?t. \ .\. T. , TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM. \ GrOID -A-TSTD OTJPfc COITNTItY. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE VOLUME 9. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1875 NUMBER 18 DENTISTRY SS. F. MUCKENF1ISS, I>entl?t OF CHARLESTON, cau bo found at his OFFICE above Captain HAMIL TON'S STOKE, on Mar ko* Street iUforonacB?Dns. J. P. PATRICK, B. A. MVOKKxrcsB, A. P. Pblzkr, M. D., and if nans. PxLSKR; Remains & Co. NOTICE TO THE tLABIES AND GENTLEMEN OK ORANQERURG, MOSES M. BROWN, the Barber pledges himself to keep up with the limes in all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as his basin esa is sufficient to gurantcethc above. He will he found at his old stand, ever ready to serve his customers ut the shortest notice. apl 11 80 Nine Years' Exprience IN DRUGS and MEDICIENS. FAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, and PATENT MEDICIENS, ?TOILET ARTICLES, CANDIES, CUTLERY, SEO ARS. TOBACOO.S Ac. I have on hand also a snply of SEEDS and ONION SETTS. Tercriptions enrefuly compounded, orders from the country strickly attended to at the Poplar Drug Store of DR. A. C. DUKES, jan 23 1874 ly Horses and Mules AT BAMBERG Ui?ES' HOTEL, For terms apply to S. R. MELLICH AMP, Principal. A G E NT OY* Ilaving secured the AGENCY of the "City Insurant Company OF Erovicleco, Tt. I." Capital, $2HM>51. With that of participating Companies, Tlio "Fireman-h Fnud," Capi tal $500,000. And the "Atlantic," of 3fcw York. I am prepared to take RISKS of any amount, dividing them in several 1st Class COMPANIES, to which 1 call the attention pf property holders. eiHICCrj A Xv HTSKS Taken on GIN HOUSES, MJLL? and BARNfcj. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Fire Insurance nyept, A few tons of GUANAPE PERUVIAN GIJANO. Also a supply of the MAPES STANDARD FERTILIZERS. J. A. HAMILTON, np] o 187j ly A Common Thought Somewhere on this earthly pl?ttet, In the dust of flowers to he, In the dewdrops, in the sunshine, Sleeps .1 solemn day for nie. . At this wakeful hour of midnight. 1 behold it dawn in niist, And 1 luar a sound of sobbing Through the darkness? hut ! Oh, hist I In a dim and murky chamber, I am breathing life away : Some one draws a curtain softly And I watch the broadening day. As it purples in the zenith, As it brightens on the lawn. There's a bush of death about mc Ami a whisper, MIc is gone.' Major f odd's L g. Major Todd, of our place, lost his right leg at the battle of Fredericks* burg, and some tin.c ago he purchased an artificial leg from a man in Wil mington. It contained a' system of springs, which enaolcd the major to use it in such a natural manner, that when he was walking along the street nobody would for a moment suppose that he had not both of his own legs. On Sunday, while the major was on his way to church, he clipped upon the ice and gave the store leg a severe wrench. He must have dislocated some of the springs; for after reaching church and taking his seat, and while the clergyman was reading the Scrip tures, the leg suddenly llcw up aud rested upon the back of the peu- in front of him. The congregation looked at him in amazemcut, and he grew very rod in the face. As soon as he took it down itjumped up again and wriggled about on the back ol the ^kjw* finally kicking Mrs. Thomp son's bonnet to rags. Then the major suppressed it again, and held it down, but it instantly began a convulsive movement in his own pew, during which it upset the stools, plunged 'trrmvwir-vtrrt.'ti^- the.'nysiH/dnjru'fcs "ftiriri hats, and hammered the board be neath the seat, until it made such a racket that the minister had to slop. The sexton came rushing in to find what was the matter, ami the major, titter explaining the difficulty in a whisper, asked the sexton to let him lean on him while he charged on the front door. As soon as the major got into the aisle that dissolute leg kicked the sexton sixteen or seventeen times iu a most insolent mail tier, varying the exercise by making eccentric swoops off at the side,during which it kicked right off the high hats nt the pew doors inio black silk chaos. By the time the major reached the vestibule the leg bad become perfectly reckless. It ilew up before and it flow up behind. It butted against the good leg and darted out sideways, and de scribed circles, ami tried to insert its toes in the major's coat-tail pockets, and to whack him on the nose. When the *extou came with a hack aud put the major in it, the leg bauged through the window glass, and when the driver got down to sec about it, the leg brandished iteelfiu his face, and con cluded the exercise by planting a powerful bio:? in his stomach. Ihen the major told the driver that he would givo him ten dollars to tako that leg off; and the driver accepted the offer. For several minutes it eluded all his efforts to catch it as it danced about, but finally begot hold of it and hung on while the major tried to unbuckle the straps. Then iL came off and rolled the driver in the mud. He got up to