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> X" eo>nJMttnir,Ui"ii trill be published ' in the JO I'RXA/., unless we are placed in , piSSession of the name if the author. . j ssr 11V are not responsible for the news or expressions of our correspondents. StnT All communications for personal a>l- I vantage trill be charged for at the rale of car dollar for each inch. Nominations of Candidates in usual j form, not to cine I one. inch, FIVE DOT.- J J.ARS. These charges are to be paid t trick to tit adrance, and no exceptions whatever will be j made to the rule. itommunicatioms and contract ad rertisements .VL'STbe handed in by V- o clock on j the Saturday before publication to insure in- < tertian in the fcllotriny iteur. LOCAL ITEMS. ! A Good Appointment.?Mnj. E. E. Sill has received the appointment of Deputy State Constab'e for Kershaw r County. ? - I Waking Up.?The people of Kershaw County are waking op on the subject of the campaign. The unanimous verdict is that Kershaw must be carried for the Democrats at all hazards. ^ Camden Democratic Club.?This t club holds a meeting this (Tuesday) * evening at 8 oVock. The doors are 1 open to the public. Remember the f hour and be punctual in attendance. : ' c Tiie Taxes.?13y reference to the ( advertisement of Maj. E. B. Canty, ] County Treasurer, in another column, it will be found that he will he prepared to receive taxes on and after the first of ' May. ' f ltruFMRFn.?Our friends in the country will please remember lo send ?3 every thjng of interest that occurs in ^ their respective localities'. We shaM Sparc no effort to make our piper whn? j they would have ?t to be?the best ^ county paper in the State. II. JdARUCH,?This gentleman announces another reduction in the price# of Dry Coeds,, kc. Read his mammoth advertisement. _* ' J A FiGnT.?On laai Sundav evening, on one of the hacks t reefs, two colored boys began to dicpute about somethingcoocrn-1' ing which both thought they were right,!' and concluded to settle the dispute bV l fighting it ouf. They fought manfully : for a rcw minutrs, wheD r.nothcr interfered aD'J stopped the fisti cuff. < Colored Democrats.?The Colored i Democrats should by all uieaDs revive their clubs, an l increase their member- I ship. Though in a measure out of the i woods, we will be just as glad to have i them go along with us as we were in I 1870; and, to that end. we will extend < to the 11 just as cordial an invitation. i DeKalb Democratic Club -A meet- ( ing of this elub wiil be held next Friday ( evening at y o'clock. isy me mjiu-pi,, of the club, J. T. Hay, Esq., will deliver: ( an adJress on tl?o issues of the day. j, Members of other clubs and the public I generally are invited to attend. j( Lynch wood.?Lynch wood Democratic ciub has re-organized with the fol-j lowing officers : D. M. Bethume, Pres? ident ; Wilson Y a Thorough and f5. N. Newman Vice Presidents ; Dante) Mc- I Laurtn, Secretary and Yrcasurer. K*?- J cutive Committee?-Capt. Dove Sogars, 1 Moses Hough, X. A. Bet hum", T. K.! Copcland and K. A. McCaskill. .A Back-out. rI* i* reported that' fast Sunday evsping two young men wet oh Magazine Fill* to setue a quar " rel which they had had the evening before. They raet a* the hour appointed. One pulling off his emit and over-shirt Tvas ready for the fight, wheu the *>ther walled off, followed hy the jeers and hooting of the crowd who had assembled to see the fight. are now nineteen Democratic Clubs in Kershaw County,; viz; Camden, Kirk wood. DcKnlb, | Curt ton's Mill, Quickstep. Pine Grove, j Wculah, Turkey Creek, .Mulberry, I'inei Tree, Uak'und, Turkey Creek, Lynch- ! wood, Lynches Creek. H-iffilo,. Young's i Mill. Flat Rock, Granny's Quarter and , Liberty II ,11 Clubs. Grand Larceny.-*- Kuirna Hull, a young cob-red woman, in th employ-; inent of Mr. J. S. Meroncy. wa* arrested j and commit! d to jail on Friday under; a warrant issued by Trial Justice Dun. ! lap. ( harping her with grand larceny, j in that she had ?t"!