I - .. VOL.?XLIX. CAMDEN, S. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER^ 1890. \4 [ . , NO. 23. v ^?*** '"** FORGIVEN ESS. If in the path of fluty thv friend has "ailed, or faltered. "Where stronger feet might stumble,still let thy friendship ljvp; Etill let. thy friendly greeting retain its warmth, unaltered, r And. ere he seeks thy pardon, do thou his fault forgive. * Bui if thy feet should find it?the stone whereon he stumbled? And thou sbouklst fall upon it, along the pathway dim Walk thou in full displeasure, with spirit boved and humbled, Condemning in thine own self the fault forgiven in him. ?Beth Day, in Youtfcs CompanivUyS . t " ' A Nitro glycerine Enisode. EY KIRK MUNROE. ' Want to go well-shooting, do you?" eaid my frieml the broker as we stood in the Petroleum Exchange at Oil City. 'Well, every one to his ta-te. Now nothing would induce me travel with a torpedo-man. However, I'll fix it for you." At four o'clock the following morning I awaited, at the stable where he kept his spirited team,"the coming of my new friend. A few minutes later he appeared, bearing on his shoulder a bundle of new tin tubes ten feet long and two and live inches in diameter. The torpedo-wagon in]which we were to ride was an open single-seated box buggy hung on the lightest and . most delicate of steel springs. Thcseat was hinged aud 6wung forward, beneath it was a strong box divided into six square paded compartments. To my great relief they were empty. While a sleepy "hostler was harnessing the team?two jet black spirited young .animals, forn torpedoriiian prides himself upon the mettle of his horses?my companion affixed to the left-hand side of the buggy two curved iron rests, something like those placed at the back of a victim's head by a photographer. They were also padded, and in them was -> laid and securely lashed the bundle of tin tubes. In the buggy, behind the seat, were placed'a heavy iron reel on which * were wound some two thousand feet of eiout oil-soaked cord, a coil of .fuse, another of sniaii wj e, and a "go-devil." As wc took our plar cs and the lively team sprang away, I ventured to remind the torpedo-man that he had forgotten his Ditro-glycerinc. "Ob, no, I haven't," he'laughed. "I am not allowed to bring it into town, but keep it in several small magazines come miles out in the woods, near the t' different roads that I have to travel. - There is one not far from the well we arc going to shoot this morning, so that we sha'n't hare to drive more than a mile with the stuff aboard. The morning air seemed to intoxicate our team, for they daHced along the road, occasionally springing from side to side iu mock terror of a stuinp, a black bowlder, or the puff of steatn from a pumping tugiuc. These exhibitions of ecuiDC recklessness and disregard of consequences was by no mean3 reassuring. and would have been most alarming had the "stuff" been under our buggy scat. W?> spvprnl nnrl mr>. mc-nt lueir drivers caught sight of the gleaaning tin tubes that denoted the character of our equipage, they drew as far as possible to the side of the road and respectfully waited lor us to pass. "Oh, yes," said the torpedo man; "I always have all the room I want. Nobody ever crowds this outfit.'"' At length wc were high up on the hill top, where the hot morning sun had dissipated the mist that still lay like a soft gray blanket over the lowlands. All at once we turned sharply to the left, and directly into the dense forest. The trees had been cut from the rude trail that we now followed, but their stumps remained. Over these, over loose rocks and through bog holes the active horses scrambled, and the light buggy bounced with suc'u plunges and slides that it was difficult to retain one's seat. "Is the magazine in here?" I asked. "Yes; only a short distance ahead." "You surely don't drive out this way witn tne glycerine aooarar' ' Why, of course. This is the only Tond. It isn't a first-class one,I'll allow; but if it was too good, inquisitive foiks might be tempted to come in here. It's safe enough, though. The supply wagon came in here only the day before yesterday with a thousand pounds of the stuff,' and got through all right. There's the place now." As he spoke, the torpedo man halted his team in front of a small windowless building of rough boards,the single dooi of which was fastened by an ordinan padlock. In a conspicuous place on its front was nailed a sign that read "Dan ger! Keep away from this building!' This sign fascinated me, so that I coulc hardly avert my gaze from it, ever though I plucked a wild rose from i bush that leaned confidingly against the magazine, and pretended to be carelesslj admiring its beauty. "How much is there in there?" ! asked. "Oh, fifteen hundred quarts or so enough, anyway, to