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I LOCAL ITEMS. Hlunk liens fur advances for sale at this office at bottom prices. B No snow this time, though there may he more ice ami high winds before March is goue. Observe the changes of schedules on the different railroads in the State, as they appear in the JOL'TIN'AO. Notwithstanding the moral pressure (ieorgc McLean, s;ill continues to shave for 15 cents and cut hair for 25 cents. The clerk is looking anxiously for-; ward to the first of April as the time t when the stores will bo cio-sod at six in the evening. The Oakland Guards held a nicetiog Cotitrdiv Atr^ninir. Tliev meet now L"lu,u"; ? e? . twice a month month for the purpose of drilling <fce. Foil the last two months the subscription list of the Journal has rapidly increased. The object of its proprietors is to uiakc it merit ail it receives. Ciianoe of Schedule-?Wc note a slight change of schedule on the South i Carolina Railroad. The train now leaves a half hour later in the afternoon?or at four instead of half past three o'clock, i Accidental Fire.?On the 2nd of March, Mr. 0. M. Porter, living near llidgeway, had the misfortdne to have j his steam mill, g:n, press itc., burned. The fire was caused by a spark from the Kngino. l/oss essiuiatcd at $2,000. Conductor tJilbert takes too good ? i care of the interests of the Camden | Rrancli, to allow a member of the Legislature, or any other man, to surrcptitious'y transport baggage over his line without paying the freight. Another ]!re.\kik>wn.?Another j1 breakdown of the engine on tho Cam-f, den Branch of t he South Carolina Kail- . road occurred on Wednesday. Arranges : mcnts were l owever, bv which ( but little lim'i was lost. , Tiiukk children saved from a horrible ' death by twenty-five cents' worth of Shri. 1 ncr's Indian Vermifuge. ! t An Error.?In a recent issue of the 1 Journal it w:.s stated that the Pomona Orance would i?"< t at Flat Itoek on ;' Fridav, the f?.h of April. It has since 1 J been ascertained that the Grange will meet on Thursday, the -lth, instead of Friday, the .r?th of April. A Relief.?It will ho a reli. f to the |, people to know that they will not be i compel ltd to pay another tax before j: October. However, those who can , should, as a matter of patriotic duty, pay . up as promptly s>s possible after tisc , books arc opened in May. , Ml'I.TII'LYiNti.?Candidates fur municipal honors are rapidly increasing, and by the first Monday in April, unless there is a general withdrawal in the meantime, almost cv?ry uian in Camden will he a an aspirant for a position among the "City Fathers." | Numbkkinc the Houses.?Mr. J. t\ Wolst |?roposc >?, fur the sum of twen ty-fivc cents ?ach, to tiutiibcr all the houses opening upon the streets in Cam* den. It will be a private enterprise. mid persons wishing to be addressed at number so-an 1 so, on such a street. should ^ive Mr. Wolst a call. ~~ ? I). F. Fr.r.MiNtt & O'o.?It gives us pleasure to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this old and reliable cstalishment. As merchants, j). F. Fleming & Co., stand deservedly high. To making purchases of Charleston houses regard saoulJ always be had for those who advertise most liberally * iti this county. 1'ltouAnLF.?However many sins lAmus may have committed, and tliey arc doubtless all properly enrolled) ac-jinst him. he lias, in the excrche of his functions as a Deputy I'nitcd States Marshal, probably June much to prevent' the s.ile without license in this countv of uiuch mean tobacco anil worse whiskey. And a 'v>h"j?" without whi-key and tobacco is not not lik('ly to do much of a business in seed cotton. Tm: II >ai?s.?The complaint is general concerning the condition of the roads, and we have been earnestly requested to call the attention of the Coiiiny (otiunii-sioiiers to the subject It is suggested that the roads he worked before they become too had. We have no doubt that our worthy Commissioners ate wide awake in reference to ti c matter, and that whatever tnay he neecessary w II be clone. Is A Wki.i..?()?" night last week as Mr. John Outlaw, of Ki?t?