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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. Published Kcery Tuesday. Ar CAM I) EX, S. C. TKANTHAH A ALKXANDKK. srnsCKlN'KtN It A IKS. [hi Athttncc.) One Year J2 < O .Six 'Ion I lis I -."? OR. I. H. ALEXANDER, Dental Snrafeon, COU\MUIA. s. c. c Oflicc ovi-r W. I>. I.ovi* - >T?ire. N-.vL'Otf DR. T. BERWICK LEGARE, DEXTIST. GRADUATK OKTIIK !l.\ 1/1*1 M<?KK COI.I.KGK OF DENTAL sfKiiEiJY. OFKI?*i:?1*KK\Li; HOUSE. Entrance >ti llroai Street ?r. A. W. BI ltAKr. lu.iV'i hi \r?:i> i\ c\ hi i:\, s. i\, orkkb.? his it. i r:ssii>.N > i. srr.vioEs to ^ TIli: I'K-U'LK Or THIS ri.Ai E w:? vhiniiv. rtfli'i?. next uoor t<> tliat < f Trial Justice Dcl'ass. ?li-cl 1-J5ni Wm. D. TRANTHAM, Attorney at CAMDEN, S. C. Office i:i tin? Camden Jui'Ii* nal office, Civilian's Block. J. D DUNLAP, TUI AI, .TrSTICE, I) I', OA I' STREET. CAMPK.V SO. OA. c Business entrusted to liis care will receive prompt attention juneTtf. J.T. HAY, ATTOBNKY AT LAW AND Trial Justice ovi-r ?.turr of lWru speriui attention ;tr- n i ?:!i ?lif iK'ii < } claims. .1. \V. 1 >kl'ASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW a> :> Trial Juxticr. Bnla'ii i! i -i li iri'lv ;.u i -t. W. L. DkI'ASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN. s. c. U Wil! jiract.c- 111 all tile S'.ito at.<I Courts. JatrJirtf T. II. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. oflic ?Tlia? fonuerlv'<f?.-u;iH<i i>y t'aj-f. .T. M. Davis. Jair.-.'ti J. L'. KKNM J'. II. NELSON KKNNEHV A NELSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CAMDEN. S. C. O.Th form< !v| .1 ! yJu l*r ?. I!. Ker*ii:tw. * iioy&KI* FREDERICK J. HAY, Architect and Builder, r.VMUKN. S Will fiu ui-li an l ostitnuies for ail kui'l* of hnil I'll '-*. Contrac?> i?k?*n at iii-rl-rat f. awl i>roi:i;illy an?l n?r<1111ly alte:. I I !< Ill ,!. ) > 1>!I 't' l |i?- t'l v | > i \ iil'I'XM. I.flin wiil rrreivi- ir;:iik**1 lute att'-niion. Ma rc lilt* JOHN C. WOLbT, PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL, AM? SI<; N I * A I NTKIJ, % Paper Hunger <3'- Glazier, ramuex, s. r. f-CJ-t'J'i I'Jill Kt'Sitro to Stop at the Latham House, t s. t . 1 (iltANf!! M t:?. *i:I., b'j < ?? I n; S'.n. tt/.'f \ in: .itoiihii'mJ ,! , '! < sup y>ii?-<l v.iili tl ? l.cst iii? \Ihi I??*i? aSi<>i ! livei v atli-nl '! t rii-i i > :In* "1 JRVfr" l'i" ii? vI j.pinjr 'I 'if l.:KIt'll" 11 .i? -w ill !i < ii \ ; .-I to uti'l from tin Ci. c : i-o,., w iiiioitt !i?> ivy l.:ioo;|o-, \i,|! in- c.iiiM y-'l to Hli'l 'roiu any | it ol tin- i.ot atiove K.'lHi Sl! * . at MOit-. ' ti- ! w.t'i tin- lioti-i* N a ' r?t < Car. v. i.-'i I . at i -!v lioiii the utrl 01 S< I \ . Ulrgf I on "\ - ii jtj I to oin^t^ on liWi il t<-ri:.-. 1-iilnT for < ity re !tilty jait"* ly > 1? I.A'111A Si. l'i"j.riitor. DeKalb House, IIV A S UOlPilhliS Most Centrally Located Hotel in Town Terms S'i Per I)n,v. ? Commercial Travelers will hive every nttriiiioii |nl to their con tort, :>n*l l.c fur lii-lir I w;'!i SWII'I.K I'OOMS it tins lloU-n; 'Hi I ] I'-ofjS v l < 111 ||o ' !?!. |r|, will li:i I i' i ',oirt n?i I J>!<ti-.iiit lioinr S]M- , i| I .*! >* I'lU ! * lot' J>irlic? traveling I igethrr. i'i 1 for lii "ir who wi-li to slny i? week or ii. !* In' meetio'i w I'll ilii* ii iii>4< is ii fl 1st-I l?I! \ l.l: \ .""I \ 111.1W III' re liorxra lifrl ?.*hicl?*? i ill t.<* i. .1 'it ill! limes fur town oi ( miry ?? . ut the most iciixniui Mr rule ' iivr;nn?;es to riti> 1 from the il' fiot lit ev'-ry Iruiti. ilecl^ll k ill Kind* (if I'ltinrl I ioiris ||?>4| Ijictlir V. tttl'l eni rnntc'l mil weight, tor sn! hy feM'Jtf KIT. Kl.F.Y \ MMlTil. i m^ VOLUME XXXVI. ????????? THE LABORER AND THE WARRIOR. The camp has li1 its ilny of - .ng: The sword. tiu? bayonet. tin1 plume Have crowded out nf rhyme tor. lung The plow. the anvil ntel the loom! 0 i not i!|'i>ti the tented fields Are freedom's heroes hrod n'otie: The training of n workshop yields More heroes true than war lias known, j Who drives the holt, who -hapcs the -teel. May with a heart a- valiant smite As he who -ees a f. em iti reel In hlooJ hefore his lilo v of might : The -kill that conquers spare and time. That grati s life, that lightens toil. May sj ring ii-om courage more suhlitne Than that which makes a realm a spoil. Let lahnr. then. Toi k up and see His craft n pa tit id h itiof lack-: Tlie solditr's title \et slia'l he I. -- hiiin.ivd thnti the woo '.man'.? axe: ( Let art his own ti| j ointment ] rise Nor do. t.i that *-nlil or outward light 'an compensate the wi.rtii tha-t lies In t i-:< - that hrecd their own delight. And may the tit m n?r -'ill, \\ !.on niiiti toi- -acred truth shall heed, That from the thought and ftotn the will i Must n'l that raises ro in pr? eeed : Though pride tuav h Id our calling low. for II- -lo.ll .ll.U' liml'li it .foo l i fnun trntli truth ?!i:i'1 pi>. Till 1 iIV :tx."l death rue iiji-( I. THE BLUE AND THE GREY Wl'Af \ VnX-CoMR \TANT S.WV AM? 1IK.