blow Oil City out o tight," answered mv compapion as hi unlocked the door and stepped inside. Reflecting that the danger could be n< greater in the building than ten feet fron it, 1 followed him. The interior wa packed full of squire two-gallon tii cans, each of which had a handle on to| and two cork-plugged vent-holes. The,1 looked as though they might coutaii maple syrup or something equally harm less; I ut knowing what they really di< hold started the perspiration on my fore head as I gazed at them. Taking two at a time, the torpedo - man set four of the cans on the groum outside the magazine, and relocked th door. Then drawing a sharp steel in ftrument that looked like an icc-picl from his boot-leg, he dug out one of th tightly driven corks from each car, *n< examined its contents to satisfy liimrcl that it was lull. They were. Then th J corks were replaced, and as I handed | them oue at a time up to him, he gently > set the packages into the pidded colapartments provided ior them, and in an other minute we were driving away from the lonely magazine over the stumps, rocks and big holes of the horrible trail, j with 120 pounds of uitro-glycerine, j liable to explode with the slightest concussion, snugly stowed beneath our seat. The ride over that rough forest trail ; was altogether too exciting to be enjoyj able. It was like being couSoed in the ! crater of a volcano known tc be on the I eve of au eruption, and the main road, when readied, seemed a haven of safety. The remaining mile of our drive was made without incident, though we drove at what appeared to me a reckless pace, the, tor^edo-uian saying that we were a little late. At last we turned in through a pair of bars, and, crossing a field, came ifr a new derrick that marked the well we were to . shoot. The horses were securely hitched j to a tree, and the contents of the buggy I :-.o *1? 11 fl,,, ,.??] | were t'Hirieu iu lui itch, nmit mv eating them forever to the service of peI troleum. i The shot had been a perfect success, i ! and before the drifting cloud of oily ? spray was wholly dissipated, the torpedo r man and I were d "iviug rapidly from the | scene of our triumph homeward bound. [ I But one more duty remained to beperj formed. We still had the empty glycer; ! ine cans, in one of which wis about half f I a pint ct the terrible explosive. Even - I film fiinl ctill oltlni^ I., (in sides of each one of these empty cans 3 was sufficiently powerful to have blown i us iuto eternity, and we were anxious to s dispose of this dangerous remnant, a; i speedily as possible. For this purpose p J we halted in the first bit of lonely for \f j est. The four cans were laid beside r a I huge stump, and behind them we piled r - i number of rocks. A bit of l'usc ha< i j been prepared with a cap at one end o '- it. This cap was now inserted in tin open mouth of one of the cans, fron i. which the fuse projected about a foot. .] When all was ready, the torpedo-mar c drove the team to a safe distance. As h< . disappeared I touched a lighted match t< i ! the fuse, and again ran, leaving it hiss e j ing viciously among the dry leaves, j j The explosion was tremendous, ant f j its echoes tolled away among the hill: c 1 like the roui of a huudrcd-pouud guu 1 "Where it had taken place there was "no j vestige of the stump nor of the cans, the i rocks had been reduced to powder, and. | only a great hole in the ground remained. Half an hour later we were safely back in Oil City. As I bade the torpedo-man good-by he said: '"Come round whenever you feel like taking auother ride. I like to have fellows along who don't mind the stuff.'' I thanked him, and said I would; but T doubt if I shall ever feel like tempting i nitro glycerine agaiu.?Harper's Weekly. Trapping a Monster Elephant. Silent and almost motionless, quite hidden in the darkness, stood the huge : form of an old bull elephant, one of whose tusks had been damaged in his youth and had become . totally deca3'ed. His head was bent forward in order to- ' rest bis one monster"tusk upon the ground, his trunk loosely coiled between his fore-. legs, was also resting on the ground, anfU his great ragged ears flapped spasmodi-V I cally in vain endeavors to shake off the . myriads of mosquitoes that .persistently hovered around his head. Suddenly the forest was lit up by a most vivid flash of lightning, followed an instant afterward by a clashing peal of thunder. The elephant raised his head with a startled jerk, his* huge limbs shaking with .fear. * - * '< " Almost before the rumbling echoes of the thunder had died away, the rain, that had been threatening for so many hours, fell in tortents. Flashes ofJightning succeeded each other 4so rapidly that the attendant peals of thunder were converted into one continuous roar,-And