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W. 1). TRANTHAM, Editor, U. (J. ALEXANDER, Business Manager. CAMDEN, S. 0., JUNE II, 1878. Fish. On the tr.omirjr of the 3J instant, Wnj. S. O. Worth, of North Carolina, and Cap'. George H. Boyd, of Maryland. assistants of the Deputy I*. S. Fish Commission,deposited 50.000 vounir shad in the Corgaree rirer at Columbia. They also turned loose an equal number in the Great Pec Dee. They hare been engaged in the very laudable enterprise for the last four months, during which timo thev have deposited 30.000 000 young shad in Southern waters. Don't the mouths of the people living a'ong the Wntereo fairly water at the thought that sooner or later our river too will bo restocked with shad, the noblest fish that swims ? Wateree Free Bridge The act of the I>gislafuro of Feb* nary 15th 1S72, by which tho Wateree Free Bridge authorized to bo built, the entire cost of the structure and its appurtenances, together with the compensation to the Camden Bridge Company for its piers, not to exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and under which act n Special Bridge Commission was appointed, requires that such special Commission ''shall file annually a correct nccouot of their receipts and disbursements, and a report of their proceedings, in the office of Clerk of the Circuit Court, on or before the first day of the January terra of said Court, to be open for the inspection of the cit- j izens of said County, and to be laid be- j fore the Grand Jury, at paid term, for their examination." The act also makes the failure to discharge this duty a misdemeanor. In their.presentment at the last term : of the Circuit Court, the Crand Jury J has the following to say in reference to the Free Bridge: We have examined all of the returns of the treasurer of the special commissioners of the Waterec Free Bridge, and find that wc cannot make a full and intelligible report without consuming more time than the term of the court will allow. We therelore respectfully request that the court will gBL order that the foreman of this jury he nutli , orized to appoint three members ofthe jury ^ _ ?0. Macrae, J. McPlairand J. 1>. Mcl)ow *1% a''?or any two of lliemj n committee to | examine the papers, accounts and Touchers ,;Tif of 'he said treasurer, and report to the ^ next session of the c mrt No report has ever been uiade by the commission to the Olcrk of the Court, ?* ihe law directs, and withont such report and vouchors it is impossible to uiak? a satisfactory review of the receipts and payments. ~*- J - -- ' mam 4A < n I We uave no ngm iu uuum, u-? ?.* j doubt, that the Special Commission i.s perfectly able and willing to uixlcc n f satisfactory showing of their actings and | doings. Hut, according to the state-1 incnt of the Grand Jury, they hare not.! as required by law, tiled iu the office of Clerk of the Court an annual account f their rec-ip's and disbursement*, together with a report of their proceedings. This is an important matter, nod rot I cm so to the members of th* Untnmis- i sion than to the taxpayers of the County.: every one of whom would be glad to know just how much the bridge has cost the county, and how much of such cost remains unpaiJ. The report of the Committee of thr-c grand jurymen, np-j l:" pointed by Judge Aldrieb t<? look j W into the matter and report ?i the next 1 WE term of the circuit court, will be awaited with interest. as it will give to the people of the county information touching a matter in which Ihey are most deeply concerned. Street Fighting. On the 4tl? of January last, at two o'clock in the afternoon, an nflfrav in i wl.ic-h thirteen pistol shfts were fired | o"eurrcd at tl o intersection of Broad tied Meeting streets, two of the most frefjnenteil thoroughfares of tlie City of Charleston. Fortunately no one wasi killed, but two porKODS wore severely1 wounded Indictment# fur assault and battery with intent to kill were framed against twn of the parties, aud at the present term of the Court of Sessions for Charleston County tho cas-s were called Hr trial. One of the defendants i' pleaded guilty and threw himself upon the mercy of the Court; the other w.v was tried and found guilty of assault :n.