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Cejjf" .Y?- (. nn . .u-i'i'-'i * ic* 1 hi ihe. J01 USA /., unlet* i/rr plact I in ' possession of the name of the author. V orr no/ responsible for the rieic* I or expression* of our correspondents. tfyAll communications for personal ad' I vantage trill he charged for at the rate of one j dollar for each inch. , Xomtnations of Candidates in usual; form, not to exceed one inch, FIVE DO I.- I L A h'S. These charges are to be paid strictly . in adafnee, and no exception* tchatever trill be j made to the rule. &3h~ A!l communication* and contract ad- ' rertisemenh M I'$ T be handed in by 12 o'clock on the Saturday before publication to insure in- I serlion in thrfollotcing issue. LOCAL ITEMS. ' County Executive Committee. 1 iu me i rv:iucuit ui mc nvI(,(H Democratic Clubs of Kershaw County : ^ At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of Kershaw County, held in Camden on the 10th of May insr., I the following resolutions were adopted ? in reference to primary elections ^ Rf?f>lrtd, That the several Democratic I 0 cluhsof Kershaw Connty he requested to, vole upon the subject of primary elections * on or bsisre the 4th of July next. J /Itfolcrd, That the Presidents of clubs rej>ort the vote of their respective clubs to u this Committee on Tuesday following tbe.i 4th of July, stating the number of votes | , cast for and against primary elections, and that the Committee then aggregate the vote e of the county therefrom. You will tlmrefore call your respective I clubs together and vote upon the subject fc of primary elections on or before Thura- p day the 4th of July next, and report on I the following Tuesday the number of f votes cast for and against the system to j the Executive Committee, which will t meet on that day iu Jones' Hall in Camden at 11 o'clock A. M. WM.D. TRANTHAM, ? County Chairman. 1 ' J ;2 Good rain on 8und?y evening. Meeting of Executive committrfl on i Tuesday the 9th inntant. i Cotton blcoma everywhere. With, good reasons and a late fall, wlat a crop will be made. The Journal uiny be obtained from now until January 1st, 1879, fur scv- C euty live cents cash. l a Ker seventy'five cents cash the Jour* a NAT. will be sent ( > any address until t January 1st, 1S79. s , The Journal for the campaign, and ^ until January l?t( 1879, for aeveuty-five cents cash. ( Remember the meeting of Caai4c0 .( Democratic club this (Tuesday) even- i ing at S o'clock. t o * . 1 The polieo icade several arrests Satur- ^ day. Cause drunkenness and disorderly couduct on the streets. TllA>fc.s.?Mr. J. Parker Thompson. |' of Otoesaerfieid county, will please ac. ' cept our thank's for delicious specimens 1 of his apples. ( i'm Maries.?Hearer Creek club at! ft recent mooting voted unanimously in j favor of primaries. Liberty Hill cast f 1>4 for and 4 against the system. f Hp. Declines.?Dr. W. It. Nelson i' asks us to say that he is not a candidate 1 for Major of the regiment of Infantry, 1 soon to be organized in Kerahaw < _ C runty. The celebration of the Fourth by the '' I Kcmhaw Guards will be the first time ; that the natal dny of the American lie public has been celebrated by the whit* people of Camden since the war. 1 ^ Foe Primaries.-?Kirk wood and , DeKalb Clubs voted solely for prima- , rice. Owing to tho fact that the polls | arc lefc open for a few days, we cannot' | publish the exact vote io thie issue. ', A Treat.?Our good friend and ' 1ft patron, Mr. K. D. Thomas, who never ,1 H forget* us, h a> placed us uuder renewed | obligations ty presenting us with a fine ( ^ ^ tvatcrmclou. 1' l' Ouriositt.?Master Lou>s Uroosou ' ha? shown us an irsh potato which has a joint of cane grass growing directly I through its centre. He says he has i found others, even more curious, i i Executive Committee.?The CVinntc Democratic Executive Commit- I tee, it will be remembered, will meet at Jones' Hall in Camden, on Tuesday I B next, the 9th instant, at 11 o'clock Watermelons.?The first water-' I melons brought to this market in any quantity this year, were (as usual.) raised by Mr. J. J. Richardson, jr. He ^ 8ays they sold like hot cakes. 