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LOCAL ITEMS. Everybody is going to the Penny Heading. PrBLic Documents.?We are under continued alligations to II"n. John II Kvins, member of Congress for this district. far valuable public documents. Work.?It. will require work night and day to elect the people's ticket for municipal officers. The ''Independents" i are working like besvers. ? * ~ j BeuLAII.?A meeting of B'-ulah Democratic Club will be held at lleulab i Church on Saturday next for the purpose of reorganizing for the campaign. Vegetable Seeps.?We are indebted to Hon. W. G. LeDuc, Oommis s;cner of Agr'cultnre. for several varie? tics of valuable vegetable seeds. Millinery.?I* gi*es us pleasure to call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. T. T>. Walker, which appears for the tir-t time in t^is issue. She has in , store, and is prepared to do, what she j advertises. The T)ity of all.?Togo to the polls early and vote and stay there and work all day for the regular ticket is the duty of all whoso preference is that the town should be governed in the interest; of all the people rather than of a single class. j i Remember the Penny Reading on ' Wednesday evening. 11 j Why is It??Why is there neb li strife in reference to the town election ? I If every body is actuated by the same : motive?the good of the whole town? i it strikes us that there should be the < ' ? - -II -I utmost narmony among an ciasaia. < Anotiier Kettle Drum.?-The ' Kettle Drum"' Entertainment, at the ( residence of Mr. K. B. Curotcn, on the evening of t ie 20th ir.stant. was a com- j pletc succcs; in every respect. The recei ts were applied to a benevolent pa pose. That Puzzle Again.?"Solver" a hits tie nail <>n the head lie divides 1 $12 between A and B so as to give the t former one third more than the latter ( by allowing A $6.85 5 7 and B $5.14 i 2-7. In other words the one has four sovenths an 1 the other three sevenths of, the whole amount. ;e Tiie Camden Democratic Club.? c It is suggested bv nianv that a meeting t c? - . of the Cauiden Democratic Club be U called at an early day for the purpose of i re-organizing for the campaign. Other f Cl?bs in the county are waking up. and 11 Cm den must not be behind. J . j The richest music, vocal and instrumental, and the most delightful readr ing at the Penny Heading Wednesday evening. Buogif*.?A wholff cal1 loSd ofiug- j gies, sinclc and double seated. arriv?d ^ in Camden the other dav. They wort ^ manufactured by L >uis Cook. ofCin?,j cinnati, and are being sold at astonish- | ingly low prices by Mr. N. IT. Fulium, j who may be found at toe Latham House. Tiif. Sunny South.?T. II. and W. { B Seals, Editors and Proprietors? j' published at Atlanta. Ca.. is the most attractive paper that can go info anyj Southern home. It is an eight pnge-j weekly, and is devoted to Literature,' Romance, Seiencp. Education, Temper- ( on ao nu<l Snnlhorn 1'rnnrPM TppniS per annum?$3 00 in advance, j -Sen<f1 ? for a specimen copy. ) Penny Reading at the residence of 1 f the Messrs. Rauui Wednesday evening t at 8 o'clock. t Who Pays the Taxes??The pro. i perty liolJer rues hi* hand into his 1 pocket and pulls out the money, and it < embarrasses him to do so; but the bur. j den of taxation always ftlls-most heavily I J on tlic poor. The poor men of Camden < should c< nsidc-r this, and vote on the i lirst Monday in April fur those who wili most likely look after their interests. Great Saf.e of Carriages, Rucjr.ies ami Si'ortixo Wacons.?Mr. N. II. Full jiii is agent at Camden for the above class of vehicles, an 1 he has on hand the largest and finest stock ever brought to thin place. He will give ? f .. 1.a innnnv llun ant ntlipr IIJUI f I'll ? IIV dealer in J lie State. Call and examine his Stock. It will pay to give Sbrincr's Vermifuge n trial. It will destroy and expel worm* sind beautify the complexion. It EroVF.RKI).?A few weeks ago Cant. Dove Scgars lost his overeat while coming from his home on Lynches Creek to Camden. He inserted a little advertisement in the Jnt'RXAf., ofToriosr a small reward for the recovery of his coat, and the result is he ha< ft hack n^uin, it having been found between Camden and DuHose's mill by littlo Joseph Moore. Mother*, do n'>t let your children he destroyed hy worms. Do your duty, for you are responsible. No child will die from worms if Shriner's Indian Vermifuge is us?J in time. ? 