The tri-weekly herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1865, March 21, 1865, Image 1

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............ "P t~ - - * * *. -. * 4. -. --- - *-rWE *. TelD$I 5 Entk.i.Devi 4t e inatierioft4a eralistrmaties ,a~ nmAVI - - -- -- -6 19 Y MACCH 1866 r NTUBER 1 - W eed 1 agnc. W9 A 1a e6r Yeaf eome! I come! Wihe thunde of cannon,*the rglld t The whistle of bullet* be nfgshe s -T h aunting'of banere, boHing4f Th * ekL ie phmderng'of f '~ f churdbes, th'clAnkidg ofa&si - tfatkei tuneral pal' I api-ding high cafnival To e drpped . dand the otlen that Sov r er bhitt Let the t il tie i e tear, TeW be thein d al - the cheer. 4..lppyfiew year1.Gte digs I brin O06o,W4c, defeat, aud'e . ,,A Tag, Of the shAd a"d the prag; ! 4 amae, Oheroes marble-wha cariv a! a..ame. .sip of,sbighter l6omg up to My sight Theda dawn is eliara-il turns rnto ight A ,Horse" ppears-a2i9geme is bis -breatb" !hwoetotheworld,.hisders-eh. 41 zar n the earth peace is # rw IpatgOUr lough-sbares, matapjn - eetego4 .the tsk;word.!. away foolish fears ha~ive QensLtb gi,rge on the baones..dash! Nk d nJeodsge pun the miisket's * ~ Ser.oe6 flase aK(usk es! A#i bloo f roes fall Overt . a Quetrn, ketur all - Tvi$3iTIAHON Q CEARL8 0t UW 401NTERESTING PARTICULARS rTH yDSMOTFD zY niE-TOE EPL0SIO - MsTrUVcc e OA PROPERTY-OCCUPATION BY d6A lady reident oQbareston has kihndlY-1ur' Tlished us'a man's&ipt copyof the leadng artiele * ,of thel4st isiueWsThe ha in -Courer, proT S-to-.tue occupation efte -te Yankee; It Subseque*ntly pas.t . hkt3 tf po, North iAen who are no% cOnt,Ig the pubiction. ClATmON F'CARLETOM r ' e thv~h6 1bie t*iTis X em - ntnity hi pasd'sidee. our jast.issue, caaoi be conceived'by those wh4 wr(ressed tItdti'ead r~~ eam1y. Theasaddest grrt'of the Ios of e ic ygug ete 'eight and& pine oelock):~ur*ay. 4izing, from- so acciden1tal expl'odon of Aqwder de the elewin~g up of: the, North-Eastern Remroad Debt. A4boutone hun, dre,d andigy per'ors, .mghiding men, - Vue * and children, w -re either instan.iy kil ed or - - erished-ig the iamies, and atbout 200Y wounde -Of the immnense destution of property -no es * ~~aitcen Je formed, but.will. amo mt to ~everai - rT*t eoTros irr .D * Early .Satarday' ornnig, before the ..etire meut'of>Gebeyal Har.dee's troops, every biiTding, - houseware, or shed s4ore *th co in, was fred by .i guard 4etyiled for~ the pur .' The engines' were b-ought out but tthe small force at the'dis-posaI of the fir'e diepartlnent, TeC?' -- 'Til( else eenld be done than.r e 7keg the sur rounding banding's ?Poin igniting. .0t; the Wes en ide-o 6ecliv the cora'grationi raged writh grea fuy.'On the wharf of the Savannah Railt road depot, several hundred hales of coton.were -w iting shipment im blohade .runners; aso, s eral thousand' b3xshe1s of rough riper . On Luce&street, 1e**diag to the the de g~, was a long - obed containing- twelve thousandl ales of cot -ten, whiche together with several otheie s'heds a ~nd buildings filled :witI4 cotton belonging to * *-. Pivate partie,. fe'l 't p-r to the-flames. -Lucas' Miis, contnng -some sthirty ihoviand bushels of "rice, and B. T. Walker's wareh6ie at the -foiot *of rhoad stre t, ii1fed w ith comnitissary sto1res, were also) destroyed. * TH1N YERIBIt .EXPLOSioN. Stiorti; -afer eigt r'cloei'occumrd the terri %lc- '.plosinu ar* th" North-E-istern Rail Road. Teexplodtn wn,' tremno and sh!ook -. . Whoe pit. it appears fraal - its, that t~s-dretaful catastrophea ror htbe -*O m ingag;q of powdr s,taking and h i ,e at te!po,. In d6ing thi.ey .laid a :traiti k the whatrves and'sa thetsp a By wieertions ofprintendbethO . Tart ner, the jorks were tVed.. eINplosions erete dus clenda poke we#t to tree wih inany ob ervers,.as theI4h! 