11ais is che season, when, after the heated day has closed and a man has I 1 retired from labor to hit cheerful home, lie draws his tabic, lamp and easy chair to an opeu, breezy window, and, with a Wp most interesting book or paper in bia J Imud, seats himself iu anticipated comf fort, but i9 forced to calculate bow many times in a second one candle moth can describe a revolution around the Hump chimney, hit h?m in both eyes, make a paas at his mouth and nose and ctrtaifl&Bb'ulrtt bbtti ttrJ jftJ. i i ????jwywtfi in KjiI.EP BT LmilTN'n<J.? We l-.iru | that Mr. 0. P. Ogburn. living, on Flat ( Creek, hrffl%is horse killed by lightning' od Tuffcd.iy night, the 18-h in* tint. A very B*veri? rain and wind st-?rm vi-ited 1 that section at thut time, d>i ng s>me damage to crops.? La neuter Lnltjrr ' In Order.?By reference to the cord . of the County Commissioners it will be seen that Wateree Toll Bridge is once nirre in a safe condition. Judge Suth erland with a number of carpenters 1 having been engaged for a week or two * in making it so. ' 11 Graduated.?We are glad to learn , that Mr. A. F. Sampson, who spent ^ tome time in Camden as the student of Dr. S. Baruch, has recently gradun- ( ed as an M. D with marked distinction. ^ it the University of Virginia. It is a ligh honor to graduate at that institu ^ ijn even without distinction. a ripiTii ? It is wirh rcoret that we n neotion the d-ath of Mr. Kehncth Me- r /askill at his home on Lynches Creek,: e ii the 2Jrd of June. The deceased, j1 rho was a s>u of our esteemed friend, J dr. Daniel McCaskill, was an upright ^ nan and a good citizen fie leaven a u rife and several children to mourn his ^ lepartur-\ IFe tender thein our warm 11 at sympathy in their sad loss. Capt. L. L. Clyburn returned by . Friday's train from Columbia, whither ^ ie had been in tho interests of his coma any, and to meot his daughter, Misa jottie, who has been at school at Mur? 1 J reesboio', X. C.. for the last two years. ^ Patrons of Husbandry.?The Po- j |( oona Grange, composed of members of ;ranges in Kcrehaw and Lancaster, ountiea, will meet at Gooch Grange in Lancaster county, on Wednesday, July Srd. From what we have heard, s he attendance of members from this j ounty will be large, and all are expect- o ng a good time. We hope to receive : f i report from some of our friends who h riil be on hand. t A Call.?The communication in, nothcr column, over the signature of |j 'West Wateree," contains a call up>n> landidates whioh they might with profit ^ 0 the county heed, though it is cot at ^ ,11 likely that they would ever agree ' ^ 1 --.l l .1? itiai. f.,r nnnlnl(a. I IIUUIU XXM^J VVIUfc IV^VIHVi (VI ion. The author, who is a close oh- ! f-rver of men and things, seems to think I hpt something of the kind is needed 1 iliOUi MO*. | ' Against Prim abies ?jQuick S<#p 3iub ant on Saturday last. The polls j j or primary elections were opened and n rjil he krpt open for three days. So far 1 |, he rote u fuijrely #ptj.priinary, and , re learn from its teat liut it vjlf he pyefr' ? rhelmingly so upon the Goal rote. '(J Independent.?It is whispered that WO aspiring eitiiens, one of Sumter aud he oiiisr of Kershaw County, who ' rant office, but quosiioo their chances L >f getting it at the hands of the Dctno* <* rratIc party, have clasped hands across j 1 he Hue, and are doing their level ^ jest to get up ub i,i,l{.j}etfdtnt move- ' neat! At last accounts only two p?u? ? ODS, the aspirants themselves, favored ^ :he "new departure." The rest of the 5 f?cople are more iksi? sjtisfied with th*? ' parly, which in less thau two ye?it lijjf j1 1 -I ll<> l?nl rr.nro limn nn? half ^ rt'UUUCU i><V uivi v ? ?... ! t INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE*. --What1 , a ao Independent Democratic candidate, j j ind is lie properly so called ? These ! nterrogatories may he answered tbualv ; ! b.(i ifitftpendeiit Democratic oindidale | is one who is <#y*o^ J'yr o$ce; who can j oot get it at the hands oi Jiis owe ^.eo-1 pie who koow him best, and who is To- j ietu.ttii4 tp have it, even at the nacri-1 See of every prinetpie yi ^rigtjsm and ' honor. He cannot properly bo e&liei ' in independent Democratic candidate because be must be the n?r?t dependent; I if ewiidulA^ Jund cannot be a true 4 Democrat. lo Kcrshay p.g.yptv such ' candidates would hare to atop down una In cut of the Democratic ranks, and go I right over to the Radical party. j ] SiJ'J^RINO ON Til* 8TRECT8 ?'V?