MONTHS, 75 WragffljgS^pMB^ynS. 50 Ct MS. HfiBBwBP^^' 11, 1890. p^P^^ enTx Hook and Ladder Co. Meets at the Ojxra House on the First TiiursdaT Night in everv month. \V. It. McCIvEIUHT, Secretary. Knights of Honor. D^Kals Lodob No 1242, Knights or Honor, meets on the First and 'third Monti .tr Evenings, at 8 o'clock, at tlie Opera llouso. I. II. Alexander, Reporter. ^ American r of the Opera iIou<>e1. on the Skcond and FoUYearner. "Weather Prophet Hicks, of St. Louis, makes the following predictions for the weather during the present month : Cold days may be expected until the 11th or 12th, when southerly winds will bring storms Cold and sleet may be expected frotn the 14th to the 23rd, and heavy gales and storms. Christmas will he crisp and cold, with perhaps inclement weather. From the 28th to the 31st there will be rains. Christinas is Coming Always fully alive to the wants of the little folks?and the big ones, too?Dr. F. L. Zemp has laid in an unusually large and attractive array of Chritma3 goods, to which lie invites the attention of the public. See his advertisement in another column, and go and see him at once, before the rush begius. The Ballot For United States Senator. In balloting for United States Conotr?r on Tnefidav'. the the three UVliUvvr* " ? ? j , candidates who developed strength were Col. J. L. M. 1 rby, Col. M. L. Donaldson and General Wade Hampton, but not one had anywhere near enough votes to warrant the assertion that he wonld be elected. All three men are in the race, and the proFpcet is, if each man maintains hie present strength on the joint ballot, 1 that tbo result will not soon be reached. From the Columbia fiegist r of yesterday we get the following result of tlie first ballot: Senate?lrby, 5; Donaldson, 15; Hampton, 14. House?lrby, 50; Donaldson, 33; Hamp'on, 31. Total?lrby, 55; Donaldson, 48; Hampton, 45. Any one wanting;.Christmas Goods go Mrs. S. Tweed, The Legislature. Since the inaugural both branches -t it.- /I? o?ol locomlitn Tinvft aof.t.lorl 01 I lie U(1UC1? AMVUIUI; .... . V, WWV..V.. down to business in dead earnest. They were by no means idle before, but it seemed they were waiting to receive the suggestions and recommendations of the new Executive, and from the immense amount of matter contained in the address which demands or suggest legislation, together with the large amount of work already cutout, it will probably push them to get through with it all before Christmas. They are. however, making considerable headway, and notwithstanding the many important measures yet to be considered, they will no doubt accomplish a great deal without extending the session beyond Christmas. Among some of the important measures introduced is a bill for the reduction of the salaries of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and other State officers. Also, bill -providing for the abolition of the office of Commissioner of Agriculture, and of the Board of Agriculture, and that the - trustees of Clemson College shall perform the work. Also, a bill to abolish the office of Jury Commissioner, and to involve the duties and powers upon the Clerk of Court. A bill to establish a Normal and Industrial College as a branch of the Sooth Carolina University, for the education of white girls, and to appropriate money for the bame. A till was introduced by Mr k Moseley to regulate the granting ol m divorces. Also, ^ A bill by Mr. Ruesell to amend A sections of an act entitled "An act to fix the fee for dieting pr soners in county jails," reducing same Irons 30 cents to 25 cents per day. A bill was also introduced to g^^ktbolish the office of Court stenograin the Circuit Courts of this WEgMYiso, a bill to abolish the office of ^^^^Aervisor of Registration, and to the County Auditors to dis> the duties of said office withMB^Pmpeasaiion. Eark ranic Prices, and yards. Just re ty-tive pieces col^rei ' every shade imagina i uiu iik liiLy vjliUs pur yard. II von want to see a real gcoc i black Silk, at our business place yot can find it. Baum Bros. Many Thanks. It is w'th pleasure we return man] thanks to those of our subscriber! who have so kindly remembered us and settled np, as well as those whe have eome forward and added then names to onr list. "We have beer lenient, and even now do not want tf press those who cannot convenient!