watch it. It writhed anil kicked, and jumped and throbbed ami hopped; and whenever it would make a dash to one side or the other the crowd would scatter in order to give it full play. Finally Ben Wool ley set his dog on it, and a most exciting contest ensued, the leg two or three limes running off with the dog; and as it seemed likely that the dog would be whipped, Air. Wool Icy got n crow-biir and aimed n blow nttho leg. with tho intent to smash it. But he missed it, nntl nearly killed t)io dog. As Boon as the dog retired Mr, Woolloy whacked at it again and burst it into flinders, and then there was pence. The major drove home and got his ertliche?, and since then he ha.s confined himself tothe use ofa wooden leg which has no springs. He tells the story himself with much ani mation; hut thinks it a little hard that the deacons tried to expel him from that church for indulging in pro fane Iwvity during service.?Max Adder. Tho Army Overcoat. Thero are men in this vicinity that wear blue army overcoats. We went down to the wood market the other day, to buy a load ef wood. Among all the grangers (here, our heart went out toward one with n tattered and soiled blue army overcoat. AVc gaz ed at his weather-beaten face, and thought, 'It is to such men as these that the nation owes its life. That strong arm may have upheld the ling at Gettysburg, or a ball from his trns ty rifle may have unhorsed a [rebel commander, aud turned the tide of hat tie in the gory Wilderness.' As we bargained for bis load of wood and saw his eye kindle with the old fame, we did not hesitate to trade with this hero. We thought it was more bless ed to give a dollar to a soldier for a load of scraggy wood than to dwell in the tents of the wicked; and as he drove up the street with the wood, we followed him with much the feeling of a pi ivate following a victorious genoral. When the wood was unloa ded, we said to him: 'Comrade, tell us in what depart ment you served you country during the late unholy rebellion.' The old flame came again to his eye, and as he stood upon the hind end of the wagon, and with his whip tickled the off-mules car, be said: 'Rebellion! I went to Canada beforo the draft. I traded a bottle of whis key for this overcoat, with a veteran that lost both arms. G'lang, Beech - er ! Get up Liz !' r i-nd the hero leftus sitting on the racrfrcd edge ofthat four-dollar "water elm-wood, sighing. But he was out of reach of these box toed shoes.?La Cros.ic. Suit. *- nnwilll_UJ ? * * AMV^ T-1 [From (lie New York Tribune.] Kef Dim in South Carol inn. The movement begun by Gov. Chamberlain of South Carolina in the name of Reform continues to excite comment, with great division of opin ion as to its scope, purpose, and pro bable issue. In the Columbia letter, given on another page, a staff corres pondent of the Tribune concludes his history of this movement, and reviews the present phases of political senti ment iii South Carolina. Gov. Cham berlain would seem to have fought a good fight against the corruptionists, winning in almost every battle, al though the enemy was bold, confident and unscrupulous. Thus far his ad ministration has been marked by a series of surprises, which have been agreeable to none more than to those who opposed hi3 election on the ground of his reputed questionable relations with the robber gang who reduced the State to ? bankruptcy and made its name a byword in the politics of the country. It is a good sign that the leaders of this gang are now his bitter enemies. IIo hns only to persevere, and with the hearty co-operation of the Conservatives and honest Repub licans, South Carolina may be redcem ?cd. As they entered a dry goods store yesterday you would have said that love dwelt in both hearts and that a dove of peace rested on every shingle on the roof of their abiding place. She saw a lovely dress and she bogged him to buy, Imt he replied : "I can't dar ling, not before next week." "Can't you, dear,"she smiled. "Well, I will wait." They had hardly passed out of the (h or beforo he said : "I'd liko to see myself getting that dress ?" And sho answered : "You couldn't buy ona gjdo of it, and if you could you arc too stingy and mean to do it!"? Detroit Free JW.**, - mm * O?' ?. - A fiishionabl? but illiterate New York lady, traveller on the Conti nent writes to a friend (hat sho has just seen the 'museum of iniquities' in Genoa, and she docs think it is 'per fectly splendid,' An Extraordinary Case Of Somnambulism. A curious and very amusing inci dent recently occurred at the residence of our friend, M. J. Townley, ISsq. i* is generally known that Meli takes special pride in tlfe nine pigs of which he is the owner, and for whose ac commodation he has erected comfor table fpiarters a hundred yards or so in the irenr of his dwelling-house. A few nights ngo the family was aroused by a terrible commotion among the pigs and of course Meli rushed im petuously to the rescue of his pets, hardly expecting, however, the denoue ment that was so near at hand. It appears^ that