\IU>? SCK.M'S IN I'ltTII ('AMl'sTIIK YAXKKE HI mmkr ANI> TIII: ( "ON i'KM KATE Sni.WF.H, lvrc., Ktc. Mr. II. V. Iti- lfi.'I'l, win is ona of i :!i ?ii >t ? r? fuI tin I observant corrcsr - I'lulrt to in tin- cmuii'.iv. I si" j'l-I cmIiiliutfil :i |>:iper tu tin* Philadelphia WVeklv Times, tliar pi. duces peculiar ii.u r- st and s:i;nilieali >n. r.l TWKKN TWO FIRES. Mr. Koilft -il was, iitiritir; the a sttkt nun <ombatant. He was Quaker ? * * 1 \ ' _ iike in i i- k ve or | pace, aim pursu ni in* in.iff-. 11>i\ I u*iue.*s wlili mild and Learn itgeie. lie was situated on eotitistid ^r und: between the I i ion and Con-1 Icdoiate armies. One day lie was sur- J rounded Ly lho Yankees, and tlie next i day In* placid and unrufih i face Lcain- j ed liken lull uioi.n froui the midst of an j angry rebel lm*t. It 1 nppened that Mr. l'edficld. | wh<? was c!ij>|>iiiiT a piece of non-explo- j sire calico, or weighing a prund of tea, I would observe things closely out of the j tail of hi* peaceful eye. had a capital , opportunity of noting the character!*- ' ties OF THE TWO ARMIES. His imj r?**i< n*. gained while on-I onged in the bloodless business of keep- j itig store between the lilies, he has put into print. The points that he make* tutii *h many r a*i t.> f r tlie defeat of the confederate arms. The first point of difference between the armies was the dtspaiity in < |'iipti. tits. Ih? northern soldiers l ad the 1 very he*t ci thing that money could 1 buy or the maikcts of the world iui- : niiT. 'I hey had sp endid double over- j eoats. oil-eloth coverings, and perleei i tjilii* and ace inil inen's I lo-ir wagons ; -a1111 aiiiliol .in-,-- Were Mija-ili and Ic in n Li!>'\ :im:ir i rniiirh riinpai?iiii.L*. I heir rivalry ? j-i!j>m nt> were' in.iL'iiTi<-? :i* N'? .in v ever went in tli fn M In it- i i ijriij !., 1 than tic 1 "nii.n army. I UK r.Al Kill n.Vi'i >, nil the i tl i r 1.ami. H'tc s-lahlilv run] 1 I - . fH li V ?11 > ?!. 1 In \ W -ir || HI,". >iriri lie-' an 1 'i wa- ! a I lit-. In if n irin nt i f ?mv-ilr\. Mi ll lfic!<l la- ri ! hi ur five i.iii'i-. i 1 rifio ai.i] ! sliur j. iii-. .i.! - ? r- 1 f -1 1 J.V-, > me with i { -tin 11j -. ii i tn .nv <if tin iii ! with ui i alik-'t-. I' ? ? r- aliv liilL'l"ahie, lc -a\> I !i?' ln<;-i - wi-rr v r\ punll; 1". <1 an I J i?->1! V ^rminn-il ail I t *< lie n ti a Irilt Iret /it.j an 1 li.iif starvcil . cotnlitiuti. An rv< ii u'ti'ati r !ifT- ictiC" w:n <<l> v rvahie in tin Mipj iy ftci] that warn rvnj to tin* ?ttn ai inns. Tin- f.-.lerals alwa\- I... I full l i'i'in- of 1 ? }". fnik. ' ci.fli i, I>r?*:nl am) !? in-. Their at lielci w f "f tin* !? .-; 11111'i'y. tui'l the ri'eiiiieiit- nrevih'l with -inh euiiveniiMif e. i.kiii'j utensils that thev were nlua\- ahh' t > | re} arc it appeti/.in<;ly. They tiev. r -ufr-rel fY mi 11<111_r r "r pour ra. i??ti 'J lc t iiii!i'i]i ia'(-, nn the olIn i haiiil. I :i11 M'atit\ ami | ">r eatinu'. Tlu-y h:ni i-i'ieillt e i enukii.'/ litcm-iis, an I ti e {. < r f'"> J 111:11 they liri-l >vi? itii-iTii'h i" usi'i. !u tla' -jiiiii^ul ]> >.'!, Mr I!. 1 fit 'ii ?j.< i.'t i ti-iv in t i.'iiii]> of a t.'oiili >!rr ate n L'iiixnt ami I Min i that tin v l a l ti'it'iiii^' fur rations hut hi" I am! flour Then' w n nut even un nutiee el sat I he hr-ai'l was literally , in thin^ hut fhnir ate] wat r. It was hukeJ in | .ii- ami t he h- el i;n\>i ti' n\ a srii'k. M- IV. I <5..1.1 _ k,.ri..i,.!i I lift t the abniltblllOO "f I'ofb'o Was Wol til tb"ll?amis of sobiitis t" llio I ni"ii vi?lf It was ;i (in ricruitiii^'|MWiT it? tin- bor ' r stati ! II'' t''l's til a tailor an I two sons wlm I iiirlii It a yoar or two lor lli.- cniili'l'TatiS. Tlo'v wi rt* ca|'lurril a if 1 j. iro!?"l t liii' il iy tin* sons wont i i] >wii t" tlio fcl'Tal ramp. a til wi r?: fi?'atI to sonio lino r .!}. . 'I liry bo* caino so l"ii I of it tbat I boy finally joint'') tbt* li'ilorals jo-: in t pb-nlv of if | In I'ltloT lulloWl 'l Vrl v 1 "'II I" nil Ills S1 ill - Oil' "I "till! l|lSO| al'i'til! -' r.i|" an I wonn<I up by yit-lilin^ Ins patio limn I'ljiUVi' to tin-< lb " jo-! as I f t y lia'l ib to It o mi Uin,' lb it ibo S i lilnTii aiinios, ftiin}? - "I f'T tlio most pirt of ii n n-< -I in t niiiilol living ami a warm oilioat". i'i.ol I Ii.i\ " f.oojb'. an<] mai <'lo'.