#| t frequently heur soj^plaipts of swearing t on the streets of Camden. This is , ( .L_ ?r tti* market hteenliV ( UUI III IIIC DIIUMV* \J VIIV M... w.. but along the thoroughfares where the | guilty parties will not likely be disturbed i by the police. It seems to be a grow i ing evil, and we suggosi ths^thf towu | council pass an ordinance imposing a' < penalty not only upon thoso who are i caught in the act of eweariug by the '' authorities, but also upQf) such persona as may be reported by private wiuscss, and convicted upon reliable testimony, j We venture the opiuiou that persons living on upper Hroad, DeKalb and ( Lyttleton Streets will second our suggestion. A Criminal Confession ?We learn that ous of the oritnirails, Seaborne McMauus, tried at the recent j term of the court for thl? ouuty, uud 1 convicted of conspiracy to murder and | sentenced to the penitentiary for one year, I as tu ide a confession as to his own and the guilt of all the other part!os indicted. lie admits iu his confesson that lbe prosecutor, Stewart, told tho truth id eftty Gkkfitlll pVtaculftf, git!1 * in in i hi i if Llial Ikii latino, iitiUli* r ami i?iui**li | were all equally guilty in the plot to j take Stew art's'life. It will bo remain- j bered tb?t the old man McMauus wa# icquitt'd. while the two boys were convicted. We are not privebged to publish the full confession at this time, but may do io at a future day ?Lnncatter j Ledger*. . ' | It Wir.l Pay.?The Georgetown k Vorth Carolina Railroad will be a payng investment for Camden. Some 15, )00 bales of cotton are shipped annually rom this Yoint, and a reduction of even wentyfive cents per bale for transports-, ion, (which competition would inevita-j )ly cause;) would save $3,750, which 1 rith the amount saved upon naval stores j fcc., would not fall short of $5,000. Add o this sum a corresponding amount nved upon return freights, and it will te seen that Camden will actually save t least $10,000 per annum upon freights , lone. And yet nothing is said of the ' eduction in the rates of trarel aud the uhanced value of town property. If he road comes to G'atuden, it will be- j ond all doubt greatly benefit the town, j Jut, if it passes around Camden, we ! jay an well give up tho idea of erar i aring better facilities for communicat* ng witli the outside world. Pkrsoxal.?Rev. John O. Willson i i on a visit to Charleston Couoty, rhcre he is engaged for a few days in meeting. We are pleased to ace again in Oam en our young friend. A. S. Smith, Jr., j isq , of Charleston, who will spend > nine time in our midst. Oapt' J. W. Jamison and family are pending the summer at Suminerville. Gen. T. J. Lipscomb, of Newberry, pent a few days in Camden recently. Dr. Arthur F. Samp?on spent a day r two io Gatuden last week on his wny mm the University of Virginia to his oDie in Georgetown. W# were glad ! o see him lo"kiag well. Those ill natured fellows who don't, ike uiother in-law should emigrate to i s ubu. In that delightful couutry, *f- , rr a girl ia married, bar mother is forbidden by law ever to ipeak to her, un-, ler pain of bejpg r?3sP'^ 00 lfie 8Pot* A Coffin Ffund.? On Friday even | ng the hands at work on Wateree Tol iridge discovered a coffin floating down he river. jQoing out in a batteau a onplfi of the hands brought it nshoro t was an ordinary pine cottn, bad been ( ailed up, and had the appearance of laving been in the water about two or hrec days. It was eviden that it had gntuioed a body in an advanced state f dccouiposuio,;. I RcLiaious.?The Sumter (Ilaptist) | Jnion met at Antioch Church, eight j t'cijt nP P?m l?n i.n Fridav. mid in session until Sunday oven-; og. nearly all of tfoe (,|)U^i?ec in i'us Jnion being represented. Servic-s w#re leld daily, the pastor, Rev J. E. Rod;ers, baiog assisted by Rev. Messrs. Lauisr, Halt and fj|t?fld. On Sunday norning the children of the neighbor-1 iood, (including those who were not * a well as those who were members of 1 Suwiuy wchr4ql{?() who hud assembled in he church were addressed by hev. 4 iV. Lunar, in the most entertaining and j nstructive manner. The lumber ofi >crsons in attendance wug immense, aud ; n every respect the meeting was periaps the most delightful the Union haa Tue Candidate?The Winoaboro| Xeirs and Ilcrahl gets off the follow-1 ngi How doth the busy candidate jtqtrove on Kaeley's motor, in laying plot! ,nd fixing d tts to circumvent the voter. 'See how he smiles with winning wiles, M 1)57 trasps your flipper, in a jar-room near ho salts lot Utr, qr tpc-tla I rou to a nipper. And talks of craps! ind then perhaps iii'juires abaut your irife and your cross cut saw and your nothcr-iu-Uw and your pigs and cut* ;ng.knife. Then ho breathe* in your tar his mmous ''Tins country has ;one to the devil, and you, too, will go | if you don't soon ahnw that your head .