-rn Kershaw, -was moving about in the lot of Mess is. |). \V. Jordan it Co., where In? was camp iag for the night, lie stepped accident ly into an old wcil variously estimated at from c'ght to twenty feet in depth. l'ort mutely he went down f.-rt foremost and without injury, and frien'ls were near svln) promptly relieved him from his perilous positiou. Judce Kershaw.?Of ?J idgc Kershaw, the Union Times says : The Judge captivateJ all who heard his charge, while his ability, dignity and purity of character, impresses all with profound respect for him as a man and reverence for the office he so effectually fills. Good Unices.?The property sold at the Court House on sale dry brought coo J prices, as did also the goods ?f Messrs J. G. Neighbors and K ith S. Yiilepigue, which were sold subsef|neatly at auction. Messrs. Mcroney & Kecd were the auctioneers iu every instance. The County Commissioners.?wc invite attention to the communication of "Western Wateree" in reference to the Board of County Commissioners. The author knows whereof he speaks, and he corrects some old fashioned errors that many people fall into in judging the Commissioners, who arc us patriotic and wide awake to the interests of the county as men can Le. Another Ci.ur.?A meeting was ...11 i ... .1 :.i 1' \t_ \v D Ti?_ I'ililCU at uiu iwiiu iitu ui *?# i. n . i . x?ua few miles south of Camden, on Saturday, for the purpose of organizing another Democratic Club. Owing to the lateness of the hour, however, the meeting was adjourned until some future Jay?we hear next Saturday? whon the organization will be iffectcJ. Claudius P. Mims.?Now that lie is no longer with us, wc are glad to refer to our little friend, Claudius P. Mims, who hasn situation in the etorc of Messrs. D. \\\ Jordan it Co. For four or five years lie was a fuit'nful and, for his age, competent employee of the Journal office. II'he shows as great an nptitude for ?elling goods as he o'id for setting type, [ his services will always be in demand. Xot tx that Business.?The Denijcraticpirty docs not dial in horses, mules, asses, cows, corn, bacon, fertilisers, or anything of that kind. It seeks merely, by purifying the govern- j merit, curtailing expenses and reducing taxation, to restore prosperity to the ;auntry. If any person cannot now tccure advances fir agricultural purposes, or for any other purpose, they must put the blame elsewhere than upon the Democratic party. TwESTY-rivr. cents for one, or one dollar Tor five bottles of Shri tier's Indian Vermifuge. The Lest worm mcdiciuc now be'orc he public. Kvery hot tic guaranteed. Do\VKit AXD lioMESTF.AI).?James K. Su'hcrlatid. Ks<|., Judge of Probate, vas encased on Tuesday and Thursday if last wci k in hearing (lie cas ? of Mary \ K. Hilton fur herself and sun vs. J llenj. A. Hilton, administrator, and j jtheis, the claim being for Hotiiestead ?nd Dower out of th.c Estate of Xarcis uu S. Ililton. the deceased liu?bat:d of the plaintiff, The arguments were concluded on Thursday evening, and tho Judge of Probate reserved his decision. Mersrs. W. ]). Trautham and J. T. Ilav P.... ilm r.l.ii-itiff nod Punt. \\ . T;.vui< .w. v..v r. r \j. Del'ass for I he defen Jan's. OtR Cemetery.?It is con t cm plated ; by the Executive Committee of the Ceuutory Association to g:vc a Musical and Healing Entertainment, with other features to be added towhc programme, at Town Hall early in April. They have already secured the services of some of the best vocal and instrumental performers in Camden, and one may be sure that the reading will be interesting. The object is to raise funds necessary to carry on improvements now begun at Quaker Cemetery, and it is presumed that everybody will look forward to the proposed entertainment not with pleasure alone, but also with the determination to be present and give something towards making our City of the Dead the beautiful place nature designed it to be. Town Finances.?I'pon the eve of every municipal election, the coudition "f ' "> nf the town is the sub joct of conversation with those who are most deeply interested in the welfare of the corporation. Fur the in format inn of those who may de.