1 Corn.?Many planter? ?e!l the orii1 of their own production, as soon as it is gathered, at 75 cents and $100 pr bushel, and the next spring and s-unmer buy corn at $1.00 and $1.50 p*r^ bushel. This is economy in th? wrong1 direction, and the way to remedy the evil is to plant largely of corn while it; is yet time, work it faithfully, gather it, and keep it for consumption at home. An Error.? We stated in our last j issue that jjho town cluck had not struck i dinccthe Saturday before. This was a mistake. Owing to a slight derangement of the raachiuery, the clock had i failed for a short time to perform all of its functions. It was, however, repaired in a few minutes, and now strikes as ^ loud as ever, ana Keeps as goo i time as anything tlint can be devised by man. Sunday School.?About a month ; ago a Sunday school was organized at 1 Mt. Zion Baptist Church, on the Cheraw road eight miles frnir. Camden, with Mr." J. F. Me Manas as Superin- j lendent. The school-has grown rapidly j and was addressed on the 17th instant > by Mr. J. S. Gardner, who urged the importance of early moral training. Mt. Zion Church will he organized or constituted on Thursday, 18th of April. Operating Badly.? From the re-) ports which reach us from Lancaster.) wc judge that the new fence law is not j jperating to the satisfaction of the pen-: pic up there. Apart from the confusion ind hard feeling between neighbors that c the law cansfs, the cost*of coijstructin* j j tdwnahip fences and gatee js n consider-, f iblc item. The Ledger states the cost <j in one instance at thirty fire ami fifty t 'enttpcr parnel for the fence, and tcecu t ludars for each gate. The Ledger pro- q porly adds: ''Comment is unnecessary." J The Penny Readino.?We are re-i? juestcd by the ladies of the Cemetery * Association to state that the Penny Heading will take place at the residence if the Messrs. Rautn tomorrow (Wedlesday) evening, instead of at Town j dill oft the evening of thc'~2-l tif April , is previously announced in the Jot'nal.1 riie proceeds of the entertainment will ,] ie applied to tho improvement of the ! 01 Cemetery. Poors open at 8 o'clock, j81 Admission 10 cents. A Stump Orator.?On Friday 11 ivening the people living or doing busi less on Broil Street between tbc top ,!l ?f the hill and the market were treated ^ o a regular stuuip speech by a young w jcntlcman front the interior, who had ^ ntbibfcl rather ftec4y iof *rosy com ' lexior.." and who, being taken in charge >y the police, gave veiil to his f< clings " ?y making a n^-roarious.^ patriotic " traightout democraticspceth. It thud-' 3 uic feel as though-the campaign had a!- v eady opened. SonIfhpki^nre.?A m- J)fci tjshjn if-tHie SdpJ (if 1'-inD>*^tn^e | ^ teen organized at Beu'ah Church by: J. \V..A . MeCurry, under the natn-> of J f5?-uhth * T>i\i>i??n No. 122. with the fo'? tj owing i flie?rs ; ]ib?n Yarboieugh, \V. P ; John B Brannon, W! A.;4?hilipT Uruee. H. S ; John W Murchison, F. o v; T'J.J-kj. T.,T.;W. B. Smith, ) Chnp.; Satnrt' 1 \v*st. Con ; Benj Bub a ?ina. A. (!.; James Smith. I. S.; T. S.!' White 0. S.; W. K. Hcasonnver, I*. \V.!' [> v > B/%rn 1'AXfsv? . com -1 j, plaint has been made in the matter ol ] :hc tax-'S of previous years due the town | ? Weil. st'T? have l?een taken to collect j :hose a.vs, amounting according to the I j coords of tlx* town to some four or five :, I .housand dollars, but in nearly every in- f itlnee receipt* have been produced, showing that the taxes wore collected. t rhis docs not necessarily prove that '.he ^ noncy was diverted from its proper uses, tj but it establishes one fact beyond ail! ^ ioubt. viz : That the Looks not . t properly kept. And yet tho gcotliHiicn, I j who was paid to keep those books prop- ( jrly, is a candidate lor councilman at j the election on Monday next. ( Vkw l'osTOFFlCK.?Through tho in- ( drouuntalitv of Congressman Kvins, a new po^tuffice, to he known as Turner P. () . lias been established twelve miles , east of Camden directly on the Tiller's Ferry route, with Mr Jesse K. Pearee as postmaster. A large number of in- . telligmt and patriotic citizens, who ( have hitherto had very limited tuail fa. ( cilitiop, arc thus brought within closer communication with the rest of the , world. The proprietors of the Journal ; have exerted their influence to have this | office established. 