the violence of the wind soon increased J to a veritable tornado?a tropical hurricane. Trees were blown dofcn and uprooted on all sides. The terrified elephant remained for some time motionless with fea^ but the tempest continued, the monster became suddenly pauic-stricken, j and charged madly through the .dense j forest, stumbling and falling over the j i trunks of uprooted trees in his endeavors j to gaiu some open patch where there I would be. no danger of being crushed by ! the fallinsr timber. Suddenly, iu the midst of a mad rush, | I the elephant sank to the ground with a : i sharp squeal of paiu. The poor brute j had severed the vines that supported one ' of the traps that had been arranged the previous day, and a heavily weighted spear was plunged between his shoulders. For some moments he remained motion- i less, then the great body rolled slowly from side to side in vain endeavor to free himself from the spear, but the weapon was barbed and the points had penetrated too deeply to be shaken off. Here he remained, exhausted, tint?!'daybreak, his hide covered with patches of mud and deep red smears of blood.?Scribntr. The Seven Wonders of Corea. Corea, like the world of the ancient, has its "seven wonders." Briefly stated they arc as follows: First?A hot mineral spring near KinShantao, the heahng properties of which arc believed to be miraculous. No matter what disease may afflict the patient, a dip in the water proves efficacious. Second?Two springs situated at con- ' sidcrable distance from each other; in j fact, they have the breadth of the entire j peninsula betwecu them. They have two peculiarities. When one is full the other is always empty; and, notwithstanding the obvious fact that they are connected by a subterranean passage, one is of the bitterest bitter, and the i ? ?A UlUCl p.v U,iU O..V-V.,. ( Third?The third wonder is Cold Wind Cave, a cavern from which a winters wind perpetually blows. The force of the wind from the cave is such that a strong man cannot stand before it. Fourth?A forest that caunot be eradicated. No matter what injury is i done the roots of the trees, which are large pines, they will sprout up again directly?like the Phoenix from her ashes. I Fifth?The fifth is the most wonderj ful of the seven national curiosities of the peninsula. It is the famous "floatj ing stone." It stands, or seems to stand, in front of the palace erected in its honor. It is an irregular cube of great ! bulk. It appears to be resting on the | ground, free from supports on all sides, 1 but stranr?e to sav. two men at onoosite | ? O* ^ ? II ! ends of h rope may pass it under the stone without encountering any obstacle whatever! The sixth wonder is the "hot stone," which from remote ages has laid glowing j with heat on top of a lrgh hill. The seventh and last Corean wonder I is a drop of the sweat of Buddha. For thirty paces around the large temple in which it is enshrined not a blade of grass will grow. There arc no trees or flowers inside the sacred square. Even [ the animals decliue to profane a spot so holy.?at. Ljiiu Republic. Tom Thumb's Widow. A tiny coach, about the size of a Saratoga trunk, and drawn by a pair of Sket! land ponies, passed up Wabash aveuue, Chicago, the other evening and stopped iu front of the Auditorium Theatre. The little driver was attired in full livery, as was the diminutive footman who opened the door. As soon as the door was : opened a funny-looking little man ' /Mif Ifn n-nc foul Hrmolu rl rnocnrl in elegant evening attire. He extended ^ bis hand and helped out a little lady, ' whose mature face and gray hair were in ! striking contrast with her stature, for she resembled a large-sized wax doii : ruorethana living creature. Then anJ other little gentleman, also elegantly ' dressed, stepped out, and the interesting j trio attended the theatre. The lady has ; | been known in years gone by as the wife 1 j of the late General Tom Thumb, and together they formed a pair of the most 1 | famous midgets the world has ever : known. Since the General's death his 5 widow has become the wife of Count Magri. 1 A Calhoun (Gn.) man has a chair which > iic claims is 115 years old, and has its . original bottom. wax mm. i. THE TjfFE.-LlKE REPRODUCTION OF PROMINENT PEOPLE. Processes and Details of an Art That Has Reached a High Stage of Nicety?Obstacles Overcome by the Ciricr." Few peopie who look at a waxwork group of artistic make have any idea of the manifold operations which have led up to its completion. Until a few years the wax figures and groups exhibited in this country were most crude and unfinished. The liglit demand for them, cx.ceptin cheap arauseflitSnt halls, was reasonable for the poor q'bality of work, and there was no incentive given to clever wax artists abroad t5"sho\v us just what .could be done in the way of mechanical reproduction of life- -; Iu Barnum's old-tinie museum, which Bt'ood on the present site of the Herald building, a few stiff ajid staring examples o? the wax maker's art were m. A HEAD MODEL READY FOR THE WAX . supplemented by two or three figures so realistic as to suggest to the intelligent observer that- there were possibilities in wax figures previously unknown in America. . ; The wax work of to?3ay have reached probably the highed; degreee of excel leuce. The well-executed figure hus all the grace that a living figuro could show if posed m as immovable a style as the other. They all lodte' stiff to the eye which lingers on them tor any length of time, because they arc absolutely motionless. A single glance at e good figure will find in it not only a good pose, but what the artist calls action,- but wheu the eye gets more accustoiped to the work its immovability soon fuggasts a stiffness that #is really not evidefct.?? Some years "ago' several expert wax figure makers,frenchmen for the most part, were brought to this country. The leading man in an establishment of this kind is the sculptor.. To secure good results it is necessary that the sculptor should be highly capable. At the present time Mr. Feinberjr is at the head of a c corps of assistants in a suite of rooms Avliicb are tilled with lifelike figures in all degrees of preparation. When a single figure or a group is needed the sculptor gets together hie pictorial matter, if the order is for something historical, and with the aid of this material bo makes a careful drawing, showing the figures properly draped, and in addition, all the accessories that would go in to the completed work. This sketch being approved, a'small model in basrelief is rande of the whole design, aud this miuiature design being approved, or altered until satisfactory to the committee I the actual work is beguu. As the average wax fixurc is the reproduction of some man or woman of note iu past or present the greatest skill on the part of the sculptor is ueccssary to produce a likcues. Very often there is nothing but a portrait to work from, and that is not always in the exact shape or position that the group calls for. There have been many instances, however, where living celebrities have consented to pose for the sculptor, and thus j niauc a strong worn possiuic. xur. oous-tant Thys, a skilful "cirier," as the j French term it; a word which fully translated means "waxcr," told the writer I that the difficulties experienced ill porj truiturc were the most exhausting partof I of the work. "When tue sculptor has secured all the i material possible ho begins to shape a I head in clay. If the design calls for an ! exposure of the body below the neck, as 1 in the case of a savage, the shoulders are reproduced in clay as well as the head. If 1 tie face is a bearded one the beard is modelled in form, and naturally to secure a likeness the hair of the head is also formed. When the head is finished in clay it is approved either as regards its proportions or its likeness to the original, and when so approved it is ready for the moldcr to handle. The ucxl operation is an important one, us it means to a certain extent, the destroyal of the likeness obtained by. long ami patient work. This operation is the cutting away of all the clay which represents the hair aud beard of the original. This mutilation is necessary, because the hair and beard are to be made eventually of the real article. The head of clay, when stripped, is now oiled and then covered by Mr. Berti, fti? v.-nlnioi'sassistant, with a coating of plaster oi Paris about three or four inches thick, li ten minutes this coating is partially hardened and the work of cutting the mold into pieces is begun. A slurp knife will cut through this doughlike substance. now too soft to chip ?.nd too hard lo run. When :he mold is cut in five or sis pieces tiie lowest end, at tho base of the neck, is cut away in tho centre, leaving an opening about live inches iu diameter, if the head is life size. On one of the cut sides of each piece the artist makes t wo or thicc holes at intervals of three inches. On Lite piece which fits against it he places little dabs of soft piaster. The holes arc now oiled and the whole mold is put together again. The soft plaster dabs are uow allowed to harden ' in the oiled holes, and when tho mold is taken .apart again it is provided with little "locks," which prevent the pieces from slipping apart at an inopportune moment. , While these operations on the hand arc under way the bodies which are to complete the figures arc being made in a somewhat different manner. As explained above only those portions of the upper part of the body as arc to be exposed arc made