-iro to know, we wiil publish a statement, taken from the books of the Marshal, who collects the tuxes, and of the Treasurer, by i whom the funds are paid out. Wt find j that Ibr the eleven months ending Feb- j ru iry 2S:li., 1878, the following c?llcc? tious were made : From Licenses ?$2,11)4.00 From General Tax?$2001 84 Total $4,19."). 81. The disbursements for the same period were .'52. Hut a small portion of tho tax for the present fiscal year has been collected. As far as it is pos-ible to ascertain the tax assessments of previous years, remaining uncollected amount, in the aggregate, to about Si,1)00. The council held a meeting on lu?t Thursday evening, the object being to confer with .). T. Hay, Ks(|, Town Attorney, who was instrne'ed to exhaust every measure known to the law to enforce the payment of the back taxes. What he tjas nccomp'ished will appear in tho JotKNAI, when he makes his report, which will be before the present Council re, tires from office. Brevities. Friday Was a busy Jay in town. Moonlight promenades will soon be n order. Read our advertising columns before purchasing. The fire alarm bell has not been rung this winter. In horse trading now-a-days the 1>oot J is rather short. The public scales have been placed in thorough repair. Racnn still at the lowest notch. Xow is the time to make purchases. The Kershaw Guards were out drillling yesterday evening. More marriages in Camden this season than for many years previous. The coming campaign promises to be straightout, spirited and spicy. John Robinson's Circus spent more money in Camden than it to.ik in. It is believed that more fertilizers than usual arc being sold this season. Ingratitude is the basest of crimes, and there arc many who are guilty of if: Camden now has twelve practicing J and sonic half dozen embryonic lawyersBarring accidents, the small grain cr ip in this section will bo larger than usual. Horse-! radiug, owing to the great scarcity of money is said to bo on the decline. The c'iui* arc beginning to put out, showing the near approach of warm weather. Shooting robins is the r.ige just now with those of our population who arc fond of gunning. The martins have come, and according to the old folks the time for plant, ing corn has arrived. The way John Lowlow. old John Robinson's inimitable clown went tor people the other day was a caution. As the grass begins to grow, the town cow becomes less annoying so persons who have fodder fie. in their wagons. We advise tin fruit trees not to allow themselves to be deceive 1 by the very pleasant weather which March now presents. Tlia TvAPdlmw Hoard* are drilling regularly, and will ero long bo able to compete successfully with oldor organizitiom. How to pay all of the taxes, though the levies us compared with those of prc#ou? years are remarkably small, is an absorbing topic. The Supreme Court lias decided in the case of the State v-?. McKvoy tint the (Irand .fury serves for one year and until another grand jury is <?t pa net/< <?. Sheriff J. 11. Ifuntcr of Lancaster ps?s?c I through Camden the other day on hi< way to Columbia, having in hi$ charge a uuuiber of co.avioti for the penitentiary. A post erected at the corner of Mill and DeKalb streets, to keep wagons Ac. off the mvement. lias been removed. Attentiou of Council is called to the fact. I>r. Raruch has made an innovatioi^ upon the old way of cultivating oats, lie plows them with an iron tooth harrow. The Doctor does not claim that the idea i? original with him. County Commissioners, appointed by Coventor llan.pton to ascertain the Inna fi<1c in* debtclncss t?f Kershaw County, have submitted their report to the Legislature. We have been unable to secure a ccpy of the report f.?r publication, but arc enabled to give a statement of the indebtedness ot the County, as fixed by tlie commission, which is as follows : ITne for tlic deficiency up to December -0, 1873, as ascertained by t l?e report of E. M. Itoykin, Uefvrce, reu.aiuing un. paid, ? 