'N-isappeared ip* the ful form-f the esna the cettre ana was reaerled bh y t y faded away.. . AJ) kZ Lieai.JZ~ *Alsot ten a s 11boat 4ng " bieut dolonel A.. Nnnett, qfthe 2 S. co. F, itjor ph Jleagesl andL aptBuvr -f ihe 5'd regiment Pennstvaniti %. First Lieuteant Jamlesl. moand, b egtmoot New 'ork VolunteerstWa crew a cam# c ed atintthe th AtlantiO be.r, Glenlfe nideda sat a cony kiunicaiOn to th4 Mayor, Cf * f uing a'cop hinea U.- FqpqEs, O1 S 71 ebruary 6 ~fayt 04A~ hr In tb , t -Go muent I demand the a o4'h co wi you ahedexectSu-e tt- I b ders Scideae wittheir b 0a ix d -to, be Maft Very res 0 Your obe -vernt, nieatenmut Colonel costinS frces dhresto. -V MaTOr )abeti pee-Vi6usly, dve -a d partiet -ge ommuge'e cansisio. Tidetman GJfla'teadVillamns to procee44g Nels Island intoming the commanding'odi 1here 'of the evacuat46n of the city, the'foUl4a is a,6opy To the den4rcomuaud my of the U. S. at sorris Island. Snt The 'MmilitAlry the enfede iate St4tes have ev, isere .--,aiat you take such steps as you may think best. Versectfu?iy , S..Yiarobedjent servant, -CHRLCES 3ALCBiTO, mayor. The boat with a white flaicontaining the 'Al 'deipen 'is dbseved approaching by Colonel Besnett,'io started to imeet it, and jthe inter view which:folowediAn the stream the rdpy -be ow was nia4e to the Ma'yorg cormunication. iKan'as UtS.'Fo9eqCgJnSTom Hauson North Atlauiie Whef, Feb..18; 1-89.f Iajbr Charles Machaithl: I.hare thg honor todackn6wedge the ece pi of your gqmmu'nication of this d;tte. I have in replygthreto to,state(that the ftopR tinder my commanif,aill rendereViry popsibe assistance td your well daposed citizens in 6xin-uishing the 4res'now bunn. o .hiv Ghe h06no, to be. ty6r, Very r'espectfufr, ToOr obedient servant, Lieutenant,Colonel toniindipg U. S. Yorcm 9 9brjeston, [The laiding,of tn'et. S."troops effected iv the most orderIv. 844r. ahments were at once 4senttake'eharge 0fallhe'pubic buildings-and ,depots. ,The'ArseCnA as takeA n possession of a little beh're twelve o't.ok time to save the btdldine The eitizebs in the' neighborhood had naly* lift in tarot the report that.the Arsnaldasto be:blown uip at t welve, and a w. I 'on leaded-fith '.lightwood for the purpok of Trnit aive4i in thevicinity a feuv moments be fore thFdr Had'the.atter 'been. a little I ?teg the respui'gbyhate proved most dinas' trous Tmid. S. ibi-as hoisted on the Custom~ Hdkse Cita'del Academy and Arsenal. The steap er Svrin whichi had run the blockade the prenious n it was taken posscssio't of,. and, Capt- Ryat .wjh seve raJof his officers made prisoner.s. Since the arrivalf thexmops from Morris Idland the city hal been veryqfinet, and the conduct of 'the t roops -r.etnarkably good. There have been somne f w egcepti6bnybut these were -mostly under the i fuence ef liquor Bendett whom wghbave founti a very eQurtPoi lid obliging officer is do ing -aH in his.po'wer to preserve order, and prom' ies t'he failest protectiqn 'to itizens, the cliy' will be'jlteed under Martial Law, and'the civil frmne tionsot"'he Mayor ,suspended 'ftr the' present. The following appdumepts havee been rade: Lient. Cok A; G. Berinett Provost Magha1; Ma or W;Uoughby, Assistit Protost Mayshal- of fe at-the CitadeL 'Gen. Schimmlfening eom man ding the northern disti'et dlepartment.of .the ~outh w hich no includes Charleston a nd all the coat to flilton ffad arrived in the 'city -with his stffl a'ud the troeps very soon after the' surrenl