< n from Mrs. Mero ! ney articles of ch.thinj; and jewelry of rhe value of a hundred dollars or more, j Moat of the articles were recovered. The Crops.?Tito prevailing opinion among the farmers is that clii?r is going to bo a jubilee year, and every eu is putting forth a mighty effort to itn-l prove his financial condition. The win ter was remarkably mild, the spring is uuusually forward, and the prospect of pood crops is vpry encouraging. From I all quarters comes tie cheering intelligence that til t small grain crops are better than over before, and that the com and cotton are all that jouM bn desired. seasons contiaue fa vorab^qjid^H 1><? able to rejoice when the harvest timp "cynics. * . - A Heavy IjO^h.- Our townsman, Ga| t. William Chburo, had the misfortune to lose by fire, on Sitnrdiy last, the valuiblo dwelling hou?". (formerly the residence of the la'e Col. Wi:li?m Prakeford.) "n his plantation, lift ecu miles above Catnden. We deeply syutpathize with tho Captain in his loss, which is in J -ed heavy. 'J he fire was J accidental. Thf most ol the furniture was saved. The property was iusured for ?1,500. Do not allow won .9 to cheat your chiiIren out of their living'. Shriner'a Indian Vermifuge will destroy these miserable 3est?, and give the little fellows new nrnors for the batile of life. Tub Votino Precincts.*?While he bill establishing and fixinc the va ions voting prrcincts of the State was jcfore the last Legislature, we urged hat the precincts b? allowed to remain tnehanged in Kershaw County, with he single exception of the Courthouse >ox, which we thought ought to be ibnlished. We were subsequently inormcd that the bill made no chance* in he precincts of this County. Hut we iow have a copy of the act, and fiod hat instead of the Courthouse box, the Jurcton's Mill and Liberty Hill boxes tavc been abolished. The votiug preir.cts now are : Camden?Market and 'ourthousc. Schrock's Mill, Lyzenby, iuffalo, Flat Rook, and Red Hill. Easter Elections.?At a meeting f ilie congregation of Grace Church on j vaster Monday, the 22nd instant, the ollowing officers were elected for the insuin? year : Wardens?L. IT. Peas and J. 1) Kershaw. Vestrymen?W. M. Shannon, J. M )eSau?snre J. A. You lis. K. M. Bovlin. .T. P. Ptiulap. K. 11, Can toy an<l A. I 3. Kennedy. p. bgoteg to the Diocesan Convention -L II. Pets, J. B. Kershaw, Wm. M. :hannon and A. P. Kennedy. A Iterates?J. M. DeSaassure, J. A. Voting. Fohn T. Paris and J. P. Punlap. Almost Drowned.?On Tuesday j ast an accident occurred just below j own, which resulted in tho almost Irotjning of Mr. John A. Young, an igcd and esteemed citizen of this county. Mr Youns, accompanied by his prundvm, Mr. Frank Clarke, who goes upon Hitches, (having lo.-t a leg.) was drivng across the bridge over Little Pine Free Creek, when his hnr?c became frightened at a loose plank, and run-' ling backwards precipita'cd him into; he stream, which is sonic t-*n or twelve . . eot deep r.t that point, ncit l>o n> one j )f the few men in this country who has j acvcr learned to swim. Taking in the j itaation at a glance, Mr. Clarke leaped 1 T'om the buggy, (but he forgot his irutches.) and, holding on to a tr?c. extended his foot to his grandfather, and thus pulled him to the bank, which was :o steep that he could not climb out. At this juncture some colored men came to the rescue. It was, indeed, a very narrow escape. W. C. Gerald.?The proprietor of! the old and popular establishment at j the corner of Hroad and D?-Kalb streets, j comes to the fnnt this weak with on! Advertisement of his Spring and Summer stock of general merchandi^1. Head what he say*. Pkr?o.val?Messrs. W. L. Arthur and J. L. Brasington visited Charleston last week. Capt. K. G. Minings, of Lancaster, ?p?nt a few days in Camden last week. BREVITIES. Strawberries are now very plentiful. Fishing parties are in order just now. N>w Iri-h potatoes are in the Oatn-j den market. Laurens street is to be reopened through Monumorit Sou ire. Warm days, col uights and cut worms in the vegetable gardens. Waterec Division No. 9. Sons of Temperance will have their annual pic-nic on May 14th. My a united effort on otir part, the Radical party can be thoroughly demolished liisyear in Kershaw county. 