* all hunky and level. Your only safe plan is to choose you a man who's fitted >o you by nature. The chauce man is before you. No lonuus i* b^,"e you, rote for me for the Legislature." [communicated"! To Our Beloved ttanditfctcg. As a lover of the old county, and a Friend to all of you. I propose that you issemblo in convention?a candidates j WnyoRtion?and select from among yoursolves, iIiom whgtp you think most competent to fill tho respective offices to be filled. It would be such an cxhi- j bitjop q( unselfish patriotism as to re duund to your evei lusting credit, out] would set such au cssuiplo for future generations of candidates to otsulato and follow. Now is your time. Who will step up and sign tho call 7 All honor to tbo first oiao 1 Wist W*????$. advertisement. Editor Camden Journal:?Quick Step ha* been reticent in nominating cindidates. In f?ct ah? (with grrat ! ferine* to other c'ubs) ha* even declined to bring forward any man for 1 any office, though ?he has had nod now has her favorites. She wished to see the Contention call forward tho?e whom it ( most desired, or the Primaries nominate I those tuost acceptable to thera. How- ' ever, it seeaia to be in order, and as our next door neighbor (Cureton's Mill) ( has named Dr. J. A. Glenn for Coanty < Commissioner from this side of the ' river, wc are forced to bring forward a man who in character, integrity aud love nf truth has no superior. We do not. I if course, mean to reflect upon the norn* ^ ince of Cureton's Mill, but we do say . that do one stands higher than Capt* j. John Burdell for all of those high quul d ities that male up the (rue uian. ! )i can be truthfully said of hioi in erory h walk <>f life?w.H. done, good and faith- h ful servant. In honoring biui K- rshaw J County houors hcrerlf, and he who dia- a charge his duty, well, as Capt, Hurdell u has done, is entitled to every emolument t1 that can be showered up?0 him, A a verdict as firm as a rock for him will c ring from Quick Step fi Memorial to Irish Valor. Among the thousands of valiant Confederate soldiers who now sleep in their red battle shrouds, there were none bra J ver or truer than the warm-hearted and ' generous Irishmen. Prompt to espouse 1 the Southern cause?represented in almost every regiment in the service, from the bombardment of Fort Sumter, to the surrender a? Greensboro', they ^ stood in the front rank of battle. They |( nobly illustrated the martial renown e or their countrymen by their dash and ]< daring, and won everlasting fame. Wherever the fight raged fiercest their = pinoinc. stirrinir cheer could be heard r - O -im tliey rushed fearlessly forward. A legion of tbem poured out their life- f< blood as a willing libation on Liberty's * hallowed attar. Their meo>ori>s are * planted deep in the Southern heart, o and embalmed with the sacred traditions * of the caose for which they perished. Several hundred sons of green Erin * volunteered in the different commands *J that left Charleston. Two large com- v panjea w?f? enrolled under the name of ' the Irish Volunteers, who were the em- -| hodiment of all that wu chivalrous and tru*, and to-day within the sacred and |t peaceful shades of St. Lawrence Ceme- < tery there will be unveiled a fitting me- tl oiorial to the courage and constancy of * their tp^rtyr t)?>d, who forevor rent in J, dreamless sleep on many a historic battie field. The lofty and inspired elo- o qncoce of the orator will faithfully por- ^ tray their self-sacrificing valor. The t? old aod blood-stained flag, whoae cus- p' todians they ware and beneath which * they fell, will awaken in the breasts of g thejr fey gqrviving comrades proud, {, yet sad and teat ful memories.? Charlet " ton Xcict and Ci urier. p From Kussell PlaceMr Editor: The wheat and oat ? ? a . a a . h pyopg haye been harvest iq mis local- k ity. The yield of wheat per arro in be- {j1 low au average, but the increased acre- a age will give a largely increased aggrc- ? gate of the crop produced. The oat fj crop f-scaped the rust and "wiuter kill- .a ing " aud the yield is a full average of jj the capacitv of tho land, the acreage f< being lightly increased. Tho oorn crop ? is two weeks earlier than last year, and H twenty-fivr^per cent, better. The acreage increased five per cent over last year. The cottoo crop is two weeks earlier, j The early planting has suffered least from cool rtjgbts *ud heavy i^ewe. 