1,101 .fiG Indebtedness for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1874, O.fioO.OG Deficiencies for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1875, 1,180.81! Deficiency for t he fiscal year ending October 31, 187t>, 2,3'.i7.4l Deficiency for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1K77 2.03G.2G Total, ?11,240.87 Real Mutate Transfers.?'The following is a list of transfers of real estate recorded in the auditor's office for the month of I'cbrtnry : 10. V Kirkland to Ij. L. Clybnrn, 18D acres in Flat Kock Township, 819.").1 .Jonathan I'uge to 8. Wolfe, town lot, Olf.1 C1 I Henry Mothcrshed to Ksther M. i Man?iim, 190 acres in Hufl'.ilo Town-1 ship, WOO. T. J. Rollings to Calvin Hulling.", 75 acres in Hufialo Township, 8 1 2.*>. K. R. Duiilap to lienjntnin Murphy, i 1 acres in PeKalh Town-hip. 81011. j Caroline N. Hanks to Mary A. K. iCIybiiru ID acres in DeKalh Township, 8800. K. McCnskill to J. Panic) McCaskill. ."00 acres in Ruffalo Township. 81. .lane II Trucsilcl and Jes-c C Trues< 1 cI to A. I'. Yonnsr, .r?8."> acres in l'lat Hock Township, 81.400. T. A. Moore to Jack Wright, town lot. $00 Mary C. HcynoMs to Kinina C Reynolds and Kstlior S. Ihivis, town lot. John I>oby. Sheriff,to II. C. Salmon 1, trustee. 8102 acres in DcKulb township, 8200 L. M. Clyburn to W. N, Hilton, 200 acres in Flut Rock Township, 82UU.v | Levi Bradley to Theodore W. Barnes, 159 acres in DcKalti Township, $120. 1 G. K. T and M. K. Gifford to Madison George and Caiidace Smith, Town lot, $100. John Bowm to Daniel M of Icy, 20 acres in Waterce Township. $114. A. D. Kennedy and 11. 11 Buy Icio to J. T. Hay, assignee, J town lots. John Sumter to K. Shiver, 202 acres in DeKalb Township, $240. Ilirani Stokes to Henrietta Rollings, Martha Brown anJ Laura Kvans, 200 acres in BufTdo TownMiip. $300. J. R Sutherland, Judge of Probate, to Levi Kirkland. 103 acres in Plat Bock Township, $503. Pbhsonal.?Ucv. K. D. Perry, of the Presbyterian Church, spent a lew days in Camden last week. We arc pleased to see the familar face of Dr. T. II. Alexander in our midst again. The doctor will remain about a week or ten days. Mr. Geoige Alden made a visit to Wilmington last week. Rev. Thomas P. Ilay, now a student of the Columbia Theological Seminary, spent a few days^it homo last weeK. II. Baruch, Ksq., left for the Northern markets on Wednesday. He will return in a few weeks. Dr. II. L. Lnc, of Darlington, spent a few days in Camden last week. Mr. John B. Lyles, formerly with Kennedy it Boykin, jlias accepted the position of book-keeper in the store of W. L. Arthur. Mr. W. W. Love, fornnrly with Kennedy it Boykin, is now managing the DeKalb House Saloon. Billy says he sells nothing but the best wines, liquors, cigars etc. Judge Kershaw has accepted an invitation to deliver the annual address be fore the Virginia Division, Army of the Northern Virginia, at llichunnd, Via., October, 1873. Ilia subject will be "The First Maryland Campaign-" Mr. Jcssj Ilorton, of IlufFilo, who is the oldest living subscriber to tho CAMDEN JOURNAL, called to seo us one thy last week. He was in good health, straightout politically, art] paid his subscription to April 1st, 1373. Turkey Ckerk Moving.?Tho I Democrats of Turkey Creek, who arc among the staunchest- in the State, and who wore about the first to movo ' in the campaign of 1870, aro in motion for the ensuing campaign. We are indebted to the Secretary of the Club, Mr. James W. Gardner, for the pro-. cccdingsofa meeting held ou the 2d j instant, which arc a? follows: Pursuant to notice, Turkey Creek Democratic Club met on tho 2<1 of March, 1878, \ the President, J. J. Josey. in the chair. The subject of primary elections was discussed and laid over for further consideration at tho next meeting. Tho President announced, that in ac. cordanco with the recommendation of the Stale Executive Committee relative to reorganization. the elcaiion of oflicers was in order. On motion, the election was post 1 ? ;i .1 1 1:?? ti.n poncu mini itie nr*i uiuuh^ . iup resolution was adopted: limoU'til, That, when this meeting n?l- J jotirns, it adjourn to meet, on Saturday, the 1 tith instant, at two o'clock, I*. M., and j that every member present be constituted a'committee of one to secure n full attend ance. There being no further business, the Club adjourned. 