1 A Painful Kkmindrr.?At the i battle of HentnoviHc, in 1865, Mr. H"nrv J. Munn, of this county, who was then a private in Company 15, 7th South Carolina Hattaliou, received n severe wound in the wrist, both bones being fractured. After suffering great pain and irenv.niencc for more than two years, Mr. Munn bad the gratification of si-i ing bin Wound h-al up. Hut a f. w we. I?s aj" a small u re came again upon tie scat <>f the wound, and now his ami is in no ucly condition. It is imlenl a |tiio(ul reminder of the days that tr id men's souls. i A Discrepancy.?The commission, consisting of three citizens an i two wardens, appointed by the Council to ascertain how much town currency was in ciiculation, submitted their report on the 4th day of June, 1S77. slating that thev had, besides overhauling the records of the town, gone into every nook and corner for inlbraiation, and showing that the amount of currency in circulation ought uot to have been more than the sum of $.">,292 30. Hut the Council lijfl since taken in and destroyed r>14 Mis to the nam ant of $8,277.00. This is a considerable discrepancy, and the in"Iuisitivc voter is led instinctively to inquire : Who is it that was paid to keep the books during the period of this over low of town money ? ?^ Primary Elections.?Whether or J iot we are to have primary elections in Kershaw , and. if so. when and where leld, by whrn conducted and by wl o?> he rc-nlt shall be d' cJared. are <|u<-8ions which should properly be decided >y a Convention of the people. A Contention, after declaring in favor of the >olicy, and indicating in general terms he course to he pursued, could, of :ourse, leave the details to a:i Exccuivo Committee, to be chosen hereafter or the ensuing two years. L?t the !!lubs, then, discuss the subject among j heuiselvcs, and when the Convention is ailed, which cannot be far in the fuure, send up delegates who will reflect he sentiments of tho members. Public Meeting.?A meeting of the itizens of Camaen was hold in Town fall on the instant for the pnr* tose of noniinntins candidates for Intenlaut and Wardens at the enduing clecion Mr, J. J. Mackny wa* called to he chair, and Mr. II. R. liny kin reuosted to act as Secretary Other cani'latia a in connection wiih the fliers withdrawing, the following ticket ras nominated by acclamation, ron ixtenoavt: J. C. ROLLINGS. roK wardens: S II. LATHAM. J. L. HRAt-'lNGTON, E. II DIMILE. CAP. WILLIAMS. What delicate child is that ? It is being evoured by worms. Tell its mother that ne b -ttle of Sliriner's Vermifuge will relore it to health. I .> ULi"f?n u&iii ??i bbii luvvv ig was field at the cflbrcd academy, the oM Radical stamping ground,) on ist Friday wight. Kit-Representative rank Adan^on presided. Speeches ere made by Messrs. Abratn Marks. . K. Withorspoon, Richard F] Wall, > ?)us Rrownfiold and others. The l?j<et of this meeting seemed to be to oininate an "I'wlrjiemlent" ticket formuieipal officers?a ticket independent of riy that might be notnin it-id by a eoc cmiun of the people of Camden. Af?r considerable time sp-nt ia sj-'fehuaking. the following ticket was agreed p?n, and ill meeting pledged itself to npport it : For Iiitrnifanl?I >. C. Kirk ley For Wardens? ?. K. Wither ponn. fames d..!) >. K II. Dibble. It. K. Wail He Didn't Mean It.?A gi<ul Dem crat. who is a warm friend of the lot rnal, eamc to torn the other day nd while in a fit of frenzy, induced ?y the failure of u debtor to pay him a ittle mbney, d< elated that he would riot ote any more uniii times got rasi*?r. saw, wc kuow that our friend must lave been in a towering passion. The J )emocraiic party lias reduced the taxes imrc than one half, and ia the course of ime will reduce thoni much lower. Jut it will take time to get again to the op of the hill of prosperity, for the eason that wc rolled down into the vale f adversity at a rapid rate for more han 6ftecn years. The Democratic arty deserves and will receive the corlial support of every eitiz u who has latriotisui and intelligence. Resides, he gentleman, of whom we nre speakng, should rejoice that ho belongs to lie creditor instead of the debtor class. That Patent Tan.?Wo have beore mentioned the new tanning process f Messrs. Rames A Yocum, of 31 in ; _ i :..i i. our 1, WHICH IS UOlllg ICStru ujr un v..crprising It* I low citizen. Mr. W. C. k'oung. Tliat it in in every respect a access seems an established fact. Such i s the testimony of the press wherever t lias broil introduced. A late copy f the Asheville ( N. ('.) Citizen has this ;o say on the subject : Wo havir always heard that the test if the pudding was in chcwiug the