Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, April 17, 1875, Image 3

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L O C .A. Hi. Cotton planting is going on now at a sharp rate in this County. - ????>?<?? ? The now street is to be opened soon. Let her come Mr. Mayor. - ?wm ? Dick Kortjohu was at the Baptist Church on Sunday-night last. The new census will probably give Orangcburg Couuty another member to the Legislature. The Democracy all over the Country are jubilaut over the recent triumphs of their party at the North. Howe's Pump ia getting up in the world in improvements. The place is thriving fast. We publish elsewhere in to-day's is sue of the Ncics and Times the delin quent laud list. There is some talkol a joint stock company being formed here, for the purpose of building a large, hotel. Mr. E. Ezekitl has the finest gar den in Orangeburg. His cabbages are great big things. Mr. Addon is in his new store. This is the third time he has risen from the flames. Tuesday night last was nipping cold. Frost fell slightly, and gardens suffered the consequence. What a pity that the trcos in the Court House Squnre were not trim med in the proper season. Mr. Addcn has fenced in the cellar Under his late store. Capt Brigg luaun, you are next iu order. Mr. A. is ahead of you. The young Indies who form the choir of thfl Lutheran Church were practising on Wednesday afternoon last at the church. Why don't the young men of Or. :angeburg get up a brass hand ? There; is musical talent, in Orangebtirg, ancj we should Hko to see it cultivated. Wallace Cannon has fine garden plows for sale. in want of something of the kind can g?t it by ^calling at his store. ^fr^?M^Ur-hever fVols likr i-.qru Iiig until his muster begins to get sleeky Then he will howl at the sound cricket. Provoking, ailft it? Augr.sta sent, five hundred dolljhr.' ?over to the sidlcrers in Kdgpfiehl f i/o in the recent-sU>rm. Generous for t ?city. V. DcMars keeps nl ways on ban hat \ a ?ii^st-rat:) suj>ply of groceries. The Huiling John English is with h|im, ?and w ill be glad to sec Iii-? friends Augustus Fischer has a new adver tisement in another column. Bead it and give him a call. Jim Cannoyi is ?with him, and has something good for ?everybody, -?? ? liim . There is less litigation in Orai ige luirg now than has been the eas< i for several years back. This speaks for our Trial Justices as well as good order of our community. Miss Anna Diokmson lecture {'olunvKia on "Wednesday eveuinj.' large audience. The 'oeal of Union J ler aid fell m love with Anna's beauty. The law office for Messrs. I?.liar & kell the t in to a the Miss utooie wilt tic completed slufntly. Tlu rooms are large and airy,B and will suit first-rate to deal out sound le gal advice in. \ A sturgeon five feet long was ehught -in the river near here in a bdw-not last week. Our informant looked real greasy from having gorged him self on "fish." We understand time the Temperance Society contemplates getting up a pic nic sometime next month. The occa sion promises to he an intercstijlig one for all those whose motto is coldl water. Arc the fowls that range In the Court House Square public prfl^rty? Ifsowemovo that the CoiintyS;oin. missioners give a dinner at the?rnext meeting, and invite the public (officers nud the press to parlako with I h em. The Governor has made no appoint ment of census taker for this County yei.. We have no idea who he will appoint, but hope that the appoint ment will not be given to a niton who will not prosecute the work fr.ithfully. SThc United States Census, gives Urangeburg not quite Ihren hundred inhabitants. We want no silch cen sus taking here again. Cite us a good man nnd we shall be satisfied; P. S. Since writing the nbove we learn that M. W. H. Girardeau has received the appointment. This is a most excellent choice, and will give en tire satisfaction to the people of the County. A serenading party was out on Tuesday night. There is something in the wind. Men never do such things purely to exercise their vocal organs. There's love nbout there somewhere There is a certain unpharisaieal gentleman who holds forth on the North side of Ma n street, who is exceedingly fond of bard boiled