1 The Cotton .Market, Camden, S. C. March 17 1873. The price of cotton for the pas' week has advanced a fraction, and we can report n lively competition between the principal buyers for tho purchase of wlut came to town. Mr. J. It. Welsh, of Lancaster county, and Mnj. J. S. Miller efChesterfield, were in town with their wagon trains, which considerably swelled the cotton receipts for last week. We report sales of 175 hales at 10 1-4 cents for good middling. Not strange but true. Worms do exist in the human body and often arc the eau?e of disease and death. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and eipel litem from the system. Tho Histrionio Olub. The members of the Histrionic Club will give one of them charming enter* tuiuments in about two weeks tlie proceeds of which will ho presented to the Kershaw Guards. This company, which is destined to he the pride of Camden, is now being uniformed, and the Histrionic Club, always obliging in a good cause, has consented to lend it a helping hand. The price of admission to the entertainment will be low, and it is expected that all will grace the hall with their presence and help out the "hold soldier hoys." One of the Guards. From Flat Hock. Mil. Editor: I run bore, sir. worthing ami waiting events. When tlie campaign fires are kimlletl ami the political horizon begins to warm tip?cxeu-e me. [sir. I a ingoing beyond my means. What [ Iin ean to say is, that I am (). K. on political matters. I belong to tliat school of politicians who support measures, ratlmr than men always. ]>ut ' the political fever is not very high in me now Of late, my head has been turned in the direction of pretty actresses and . Ily the way, Mr. Editor, I am proud to say that Flat Kock is gcttiug to be a place of no mean importance. On the 28th ult.. (as stated in your last issue.) the T<. II. S. {}. favored us with otio of its delightful entertainment4, and delightful if was, too. I would like very much to say something nice ah >ut the different characters, but confess my inability to du a i them justice. The acting of Miss W. j in the character nf Mrs Maloprop in j the play of the Rival?, was certainly fatabove the average amateur acting, and tijen the peculiar language jf tliat 1 chnractor was so wry wel i any way it was head and shouldcis in advance of Mrs. I'urtinjtou in style, | and reminded nte somewhat of the old j woman $. rr in "'Arkansaw.' who said that her child was very sick with nwjrstic chill*, and she feared that it was {join;* into mi fhtJiouxjccer. If this should I chance to fall under the eye of the beautiful and accomplished Mrs. Maloprop I trust that she will be generous enough to forgive and forget the comparisons, the first, opportunity. Then again, there being no prospect 1 whatever of a war inside of the next generation, we Flat Rockers, are becoming very how provoking to be in want of high style ianguagc to express our idea. Well, in plain English, wc have organized a military company, and in military parlance it numbers seventy 1 < 1- ? i ct- v? lour men rails. ;uiu mi-. x'?ui u<iu>wi? servant h:is* I lie honor of being one of the file, with the chances favorable for promotion after the first engagement, if perchance he should escape sudden j indisposition just before the fight Then ' agaio we have a Planter's Hotel, the i furniture of which consists of two chairs, a stool with ar. odd number of legs, two tin plates, a cup and one iron spoon. : Other luxuries in like proportion. to table comforts, they are about ditto with the furniture. I shall expect a free lunch (more likely a sore head) at , an early day. I think so much of the good old i Camdkn Journal that I would be | most happy indeed to give you something nice and interesting for its columns but the fact is, we Fiat Rockers arc ! such a law abiding, quiet, peaceable. ; temperate, (best reasons in the world i for being temperate,) good natured, aud good for 1 was going to say good for nothing sort of people, ! but as that might not be exactly the , truth I will omit it; any way there is so much of a sameness ever present with us, that mulling ever o?curs worth a cent as a news item. l?uc