hag; tnd as we stated recently that to all appearances and feeling, the leathers tantied by tho new patent process iutroJuced here by (.Jul. Evans, of Morristown, Tennessee, were very superior, it yet remained for tlurn to he tested by an expert in working leather to learn their true quality. Theieforc, Col. Kviins recently put a calf shin in tan. ami alter ?i.t ihn/s t<xik it nut u;ul ?1 reused it, turned it over to I'rnl". Frcck tn manipulate into a pair of hoot*. i'rnf. F. did so, and assures us that lie never w rk<d superior leather in his life ?that it crimps, sews, and no dies efjual to, if ht Mip.ii,.r to any French (Jalfhecver moiled We luiVe so* n the boot" and f -y wtrsaitily have ull the appe arances of he in:/ very superior. We regard Prof Freeh's endorsement a* entirely sufficient to establish the mi nts of the puU'tit luu. BREVITIES. ; The health of Cuiudcn was never beti ter. | Good T'rid.-iy will full this year on the 19th of April, and Easter Sunday on j the 21st. ; This will be a grout fruit ysar, if a ! lingering fro.>t does not put in an ap-1 j pcarance. I Judge Press ley held court in Suuitor j | last week, lie is spoken of in the! most favorable toruis. Nearly everybody has finished plant-1 ing corn. A big crop this year is what j aH expect to make. Moonlight, music, poetry and flowers, (just now. The parson will probably be | (.-ailed in after a while. I The celebrated Davis' Diamond Hams, may be bought of C. Noclken, Esq., at 12* cents per pound. Annual meeting "f tlic stockholders of the South Cur linn Railroad will he held on the 9th of April. Put in the right uien, or you may have cause for regret before the time for another municipal election. B?fore deciding how you will vote ascertain whatamountofsubstantial good tho present council has accomplished. Every voter is a man And a brother, now that the election is yet in the future. Walk up, gentlemen, and take u drink. When will the County Oonven ion be held? The question is frequently asked us by geuilemcu living in the country. It seems that March is nbont to oouie and go this time without a wind or a rain. Where is the clerk of the weather ? The Puricn Pal Masque was a briU limit affair. All of the prizes were taken by young ladies and gentlemen from Lewisville. , A tremendous fog on Wednesday morning. It was fo dense at the depot that the train coald scarcely bo seeo ten ( step* distant. , By the act of the General Assembly reducing the limits of Camden, the [ bridge at the lower end of Broad street is left out of town. Our State tax has been reduced by the Democratic party from fif-ecn to four nnd a half mills, and still some t people are not happy. 1 This spring has been uousually fa- i vorable to planters, and the result is, ' marly every farmer has his lands in excellent condition. The prisoners in jail, who expect to < be acquitted, dislike the idea of remain ing in close confinement until another i term of the Circuit Court. An independent candidate is defined by the Anderson InVWycncri- to te a ( person who wants office, and can't get < the nomination of his own people. Tlio merchant* arc now 1 receiving goods by the Chester and Che- J raw Narrow Gaip Railtoad, which has ' l?ceti C'>mpleied 'o 'he river from Chester. .We are indebted to Frank Carter, Kaq.. Slate Senator from this county, lor a copy of the Report of the Corn- 1 mission to Investigate the Indebtedness oflhc State. It is said that a neighboring city contains a citizen who poo; to sleep every ni^ht in dread of finding on waking that he has been appointed an aid with rank on somebody's staff. 1 Marriages are constantly taking place in the town and country. The preaohits and Trial Justices know tiie ceremony by heart now, and they can make one of two in less than no time. , Parties having grain to reap, and wanting implements with which to har- i vest it, would do well to call at the store ' of Mr. Jatnes Jones, who lias just received a number of cradles, blades &c. We invite attention to tlio prospectus of the Charleston Journal oj Commerce which we publish elsewhere. The Jour' mil of Commerce is straighiout to the, core, and true to the interests of South Carolina. The JoCltNAL id delivered the muic day of publication at Flat Hock, Pleasant Hill and Lancaster. Wo already have lar^c subscription lists at those places, hut new names are always gladly received by us. C Jirj.itna fnr rtiKltO r\ ffi Oi. clii\ul/l l\n v ?, sure to have tlieir names