'piie stand of late planted cotton has been in- c jurcd by coj! uights, aod the plants 0 grow slowly. Many of them having a fljSfl oppcaraROe amj die. Labor has * been abundant aud easily obtained. The ^ season has been very luvorble for cultivating crops. Frequent showers have J< kept the ground io good condition for breaking well with the plow. The crops have geen kept clear of grass aod weeds, and with favorable seasons and warm * nights we may reasonably expect g{| n h(ftn<janp y.olq or. coru find' cottoo. " &Vgh'utb has'becu planted more largely ? planted than ever before, and looks P very promising for a large yield. Sweet potatoes and gardeua have reoeived inPnilts^fte. MA'S. ? poaches and plumbs or all kinds aro abundant. J. R. M, 0 From t'uretail's Mill KntToa Journal.?The Oureton's .c Mill U??ROpr?tio (^|ub met on Saturday 1 I tut for ibo purpose of voting oo Primary 0 Klections T. II. Clarko was invited to address the club, and did so'on the subject of primaries, giving it the hea* viet-t blows that he could. A vote was then taken and resulted in a crushing defeat to the Primary men?'fS'oh- fhe pql|j vfi|l kept open under three disoreet mausgers for , three days, and this club will give over a hundred majority against the new ays- 1 tern. Nearly all of us are bitterly opposed to it. After the voting was over, Dr. Jno. A. Olson was nominated as the fQF County (Jomuiiapioner from Western Wateree. ( The names of Dr. W. R Nelson, Wal- * ter Bailey and T. II. Clarke wore J brought before the meoting as candidates t for the nert house and all were indorsed, i So you will observe th t we want a (in- ? ger in the pic, too, when the notuioa* lions take place. The following delegitcs were elected to the County (Convention, to be held some time during this month t*.?r the purpgso o|* chQCffling delegutcs t-? the i [ State Couvrntion, wl|ich meets in Columbia on the 1st of August: 0. P. j Bowtn, Walter Bailey, Silas i'urrv, J J*ujo* Uosu, pr, if, A, Qlcuu uud 1 Ouorgo Q lover, ! Thi# olub will join the Quickstep on i the last Saturday in Jul v. in giving a 1 grand old burbecne at Clarke's mill. We hope to have a gay old time, and the uublfo ere Cordially iovi|ed. WiYtttig. i an. ?i m mitimm* Highway r-riviiflgfa, His Honor, Judge Fr sMey. in eliar-| gin:* the jury on Monday in the ease of i n assault and battery in the roa-l in ' front of a man's house, expounded sonie | law as to the privileges of persons on the highway Which mnv he well to know j It is simply q right of \coij?a right to the uss of highway for purpose oftrayel; &c. The soil is the property of the party 1 owning the adjacent lands, and any one j becoming boisterous or making hitnelf , objectionable in front of a man's bouse in u public road, after being first ordered to leave, may be ejected as a respasscr by the use of such force ! >n!y as is necessary to get him away.? , Daflingtnn Xewi. \ ? i Specimen Revenue Raider. Win. Durhum, one of the Revenue < tarty who killed Amos Ladd, in this 1 Juuntj, killed a man by the name of dallou, in Greenville County, at a shoot ne match, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years, fie was parloned by Scott nr Moses, Scott we beieve. The killi?i<r of B illou is said to ave b?in a bad case. This Durham's Mthrr was with another man, one oh'ison. in the same county, who shot' t one Jack Ward, who I,ad a child pin his back, and missing Ward killed he child. Johnson broke jail afterrard* and made his escape. Th a oo arred a year or ao ago. Wc iret these acta from a responsible gentleman of ireenville.?Picken* Sentinel. ill .4 KB I ED. Hinhon ?Crosslin.?On the 19th of une, 1878, by Elder M. MeGraw, Mr. Win it [. Hinson to Mito Jane Crosslin, all of Kerhaw County. Toll Bridge Safe. We are authorized by Mr. f. J. Hay, ml Engineer and Architeri, to announce bat the Toll Dridge is now safe for the , raveling use. Ten dollars worth of tick-! is taken at a time can be purchased at 00 per cent, discount, W. H. R. Workman, Clerk. ^ S ?: tl haOnr&n WaLT--A lOO lb Solid Shot ? If any man Inanlta your common senae by of ring a flrat-claas9 Stop Organ for $?, "Shoot r las on the pot." All necessity for baying mcti n iferlor Organs Is forerer done away with. \ too. Cash, or $110 on aaay Terms, now baya a 1 lagnldcent Mason A Hamlin Parlor orChcrch man Wit* Poem 8ITS Kinds ?n<l Tkn Brora, In 1i. iejrant New Style tine with Itxrvi nnd P anils. -Handsomest Style ot due ever produced.? " pioial Orrai to introdnce this new Style.? ti enton trial.?Guaranteed tor elite time.-Rented I ntll paid for.?Other new styles Just out.?Ulna- i ' mted catalogues free.