in clay. The hands, arms and extremities arc made in most cases from living models. When a group has been designed the different positions of the hands and arms are made from male aud female models, and a plaster cast is made from them in the same way as described above. In a great many cases where certain poses are needed casts are also made from the lower limbs. Even the trunk is sometimes reproduced in this way. Asuquc but the exposed portions of a figure are made of wax, on account of the great cost partly, the bodies are made of papier-mache. The molds for these portions of the figure arc made in two pieces for each lower limb, upper 111110, iorearm, upper arm ur uuuit. These molds, when perfectly hard, are ready for the mannikiu maker. A woman docs this work. The first operation is the fitting of pieces of cardboard in each half mold. To this is glued a layer of coarse bagging and after that alternate layers of carboard and bagging until the structure is nearly a quarter of an inch thich. It is then coated 011 the inside with a thin layer of plaster. When all these parts are taken from the molds and put together the result is a very grnccful reproduction of a nude human figure, minus the arms, head and neck in most cases, though the arm is very often made in this way. Numbers of these figures stand about in the mannikin room awaiting the time when the wax portions are to be attached and the whole figure made ready for exhibition. To insure that the final clothing of the maunikins shall hang properly the mannikius are invested with complete suits of knit underclothing. We will now follow the head and the other portions of the figure which are to be finished in wax. Those particular molds are now taken in charge by Mr. Thys and are carried down to the wax oom. This room is a sort of hot box, the temperature being at 120 degrees at all times. The most delicate operation of all is now made. In a long, wooden tank at one end of the room the mold is placed in water. Connected with this bath is a steampipe. "When the mold is ready the steam is turned on, and, the water becoming heated, the mould i: soon ready for tbc box. The wax used for the figures is the best obtainable quality of American bleached beeswax, which comes in- thin disks. It is perfectly white when bought, and in this state it is melted down until it has reached the consistency of oil. As it is not desirable to make the heads and hands of such pale material, the artist colors it to suit his needs. For a head and face he mixes in the wax when melted certain quantities of dry colors. These colors are Prussian blue, crimson lake and silver white. When the wax is meant for heads requiring a more sombre tint or for the hands of males, some burnt umber is added. It is necessary to insure a good wax mold to have au almost exact temperature in the wax aud the heated plaster mold. Experience htis taught the artist the proper time to take out bis plaster, und when it is just hot enough it is oiled to prevent the wax from sticking aud stood on its head on the stone floor. SOME LIFE SIZE MANIKINS. A large fuunel is now placed in the opening at the neck nnd the wax is poured into the funnel, the lower end of which i? as far down in the mold as it will go. "When the amount of wax needed to fill the whole space has been poured in, th? funnel is pulled out slowly and the was is distributed gradually. If the wax ii poured directly into the mold from tht large tin vessel in which it is melted bul bles arc apt to form in places when they may mar the surface of the head. After fifteen minutes' time has partially hardened the wax nearest the mold, the soft wax in the centre is poured baCiv into the tiu. In the fifteen minutes allowed for cooling, the wax left in the moid when the soft portion is poured out is about one-quarter of an inca in thickness, although it may vary a sixteenth in some places. Such variation is not objected to, as it serves to rrive transnnrenev to Hip hrml C _ J ? Vciy often when the mold is unwrapped of the strong rope.- which hold it together during the pouring, and taken apart, the wax is found to have stuck fast to some part of the plaster not fully oiled. This necessitates the operation being done all over again. The duy following the melting the head is ready for its final shapiug. Though it is now perfect as regards the general features, there are many roughnesses apparent, especially along the lines where the plaster mold had its joinings. These lines and any little lumps that may have been caused by small holes in the plaster are carefully shaved down. The eyes of the waxen head arc simply rounded reproductions of the human eyeball and the mouth is generally partially open, "with no model- ! 'n<;s of the teeth. When the wax is as liar a a* it can be made by the atmosphere a crooked tool with a round end i3 heated and the eyes are burned out from the inside of the hollow head. The back wall of the open mouth is similarly treated, and the head is now ready for the accessories. The rims, of the eye have to bo paiuted and other parts of face made deeper or lighter in color. One of the most artistic operations is th" -reproduction of the color of the human lip. This ellect is not made with paints,but is obtaiued by the skillful laying on of colored wax. A spatula, a small modeling tool, is heated in an nlcohc' flame and pressed into a cake of wax ot the proper color. This while hot is distributed along the two lip3 thinly, and although it gets lighter iu color when hot it dries or hardens to just the desired tint. Iu heads where the desigu calls for uneven teeth the artist introduces small pieces of wax and shapes them to suit the subject. Ordinarily the teeth used arc the usual variety of false teeth procured from the dentist supply houses. Many of the male heads have to bo represented a3 recently shaven, and the work necessary to give the life size face this effect is something euormous. With a little sharp nofdle point the artist punctures the face iu many thousand places. While the holes arc not as close together as the hairs in a man's beard are the head " lieu finished has the proper appearance. MANIKIN SECTIONS SHAPED IN MOLDS. After the tedious operation of puncturing is done black color is rubbed all over the cheeks and the chin, and then the surface ot the face is wiped of! with a dry cloth. The paint that has gone into the little holes in the face remains, and the effect, even when you stand close to the figure, is very fine. Putting in the eyelashes is a very difficult and slow piece of work. The wax at the eyelid is very thin, as the edge has been trimmed to sharpen the lid and do away with any appearance of clumsiness. Along both lids little holes very close to another are punched, and every hair has to be carefully pushed in and poised so ns to give the whole row a natural regularity. The eyes used in the figures are about the only things that have to be imported. It was found that the only eyes that could be got here were the substitutes for human ones that are occasionally used by oculists. As this sort proved too expensive, an inferior but fully as useful eye was brought from abroad. Th(>v art* made to order and come in sev eral sizes. Putting the hair in its place is one ol the most interesting operations of th< clever French artists. The hair is pro cured in this country and is of all color; and degrees of fineness and coarsencs; imaginable. Tradition having creditec some olden time ruler with a peculiai kind of hair, the right sort of thing, i not in stock, must be procured and imi tated. The "driers' " method of applying th< hair so that it will stay is to clutch i bunch of it in one hand and a small stick in the end of which are three and some times four needles, in the other. Th needles are pushed down into the wa through the bunch of hair, and at eac insertion are sure to take some of the hai ends down with them. Sometimes whci the loose bunch is pulled away two hair 6tay and sometimes all four needles ai successful. With a large bunch of hai and incessant puncturing it is only matter of a few hours work to cover head with a closely fitted crop of hai J *!-- .. i NYnentnis is acme me \yua w held up by its coveriug without au danger of the hair coming out. I Putting a sparse growth of hnir on : | lieacl that is supposed to be on the verg of perfect baldness is a most delicat ! work. The hairs have to be put fartho : apart and the artist cannot work so fast The short stubby beard, supposed to b j the growth of about two weeks, is vcr j difficult to reproduce. These short hair I have to be put in one by one, as the eye i lashes are, and there is very little tc i show for a day's work. The eyebrows o j most figures arc thick, and therefore casj to handle -comparatively. The hands attached to wax figures an in some respects the most perfect and re alistic features. They arc really madi from life. i Another evidence of the care that ar j feeling prompts the clever "drier' j to take is the making of the fingernail { of his figures. Thin sheets or strips o horn, very transparent and naillikc an I cut out to fit the large or small lingers I A small piece of the pink wax used t< color the lips is nut on each before "it i ! affixed to the finger end. "Wheu the uai ' is in place the hand looks a3 though i could move, so lifelike has it become. Most of the historical costumes whicl i drape the groups arc made by a litth ! lady on the premises. They arc bcautifu in quality aud workmanship, and arc pui together nearly as strongly as