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ar J" .W> communication Kill I; published n- w the JOCRXAL, unless see ore placed in possession o f (he name of the author. nor 11V are not responsible for ihe views Or expressions of our correspondents. All communications for personal advantage trill be charged for at the rale of one dollar for each inch. MS*. Xominations of Candidates tn usual . form, not to exceed one inch. FIVE DOT.k LARS!. These charges are to be paid strictly in ndranre, and no exceptions whatever trill be made to Ihe rule. DfCB^Alt communications and contract advertisements MI'ST be handed in by 12 o'clock on the Saturday before publication to insure in- j section in the following issue. LOCAL ITEMS. Coming In.?A few sprine chickens nre comine into market. Price* fair. Still ?iok?Ttor.frif^ [of Mr. Thomas W. Peeues will rceref to learn that he is still dawreroudy ill at bis home <d t^aniJon. Rains. ?TVlishtfnl showers fell on Thursday. Friday and Saturday. The crops and yeeetable Gardens have been preatly benefited, Buffalo.?A meet in g of Ruff-do Democratic Club next Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. Speakers *ill be present and a full meetins is desired. The First Bloom.?The first cot 1 / ton bloom that we ha?? seen this sea?on 1 was placed upon our table Saturday morninp the 8th instant. Who will j brine tlm next ? Candidates' Cards?Fronds of candidates for office at the ensnine election can have the sana* inserted in the Journal by the payment of the usual fee?fice dollar*. There will be no: departure from this rule. Wej,l Met.?Tim Newberry Tlcrahl says: Three Judges met at ?h? depot Sa'urdav?Hudson ening to Newberry, i Kershaw to Abbeville, snd Thomson to I Sunr.ter; all on their way to hold Court. ] ?. When shall thes** three meet airsin ? i > i The County Convention.?The i Democratic County Convention will ! pmbablv meet lat? in Tuly Tor the pur. | po?e of elect ire (ie'eenteg t0 the State 1 and ConereMiohal Conventions which : will meet in Columbia on the first of Au2'?s\ ( tlie Rridoes.?We invite the at- t tention of the public to the advertise- I ment of 'lie Countv Commissioners so- 1 )jt 'tin? proposals to rebuild and repair ' ' bridees in the eounty. Prepare I your bids' am' t*)Pm ln on or ' before the fi, ^ ( Query ?Why il t,iat ,hcr" >9 ' daily communication ra1' between j Camden and Columbia, an<^ J1'01 on'y 3 tri-weekly mail ? Is it t. ,e ?'* 1 post office authorities. of t 1,0 railroad ' managers. or both? jamden' *0,,hl j lik?* to know. \ dr. t. II. alkxanpkr?At /le late meeting of the State D-ntal Assr.-j } ciation. our friend and former towns- i D * mat). Dr. I. II. Alexander was elected 0 First Vice President of that body. It <5 is a compliment worthily bestowed upon f, one who is devoted to his profession. ? Promoted.?Sergeant P. II. Nelson '' has been elected third lieutenant of the ^ Kershaw Guards, j/rc Jqjin Doby re- * signed. Wc beg to concratulato both ' the gallant corps upon its good fortune 1 in securing the services of so excellent c an officer, and the young officer himself " .... b upon the compliment paid mm. Disappointed, but Happy.?Thus f spoke a young father the other day. ? who speaks a little of two or tnor- lan- v Ullage*. hilt who"!1 joy over the event n hinted at was unanimous and hound!ess: h ' Jsh tot it va? g"ing z;i jx? f()n ]-etle 1 poy; put. pv yerniny, it ist fon le*ile j tral pnpy. How ist dat vor high ? f Ha!" t #? Judge Aldricii.?His Honor made 0 mnnv new fri nd* during Court week ^ by his dignified and courteous bearing, and patient consideration of every sub- . joet brought before the Court. His return to rhe bench, which he adnrn-d ^ in the better days or the republic, is a mi?t?r of congratulation to the j who 'e Staf<,? V I'nivaftf 'I'llkatricals.?The on- r lerlainrjient ^'iren at the resilience of * Maj 1j. W. R. Blair, on Friday evening i last, by th^ yo- 'fl?? ladies and <;entlemon t livintr in ilint no ishborhnod, was a do. i cidcd success. We regret that our i spaco is too limited eivc the rarticu- ' lar* of each piece. but we rannot at I J present, and will sp*nk of only two- 1 A ' Found waotiur," was well presented. i and all the participant* deserve n ucli j credit f.,r their conception of the char" ^B The"Failon If. ro" wis excellent, and tho piec** read by Miss Blair V was very fine. After tho perfortnanco i W was over, all parties joined in (he merry ' dance, which was kept up till the small i hours of the morning, when all return-1 od home, O'eliqi;assured that th?-y f,ad not spent a u?ore pVasant evcoiog 'his yWrr' * * ii | Safe.? V (lisputt li from ii I'u' uct) j , Ksq., da'cd Plymouth, Hngland, Jane1 j 9. 10 a.m.. announc (1 hig arrival at j j that p'aco after a passage from Now i York of nine days and twenty hours, j He is in good health and spirits. Tub Pay of Jurors.?Tho county! | Commissioners issued to jurors in attendance at the late term of Court j cheeks at the rate of forty cents on the j dollar, and gave them certificates of in: df btedness for the remainder. This is ! better than jurors frequently fared duj ring the Radical rcyimey when taxes were high and money plentiful. Solicitor Abney.?The distinguished young Solicitor of the Fifth Circuit, though there were but few important cases tri^d. increased his reputation, duiing the late term of the Court oL Session?, as an able and eouse'entlous officrr of the State. The unanimous verdict of th* people over this way is 1 that he is emphatically the right man ' in the right place. Beulah.?It was our privilege and pleasure to attend eerviecs at Beulah t Methodist Church, four miles from r town, on Sunday. In the morning, a Rev. Mr. White preached an instrue- r .l 1 ( Mvp scrnion upon ino ieiu:i.ii ru?jvn . D^'Faith" and in the evening Rev. v John O. Willaon delivered a powerful v discourse upon the ' Tiovc of ("rod." 1 The Sacrament wns administered in the s afternoon, nnd four persons received t into the church. Bculah is fist hecom- i in?j one of the most interesting, as well 11 as orderly, contmnDitie< in our county, t t The Juvenile Fntertainment.? ( The Juvenile Dramatic Cub of Cntnden j wi 1 ojve another of their splendid cnlertainments, at Town Hall this (Tups- s day) cveninir. for thp hentfit of the South Carolina Monuroen'ttl Assoc:ju j. lion. Those who have witnessed the ( previous performances of the Club need no assurance that a rich treat is in store , [or all who may favor them with their ^ presence this evening. * Nor do we deem ; ... - c it necessary in this community to say . more than that thp proceeds of tho entertainment are to he presented to the State Monumental Association, to be 11 used in the erection of a suitable won- ' anient to the memory of the Confeder- " ite Dead. ? Small Grain.?Tf any one believes * 1 11 Annnnt llA tvitCi>rl In ' '' nai mjijiii l'iuiu vum?ivv cv .... Jtis climate as well as elsewhere, let i " biin read the following. which we take ! n from the Lancaster Ledger: ,j As an eviilence that small era in pays ^ belter than cotton, we state, that Col j P J. D. Wylie had threshed out. on j r Thursdav la-t the oats raised upon ^ hr?e and a half acres which weighed " lp 376 hushels?103 husheles to the f' icre. The oats are the Red ' Proof variety * Also, that Mr. N. 0. R. Chafer, on " .he followiug day. had threshed out c' hirty-eijrht bushels of Ilust Croof vheat, raised upon one acre. These n nstanees show what thorough cultiration will do. ; d Again in Limbo.?The public has 3 leard hut little within the last six rionths concern'UK Neil H . Riair, c"l- |( reJ ex-Auditor of Kershaw <7onntv. I,( i DC* his assault upon >1 oj Sill l.-nt j ill and subsequent arrets niul imprison- f ici?fv ''C has as far as we know, led the ifp of a qi-i?-f. and peaceable citizen, ndeed. while sob?r. he his the repntaion ef l*ein? well behaved and orderly. " Jut. when under the influence of liquor. is turbulent and danperous. The S nsa apainst him for a??anlt and batterv Mth ii't'st 1? hill Maj. Fill harinp y con vol. vrr**c<l some time since, his nnd was d :toha-ped and he set at per- n ?*er liberty or co more. (Jc'linp drunk iundiy tiipht, he* *a,< ?"idy of sueh r Solutions of the pe.^ce a* to render it ecessary to lock him HP i'i th" puard- jouse. f)o the *>winp morning, 'rial Jus'ice I)'Paus coin uiitfed hint to ail upon l is failure to ci?" bond . ? L-,./rnrif? flic nCUC \ While Oil J ? I""r? he way to j til he created ;r considrahle disturbance in float of t>e store 0 f W. II KHi?* Esq., but no one was " mrt Unless some one becomes hi* urety he will lisely remain some timej' 11 prison, where h? will have ample r opportunity for reflecting upon Uic i oily of tacklins the law. js \ Disaster.? Decides playing havoc1" rith things generally. the hailstorm on 'unday evening interfered very uiate. j ially with sonic things that were rather 1' iprcial in their nature. In one instance' t was the means of stopping, or rather Ir l-Teatiug, a great invention, which a ' . . I ,ourig friend of ours, who is quite an nveuMve g"nius. had nearly completed. | c The gentleman in question had a fine !? ot "f watermelons, caohdonpes. iVc., in ' ftliich h" wai taking great inter st, and f, which had excited in his hosom many I, pleasant anticipations. The only draw.' fack to his complete happiness was th<>1 ( ipprelien-'on tha his melons might hi?tolen Everybody acquainted with 1 iiur fri'-nd koows tlut ho is of an inveDtive turn; so with the example of! If the great Edison b for" him. together with a v:ew to saving his melons, be j I nd for s veral w< eks d v<?t d time 1 r on ' ta' nt- ?o ' c o'i'tiuefoii of a nicl-1 t tru-tvryxuv, which, piuwd iu ttru h/t, 11 | would u'torly de*tmv any one attempting I 10 Bteal hid im-lons?.o completely, in fact, thai 0U"Ugh oi' the thief could notii befoun i fur the ants to hold an inquest over. On Saturday evening our ft fend had j studied out the last wrinkle it: his in-(| vention, and finished tho lu?t attach-!, mcnt necessary to tho perfect success of his deadly weapon, and would have set. j it yesterday. Jlur, alas ! the hail storm I< came, and when the young 'inventor; | went out to see how his melons had fared, ho was so discourage^ oy the . spectacle which greeted his vision that he carried his untried engine of destruction out to Morrell's pond and threw it ^ in at the flood gates. And then was consigned to a watery grave an invention that might 1 ave conferred untold ' bem-Gts upon countless thousand*, and 1 for ages upon ages. Our friend re. mains disconsolate, and think* lie can- ' tot construct another machine similar o the one which he in an unguarded s noment ca*t nwny forever. t< ' - J L.. _ I A STORM.?<<aniaen Tn*Tism;u ?>y ? p errific storm on Sunday afternoon. The ain poured in torrent*, lh? winds howled, ind the hail, varying in s'Z'1 from a small rarhlc to a hens egg. fell thick * or a quarter of an hour or more. The rhole face of the earth was flooded with f rater; fences, free* and in some places T ousos were blown down ; and ewry a r'asB that was exposed to the fury of: '1 he storm was hroken by the 1 ail. Pass- tl ng from 8<u'hweat to ^orthfast, the t' rack of the hurricane was scarcely more " han a mile in width, extending from ft he lower part nflvrkwood to Pine Tree a 1 r?*ek, beyond either of which points lardly any hail fell. To persons five n ni'rs away the rumbling of the storm P ounded like that, of a Ion? railroad rain a quarter of n mil" distant on a tl liecy morning. We have no' yet heard d he extent of the damage done in the ft ounty to crops, fencing, stock ic., but ti row if must be crenf. Tbe fields and P nrdena in and around town are in some w ascs literally ruined, while a'l are bad'y e| njured. Personal.?Judge Kershaw is ho?d- " ng court in Abbeville. The Press a>.nt T. fc burner speaks in the following cooipdilentary terms of bis honor : Judge Kershaw presided with th>e rbnnitv, dignity and learning fot 01 rhich he is distinguished. 8inre hia ! legation to the circuit bench he has j lade as high a name as an upright nod ; p Lie judge, a* during his life he has' indo as a Christian gentleman, and * I- - ....... no .> cnlitlOP I lini'SJ I lie nai U.I m ^niiinv .'".-.V- , To better, more strikin<r, more nj?roprinte monument could have been ri Fiisod to the moniorv of the departed |r reutnew of incompetency, ignorance, ^ justice and cor-upfion that were wont ? fisnrnce our judiciarv office.?, than ^ ie placing in those lofty seats men e' arn^d in the law. pure im character, tl prieht and incorruptible in the dis ^ Imrge of duty, like Jud/;e Kershaw. ^ Mr. Samuel Wittkowskv, one of the nut prominent merchant? of Charlotte p r. C., is in Camden for sonic weeks un- (| cr the professional attention of Dr. (j . Biruch. Judge Aldrich and Solicitor Abney V ft on Saturday. They go to Lcxine- j p an, where court is in session tl^ week, j ^ Mr. Xatha'i Baruch is on a visit to. A iatndcti. i C, KREVITIEN. 15 The rainfull of Saturday and Sunday J1 ras two inches. j,( The hail atnwc9 varied in size from a i " mall marble to a a hen Oirg. The hail broke seventy-two window lasses iii the DcKalb House. p It is said that the storm was even t< rorse on the river than in town. T Ii The Depo? lost one third of its tin n -fi. .1 :...i c..-.i l)(?I UJ? tuu WIIIU nu>ni^ utttiMuj*. The K"rshaw Guards are preparing ir a royal tiinc on the *lth of July WllEN those fortunes are made in the rive business, we shall begTad to record hem. Council has had repaired thn bridge j a n Rutledgo Street, which covers the u nnin *ewer. n Read tin- notice of appointments of :l lie County Auditor, and got your re- c urns ready. * Old Dennis, the town gravel agent, ays he hasn't got much time to talk p iow. That's mighty hard SEVERAL of the grand old oats on n donument Square were* prostiated by ? he wind on Sunday evening. <: Merchants' signs, particularly on the nain roads leading to town, fared badly t n the storm Sunday evening. The amount of wheat straw in front r f Mr. Mnrrcll's thresh'ng house gives * videncc of a heavy brjiiness. f Fights are of freque ot occurrence in , ? . i in, #? iLpir i r o<5Vii lately. i uuj jusw iu u j -nnnhnod, and pet a black eye , Still tlie mails between ('nniden an*d ' Columbia come and e<> only three times' , i week, though there are daily trains. < Tiik satisfaction of the recent drouth ^ r?3, it pave plenty of time to pet r lieuropi clean and r.ri I / fir the rain, j, Stephen Matliis' thorough bred part id'io (Inrli'ii roaster wetphini? twelve 1 i(.ijo !> ?v:i>4 kii ck <1 n'i" ' tinio by ^ Uc bail, lie i? d d. u (?'>mp.'.atnts arc numerous about the bridge on the Charliston road, which) spaus the stream that feeds Mr. S. M.; Williams' mill pond. .]. T. Goftrrll. Esq.. indictnl by II.i Ifarby. Esq.. for friuduleiit breach of i trust, was tried and triumphantly acquitted at Sumter last week. Has any ono enquired of "Hilly B.>w-, 'o^s" how he fared on the out post Sunday evening? A statement from j Ititu u.i^lit be of interest to the public. Tbe street Ivsnds bad little res' on Minday. In the morning they had to eniove obstructions caused by the wicd j >f Saturday nijrht, and in the afternoon | hey bad their hands full. ! Tub latest rfctn<?dy for the rheuranism is to carry an Irish potato in each \ mnts pocket. Il the potatoes shrivel ip th two or three weeks, it is an evicnce that you aro cored. J. S. Glndney, Esqi, convicted of asmlr and battery last week, was carried i Winnshoro', where ho is to pass tlie ?nn of his imprisonment, on Saturday y Deputy Sheriff J. E. Shirley. Circuit Court. i MECON!) DAY. . I Tuesday June 4th. 1878. Immediately after the opening of < nurt and the eafl of the juries', his ( lonor announced that he had received ' petition from the jurors, setting forth \ be lose of time and expense incurred bv^J beir attendance upon ednrt. and praying ( bat hie Honor would take such meae- ? res as would secure to "them the pay- J lent of/?er it inn and mileage upon the , d jnnrnment of Court. IIis Honor expressed regret that anv j "certainty existed concerning tt-.e; rompt payment of the court expenses, j len who were compelled to neglect '' ieir private affairs to attend to public ( ntio*. should certainly receive prompt | imuncration, and he hoped that such i onhlcs would not exist much longer' le handed the petition to the Solicitor, ' ith the *oque?f that he would usohis ex- ( rtions to sen the jurors promptlv paid. ' The grand jury presented true bills I i the following cases State vs. Henry Rush and Mary A. ' I.Rush?obtaining goo Is under false ' refeuses. State t?. Ben Johnson, Wealoy Spen?r and John Smith?riot: and as*anlt. j State v?, Henry Moore?perjury. The rase of the State vs. Martha 'af'or=on, attempted arson. whs then | ^ illed. Martha not bring present, a lie was issued for her appearance. The next caso was that of the State 1 h. J S fr'adney as?anlt and hatterv with iterft to kill. This is tho ease in which ' Fr. Oladncv in an nltercation with Mr. ! H Bnxlry. shot the latter in the left ' deofth? face. Baiog recognized as ic most interesting one on the. doekef. , >e (Jonrt ITou?c was crowded to hear ic trial: which occupied the whole ( ay. Me??rs J T) Kennedy W T< T)e'?? nnl W P Trantham appeired f>r ie defendant. Solicitor Aboey for ie State. Ei?r''t w:fn''?srs wer'' examined? r *?r* E r? l?nxlev, ES Xettlei. F B 'helps and Dr F Baruch for the Ffnte, I s*rn J S OMney. R .T MoCnrley,1 >ncu? McDonald, (whitest arid William nUms, (colored,') for'h? defence Some ' ft'c time w?s occupied in obtaining a jrv. six nut of the panel being objected | ) lipfi>re the reqnisito twelve were oh- ' lined. ; Cen. Kennedy opened for the defence.!, dlowed by Capfam T)ePa*?. both mal'-'^ ?<? nhlo arguments. Solicitor Ahney losed in reply nrfd the ca?* wa? given itho.Turvat hnlf past, throe o'clock.; ( a about twentv-fivn minute* the Jury t'urned with a verdict of cuilty of an- ' lult and bnttorv. Court then adjourned. ? J THIRD DAY. Wednesday, Juno .r), 137R. After tie opening of Court, his Honor ntmunred to the June* that, he had 1 inne lnquiri"* in reference to the payicnt of their per diem, and had mnde 1 irungements for lh"m to pet enough } nah to ?t lenat defray their expense* j ihile in attendance. Tiie prand jury then offered their ircsontnient, which inns follows : We, tIio<irnn-l Jury for Kershaw County, . Hike the following report of examination j f the public office*, poor h^use, Jail, road* ' nd bridge* in our county: Wc found the office' ofO'erk of the Court, i Iheriff. Judge of Probate, School Conimieioner. Treasurer and Auditor all in good irdc{. the book* well written, and everyliing in perfect order. The jail is Tory uuch out of repair, and a new one ought o be built in a more liealtby location. The | iresent building is entirely too small and ladly ventilated The prisoneis are widl rcated, and make no complaint of their j hre. The Poor House is in good condition villi the exception of one or two rooms re- j {Hiring repair, which could be remedied at : mall expense The inmates are supplied villi n sufficiency of good wholesome food, ind make no complaint, Wc report the road* througlioutthecounty . o tie iti good order, with Hie exception of' 'Sum Swamp and the road below Doby's <jll pond, on Spear's Creek?both on the Icb'ord's Ferry road?the Phennut Ferry o.vT, fromCnniden to the ferry, principally) lie bridges over the small streams and the ill on the east bank of the river. Wc ecu Ttmend a bridge over Sawney's Creek, t NVeon's Mill, on the Lnngtown road, 'lie La <n caster. Heaver Creek, and River end*. 1 ending to Liberie Hill, and bridges, re all irf bad repair, and require the inijcdiat* i4t?twioa of th? Cotatrn tioaiT*. The paper* in the office of ihc Judge of Probate, belonging to the office of ordinary abolished hy the reconstructed government, nnd incorporated with the Probate office, | are in inextricable confusion being disarranged by the United Slates troop*. The; papers are in a measure useless. Th( present incumbent has made repented efforts to j get an order of Court to have them ar- j ranged and recorded at public expense, ami lias heretofore failed. We recommend that the Judge of Probate be authorized to einp'oy a competent person to do the work, at a cost, of one hundred dollars, when finished to his satisfaction, to be paid for by the C( unty Commissioners. We have examined nil the returns of the treasurer of the spocinl commissioners of the Wateree Free Bridge and find that we cannot make a full and intelligible report without consuming more time than the term of the Court will allow. We therefore, respectfully request that the Court will order that the foreman of this jury be authorized to appoint three members of the Jury?0. Macrae, J. McClair and ,T. D. McDowall?or any two of them a committee to examine the papers, ac founts ami vouchers of the *nid treasurer, and report to the next session of the court. Nn report has ever been made by the commission to the Clerk of the Court, ns the law direct*, and without such report or vouchers it is impossible to make a satisfactory review of the receipts and payments. The Ooti-f House has been recently shingled. nnd the whole building thoroughly repaired. We visited the office* of Trial Justices DePass. Dunlap nnd !fnv, and found noth ing amis*. We recommend that the fees r>f the Trial Justices be reduced and modi- j lied. or the office be abolished hy the Leg-f r'slalnre. j We have examined the books of fbej fTonnfy CommNsioners and find 'hem ivell written up fo date. There are no funds ippiiesldc (or current expenses. The mard has audited over sijclecn hundred , lollnrs to dale; nnd there will proliahly he i deficiency of over three thousand dolnrs nt the end of the fiscal venr. W? can | kee no end to such deficiencies so lnnj as hey are required to mpet disbursements 1 tver which they have no control previous ] o payment?such as expenses of Court, Sheriffs fees. Trial Justices costs and jail 'ipenses. We therefore recommend that till inch expenses he defrayed by the general :overnment of the state, to which they . iroperly belong. a We protest against an order of the county I | ointnissioners to close the pates of the free iridge at 9 o'clock'p. in., or any other hoar, j riic keeper shonld pivo his constant alien-j In nee at all hoars, as he is paid for it. All >f which is resnectfullv submitted W. R. NELSON, Foreman. Probate Judge Sutherland was prancd permission to make an explanation joncerniop the old papers in Itia office,, eferred to by the Orand Jury. The judge instructed the Solicitor to mke out the proper orders from the presentment, and the grand jury were ,hen dismissed for the term. The case of the State vs. Daniel Brisbane was call id. Mr. Clarke ap- , learcd for the defendant, and Mr. J. W. OePass represented the State. Daniel j vita charted with breakint* into the 'otton house of Mosea Cheanut and liis jrother, and stealing therefrniu a lot of ie*d cotton. Tho jury returned a ver- j liot or not cnil'y. Staff Martha Patterson?at-1 .emptcd arson Martha was chargedj irith attemp'ing fo set fire to flip afore >f Mr. W. A. Ancruni, in 187C, by J ic'Iinsr to him a ha? of sertd cotton in which live poals of fire were concealed. Mr Stewart (colorck) appeared for the 1'fendant and the Solicitor forthe State.; Hi- verdict was pnilty J Sta?e vs Ifenrv Rush and Mary A. j K Rash?obtaining goods under false I prefpnsea The indictment set forth j tha' the defendant? obtained poods from Mr. W. L. Arthur hy falsely represent017 <o him that they wero the owners of certain s'oek and cat,!e Messrs. f f I Leitner and Dnnlap fir the defense, .-.J it/i Qrtlinifnr and J. W. DePaSS for fi e Sta'e. A* Henry Rush had' not be?n nrrestrd. Mary A. Tl. Rush ' only appeared, and she w#s put upon triil TM.i case wis of considerable interest on account of t'?e lccral questions It.v.ilred, the main point of th?* defense i lieinjr tb?t tbev d:d not obtain the :nrrr1n from Mr Arthur by virtue nf tbe representations a* set forth in the indictment, but by a sah^equent mort-, uage, which they denied could be j n?ed as collateral evidence, but was an j independent matter, of which they were 1!-. 1 TU not accusal it) tne inaicimem. , ,,c arguments of counsel, ;>/'0 and coh, upon this point occupied the remainder of the day, and the Judge at 4 o'clock p. M announced that the caso would be resumed in the morning. fourth day. Thursday. June 6. 1S79. Court met nt 10 o'clock. The case of Mary A K Hush was resumed. After argument bv counsel, his honor charged the jury that to find Mrs. Hush guiltv tliev must first believe that Mr. Arthur sold the goods upon the faith ofj the representation of the ownership of{ the stock and cattle, and not by the mortgage; second, that they did not own the cattle at the time; and third,! that the goods were obtained with the! premeditated intention to defraud. A verdict of not guilty was returned, as to Mr?. Hush. State vs. Henry Moore?perjury?. was continued. Stute vs. Pemus Hrownfild? assault I and battery?was. upon motion of W. | P. Trarith im. Es;| , attorney for defend- ' nnt, remanded to the court of Trial Justice. State vs. Hen Johnson, Wesley Spencer and John Smith?riot and assault. Hen Johns m was the only one in this ease who had been arrested. ' lie wis brought into court from jail; as he said he no counsel, and his wit ess ? were not pr*?ent. his caso was | conni'uci. 'J his concluded the cases oil the' criminal docket ready for trial at this , sessbn, and his honor announced a re cess until four o'clock, when the Pr's*j' oners would be Lrouglu in for sfuteno*. < i EVENING SESSION. ;' t rn ' ' Court opened at four o'clock. The \ prisoners were then brought forward, 1 and hfcrtionor sentenced them as fol-! lows: |, William Ifuile ? vagrancy ? three 1 months in jail. t James Carter?pun 1 larceny?one year in the penitentiary. t Martha Patterson?at'emptcj urson? J three months in jaP. J Wm.Frasor?perjury -five years in the t penitentiary. This case had been tried by * Judge Townsend and sentonc? hid been ? suspended on a motion to appeal. The appeal not being granted, his honor read the sentence of Judge Townsend. J. S. Gladncy?assault and battjry? nine toouths in jail and 350 fine. Ilia . 11 honor announced that ho had recived n \ petition through the hands of Mr. 1 Clacuey's lawyers asking that if his r sentence was imprisonment m jail, to " send him to some other jail than that of Camden, on account of its unhealthy locality. His honor, therefore, ordered : ** /i) j i c_.j t\r ' ;?ir. uiuaney iu uc cuuiivu i;i u jhho- | born jail. The Court of Scssioas was then no* I nonnced adjournal for this tern. If is ' . honor discharged the petit jnric?, as' the only ca'es to be heard in the Court * uf Common Pleas would be decided by him. 4 fifth day. . j Fuiday, June 7, 1878. j * On the opening of the Court of Cora-' _ iimn I'lexs, resolutions of respect to tho | p memory of the late Oapt. James M. " Oa?is were offered by Oapr. W. L. Dj- : Pass, who prefaced t'ie same with brief) ^ but touching remarks. (The renolulions, together with the rem ark* thereon c by the several members the bir, will i appear in our next i3Que.) Judge Aid- 1 rich ordered tho resolutions and pro- i> cecdiogs in reference thereto to be en- a '[ tered upon the records of the Court, . which was then out of respect for the j deceased adjourned for one hour. r Court was then reopened, and the v remainder ofthe day occupied in hewing 1 motions, granting orders, <&c., after which court adjourned sine die.' j *rf A WHf WA W Is XW W M. M.M.3UXX f ; "TUESDAY EVENING, June 11, ? 0 A Novel and Interesting Entertainment. Jj E Music, Tableuax Vivants and " Drama! bt tub Juvenile Dramatic Club, For the benefit of the South Carolina Monumental Association,'those who were fortunate enough to witness the play of ' Cinderella" will need no other incentive to induce them to attend. TAX RETURXS. Auditor's OrrtcR. Kkmiuw Couxtt May'28, 1878. j THE owners or representatives of TAX- tl ABLE PllOPBIlTV. REAL AND PER. ? SONXL. OR POLL, will mako returns to " the Countv Auditor on and after the FIRST of JUNE.'l878. The Tax Payers will La required to make returns tinder oath of all propety in their possession or controlled by them on the 1st day of June. By rcul property is meant not only the jj lan l. but nil things attached as to pas9 with the title. A reassessment of teal es. tate will be required, and parties will come prepared with statements of the number of acres, classes of lands, Ac , By personal property is meant all things tl having pecuniary value, not classed as real | h property. Every male citizen between the ages of ti tweuty-one and sixty shall return a poll, j u ex cent those e*emot by law. K. E. JULL. County Auditor. For tho convenience of taxpayers living j at a distance from Camden, 1 will attend in I pors >n, or by deputy at tlie times and places hereinafter mentioned, for the purpose of taking Tax Returns: Libertv Hill, June, 24, 25, 2t>. Red Hill 24, 25. 2(1.1 Flat Rock 24, 25, 28. J ( Win. Clyburn's stow Buffalo (Meliaffy's) 28.29. v I.izenby (McGugan's) 21, 25, 2G. ( Sclirock's Mill 24, 25. 26. 0 Burt's Steam Mill 22. ? B>vkin's 1'1'tn (Est. Place.) 24. Boykins Mill (SwiftGreek,) 25. r west wat kb ke ; Clark's Mill, 24. Potty's N'eck (Kennedys Pl'ln,) 25. i Cnreton's Mill, 26,27. 1 A. Kabon's 28. Mobley Place, 29 The hooks will h? kept open" daily (Sun- 1: days excepted.) at the Auditor's Office in Camden from the first day of Juno until tho 20th of July next, inclusive for receiv. I ing returns. After that date all returns / which have not been made as required. I will be listed by the Auditor, and 60 per i cent added to the amount as proscribed by law as penalty for not making returns. 11 ? j Notice to Con tractor*. j Bridges to be Built. [ Omen OocSTV Com mi ssi oners Kershaw County. Campbs, S. 0., June 8, 1878. J Contractors aro invited to put in bids for } building the Kelly's Bridge over Lynches t 1 creek nccording to the plans and specifica- I lions indicated below, the bids to be sealed } and to he ma le within thirty days from the tirsl publication of this notice. Contractor ] to give bond with two good sureties for the ^ faithful performance of his contract. The I bridge to be completed within nitiety days | I from date of awarding contract. Contract-; } or to furnish nil necessary material. Con-1 tract to he made byjoiut action of tlioboard c of county commissioners of Kershaw and j y Partington counties, each of which urc to u he licld liable, separately, for their rcBpC'e-1 tive portions of the contract price. K MH L?f. M'm.9 U Ji WATEKKK 1JRILUK. Tlic over tti< Wutcrce river i ci.r 'uni'iiti needing considerable repairs, coiiruclors ire hereby invited to examine the untie and piu in bids lor doing the work they furnishing the material,) in accordmrc with | Ian and specification to be seen it I his office. Bids to be put in within 30 lays from date and contractor to give bond ivith good personal security to be approved ?y the board for the faithful performance if I heir contract. By order of Board. Bids are invited up to the 1st of July lext to build Hough's Bridge over Little Lynches Creek hy the 1st of September text, with timber of same dimensions as hat now in the old Bridge. Also to repair the bridge on the River load to Liberty liili. which is over the >ranch one mile below Beaver C'rctk jiidge. four heavy posts to be sunk at th^ nds of the sleepers each tour feet into the (round, and the flooring to be strapped lown by pieces unrtised into these posts, it. as to prevent it being washed up, and iway, and railing to be put on the posts, ibovc. By order of Board Co. Com, W. II. R. Workmax, Clerk. To Trespaftscrs. All persons tire warned not to enter upon ay lands, situated on the eastern side of Vntcreo River and just boloor the Toll 1 ridge, for any pueppeo *hftfver, without pecial permission from me. Parties dis. egarding rtiis notice will be trespassers, nl 'hey will be dealt with according to aw. Lazarus Suivrr, May 28?1m. fJS | 4 3oldler?* Limb* on Govt order FRLK, 1 J r>UAQ M r\'A UB I f 153 w"iW:h 'street, CINCINNATI. O. . 7oow.jfiah iouu, .id 7u t ri f, M BUSNHAM'S Inn mftSSk WARRARTIO BUT ft CREAKS?, fcgii? Also, MILLIH8 HACUIHERY, PSIC28 SEDUCED API. 20.'?^ ' '"Rjf Pamphlets free. Office, Toss, Pa ievolveTTRETIkm f cartridges. Address J. Ilrowu A Son 134 k 1SS food street, Pittsbnrgb. I'a. idp a m.q Hiuhkft honors at ale world's ;nUMINo Exhibition. Latest Catalogues nd Circulars, vith new stjles, reduced prices n 1 much information, ssnt rag*. MASON k [AMLfN OK'lAN CO., Boston, New York or hicago. BIANOS iwaJMS PIANOP Wegant rosewood cases, magnificent sj\ I string up-ignt Piano $210. No risk. ?ee\J etore bn.vtng. Tills offer only where not Intro, need. Warranted 8 years. Trade pouring in. lS'u wanted everywhere. Write for paper, free. 'tiomas Bttos., Catsklll, X. Y. ' k MP Tl k fiV I BfNSON'a C'At'CI.NK POK. IA nfi " nfl ?K ' Flastib Is the best jam dJauu . remedy f?r a lame or painul back, or weakness of tue" back ever invented r known. It soothes, it strengthens, it cures rbcre other porous plasters and nil liniments til. Kacii Gkncivb Benson's Capciue Piaster haa he word Capcine cut through the plaster. Take in other. ST AIM Beautiful Concert flOfl A W LA A Nil Rrani1 Pianos, price UAtuiiJv IflOO only $425. Superb Grand square pianos, rice f! ! ? only $250. Elegant upright pianos, rice $ioo only $155 New style upright plant a 112.80. Organs $35. Organs, 12 stops. $72.tO Ah 'hnrch organs. IS stops, price $3'?, only (tie. llegant $37.) mirror top organs only $103. Buj- _ rs come and see me at home if I am not as rrresented. II. R. fare paid both ways and piano r organ given free. large Illtd newspaper with tuch iuf >rmatlon about cost of Pianos and Oriss sent free. Please address DANIEL F. Icatty. Washington, N. J. For a case of ? AlAitbH That SANFOhD'S RADICAL CUKE for Catarrh will lot instantly relieve and 9Mfca^ speedily cure. References, n Henry Wells, Esq., Wells, Fargo A Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Win. Bowen, Esq., McHsion, Orant A Bowen, Sr. A4* Louis. Testimonials and Wfal ? Treatise by mall. Price, *rV with Unproved Inhaler, $1. sold everywhere. WEEK* * POTTER, proprietors, Boston, Mass. to mra tit fifth i flu If iUWUUVWi Parson's ptroativb P11.U make New Rich llood, and will completely change the blood in (10 entire system In three months. Any person ho will take I pill each night frotu 1 to 15 weeka lav be restored to annul health, it such a tiling e possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. 40 UN SON 4 CO., Bangor, Me. AtiEXTN WANTED FOR fgre&t men of rod , new work of great interest to every BIBLE (EAUKK A NO STUDENT lu the Land. Address for descriptive terms ami circulars, NELSON A PHILLIPS, Publishers.. No. S?9 Broadway, 'New York. SHORT H AND. Ent Jrpri?luft young men, desiring to advance letmelvea In life, should learn this art, Which militates every business and. when thoroughly W -? lastered, affords a competency In any city. Lesson* given by mail at 75 c?uts each?twen* r In th" course?these being learned, practice lake* perfect. This is your chance 1 Address. O. T. CROSBY. 157 cNiial St., New Orleana, La. BafSgin^ and Ties. 12 000Varls BA0GISG? * oOO Bundle.. *HE3, For s low by oct2$tf BAUM BROS. _ ]Xotice. )VERSEERS AND WARNERS OF ROAD HANDS rill save trouble and expense by making heir returns as to the working of the roads ir summoning of hands or defaulters ini. nediatcly, or before 'he 20th of June next. By order of the Board of County Comuisaioners, W. il. R. Workman, Clerk. CHARLOTTE COLUMBIA ft AUGUSTA IIAIL K'JAU. Columbia, S. Miircli, d 1878. The following passenger schedule will le operated on and after this date; M/411, EXPRESS. ^ uuinu noBTii, .cave Augusta, ? (5 40 p m Irrivc at Columbia, 11 2'? pin .eave Columbia, 11 32 p ni krrive at Charlotte, 6 GO p ui doi nu south. .eavo Oliarlotle, 0 48pm Arrive at Columbia, 2 i?4 a m iOave Colunibin, 8 04 a ni trrivc at Augusta, 7 Oo a m Run daily, nnd make close connection a 'harlotte and Augusta forallpoiuts North louth and West. DAY PASSENGER. aoino south. No. 1 ,eavc Charlotte, J 1 05 p m .cave Chester, d 08 p m Irrivc at Columbia, 6 58 p m .eave Columbia, 0 OH p in .eave Graniteville, 0 A4 p m trrive at Augusta, 10 80 p m ooino xorth. No 2. .eave Augusta, 0 .10 a in Irrtre at Columbia, llOOaut .eave Columbia, 1105 am .eave Chester, 1 A2 p ni trrive at Charlotte, 4 00 p m Nos. 1 and 2 run daily, and make close onnection at Columbia nnd Cliarlotte for miuU, North, South nnd West, and stop at dl regular pats siutions. T. D. KLINE. Sup't. A Pbrs, Ueu'l. Frtigbt anil Pas*. Ag't.