj / j ii-t <^ d'>i<'w .< 1 I hi. fu n {.: .. y;i > ;.!" ru isye ?:imi'.) . F. FLEMING., " JAMES M. WlLSO^. ... .: JAME8'GILF'.ILitoTie sit !' ?' ?' ' ?: riol ?? ' lim'> doidW ynitne*? AUGUST 1875. .. mi,, ni M^> ?W?I? ,,. ] Wc have, received, and arc now opening, a LARGE'and'NEW 6T?CK at'". BOOTS, 'SH?ES. and TRUNKS, ' tJshnv.biia FOR FALL* 6TR AIDE. , > i " Xii ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, and all Goods with our BRANT^ '"^Z WnrrautetL. -:o: D. F. FLEMING 8c CO., !r, i ni Wholesale Dealers in and Manufacturers of ' ' BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUN^'SE Xo. ? HAINE STREET, Cor.' of Cluuoli Street, :' "* no * ' CHARLESTON, S. O. ?? ? ? i^t.^^r ang U ' 1S75 ' ? 2m" ui" , ;.!..!? t-.j.-ii /??? The ?rangeburg Bakery ; T W A Iii JE R ?1 OTT I, Proprietor fit 'V.\-\t'\ > i \1| id ?? -tin 'j>na i Onei\s 1o tho Public? j\t nil Times i I ifvi(iV; sii amiOAD1 cakes, imes< fruits, candies, toilet j- V setts, and ever^ Description ol'Fapey. Goods. , Wedding Cake .Furnished at the Shortest, Notice. A splendid Lot of Christmas TO YS and PR ESENTS for Child reu hasjusi bceii Rccpivptl