two dollars per annum. )? GrOlD '??'A.'TSTiD ? t j jR ' '? OO TT-0N"-rL? Tl^ST. . ' M ' ' ' always'in 'adVIS-CE. ??? ' --? ?-:"? = ,. _?-?j'. , ? . . -?-??_1_^__j 'i! . _LiL?-_'}'?v|! iii ?{l^tl ) i . vt;iL J:?.??n J ; Mivi jivf, I fit it i-1 llty.- .... .-?^ -t.r-r_1_._,tnr ^^4-^^?r'j/ VOLUME 9. ;' j ~ SATURDAY X?Z^t'^X ' ?llli? N?TICfJ Je? liercliy given of Vthe losBot* destruction of Certificate of .Deposili No. 331, Orangoburg Brarioh, Citizens .Savings Baak of South Carolina, issued to the lato ?. J. Olivovos, deceased, and also'of Deposit Bocft N,o. 9(i, of same liranok/in tho name ofHho paid E. J. Oli ?voros, in trust, and that I "twill apply in three months from dato for a rcnowal of the same, lind for stich dividends as may accrue thereon, to Rio Trustee and Committee of the suid Bunk, at Columbia/S. C. E. ROSA C OLIVEROS, irjarG?1 qui 3m , Qualified -Executrix. ncTt ice TO |TIIE I, A DIES AXI> GEXTLEMKX OF ORANGEEURO, MOSES M. BROAYN. the Barber plodgcs himself to keep up with tho times in all tho LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as hia business is sufficient to guru lit ee the above, lie will he found nt his old stand, ever ready to serve Iiis customers at the shortest notice. apl 11 30 DENTISTRY 15. F. Ml'CKEATUSS, Dentist OF CHARLESTON, can be found at his OfFICE abovo Captain HAMIL TON'S STORE, o'n Mnf- ' kct Street Roferences?Das. J. P. Patrick, B. A. MbckkmfusS) A. P. Pklzer, M. D., and Mhssrs. Pbi.zcr, Rouqkrs & Co. Nine Years' Exprience in DRUGS and MEDI?IENS. TAINTS, \ s i' OILS, BRUSHES, a>n PATENT MED1C1ENS, TOILET ARTICLES, CANDIES. CUTLF.RV, 'j. r, SEUARS, . ; ? TOBACCO,S , . " ...i&C. 1 bnve on hand a!s<> a suply of "... SPEEDS a,? ONION SETTS. ^eroriptjona carefuly compounded, orders Poplar Driig ?tore of J)R. A,?C. DUKES jaii ? ' ? ? ' 1S74 fy . Horsos and Mules. AT Ii AM?ERG ^SLATER'S STARLKS IN REAR OF J, CiEO. VOSE'S STORE. Where .von will find a COMPLETE stock of the finest ROUSES and .MULES thnl can be procured Train the BEST MARKETS in the .United S/iiUis. Our pricesTftnge from $50 to $225. All orders tilled at the short est notice. If our stuck on hand do not please wo will order for you at onco. BAMBERG & SLATER.. dec 18 , 1874 Cni SURE'CURE OR A FORFEIT OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! THOSE SUFFERING WITH LIVER C.ppjLAINT, TS?alc or;Jfemalo. For a Never-Failing; Remedy, ( recently .du covered .and .Known to hin one person in the IJnlt' d State's.) ? ? ' , ? ' ' : .' Females wRL dchilitatcd constitutions (of, short or.; long duration) vigorously restored in a shbrL time, j Address- . , i ? v CONST ANTINE, Orangeburg, S, C. Charleston jtfeut tyritf Courier au'd Colum bia UnioiifJIcruUl pony, one week and send bill to this office.'' a f t.' / ? apl 24 tf ^rTfjiir?lESAiJiir Reserving only a few foot for an office, I ofl'or for sale the J ja i'^e- I^ot in Or iiligeburg on wjiich^ny present Law Office stands. It cnihracca nearly one Jialf of a square, and pos?essctf peculiar advantages of location. hrouting directly on Court House Square, in the [Ittort of the business portion of the town, bounded on. three sides by Streets, and on t\yo of those sides by ojicn Sqii'nrcs. It is admirably adapted for Pri ? vate Residences of merchants, or others en gaged in business in the town, or for a large Hotel, or other buildings for Public resort or business purposes. It will "he sold either . as a whole, or in subdivisions to suit purchasers. Terms made known on application to W. M- iiursoN. OrtoJAS-il^'P^^: - ;? - ' ?5 to S SO Per IKiiy at Moin?. ..Torms'froe. Addyessr >. . ^0. STEPSON & CO., 1'ortland, Maine, ja'n * 1875 ly J. WALLACE CANNON/ AT THE Phoenix Grocery House, Tin? on hand :is usual a choice and well se lected stock of * ?