\ Uunro nnlr .Tmlirn Mackev di.s ...... J J _ charged botli ?lvfcn?lants on the pay- 1 Hip tit of a fine of one dollar caol?. Iii reference to thrt affair and sentences | (he Journal of' frnitmrrrr nays ; So far as tlie meri s of (lie 'juarrel are concerned it. is not our purp-s* to 1 say one word. Thee are personal mat- 1 ters which we, as representatives of the public, shall not consider. And ns t" ' which of the participants is killed or wounded, when nr-n voluntarily en<rn:re in a combat on a private quarrel, that is n matter more of piivate than public1' interest We shall not touch the affair, j1 therefore, as between the forties But/1 iii behalf of the peace ana safety of the '< public, we deem it necessary to protcsl'( apninst the sentences passed. I' In crude. < mbryotic societies, where |' no public opinion and little law exists? !c where border ruffians predominate andja < very man carries his life in his hands, I r weapons have to he worn and rampant!" tf^aniha tfc* t*m art* BtoaWtnW tyf* s?udd* ii and relentless killing. Hu? such pocodurcs are wild and without the pale of civilized practice. Thry may do in , San Antonio nr in Denver. They are 1?, riot appropriate to any society of refine . trient. law and order. They do not be* ( Ions to Chatlcston customs, and are not), In re excusable. Personal difficult) s { can always be settled by the parries. | away from public haunts mil without;, jeopardizing any lives or limbs, except , those of the combatants themselves, i Hut, if these cases and tlio scntcncm , pass-'d are specimens of the a??rt of justice 11 to bo administered in behalf of the pub- || lie peace and safety in our struts, our , Courts must become a bloody farce and j, had better at once be closed. ^-ditorial Items. | General McGowan is a candidate for the Legislature from Abbeville, County. The friends of Mrs. Kate Southern arc now urging Gov. CoVjuitt to grant the unfortunate woman a full pardon. , The Conjrre?s of the Powers will as* ! seniblc soon, and the difficulties between ! *?- ?f 1 L"-_1 _.l k. uussia anu roi^iuiiu iu-?jr u>i. as practically settled. Governor Hampton has returned from Maryland. While in Washington,: he cailed upon tlic President in refer. ! cuce to the release of the Ku'Kiux prisoners. Numerous.?The Edgefield Atlccr-, istrr contains the announcement of thirteen candidates for tho Legislature, and 1 all probnbly are not yet henrd from. The i more the merrier. EnGF.F'ELD county has adopted the , primary election system, making a plu ntlity of votes necessary to a uomina- 1 tion. Newberry has r?*jccted the sys* tcm. Pickens has tried if, and has con-i cludci to retain it. A Destructive Ore occurred at Hock Hill on the night of tho 3rd instant. Several stores and other buildings were consumed by tho devouring { element. The loss still foot up sonic ?75,000 or $100,000. About half was covered by insurance. Stanley Matthews, Senator from Ohio, and one of the "visiting states-, men" to Louisiana during the counting | of the votes in 1870, refuses to testify! beforo the Potter investigating committee, and will probably be subpoenaed, He will then lave to dance to the music. A filTR Committee, of which Gen.' Kp;a II uiiton, of Virginia is chairman, ; has been sent to Florida to look into the frauds done there. Den Him. and Jim Bla no are toing for one another again since both of them | | have got into the Senate. Hill told! Blaine that he vot'd for principles; but i that he had never been able to find out . wlint lie (Blaiue) voted for. Blaine usrd up Dawes and Hoar some tiuio ago, but he did not do