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16T -Vo communication trill he published: in the JOURNAL, imless tre are placed in j possession of the naiue of the author. t&r We are not responsible for the vieics j or expressions of our correspondents. All communications for personal advantage uill be charged for at the rate of one dollar for each inch. as- Nominations of Candidates in usual form, not to exceed one inch, FIVE DOLLARS. These charges are to he paid strictly in advance, and no exceptions whatever will be made to the rule. m. All communications and contract advertisements M US Tbe handed in by 12 o'clock on the Sahirihit/ otjor* piwurtirion m mnn ??iertion in the following itttie. Tho Convention and its Work. The Contention which inet in Columbia on last Thursday was an honor to the Sta?c. The thoroughness and I rapidity with which it did its work, < coupled with the harmony and enthusi asm which characterised its deliberations, t indicate clearly that the spirit of 187C ' f-tili dwells in the hearts of oar people, > and that on the 5th of November next, < tb?y will roll up such a majority fur Hampton and Home Rule as will fur- j cvc*r crush out Radicalism in South ( Carolina. The party ha* again planted a itself upon the broad platform of equal | rights, good faith, liberality and genuine 1 reform ; and the characters of the mm ] who constitute the State ticket, ns dis- f covered from their record, furnish the i strongest guarantee that the promises i made will be faithfully fulfilled. Notli- t ing now remains but for the Democrats of South C-irolinJ to keep th-ir ranks closed and move forward to victory. J The County Nomine ting ' Convention On Thursday, the 29th of August, one of the most important conventions 1 that has ever b?eo held in K n-haw i County will assemble in Camden. We i say one of the inner imp ortant, because I upon its action will depend in a very ! large degree the progression or retro- * ^ression of Democratic principles in our county. The manner in which the i convention shall discharge the trust con- ; fided to it will contribute much to our ] success or our defeat. If it will emulate < the example of the receut State Con- i vcntioc, which was characterized by j perfect harmony and boundless cnthu- i aiasm, we may move forward with every 1 assurauco of victory. But if, ou the < other hand, personal wranglings and i mean whiskey be allowed to disturb its i deliberations and influenco its action, i we might then, ere the battle is joined, f as well write upon our banners certain 1 defeat and everlasting disgrace. But there is no reason why snch a ( dire calamity should necessarily befall j -i n ?tinr n?nnU trt I _ uie muwrvnv v?> r~~r * thoroughly organized, aud the loftiest patriotism marks and controls their conduct. Upon them depends primarily ihe manner in which the convention will discharge its duties. Let ample notice be given of the meetings of the clubs; let every member who can leave home , respoud to ihe call; let delegates be | chosen not by combinations in the in- , terestg of any particular candidate or candidates, bat by a free and untrurnelled vote of the people whom they are <o represent; and let the delegates thus chosen be men of patriotism and integ- ( ilty, who will perform faithfully the trusts imposed upon them. If these , conditions are observed in the selection ( of delegates, the oonrention of the 29th of August will reflect credit upon , the oouuty and make victory sure on 5th of November. , Editorial Items. Ttic Radical State Convention meets iu Columbia tomonow. It is believed ' that Jio State ticket will be nominated. [< Ilonei't John patterson says the Federal government will back down from the position it Las assumed io relation ( to the rere.vo* troubles. . AfTIR so ?eny years oF rest, work has been resunred om the Washington W monument, and rt is propoaed to conr tinuo on now uuiti.' the structure is completed. 1 And it tarns oat that general Slierman's sou is going to become a Catholic priest because he couldo't get his Vau. 1 tiful cousin whom Senator Don Camet ' wedded some months ago. 1 It is n-ported that Esoobedo, the re?