few births, I no deaths, can't afford to d;c, an I to poor to get married* I fa marriage should take place, it is so quiet and sly that we , may never hear of it until there is a call i for remnants of edico. Yours Truly, Bctts. I P. S. Farming arrangements about as usual at this season of the \ear. Am anxious to leave out nothing in the way I of news. March 8.187S. The American Farmer, For.March is full of seasonable instruction, nil of it it evidently from j radical and nblc hands. In the agricultural department much space is given to manures, and the work incidental to the season is abundantly treated. The live stock and poultry departments embrace many appropriate articles, and an interesting account is given of the successful preservation, on a large scale, of green corn-fodder, after the French fashion, an iinprovcm-u. which promises to be so great a boou to dairy farmers. The horticultural pages are unusually attractive. Fruit culture, the cultivation of flowers in the garden and the house, and as especially suited to the time of the year, the management of vegetable and "truck" crops receives special attention. One of the attractive features is the home department for ladies of the farm hsusehoM, and another is the grange news, addresses, &c. The sub.acription price of this old journal with whibh our farmers ought to be weil acquainted, is $1.50 a year, or $1 to clubs of five or more. Samtial Sands & Son, Baltimore, arc the publishers. OONSI'MPTIOX CunKD.?An old physician, retired from practice, having bad placed in bis hands by an India missionary the formula of a simple vege1 " ? - 1 1 ! tabic remedy tor tr.o specuy aim permanent cure of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and nil throat and luug affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of 1 cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to rei lieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this rsJ Ceipe in'Jeruian, Trench, or Knglish, with full directions for preparing and using. .Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. \V. \\\ She: rar, 12G Towers' Mock, Rochester, N. V. Municipal Nominations. Mil. KniToit; The subjoined ticket I is submitted to the voters of C'auidcn, ; in tlio belief that the interests of all i classes of our citiz-'ns will be taken care of, and that all mmisurrs afljcting the welfiro of the town of Camden, whether of finance or improvement, will he properly and satisfactorily disposed of: Many Tax pay Kits. FOR I NTKN l?A NT. I). C. KIIIKLKY. FOR WUtOKSS. J. K WITIIKRSl'OON, J AM IN J ON MS, It K. WALL ?? ? 1 hI It II I I? 1*4. II. L/IUIMlli, Mr. Editor?With a view to pleasing til persons airl parties, ami securing that harmony so essential to the welI'nro ot Camden. you will plea?c announce the following ticket lor Intendunt and Wardens of the Town of Camden at the ensuing election, subject to the approval of the Convention, should one be he held : for intendant, 11 Kit M AN UAllUCir. FOR WARDENS. T. J. BARKIKLD. W. I>. TItANTIIAM. It. K. WALL K. II. DIBBLE. And oblige Many Citizens. Mr. Koitor; Please submit the following ticket for the consideration of the voters af the Town of Camden : i for intendant, I). C. KIRK LEV, FOIt WARDENS, S. B. LATHAM, M. A. MKTT8. i K. H. DIBBLE, il 11. E. WALL, HVHA.IR/C We have received, and arc now < ROOTS, SHOD JF'OH, SPRIT Orders promptly filled, and all II. F. FJuEM WlioloMAle SOOTS, SHOES No. 2 HAYNE STRE I). P. FLEMISH, .J AS. M. WILSON, Letters Di*niis*ory. Notice is hereby given uiiu one moum from date I will apply to James F. Sutherland, Esip, Judge of l'robate for Kershaw County, for Lkttkus Dishissoky as adrninistrator of Thomas McClure, deceased. m.irl'J-lm W. F. Brf.wfr. 1A BBLS FULTON MARKET BEEF Aw for sale by 1).