} pay. hut we have obligations to meet and people are often more ajt tc overlook a small debt limn a laigei one, nn?l hence we liavo adhered tc the old custom of reminding '!? m bj ja cross maik (X) opposite theii I names. But if any one who know they are in arrears should fail to *e< the cross mark, they need not hesitate to call and see us. "The Old Reliable." Through storm and tempest, and in the sunshine of prosperity, the tried old firm of Bunm Bros, has stood firm as a rock in Camden This, the fall of l^DO, finds them agan in the lead, marching under their old and tried banner?low rices and honest dealings. Never more varied end cheaper lot of goods have been brought to our markets than they have brought this fall. They intend to keep their big trade and enviable reputation. Go to see them and be satisfied. So says the Chronicle. Shoollng Affray at the Camden Depot. From the Camden correspondence of the Charleston World of Monday we copy the following account of the shooting scrape at the South Carolina Railway Depot on Sunday last: A good deal of excitement was created at the depot of the South Carolina railway this evening by a shootiDg scrape between conductor Cleary and a negro named Abe Reid. As the down tra'o pnlle.l into the depot Reid attempted to get on the platform. Capt. Cleary told him not to get on until the train stopped. I be negro made some impertinent r? ply and still pers sted in getting on. whereupou Capt. Cleary kicked him off. The negro jumped back on he sieps and struck ('apt. Cleary with his fist. When the train came to a full stop Capt. Cleary got off and walked towards Reid, who was standing 01 the platform. When ('apt. Cleary got in a few steps of him Reid palled cut a pistol and fired twice at him, one of the balls grazing the Captain's coat. When Reid tired Capt. Cleary drew his pis tol and returned one shot. Reid then ran to the other side of the platform and commeuced firing through the crowd at Capt. Cleary, hut did not hit him However, one of bis shots struck a little negro b y in the back, inflicting a flesh wound. The people aic very much incensed of "Roid firinf* through the crowd. v o O - ' which contained u pood many child* ren. Heid made his escape in the woods bef??re any one could stop him. A short time afterwards he was reported as being in a house near the depot. The po ice and a crowd of citizens surrounded the house aud made a search, but could not find him. Roid was convicted at the last term of court of carrying concealed deadly weapons, but paid a fine of $75 and got off. It is said that he was on his way to Georg:a this evening when thediflicn'ty occurred. Plenty Points If you would cn'y read our locals, you certainly can not make a mis take, for wc always advise you to go to Baura Bros. for the best assorted stock. This is the best point wc can give you. M U KTG I PA L NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the discharging of Fire works will be permitted cn Broad street from C o'clock on the evening of the 24th until 10 o'clock p. ra. on the 25th, but at no other time. R. T. ROBISON, Chief of Police. Dec li lt. TOWN TAX NOTICE. The cifllce of the Recorder will be open from the 1st day of January to the 20th day of January, 1891, inclusive, for receiving returns of all Real Estate and Personal Property for Taxation, J. L. Biusington, Recorder. Dec. 4-4fc. WE AREREADY! RING THE BELL I BEAT THE DRUM. TOOT THE HORN! LET THE CROWD GOME IN I And Take a Look at Cor Mapiflcenl Holiday Stock. On every point it will beat anytiling ever shown in this City. The Quality, Style and Trices are just what will suit you, and the assortment is large. 'lhe performance has commenced, and people are already carrying away bargains in all varieties of Holiday Goods. We are waiting to please you with gratifying bargaius. Come and see them, at the old stand of Dr. F. L. ZEMP. ? ' ( >"* r sfc-v-, ^7 - Pj THTS We always try to make things attractive, but wc do it in a quiet way. Yet we liavc kept moving onward and np-' ward until wc have now tilled J FIVE FLOORS JAM UP, (without counting our Warehouses,) with Goods, and now find that we have not yet room enough. It is because wc buy from first class Houses in large quantities for Cash, which enables us to sell our Goods at City prices, and keeps our business in a steadily growing condition. We do not try to compete against our neighbors at homo, but to the contrary, wc wish them all well; but it is against, the big magnates in the- large Cities we try to compete, and why not? We buy where they buy, and wc have ihc same advantages f he Sterns, the Altmansand others of Kew York City have. We do not mind Charleston and Columbia.? We can keep at par with them without much trouble. I We have succeeded in building up a business that is a pride to Camden?it is the largest in the up-country, never mind where von eo. Five lioors nacked full with Goods, {mil tlie Rail Roads and Express brings them in every day. Always new Goods at lowest market prices. We employ twelve Clerks, and never dismiss one during the Summer season, for we find employment for them the whole year through. You can find at our place of business anything you wish from a cured Hog to a live Mule?from a Homespun Dress to a Silk one?from Kitchen to Parlor Furniture?from a Xeedle to an Anvil. We sell them cheap for cash and on credit to all who arc deserving. All can trade with us. It is impossible for us to enumerate the lines in our different departments. We have not the time or space, for if we were to attempt it, we would have to charter the Avhole paper, and this would be unfair to our neighbors. .Every one knows BAUM BROS., where you can find all vou need at Citv prices, in a City-like Store. When ' * --i en ? i i ? 