Jer. The Generar has been very~ much pressed with business anud the visiofttizens, -sinen his arival. Our thars ar4u 'to Adjutant Gen. H. . Jenka of Gen fiso Cot. Bennett and Lieut.. Haviland. Wkind attentions. Maj. Gen. Gilmore w city a fe%,hours ,Satur da'v, 4ut 4e th~ ening for Hilton Head. A diral 'Dahlgren' wgjEis ffag ship also camne up to the city Saturdg.y and anchored dff-the Adgers wharf. The navytg osesion of sort -Moul 1tric anud Castle fnindd a 'voluunteer party '... ;of ten men fro acits Ittand-enteed,nd. .pa-' ted the W'. fag ov Smter TL e former.-gli pn p uiods to the e 'atio'adnhl* ed on ti parapetsa numbr 4. automatOns in grey emi forgs wbich uponu ibg.shelled from AIt Aragg iever flinched. Observieg. this and ens p-ing somethingausuda th paty above ena Gone.. bltuieredl to sovbtte extftominary ,p1.esoinekow hh tesatedik there taking poe sessiofthe Fort. 0 o le reW0f the 41 miral vessel entered rt Moultiie just in time to ext nguish a slow match thiik burningK in tendetob6w UP the magazine and F'ort. limited epacewil not permit us'to gite i detais'at'pesent.e - A Yan\ee correspeg4nt of rthe paper, says.-# '&4'Mis. Tboma and N ssV h an i0rnitse force of ca.;rand moatid nAne.yace bat 4OMfwosa g Ore. 0iofor general camps t,fge' the'T ess14e id"s. heif okiMx-et .i gee .a I , Ahe 661f-o1Mxe via t~~mi,~aa aiolsIe A correiponde,t IAsfo .The starting point of tir capa p i Z* .ort,in the ertnestern oownr,fh6-'4W -P isssippi,'n hea'e Thoatand head rater i -en.orkoinetfmer Icted. Gerebel'Sh du tieupe 1~s ' e terh 9.t -sui*rg fe ci be he~k sxe o h to tyenty:fli, miieay aa gh1 i c.oariaues,.soul @p -sp0 Mtca' '00 6.%ety-~J~ It ia~f~i *,rgest epdtoo~lic4 deter of thema* abdjt*nditiO: prospees, have been so thorcugi1y ca/a.ed van that no doubtw eYor is enrtained of it ai plete success. C( The demralized Cndiion o TaylrA (late. d' at japiefo, Wot r Pmu e thous ay as dangeir. The openingu#^the'sAabama,&nd. Tmbigbee nv And the OeMptionof Sehna,otgemer% and'Mobire, will virtually iedmpIte oiua iork ii the iottotSaos ohf the Kasbville corraspondent of the Chicago Journn4 0nder date of the 12th ntant, furnisfv the lfoling facts 'evebte g hera' streogt Our army lef Saviniah stroqkly jpisord with troops beloZiginga t tbo h ibeteenth'orp. 6q that Sherman set. out iaVthe ead o- the f6,kowing force FDurteenth corpsj: Twentieth corps, - Fifteenth corps, Seventeenth corps 8~( 'Foser's arniY -7h ICiLval,v talry, - pntIms~nrecutly, from Fo*l nousu tha t w,gweeksi ce the.fruit-treewer oM in tht larid of dowis, tbi oen planted, adIbs most saugaine hopes en inod of a Nountiful cro of.altk zid ofcereals. .he ism AtIena* assed thtogb South resa~r,n deft'gia,~anl #e ajlatt*61 g report of ?frp prospectofthat greof g.anary of our Stie. He states -thiWle never saw. Whevt look, ing so well, 44 anthaia 'unusnal1y, breadth, otland has beenspwi inthis iimp6itant staple. Here fea - re ~ttertained bf the rust, owmng to the atep44A he season,, though we hope thip atidipatn may prove ill.grounded. Asera:a RuMbara MevruxNt.-It is -rumored ic*d th a Yankee force has left noxvil- l pegetrte, if'possibl$, North Caro lia-p' s~y to strike the 'railroad between Slisbury . Charlotte. This force, when last heard'fro m, consisting ofeeatosa&aarg and supposed to be under the eqmmrand oikv rill, aat Greenvzile, from' which 2pinghe~ ?ssn sager road into' North Caoigbrnte oke p1osing Ulirough, Warm Spring Gi?p.-4' The Richmond press~ says there ia,,lt'nWi Soth Western4Vyginia 49ebe Mainagd'i sow and that the rou to be tihngevidently thr ugb North Carolina, 'non S8mNNi.