\ I'M DltOS. Municipal Election. COUNCIL CHAMBER, March o, 1S78. | An Election for Intenlant and Wardens i of the Town ofCamde i, is hereby ordereu to be held on first Monday, the first day, of, April next. The polls to be opened at 0 ! o'clock A. M. at Council Chamber, and to j he open until ti o'clock ? M. Immediately i after the Polls are closed the Managers will ! count the Votes and declare the ElectionAll Male citizens '21 years old and upwards who have been residents of the County and Town for GO days preeeding 'the day of election, and have registered their names as electors, will be entitled to vote at said election. All bar-rooms and drinking saloons within the corporate limits of the Town, arc hereby ordered to be closed front 10 o'clock on Saturday night preceding the day of election: until Tuesday morning G o'clock after (he day of election. Dy order of the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden. E. E. SILL, Clerk and llecorder. v (I L J JTV11II Id dVTa IvfillTMvJ'laSAM 1 Kilain I mI h 111 n ly fl THE DN EQUALLED JAS. IEFFEI DOUBLE PORTABLE AND STATIONARY eim eiAtra ivnneTnwnra dilVTv riA/vnanv UAWA wiiy? SHAFT1MG. PULLEYS AND HAHQEBS Address, POOLE & HUNT, ! marl 2-1 v aaa it week in Tonr own town. r. outfit free. No risk. Header, If you want a ! UWW business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, writ for particulars to II. IIam-ettA Co,, Portland, Maine. ;niari2-ly Uoan make moncv faster at work for us tlmn at anything els . Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ua. Now istue time. Costly outtlt and terms free. Address Tuck ,v Co., Augusta, Me. M business you can engage in. $5 to $20 per day made by any worker of either sex, right In tlielrown localities. Particulars free. Improve your spare time nr this business. Address Stisson A Co., Portland, Me. Saur Kraut, A splendid article, for sale by febl'Jtf KIRKLKV fi SMITH. Cigars anil Tobacco. Always on band, a select stock of Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, Cigarettes. Cigarette Papers, Sc., for sale by febl J-tf KIKKLK*- Si SMITH. Axes. QR DO/.EN AXES, For sale by :--w.c 11VIJ.M DROS. JUIlOll ColTee. /tf>Kags of new Coffee foasale low by w B&UJfBBOS Application for Homestead Mrs. Mary Louisa Davis, widow of James M. Davis, of the county aforesaid, having filed a petition for Homestead, for herself and minor children, in the Personal Property of said James M. Davis, notice is here-. by given that said Homestead will be laid off on the twenty-fifth day of March, A. 1). 1878. unless cause be shown to the contrary before me at my office in Camden, S. C., at or before that time. J. K. SUTHERLAND, Judge of Probate Kershaw Co. Feb. 19, 1879-td. Xolioe All persons holding checks of County Commissioners of this County, drawn on Donald McQueen, Esq., late County Treasurer, are requested to furnish a list of same, describing them by numbers, dates, j amounts, and tlie fund on which they are j drawn, and exhibit the originals to >V. II. I R. Workman, Clerk of the Hoard of County | ? t>nnii>iliii|p|f. I K Ollltllisaiuiivi.i, . W. II. WORKMAN, Clerk. I Feb. 20-tf. | Notice. Complaint having been lodged at this office of 'he breaking of window glasg by J the use of Sling Shots in the hands of idle, and malicious persons, notice is hereby , given that the Ordinance prohibiting the using of Sling Shots will, in every case reported, be rigidly enforced, and the parties oIfending will be arrested aud punished to the extent of the law. E. E. SILL, Town Marshal, Notice Town* M.viisiiai.'s OrriCK, ) Camukx, S. Feb. 2">. 1S7S. | The books are now open at the Council Chamber for 'he reception of Town Taxes for the fiscal year 1S7H, ami will be kept open until the loth day of March next: after that date the books will he closed and executions issued against all delinquents. All persons keeping Livery Stables, and running Vehicles for Hire, Draymen, Hackdrivers. Auctioneers, and nil persons liable to Special Tax under section U of an Ordiance to rnise supplies for the fiscal year 1878, are required at once to i?ke out license and pay the special tax. Failing to comply, the law will be enforced in every ease as specified in sections 10 and 11 of the said Ordinance. E. E. SILL. Marshal and T. C. Lctlci's I>ismissoi\v. Notice is hereby given that one month from late, I will apply t<> .tames F. Snthcrlamt, Judge of I'roliate for Kershaw county, for I.kttkks IUsmisokv as Ail'iitulstrator of the estate nl Nathaniel Hough, deceased. Feb. w}.4t NEIL F. URAIIAM. )pcning, a large an?l new Steele of *, and THI NKS VG TRADE. goods with our brand warranted. 