a young lady member of*| the family is a somnambulist, ami lip on the night in question dreamed that a pitiless storm was beating down up on the pigs, and sharing the solicitude of her uncle Meli, she crnsidorcd it her duty to go promptly to their re lief. Though sound asleep, she arose from the bed, went out to the pig quarters, and "faking n pig in her arms was rapidly making her way with it tothe house. Meli could scarcely be lieve tho evidence of his own eye*, when he was confronted with the spec tacle of a lady clad in peerless white, with a pig tightly clasped in her arms, and the pig squealing as loudly and vociferously as its lungs would permit'. The situation, however, quick ly flashed across his mind, ami ho breathlessly exclaimed, "Why, ]>., what are you doing with that pig ?" To which the young lady replied: ?'Grandma told me t:> bring it in out of the rain;" and on she went towards the hotsc with the pig. With consider able difficulty tin young lady was awakened, and after a hearty laugh all around at her expense, over..!he ludicrotosness of the occurrence,;all went Hack tn bed and slept without furthet disturbance till the morning Ikfrii^Wfoayed.? Qluwiois (JA.) Lead A Terrible Knrthqunko in South America. Two Cities and Sixteen Thousand Pekpons DiwrnoYEi)?The De mon of the Andes?A Volcanic Eit?i'Ti?N; Havana, June 12.?News by the way of St. Thomas reports a terrible earthquake in New Granada. The destruction was great est in the Valley of Cucuta. It is stated that sixteen thorns ml lives were lost. "I say, Mr. Sinithers," said Mrs. Smithcrs to her husband, "didn't I hear you down in tire k'.tchen kissing the cook ?" "My dear,'' replied Smithcrs blandly, "permit me to in flist upon my right to he reasonably iguor?iit. I really cannot say what you may have heard." "But wasn't you down there kissing the cook ?" My dear, I really cannot recollect. I only remember going into the kitch en and coming out again. I may have been there, and from what you say I infer I was. But I cannot re collect just whatbcourred." ''But," persisted the ruthless cross-examiner, "what did Jane mean when she said, 'Oh ! Smithcrs, don't kiss so loud, or the old .-he-dragon up stairs will hour Iis?' " "Well," said Smithcrs, in his blandest tones, "I cannot remember what interpretation J did put on the words at the time. They arc not my words, you must remember."?Ex. "O, mamma," said a dear little girl of nine summers, as she ran into the maternal presence, "while I was skip ping outfida on the sidewalk, such a kind, pleasant gentleman came up to where Mngie, and Sadie, and me were skipping, and gave us each some candy, and told us to go on skipping, and said that if any little girl could skip 750times he'd give her parents a pretty rosewood box, all lined with white silin, with a glass cover and silver lundles, and her name on u silver plate. And I'm a going to try ami get that nice box for yqij, mam ma, ami the gentleman snid when I had skinned 7?>() times, for you and papa tc civil at hisofljeo i\\u\ let |um know. He said ho, win a corner, but I. Kupple he meant his oflico was on the cojnir. ft>V how could n mnu, bo a corner V Indicted for Murder. On Wednesday last the Grand Jury of Georgetown County returned a true bill against C. C. Bowcu, sheriff of tins county,and Eli G. Grimes, for the nmrdor of jColoncl Win. Purker White, at Georgtown, in 1864. Bow en was represented by o formidable array of counsels, viz.: United States District Attorney Corbin, Mr, Wilson Dozier of Georgetown, It. B. Elliott, of Aikeii, W. 3. Wbippor, of Beaufort and S. A. Swails, of Wirliamsburg. The state moved to continue the case until the next regular term of tho court, or until a special term, tobe callcil for the purpose of trying it, but the motion was resisted by the conn sei for the accused, and, after hearing argument, Judge Shaw (h cided to fix Tuesday, the 22d instant, for the trial. Preserves eggs by n quick dipping in boiling water, and pack in fresh salt small end down. When feeding corn in the ear to horses it is a good plan t> soak it twenty-four hours in a weak brine. Tlie wheat crop of Oregon has not been :i failure siroc first settled by the white.?, tliirjy years ago. What country on the globe can show a bet tor recftrtl than that ? Orangtburg whs settled in 1704,by Germ ans, Subjects to the Prince of Oruiijgo. Hence its name. In twenty one counties of Georgia; as shown by the late eensus, the no grocs own and feed 4,211 dogs, and but 265 sheep, or about fifteen dogs to oik? sheep. Vigorous community;! Great inducements to emigration! ?-?3- ? $m -? - A IMitc Woman. The other day a lady reached the .railroad depot just as the. train on *Mtliich she desired to depart moved train, her eyes full of tears a genii? man arrived at the depot on a run, with a valise in hand bis coal, on bis arm, ami face streaming with perspi ration. IK; also was after that train, but alas! was too late. As he looked anxiously after the train now moving swiftly away, he sat down on his va lise wiped bis face, and vory delibe rately said: 'D?in that train!' The lady heard it, and smiling on him with all her sweetness, her face light ed up with a .heavenly glow as she whispered. 