thougl they were to be worn about the street: or on the stage. All these artists ari advocates of thoroughness and thej make their work fit for the closest in spection. It is the modern costume that general ly fails to adapt itself to the wax figure, | in spite of the fact that the manikins an i carefully made as to imitate nature ii ' all"its lines and poses. Yet the fact re i mains'th^t a wax figure in an ordinary 1 \ I suit of coat, vest and trousers presents a | queerness of appearance that is inexcusgpg FINISHING A HEAD. able when one kuows how graceful a ! model is hidden beneath it. If some ap: pliance could be invented that would euable the wax man to vibrate enough to ! give the muscles of his limbs the appear! ance of working it is possible that this still look would disappear.?New York i Herald. Neglected Wild Jliee. When Columbus discovered AraericA | the two most valuable and important ! cereals known to the Indians were corn j and wild rice. Corn has been continI uaUy cultivated and greatly improved uuriug uirec or iour centuries, out our native rice has been so generally neglected that few persons seem to know that such a grain exists, growing along the banks of thousands of streams, covering millions of acres, in swamps, bays and salt-water and fresh-water meadows, the food of myriads of wild ducks, geese and other graminivorons birds. The aborigines of North America knew the value of aDd highly appreciated this grain, gathered it when ripe, and stored it in vast quantities for winter. As this species of rice, like its near relatives, the cultivated varieties, thrives best in low and submerged lands, the Indians could readily harvest the crop while paddling br pushing their canoes through the denso thickets of this grain-bearing grass, by merely bending the heads over their frail.vessels, and either shaking or beating out the seeds. Many early voyagers and settlers in this country were ! 1 1 ?UV. nnn anr) I kl 'Iij |JlCiUUU Vt itU u liu nw*} uu\? 1 some of our earlier botanists gave rather extravagant accounts of its value. Elliott, in his Botany of South Carolina and Georgia, saj3 that "this grass grows in great abundance near the mouths of our fresh water rivers. It constitutes a considerable portion of the fresh-water marshes, preferring those situations where the soil is overflowed one to two feet deep at high water." He adds that the leaves arc succulent and eatcu with avidity by stock, but it does not appear to have been found of much importance for forage. There are really two species of this wild rice, one with a round grain, the other oblong; the latter is most common, and extends much t'nc farthest northward, in fact its ' original home appears to be around the great lakes of the Northwest, from whence it may have been disseminated by the prehistoric races of America or by the many streams flowing from these regions. Secdmen do not usually have a call for the seed, but a visit to almost auy tide-water bay or marsh on the east ^ shore of Pennsylvania or New Jersey 3 | during November would afford oppor" J tunity of gathering an almost unlimited 3 I quantity.?Xetc York Tribune. I I This Man's Candidates Were Elected. r a -pojuojoa ;mo ^ 80jopiputJ3 s4nujj[ &|qji j Japanese Vogetablo Paper. r This paper is manufactured largely in . Japan from the bast fibres of a shrub MJi" Krt tvti/3/lla nnrl e j which grows wnmv u VCl IMV Uiuivt.v y southern pruts of the country. The bast s paper?used iu the home country for a - great number of purposes, such as ban> ! dages, etc.?possesses an astonishing t' | tenacity and flexibility, combining the f i softness of silk paper with the cohesion of a woven fabric; it is so thin that the i iinest writing cnu be read through it, yet - it is torn only with great difficulty, c Commercially the paper is known in Japan as usego; as put upon the market - it has a uniform yellowish-white color ' and a silky lustre.?New York Journal. !' No Place for Ills .Spectacles. j. An Irish beggar woman was following a gentleman who had the misfortune to , lose his nose, and kept exclaiming, s "Heaven preserve Your Honors cye1 sight." The gentleinau was at last ant noyed at her importunity, and said: Why do you wish my eyesight to be 2 preserved? Nothing ails my eyesight, ,.( nor is likely to do." "No, Your HonI | or," said the Irish woman, "but it will '? ? ;n t; l?c a sad thing it it uoes, iui ,>oii >.m j have nothing to rest your spectacles ^ upon."?AVw York Star. An eminent authority in dental sclf enee declares that caries?or in less technical language, decay of the teeth? i.s a contagious disease, that is transmitted by moans of guins, and that the eldest way of transmitting the disease is J by kissing. Why U a mon-e like a load ol hay7 r j Cecauae the catll oat it, i