|, ai"l -'i!l? i I a- tl oy <iil f..r fivo baiy; \vir-i in tlio Hioiintains of \ iiilia ami J t'lii.O'Sfe Tlmir solilier lifo was a heroism, cv< n if there had boon no hat- f i ties. It required more and pa- J" fritilism to suff-.r. and t > endure, and starve. than it did t? ti'_!it. Ono of the most importatit differences that our observant no cd was llio !, discipline that was m much nowo perfect in the Northern than th* Southern , nrtny. In tmo form-r the discipline was perfect from tint first. The officers were supreme in the federal army. Thev were obeyed implicitly, and with non-cjnestinnincr. The ease was differ* ' cut with tl-e Southerners. There was more individuality ana ne those soldiers. Almost every man load hi^h ideas of pot annul dignity and independence. . The most of thorn eon*id- rod themselves tho eijuals. ii.anv of tholl) the >uperiors ( of their ofVuvis. The most oj the com- | panios wore ma le up in tho towns :ind villages in which all the m? n were ac? ( ijilain'od w'th ca h other. It thus happened that a lot of j i.or.xi. ntrjt'mors ani? spurs wore handed together in e:r-h cotnpanv and carried t' r--mlh t1 o war V?- |? Jit J .. ! .. ?f < M I III ?!' 1 M II 'i - .1 i .% . . w. ir>ir * on 'he } n? of oi:r to their "ffieprs. :n d a s;o? >1 ina? V 11i11 <tni?* private. offered ft* Jn-k tin* off,. * ivr< t V**it vp fit,>m puiii'm inds ?1:v litln'l liico Tli" s'nit i'n^ of ?lie im;i- ' vidua' r..n'-'d..fitc soldier wis much ' 1 ijl,<r n:!v u of 1 f!i? Vor'|i',rli. Tills of it-e'l made them unruly at fir.t. r r.otvt; hack on Tim okkicfrs. . Mr. Ilelli'd I says t?i- r** was mneli irreaOT d'sp >i?i r,tt th ' ? tit of the | f.-ij.Tat (is tn put aH 'lie 1 !;;iiie of a (| defeat oil tli'ir officers than (here was j. ott tii'' other side In shoit. tie- feder. ^ - I l*o ?ii.M I I :i r J f I l? ( 'i Ifl . il?? wnr lll"ir . . t orates more like volunteers : tli one j, were "machines," the others tnen. ? A cj:i?I?'lsM on "1U MM I.Ml." ()ur observant says th ?t one of the n most n >tah!e points of difference be- I twoen I lie tw? armies w:>* the manner in which the federal* * hummed ' a ami played the vandal. while the South- n crnt-rs did'nt hum and played the gen- ^ tleman. c He says the Southerners di.i nosteal- a itig. The rights of property in the country through which they marched ( were sacred. They did not steal, ex- h cept in unusual case*. and cv?n ehiek- ; ' cm* might roost in safety on the edge of their camps. Mr. He ificM says that "lie is eon-trained 'o confess though why he lines it under constraint we j 0 can't imagine, that at the opening of v the war ill" ina*s of the Southern army ' were gentlemen. A* the struggle deep- ' ened and tin? soldiers were starving, of 11 course tins was ehnng- d to a degree. ' hut C.-I II then, the Confederates paid " for every thing they g"t. r It wa- totaiiv different, with the fed- :| cra ?. They forage 1 sliaim lol y. They -toie everything from tdiiek. n on'.he v roo-t up, or dow n. They re-peeted no I sentiment or Ldpics-tics- '! hey w< re ' vandals in lie worst sense. Mr UciU field tiientioiis. among other thing- " they < ntiTP 1 l is store tin: t lilple of s peace, hv th" way, and lini'* !lr?Willi ' worth >'J fiU a pair A hundred v or s i IJil.b - I hey tore Up :;n 1 scattered 1 :i tlie floor, or made bonfires uf. What ' tlu v could not us ti>ev de*ti<?ved. T.'ic 1 ?iil a'l'li' r vl' >; > 11? ll w I jK'mI \V I ii:i>i ; i'"' Imtnaii li 'in.;- c i|> iM" iif." 1 Ii > * f<ii ilt-r : ' N'i "itiKi fit ff 1 - ' ' i.iliL'- I'dilM kr p (Hit ! |?:1 ":?vr?*ra?. ' \n li" iv i- * si"*-! in I' ?t ilfi *' i* ' .1- fr I " I I K ndwsp. II ?w tin.- if i- fI :?r a - !'f .v:>hit J turn-lli aw iv 'trail. " .ml ;1. ?r <] <]- ! k;n In '> in r?-tiiin I 'r vi! ;u i- .[ iisir f-iaN "I Ji ii;i. a i; !i i'l. lli; i uii- ii* kiti'im ? i j ut . l!i-' .'fa' 'a v i I '(l\v -i'Vi n a- | nr- 'i.iv i- i j* i f <if I In I > i v i tie Spiiit In i ii?l i -- i- a- . r'u* i[i ii it ii It an"ifn I' I., iv !> L'iv-n in a Wind or i l ink tv 'i i r -li iniiii-li:nati_rJi| i.fu'ir ttf.'t'i. W.tli cinntcsii-s aline w? mat iin5in* ur patl'Wav. an I u<*k ?1 \v:i l?!i*->inir^ ttlii'll i it ( *i|i] ii| 'il |i-l ) '? :i?i . I'i li l?i ntlr i !v. t i In ti iiMul an*] < ' , ( run.- .li? an fir i- in ii- li?'. t'lc.-i' re tin1 <T" tt niiij .'laC'S "f Inn fi jy? aii'l a!! 'li- - aiv I' Mn 'f kin'lii' ?. If i> ! aii'_'cr, hr< I 'liiiL' kali* ami oututiiclv. ( tliaf lias lillcil tlin eirlli tti'li misery | ami rtiin. AH2?T liftv*kimlivlaml ( i, hcfuie w I i i i'I i :i 11 that if Iniiui ilni ( in man vanishes. leaving on!\ tin1 WiI !. ^ ti> m,(> animal of l:jf lirinu'. ili? > <livd-d. Iri<-ii'|f parted. e'liiitnunith s at , IViii]. an I iriti<m warring njriinst nation ( ?these are the fruits of :in:;er. It lias lil'L'ot lull the foulest III CIIUIi'S Hut kiniiicss. iii |iin|Mrli.iti as thi- lias liccn tlic I u'inir spirit atmuii; men, peace ar il Iiappiin ss as have folhiwcd. The liofiic hearth has In en the centre of a paradise, ami the community a Internal Klv-iuni. Verily "Hetter i. a ?lrv crust ami ijuielin vs therewith, than a house full of sacrifice with strife." I,et us study ami strive to he kiml, no matter I l ow s.'i niia^ly trivial thejue - tsi,,n. tier how small the pr?uni.'d I'rnif. It i* tht-only laiiL'iia^c nl our ii.v . that i> uiiiver-il and irresistthle. In the 1 an Ituam.