eggs. He has an original way of cooking them. The General AesomTdy passed 170 acts at its last session, 30 public acts fnj acts of Incorporation, G8 private and local acts, 15 special tax acts, ami left 4 in the hands of the Governor. This body was in session 12? days. The base ball season is here, nnd yet we hear nothing ftotn our young men iu relation to the matter. Why not call your clubs together, gentle men, and commence a scries of| games ? It is proposed that our members of the Lcgidature assemble here on some sale day and render to tho public an account of their stewardship. Good ideji. What do you think of it, Ke prcientatives ? ? ??^> ? mm North Carolina is to have a Con vention shortly to amend her Constitu tion. We wore under the impression that an instrument oflhat kind, when once adopted in that Stale, : :uld never suffer any alterations. The tar-heelers, we thought, would stick. Dr. II. It Wiltbcrgcr, agent ior Columbia's famous druggist, -Dr. E II. Heinilsh, wa3 in town on Monday ? last. He appeared to be a jolly, good fellow, and as sound as the House he j represents. l)r. ITeiuittsh is one of the best medicine men in the country. Hon. W. H, Iteedish has had built a neat two story residence for himself at Branch vi lie. This is tho fifth house erected by him since ;,hc war, thus showing a (lecutleflmirit of enters prise a"nii a ilejffe^jpjliipi in u oil! sister town. A rumor has obtained circulation in some parts of the county that Wil liam Auhl, who was executed here on the lid inst., is Mill alive and . at large in the country. The report is false. Willian Auld is as dead as Julius CYcsar, and will never be seen in this world again. I?"yod want, a first rale paper, racy and up to the times, subscribe lor the Greenville Daily \Ncks. It is some times a little breezy, but that is be cause it is published at the foot of the Blue liidgc and edited by spicy Speights. It is said that the new Comptroller General aud the S?atc Treasurer, work in harmony together. This is as it fhould be. Comptroller Dunn is now where he can watch the Treasurer, and it is not supposed that that officer will attempt to violate tho law a second time. We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary invitation to foe pre sent on the 22d inst at the Anniversa ry of the "Philosophian Society" of Furman University. The orator of] the day will be George. W. Gardner of this County, and the essuyestT. E. Lake from Greenville. The day will be an interesting one. ii mil i ? ? ? ^uu?a Moses Brown, the barber, is always prepared to wait upon his customers, and has a reputation for making an ugly ninn look pretty. His establish ment it ki pt neat and well appointed. Those whose scalps need rubbing up should pay their respects to him at once, lie 1ms all the modern appliances to be found in first-class barber shops. We have a very respectable depot , an accommodating and industrious agent, and now wo want tho Railroad Company to give us something else. We want to sec a largo lamp put up at the depot for the benefit of the pub lic. All the passenger trains arrive here in the night, and it looks had for the Company to thrust their pas sengers out iu the dark. Will you give us a lamp, Mr. Suporintendant V If you don't wc intend to go for you with our gloves off. Having nothing special to write about (his Hummer, we'd as soon hammer away at you as any body cls.c. A stroll down by the river is. rcul pleasant* of an evening now. The voice of birds, commingling with the sound of rippling waters, makes the placo most eloquent for lovers. And then to sit down under the branches of some wide spreading tree, and talk of the tender passion?how nice! Who wouldn't be young and have a sweetheart? The shad that passes BranchviHe have courage sans peur to such an cxtout that when it reaches here tne fishermen should lift their nets out of the water for pity's sake and let it go by happy. It would be as easy for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle as for a good fat shad to come Scott free, by Brnuchvillo,, Fisher men are plcntW'i 1 .here. A subscriber scut the Nnws and Times back to us a few days ago, with ''jackass" written on tho mar gin.