'I ho ^earner Lillington has proven (juio a success under the management r t 0.1.I tiop Irnffin in r?l hit new iiwiici, .... ... friiflit is paying handsomely. Yh? "oldest inhabitant" doos not remember e ver seeing a more forward spring, or nrre favorable season for the plant erf, than the present one. The Democrats of Kershaw County are wheeling into line, and on ths 5th of November will send the n*w? abroad that their county is no longer under a I'LysJ. Governor ffsmp'on says: "Send no more unmarried men to tl e fjegiidijtjtrr." ' Young men and old bachelors ?f Gam* j den, take warning and get married if 1 you rVrr i..,*;."d to ru'i fbr an "ffiee. A C 'Up'e of little coV?? 1 b<;vs created (juitc a sensation by G.hting a little while and then Mariner at each other in big-eyed wrath in the alley between {the stores .if Dr. Young and Mr D. ll.? 1 Kennedy on L'riday morning. j The Count) Democratic Execr.-j live Committee. A meeting of the Dcinuciatic Kxecu-1 {live Committee ol Kershaw County will l?o held ut .Jones' Hull, in Camden, ??n Friday the Oth of May proximo. Co dor a resolution, adopted l>y the County Convention on the 24th instant, the Executive Committee consists of the i | the presidents of the local clubs, the chairman, and live additional members, to be chosen by the Committee. A full attendance is earnestly requested. W.m. ]). Trantham. (bounty Chairman. [bepouteo roK tiii: c.vmdis JocitXAt.J | The County Democratic Convention. Pursuant to the call of the County | r.nnndpn Poiriniif Irp. I h r? dnlc??ateS from tho Fcv? ral clubs nssotnbled in the Courthouse, in Camden. at twelve o'clock on Wednesday the 24th of April. The County C hairman, Capt. W. L De- , Pass, called the house to order, and re-', quested Mr. G. J. McPowall to act as j Secretary. The first thing in order be- i1 ing the enrollment of delegates, delega- i, tions from the various clubs reported, as t follows: | Flat IIock Club.?*T J Canthcn, L C Hough, *J J Florton. *J I Trant- j ham. J S Gardner, T A Canthcn. DrKalh Club.?W L Pepass. J ' W DcPass. .Tames Jones, J T Hay,; 1 T A Moore, P C Kirk ley f Prulah Glub.?Samuel West, *G W Moseley, G L Pixon. Liberty Hai. Club.?F H Ward-j' law. L G Thompson, J M Perry. \1 Quickstep Glub.?John Purdell,, t T II Clarke, JM Caniey. .Tcsse Gray, c John T Graham, J P Hammond, R W Porter. (7ampfn Club.?J W MeCurry, D Ij I>eS?a?snre, J F Hunter, T BLe^ar*. W D Trantliam, C J MeDowall.! O aklano Ou;n,-l? T M^ov. W L To lc. II II Anion, T J Rollers. I F i Hol'and. R irhnril Drown, II D Turner. : ^ Granny's Quarter Club?L I, Clybiirn. G W II fnes. A ! McDowell, *11 M Powell, .1 T Trues,Jell. 1 Cureton'r Mill Club.?W A Dai-, ley, J \V Rose. A A Rovkin, Dr .T D, (Mood, II F Roykin, E J Gerald, G P: Bnwen. Kirkwooii Club.?E M Roykiii. James Ghesnut, A W Rurncf, W M Shannon. Ptnk Trf.k Club.?A M Dunn, II K DuBoso, J E Pcarce, B J Camp- J! bell. Buffalo Club.?S C Clyburn, *W j f.nto. J M Kirkley, *J M?Sowell, Jos> West. Mulberry Club.?L W II Blair.If Swift Creek Club.?J B I'helpy, ' B IT Boykin, W A Antrum. : t Yor.vo's Mill Club.?Jool Iloogh an<l W I* Russell. ( Lynches Creek Club.?X W Jones. \ D I* C Murchisnn, C A William*. Pine Grove Club.?W It Xeison. ( A Rabon. J L Miokle, V Parker, A H i Bnwen, Thomas Moore, A A TIuckab*c. <1 Lynciiwood Club.?XA Bethuno, ^ X W Shaw. T H Goncland. Turkey Creek Club,?J D Shaw, i J J Josey, J E Shaw. (Those marked with an asterisk * were ' not present). t The Convention then proceeded to 11 cflect. a permanent organization, with | tho following result: 11 Cupt. W. L. DcPass, President; The ( Chairmen of the several delegations, j Vice Presidents; and C. J. McDowall, j Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. The, ( Convention was then declared ready for', business. J , Gon. John 1) Kennedy, Chairman | of the State Democratic Executive Com- i mittec, was invited to a seat upon the | floor and to participate in the dclibcra- | lions of the Convention. , Mr. L. C. Hough moved that a com-11 mittce, consisting of the chairmen of the several delegations, be appointed to j verily the list of delegates. Motion j lost. | ('apt. T. II. Clarke uiovcd?That no member be ailowed to occupy the floor more than fifteen minutes on any subject. and not more than twice on the ame question. Mr. L. ('. Thonjpsou moved to amend hy striking out fifteen and inserting ten minutes The motion as , . , j nifioD'ird was aanpici. Mr. IJ. If. Boykin move 1 (hat the Convention proceed by ballot to thp ! election of n County Chairman, and accepted