- ni i he poi't : 'II .w - it'll;, <.|| the 1||I||-. | I,- lit \ ? .r I ot I, in I lie-- t 11J \lcl lo I In* 'try nil ! pareticl nl I'll' 111 -1?-11 11 I ell I ' 11 o ] i e , I it I lie\ knew. wl|o V. ill k I 'he i"l I ' 11 \| i t soi l .W, p let nil i | in. the pnw r i Will if kill l'l">- ii ?lh. I'weie I'.ll' eli- ijfilll I'liilo-iihers sav that e|..sin_' the c\es in ike. th- f irin^ ui -re a'-u'e. \ ?,i_' si|oL'e-t- 'hat this a ' lur.ts fur the many "yes that clasv in i> ir church i c' iiti Sundays. A.MDEN, S. C., MARCH A Retrospect of Centuries One hundred years a;.'o : American Indepetid' nee. Two hundred years ago; Kins l'hiiip (lie Indian) defeated and slain ; /nt?n nii/ni^ in Kntrhwd. Three hundred years acjn ; massacre nf'St. l? u thnlooiew ; Spanish Armada preparing. I'oil r hundred years a'*'*; printing invented : Isabella the coming ipioen. Five hundred years ? .">. th" days of Fanier'ane the Tartar, and Chance; the Kn-jlisii poet. Six hundred years nun. IJdin! and I'ruce; Kiebard Ihtenn ; St. Thomas Aquinas : IIouso of |[a>p?liiir^ founded. S. von hundred years ;i'_'o; diehard \mir ?1 ? Lion and Sahidin. w|iltan of Ivjvpt. measuring swnnl? in Palestine. Ki?ht hundred years ago . William In' Conqueror. Nine I iiiidn d year* ag?; II uirli Cavt, i||? Frenchman. One thousand years ago : A'f'rcd the Onn Ili"ii-:ind or e Imndr d vcar* aL*o; iliarl riinirn and Hammi \l Ki*chil. One thousand 'ff'i hundred vear* ago; loli- mndnnis!ii making lively w >rk in inlini.ple and other plneos ' hie tliitusid three lilindred \"arj ago ; (id f'liiisreis the Persian. lives by ninrler. and tit.' |\tpp is made a secular udge am nig kings. (> e tli(ni-aii 1 four hundred years ng.?; he Sixoi.s live'v in Mritain : t'iovU ? ?alihshi's 'lie I rere l; monarchv, an I til" fLig' ths e uiijimr St ain ()n thousand five hundred v.'ar^ ago ; he IJ.iinari Kmpire having legislated aanv yars in fav r < and liast ihor. lies ins to fall fit pieces. One tlpms in ? six ltnndrd years a'.'o ; lie world has dot li itii; better to do tnan > br 'acli and denounce heresies and get p religious perseeutions. * ill Duo tiiousan I seven nnntireu year* jn: Marcus Aurelius, Tacitus, ami ''nfarch. On" thousand ei?rht lmmlrc 1 years iro ; .Jerusalem destroyed, ari l lleroula* ctiin arid l'"tnpcii buried. )ii" t lions hi I c.iirht hundred an.I seventy ii;ht years ?j?u ; all the world at p? ace n l Christ born. Six thousand years am ; Adam rase to lie dignity of a larjre real-estate owner, 'it by poor management was driven [.to involuntary bankruptcy. An Unexpected Visitor. ! Some rime a?:o a large and excited ro\vd of citizens rushed to one of ilie .liarc. s in N.'W Orleans as if some oa* astroplic had h ifp"nc1. No ex pi i-i->ii ia l taken place, however, no suici le or ecidental drowning had occurred, hut he cause of the gatheiing was no less tie of s iino interest. An alligator?a al. scaly. huge monster? had suddenly seemled from the muddv depths of the di-sis*ippi. and crawling np-n the vliarI*. an:! e i .lly surveyed the animated lanornma of our yreat tlu.roughfire. . Iwas evi.l' iitiv a progressive alligator lifted with an invettig.uting mind, and peine J to take lireaf interest in the ign- of advanced civilization which stir oiindt d liiiu. I!? ba-ked lazily in the tin. and after a while became familiar/. d ctiytigh with the scene to train uitiilt nee. ami to advance a little near r to the lev. e dust then, unfortunatev. some one saw him, am! exclaimed ii a voice of terror. ' An Alligator !" ur amphibi' tis ftiend's nerves w-te bsturh-'d bv the erv, ami making a right ah >ut he started ?.t a sharp I * ? c It h's itit'v dement The lidweeti him and the riv r seafleretl in ill diiccti >iis. wh:f. tli -c lo-ht:id at* aek.'d f mi with stun, s an I bludgeons i'ii unlortun ite m u.-tcr wa? knocked - us . \ l.i_' colore.I man tied a - . . i i.:.. :? .... i .1.... .; | .? IF. .'i i'f> ii * n i ii >n ''F-'tii! \ :i t the ?h.i?r_'ht '! w'i;11 :i line t.iir \v .tor-proof ? rti.-iM have iii i <iii? "i' il'o hole, i !? ml iii<r w i- >ii!ii? li ii f.-.