- If said subscriber will let us know at what stable he can be found, we wHI forward a receipt for what he owes us. lie seems to be corn fed" now, and has concluded to shirk the responsibility of paying for his paper by allying himself with the long eared specie of the animal kingdom. Wo have been presented by tha1 excellent and successfull farmer and planter Dr. W. F. Barton with a bunch of Barly and a bunch of Black, rust-proof Winter Oats, which wc venture to Bay can't be beat in the State. We heard a friend from Fadcrland say, on seeing the bunch of Barley, that it could not be beat in the old country. Call at our otlice and see what this County can do in the way of growing smnll grain. - mini ???????? ? There were three or four Union Soldiers shot at BranchviHe, in 1864, and arc buried between that place and Edisto river in an old field. As their graves have never been disturbed, we suppose what is left of them still re mains in the small spot of earth as signed to them by the men who bu ried their bodies. We do not sup pose their relatives at the north know anything about the manner in which the)' were put out of the world. Dli. T. HER WICK LEU A 111: Wc arc pleased to know that this g^Tn^ieihinr'tra-- TCmrrty^Trirjv c&Httr Cam den, for the practice of his profes sion?that of dental surgery. Dr. Legare is a gentleman of the first type and as perfect a master of his profes sion as one seldom meets. Wc knew him well in Orangebtirg, and wc know the excellent reputation he there maintained as a dentist. Having thrown his fortunes among us, wc most cordially recommend him to our fellow citizens.?Kcrshnw Gazette. We are requested by Samuel Dibble Esq., Chairman of the Commissioners of Election, to announce that he has received a part of the money to pay the expenses of the last General Flec tion. Managers can receive their shares of the same by calling upon him at his Law office. The Managers of any Boll can authorize one of their number in writing to receipt for the entire amount for such Poll. No money will be paid to any one but the person entitled thereto, except upon such written order. There is a certain gentleman in ?iangeburg whose general demeanor and style of dress, are sufficient to be tray his desire to splice himself. He patronizes the bnrbcr regularly, goes to church every Sunday, sits away up near the pulpit, has quit drinking whiskey and, it is said, contemplates taking charge of a Sunday School. He is never heard to swear any more, and goes as neat as a pin. Of course the young ladies will notice and ap prove of all this, for? "Can auch things he, And overcome them like a Hummer's cloud Without their special wonder?" SHOES FOR TUE COUNTY? Mr. G. W. Prunson, one of Mr. Cornclson's frump cards, showed us through his sh c department the oth er day. To say that he has shoes for the people, is just'tho idea, and the manner in which Brunsen expressed himself to us. Ho has boots, shoes, gait?rs, (hand made) of all stzss, styles and prices. The farmer, who wants a substantial pieco of work to cov.r his foot, and the young swain, or lassie, who always prefer looks to anything else, can all bo suited at Cornclson's. Mr. G's stock of dry goods, groceries, &c., &c., is complete. But his supply of boots and shoes arc, par excellence, tho best in tho Burg. If nny one doubts what wc have to say 'about it, let. them call on Mr. Brunsen and nsk to be shown that stock of shoes for the people. Mr. C. D. K. got mad the other day, and thrcatend to break up keep ing store because our devil slipped in a line or two last week, charging him with having purchased a quantity of dream books. I)ick had no dream, and bought no books. He is n quiet, prosy old gentleman, and doesn't believe in woman's rights, the use of chignons,. switches, or any thing not given to her by nature. He is against all innovations, and says that newspapers should never be used to supply any natural deficiency in either man or woman. TO OPEN A NEW STREET. W7itrots, The Town Council of Ornhgc hurg deem it necessary for the improvement and concnieiice af the Town of Orange burg aforesaid, to lay out ami open a New Street fifty feet in width in continuation of | too Street leading from llroughton Street, on which Cieiar Wilson, James Md'harton, A. F. Urowning, Dave Hamilton and others now resides, across laur?