advertised be-1 fore the primary elections arc held.. Such anuounccoicuts can be made in the | Joi'HNAL ut five dollars per name, cash i in advance. We want to get rich. The Lancaster Lnh/i-r ehrouichs the i death of Mr. J. T. K. Hell, wl.o trtisuu j influential citizen of that county. I)c-' i ceased was a graduate of Ihividson Col- I lege, served one term in the Legislature j I before the war, and at the time of his; death was an elder ir. Wax lnw Pr*>by- j teriun Church. It will gratily his many friends to' learn that Mr. A. I). Kennedy has roI sumed business at the old stand of K. nneily Si Boykin. II" has associated with i him our popular }uung townsman, Mr > B. (). Kennedy, and they will give oils tire satisfaction to those wishing goods in the line of groo< ries, hard*t)(p. general | tnerehandiso Xc. Pkrsos.U.?J. T. Hay, Esq., visited ' Charleston last week on professional j business. i Capt. .T. W, McCurry was in ('liar-, , leston last week. Mr. C. Noelken took a brief furlough last week, anJ availed himself of the! opportunity to spend a few days in j Charleston. j We regret to learn that Mr. II.!. Munich is sick in New York. Religious. Mk. Editor: I'iease announce through : your columns that a meeting will be j held at Roulah Church on the first Sun- j( day in April, and the Saturday before, | for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church in that community. The ser-, vice? on Saturday at 11 o'clock, A. M.1 Respectfully, W. j' Quickstep Club. Th<* members of the '-Quickstep Democratic 01 uh" are requested lo met at t 'Brush Harbour Church" on Saturday t n?xt thi- !50rh instant, at eleven o'clock. 1 The object of the meeting is to reorgnn- j j. ize and pt< pare actively for the cowing L campaign. [ t By order of the President, a Allen Peas, Secretary, 1 i e Turkey Creek. ? Pursuant to adjournment Turkey Creek Democratic Club met this evening, and ; | proceeded to re-organize, by electing the ! | following oirtccr": J. Duncan Shaw. ; President; J. F. Kelly and .T. J. Tiller, Aire Presidents; J. \Y. Gardner. j Becrding Secretary aud Treasurer ; J. K. Shaw, Corresponding Secretary. The question of primary elections was taken up, and after considerable' I discussion, pro and con, the following ir was adopted: ! v. Rttolecd, That it is inexpedient to de-1 clare in furor of primary elections until i " the details of the manner such elections | \ shall he conducted, where, when and by j ti whom held, and where and by whom the j -i result shall be declared. j Messrs. S. T. Gardner, 'J. J. Fulsom . and Dr. J. DuBosc Iluggins. were ap- [ ' pointed a committee on reiiistration. T)p ITnnirins with Mr. .T. .1. .Tosev I ? - - - - J | is alternate, vrns appointed to deliver in address before the Club at the next; ~ merfio?, The Club then adjournod to meet on i Saturday, the 20th of April, unless J tooncr called together by the President, i Tiller's Ferry, March 16, 1878. , ,( Attention Democracy. The Executive Committee of Kershaw jouuty nre earnestly requested to meet at lie office of the Chairman on Saturday, j lie 5th day of April next, at 12 o'clock, M. ! [' A full attendance is earnestly requested, ? is matters of importance looking to the , * jpetiing of tile next campaign will he disjussed and arranged. ' |j In the meantime, nil of the Clubs throughDiit the county are hereby urged to meet at . their respective places of gathering, and to i (,' organize by the election of officers to serve j for the ensiling two years, to appoint their j Executive Committees, revise their rolls, , ftl ?nd adopt such other measures as may he accessary to place Ihtir respective Clubs !? upon an effective footing. I J An appeal is made to every citizen of the jointly, who has at heart the welfare of his gounty ami State, to attend the meetings1!' If his Club, and l?y his individual presence < lend encouragement to his fellow-citizens, [ tnd thus give evidence of his own interest j in the success of ilie Democratic party? ^ Iho only party which experience proves ] Ban govern the State with economy, secu ' c pity nnd happiness to nil its citizens, both j j white and colored. { W. L DePASS, Cli'n. Ex. Com. | {, ! n Acts of the General Assembly. } We publish below important n<ts of i _ I It f Legislature. ! a An Act to protect the Orofs of Planters and : ' Farmers in the hand* of Merchant* and i Factor* from Attachment ami Levy for iU-hts ilwe bv eai<l Merchants and Factors. He it enacted by the Senate