^ (ff _ FAMILY GrROCEIlIES, ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c. Also a select assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY LEY GOODS, SHOES, Which will he sold at his usually LOW PRICKS. 1 Also T have now on hand the celebrated HAND & GARDEN p x, q w One of the greatcat Lalxn- Saying Machines ever invented. -Call and examine and bo convinced. J. W. CANNON. i! r ':Ki?W'?i?tVh'eh in d?rt* VnuV eonSVorl reclining, : Ami golden success crowns Iiis way,' ? '' llotf friotidrt WilI then flock nlioittlliuri I '] IhtlifiV^aiy.should kappen to.frown . Ilovr'quickly hu'll.gel thu.'cohl ^liquider," ? Am be 'rkicKcp bcca?sohd iidown!" I . ? ,m H; VI ii. . ? Ii How kindly the world will *im'n An him ''. ' "When liio:with its ?succe?sea ab?iatd 1 How cordially?blandly?'twilli fjjvrct him V, Ab in nle^iiura he .<(rid'mg.a>b -i '/??<'* Let a man net a JH^Jl??, Wftllf'V... . -; Olattermnpt by inhjgue or bv. nanu,) TbeHvmddlhbdA'Ai^HM^v'Htiffm, "' And hiatpctH-it' will londl??apM*od', ' What thtwgli Jie-muy he ? great)Villain, With Uu/fcimplo, the \ciw', and 1% clown,. While. heVup ho's a( Aii| ,-tp|> fellow"?. JUit tiip'y'll kick* li uii'never he gels down'! 11 Vi 'IT*-,? I- II . "'? ? i {*}\ When.ahnVftVhns plenty of "grei nb^rh?,"' And he'a JtcaUli^-i ambfeKlia emnd uay, He'a counted/a 'tbuUy-g'jod.chum,-/,Uiun, ? And theuert?wd approve* ^jll jju^nay^y ;, lint tust hjt Leun h> treasure? IVnihanti* that hi* 'wealth mV beg'?h'p? He'll gefttBbcmlb'oiUlquicbly:' '*?? . And be, sjirc; vp boi.'"Kivkcd wljcti Iie5? du.wu.Jf, ... ., .,, What's the^URe of btfii^'nm'ra'l or, ,()r strive to be upright iiiuLtrue, ' F^ir unlc-a-a man's qnt flMidiff money," rf hei{wrjrl.o'aAbound to "put him right through !"' * _m- - , "They'll "g,yfpr lipp,}1 certain and surely? ? Kreit) - me jockey. )u the priest in bis gt/wtl^ <*?" ? 7 And all will stund ready to ?U?!| hi in'/. ?? And "kick him becaii-c he is dovviij'' : Too lfypr. to (Take u Men'sjinjier. : ' Aii anecdote is tohl 6pn farmer going 'o^e'day' to the office of a New Yoi'k journal and omeruig his paper stopper), because he (was ton poor to take it afiy longer. "Suppose We make a bargain," said the editor^' ''in' this "way. Go Home and select' a,.hen that shall he called my hdnj soft .tlic eggs'(hat llie .hen lays d unfit* th? year, and bquu the Vrucec?if?kl> iflg v^i|i- subset^pfjo>\ tor 'the p^r/^1 r'. " "" : The fanner, was pleased at .-o ea?);' a v/ay to pay fdi* Iiis" paper, and readi ly consented. The result was, that during tho year the hen paid for the twicj its rr-gtilar price ofsub | seription. This is by no means a pure fiction, 1 for the same may be true in a groat multitude of case-!. Almesf, e'vory one' wastes and throw away more than enough money during the year to get a' weekly or dally newspaper that would furnish li'tm with*intellec tual food, and keb-p hi in posted in the busy, stirrirV*_r ovciiU' 'of the liny. A ivory smull retre'nellin:eiii1,lii the luxu- ' ries*'that almost'c'rery'one indulges'in wodld Sfccuro' a diifly Visitor full 6t' gossip about the doing's of the great world aro'jiicl uV; lull of stirring events'; in ?the'iiKt?ry ?ial is cvc'fy, ia to-day tlic great friend of education; justice, relig?n and peace. The press spcUks everv : where,' at all ti'meS, carrying liglit in places wdici's oth'of wise perpetual dat k | iicss;: would reign. And when'we rc membiu"''what' the world" would he witlumt tho press?how darkness, .ignorance, v'ivt*"and'opjuossion would' itjourielv unopposed?let no one any" longer - say that bb is too pobr to ta'ke (i n6wsp.ipor: ' '? i ' ? ? ?? ' l , \ . ! 't.