-E-roti a gen epa wo had ijust arrived from Savpnnih w~e learn tIlas the 19th Tajkee corps is being tran'ported to Morehead iy,which leares very 5aw 4roopr in the city, a4ithey mostlyv negroes.. No one1 he says, i.s permitted.t.p-eate.r the tOwn, nless they declare. their intentioni to remail The measles, and 'other' diseases, has $roken ot amo'ng~ the negroee and is'very fatal. The.y aredying from ten to thihg per day, and are hried in trenches, withput coffina or ceremony. hRereprsentsthat a good A.d of trading 'is car red on through thd lhnes, ,bbt says measoresbhare been taken by The proper'authorities to stop iS ?RorToUg.-The present fear pronIges tp be the greatest friuit season -of this detfde. "'Th,e late gol-d weatherpurith 1 its attenidant discom~ fots, may,prove ma. signal. blessing, yegetation' 'has been-kept from a prem'aturs growt.h, and the dvelopment of frurit blopsoais is'almost a month later than ukual. Now, how- the 'trees are flaunt ing their floral adorninents !Spring, as if to make aminda'for her soft dafliance in the lap of winter, scatters her largesof bud and blossom with ala'ish band, , Sayetteville Wbeapki iis hd the flog co rning the evaivatn o( har too ib4i~ 'Oe gv*uatioa 4_ Chadekt41,V tok e Friday - lided in sn about'721. an-Sitr 4.AUte on-solue 4,~ baIes -$aitba te and e guapspikedby - au ' e.,'tis~ *- D 4 t bittlemrebu OtWwa of - - niiu. Y'akesanereof it VAM U a''iftdiei rag. TQerdi ageFs9Wo s: .Asigandty of AAM e -Uibeeeft al .he depot of & Ba.i204 Covnpany aog withX -am reeeg ekod of ieread th V citzcaQ the )owew fmrh'ad-assembledf.rtbae utis 'tee a boy, aa o. dr ,Wi4h t wn-oe t 0teif ep on iU 4nd isan tbria dt STheiwsedi'~s. - AD thibIoir h ig oc~tholdiees'.iOr mam ees. tate tre bo ei wil a .-. Ltheuse bar h ~%'dd .notevas ae intEeoawkslof te' tOOfS,aItddad tw Aateked fromrie .tv er.s:.N erlies klie-peurried16'dier pawof tWOU'rs Wd- torha'e been ts,te .k410 f ih-t sl's. oemr iofse aR.,by thbe;Tiseea. -reGanems* neHalrdee'have-goui ger mrein, t* notaemissibiate stae brftieyardbe& they WEI h fogani whirt the~eqh*nS af de Nrt"Vwwsaist fi th uatehe(rm d~or greston - t-eeditedpies:o 0h rl wion 'Co6ei er, -*kkh, a a' the. hands, of theNmi Ir i' Oplaers-argide b heA*Oer tde seore A recruitikofeer. d aWed for Shesa- Be. a."ftwe agte* eA ind advertipes a -*seta&oat 'the Hliberdian- HaR. I Alse-" oy,a!leitern*. a erointd f e not I-A Atodlas Proidt'iaraitvol ior eU&UJ, 4 ej er their namdir aa 4pNoCali orai t.*r Or i '40 th d-Cdet!. 0 - Nat Fulaer edertope .hr 'W&6 es_*ei it ~~ an.darterbe no rbiess1ira Seo t's cila, ntef are eh ~ oned aurk afoatinisere'i - iji;: ere, als.apd0 'h t ' hO" sen. Gnistref d itoi eja be p&ef th1 7ayeat ojied eraasGenearn thei U.Xro Tre i h iizn ht~i The'peparc JILQPe* A lifeised t rred eif o t -ool $, in.4 r.dc es Q es bnOW -the a ot 9ajo -.'0 illog d Osfc. - - T leartisean rcbiUmns. -hi - mGen. Gilmorei ofs t 4xchas aIels d ~te neas confederate Geners Thtu a ~e lnd Barrowm 4oinfrm thuset .hat Red i b~uen ered ou toor thev ii -aV * einmheyter l , pn. thoe west anot the~ Asheyzhasiecb dstrye ohnf ire. enc of te ir-orfgee siref nined, bAVigig thaoshd theer. qein(4 expght o p t'asaeio )itWre of &udeto VOamay oe. - s witnout el& bod n9 e ctralins ptesint 'whare dji -been ndpl th w&Ye4t s th~rest.1p yetO bs ed W.cpsrd, y cese. heC- .e e eu i t eLanouiloa ns. Th-nota tefi wojalhatkeoso, Toi$d b wneaufolff ,uersaae fsoqj nothi foan*e adgency - ways said thor en. 'e r epar~ingga Taolea Ash .~fedo a ir hed n cenrl pinkiti,- d ar a believer 4rtb t amena. Te.i fc . nd -se - Imppy hs,wns l Chaleses