an amendment from Mr. Thompson. th^t a majority of the votes must be necessary to a choice. Mr. J. T. Hay suggested that it would he in order first to take somo action creatine; an Executive Committee, and. to tha* cud, moved tha* the t-ug-' gestions of the State Executive Committee in this regard be adopted. Mr. Boy kin claimed that his motion had precedence. After considerable discission, which was participated in by Oen. Chcsnut, Col. Shannon, and Messrs., liny and J. I). Shaw, the chair decided that Mr Hay's motion was in order, whereupon Coi. Shannon took the floor and argued against the motion, taking the ground that it wua right in form and wrong in substance, while the motion of Mr. Boykin was tieht in substance hut wrong in form. Mr. Ilay spoke in fav r of l.ts m.iii.>,i. ]JJr W f). Trati'' am ofli p d tbe following substitute f r *hp mot'ons of M.?-rs. B >ykin in 1 I "ay. That itie Convention proced to the election ?ifnn J!?oc;ii i'c Committee in accordance with I lie rcroriimeiidniion ot the State and Comity Executive Commit ties and that the Executive Oomiui'tee. at their <1i;ot?li>>n. Ik> authorized to select fiyeadditioual members of their boUjr, I * Mr. Trnuthum briefly explained the scope and object ofhis resolution. Muj. h. XV. R. Blair stnnply upel its adop- ( tion. A vote beiiiit taken, ilta subs'i ; tute was nnan ni u?ly ad ipte 1. Capt. Clarke called the attention of, the chair to the rule limiting the time | of speakers, ami asked that' it bo en* ; forced. On tnot'on of Mr. Hay, the Presidents J of t lie clubs were ma le members of the ! Executive Committee. Mr. Boy kin then renewed his motion for the election of a County Chairman, which was carried. Capt. W. L. PePuss and XV. P. Trnnthain Est] , were nominated for the position, and Dr. \V. R.Nelson and Capt. B. T. McCoy appointed tellers. The election resulted as billows : W. D. Trnntham 47; Capt. W. L. D-Pass 27; Maj. E. E. Sill 5; 1 Blank 1?Total 80. Mr. Trantham ( wns according d- clarcd ?looted. Capt. Clarke offered tho following I resolution. prefacing it with a few np- ' ropriatc ami eloquent- remarks : Rrnoh-fd. That the thanks of thiseonven:ion be unanimously tendere<l to Cnpt. W. ' L Del'nss, for his untiring zeal, ceaseless ' rigi'ance, and earnest efforts in behalf of \ he Democracy of this county, and that we ( lo hereby express our high appreciation of he same. The resolution was warmly seconded >y Mr. Tranlhnm. and being put to tho r iou?e was unanimously adopted. Capt. c OePu's responded in an eloquent and " "cling manner. Pending the elect ion of County Chair- ; nan, and the consideration of the last g nentioned resolution, the chair was oc;iipied by Dr. E. M. Uoykin, President ifKirkwoml Club. n The following resolutions, offered by 0 dr. Trantham, were unanimously \ mil cnlhusysticly adopted : h Rttolvtd, That e lie Democra's of Kershaw ^ lounty. upon re organizing for the cam ..r iwtw Tint flip H:vnip as more im ut iu,v, . inriani. if possible. in its consequences } Inm lliat whic'i resulted in_ wrenting th" I State from the cnntrol?of the U>*puhlican a arty. and that the crisis is such as to danand the active zeal and earnest co-opera- ci ion of e ery patriot in the effort to com>lete the work of reform so nnhlj begun in e1 he memorable campaign of 187b. it Rttolcfl, That they declare their undi- ^ uinished confidence in his Excellency, lorcrnor Wade Hampton, and they do! ^ lereby commend and endorse his wise and j aithful admin'stration of the affairs of: . ifnte during the trying period of his pre- p ent term, and proclaim him as their choice j, or re-election to the Thief Magistiacy of q he Commonwealth for the ensuing two j 'ears. The consideration of the subject of l triiuary election" was announced lis next ' n order, whereupon Mr. Tranthara in- u rod need the following resolution: || 11 etoh'.'d. That the Democrats of Kershaw 7ounty in Convention assembled adopt the $ dan of primary election*, as recommended "* iy the Democratic State Executive Commit- n ec. ami that theExecutivc Committee of this lounty he charged with the ditty of carryng it into effect, at sufeb time as they shall y leorn proper, iur hic iiuuiiii>miuu v? v?u<ir lates for county officers ami members of h he General