-Address Ll'DDEN A i * ATKS, Savannah. tlA., M ani'KACTt'Kir's i'Hoi.khai.k Auints for Ti|E South. JqlyH*- h "he Laboratory of the Njstem. The stomach is the laboratory of the system, e i which rcrUin mysterious processes sre con-! lantly going on. These resnlt in the produc- i on wonderful vivifying agent the blood, ! hlch in a state of health rushes laden with the 1 lements of vitality to the remotest parts of th? rstem. Bqt when tl^e btomaf.h iq semi-para-! h :?ed by dyspepsia, blood manufartnre la carried j t| n Imperfectly, the circulation grows thin and ' r lugglah, aad the system suffers In consequence. _ [oreover, Indigestion reacts upon the liver and ' * owels, rendering the first sluggish and the lat- i F sr constipated. The brain also suffers by sym- y athy, and sick headaches, sleeplessness and nerous svmptoius are engendered. Hostctterl ?' tomac'h Bitters reforms this state of things, 1 Ives permanent tone anq regularity to the atom- c uh and its associate organs, thq liowels and ^ ver, and ensures complete nourishment und ' icreaaed vigor of the system. It Is the most I opnlsr as well u the most efficient anti-dys- r eptic and tonic In America. COXtfUJIPTION CURED. j An old physician, retired from practice, having ( ad placed In his hands by an Kant India mojalun-t , r. the formula of a siniplq Vegetable remedy, tor ' li speedy and permanent cure for consumption. J ronchttla. catarrh, asthma, and all throat and II lung affections, also a positive and radical i , ure for nervons debility and all nervous coin- J " UUnts, after having tested Its wonderful cura- ( ve powers In thousands of cases, has felt It hi* f utr to make It known to his snfferlng fellows. . ct'uated t?v this motive, and a desire to relieve 1 nman suffering, I will send, free of charge, to v II who desire It, this receipt, with full directions v >r preparing and using, lr, fjcrmm., |feqUi, dr .ugluli. ?*1 i<y mail nv addresAiiig with stAmp, r anftlng this paper. W. w. Sherar, U9 Power's li lock, Rochester, New York. jun2R-4w NO IN ( E H ENTN. rORTheLEOINLATlBE! s A A ?*I?- aP iltA Honrar Htm D^mn. 4< fnj^cuifg v? .u,. "TT'V r?iic club, held on the loth of June, a reslution wan unanimously adopted endorsing ? DR. W. R. NELSON . a a candidate fqr |!;c legislature, Hutyect j (no tosuit id. (Us tfritioiry Kleotlon or the- ? onrontlon. T. R. CANl'EY, I ine18lf Secretary. Mr. Editor Please nnnounce COL. E. B. C ANTEY J s a candidate for Colonel of the regi- ^ lent of Infaqlr^' tc bo orgauiged in Ker? c haw County] arid'of which the field of- ( eers are to be elected on the July 20,'( roxitno. j ? Many Friknds. ! t ? il Eppot .Journal '--Y^u will cbligf ) is by announcing through tho coluoina ? fthe Journal, 1 CAPT. DOVE SEOAltS ts a candidate for Lieutenant Colonel1 if the regiment of Infantry to bo organred in Kershaw county, and of f hioh ( he feeld oftoera will he olmsen oo the j !Oth of July next. By doin?? this, you ! | rill coufcr u favor ou uiany of his j Supporters; Mr. Editor:?The many friend* of 1 CAPT. HENRY K. DuBOSE ,og to announce him as a candidate toil; Jajor of the regiment of infuntry soon o be organiied in Kershaw County. il ,t IVotlee, County Commissioners Office,) Camden, June 1.1th, 1878. i* Those who hold claims ugains' Kershaw . lounly occnrring'hetweon Nqy. let lhjp ind No*, let 1877. are hereby notified aiid , equired to filea descriptive list of same i living No?. dates and anil's, and exhibit he originals to the Clerk of the Board im- j nedixtely preparatory to having sgtqe pro ated. By order of the Board, W. II. R. Won km an, Clerk. junel8-lm. To Trespttmerii. All persons nre warned not to enter upon my lands, situated on the eastern side of Walcree River and just below tbo Toll Bridge, tor any purpose whatever, without special permission from me. Parties dir. regarding'hi* notigu will ho trespassers, upI 'hoy will ho doult with according to law, Lvzisrs SutTiB, May':8-lio. Canned Corn Ifccf, Votl?d Htm, Salmon. Oysters, Pio kit &rdi#es, &c., &c., Hy VZU&1 & SiUTU. 1 he Patent Se Every one who ovn My|A|| Pent free I* ear pert oi lllunlrifed Pamphteto IT yHI irtu end kef dleeecte of fble city. Be PU~U4*?f . **, M7?. ...? Mke, STi Br< THE STEAMER : LILLINGTON apt- W. W. HKIKSEB, flaying heen overhauled end thoroughly repaired, will now nmke regular trips on Wateree River between Parker's Landing ind Acton, stopping at ell intertnediete landings. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to ihippers of freights by this line. m- No goods deliverer until ell freight sharges ere paid. In no instance will ther* le any variation front this rule. L. M. BOS WELL & Oo. AMIM fla4I?r?kle?taMtMM. unuwsggalg DeKAlB BOUSE ~>AR ROOM, Oamden, 8. Om If furnished with the finest WINES AND LIQUORS kept in this market. ' CIGARS i endless variety and the most choice i brands. W. W. Lov#, (formerly with Kennedy & Boykin.) 