- k olutiooist, and the bloodhound of Mex- * ico, bss been captured by the govern-111 ment troops. He was the General who 1 captured Maximilian, and caused him to be (shot. , Tat Radicals held a meeting in Marion last Saturday and selected dele- j gates to the State Convention to be held in Columbia on the 7th of August. j There were but few on hand, and their ( ^ long faces and solemn countenances j showed that they did not enter politics ( with the same spirit as iu former days. { ^B We learn that the meeting was a dis tinct black one. B Tim Hurley, ex-treasurer of Charles- j' ton county has been arrestodaud charged 1 with being a defaulter while he waa iu ' office. Tim came to this State a poor 1 man. lie was here ouly a very short simo before he was an office holder, and handling lar^o sums of.woue). lie built 3y bouses, iu lUut u&iioy of Cdifo* bia called Hurh-yville, ami did it with Mily a portion of the profits of hi* office, having considerable sums iuv*sted elsewhere. He was one of the carpet baggeis who made the business pay. A Special from Sin Antonio to the Aeirs f8ys that Gen. Pedro Vald-z. the Mexican commander who met MacKenzie when the latter was in Mexico, is stationed in the mountains above Eagle Pass, on the Mexican side, with abouy 1 500 men. valohing fur McKenzie. On last Thursday upwards ofsixty head of T? xas cattle were driven across the Kio lira ride to feed Valdez's soldiers. NEWS ITEMS. Incendiarism.?We are reliably informed that the colored R?publicans of; :hls county are openlv advised by a Turner member of the House froui Williamsburg to go to the polls armed, for he purposeof killing colored Democrats, ind he himself, will institute prooeedins it Graham's (iroM Roads.?Kiiujttrer ' Stan. Judoe Mackey proposes, in cajc S. Wallaco becomes a candidate for 5ongr?s?, to stump Lancaster, York , ind Chester counties in order to estab- < i?h th* remarkable proposition that(l Wallace is not a citizen of South Caro- 1 ina. The Judge proposes to prove roni the records of Wallace that he is ( i minister plenipotentiary from the j nfernal regions, rommiasioned by Pluto o inaugurate strife.?Lancaster Ltdycr. Cotton Regulations ? Cotton , Ranters, owners of grain, l-uyers and oth. i rs connected with the trade, should bear n mind tin following rule uiade by the New York Cotton Exchange. June 6th, 1878 "On and after Monday, September 2d, 1878, cotton covered with J*x tow bagging containing shives (or mall pieces of straw) or manufactured from unr?'tted or imperfectly rotted flax, shall be deemed unmerchantable, and i hall not ho good delivery in this market." Reliable reports from Havana state that a negro riot broke nut there on the 22d instant, in the locality known as Los Sitios. The principle cause of the lissatisfaction among the blacks seems to have been thcircontinuancc in slavery ifter the liberation of all those who sur* -eudcred at the oollaps of the rebellion. During the disturbance, the police tharged, sword in hand, killing and rounding a great many persons. The rioters then dispersed, and fled to the ?wamp8 around Atares Castle. Only a ew arrests were made. All the ring eaders escaped. A Party of masked men. variously estimated at from forty to 6vc hundred n number, rode into Monroe, La., at 1 >'clock iu the morning of July 30, and forcibly took from the Parish jail f<>ur jegroes charged with murder, conveyed them to the courthouse square and hung diem to the limb of an oak tree. Three )f the victims were implicated in killing J W. C. Fitegerald last May. Eitrgerald was a white constable at Treotoo. who had attempted to arrest them for disorderly conduct. One had been sentenced to imprisonment for life arid two others were remanded for a new trial. The fourth victim was charged with waylaying and murdering another negro in cold blood, and had teen sentenced by the District Court to the peniteutiary, but had obtained a new . trial. YCSTKRDA Y afternoon just as tha clock struck 5, nine prisoners of the State Penitentiary, headed by Cm<ar Dubose, a desperate chaticter. made an effort to escape from their keeper. Tho prison?rs were engaged in hauling stone from the quarry, which is to kc used in the new wall at present in course of erection. The guards fired upon the fleeing convicts and two of tho nino fell to the ground, their leader, Duboso, falling dead from a bullet which passed through his neck, shattering the rpinal column. The other prisoner was shot through the jaw. the hall passing out of his mouth, tie and four others immediately surrendered to the guards, and the thrceothers escaped. Up to a lute hour last evening they had not been recaptured, though the officers had high hopes at the hour our reporter left the prison (H o'clock) jf bringing ilicoi in. Csasar Dubose was *ent to th# punitentiary from 'umter County, for teu years, for mrglary and larcnny, and had served ibout three months of hie term.? Col imbia Rfjittcr of July 30. LOCAL ITEMS. nail Arrangement*. Post Orftd lloCJtt?Open at 8 a. m., close a. i in. Open at !:'*> p. m.r doneat fi p. m. North rn, Western and "*outlieru mall clone at 8 p. in, l'ic N'ic.?Hanging Hock Club will give i pic nic on the 9th instant. We acknowledge an invitation, but deeply regret thut it will be impossible for us to attend. Hoots, Shoes &c.?Mr. Isaac Voting, who line the reputation of making eome of the j (test boots and shoes that ever made tracks I in this county, coincs to the front In this week's issue. Head his advertisement and give him i call Cotton Buyer.?We invite attention to j the advertisement of ('apt. William Uly- I burn, who gives notice elsewhere that his motto during the coming season will be: j "Alwtiyain the market, and always pre-1 pared 'o give the highest pjh# iu c?sh for Urf ax\M*.n | I Hkiohtb^ino.?Judging from the number ' of drutpAiem who are on the rounds, 'tne J wouW conclude that 'lie prospect for nn I early revival of trade is brightening. With [unusually fine crops, we do not see Wiethe condition of our people should not be improved. | Drowned.?A colored boy was aeei-j dentally drowned last week in Doby's pond on the western siJe of the river. Coroner Goodale summoned a jury and dield an inquest, the verdict beinj; accidental drowning. Drv.?Several of the mills in the county, we are sorry to hear, have been forced to suspond operations for the wunt of water, resulting from the orjr weather. ''When the brooks run dry the mills roust stop." A Compliment.?The re-election of our distinguished fellow-citizen, Gen. John D. Kennedy, to the responsible position of Chairman of the State Pomocrntic Executive Committee is a He-1 served compliment. Wc congratulate! him upon the preference shown liitn. ToOia Reader.?We surrender much if our spnee this week so as to give our readers a full report of the proceedings of the State Convention. We do not deem any ipology for this necessary, as every true Democrat will read with iuterest the fullest Account of the most harmonious and enthusiastic body of men that ever assembled in South Carolina. Rock Hill.?A barbecue and pic nitwere given hy Rock Hill Democratic Club on Saturday last. From Two to four hundred persons were present, and capital addresses were deliverd hy Messrs. T. II. Clarke, H. R. Flanigan, W. Z. Leitner and J. G. Sessions. The best feeling prevailed, and everybody in (hat section is all right for theState ticket, as well as for the County ticket to be nominated on the 29th instant. Kershaw Troop ?This corns, commanded by Capt. T. J. Ancruni. Jr., met and drilh-d on Saturday. Another meeting will be held on the fourth Saturday of this mouth. This pleudid body of m<n hope goon to attain the highest degree of efficiency ever reached by volunteer cavalry. It is believed tbnt its list of mimbers tvill bo largely increased at the next meeting. Sensible.?Our friend and former townsman, Mr. W. C. Workman, who for several years past has resided in Savaunah, Ga., hag in his "old age" (?) gone, os all sensible men will do sooner or later, and got married?as will be seen by reference to the Dotico of the event in another column. Wc beg to congratulate "Caesar" and his fair young bride upon their mutual good fortune, oo'i to wish them many years of unalloyed happiness and prosperity. Kershaw Guards.?The election for Captain of this company was held nn Thursday last, and resulted in the choice of Mr. S. L. Lang, a member of the corps. Capt. Lang is a young gentleman of commanding appearancp, and or ttiorougn military training, uuviug graduated two years ago with distinction at the Virginia Militarj Institute. We oongratuluto hiui upon his promotion, and th Guards upon their good fortune, in securing his services. Not Dead, but Sleepetii.?Those of our readers who have fancied that the Republican party was dead in Kershaw need no longer lay that flattering unction to their souls A convention of the faithful was held at (he colored academy in Catndeu on Thursday last for the purpose of electing delegates to the State and Congressional Convention, wlm-h are to meet in Columbia on the 71li instant. Thirty three delegates representing all of the precincts except Flat Rock, and those in the Lynches Greek country, were in attendance. Frank Garter was chosen president and James H. Johnsou, Secretary. The delegates to the State Convention arc ; Frank Garter, W W. Carter and J. II. II. Stewart; au i to the Congressional Convention : Isauc English, J. F. Sutherland and Salmond. We Icaru t hut steps were taken looking to putting the parly in condition to contest at the next election tho right of the Democrats to coutrol the county. TIhh should prompt our Democratic brethren to renewed exertion* and the most per feet harmony. Pergonal, ? Manncs Baurp, K<q., left Thursday morning for New York, vhero his family has been spending the summer. Messrs. W. L. Arthur and A. 8. Smith, Jr., left for the mountains on Friday. Thrypo for pleasure, and wfll be absent severul weeks. Mr.. W. T. Barrett, uow of Columbia, is visiting Camden, Mr. Herman Baum and family, wiio for some time past have been visiting iu Chester, returned home on last Wednesday evening. Maj. J. 8. Miliar," pf Chesterfield, and Mr. B. F. Miiler, of Lancaster, passed throtgh Camden on their way to anu from the Dainocratic State Conven*# tion, Judge Kershaw is spending his vacation at home. Wo are giad to see bis JJooyr iu such good health #uodt spirits. We Wtie pleased yesterday to receive a call from Mr. Barron, of the Clarendon /Vr*x, who is >n Camden on business. Gen. J. D. Kennedy, Capt. T. II. Clarke, Dr. J A. Glenn and Messrs. L. li. Sti phenson, I. F. Holland, L. C Thompson and Wm. D. Trantham were in Columbia last week nf delegates to the Siato and Congressional Oonvcnt tioos. Darling. Listen to My Story. Certainly she will, If It Is flic "Old, Old Story," and you tell it sweeny, nut doat be too hasty in . vour wooing. Send her flrst a copy of liarry Percy's beautiful new sonjr nameil above, and thus gracefully hint your intentions. There never was a prettl -r song written, arid singers are wild over It. Over 3,000 anld In one week. For Piano or Organ and easy to play or sing. Ask yonr nearest Music Dealer for It N?r enclose 40 Cents to the Publishers. LUUDKN & BATES, Savannah. Ga. Tiif. Firemen.?The Wide Awake I Fire Engine Company, colored, of | Sumter, accompanied by a brass band, j arrived yesterday and will remain in , Camden until Wednesday morning as 1 tho guest uf the colored firemen ot'nur | town. They were met at the depot by ' (lie difl' rent colored Gre companies and j nfr. / era nf thr> fire department and es- !' V?" - I cjrted through Broad street, and to 1 Firemen's Headquarters. Addresses ( will bo delivered today Jtt tlie colored ' academy grove, after which a dinner f will be served. The occasion promises J to be ono of interest. From Liberty Kill. Mr. Editor: As reqtjesfcJ, I will . give you n short account of the pic nic given at Rocky Mount on yesterday, ? (Friday the 2Gth inst.) \Ve left Lib- <1 erty Hill about 8:30 o'clock in buggies, ^ carriages, wagons Ac., and after tr.nol- j ing eight or ten niil^s over the roughest road I ever saw, we reached our desti- | nation about 12 o'clock. We found s-'V j eral ladies and gentlemen from Fairfield, ? Lancaster, nnd Chr9tor oounlics. awaiting our arrival. After exchanging "paw shakes" Ac , the people were soon scat, tered. The older members amused themselves by discussing politics, farming. housekeeping, Ac., while the young 1 p?'npl?? nuiused themselves hy playing ' whist, boat riding nnd rambling over j. the ' Rocky Mount,'' gazing upon the f beautiful scenery which was grand in the extreme. Would that my pen ' had the pow?*r to describe the views 1 that met our eyes For miles we heheld a chain of picturesque hills stretch- ] ing southward from where we stood, so I beautiful as to make one foci that they ' belonged rather to heaven than earth. ! between these beautiful hills flowed j the silvery waters of the Catawba river, which increased the grandeur of the sight. All of the young people seemed perfectly absorbed, and judging from their countenances, I imagined that they were "lost in wonder, love and praise." We found, not far from the ferry a two story house built entirtly of rock, ( which had been built years ago by Mr John Kingaberry, who forfberly owned r the ferry. It is said that he had his f ccflin made for several years before he 1 died, and that he had it suspended above 1 his bed until his death, which was in ) 182G. He was buried upon the top of t Rocky Mount, whero a suitable mono- ? ment has been erected to his memory. ' After visiting all of the places of interest ? we repaired to a place of rendezvous until dinner was announced. And you i may rest assured that we responded i promptly to the call. Delicacies and f substantial were on hand in the great- . est ffrofusion, and of such a quality as to satisfy the most fastidious. Dinner ( over.uhe young people were seen wan dorin| around in every direction, until 1 about'u o'clock. wncn tnoy onae jure* well ti each other, and the buggies and J carria^a began tc roll away ' homeward ( bound.V Our party amused themselves c on thnii way home by telling jokes, 1 singingl&c , Wu ranched home about 1 twilighlt And notwithstanding the ( rough rdids and the intensity of the i heat, thA pic nic was a decided sticc"ss, I and ujnnj of us will look back with < more 'hai ordinary pleasure in years to [ come i The gringe at this place will celebrate j their Gth inniversary the first. Saturday in AugUStjLy having a private pie r.ic at their hat. The crops in this section < aro niu^h bitter than at this time last year. Mori anon. I I Yours Truly i "Democrat." i Liberty IIB1, July 27th, 1878. 1 A Card. MeSSRS WI'tTORS 0AMDEV JOURNAL?HeSPEOTED Sirs / Having hoard that some direct or indirect stricturos ; have been nin?ij by some correspondent | through yourl columns, concerning 1 views fxpresseq by myself nnd others. 1 touching tho Ipoliticd tnpiis of the time", I would ihnvp this to say, tlia? 1 am alone responsible for my own opinions anil views. 11 hold myself ready to ! give my views freely through the columns of the press, (in Carolina). I | have nothing I wl>h to conceal from any ope in the land, al my best, wishes arc for the unification! peace, happiness and prosperity of all o^r people. Therefore nny -criticisms on my , course, by porrespo|*lcnts or otherwise, inserted in the puplrs without a corresponding ehanco of tcply in unfair, and will ho sotiocr or later so considered by the American peopU. I do not say this- much as bearing directly on the courA- of the Journal. These lines are siiujly to say that the time baa couic, wheil freedom in tho exercise of speech. tAiching tho gnod of the country will ba heard. I claim nothing from tho pre* in South Carolina, except the courtay generally extended-of replying to antagonistic opinions, Ac. V Yois Trulv. \ A. McLean. PiiorooKi^MKH -K. II. Ki.ct>4r?I*^ Hkill as a i?I?i>tngrapher lias attracted from all |iaris in 'the country. Ho muy bo founfut all hour* jitiiitituallv at lila post. Call ami s<4 me, friends of towu nu?l country, and you nil up cordially wet. coined. i wish to sec and knofl att the people, and want lliem to know me. \Lu can bate your pb )t"gi apU iui?<lv in tbe best st.Aj, three for $l.f>o ? li&HSPAJBP. O vcrliiskiii;; (lie I'licrglc*. It is uot advisable fur unj of us to overtask our energies, corporeal or mental, but in the eager pursuit of wealth or fame or knowledge, now man.v transgress this salutary rule. It must be a matter of great importance to all who do so to know how they can regain the vigor so recklessly expended. The remedy Is neither costly or difficult to obtain. Ilosftter's Stomach Hitters is procurable In every city, town and settlement in America, and it compensates for a drain of bodily or mental energy more effectually than any Invlgorent ever prescribed or advertised. Laboring men, athletes, students, Journalists, lawyers, clergymen, physicians, all bear testimony to its wonderoiisly renovating powers. It increases the capabilities for undergoing fatigue, and counteracts the Injurious effects upon the system of exposure, sedentary habits, unhealthy or wearying avocation.1;, or an unsalubrlous etimnte, and is a prime alterative, dinretie and blood depureut. A Hun of it Thousand. A Consumptive accidentally cured. When ileal It was liouily expected, all remedies having failed, and Dr. II. James was exper interning willi ilie many herbs of Calcutta, lie accidentally made a preparation of Cannabis Indicn, which cured hi* only child yf consumption. His child is now in this sounlry and enjoying I lie best of heallii. Desirous of benefiting I lie afflicted, t lie Doctor now gives this Recipe free, on re:eipt. of two stamps to pay expenses. There is not a single sympton of Consumption hat it uoes not at once take hold of and j lissipatc. Night sweats, j eevisliness, irritation of the nerves, failure of menu ry. j lilticuU expectoration, sharp pains in the ' nngs, sore throat, chilly sensations, nan- i tea at the stomach, inaction of the bowels. J tnd wasting away of the muscles. Address fraddock Ac Co., 1012 and lot)} llace St., 'iiiladelphia, Pa , giving the name of this taper : ?r? 1 ?AKRIKD. 1 _ ( WORKMAN?GERMANY.?On Sunday, i he 14ili of July, hi Smyrna Church, Gads- J len County. Florida, by Rev. W. II. Crane, , ilr. W. 0. Workman, of Savannah. On., nnd t diss Mary M., daughter of the late Dr. W. I. Germany, of Tallahassee, Fla. BROWN?WATSON ?On duly 21th, by J lev. J. E. Rodger!?, Mr. F. II. Brown and diss Sallie D. Watson. All of Kershaw. Sheriffs Sale. R. M. Kennedy ] 1 vs. Execution. J. M. Davis J By virtue of the above named execution j o me directed I will sell in front of the I Jourt House in Caiuden on the first Moo-1 lay tn September next, wi'hin the legal i tours of sale, to the highest bidder, tlie j allowing dt scribed property : All that piece, parcel or tract of land, ying. being and situated in tbo county of versbaw and State ot Soutli Carolina, con aining twenty nine and one half acres nore or less, and hounded on the north by DeKalh Street (continued), on the east by kittle Pine Tree Creek, South by Darlingon Road, and West by Repiilon Street? evied upon as the properly of James M. Davis, deceased, at the suit of Uobt. M. Kennedy. Terms?cash. JOHN DOBY, s. k. c. Aug C?td. MORTGAGE SALET ' State of South Carolina, Krrshaw County. Jibbs Carter | to r Mortgage of Real Estate. ] leorge Alden. J I Whereas Gibbi Carter did execute n nortgagc in favor of the undersigned to lecttre the pnyment of a note for the sumo' ?ive Hundred Dollars, with interest from late at tnc rate of 1} per cent, per month, latcd January 1. 187<?. upon the premises icroiu described, which mortgage is duly ecorded in the oflice of the Register of, desne Conveyance for Kershaw County in ! I look "D D," Pages 389 and .'{90, which : aid mortgage contains a power of sale, nnhorizing the undersigned, It is heirs, exec- j itors. administrators or assigns, to grant, > i.argain. sell, release and convey the prcm- J seshereinafter described at public auction tr vendue: Under and by virtue of said power of sale , the said ticorge Alden, will sell at public j ititcry, before the Court House door in j amdeti, on the first Monday (the second lay) of September next, withiu the legal tours of sale, the following real estate ;:i nortgnged to nte by the said Qibbs Carter: j HI piece, parcel or tract of land, sit- tated in Kershaw County and Slate of South Carolina, whereon Gibbs Carter ihen resided tontoining forly-tive acres, upon "which here is one two-story frame dwelling, one . trick kitchen, one frame stable and two >ut-houses. The said tract of land being (iiown as a part of the Harrows tract of and, sold to the Slate and purchased there- , rom by said Gibbs Carter, being hounded I >n the north and west by other portions of he said Harrows tract, ami on the east and , soniit by Swift Creek. Terms?cash. Purchaser to pay for pa jers. GEORGE ALDUS, | aug (?-4t Mortgagee. ij:ra i:its disiiissohv, Notice is hereby given that ono month I 'rom date 1 will apply to the Honorable ( I,.tn?a P Sutherland. .ludire of Prnhate for Kershaw County, for !.otters Diamissory as ; Administrator of the Estate of J. L. Tiller, i leceasod. I uug 0 B. M. PEARCE. ?\e I Toir.s \otk E. All persons holding claims against (ho | Estate of Thomas W Pegues, deceased, will' | present the same properly attested to the j undersigned within the time prescribed bylaw, and all persons indebted to said Estate will make immediate pay incut to nug ti-lin J. T. HAT, Executor. Albemarle I-Vuuile Institute. I'liarlottevtlK Va. $ 200 for Itoant ami Literary l'ultloii for Nine mouths, beginning October 1st. Music. Drawing and Painting extra. l*or Catalogues address, tt. II. HAWI.INOS, M.A., Presiteut. i niimnDT ci.assicai. and mii.itauv acadkmy, KM HMj NEMIWAKUENTOVVa. 1JJJ x AAi-J'LJ Prepares for College, I diversity or Itnslness. Recommended for Location. Health, Morality. Scholarship and Discipline. '1'Klt.MS? Hoard and Tuition per half session $45. For Catalogue address Maj. A. Smith, Sup't., ISctliel , P.O., FuuriuicrCounty, Va. thomasvilLe female college, DAVIDSON. CO , N. C. The 22d Session begins August 2-th, isis. Board J and Tuition in English per mouth $|K. A tilst , class institution unsurpassed formality of locatloli, health and every ici|ulsltc. Eight thorough-! ly qualified MVR teachers. Unusually extensive and thorough course. Three gnuU-s of Diplomas. To accommodate the steadily Increasing patronage a large addition to I he building is In progress For catalogue address 11. W. KKJN11AKT, President. vanderb1lt university. Fortrrii Smstos opens Sept. i, is.-, and closes | June l, ts;p. Pees In Literary and Sclent I lie Department j Law $1 no; Medletiie $?5; Theology *15. Board and l.odglng per month $10 to $20. Professors, 21; Instructors, s; Students last i year, 405. For (dialogues address I c ?i.*itt..\N it, ( hanceilor, , Nashville, Tcnn. 10 Itarrch K\lr? Fine Nilgai'. For sale cheap. nov'JO-'Jt BRASIXGTOX & NETTLKt?, | , I BOOTS, SHOES, & .] | The undersigned respectfully informs his j I friend* and the public generally that he may still he found at his shop, one door j tvesl of the postoffice. where he is prepared j lo execute promptly rind in the most stylish I and durable manner all jobs that may hp; given him. lie will also make <>r repair ' liaitios*. or iu fact anything else in his I line. He only solicits a call. ISAAC YOUNG. .Aug. C)?tf A Fair Proposition. TMP03TAXT TO FaU'4E3S and GABOKNErS. B?f*Mr. h L. Osmcnf. of Cleveland, Tenn., Grower, Importer and Dealer in new and rare flardon Seeds, proposes to send a sample of his Bio Sp.eii Kail Wheat. Tub Wheat of Taos, the largest known wheat in the world?single grains measuring J inch in length?producing two lo three times the quantify, per acre, on the same kind of soil?free of charge to every subscriber to this paper on receipt of a 3 cent stamp to pay postage. KSf.dgents wanted in every county to introduce* his new variety of wheat. Address l. L. Osmbnt, Cleveland, Bradley ccunty, Tenuessee. julyO-4 To Roiii. Three Stores in CLYBURN'S BLOCK, ind two wooden stores on Broad street Injntedlit el v South of Olytmrn'H B'ovk will i?e rente' on furorahle terms. Possession given Immediately if iiehire.1. \V. Chwcnv, |ny30 TS-tf. Agent. Kershaw?In The Probate Court Estate of Emanuel Parker. U'heras, Ell \V. Parker has applied to me for . Lettesr of Administration on all and singular the roods und chattels, rights ami credits of Emanuel Parker, late of of the said county, de- teased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all * ind slmrular the kindred and creditors of the said leccased, to appear Before me at a Court of Pro- ; >ate to he holdeu on I2th day of Ao(ru<>', 1T8, to I thow cause, if any they have, why said aduiinis- 1 iratlon should no'r lie granted. -" ? (tlven under iny hand and seal, this 25th day of ' Inly, A. I), 1S73. J. P. SUTHERLAND, J. P. nly30-2w. ' Sherift's Sale. A. Willeford vs. iV. S. Jones, J. L. Jones, M. A Brotvn. Execution. By virtue of r.n execution in above slated iiiac, I will sell in front of the court home n C'am den on the first Monday in August lext, within the legal hours of sale the folowing described property, vix: All that lot >f land with buildings thereon situated 'n I :n ? - _r t :i ...' 11:11 .L.. ........ iiu viiiJigt; u? liiinrriv urn in lur ^uuuikv u* g iereliaw and State of South Carolina, con- i lining three a^res more or less, ami hound- 2 sd on the north by Peny's Ferry road, cant iy Public road, south hy lands of Henry 1 ilrace. and west hy lati Isol L.J. Patterson $ '.evied upon as the property of Mrs. M. A. P Brown at the suit of A. Willefnrd. ? Terms?cash. JOHN DOBY, s. k. c. ( Dr. Z E M P I J Ilegs to call atttenticn to his large and I tarefu'ly selected stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINESI ? y stock is niad-j up of the best and jurest, cousisting iu part, of f-. ^rugs, I Medicines, ti Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Glass. Putty, Turpentine, Soaps, ?*ncv Toilet Articles. Choice Perfumery. Lumps, Burners, Patent Medecines, Trusses, Books, A Stationery, 3 Paper, I Envelopes, Fancy Candies, ttSL.PUVSICI AXS' PRESCRIPTIONS iCfiirntely compounded, and solicited from di parts of the country, j nly 30?tf, ' and Morphine habit carrd. J 19 IbJK <'iiP:r,gi?L?l.^DDr' rib.>u'illo'i P-l* N c SI BBWI E"tlnfc. to W. It. Squire, wl n w 9 Wvrtiilugt. u, Grovbc ( ?>.. ?ud. "W. Clyburn, , COTTON BUYER, i The undersigned begs to inform J jis friends and the public generally :hat he is still on hand, and will be * ible to | BUY COTTON more largely during the coming reason than ever before. Always I in the market, and nlwavs prepared t to give the IIIGIIEST'MARKET ) PRICES in CASH n for the article. Remember my stand, | Clyburn's Block, j< CAMDEN, S. C. 1 July :50tf Arctic Soda Water AND GINGER ALE. TUB ARCTIC SODA WATM11 FOl'N- . TAIN is now dispensing this 1>*.*hu(iful and delightful Beverage. A large ninl1. varied assortment of l'l'RK !SIt L' 1*^5 al> j wuvs on htiud. Kiurley & Smith. BOOT MAKER. i W. Young, having opened a shop on Broad i Street, one door below Branson's Tin Shop, res peetfully solicits the patronage of the public, lie will make or repair lloots, Slices, Harness &e.,, On the short eat not ihe ami In the most durable manner. July n?:tm n into x ky a h i: i:?. Auctiojioors. / CAM/tKX, S. C. / Orders sipreited And satisfaction guaranteed. fehl'Jtf flic Itilllt'l', rKf!*'', Maecilroni. \c , for sole hv #1>P2tt K1RKLEY & 8M1TH. ' THE STEAMER LILLINGTON, C?i>l- W. XV. SKIXXER, Haying horn overhauled and thoroughly repaired, will now make regular I rip* ( n Wateree Kiver between Parker's Landing and Acton, stopping at all intermediate landings. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to shippers of freights by this line. No gond? d- livereu until airfreight charges arc paid, (n noinsiartce v.ill there be any variation from this rule. L. M. BOSWELL & Co. apl'2C-tf ~ DeKALB HOUSE BAB ROOM, CnmdLen, S. C,, Is furnished with the finest WINES AND LIQUORS kept in this market. OIGS--A.RS5 In endless variety and the most choice brands. ? W. W. love, (formerly with Kennedy & Uoykin.) \ ?nd Cheapest. UatUfkotioa guaranteed. I 1 Soldiers' Limbs on Qovl order FULL. I / CHAS. M. EVANS. Mtnuf'r. 1 I 153 W. Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O. iiA <00 If. Fifth Street, ST. LOUIS, J?0. r? WstehN(3to(7. UrrolrrriB^lC * V7\ $?B0. Ot?t 100 latest Novelties 57.& Ag'ta wsubod.So.Scjvl>OiOis.kvme.T*un.^V^P REVOLVER FREElXf22?* ?f cartridges. Address J. Brown A Sou 138 & 1S8 Vood street, Pltrsbnrgh. ra. [ Tlie only combination of 2 A M CHD H'Q,h* trae Jamaica Ginger jnlilUnU o vflth choice Aromatica aud French Brandy for cholera, ,Cholera Morbus, Ciamps au<1 J'aina, Diarrhoea and AM A PA Dysentery, Dyspepsia, FlatJnlYIAILtA juieucy, Want of Tone and (Activity in the Stomach and | Bowels, and avoiding the r?i norn dangers of.Change of WuU I N U L K . ter'r,J0<1 an'' Clituato. Ask Istxroun's Jamaica Ginoek, AGENTS READ THIN. We will pay Agents a salary of #100 per month, nd expense# to sell our New aud Wondkkpu. n VKNTlosa. Address Sherman A Co., Marshall. IIcSL, PIANO SKSlBEGAN low only $128. Superb Grand square pianos, irlce $1 loo only $853. Elegant upright planus, rice $800 only $155 New style upright pianos 112.80. Organs #38. Organs, 12 stops. #7f.80 'hurch organs. Id stops, price $390, only $118. Elegant $3V'> mirror top organs only iiofi. Huyrs come and see ine at home If I am not as re resented. K. K. fare paid both ways and piano r organ given free. I .urge Illtd newspaper wlih inch Information al>out coat of Pianos and Okans scut free. I'lease address DANIEL F. leatty, Washington. N. J. MMBW Parson's pckoati vk Piixk make New Rich, and will completely change the blood in he eutrre system In three months. Any person rho will take t pill each night from l to 12 weeks nay be restored to sound health, if such a thing re possible. sent or man i.?r s letter stamps. 1. fc. JOHNSON A CO.. Uau^or, Me. PRESCMPTIOIT FREE! Kor the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness. Isni Muntioixf nndall disorders brought on by Indiscretion or excels. Any Iiruggist lias the iiigroJielita. Address, ?r. W. J VQt KS ?fc ?'??., UO IVrst Mil. IU .S t r<vt, Clurtiuiali, <>. A BURNHAM'S" JsttgL WABRAHTED BEST Jt CHEAPEST^ ggg?* Also, MIUINB MACHINERY, g?PRICES BEDTTCEP APE. SO, *3. Pamphlets frae. Ofvicc, Yoa?, Pa. jjiOUTII CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. . Coli muia, March C, 1878. The passenger trains on the South Caro. ina Railroad trill run as follows : DAY I'ASSKNGER TRAIN. (Sunday morning excepted.) .ease Charleston 5.00 n. m. trrive at Columbia 10.50 a. m. jeave Columbia tj.OOp. m. Lrrivc at Charleston 12 1") a. m; NIOtlT EXPRESS. ,eave Charleston 8.00 p. m. trrive at Columbia 7.45 a. m. ,eave Columbia 8.00 p. m. trrive at Charleston C.45 a. ni. ACCOMMODATION' TDAIN. (Sunday morning excepted.) jeave Columbia 5 30 a. m, \rrive at llrar.chville 12.25 p. m. jeave Branchvillc 12.50 p. in Arrive at Columbia 7.p. m. Accommodation Train connects daily at CiugsvilJe with Train for Camden, and at Jrnnclivillc with Day Passenger Train to md from Augusta and Charles'on. Passengers for Camden leave Columbia laily on Accommodation Train at 5.80 a. n., daily (Sundays excepted), and passengers for Columbia leave Camden daily Suuday9 excepted) at 5 a. m. S. 8. SOLOMONS, Supt. 5 B. Pickens, Oen'l Ticket Agt. fMIARLOTTE COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA 0 BAIL ROAD. Cot,I'M at 8. C., March, 3 1878. The following passenger schedule will lie operated on and after this date; M ill, EXPRESS, out no noRTU, 1 nam Alioriwfil C% .1.1 ?\ ?? Arrive at Columbia, 11 '2a p m Leave Columbia, 11 32 pm Arrive at Charlotte, A AO p in (lOltlli SOl'Tll. Leave Charlotte, 0 4S p m Arrive at Columbia, '2 ">4 a in Leave Columbia, 3 01 a u\ Arrive at Augusta, 7 OA a lit Hun daily. and make close connection n Charlotte and Augusta lov all points North outh and West. DAY VASSKXGUl coma soi'Tu. No. 1 Leave Charlotte, 1 OA p m Leave Chester. 3 08 p m Arrive at Coluinbia, A A8 p m Leave Columbia, (i Otl p m Leave Grnniteville, 9 A4 p m Arrive at Augusta, 10 3d p in aoisa north. No 'J. Leave Augusta, 0 .",0 a m Arrive at Columbia, 11 00 a tu Leave Columbia, 11 OA a m Leave Chester, 1 S'J p m Arrive at Charlotte, -I 00 p in Nos. 1 and '2 run tlaily, and make ehtso connection at ''olumbia and Charlotte for points. North. South and West, and stop a? all regular pu?? stations. T. D. KLIN It, Sup't. A Hoes, Oen'l. Freight aud 1'oss. Agl.