and House of' p Representatives of the State of South Cnro-! e lina, now met and sitting in General Assent-1 ? bly, and by the authority of the same: 0 That alter the passage of this act allcrops *; and produce of any planter or farmer which | " may, by consignment or otherwise, come into ; [, the possession or keeping of any merchant or 11> factor shall be exempt from attachment or ' a levy at the suit of any creditor oryodilors of 0 the said merchant or factor: pi ended, ho?v- w ever that should said merchant or factor Itava ( made any advances of money or provisions, er both, to said planter or farmer, said crop or produce may be sold in the regular tuautier, and out of the proceeds of tue same so much shall-be taken as will pay said advances together with interest thereon. Approved Febuaryl4, 1878. An Act ta regulate the Sale of Guano and otuer Fertilisers. Bt it enacted by the Senate and House of j) Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and silting in General \s*em- '' bly, and by the authority of the same : 1 Section* 1. That nil persons engaged in 1 v manufacturing in this Slate guano or other j fertilixer. or in selling in this Stale guano j * or other fertilixer manufactured in another j'' ? - - 1--II --I. - "O-I. -O..L- tinnsl or V1 Mine, Minn Bum u iu mu i?i., ........ .. other Article, containing the tmine a tng. ; either written or printe-1, containing the i nntne or niimen of the person or person*, or the name of the company, with the names j of its individual members so manufacturing or selling such guano or other fertilizer, and ! a true analysts of such guano or other fer-1 I ili/cr. line. 2. That if any person or persons j shall offer for sale in this State any guano i { or other fertilizer in respect to which the provisions of this act have not been complied ' with, or of which the analysis attached is i - l - r.l. _ i,...;?i < a?ceriHineti hj im-iiu-c 111 .. ,,,,, , liculur, sitelt person or persons shall he, guilty of a misdemeanor and shall he pun-1 ished by a line of not less than live hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars, ', or by imprisonment in the State 1'eniten- . tiary, at hard labor, for the period of not j less than one year, nor more than five years, j or both, at the discretion ol'ilie enurt. S?:c. This act shall not apply to land i' holders or farmers selling or furnishing fer- j ti'izers to their tenants or employees. Sec. I. That this act shall take etfeet immediately alter its passage Approved .March , IS7S. An Art to amend an act entitled an act to limit the charge lor advertising certain notices,'-approved December 2'J. lS7-"?. lie it enacted by lite Senate and House of < Itepreseiitaiives of the Stale of South Carolina. now met and sitting in (Jencral AsNembly. and by the authority of the same ; That an act entitled "an act to limit the charge for advertising certain notices," approved December ISTo, he, and the J same is hereby, amended by striking out i all after the word 'exceed," on the seventh , liuo. and inserting in lieu thereof the fol- . ilouiti||ta wit; "Uo? dollar p?r i^tmrw. f.?r the first insertion ;in<l fif'j rents for etch subsequent insvrtion. Provided, that in case the usual charge for publishing for private individuals, advertisements oc-1 copying the same space, and for like titne, be less tlia*r tlie rates aforesaid, it shall not be lawful to charge higher rates than so' charged to private individuals: Provided, | also, that in case the newspaper or newspapers in the county shall refuse to publish any such notices at the rates aforesaid, the person required by law to advertise shall post his notices on the court house door and , two other conspicuous places in different! parts of the county. .Approved March 12,, 1877. MAtST. Lost on Suit lay morning, somewhere between the Tax office and the Post office, a ' Otincli of keys. In the hunch was a post-; office key The finder will confer a favor f iy leaving them at the JornxAi. Of no p.. March 26?It. J Annual >leetinj* jj l>f the Ktockholilers of tlic South !: Carolina Railroad and South i?uiArn ituilrnad Bank. Charleston*, S. C., March 18, 1878. j TIIK Annual meeting will be held in , his city, in the Hall of ihc Bank of Charles ; on, corner of llroad and State streets, on | ri ksoav, April '.ttli prox., nt 11 a. m. On ' lie day following an Election will be held or fifteen Directors in the Hnilrond Cointuny, and thirteen Directors in the Bank, j 1 committee to verify 1'roxies will attend, nd their presentation to the committee for ! j hat purpose, on the first day of the meet-j ng, h respectfully requested. Stockhold- J rs will be passed over the road, to and j rom the meeting, free of charge. mftr2G-2 J. H. WILSON*.See. Spring Opening ; } tllLLUVERY j DBEW OOOD8. |f n am now receiving aud ojening my | o Jpring and Summer Styles^ Of the above goods, in great varieties, to j j hich I invite the attention of the ladies. ly stock will include all the latest novelies in fashion. My r>RESS - MAKING Department n the hands of an experienced MODISTE. | hose taste and execution will give satis-. , I icl ton. Mrs. T. B. Walker. THE CHARLESTON rnrtDxi a t m? 1 lUUlllUlU Ul' uuJiiuiJiiuu. Til K )fficial Journal of the City, j The CHEAPEST DAILY NEWSPAPER i ublishcd in the South Atlantic State.*. Terms; tie year. by mail, S8 ix month?, 4 ri-weekly, per annum, 4 j Circulates in North and South Carolona, Oeorgia, Florida nnd Alabama. l'CBt.l8ltKt?"HV TIIE * I hail est on Publishing Company A Democratic paper owned by tlie people ad published in their interest. THE LATEST .NEWS By Mail and Telegraph From ail tjunrters of the (Jlobe. v SriLSCRIBK AT O.N'CK !; Notice. 1 hereby appoint nnd constitute Thomas J r. Brown my agent to rent, for the year M7S. my Plantation situated on Flat Hock I reek in Kershaw county, known as the ohn P. Kirk bind Place, also for the ! urpose of transacting and supervising for; ic any other business in connection there-: itb. L. M. WATTS. March 26-11. j JoticeU. Internal Revenue' Snecial Taxes. 1 Cnder tlm It-vised statutes of Ih<* I'nited tates, Sei tioiM 3232. 3227, 82*5, aticl every or sou engaged in any business, avocation, or mplnymeiir, which renders liitn Ii:ti>!e to a sp?ial tax. Is required to prprure and place aud , cep conspicuously in his csliihltsliiueiit or place 1 f huslnc?s h i?Tv>ir denoting the payment of r aid special-tax for the special-tux year Im-jtisiinsr May 1. l-Ts. Section3WI. RevisedStatutes, estgiiatcs who are liable f) special t ix. A ream, as proserin d on Fo.'iu II. Is also required ! S v law of every person liable to special lax as g iiove. Skvkkk I'KXai.tiks are prescribed for ! on-eoiii| llaneec?ith the forciroiii/irquiretuei.ts! r for continuing in business after April ? , 1ST*, 'Ithoiit pavnient of tax. Ap- 'ligation should lie made to K. M. Ilrnyton.; ollectrtr <>f Internal Revenue, at f'oliimhia s. C.! GKKEN 15. HAl'M, Commissioner, i i I Notice The books for regislration, of the voters nlitled to vote, nt the ensuing election for ntendant and Wardens of the Town ot laniilen, will be opened nt Council (>hauler on Thursday the -Hth inst., ami will be I a ept open, daily, from 7 o'clock a. m. until | io'clock p. in. for three days. Person* , ^ nlitled to vote, who fail to register within ! lie time prescribed, will not be allowed to , ote at said election. Only male citizens ? I and upward, who hnved resided in the. r talc one year and in the county and towu , 0 ilnys, preceding the day of election j till he entitled to he registered and vote, lly order of council. J.J. MiOKAV, M. \\\ llissii.i. .Ino. A. Mohwki.i., | Registers ami Manager!*. ' E. K. Sim., clerk. The Novell.v nilAMPAUNK ('WARS. C ill ami see [j l!i cm at KIRK LEY \ SMITHS. I /\ mil.S ITI.TON MARKET IIKEF 1 v for saie by DA I'M RltOS. .ihvays oil Hand. Choice Family Ciroc lies at lowest tig j M? w ' KIRK LEY A SMITH. | i aimed Corn Hod', Rolled Hum, Salmon. Oysters, l'icklu. fariliues, &c., liy ' fob 1 lit f KUIKLHV & SMITH j 11 Tlii' HohI Hiitloi'. Cheese, Muccurooi. \<\. for sale bv f?bI_? i? KIKKI.KV & SMiTII. , BisCuits. P^A Barrels of Biscuits for sale l?v ,J" BAL'M BROS Candy. Candy. '?OXES nssorted Ontvlv for snle bv i ??l BAU J/ BROS. | CUocsc. t AA BOXES CHEESE for mle by HHJ IMI'M \W9> | |-7lf-TtTT"TI ? ?-71 I I To Administrators, &<*. Administrator*, Executor*. Guardians, Committees &c. baring returns due iliis office are hereby required to make ihesrunr forthwith. In cure ot default, n in It will lie issued in every instance. Jamks K. Srntrni.AM?. rnnrlO-4 Judge of I'rohnte. Letters DiNiniiwory. Notice is hereby given that month from date i will apply to James F. Sutherland, Esq., Judge of Probate for Kershaw County, for I.kttkbs IHsmissoby as admin* istrntor of Thomas McClure, deceased. inarllMm W. F. Hbkwpb. TJT I vrnn Rotill price few, only f?w. I'arlor I I A il I In Organs, price J:t;r>, only >tn?. Paper A UIJ free. I). 