Assembly at the ensuing clec* Jj ion. 11 By iovitnthn Gen. Kennedy ad- V Iressed the Convention at length upon c ;he subject, showing the advantages of * ;bc system, and urging its adoption hv f ;he Democrats of Kershaw County. Ife " iras followed in the order named by " CJnpt, Clarko in opposition MrTrantham ^ in favor of, and Mr. .T. K. Shaw in op- * position to tluit plan of making nomina. " tions. At this point, Mr. Nay offered is a substitute, that the subjtct of primary elections be referred to tbe people, * to bn voted upon by them iu their clubs, On motion of Capt. Olarko tbe substitute was laid on the table. Mr. Trantham again urged the adoption of bis J rnanlntir.n which On motion of OaPt. ? Clarke was also laid on the tabl". There bcinj sqoio confusion on the r floor <>f tho convention, the question of ? primary elections wis on motion of Oapt. cg Clarke reconsidered. Oapt. CUrko f then moved that all favoring primaries ( pass to the right, and those opposed to i tho loft. Col. Shannon, l)r. B-iykin, 1 Dr N-ls >n and J. W. D'P.iss, Ksq.. be iiig ap 'oint* ! toll ps. the v ?to ?va.s n$. ' c t? i'n *d 'o b- ,'H for and rH ngiinst , til us' m. 1 Mr F. II. Wardlaw renewed the mo- i fi -n th it th" matter be referred to th* i p'np'c M-itinri htjt. r J. D. Slmw moved that the Cnneonti"ii vot a train on the subject of primary elections, that the roll bo called, and each member answer aye or no ac- I cording as hj favored qr opposed the ' system. This nwt'on was adopted, \ hilt wnnc i ne vuie wan t'ciug taken th" convention, on motion of Mr. , S. C. Clyburn, adopted a resdution referring the question to the people, to be voted upon by them in the clubs. The Convert inn then adjourned sir.c die. Pino Tn?e Domocnitic Club. Pine Tree Ib?mo Title club met on the 2:1 tit instant, and re ruiinized by the election of the following officers : A. M. Punn. Proud-int; John Met' skill and 11. J Cam poo! I, Sr., f Vice Presidt'Ois ; II J. <'aoipb-ll, Jr.. H'-corline S-cr t try and Tieisurer ;' 11. K I'tiH s (?i?rr,,?p'o dim/ Secre-J t try x ?-iifi Co <?? ?T t b ; y,*:; ' f|l. IV i h II' f I ?wo\*i I P'i? i ^ - ' : o it-. . ti. ii - r. ... : r .1 v ,1. lU ; V 'ell M ('. 1 I ill MoXi n l i'ii? of 'In* ehil. wi I li<? held n lb lSi'1 J of M iV. it' twooYloek i" the allot moiiii. ' A full atto'tijunoo is solicited. M*s-is,' J.T. Hay Wm. p Tranlhani ami J. U'. IPass are expected ho pr<-nent ard 1 deliver uddroM'js uu the occasiuu. Buffalo. A ni?'f?Mi)<r of Duff do Democratic Club will be liel<i on Sa'unlay tlio ISfh ; day or May. A full attendance h do- j sired, as business of great importance; will be transacted. Lynches Creek. Druco's Mill Democratic Club has re- i organized under the name of Lynches. Creek Democratic Club, and has the I following officers : J. N. McGaskill, President; N. W.- \ June" and A. L.Shaw. Vice Presidents ; i D. P. C. Murchisoti, Secretary; S. Mc-j Drown, Treasurer Executive Commit-; tee?A. Drown, J. Tl Thorn. J. F. West,1 W. K. Jordan and A. A. Young. Cnreton's Mill. April 24th. 1S78- j Ma. Editor ; "Little Kdyi field" has J lyain unfurled her banner to the breezes,: tnd. ?to are happy tosta'o, fully intends i?i yet this ynr out of th? Slouyh ofi D'spond, and . titer once more upon th?* ! Iiiyhwiy of prosperity. Our club hav- j ny reoryunizod "for the war." is takiny j ircnt interest in everytbiny that per- j a ins to the Democrat te party. The relemption nf our County is the motto on j his side of the river. and from what' ve hear from your side we judge tliat; he sentiment is common to all of our icop'e. We are determined to kill octt ' ndependent candidates, because they' incourayc and create dissensions in otir1 anks, and because, under exis'iny eir- ' :um*tanees, uo tjnotl man will become n independent candidate. Thus far) ho name of our party in old Kershaw j s without the sliyht?'st stain, and may I fs honor never be tarnished by a sin-! ;lc act of punic faith. S?-c. in adults is often causcii by rornis. The change from childhood to lanliood is not sufficient to rid the system ! ftliis awful plague. Shriner's Indian ' 'ermifugo will expel them and restore J cult h an J a blight complexion. j 'roceodings of Council, April 23. ! 