1 TAX RETURNS. Auditor's Office. j Kkhsuaw County May 28, 1878. < TIIE owners or representatives of TAX- i lBLE propertv, real and PBR. ( i()NAL, OR POLL, will make returns to i lie County Auditor on and after the FIRST f JUNE, 1878. The Tax Payers will be required to make eturns under oath of all propety in their .??-!? ? ? ? ?.,1 l?.l Kw tliam nn flam 'OP5CTBHIII ur VUUIIUIICII \>J nitui vu tut st day of June. By real property is meant not only (be ( ind. but nil things attached as to pass ritli the title. A reassessment of i*al ti- ( iite will he required, and parties will cotne ] reparod with statements of the number of ( cres, classes of lands, Ac, i By persona! property Is meant all thing* | aving pecuniary value, not classed as real i roperty. e Every male citizen between the ages of g wenty-one and sixty shall return a poll, xcept those exempt by law. j E. E. SILli, County Auditor. For the convenience of taxpayers living t a <1 brunt t'wiaden, I will attend in ursou. ur. l?y deputy qt the limes and places ereinafter mentioned, for the purpose of aking Tax Returns : iherty Hill, June, 24, 25, 26. led llill 24, 25. 26. Mat Rock 24, 25, 26. Vm. Clyburn's store 27. , luffalo (Mehaffy's) 38, 29. tixenby (Mo(jugau's) 24, 25, 26. ^brock's Mill 24, 25. 26. lurt's Steam Mill 22. loykin's Pl'tn (Est. Place.) 24. loykins Mill (SwiftCreek,) 25. WEST WATER EE : Mark's Mill, 34. { letty's Neck (Keuucdyt Bi'ln.) 25. \ Will,' 26, |27. L. Ration's 28. lohley Place. 29. , The books will be kept open daily (8un- I lays excepted.) at the Auditor's Office in \ 'amdcn from the first day of June until he 20th of July next, inclusive for recelv. / ng returns. After that dqte til iwlnt-ns J rhich have qot heeu made as required, , Mil to listed by the Auditor, and 50 per 1 ent added to the amount as proscribed by ( aw as penalty for not making returns. Military Notice. Columbia.. 8. Q. June 10, 1878 < Ipetlal (Irderj No. 8. \ Series 1878 y 1. Lr. Ool. E. D. Cantey will order an < lection for Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, and , lajor of n regiment of inquiry In Ker8*W I 2. Lt. Ool bantey will report result ofsuch i lootion to this office, thnough Brig Cen. At- J ,ury Coward, commanding. < E. W. Moise. i Adjt. and Inspector Qen. i In pursuanoe of above order an election j rill be held on July '^?tU, tor Colonel, iient. Cclom.J and Major of a regiment to ly oom posed of the following companies ; bm minded by Capts. Cantey, DuBose, 8e;ars, Rough, Truesdell end Nelson. The laptains will appoint as manager* of raid flection one commissioned and two nonommissioned officers, who yftU opep the tolls at thei- respejti^ cpmppny render[o^i, t,U(J yoi,foru in conducting said eleciqU to the general election laws, and)make . tioliisa a f (Kn wAaitlln > r\ mo n t Psmrisn An !4th day of July next. E. B.CANTEY, Lt. Col. k A. D. C. "Toes wafted J mil par the highest market price for HUES. GOAT and 8BKEP SKINS. Green lides preferred. u25uil TV. L. ARTHUR. Arctic Soda Water AXR GINGER ALE. THE ARCTIC SODA WATER FOUNTAIN is now dispensing this beautiful iud delightful Beverage. A large and raried assortment of 1'UBE SYRUPS always on hand. & Smith. ^ rw a?i?7 <f Hs IM| fn*>wtj ffifsrm % 'iBBr / lhaufhrturtd bT lb* V / *?UaPi:?Cw?C8.,DvUm.ll.CL PSt.kAltK-^M *?M'-r (bite t? ? ** Si|Hi>>lb r,,2t?.,X!rUL.lZ LCtt ''ie- ibrmteMeebwIlwU* MolasNeN. |aa BARRELS New Crop New Orleans IvW Molasses. For sale low by jwnIff B\UM BROS. 1 A UBIrJ FULtWN MARKET UEEF for i^o by BAUM BROS. Corn! Corn ! Corn ! 4 AAA uusirtLs CORN. fVWv For sale by febl2tf BAUM BROS. Candy, Candy, J jig |IWU3 u"iW '%L' * 9 It-Acting Cow Milker M f'g Co. \ ? a cow ihould have ona oI or weadarfal Milker*, r tue United Bute. on reestoc oi $L Band for oar D tlie Cow, containing accilooal viawa of a cow'a d and aclMUBcaUr explained, by Drs. White and n t f reo to aoy address. <3BO. & KINC, PreaMaal. iidwajr, Now Tarfc. Jfotiee to Contractor*. Bridges to be Built. Orrn-K County Commissioners Kekaiaw County. Camden, S.C., June 8,1878. Contractors are invited to put in bids for building the Kelly's Bridge over Lynches creek according to the plana arid specification* indicated below, the bids to be sealad and to be made within thirty days from tha * first publication of this notice. Contractor M to give bond with two good sureties for tfca faithful performance of his contract. Tho bridge to be completed within ninety daya from date of awarding contract. Contractor to furnish all necessary material. Contract to be made by joint action of theboard of county commissioners of Kershaw and Darlinatoi counties, each of which are t? he held liable, separately, for their respec tive portions of the contract price. WATEREE BRIDGE. The bridge