0 IPC? ?fc CO., Drillers* in AND TRUNKS'. ;ET, Cor. CHURCH ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. jiHEBOHKV & REED, Auctioneers. 1 CAMDEX, S. C. Orders solicited and satisfaction guarj anteed. feblglf Seed Potatoes. Early Rose, Pink Eyes, Peerless,' I Goodrich. Jacksou'i, | For sale low by leblitf KIRKLEV & SMITH. 40 Barrels )Extra Fine Nugar. For sale cheap. nov20-2t BRASIXGTON k NETTLES. G1REEXVILLE & COLUMBIA RAILF ROAD. ?: .1 -:i.. o.?T i ir.iiun i uu u.iiiji t ouuu.nn c*cepted, connecting with the fast day trains on theljSouth Carolina Railroad. tP. Leave Columbia at 11 lOntn Leave Alston 1 lupin Leave Newberry - 2d p in Leave Hodges 5 Id p iu Leave Helton 7 05 p ui Arrive at Greenville 8 35 p n? Duwx. Leavc"flreenville[at [;7 20 a m LcavejHelton 0 It) a m Leave Hodges 10 47 a m Leave Newberry M 42 pm Leave Alston 3 20 p ni Arrive at ColurubiaJ 5 CO p m ANDERSON BRANCH Y'JBLUE RlDGfi DIVISION. Daily, except Sundays, between Bolton ami Wallialla. Accommodation trains bet weon Belton and Anderson on Mondays, TuisJays, Thursliys and atur lays. - t-p. Leave Beton 7 05 p m Leave Anderson 7 .50 p m Leave Pendletou ^8 45 p ni Leave l'erryville 0 20 p in Arrive at Waliallft ' 10 00 p ra DOWX.' Leave Wuhalla 5 50Jn m Leave l'erryville (U 30 a n? Leave l'endleton J7 20 a m Leave Anderson 8 10 a m Arrive nt Bolton 8 50 a ni Laurens Branch trains leave Clinton nt 10 am. and leave Newbcrrv 3 n ni on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur. 0 days. Abbeville Branch train connects at Hodges with down and up train daily, Sundays excepted. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. J- Norton, Jr., Gen. Ticket Agent. gOUTII CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. * CoLVMiiiA, March 2, 1S78. The passenger trains on the South Care, lina Railroad will run as follows : dat pasounobr train. {(Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Charleston 5.00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 10.50 a. ni. Leave Coli mbia ti.OOp. at. Arrive at Charleston 111 15 a. m. NIGUT EXPRESS. Leave Charleston 8.20 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 7 45 a.m. Leave Columbia 8.00 p. in. Arrive at Charleston G.45 a. m. . ACCOMMODATION TPAiX. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Columbia 520a. m Arrive at Branehville 12.115 p. m. Leave Branehville 12.50 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 7.p. m. Accommodation Train connects daily at | Kingsville with Train for Camden. ami at I Urancltville with Day Passenger Traiu to | anil frotn Augusta un<l Charles'on. Passengers for Camden leave Columbia daily on Arcommoilatioti Train nt o.HO a. | ni? ami on Tuesday?, Thursdays and Satur. days on Day Passenger Train at 0 p. ni. ? j Passengers for Columbia leave Camden on Mondays. Wednesdays andFridavs. at G.4(> a. mi., and arrive at Columbia at lO.oO a. tu. is. S. SOLOMONS, Supt. S 11. Pickens, Gen'l Ticket Agt. pHAKLOTTK COLUMBIA it AUGUSTA [j RAILROAD. | Coli'mdia, S. C., March ", 1878. j The following passenger schedule win be operate! on and after this date; j MAIL EXPRESS. i UOIXO NORTH, I Leave Augusta, f? 40 p ui | Arrive nt Columbia, 11 25 p ui ; Leave Columbia, 11 152 j? m i Arrive at Charlotte, 5 50 a m C.OIXO SOI'Tit. i Leave Charlotte. 9 48 p m j Arrive at Columbia, 2 54 a m I Leave Coltimbin, :} 04 a m } Arrive nt Augusta, 7 05 a in llun daily, and make close connection at | Charlotte nud Augusta for nil points North, j South and West. DAY PASSENGER. t.OINU SOOTH. No. 1 Leave Charlotte, 1 05 p ni Leave Chester. H 08 p m Arrive at Columbia, 5 58 p m Leave Columbia, 0 01 p nt Leave Grnniteville, 9 54 p in Arrive at Augusta, 10 till p m fiOlXG NORTH. No 2. , Leave Augusta, H HO a m Arrive at Columbia, 11 (X) a nt Leave Columbia, 11 95 a m Leave Chester, I 52 p in Arrive at Charlotte. I 00 p in Nos. 1 and 2 run daily, and make close connection at Columbia an 1 Charlotte for : points, North. South ami West, and stop nt 11 all regular pass stations. T. D. KLINE, Sup f. A. Port:, Octt'l.Freight ntnl Pass. Ag'i.