-t lon_'. in 1 a r ill r l:ui:.r,'r<?u? rust'titer to in i t a'oii in a ii.i' r nv p-itIt. A R' lniu kitb'o Sc-no. A r> 111.i kahles in- n'vsrrvil - ?m?? time itire at tlie ('in?it r \s-izo ('loirt. A IVnllllll 11 IV i ?1 If Ft iii I'nlllnl '.'Ililty of till' I injht-T "I her hush m l, Mr. .Iii?tiee liietl.iii an ai|?lre.s> in the pri-oiier.'lwelt iji 111 ill" eviil' iieeof her tiiiohamlV I n:tr iihtiiineil hrmalitv reeeiv"il with i xeni l?!:iiy I'uiiii aranee. ol'tlie per in provocalull she h:nl rreivol a<i 11?r ?l;iv "I' his lea'I. of the iiiiiiH iitarv ;>:is?i >ii which hail iiuiveil lo r to throw a sharpening steel it him wittn1111 . the juilije helieve any intent ion of r.kiinr him. It oil strike the man, ami the wile imim-ili itely ran lor a?i-t nice, ami <1 i< 1 all sh" eoithl t?? save Itiin The jitilye thell eolitilitle I ? VII ill-* r ilri.'ht in this ci-e wa< on ymir sol -, ami all tin real wr-msr oil i-iiiir hush iml s : ami t I luihol that I sltnuM ) iiiti-li v?ii. I will In' no party in it I will not :il!nw it I In* saiil hy :tiiv *ifv 11 ?r \im are a ( ' nvieteil I I'll. | ir a cullvirii.'ii is nt enmpleU* until a ?i ntrnrc i> passeil. ami I iman to pass ii i m iitcinM at all. I shall merely a^lv \>oi to niter into v ur own ivce^ni/. nice , t . ciiiiif up fur jmL'fnu nt if railed uj on; ami li I, 111v will ever rill llpoll ynll ? t in I In: Iii>! i fey rvrr should Tin- to 11111'ss was intriiuptoil liy loml eliei i inj iii t lie Colli t w hich was renewed win Ii llf pri>o||? I left I lie dork cs. I \v 1 >i-tli* when I am at work." admit- ail in Inslrmis Voiiw_' lalv. ami h t no .me ilrny iiir that privilege when I am wmkmo alone a! my n-wi m inaehinr If I am compelled to walk ilir slit * t alone at iiiohl I never fear ilanyer at an ippro aching footstep it ii he :irroiiipatiie<l with the music ol whistling I <1 i nut hehrve a person own wl.iitlo who iii infant on evil." m+mum i . " ! > 26, 1878. A Temblo Liar. 1 Hi- was tlie orfulrst Iiul* I ever seen," said Hnnlev (VLeary. as we returned from his friend's funeral. 'Why. he fold nie once that he live! on a small island in flic I'aeifie ocean on which there was an active demand out in that region for watermelons, so lie went into the business of raising them. And he said one year his whole crop Jailed except one melon that kept on growing at such a rate that, it crowded him off the lowland, and up the side of the volcano, which generated sream ?,nd cans, dan rxphsion which blew lip the whole eon corn to atoms, and shot him four hundre 1 mile- out t> sen. where , he was pic ked up by a whaler. He used to 1.11 that tin- great mistake nf his 1|.> was that he didn't drive a j in.' in ilv crat'-r nfti c volcano so as to make it water-ti?ht, arid tlien si ice open the watcrni'-liin air J coute >ai'i?!it home on the hall shell. Ho '.vimid lie II<' snid tliat once lip was o ;?{ awav on an ieeberir, with r!" I a.'c-'ic hit? i pair of skates and a f]*liiti'_' p But he skated arotinnd, until In aii.c across a dead whale, frozen into ?! e ice S > he to k ? fF his r.hirt ? it wa? irinlit for six months that year, tip tio re??t"rp it into strips f.?r a wick. I run the - rij>?? through the barnbo > ii>!iit!_* rod. >tnek the r dinto tin* fat of the whale, and lit the ??;hcr r?'J- lie sail it hut ted splendidly, ami the ice- 1 -eiax r.!o c?cd the li-iit s? stron ;iy that it w:?> fright a- d iy f-r f rfy nines ' ainuif'. and one vess< 1 tan into the ice- 1 !> :thinkin_' it was a iizht house. 1 lie ht\s iii! sold the if?'h 'fir to the I*:ij?t tin h>r mm. an i the (l.ip'ain split 1 it up an i f ' it hniti". an i made 2'10 ' per cent, pr lit disposing of it to the iecompanies. 1 1/ei' w. 11, sir, It-' heat any matt I 1 ever came across. Told not tint once nut in N*"Vada a mountain lion attacked him with his mouth wide open. Ho Iih'1 presence of mind i-n-isij?!i to jrrul? j i: Ity the tongue and r>u 1'. The lion reared with pain. loit ho did his level best pulling. and ty soon the tongue hcuMii to give and the tail to shorten, and directly out they cattle, the tail and ih?' tongue in one continuous string, lie said he had 'em at hotn-j and lie -h.>wv i 'em to me, hut my belief i* they wore only three or four eowlrdes and a bull's tail dovetailed together. lie was astonishing as a truth crusher. Sai 1 he served mi a gunhoat dur-' iisir tlie war which was very small and light. while tlio in >rt ir on 'he d -k was very latge and heavy, and he sai 1 the first time they tried to lire a fifteenineli shell, the shell remained stationary. while ih* recoil was si great that 1 it lired the gunboat liitu* miles up the stream and landed it it a trv. He was a liar, hut tiO'.v he's dead, I ivck ui he'll k"te|i it." There w n no d ?uht ah mf it; Mr. n'hejjry was vi ry successful a* a constructor of i- ieryetiir works of fiction' Tho Coin Nuisances. We aie ul.i l to-co that Mr Stephens. of Tgia. prop 'sas t > get rid of the three rent pin\s. both uiekleand silver: .ilr- i uf ilie .-iiver live cent pioc< -. i ht>e '!* ..... ...? ( in* :if f irihum v 1 ?n an- un .u :i!i ihm'iI- .1. :t;i 1 tin* winik? country would lit* delight "1 in u't t ritl ' tl,?