-iv ", [ m %. mm ,, ? . i It U bad tfifbc of liberality inre strong,. l>ut goiiie tdic niuiter,with the po<:k et-bogk. Editors' will bavc to givo orders ^n their deliiupieut sub?uriber? wjicu they;havujt; tho luouey,.which is nearly every _ Sunday, A'traveler, putting up his itorao in ^sTew Albany, Ind., disgusted the stn. bio keeper by ordering 'oi'ld edits worth of hay/ . ! ..... ??' ., A' correspondent' ot a Virginia pit per furnishes' the Tol lowing: ' i j 111 is* "d isease, now so prevalent throughout this section' of country, suggest ihany ' anxious inquiries as to its' cnusc'hiid tieatnicnt. . Wc' tender our fnformn'iioti. licit as mere'hearsay, bul''Trom yWctaal experiments made upon'a iiulnttcr of affected' fowls, from ItV'iticipicney to its termination, and' in every instance nave the same cause 'presented thehiselves. We found in the crop "' and'intestines of every bird J examined several blades of grass, of h | charaetcri.-tic sporadic i|i its growth, with full evidence of congestion, abundant secretion of acrid mucus and inn accumulation of offensive gase?, ' particularly when the grass was pre sent. And knowing that spring vegela I lion possesses laxative p^ropcrtiesaiid ,very frcquciitly' drastic ' purgative effects, wc concluded that a reasonable diagnosis hnd been reached and a clue lq ' the real cause, of chicken cholera had been determined. Hut presuming that ' we hail mistaken the real source of 'the disease,'the; treatment adopted has in a very great measure convinced us that our opinion must lie correct, as nearly all of'the subsequent cases ?rapidly recovered liy the following treatment J'1 Prepared 'chalk and povVdered charcoal equal parts, powdered gum 'camphor and nssa foltida equal parts arid pure carbolic avid. Mix all together and give one tea-spoonful morning and night to ten chickens, keeping thctri dry and warm and moderately well fed. \Ve find Ihis ?- preparation act as a thorough preventive- and ' should be given about one'rt'tir twice each week. , -it I-f^.'^-?rAi ' Ohr Uccrpations.f . I ? ?_ { r li?rAt~ peopio - \\ ffl iffrVe '*?3jpicr^tnrar lor' the leisure hour is a truth \:hich j legislators are . sometime.-: top . apt to j ignore, aiid:'to which many weiri'nlon tioned 'persona willfully shut their eyes. A coal-miner, for example, who spends his holidays', as' some do, in perfecting Iiis knowledge of sonic , musical instrument, or in learning to take a creditable'part in the glee club to which he Hclon'gs, is a worthier member of society than If lie insisted on improving the ".shining' hour by patronizing dog tights and badger baiting bee and pugifismj The worst ,of it is'that ihr iicedf?l taste fur and instruction in a mild accomplishment itrc - 'hot ? alwrfv\V' prctent, while llie rougher and 'ttbarler* nVoubipf enioy?, went force themselves but too readily' upon the notice. It is an error to sup pose that while work requires care and forethought, pleasure-seeking is a.i art spohtaimoualy acquired. No form of amusement can by possibility 1)0 discovered: which cannot be abused tir perverted, but of the gr at majority of existing diversions it may confident Ljy be alleged that th6 good which they I occasion largely \ outweighs the' l'nci do'.ito'l ? evil, and that this would he a worse 'ai well' as*; a gloomier world could there be an end put at once and fpr ever to our recreations. There were clergymen who kissed before Brecher was born. Said the Kev. Sydney Smith : "We are in favor of a certain amount of shyness when a kiss is proposed, 'but it should not be too long; and when the fair one gives it, let it be administered with warmth and onergy; let there be soul in it. If tihe close her eyes, and sighs immediate ly afict it, the effect is greater. She ejiould be careful not to slobber a kiss, but. givo it as a humming-bird runs his bill iuto'n honojnUcklt.?deep; but delicate. There is much virtue in a kiss when well delivered.' Wc have the. memory of one wc received in our youth which lasted us forty years, and wo believe it vyill be oho of the.last things we sliHll think of when we die." ' The ^r?a^'est discovoiy at Ppmp.eii is tliat of a w oman making a fup in a cook stovo while hor husband is in bed' and asleep. She was a noble woman. ' At GntudJvapids Mich., ? man sud" I denly fell at a burial service just as ' he colliu was lowered into the grave. ??.