1870. Council met nt 5 o'clock p. m. Present | ni"n<laiu Kirklcy, Wardens Dibble. Jone^ I ml Witlier?poon. , " The minutes of the last meeting read an') ! infirmcd. Report and returns of the managers of! lection for Town Warden, lichl on the 22d ; ( i?t , recived and read, showing the re- j ults of the ballots east. To wit, Jas. L. | ras'.ngton 112, II. E. Wall 95. Erasingin was declared elected by a majority of; " voles. Petition of certain citizens asking C'oun- j il to open a new street from Lyttleton to i air street on the Northern boundary of ublic Square, known as "Hampton" j qiiarc. Alter discussion the matter was j id over for future consideration. Petition from certain Bar-keepers and liquor dealers, praying a reduction of i iquor License receive a and rrad. After I ontddering the Petition, Council agreed:^ pon motion to reduce one quarter's license j tiring the Summer Months. 33 per cent, j" o wit, bar license from $75 to $50 per uarler, and quart license from $50 to j 83.83. The following bill of Accounts presented i nd ordered paid : :, Wilson Williams, smith work, $1.35. The following resolution, offered by j? farden Withersponn, was adopted : Resolved, That the Monumental Association i c requested to open Laurens street, west of iroad street, t?y removing the obstructions In j tie same. The following resolutions were otlerca t>y | 1'arden Jonesnnd adopted : '' UesolveU, That the Council request the phrsl- I ians of the town to act as a Boartl of Health. { n<l to report to Council anything that requires ttentlon, which mnrlit p-ove detrimental or nvorableto th? gn<*l health of the town Resolved, That the Town Scrip, now on hand nd nnsieoed, he counted by Council; that the ame, with a memorandum of its amount, lie eated up In a secure package and the names of he Intendint and Cleric of Council he written cross the seals In the presence of Connoll; that aid package he deputed for safe keeping In nine lire proof vault In the town, snhject to the , rder of theCoitnoii, and thatthe same he not' ipened hy any one except In the presence of j 'ouncll. literpc Frco Utilise. in act to amend an Act entitled "An act to i authorize the erection of a certain bridge 1 over Watcrce River,*' approved February ' 15th, 1872. ] He it enacted hy the Senate and IIousc of 1 lepresentaiives of the State of South Caroina, now met and silting iu General Aslembly, and by the authority of the same. | hat an act entitled "an act to authorize he erection of a certain bridge over Water- : oe llivcr," be. and the same is hereby, ? intended hy striking out the words "free , if toll," at the foot of Section one of said' ict, and substituting in lieu thereof the ( bllowing : An 1 shall charge each and every person !. ising said bridge such reasonable toil ns is I tsually charged for such privileges : l'ro-\ 'idej, That no person be charged toll for i ;iing to and returning from elections or j < hildren going to and returning from , ichool: au l that tho fund ?o raised by Aid < oils shall be appliel : first, to the payment 1 if the expenses of keeping sai l bridge in repair: secondly, to the payment of the ion led dsbt incurred in building sai 1 i bridge, and 'he surplus, if any, be used for j ?eneral County purposes." Vpproved March 12, 1878. W ICT for the Better Protection ofShcep j Raising. - ii-.l - o . i [i?? ! lie if entered oy me ficn:i?; mm m/iuc ?,. Representatives of South Carol inn, now , met ami sitting in General A?somlil,v, nn'l ; by the authority of the name. That from | ind after the passage of this Art any person who n,ay find any dog in the act l,f worry-I ingor destroying nny rlieep In this* Sta'r. it shall be lawful for salil person to kill ! said dog, and ho shall not be held to* answer in any action, either civil or criminal, j Approved Match 112, 187H Attention Artillery-) men, , The persons who placed their names on : 'he roll to fornt an artillery company in! Camden, will meet at Town Hall on t'atur-j day, May 5], at 12 m. to organize an 1 elect j officers. The attendance of erer;/ member, is requested. The Ciryininti Breakfast Table, one of the I)-1!" laini'y newspapers ill t'u country. will h" S''iit frotn now till Ma*clt Is*. 1^7H postpaid to any r.ddr s-i f>r one dollar. I' is a bright. ' ban l-oa.r v : riti e l \W-Uy nf forty-eight ''SMf's f't ' d' original htnpor, enter . >i it ti' in I mis-ruction li.- diss in . . II i| ,f -lis r i I'l't l 1' it ,ti . c rctila'i I tliv attes*. i \ i>lr 's K |v Brown, I'u disher, Uin-J c oati < >' i ). w' " .f,. ?' ~X2Z.CSr".: rr,yetuem Nonp, Noap. K/a D0XF.3 Soap for sale low hy UAUJf UltOJ?. j I* METIOKIAJI. Kenneth McCaskill, a native of the Is- j land of Skye: Scotland, but for tuore than j halt' a century a worthy citizen of Kershaw ; county, died on the 17th instant at his resi lence in the l'ine Tree neighborhood, aged about eighty years. Tite deceased had : been a Killing Klder in the Preebyterian Church to w hich he was devotedly attached ' 'or more than 40 years. He was of one of those Scotch Presbyterian families that j emigrated from their nniive Isle many ' long years ago, and settled in the Lynches j creek country, and who were noted for their industry, frugality and prohity of I character, among whose descendants are ( many of our best citizens. Tho character i of our departed friend may be sketched in ' this : that he was an obliging neighbors a j faithful friend, a kind husband, a dutiful | father and a sincere Christian. S. Tax Notice. The Books will be open for tbe collection J of Taxes in this county thirty days, com-1 mencing from the 1st day of May 1878. j E. D. U VNTKT TreeVr Kershaw Co. Great Bargains AT TIIE THE OLD BRICK STORE. | W. G. GERALD I OFFERS HIS j Immense Stock, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, *r ? U'JIIU.l ?y GROCERIES Of every kind,an] l-'INKST Quality, i Hardware, I i Garden Seeds, Etc., j FOR TIIK SUMMER MONTHS, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. ! Arctic Soda Water' AXD , GINGER ALE. ITHE AUCTIC SODA WATER FOUN- J 'AIN is now dispensing this beautiful; ' ,ud delightful Dcvcrage. A large and . i aried assortment of Pl'RE SYRUPS alvays on hanl. & Smith. THE STEAMER" LILLINGTON ) C'upt- \\. W. SKIWFK, Having been overhauled and thoroughly epaired, will now make regular trips on iVateree River between Parker's Landing ind Acton, stopping at all intermediate 1 andings. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to ihippers of freights by this line. L. M. BOSWELL&Co. npl23 tf ] MORTGAGE SALE, ' Edward Helton ) , to J Jambs 1*. Boswell, Sheriff K. C., ) ' MORTGAGE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue ef the above mortgage, I "will. sell at the court house in Cantien on lite i first Monday in May tho foil iwing iloscribeil ' property : All that tract of land on Gum ; Swamp in Kershaw county, containing i . sevcmy five (" >) acres, nni bounded north hv tract no. 8 of sai.l land, cast by trsit no. | ' 12 of said land, south arid west by lands of J. I. II. Vaughn, as will appear by reference to i plat of said lands. I Terms cash. John Doby, Agt. DeKALB HOUSE BAR! A First-Class "Saloon.! | ? On!v the BKST BRANDS of Lienors aorved to customers. linslnesj STRICTLY CASH. Patrons are re- j rjucsted to have the money with them when they call for drinks. - febl2-3iu 40 Barrels Extra Fine .Sugar. For sale'clieap. not20.2t "dRASINOTON & NETTLES. The Best Butter, Cheese, Maccaroni, kc . for sale by feb12-tf K1RKLEV & AMITIf. Not lee. All persons holding checks of County Commissioners of this County, drawn on J Donald McQueen, Esq., late County Treas- > urer, arc requested to furnish a list ot same, describing them l?y numbers, dates, i amounts, and the fund on which tlicy arc drawn. <?nd exhibit the originals to W. II R. Workman, Clerk of the Hoard of County Commissioners, immediately. W. II. WORKMAN, Clerk. Feb. 2f>.tf. HKBOBTBY A KIIHD, Auctioneers. CAMDEN, S. C. Orders solicited and satisfaction, guar, untoc'l. fehl2tf 300 .Sack* Liverpool Halt, For sale at Si.25 per sack. nov20 2t RRASINOTON fc NETTLES. *1 A BBLS FULTON MARKET BEEF ] 1V for sale by BAUM BROS. (lloiC'C Pl){ IIuillS. Another lot just received by ' feM2{f K1RKLEV A SMITH. Mackerel. 1 Kits (,f Mackerol for sale at I1uu baum dbos. -1 TIT 1 ITnCI K^Uiljirice |9WJ, oniy ***?. I'arlor rl A N price *376, only sua. Paper * **a*? UU free. 1). K. Beattv. Washington, N.4. REVOLVER" FREE SStlS ?5 of cartridges. Address J. rtrowu .v boa 134 A 138 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. flDPAMQ Hiouwr ilONOHHutWorld's ExUnUrMiO luhitioii. 