-m Wo imii l'l'! :iln-ir i iwirahly w.ili ih nicklo live O'-iir pi'-re aii'l tli-' silver t mi c-vit j it I ho r : j ??! * r;*iii H >>I t! I ?r >lin!'; r an J \\ i< shall ret i l l **!' a if antuiva'n'-' U i* pr-i - wv an in! tin inure _*"li -i lla's. T' i? fun!. i-!ii*. ilrvi i 'l r.'in :i_'! i t.? L> call iJ ia a I in \ r .1' .11 at.ji- ar :i_' tin. Wo rather think ill rtrn <l<?!la* an ! :: ! a!' j ill piece is a i itli ; -.!!(. ! tl'.t " oi-iti. ai '1 uc htli. vclhaf it ward n t he i i i we;e i?. t i i. ! tnis'ied lVui:i pihlie I:It*. ^I .11\ *ii h a [>!? < m i i n h.i<* lu'iMi pai 1 "ii' ! v in -taki- ami i: i-* lie- iii '1 I ; rliaiiL'i* while llu* fiIvof t'nin lie i- all*':.t. We think that l! , p:--. i lit ( C'.'i? lia- n iji'li v.i- i'ta in tin* ruin.ami liiian* i J |-'o-ti?>ii- ra il an* I if J' it I hat hy t ho l i mo lilt' s?\**m lis is nv r '!. lilMtli'ial S' x'i in nf the I llitriJ Stat' > wi!I In- jii ' tu n* ai iy < .n>j.'. to and sat i? fact rv.?I! !h.*j Th- Paris Exposition Bui'ilinjrs. Tin* huiclinirs lit' the ruining Pari* exhibition in 1 >>7*\ are the largest yet collectveil I i|* i In- |iur|iUM'. 'I he nave ? ! the 111:1 i 11 Imi! iin:r i> nearly h i t Ion-;, the vista. which includes the two vest thiilcs, i- inure than -.-< In t. a:ul each nl the tr:nt>e|it> aii'l ve-til-uh's' tin ire than 1 1"" lei t. The ei?:hf i rul >? ?dial c>o.r!> are all paralollcd. ami are diviileil 1 tit i? two >-ries of lour each; 1 ti.? series lieiti^ ilevoted to the |ir duet ions | id 1 rai l -*, and the 1 titer to the rest of ttie exhihitim: nations. In the i-' iitie of the garden hotween the two series are two t an-i-- of tin-art ill--t tiOil the opposite si le of the rirer is the Troea ilero I'alaee, which is to he tlevoteil to lite history III 111:111 IVoin the savage -late tlnwii t'l lint iiio.-t iiit.ili'in liters t.i si'iotnv am] art I? will altcrward l>o usrd as a in iriii'i|>al mtisiiim. Life olivine Service Tlii* u? ti'Tal ?>ii|'i i i111<'11 1 > 111 ol iln? I nil. 1!1> lilt' >:ivin<; mivi?v lias >':li!iiitt< <! I, > annual ivjioM >t i Inatiniis of that si rvifi' I r tin' I-i>t v? ar. Tlit' r?'|H?rt shows that ili??r?* liavo lurt'ii <1 iirmtr tin* v? ar I'll !i-:i-it r> t" v< >>i'ls within I lie limit- nl i Ii [ ? i,iti<iu> t'l l!u' m i i in*. < hi hoard those vr-x '> ill-ri> \vcroju>t I ."inn |(t>r>i>ii> l*-tiin:?11-11 value i'l tin- vrssfls. S1 .!'** > 7 I I ; a if I "I the car^. S J . :',ilii .*?>- Number of lives saved, ill.(ill lost. l hitt \-tiint*. \ mount ! ) j.r<?|n*rt> "avril. SI.71 It.ii 17 ; amount lost, ll.57i?.tW5 NUMBER 37 Limit of the Power of the Micro- i SCOp''. In (lie animal kingdom are flmmi1 myriads of forms?animalcule, f'??r example?so liiinnte that their bulk is) reckoned ! y h-ss tlnn or???-milliontli pari of a cubic: inch. The vegc'able kin", dom also offers abundant specimens of Microscopic organisms, and yet most of j them have born carefully examined. For instance, the s'tinted markings ofj (lie /' > /-i.-iifr'n have been j counted lu a number sixty-four thousand to the lineal inch Notwithstanding the almost infinitesimal size of portions of the nr.*::nie world, human skill i.? able to compete with it in jo'nt of dimiri?itivrne?s. Platinum wire I?s ii:is hct 11 drawn so lino that if was no larger than tht? smallest fibre of the ( ^ o-anioi '.i web. ?i-<!?1 has been d***" si-' tf'l upon the surface of oth< r t??ta!s. and l>a< been drawn to such extreme,'| tliiiiin-s that the thousand millionth j j part of a "rain exhibited the visible characteristics of the metal. Xobert, wi h unsurpassed mechanical -kill, has' itiled a t< sr j iate eonsisMnsj of ii?c?! i*ufy eii" hundred and twolrc thousandth 1 part of an inch apart. Su !i minute divisions are wholly beyond the r<\?nlrinjr power of the m-elabwate of 1 itiod1 ::i m\-r s.- ;>ie appliances ; for the! ' fa"t has In en shown !<v Sorbv that tli" ' ultimate power of t!ie instrument for f li-tiiiet d Itr:11i ti is limited t>) the ex- :l itiiinat'on -.f loau'tiitudrs not le.-s than , ' >ne-h til* of t!i" aver it;; wave !i of ! ho tt::iiiii'.a? spectrum. or aoo'it e _-h*y ' thou*::u I to the inch. \V ? : t'.j iii- ' tnen-i ui- are lei* the datk i iteif retire 1 iViriL'es?or shadows?impair [!< de in ttoti. except in th ? case of strain* I - I : i. i... .. .... ..... I n;r M'i^> w iiit~ii, u y *i j mini " - >i * i r: , iUlcus li.'hr. may he eoutitol even fo ver one hundred tii >usand to tiir in-li Hampton's Honor and Hon33ty. i It i* <;ratil\in_r t > Kuril lovernor , I I.itnT>*i?n. of S nit Ii I lamlin i. ii is taken ;1 nimnliate an.I appropriate Steps in aid j >f tin* lav of" tliit lulled Stitis in tlie 'v \ust of the illicit distillers. It: one word 1 :h.! cas" is this: S-v. ml i!le;a! !i>t:IJeis ** iia 1 been arrested by the authority and s .fli ials n| tii- 1 ni'rd State* ; they were violently rescued, and tiuvern ir I lamp- 1 t-ui directs fie Sheriff of the county to 1 US'* all means to brim; to justice the res?uim; mob. Now the m re ma'.ur of revenue i> comparatively of no onse- 1 jueoce. 