more than Hill. Bullies are always wise in selecting their n en. From ;m account <f the Don C.?tncro* reception. published in ilie W'ahh-, iugt >u St'tr, we fake the following exrract 'Butler, tbo young Senator, from South Caro'ina, about whom so much waa said in the newspapers during the la?t Presidential campaign, appeared to be a special favorite with the host and Geo. Sherman. Butler is just ; turning forty, and is conspicuous for his handsome face and figure and his courtly bearing. lie and Hansom, of North Garoliu.i, arc what wo would fancy us types of all that is chivalrous ; and dashing in the perfect soldier." Ail Act i Fi r the Protection of Landlords in Ji' ntalof Hornet and Tenements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in (Jeneral Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That in all cases where tonant8(hold over after the expiration of the leases or contracts for rent, whether the same be in writing or by parol, or J shall fail to pay the rent when it shallj become due, the landlord is hereby authorized and empowered, either in ' person or by agent, to enter upon the J premises and claim possession; in u case of refusal or resistance it shall be . lawful for the person so letting said j premises, bouse or tenements, his agents < or attorney, to apply to a trial justice. I whose duty it shall be to hav * notice , served upon the persons so refusing to . he d is possessed to show cau?v b-fore 1 him, if toy they can, within three days from the date ol said personal s rviee , of such notice, why they should not be (, dispossessed?and if they fa 1 to show "uffieient cause, it shall be the duty of 1 the Trial Justice forthw.:h to issue his warrant, directed to the Shot iff of the ( County or any constables thereof, re* i quiring him. without delay, to dispossess 1? said person or persons from the I premises so let, authorizing him to us* Mich f >rce as in*y be ncccgsjrv ; i Provided, said trial jn?tice slu,li receive ' fifty cents for issuing mud notio* and < warrant, and the Sheriff or constable a t lee of one -lobar for rx-euting the nine, to be pai l by tlie tinriy so reins ing to be di-po-sess d?and if sail 1 joats cannot b coll- cted from tenant, 11 hen the same shall be paid by tlio land- d ord, except i cases of constables and rial justices in counties whero they rooivc ealnrtee: Provided. That in raso ny tennnt shall be wrongfully dispops. sscd, he, she or they ui?y Iihvo mi it ion for dam area ngainstauoh landlord. lyj/rtMtl MVntli &/ ISTV \b Tho Pic Nio of The Baptist Sun- ! day School. Mi:. Kditou : It was the piivilego mil pleasure of your correspondent on fmsday the 4tli iustont to attend a pic lie given l?v the members and frieuds >f the Catndcn 11 ipriKt Church to the Sunday School children in the grove tear Chemut's Mill. At about nine /clock in the morning the committee arrangements, guests, children and teachers repaired to the scene in anticipation of a good time, and the array of haslets cf good tilings, swings and delightful shades s-'rmcd ti excite a glow of happiness on every face. At twelve o'clock the little hojs and girls under the direction of their teachers formed in line and repeated their recitations in a tnaouer that elicited the applause of all present. After singing in which ull joined, prayer was offered by Mr. T. 11. Arrants. Dinner was then announced, and the children conducted to the spacious table. All were carefully served, and their countenances p'ainly showed ihnt thev were satisliol with the repast. Then all tlio coaipany joined in the attempt to devour at Kn>t u reasonable amount ol the good things on hat) J, but after this combined attack of one hundred quests in attendance, the baskets ol fragments showed piaiuly that the eff ?rt was not equal to tho emergency. The evening wore away. The children and young ladies and gentlemen amused themselves by swinging, walking and