1 jtist catalogues tad. Circulars, vttii new styles, reduced price* and much information, sent kbk.k. mason a HAMLIN ORGAN co., Hostihi, Now York or Chicago, For a ease of CATARRH That SANKOhDX RAD1|CAL CT'IIB for Catarrh will A.->a mmw * w. not fnstautly relieve and Ml 'speedily cure. References, f' Henry Wells, Esq., Wella, ' ,Fargo A Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Win. Bowen, Esq., McHaton, (irant A Bowen, St. aw * -v I<ouls. Testimonials and 9N(? m Treatise by mail. Price, n with Improved Inhaler, SI. sold everywhere. WEEKS * POTTER, proprietors,. fusion, Mass. PIANOS & ORGANS PRICBjforast Reduction to close or.t present stock of soo New and Secoml-band Instruments of tlve IIrst class makers, fully warranted and at prices that defy Competition for this class of Instruments. Agents wanted for WATERS' SUPERIOR BELL ORGANS and PIANOS. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS A SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th street, New York. Also General Agents for Shoningek's Cei.kbhatkd Pkkmicm Okoaxs. aprlS ImWmMSi Imitations of Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster In toe market. Some of them contain dangerous mineral poisons. Each genuine Benson.s Capclne Plaster has the word JCapcine cut tnrough It. Take no other. ? 1 Benson's Capclne Porous Plaster was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary porous plaster, and to afford quick relief from pain. Price. 28c. ? Goulds Manufacturing Co. Manufacturer* of all kinds of ifll Force awl Lift Jmml rm rocuu, .veaiiooms, ^W ( Windmill*, tie. KB Iff FIRE EN6IHES, I \| Hydra alie Bams, Hi vfrK&I'SKtf m ror CnoTcnw, ocdoou, w end I'lanUtione. % Com-Shell en. Sink*, etc. IttPuinpaand Miterleufor M Driron WolI?? ipecieky. M &>H> faction guarantied. ^ C'atiloeKM famir,bad fnon application. * ,",?UW^.,5n?r?.Ulfe^MPS WAREHOUSE, is Hahe-Pi-ace. New You Cm. American clocks. NEW PATTERNS, SUPERIOR EICIIT )ay. Strike Movement, Polish id Springe, viih Patent Arrangement allowing the lands to be turned backwards without inuring the striking part; carefully finished varrantcd to run accurately, lu Black Walnut Cases, FrontGlass Ornamentally Cut, AID Tlsible Pendulum. . Uso, One Day Clocks in a variety of Fancy Patterns. Popular School Books. Prime: s, Spells, Headers, Histories, Philosophies, Geographies. Stationery. Paper and Knvolopes, Copy and Report Hooks, Merchants' Account Books, Memorandums, Ink, Pens and Pencils. Any Book published in the United States can be had, at publishers' prices, on. ihort notice. J. A. YOUNG. march 19tf Important Notice. The Bridge over the Watoree River near Camden having been conver'ed into a Toll llridgc by a recent act of the Legislature, notice is hereby given tlmt on and after May the 1st next, toll will be exacted of all passengers accord lug to a tariff and scale [hereof which will then be made'known.and proposals are hereby invited immediately from all persons desirous of filling theposi., lion of Keeper of said Toll Bridge. 11 w Aw.lni* a * fli/> P.Aor.l af (Imint v CI Am in Is. "J ???v. ... ...? ? " " V?'J sioners W. II. It. Workmax, Clerk. CARL SCIIULTZE, TAILOR, Broad Street, Camden, So. Ca. Can give tho best of references. ?t V.MDKN BRANCH S. C. It. It. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Camhes April Ifltb, 1878. On and after Monday next the 1 ">th inst. the train will leave Camden daily at "? o'clock. a. m. Sundays excepted, connecting with the accommodation train which roneboj*Charleston at 4.20 p. m. and Augusta *> p. v. at And with the regular Mail Train reaching Columbia at 11 o'clock A. M. KnTKxixfi.?win arrive ?t rauvlen as heretofore at 1 o'clock 1'. M. 11. II. Andkbson, Act. April l'l?4t. The Novelty CHAMPAGNE CIGARS. Call and iee them at K1RKLEY & SMITH'8 BACK AGAIN. I HAVE the pleasure of announcing to ?y friends and patrons that 1 have removed to 511 OLD STAND, where with far greater facilities and conveniences than 1 had before the tire, I am prepared to conduct a FIRST CLASS HAKERY in every respect, and the patronage of tha public is cordially solicited. Orders For Cakes of any description promptly and satisfttotorily tilled by competent bakers. Fro?h ^read. MMI'KCWMRV '