1. Uciitty. Washington, N.J. REVOLVER FREE Si of cartridges. Address J. brown .V Son 1M X 138 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa. SKIN *&&&&& riving svmptoni* and sckk ctbb. Sknt Fukb to those afflicted. Address, K. s. W'Kirsrr.K, CO X. Hh street. Philadelphia, I'a. For a case of I'ATAItltff That KAN FORD'S RADICAL CURE for Catarrh wilt mm* 4^. not Instantly relieve au<l kl El speedily cure. References, ,Henry Wells, Esq.. Wells, Fargo \ Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Wm 1 to won. Em.. Me Hi ton. (Jrant A Boweu, St. J-k v/ -v iLouU. Testimonial* and P TreatIse t?y mall. Prlre, with improved inhaler, $1. Sold .everywhere. WEEKS {A. PffTTBH, proprietor.-, Boston, Mass. TEMPERANCE RETORM AXt? ITS fSRKAT UEFOBMKHS. By Rev. IV. II. Diliiiclfl, A. M. Tofu?ely illnsfratel) wiih Portraits and sketches ami containing over coo iwges. r A WIJOI.K TEMi'KKSXCK LIBRARY IX A flXCLK VOI.CMK. Airents wanted everywhere. Address, for Extra Terms and Circulars, ?eLSO.V a PHILLIPS, soft Bronyway, New York IK | ? ?? I f* My wntton course IXI I II If _ of rrealineut 8|>ee. I X XX K I XX ?dily relievos drsepsla and all stomach disorders caused "l?y inciuperancc in eating and drinking. Effects pei nanenf. Cnres in six out of ten case*. Course f treatment $10?(ft when ordered, the remainer when the patient is cured, or when the value f the treatment is known, state ease, enelosagfiOc. inall letters of inquiry relative to the reatment. Dr. X. stoker, Lock Box 1.012, Tort lurou, Mich.. I Goulds Manufacturing Co. f Manufacturer* of all ForceTii Lift PUMPS Tor f 7* r,/.*, MV//*, roal", tS'rutrtit ats$ FTRK ENGINES, Hydraulic Bams, AHAI.CtAM BKM.S For Clmr. hr*, School., ct i PLnlction*. Com-Shcllert, S'nks.ete. Puinrwand Midori* hfer Driven Weils a rpeci: Itv. Sai /'ttrfivn quorii Cat ilogu*** mrnifibi'd n*m fppK<?tf??n. Vi .vr.KHOU.iK, u Pna IVao:. >lw i ?jr.k i.itt i. M E RI C AN CLOCK S. NEW PATTERNS, SUPERIOR EiOHT )ny, Strike Moreinent, Polished Spring*, riili Patent Arrangement allowing tlie amis to be turned backwards without inuring the striking part; carefully fitii?lied. warranted I<> run accurately. In Hack Walnut Cases, Front Class Ornamentally Cut, AM* Visible P e 11 <1 ii 1 ii in . ilso, One Day Clocks in a variety of Fancy Patterns. Popular School Books. jJi* v : Prime; s, Spellers, Readers, Histories, 'h.losophies, Geographies. Hint ionery. T'nper ami Knv?*l?pey. Copy nn<l Report looks, Merchants' Account Books, Memo* andutns, Ink, Pons and Pencil?. tkiT Any Rook published in the United Itntes ciwi be k*dv At publishers' prices, on hort notice. J. A. YOUNG. march lOtf IEBOIET A REED, Auctioneers. , CAMDEN, S. C. I t Orders solicited and satisfaction guar, ntced. febliltf 10 Barrels Extra Fine Sugar. For sale cheap. lOT'iO-'Jt B11A8I NO TON & N KTTI. I !S. Municipal Election. COUNCIL CHAMBER, March 5, ls7S. An Election for Intendant and Wardens if the Town of Catnde . is hereby ordereu o be held on tirst Monday, the first day. of Ipril next. The polls to be opened at "< /clock A. M. at Council Chamber, and to je open until <? o'clock P* M. Immediately ifter tbe Poll? arc closed the Managers will ount the Voles and declare the Election. Ul Male citizens 21 years old and upwards vho have been residents of the County ami Town for t><) days preceding flu* day of 'lection, and have registered their mimes is electors, will be entitled to vote at said election. All bar-rooms and drinking saloon* within the corporate limits cd' the Town, arc hereby ordered to be closed from ll> o'clock m Saturday night preceding the day of flection, until Tuesday morning 6 o'clock fcftT the day of election. lly order of the [nteudunl mid Wardens ol theTown of Camden. K. E. SILL. Clerk and lleeorder. U can make money faster at work for u? than at anvthitnr els . capital not napim-d; we wilt start yon. $12 per day at home made liy the industrious. Men, women, l>ovs and girls w anted everywhere to work for as. Now isthe time. Cosily outfit atldterms free. Address Tuck A Co., Amrusta, Me. Notiw All persons holding cheeks of County Commissioners of this County, drawn on Donald Mdliifcti. Esq.. late County Treasurer, are requested to fnruisli a li*t of satuc, describing them by numbers 'late*, amounts, and the fund on which they are drawn, and eihihit the originals to \1. II. II. Workman. Clerk of the Hoard ot ( ouuty Commissioners. immediately. W. IJ. W0UKJ4AX Clfrk. I'tfo $<ls*