talking, while older persons in groups engaged in social conversation. The ladies entertained each other with interesting recitals of the sayings and doings nf'their children, in telling of their success in raising spring chickens, discusiing fashions die. Thus the day waspasstJ. The sun sinking low toward the w<sterri horizon, the happy assembly vns admonished that the day with its pleasures was ab<>ut. to close, and that the time for going home had come. Seldom, Mr. Editor, have I, (and I think I express the feeling of all.) pasted* day so pleasantly. Entire harmony prevailed. It seemed that the object of every one was the happiness of others, and every heart rose in gratitude to i*s great Creator May we long ren>euibur t hat d*iy and all of i:s pleasant associations. A Guest. Front Flat Rock. .Mr. Editor ;?In a recent i-suo "f the Kershaw Gnzrlt>. appeared a communication fioui"(j. Q its Granny's ? ? - ?i : i. *L . Quarter conrcspoii'iein, in wi.u.-n m; says -'Wo hrar ? fan infantry couqany up this way that ha<I to he backed up against a f?*nee to tin ni into line. A granffi-r whi<per?-d this to us. and we promised m<t to t?dl if." Now, wo do not doubt but what it granger cave hi hi such information; (and a'"geod gringfcr" ought liot to state faNeho.* Is;) nor Ho we seriously to :? cavalryman making sport of us in a jokinway. What we wish to say in rep!) is this, that the company relortcd to has made wonderful improvements in Upton'* taciirs. and wp take great pleasure in saying tliat we can now form a lino without leoniug against a fence or holding on to a tree or stump for a support; and wi-li it distinctly understood that, should occasion require it. can mount on horses (not mules.) that do not have to b# backed up against a fence or tree to enable tbeui to k"rp on their feet whilst the riders are mounting No insinuations G Q. For the ben-fit of G. Q we would slate tVat the Mat Koek Grange is in a prosperous condition and its members reliable. The members of Fiat Itock Democrutic Ulub. though in favor of piiaui? i?i t?j?,i ....a ?;n rim, arc va<icu, anu cuv.. .. to the majori'v of the voters in regard to thr eaiiie. In our Judgment lie who can"t vote wi?"ly at a primrry w< old be a dangerous voti r at a general elerlicn. ix fantrv. June 7tl?, 1873. Edison's Latest Invention.? James Red path, geueru! manager of tho Edison speaking phonograph exhibitions, states that Mr. Edison has just completed and tested an invention for measuring heat?an instrument so sensitive t! nt the heat of rays froui the most distant stars can he accurately ascertained by it. He estimates that it would require a Fahrenheit thermometer fiteen miles in height to record the same range of degrees of heat. Ho has boon engaged on this instrument for a long time, and retard* it as his most difficult achievement. County Executive Conuiiitt e To the Presidents of the severa* Democratic Clubs of Kershaw County : At a meeting fcf the Democratic Executive Committee of Kcrdiaw County, held in Camden on the 10th of M iv in*?., the following resolutions wore adopt d in reference pr niry clpcfiniis // r./vJ. Tiuxt the several Drrn icr.itio club-'of Kershaw County he requested to vote tip<>n 'he Mihjcct of primary elections nn or hefnr- the 4lh of tuly next. J{ *(*!ced, That the ['residents of club'' teport the vote of their respective clubs to his Committee on Tuesday following the 1? It of July, staling lite number of votes ms| for and ngninM primary elections, and hat the Ooinmil tee I lion aggregate the vole jfthe county therefrom. You will thcr,'f ire call your respective .'Juhs together and vole upon tho subject f primary elections "ti '-r before Tliurs- ( i?y the dill of July nr*'. and report on j he following Tuesday the number ofl ote? cast for and against th" system to J liA Executive Committee, which will j uect on tha' day in Jones' H ill in (Jam- j Ion at 11 o'clock A. M. W.M.D. THA NTH AM. County Chairman | r-ir-~se=???T , CaniM'd Corn Hcttf'* Potted Unm. Salmon. Oyrlere, I'ieklrs. 