* owned by S. S. Walters, J. A. "Williams, 11. Williamson, I). W. Hobiuson, W. A. Edwards, W. N, Scovill, Kstate hind of Dr. K. J. Olivefos, M. Glover, N. A. Hull, lion. T. W. Olovcr, Kstate land of Kuck and S. Dibble, said New Street to enter and terminate (across the track of the South Carolina Hail Koad) in the Street now open'on the Kaitern fide of said Railroad, near the premises u?G. W. Wilson And M'V.r??<?<(.?, llie Council and the said land owners cannot agree up ni the amninunt of compensation to the landowners aforesaid : lie it lletolretl, and ordained by the said Council : 1. That the New Street be laid out and opened under the direction of the Com mittee on Slrects, fifty feet in width. ?J. That J. Fi Izlar Esq., be, and is hereby appointed Commissiouer by this Town Council, "for the purposeof ascertainingami assessing the amount of compensation to be paid to the paid land owners, respectively, over whose land the said Street Mill pass. :t. That the County Commissioners be notified by the Clerk of Council ?f<kc*c resolutions, and be requested to Appoint a Commissioner for the purpose of ascertain ing and assessing the amount of compensa tio)) aforesaid. 4. That each of the f-aid land owners be also notified by the Clerk of Council of \ these resolutions, and be rcciucsted to ap point a Commissioner for the purposo of ascertaining and assessing the amount of j compensation to be paid to such landowners in each of the cases abovo named. Dour in Cum:>il this 10th dav of April A. D. 187?. J. W. SlOSELEYj Major. Kntic ItoniNSOX, Clerk of Council" apr'l 17 hbT? 2t ^lEiUFFS SALEST The Stato of South Carolina. OK A NO - HI HO COUNTY; Lv Common* Vi.kxb. I). J. Quigly ?s Trustee | of James Hrown and | . Kli/.aLscili Jirown bis wile, anil Jamc* Hrown | and Klizabetli Hrown. I Foreclosure Hy virtue of the judgment of foreclosure herein, 1 will fcH nt public outcry, at Orangcburg C. II , on the lirst Monday in Moy next, at the risk of the former pur chaser, 1. All that lot of land with the Huild ings thereon, in (he Town of Orangcburg. known as the Marc!)ant,place as represented plat made by M. L. Baldwin, 27tli Fehr'y, 187.r>, containing about one ?cue, and desig nated on t-aid plat as Lot No. 8. 2. Also all that other lot, designated xs Lot No. 2 on .-ame plaL, at the wrner of Amelia and Windsor "Streets. Teims?One-third cash, balance in two equal semi-annual instalments, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond and mort gage of the premises. Purchasers to par for papers and recording. In case the rash portion is not paid Im mediate'y the Sheriff will resell she above property at the close of his sales, at tho risk of the purchaser. The Stato of South Carolina. O It A iVi: K Iii' H( 1 C<) U N T Y, In Common 1'i.kak. Mrs. II. M. Andrews, Assignee] of Win. M. Sain, | Fnre vs f J. H. Stephens and 0 G. | Stephens, j Hy virtue of tho judgment *f foreclosure filed in this case, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House on tho Saledav in May next, all that tract or parcel of land situato in the county of Orangelnirg, containing (>17 acres more or lc?s, bounded on the North by lands of Dr. H. II. Knotts, South by the Kdislo river, Fast by estate lands of J.S. Jennings and of Sarah xnd Mary Graves and West by lands of Dr. H. II. Knotts and Ficklini Terms cash- Purchasers to pay for pa pers and recording. closure. Sherifi's Office, ) OrangebuigC. H; l F.. I. CAIN, April 12th, 1875. ) p. C upril 17 td 5 O'i'l C!JB ? o* 1>ISM ISS Al7" "Notice is hereby given that I will file my final account with the Judgo of Probate for 1875, and ask for letters of Dismissal as Orangcburg county on the 17th day of May, Adtuiuistrator'of the Kstate of Archy Wil son. II. W. JENNINGS}, apl 17--It Administrator. NOTICE. STA'fK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of OnAxoKnuno. Hy virtue of an order of his Honor J. P. Heed Judge of tho first Circuit, a special session of the Court of Common Pleas for ()rangcburg County will be holden on Monday the tenth day of May next at 10 o'clock A.M. Witness inv hand and seal of office this 7th dav of April A. 1)., J875. GKO. HOMYKH, [i. s ] C. C, P. spr'l 10 1875 -tt S5 to e 20 l*cr Day at Monte. Terms froe. Address O. ST1NSON & CO., Porllund, Maine, jan 2'J 1875 ly jg_!.!.?.