'Thank you, sir.' An old yet good sit ry is told of an hotel keeper, who engaged a hand some, well dressed barman, who par ted ids hair in the middlo and wore a diamond ring.' In two years there after the hotel keeper became insol vent, his establishment was sold by the auctioneer, and the purc haser was none other than the barman, Out of compassion he engaged his old em ployer to compound the insidious cocktail and the soothing smash. In two year* more the whirligig of time had brought about his revenge, ami the hotel was again sold. This time the first proprietor bought it back But lie did not re-ongige the barman. Tpt'fHIXtJ.?The. following forcible appeal closed the argument of the colored attorney for the defence in t he murder case, yesterday ; When Cain kill-id Abel, God pronounced sevenfold vcrigin on whoso should kill him. Therefore gentlemen of the jury, 1 ask yon for a script ion 1 verdict for those defendants in the dock it/ And they got it. When a man mistakes the height of a chair ho is .going to qccupv, by about an inch and :\ half.il is rppiark able the amount of moment um (jO will acqu{re making that little distance, lie will strike the chair with nearly a? much force as if he had sat down on it from the rutif of a two. story build ing. i ???m> ? - ? nmM ? i* ? Tiie Grand ?! tiry of Burn well Conn ty, report in their presentment, that the paupers in tho poor house have had no rations for five weeks and are necessarily suffering. We should think so. We had oiiya stopped once in the army forty eight hoqrs, but wo nover I vied |t live weeks. ? ? ? Useful Inforin.itiu.k ItCUKi. A rcv(/lvcr the?The earth. A henlth lift?Tlie elevator. A shocking scene?Kerosene. Go K> work should be all the go. A wife's secret?her opinion of her husband. Where to go wheu short of money? go to work. Heaven from all cr..atures hides the bo?k- ol fate. The corpie of friendship is net worth entertaining. A Sunday school teacher recently told his class that Jeremiah was the first prince of Wails. The luiir of ti lady in Montpeltcr, Vt. turncd^whitc in a single night. She fell into a flour barrel. Mattie Smith of Chesuncook, Mass., stabbed herself with a penknife be cause hoi young man would *u6t wait for her at the front gate. It is said that a pious man who can drive a balky horse ten miles without being set back ten years in his religion is ripe enough fur a better world. If a man really wants to find out what's in hi.n let him go to sea. Tho first, rough weather will generally en able him to ascertain it. A Colorado tcTmbslone remarks : lie was young, He was fair, lint tbe Inguns liaised bis hair. Mississippi is singularly blessed in some respects. A traveler there says some of tho land in that State thnt a disturbance could not be raised on it. 'Spriug's coming,' exclaimed an en thusiastic the other day- 'I saw a red headed woman peeling potatoes in the backyard, and singing like a moekiu-galo.' gfa?A Milwaukio wife says that before Lucy, hcavec above knowslln^uepni*^^ of my love for you, but after inarriago she found bottom very quickly. Women give evidence in conrt in Carrolton, Ga., with a pistol buckled around their waist*. Their evidence is never questioned by tho lawyers in that locality. When a man dies and leaves a nice young widow with plenty of mo'n ey, and you see her walking out with the executor on Sunday afternoon a change is imminent. . A Boston auctioneer. has in his pos session an umbrella seventy two years old. It was built in England. Poets are requested to limit their contribu. tions to three stanzas. Alahamians arc very prompt in in paying bets which-have been lost) on horse races, but when it comes to settling lor pew rent, they get mad if they are pushed. A lady wants to kuow what is tho mcuning of 'ante' and 'pass the buck,* Her matrimonial companion ?be* it in his dreams, and sho is afraid it in dicates t) phoid fever, A business mnu in Watertown, N. Y , is named Tnbbs, and every time he slips down, the little, boys begin, 'Every tub .must aland on its-,' and then Tuobs gets up and tho boys run. Sehhyler Col fax wont atjond a cir? ens. lust ho takos thq children and paces slowly around, tl|u canvas that they may hear tho song* of tho clown and the. ghn) voieo of the trick mule, PtirtUt Pre**. A DubuquQ printer received the fpljnwing note from his girl: 'May I get yapked ou.t of bed at midnitc ev ery pitchy n eiii?s like Tl??*ydoro Til ton, and carried tip a million pnro qf stores, if ever I seso to love you, Jin.t.' I.STATE NOTICE. All persons having demands against the f?tale of tbe lulu OLIVIA M. KKN NKKLY, deceased, are retpiaMcd to present tbeir claims, properly attested to the tinder signed; and all person* indebted to laid Kstate are tcquvrcd \>\ make immediate pavmen* to JOHN *>. FOX4LK, {Jnaliliod Administrator* Ornngebnrg, S. ('., dune 3, 1875. blue :"i 1875 InK