4... strangers Ciller our oiure, muv uiu muijjiv iisauiuHiicu tu mm an establishment. in Canulcn whcic you have such an excellent and varied Stock to select from, consisting of Dry Goods and Clothing, Hat? and JAFS. MENS', LUIS', AND [HUMS' SHOES, BLANKETS AND CARPETS, LINENS, DAMASKS AND TOWELS. HARDWARE, GROCERIES. Crockery and Glass Ware, FURNITURE TO COMPARE WITS AM CITY. WAGONS ?fc BUGGIES, Road Carts & Harness. And don't forget, if you wish to see a real WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT, BAUM BROS.' is the place to see it. We have over fifty packages of Goods in Bales and Cases not opened, all for Wholesale trade. We get car loads of Goods, and wc sell them too. We arc prepared to serve every body at City prices. ^ i i . "1 l __l Uome soon ana oe serveu, anu wo can snow juu Bleached Goods at Three Cents per Yard! Just think of it, Throe Cents per yard for Bleached Goods ! No other House in the world offers such a bargain; and A Boy's Suit for Ninety-Five Cents! Think of it! Come and see us?ONE AND ALL. BAUM BROTHERS. ggtdfa? 16 incli Silk Finish Henriettas, on.y 07 l-2c. wovfh $1.25 46 " " " " " 90c. " 1.00 30 ? " All Wool " " 82 l-2c. 44 05 3G " " " " " 50c " 00 39 " Asst. Stripe 11 " 95c. " . 1.15 39 " " " " 07 l-2c. " 75 28 " Blk. All Wool Tricot, " 33 l-3e. " 50 30 " Striped Henrietta, " dOc. " 50 Pull line colored Alpaccas, Henriettas, Serges, Tricots, A:c. from 10c. to $1.00. To Arrive This Week, Large assortment of Alliance Dress Ginghams, only 8 l-3c Ml* MMM Black antl Colors. Walking Jackets, the latest style Silk Puff Sleeves. Newmarkets, &c. ' ; Tlie above for Misses and Children. Don't think of buying these Goods until our Stock is carcfully inspected. The OjSLY house in Camden whore a full line of CARPETS Can be shown. 25 llolls of Ilemp, Ingrain, Tapestry and Body Brussels. Also, 3-ply Carpets. Rugs ! R^gs ! Rugs! In endless variety?Tapestry, Ss?yrna and Moquettes?al prices from 50 cents to ?10.00. Just the thing for Wed. ding and Holiday Presents. Big Line Blankets And Comforts, from ?1.00 per pair to ?8.50. Our Ladies' and CliiWrens' CUSTOM SHOES Are unequalled for style, ftear a?ul finish. Linen Handkerchiefs And Towels?imported mbect before tlie McKinley tarlf went into effect, and beyond dispute at least 25 per cent lesi than von can buy in this market. V * All Linen Hemstitched Ladies' Handkerchiefs only 1( cents?cheap at 15 cents. An inspection is all we ask. P. T. Villepigue, Proprietor. CAUTION warranted, 'knd every pair has bin name and price stamped en bottom. $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine C'nlT nntl I,need Waterproof Urals. The excellence an<1 wearing qualities of tills shoo cannot be better shown than by tho strong endorsements of Its thousands of constant wearers. Srt.O0 Cenninc llnnd-scwcd, an elegant and ij stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. $?.OG Hand-sewed Wolt. A fine calf Shoe t uuequulled for stylo a.iul durability. ca ni.?,lv?ni- Wnlf is the standard dress ?S Shoe, at a popular price. SQ.SO Policeman's Shoe Is espoclally adapted O 1 or railroad mon, famicn, etc. All made In Congrcia, Button and Laoe. $3 & $2 SHOES LAfD?.IS, havo boon most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at tlicso prises. Ask your Dealer, aud If no cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. IllliSCJI mtOS., Agents. New Arrivals OF Millinery Goods! Most Stylish Hats, THE PRETTIEST PLUMES, And a Large and Attractive Sto k of RIBBONS, Can Now be Found at t n iimi/rmp iviid. i. d, nmwno, Who will take great pleasure in showing them. The iadtes and the public generally aro most cordially invited to call and inspect my line of Millinery Goods, which is repleto in every particular. Prices marked down. Mbs. T. B. WALKER. YOU CAN'T LIVE Without Eating, And If You Want A BARGAIN TRY ME, And I will convince you that I have the best and cheapest GROCERIES As well as TIN WARE. I also have good cheap CIGARS bnd TO* n a /m/\ i\ u r l th. DAbt/U j;uii u mr^ei tue [iiucuJOSEPH GOODALE. "OLD"NIGK~VVHISKEY CO.. SUCCESSORS TOj JOSEPH WILLIAMS,;: Wholesale and llclail {Dealers in OLD 1CK 1 PURE COPPER DISTILLED WHISKIES awl BRANDIES, PANTHER CREEK, N. C. ORDERS SOLICITED AND> PROMPTLY FXXjiZJEIID. , feb27-ly 'FURNITURE! FURNITURE W. F. MAGUIRE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 359,361,363 UPPER FLOORS, MAIN STORE 1365 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C.4 WE CARRY A FULL LINE, FROM THE COSTLIEST TO THE CUE AT EST, AND ORDER DIRECT FROM THE FACTO?. RIES. Feb 13CEISENHEiMER'S BAR. H* HAVE REMOVED MY EScLi TABLISIIMENT to the store tvun dnnrs alinvo old market. where I have opened a r FIRST CLASS BAR. I keep constantly on band the finest 3 qualities of ' WINES. LIQUORS, CIGARS, ) and TOBACCO. Be sure and call on me if you want aomc thing nice. A. D. KENNEDY HARDWARE I HARDWARE I SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID to this branch of business. ALSO CARRIES FULL LINE General Merchandise. OsSsJMs K'wi{(SSii?i|