< l-LiJ_g?IM-I-L-^^-J ?l. ?ii iiV; " ,\J PIT1 .'"I1"' liit*IlMrf - NO APRIL FOOL! ISTow is the time f??* mr?US^ lVronnge. I have just received a choice variety of , i ?{<"]/ ]{ yr'-^ "|* THE BEST GROCEREPS To be bad in Charleston, and will sell them very cheap.. ^ . Xf?UT BARi presided over by Mr. JAS.. CAtfNON. Jr- In the FIKp:ST ESTABLISHMENT of the kind in Orangeburg/aWd conducted in a quiet and orderly manner., I have also a RESTURAN.T*ne*i w my Grocery, where I keep constantly on hand all sorts of Is'IC-Js ACS, ?ucb as BOLOGNA SA.TJ3A.(^E, 5L?BE'PARE D Hnm, 33eef Tong\ies, IPucldings, &c. In a word, I have just everything calculated to please the public, and Tre* spectfully solicit their custom. . ' . ^ mo I iloidw A. FISCHER, Enterprise Saiopn, u?l ,T. STHTJSS. ?T. J. STIiEKT. JAS. PI. FOWLE8 J. STRAUSS & CO., Proprietors of the Orangcburg Mce Mill, Grist and Saw Milk Our Mill* being no* in full opc-ation, we arc prepared to fill ordere for Kiev and freshly ground Grist and Meal, (bolted or unbolted), at living price*. Our SAW MILL, being Rituntcd near the Town, is now turning out euperler JLumbflt and bills for all sizes can he til led at ?h?rt notice. I i - M nJ )}h (O We csn Mtpply secondhand Stonm KligineRi Portable or St?tfbnaty,-tm? SitAV IS'I ills, guaranteed by our .Mr Strauss, at law that half, the usual prlee.C'a-. Highest price paid for Itough Kicc and Corn. ** THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. By Aco. B. Knowiton, Kfquire, P. J- | Where**, Simeon 15. Hair liath made unit to me, to grunt to him Letter? of Adminis- { trillion of the Kntatcand effect* of Allen D. { Binder, late of raid county, decayed. '1 hese are* therefore .to eile and ad-] monish all and singular the kindred ami i Creditors of the paid Allen IX Binder, de- | ceased, that they he and appa.u-, before n.e, in the Court of Probate, to be held at ' Orangeburg C, II. on April 29th, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, '.o shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not he graute I. Given under my hand, this 13th day of April, Anno Domini 1875. AUG. .11. KNOWLTON, Judge of Probate, O. C. 187ft 2t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,^ OKANctKnuna Col'NTY. J?y Ava. H. Kiftnrr.TOir; F?qttir*;*$.*lV"" Wlicrcaji John I). Fugle hath made suit to ' me, tn irrant to hiui Letter* of Adndnhura i tionof the Estate and edects of Olivia M. I Kennedy, late of aaid.County, derated. These are therefore to cite and ads.onUh j all and singular the kindred, and. Creditors of the said Olivia M. Kcnncrjy,-dsceaard, - thct ther ho and appear before me, in the I Court rif Prohotc, to bo held aU*'?^a^^^et, j burg C. H. on the 26th day of April nut, after publication hereof, at It o'clock' in.flie ! forenoon, to shew cause, if any ther have, , I whi the said administration should not be I granted; 1 " ,J Uivcn under my hand and'tlds 2d day of ! April, Anno Domini 1876. AUG. H. BXQWLTON, I [LA] JudKeof Probate*). C. I apl 17_1876 jjt FRAUD HER: in?. ,w ? i. Uli?. ,?f|i7JO j i:J ;ernaH I bare ADDED & fine assortment of V-M7 To mv LARGE STOCK of Grceries, (pwq LIQTJOBS, CIGABS, TOBACCO, m Being determined to extend to my Customers every- indnctJmtAt&tttgfiB"^ abl<\ I will soli Low Down for cash. Quick Sales L SmallsPrgfit. It mj MOTTO, utd I ?hall adhere te it ? fRICTLY. The QUALIFY ?f mf J 11? DRY GOODS cannot bo surpassed in Orangeburf. MY GHOCEUIES and LIQUORS tr.h bought tpedelijh* ? this Market, und 1 was cartful tr purohaat tht BEST to be had. U t friends wit] find it to their ADVANTAGE to git* ane a call aad ecaania* my --r-t> ?TT?ur-?*_"r*~-* STOCK. Thor Trill find that I am offering roch exeollcnt BARGAINS thai Iii??/ wit] not httitato to inaae purchasoa AT THE PHflMK&fof i ei irrn ivah t On RUSSELL STREET, I will bo found at all time*. ;/.'>? ;;I .?Dt/.l ' ? ' . . !' fc*io'?'AT ''I Messrs. Win. SAIN and C. H. HAIX aw wkk;. 3rdvil*? wdl be glad to see their friends. v . ? In i* i oT i ' '.'/ MOT bi?n lanli (idol, M ? J. Wallace Cannon, PIKKNIX OKOCERY HOUSE.