1 uttHttv*, &U-, &v . hv KnrKWY K ?MTTif: f! SEABOARD INSURANCE Co.: OF NORFOLK, VA I beg (lie attention of my frier da to the .tWt dint 1 represent several First Class Fire Insurance Companies, nnu um prepare'! 10 effect INSURANCE lit Reasonable and Living Rates. The Farmville and Seaboard Companies, formerly reprepsented by Messrs. Tr>nth<im k liny, are now in my charge. Private U?eidences insured at reasonable rnte*. All ios&l or damage by fire will be promptly adjusted. The public will do well lo give me a call before insuring elsewhere, and I respectfully solicit their patronage. JOS. J. MACZA7. LOOK! W. A. ANCRUM & CO. OfFer the following INDUCEMENTS to purchasers : Choice Bacon Sides, Glo to 7Jc per lb. Corn, 80 aud 00 cents per bushel. Choice Canvassed Hams, 11c to 12]c. Bolted Meal, fresh ground, 85c to $1.00 Flour, $0 to $8.50 per bbl. as to quantity. Sugar, 10c to 14c per lb. Coffee, 20c to 80c per lb. Pearl Grits, 40c per peck. Salt, $1.25 per sack. Kerosene. 25c per gallon. Choice Hyson and Black Tens, 75c to ?I.">0 per lb. A full line of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Men's, Assorted Candies, Hoops. Starch. Soda. Cream Tartar, Baking Pow dor, Sea Foam. Yeast Powders, Pure Ground Pepper. Ginger.Cinnamon, Closes and Allspice, in fancy tin cans of all 1 weights. SSometliinpr New. Dessiratcd Cocoanut pit tip in }, } and lib packages, for Pies, Puddings. Ac. Fresh Soda. Butter and Milk Crackers. Also Ginger Snapps and cakes received weekly. Full line of Choice Ilavannah Cigars, Cigarettes and Chewing Tobacco : and nil articles usually kept in a well appointed Family and Fancy Grocery House. N. 11.?We wish to call special attention to our Jntge stock of prepared tomatoes and okru, reitlv for making soup. THE STEAMER LILLINGTON, Capl- W. IV. SHIWFU, Having hern overhauled and thoroughly repaired, will now mako regular trips on Wuterce Kivcr between Parker's Landing and Acton, stopping at. all intermediate landings. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to shippers of freights by this line. If**. No goods delivered until all freight charges are paid. In noinstnnoe will there be any variation from this rule. L.M.BOSWEfcL&Co. ap128 tf Arctic Soda Water AND GINGER ALE. THF. ARCTIC SODA WATER FOUN-I TAIN is now dispensing this beautiful and delightful Beverage. A large and varied assortment of PURE SYRUPS ul. ways on hand. Kihklev A Smith. DeKALB HOUSE AR ROOM, Camden, S. O., Ip furnished with (lie finest WINES AND LIQUORS kept in this market. CIGARS in endless variety und the most choice brands. W. W. Love, j (forr<erly with Kennedy & Boykin.) j Corn ! Corn I Corn J 4AAA BUSHELS CORN, ,VW" For sale by febl'Jtf BAUM BROS. Molasses. BARRELS New Crop New Orleans lUw For sale low by jw.iltf BAUM BROS, i , ?1011 I'H CAROLINA RAILROAD. I CMAXliK OF SOUKDl'IJ-:. CoM'MDi v, March 8, 1*7S The fun1:: -er train on the South Caro. i Ji? i I'. iilr.M 1 will rt:ii as i*?i)Io?v> : tii' vss? :x(i?;:t tu us. (>morning excepted.) Charleston 5.00 fi. m. J Arrive at Columbia 10.50 a. tn. 1 [. ave ColrmW > fi.Otip. m. I Arrive ut Charleston li! 15 a. xu. i MlillT KXPUKS9. Leave Charleston B.oQ p, m. j Arrive at Columbia 7 45 n. in. I Leave Columbia H.00 p. in. Arrive al Charleston 0.45 n. ni. ACCOMMODATION THAIS. (Sun-lay morning excepted.) Leave Columbia 5:50 a. ip Arrive at Drnncbville l'J.J|5 p. in. j Leave llrmiulivillo 111 50 p. in. i Arrive at Columbia 7.p. hi j Accommodation Train connects daily at Kintrsville with Train fur Camden, and at j r.n.nclivillo with Day Passenger Train to and from Augirda and Charles on. Passengers for Camden leav? Columbia! daily on Accommodation Train at 5.30 a. j p.. daily (Sundays excepted), and passen- j g.'rs for Columbia lanvo Camden daily (Sunday* excepted) at 5 a. in. H. S. SOLOMONS, Sup.t. i