over the Wateree river near Cnmdm needing considerable repairs, con* tractors :ire hereby invited to examine the same and pnt in bids for doing the work (they furnishing the material,) in accordance with i Ian and specification to be seen - ' at this office. Bids to be put in within 30 Jays from date and contractor to give bond with good personal security to be approved by the board lor the faithful performance jf their contract. By order of Board. Bids are invited up to the 1st of Julj next to build Hough's Bridge over Little Lynches Creek by the 1st of September next, with timber of same dimensions ea :hat now in the old Bridge. Also to repair the bridge on the River Road to Liberty Hill, which is over the ? branch one mile below Beever Creek Bridge, four heavy posts to be sunk at the ?nds of the sleepers each four feet into the ground, and the flooring to be strapped iown by pieces mortised into these posts, k. as to prevent it being washed up, and iway, and railing to be put on the posts, tbove. By order of Board Co. Com, W. II. R. WOBKXAff, Clerk. "Stock-Holders' Meeting JEOROETQWN ANDN.C.S. O. RAIL ROAJK Sufficient atoclt having been subscribed 'or organisation of the Georgetown and forth Carolina Narrow Gauge Railroad inder the charter, the stockholders will neel at Kingstree, on Tuesday, Jnly2nd a| 10 o'clock, for organization. Stock may be epresented in person or by proxy. Stock commissioners are requested to report sub* criptions >.0 me immediately. JAS D. BLANDIXG, jumitr 40, uura n oii/orp m (7.4l Ai'utuud. ?#.8iippljC?.JU?A?UI?.Tc??.^V^0 i?wr??. jVAM?. M??f'r. 1U W. Yoarth Btrmt, CI*CIWK ATI. O. %' , 700 V. ruth Stmt, BT. LOUIt, *6. ~jk BURN HAM'S A IMjtiTCTlMfVfrfrf iBi WnuIn)wibiiL WAiCAim irrrji chutot. BHI Aho, miiurn mamei. PompMetefw, Onics,T*u,t*REVOLTEFFREE SStS S >( cartridges. Address J. Krown A Son 156 A 130 A'ood street, Pittsburgh. Pa. nor* A MO HlOMJT HOSOR8 AT AIJ. WOKLD* JnUnllO Exhibition. Latest Catalogue* Mhl Circulars, with new styles, reduced price* ind union information, hint irks. MASON ft UAMLINTOROAN CO., Boston, New VorL or L'hlrago. PIANOS PIANOP egii\t rosewood cases, msgnUleent 3J% String upright Piano $ilO. No risk. Sce\0 iiatAsu Knwitii* Thla nffor nnlv whupn n/vt Intrft. W??VIQUUT uift 4 HI? V1?VI WHO ?V ? >r luted. W arrantcd 8 years. Trade pouring la, Agis wanted everywhere. Write for paper, free. Thomas Bros., CataklU. N.Y. PIAWo^oT^ra OHBAK H?oo only Tits. Superb Grand square planoa, price liioo only tiV. Elegant nprifbt pianos, price $800 only $1SA New style upright piano* jlli.50. Organs $38. Organs, It atopa, fllM I'hurch organs. 1$ stops, price $390, only $11$. Elegant $375 mirror top organs only $108. Bayers come and see roe at home if I am not as represented. R. K. fare paid both ways and piano ir organ giveq free. Large Illtd newspaper witfc much Information about cost of Pianos and Onians sent free. Please address DANIEL F. Beatty, Washington. N. J. For a case of CATARRH I That 8ANFOKIP8 RADICAL CV'RK for Catarrh wilt A-L, ag|not Instantly relieve and Ml 1$ 'ipeedUy curs. References, lifenry Wells, Esq.. Weils, i Cargo A Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Wn. Boweu, Esq., McHaton, Qrant A Bo wen, St. Louis. Testimonials and Ab P Treatise by mall. Price, with Improved Inhaler, $1. sold everywhere. WEEKS A POTTER, proprietors. Boston, Mass. Ml/,' and RXPKNSES to aell our NEW and WONDERFUL INVENTIONS. Address, Shirk an A Co., Marshall, Mich. June*-4w| m He Oil flail iUVii OflVtMM I'AKSON'* PCJHUTIVH riLU HlAkC New Rich BlocU, and will innwiletely change the bipod 1a the eut|rciuys\e.m In three month". Any person who will fake i pill each wghi from V to W weeks mar l>c reatored to ?o\\nd health, If huoIj a thing t* possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stampa. 1. S. JOHNSON A CO., Bangor, Me. A(UEXTS ~WANTED FOR T"&BAf SLUl A new work of great interest to every BIBI.K READER ANU STPDgHt In the Land. Address for descriptive terms and circulars, NELSON A PHILLIPS, Publishers, No. (too Broadway, New York, fm?DR.BUTT8 nrn| Mo.i2M.tighthtt. 11IH St. Louj?, Mo. Whu has had frtaWr wielmi la tha twatrmol of the ?troublaaofboth mala aad fctnala than anr phyiiciaa Waat. nvaa tha malta of hit looa and aeuiirthl a??anaa la hit htaaaw eaafca. juatpubllahad, aatitlad Tho PHYflOLOCY OP MARRIAQR Tho PRIVATK MKDIQALAOVIfIR Book* thai art really flat** 1*4 *yV,l vNeaian |a *U an*, eR Uhftaoaa 11 m????waa tewadtcaUnae^tal rter. bot it tomtihiat that mrr mo tool* km Thh W,l2m ofoorlr iBditcrHftM; tko Eoo.tlim M.mhmxfind all;ra bmuybt onb*Vvdla