'i'ln- i*sue whkjt rises far above 1 the monetary e irwderatinn is whether th" spirit of the Smith i* in furor >1 the :l -uprein icy of the law. the Kclenl law in its sphere Ailo'.v nice can tea lily he iinil" only for the wild noti ois of the 11 illicit distillers, an ind a de_'fe for the i - y in [ it hy of their frini 1- and neighbor-; I hot the serious iju 'stion is. wh it is the t ntt'ru i<\ real, not pretende 1. of the an* ' tlioriti '! ! n this im.- , < i iveruor 11 imp- 1 ton appears t.? have met hi* r.-ponsd/'lity it at once and fully : a-. iiidc ?!. ! o sc ons > t i have done in the matter i f the debt | of tii State. When the who'.. S xitli | -hull Inve come to the p>i if "f yi?; lim; ' i.!.<. rv no' r ? 1 itv and oh ination. ami t -hull oxihit the -awe politid Meaciry t :in I < ?:i "i i-n >? wM-.-Ii J! ;m; * mi vi?iii? ' to display. Ir.' will In' little ! ?:- < ! I i* ft:*11 irii-in i" | !i:i - i r fin mi ami i vrv ::i i11*i:i >:i ol ! -v v ' > 1. . mi l . hu'i.-fv in til" > 'Ufli will inc-'t with I prompt ; >n !iv tho N r:I?. ? /' < / /?'. / /'?!.'/ A B *autIt'ii! Id .i. 1 i-uiiiiot belieco that earth is tmii> ' aiMiini; p'ace. 1: eatnitb' th it <>>ir life i- ea>t 'i|> hy the oiv.iu of eternity to ll 11' it a ;ii 'in -lit on in w ivi - an 1 ?!it 1? to it-?tliiiii;iier-s. Kl?e why i- it . tli if t lie >ii? a-piiutiuti- which {cap like novels liii ii tin- iniiple til'.iiir lie iris ' iif lii'rv i" w iii It-ritur ah sir tuisati?!i 'ill' 1 W'liv is :t tint ill-' raintj >v?r mid ih'1 iv'ii'l> ivitiie'ivi-r in with a beauty tiiaf ' i- n't of'earth, then jn-s "11 and have ' lis tn tliuse tlp ill tlieii l aied I'?Vi lints-? WliV i- if tint the >tars tvh" hu d t.'nir I', stivals .'.r.'inid the midnight throne are J set above the jim-p of litliiiid faculties. - i f. rowr timeKttii.' if* w;tn me r uuapproaohnl. e tiWv ! And linally, why is ' it that tin- hriiiht nl human beauty presented to < nr view and then taken from it* leaving the the'isaml streams i of our afl- i ti'U.s to flow hack in Alpine : toiivtit* on our lieirts '! \V?* are horn for a higher world than that of the earth : there is a realm where rainbovs never Hole?where the stars will he but In f re it*. lik1* islets that slumber mi the ocean; ami where the hrinps that pass hefbre us like sha lo.vs will stay in our pt'esetiee forever ! A Mock Duel. Atvot-lino to a corresp. nh'iit if the.New Yi rk // i .//./, a no ek .lti. l was arranged a few ilavs smee hefween two stiidjnts of the I niversityof Virginia, one a son ??t* I Hit. <1 States Senator t'oekrell, of Mi?> 'in i. ami tlie other a son (ion. P?r t lley T iloluiston. of Ikiehmotiil. The plot was ailmirahlv arranped, hepjnninp with a . 111:11 re I while play'iup a pinie of hii liards Hot words followed, and t'oekrell. aeei'idino to the | lopramtne, rilled . J ihiisi ii a Inn The l itter sprang fitlioiislv at ('oikrell, hut. tmtwithstaninp his tcvriI'll* effofs to ort at him, mutual friends siieeredi'd in keeping him ha> k it was thru arranged for a duel with knives, near Montirello. The students not in the seer, t of the hoax assembled in large numbers to witness \ ldoodv illray. hut. villi, s-ing the iLshing of the knives, the courage ol the spectators failed, ami tin \ ran stwav. The piitieiples in the tifliav were ahont to he ar losted, when tliev confessed the whole t hi up was a I oax. i _. . . _^e le-op pftr.inys nrt? n^a'.n ^tH' \nvniiii.sim; i:.\'li:s. Timi*. 1 in. , p.,I. # # I. i I twck. >1 I'M oil S'.Mill <|7, (,M - I 7", 7 ". ? 17 .' "? I'M (hi a " if 7?u : im? mi 4 (iu lo .V) is oo -j7 ,*iii *> :: .',o ] l 7:, _'(! .*,(? ::i mm " J MM I if 7,m uif 7 ". | (k> 7 J .*.0 I:! -J', -Jl 7*# ::7 00 X ? .'1 (hi i i MM Ji; 00 IM 00 I ino? 1. .V 17 <M? :!i'W .*.000 I 7.V1 I'.IOO .*#0 7#'. 1 CKl ; ? s 7,0 ifioM is 00 s|oo 0 7#o :;o 00 it 00 in.*, 00 I if ' 10 if.*? (im cs 00 lifooo J 7' rr:iiiM.'iii si'lvrrtisi incur iiiis.nI 1* ::< < ouiuiiir.l wiih tlif it, uiHiir#. niM-rtHiii. II" Never Loved Another. ' Did 1 ever love any r.tlier irirl ' repeated a protective l?i'in answer ,;? tho tearful inquiry of his intended. * W'I:v. inv darlinir. of course nor ; Ijo'.v could you ask such a (|'icsrion Voir arc my first, and only love. I l is heart knew no wale* nun: until the sunshine of voiir love streamed in and woke it to testacy." And then lie kissed Icr tend- rly and went home and said to himself. ' 1 ii:usr iiurrv them tliincs out of' the way. riyht oil". or thcre'ii he a row,'' and he collect d to. not lie r a or at pi I.