-->. i.'r-urr.-7ttst??^ttt^i?* Josh Hilling'sWhidotn,,., 1 don't think that nriy ?ne'U?s- eVet realized the ,-.mount''6f1 Happiness 'or 1 nr.sery he at..ieij)titcd! ?'<>'? V1 Very lew in6n ll'dvC^made air-'1 abctt^1'1 sions, hut oceoHiong'liav6 ffia'de',mariy1 There is so much' learning'' hi'-WHo1'' world just now that gcdti; bid 'faMifqfi-!t cd,' common sense looks like* fboiitj?*1'' nc5^ .' .;? ;mT iuH-' rwrilmA If a man will do1 the best hV;can:'?iin'' any kind of a job" he untlerl'nTtc'a/'liQ" will not only surprise ev?n body!lljlsefM'' hut ho will surprise himself, tob."" "When a'nmri're?cdies'{h^'to'p!'ro?\id'*1 in the ladder of !fduio,''he,,;;thiteiik,:,f owns that round, arid-Tie ckhnotJ riialc'e'1'1 any room on it for anybody*else. ,,: ,; 1 It is comparatively eas^y1 to 'see1 '?0' ghost, when 'you don't want' :'ih; 1 but"1 'nothing is harderth?ti tti'iind v'o'nc:Tiyi' hunting lbr'it: ' " |,,t,: <"' '?'?,!'>-1 I have seen1 plenty bf (Trig's' tliat'-yoii could no:t flatter, butTdrj not IhuVT*1!; ' ' ever saw:a man but-wTtat'wonld tike "' a little of ifkhidiy; '; n '',;,< You cannot bury a lie1 stf'1 deep* tiLfi'' 1 what it will sprbut.:'?"*? *i?0?????l l*"* No mnn can c^eci to'b^'Ha^py*" '' whose thoughts all center oii liimselrl 15 Moral suasion and catnip' tea 'Are'1 both food in niild'cases,'but when'tb.e ": disease is acute,' the'kmfe ancV the olia^ ' tor must be adopted.' " ' 7 ' V\* '''" No man wtib is unacquainted1 with^'" himactf can be well acquainted 'witii" 1 others: ? ?'?'- [uui ";',! ? ; ihy: H *' ' Laziness is a terrible riurden,'"arid one which a man Cannot 'dfop^lf'lie'"' wants to. ?"? ' ? A ??'?'?-?? What a man docs/riot need is dear1 at -Tny^.ficcr" -i-' - ?P I } A Now. Orleans Judgc, riding id the ' cars recently, from a single glance at T the countenance of a lady by his side, ? ' imagined he knew her, and ventured' ! to remark that the day was pleasant.''" She only answered : ; ! !"A>/' ? '.'. :?,:! , -\? ? il A%(li\ 1 "Why do you1 wear.a-veil ??' ?? / i" > . "Lest I attract attention:'' >."'< ' >"'* "It \i the provideried of gentlemen; to admire," replied the ? gallant mau i of law. ?'? ?. i ' ./ i: ,-i ;l ?':.?:???? ?? '-in "Not when theyiare married-" i : ."But I am ?,h.'V. .! ... n;i m I , jjr.1 , ("Indoedr - ? ? \ n. I .t?ViW. : "Oh, no, Pin a-bachelor.V :" *aon . The lady;quietly removed her veil, d is el oai u g* to t he astouished magistrato i b the fuce of his mother-in law. di :;n?d He has been a raving maniac ever ? since. ? \it, id ?...: ?? Long ?fe in Great Britain is on the [\p decrease, ccutenarians are much frc- , qucnttban forty years agoJ.d:espite the fN> increase of population. Tho ^.OfjfJ.OOQ . |); bfpppulaliou in the South, eastern^ ;! Counties produced ,1,086 non?gena- )? rians, but London, with.a population ,,i of 3,250,000, can , only ^muster..,834 ,.., ) ersons abov: the age of nincfy, onj^ir ? Chcsirti,-with nsimilar aggregate pppu- :H building such a house,-wo migb't have believed it.? Boston Globe.. kiO fii -' il In riding from Boston to Concord^ hist Monday, the President tidd Mr. Blainc that he felt hko cracking a j joke; and when he cracked it, tbo pas sengcrs'all got up and rctjucs'.cd the conductor to i nut that man off Ute car. ? , . , In response to an inquiry r7 djfow ; > shall I -keep my-husband at libmb',5n; ,: i the evening*Y tho' reply is" mado:'?^? "Take a club and try tb drlvo him " <* out!' " ?? ?u tinliid; tljiili