S 1! Pickens, Gen'l Tjckel AgL : , mm soldier* and WMowscan now gat Pen-1 |)v / ?l"iis l.v MiUing to .lohu Klrkpatrlck, I in?A?Ij^u'Vr 1 m 11 Ready for Business. I 2TEW STOEE l ANl) Entirely New Stock I'RASINGTON AND NETTLES HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ANNOl'Ncing the opening of their NEW STORE at the old stand of G APT. J. W. McCURRY, w here they have just opened An Entirely New Stock OP FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES. n ? : ?r V/OKJSISi!U?i in I'ait u* j Sugar. C<?fTf*r8, Teas, Flour, Baeon, Lard. Butter, Canned Goods all kinds, Jellies. Tickles, Ccmfectioncries, Cij^ers, Tobacco, And all other goods usually found n a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. Highest market prices paid for all kinds ol Country Produce. Always ready to pay the CASH for Cotton BRASINGTON & NETTLES. Sep. 20oi3. MKKOXE1 A ItEED, Auctioneers. CAMDBN, S. C. i Orders solicited and satisfaction. guar. ' anteed. fehl2tf J. W. McCURRY IS OFFERING Rare InriiitTHieiifs TO PARTIES WANTING SlDIR/Y Q-OOIDS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Groceries, &c.! t&T Always in the market, and will pay ' the j Highest Prices for Cotton. Don't fail to givo me a call. J. W. McClRRY. dcclltf Coffee. ' new Coffee foasale low by BAU.V BROS TlPCim tmslneaa yon can enfratro tn. at to $ao nH.NI l?r day nsiwie t>y nny worker of either uijvjm. sex, rijfiit in their own localities. Particulars free, luiprove your spare time at thla I business. address Stinsos a Co., Portland, Me. . ? Soap, Soap. Caa BOXES Soap for sale low by oW UAU.V BROS. (A HI SdHll/.E, TAILOR, Broad Street, Catnden, So. Ca. fcaf* Can giro tho best of rcfcrenoes. aprinw 13 latter*. C1HOICE Goshen Butter, for sal# low by j BAUM BROS. Bacon! Bacon! ( +> ~ Ann Pounds Bncon for sale l?y <'i>WvW UALiM BROS. 1 300 Naekw Liverpool Malt, j For sale at $l.2"> per sack. tlOV.'U _'( IIIIAMSUIIIS X HBH l,KS Garden Seed! Garden Seed! BUY BUIST> ! ii l'KESH AND GENUINE 1 GARDEN SEED! All Kinds for Sale by DR. F. L. ZEMP. Plain ami Fancy C andles, Or nil kind*. Crackers. biscuits, Nuts, Raisins, Spices, &o.. ft"., for sain bv febl'itf KIRKLKY ft SMITH. 10 Barrels Extra Fine Sugar. For -ale chenp. nov20.'_M RRA8INGT0N ft NETTLES. The Best Butter, Cheese, Moccaroni, Sc , for sale by fehl2 If K1RKLKY & SMITH. u u .liwayt on lland. Choice Family firoc rios at lowest res. by * K1RKLEY ft 5\HT*I. The Novelty 1 nt1\MI?AQNE CIGARS. 0?U and ,sce J U flMu \ft KlVhrWY Si WtfUVf FOR THE CAMPAIGN! , :o: ' { THE Established in 1827, ' -- ' *> .l*J ? HAS THE c ( ? ? LARGEST CIRCULATION of anj paper ever issued in Camden, and is the ONLY PAPEB IN KERSHAW COUNTY THAT IS PRINTED AT HOME. / Published Every Tuesday Morning AT C-A-ZMUDEUSTS. C-> by VmXTEAM & &LBX&NDE& Tho JOURNAL being one cf the oldest papers in the State, and baring an established reputation for reliability and fidelity to the interests of the people, it needs r.o introduction to the public. It is the wish, however, of the present management to extend the sphere of its usefulness by put' Ling it into the hands of every reading man in Kershaw County. :o: Striving always to advance the interests and to improve the condition if their people in every conceivable way, and recognizing the fact that :he campaign just opening marks a crisis in the history of South Carolina* he Proprietors of THE JOURNAL will spare no effort to make it indislcnsable to the reading public of this section of the State. TO ADVERTISERS. A? a medium for reaching tlic people, THE JOT RNAI? js unsurpaFirC<x 11 the up country. Having a large and constantly itjc circulation n the counties of Ivorshaw, Sumter, Darlington, ^ ,i<jgtorfield, Eanc&ster 'airfield and Richland, it is prepared to offer E^-JRA INDUCEMENTS o advertisers. TERNS?Payable Strictly in Advance: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. A \ atCOTOASE SOKE BTOUSTB7! V