* of'letters, wri't-n in ill kinds oi feminine hands, with lots f Jaded fl #wers, and r-huroirrnphs, ar.d locks ?d li.iir. and hi's of i aded nbhot., uid other things, and when the whole collection h ci lit en crammed into Die kitchen urate, he drew a deep si^li and laid to himself, ''There jioes a'' * eft of fourteen undying loves : let em hcker." Po'ice Women. A ho at the last occupation that won in )e selected !'s suitable lor women is that >1 serving on the poii *o force. '1 he larinu person to m ike the os^jjotiou is 10 other ilriK Dr. Mary Walker, the roll known wearer of tile Diiunner co-1 ! n.nio. who ins |.'i r:"n-'i un; Ma-un._ >ti board r.f p?ii v f ir sin appointment is a sr>coI;iI policewoman. It Iter prayr is irr.tur .-hi will spread co'i-ternaion iri t!i'1 ranks of tin.' Mil til boys ol fit v. win,so ehicl amusement Iwroof re It is boon t i follow that rover mi I'lv iihj-it the streets of the capital, short iri'.' her r> pu!! her vest, n I nnkiru; other unk nd allusions t> icr attire. A Doy. ()ne i.f t!i best tilings in the w rM t? ie is a bov. Hoys have always boon so plenty tint Icy are not 1 all' appreciate'!. A boy is willing to do any amount of rork if ir is calloil play. Tit' I. i*:?r of a boy towards jvirnpliii-pl.'fa never boon pr'pelry conidcrcd. A hoy I'tirtii-lps half the entertaint ent, and tasos two-thirds of th> sci'dnir o' th family cirelo. It is impossible to say at what aire a ioy becomes e?n.-cious that his frouser ejjs are too -horf. an J is airtiou* about he part of l;ts || iir. In fact, a b ?y ;* a hard subj ct to g'-t i nn?ral from. Mr Jos..p'l II. Al'kltf I, ttil> i- I'll itlf.l by tho recent action of tin- II ?use it Hie election ease of A"k!on against I >iiTfil l"?r flic l'liii'l I, oni-iana District, o nri-lit the syilabb* "I! 01." to his nine, is the voutu- sr number i>f that m Iv. lie was bora in ami is ,'oii*?*<|ii!?tttIy "lily twenty-i'ijrht years !d. He is a rathir s nail though comlait \ buii: man, :i j.-r.-onal apirur.inco which is iia?i.inj. t? say the cast. J!v ?i uiy jn liit.s he is aeeountcl In- Ai'poIIo Uelvi lero of the Hoiso, hat <ii?:ilutl 'IS I':lVI u proV|i.ll?i!y been inferred bv r.iRiniofi eot.s?n: uj?>n ti e II <?ti tiiibeit ' . \\ alkcr. i'( \ ii'iiiii a. \ck!i ii iris jot black hair, pastni ticary in i!> ' ini'Mie. with one of the mo-f jotatifttl Hack curl:lit: tn.?u>*:s:*!ies ew-r ecu. an 1 a pair of black oye? which re -imply iii'Ie?eribable. ti :i l?i?'k Tavior. wh > writing .1 if-toiy >.*' tht- w a- s"c!!i- t i mi l ts'.iii 1 art <>!' ban llinu a,pe:i. In bise-say in the bat tie of' Jetty-bur;; ho formulatei sentence which will live. II ? >:iys, A ree'iit article in tlu pttb'ic pro.-s. iuiK'l by tieti. l/m^-treot. ascribes th" allure it t?itty>bsir^ to Leo's mistakes. ,vhi 'h he (I.oan-ire't in vain p >in: nit anil i in m*tr i'"'l against. Tliat anv mbjoi t i?;v living the posses-ion an.I ,v>rei-1 . ! iiiti'h'eet shonM he ehv.r t? 1,'ti^-trr tin J concealed IV in i- i e titling j r'|?>ition to thos j. i-v- ssii,^ iii.r.vl- iL'e of the two in ti." This will lave a t ndcllcv. lu- t1 ?ik. to l?r;n^ n n i. .iist roi t t 1 his bit. ?-III*/. ; IV f. South ?' irolina is making progress in inan'ifutuiing. 'I'ii r<* are now in tin? Sf:iti? ."i.'.lOit >piinl!iM ami l.llHI luotn-, divided among t n prosperous factories. Winn the Vatuduse and Piedmont Mil!', now neai eunpletod. aie tilled with machinery if will add some 1 spindles and-lull looms in the above figures. l.i the course of a t *w months it is >,?!' to 'iv that tlu-re will he 7.40i> spindles and 1 ,S."io looms in aetive pro. til aide operation, besides o.her lactones in process of cnnstruciion. 1 hnil I V lro. while returning to in the ant it i n. wrote i n the 'teaaier a lettei to an American friend, whirh letter contained this passage: * ln a lew days 1 v.iil.'ee my native land, wliieli (i-i.l has so won h'lTnl v etui >wod and I hope that that which I have learned during inv ah-t nee from ln?r will enable itic t><* n^ot'ul to I mi". One tiling I can truly siy i?. that I return withcaru< > 1 lun^iii' n. ;111 I with a pa-.-ion stronger than evei for | r.'i:rossl h- ?ea mouse i? one ? !" tli'" prottie-t matures that lives under water It -I arlvh-s like a diamond and is radiant with all the color- of the vainhow. although it live- in nitid at the h ?ttoiii ol the ocean It should not he e.illcil a ni 'ii-e. for it 1- I ni- than a h o rat. It i- covered with -eale- that move up and down a- it breathe-, an I o.i'tcr like o< Id -liiiiiiio iln ||.;h a flerey down, from wh.ielt line >iiky Ini.-tles wave, that ivn-tantly ohat'iu >i< in one brilliant tint ' t ) ntiotln.: