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?I ? ! ? ? I I?f ! ??? - I A NAME IN THE SAND. Alone 1 walked the ocean strand, A pearly shell was in my hand: 1 sinu} oil, :in<l wrote upon the salt J My name, the yrnr ami day. A" onward from the spot ! passed, <hie lingering look behind I cast ? A wave cam 'rolling high anil fast Ami wa-lted my lines away. And so. ntcthou?ht. 'twill quickly he With every mark on earth from ute ! A wave of <1 irk oblivion's sea Will sweep across the place Where 1 have troil the sandy shore Of time, ami he to in-.* no more! Of me. my 'lav, the name I bore, To leave track or trace. Ami yet with Him who conats the sands, And holds the wu'er in ilis hands, 1 know a lastirtr record stands Inscriheil against my name, Of all this mortal part has wrought. Of all this thinking son' lias thought. And from these tleeting moments caught, For glory or shame. FLASHES. Is "stealing a march" wo; so than I "taking a walk?" Women should s!u iy to be smart, but never shrew-cJ. A shoo dealers advertises "Women's j Bights?and Lefts." Ax Intellectual Feast?Tho entertainment of an idea. It tak s nine tailors to make a man,! but one is enough to ruin him. The Cleverest Tiiixu Imacux* at.le?An Accomplished Fact. What's Lest to keep old maids from d .cpairing? Echo: "Fairing." An advertisement says; "Wanted, a ! f unic wh i has a knowledge of footing j boots of a go >d moral character." Why are some people of short memo-j ries necessarily covetous ? Because they are always for-cetting something. Anomilous Act op Cenerostty? j Losing a friend and thcu speaking of him us you iind him. An Irishman who has board it stated j that all llcsh is grass, wishes to know whether hay is b.-cf <t la moice /. "It's a long lane that has no turning"?but even with the preseut fash- ; ion of long trains you can't turn a j monascliu dc lalne. < !!? ic lint tin n.ivs inst :i? weil ! ~ r~j- j a? lie evti- did," was the reply a newspaper publisher received to a dunning letter. "I know rv<ry rock on the coast, 't fa id an Iri.-h pilot. At that uiotncr.t the ?hip s'ruck, when he exclaimed, "And that's one of them." Why is a lawyer the most ill-used man in our social system ? llccause, though he nay drive his own carriage, lie must draw the conveyances of other people. The wife of a Louisville lawyer made a bustle of some important lent! documents and ihccouit had to adjourn until she could go house and return with them in proper shape Subitc's for conundrums being nearly ' exhausted, one desperate joker has cone ' hack to our first parents, and iti'jutresrj "Why was Eve not afraid of the measles?" ]>eeau-c she'd 'A Jam. A lady nskcJ a pupil at a public school, "What was'hi sin of the Iharisfcs?'' "Eating camels, aiarm," (juick-. ly replied the eh hi. She read that the l'hari-ecs '>t:aincd at guats and .swallowed camels." A wing her lnv?r running in gnat haste to meat 1 cr, observed to him that he must bo in a very tmat i hurry to run so .fast. 'Madam," re? plied the lover, "1 was following my inclination'" An Arabian having brought a Llusli to a maiden's cheek by the earnestness J of las gaze, said to her, "My looks have planted roses in your cheeks, why forbid me to gather them ? The law permits him who sows to reap a harvest." An Illinois County Clerk refused! to i-suc a man i.. go liconsn because the man was only four feet high, while the woman was six. lie knew something about domestic life with the proportions reversed, and could not assist a fellow uisii into the lottery when the odds were so fearfully against him. A Household Fruit Dryer. A Michigan man has invented a fruit evaporator, which is a simple fZ-* addition to the household stove. The dryer is a long tin pan, which may he frotn three to six. eight or e ' O ten feet long, as may suit the convenience of the room in which is the kitchen stove. In width it is made ^ so that it covers one end of the surface top of an ordinary cook stove, as it rests on and operates by the heat of the stove. The machine HPL may be kept nt work all tho time the cooking or baking is going on, as it occupies hut two holes. This longjtan, as it may be named, has a I ti<?it compartment or chamber, which I is partly filled, with water, and on 1 1 ^ ' i* n.\m r?n?*t no />t> t V inc lop sunauu Ul una tuui|/m iuivui i I is placed the fruit or vegetables preI pared for drying. The hot water ' ^ and steam in the lower compartment dries the fruit, without danger of crisping. A peck or a half bushel of fruit may he dried in from one to two hours. The fruit when dried and packed is then in perfect condi- 1 tion to put away beyond the reach 1 of flies or anything that will injure ' W - -Keincily for Asthma. 1 The following receipt is said to j) have been usctl with wonderful re- ' suits: Take one (juart of water. ^ Jmat it until it simmers; then add * six ounces of sugar. When the sugar 1 is melted add two ounces of iodine of ^ pota-a. When dissolved, cork up for future u<e. For a dose, a table- <1 spoonful before each meal ii sufficient f V for an adult J n Strength of the Human Arm. The powerful force of the human arm when propelled 1>y a hale, hearty stalwart man, is almost incredible. The damage it may inflict is simply astounding, and we have recently had a sad. but striking demonstration of this kind in our very midst. A few months since, when Frcizc hit Andrew Weidner upon Fayette St.,fronting City Hall, it is said that the latter fell as suddenly as if he had been struck in a vital part with an ax. The bridge of his nose was broken, lie ceased to breathe in less than ten minutes, and within a quarter of an hour was as dead as though a bullet had penetrated his heart. It is stated that Frei/.c told an officer that the force of the blowwas so powerful, he came near falling from the rebound, and when he discovered that the man was <leau he couM not realize the fact. AYe see it stated in a Virginia paper that one of the celebrated Randolph family. a near kinsman of Thomas Jefferson, when in his prime, could lift a thousand pounds. Our shows and circuses generally cxibit a man who C displays wonderful feats of strength, but we have rarely or never known an instance where a single blow fro n the human arm so instantaneously produced death, as that inflicted by Frcize upon Weidner. It should prove a sad warning toall possescd of such muscle to be extremely guarded as to when and how the}' use it.? Baltimore American. Diseases of Farm Sfock. The new Commissioner of Agriculture appears to be trying to make himself generally useful in lis department. lie has recently issued a circular asking fur information from all parts of the United States in regard to the causes of diseases prevailing i:i all classes of tarm stock. lie thinks that by proper investigation into these diseases and their causes, timely remedies and preventives may he discovered that will save many millions of dollars) annually to the farmers of this; country. lie therefore asks for information in regard to such facts as may be known about the diseases of horses, cattle, a' cep, swine an i poultry, requesting that a complete1 diagnosis of the disease bo sent him, stating the duration of the attack, its average.fatality, what remedies, if any, are used, and with what sue cess. This information will be laid before Congress, as the basis for socuring an appropriation to meet the expense of a thorough investig ition of diseases of all classes of farm animals. Indians Opposed to C/ltitenship. There seems to be quite a general opposition among the differ nt Indian tribes to the bill now p riding in the Senate, which propose to make citizens of them. Kerne ;stra:iccs against the bill have alrouty been sent to Washington by delegates of several of the more civiliz > 1 tribes, and additional ones arc sai I to he on the way. The objection is made that the measure would be a fruitful source of discord among the Indians and result in no benefit. Attention is called to the statement that two thousand Indians who were male citizens in Kansas through railroid influence have, after a trial of citizenship, gone into the Indian territory and endeavored to become roe instructed as Indian tribes. It is proper to say. says the Wasliin rton ' correspondent of the Baltimore >. that a belief exists that much of tins opposition is manufactured and gottcn up by white men, speculators ind oihers, who would lose the chan es for big Indian contracts, etc., if tile Indians were made citizens. Coal Ashes. Coal ashes as a fertilizers arc said to he very beneficial for tomatoes and potatoes, and, to a less extent, peas and beans. Moreover they improve the mechanical condition of' the soil, and are therefore especially beneficial to clayey and rigid land generally They should he worked in very deeply and uniformly in the proportion of, say, about one part of ashes to two of mold. As it takes a long time to decompose them, their fertilizing properties are slow in action; but continuous. To obtain the best advantage from thouuse, some other kind of manure should he applied in eon junction with tlicin. As there are seldom enough e n i 1 1. .1 I _ _ * A I lor nent culture, me garuen is mo best place in which to use tliem, au?l inasmuch as they are generally considered mere ineonveniciit refuse, all the advantage secured from their use will be clear gain ?literal Nnv Yorker. Hunts. .\re you burned? 1 have tried raw eggs on burns for twenty years, ind never failed to take the fire out n three applications. Spread raw ggs on a rag and apply to the burn [t will remove all pain at once. IVIicn the eggs become urv, wet in vator till soft, and apply fresh eggs, fhe whites of eggs will do the best. Jommon cooking soda placed upon he burn and a moistened cloth on op, is said to be an infallible cure. Is it just to forget all the kindness lone us by those with whom we live or a little pain, which, after all, any havo been given unintentionally. FOUTZ'S MOUSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, i V.'TlI ooreor prevent >o non?7t will die of Coup, Botts or Lcxo F? i ?> r. If Kouu'a l'nwiieni arc r..?ed In tine. iuutz'H Powders will cure and ptrvrntliooCiintrr.i | 1 >i;iz'b Powdc Ti. will prevent tiArxs is Jowl, c? ; rcrlally Tnrlcova. t olio's powder* will Ineresee the quantity of mill: ; and n earn twenty p-.r emu end nuiku icu butter firm . a'dawect. . Foutz's i'owil'-re will cure or prevent almost xthkt &iika??s that Horace and tattle are heir to. J ot'TZ'a 1 > VtLLOlVk hATlbFACTION*. w id cToiywLere. HAVLD E. FGC1Z. Proprietor, MLU.TJKORK. JJd ! I- ::ir inn.l ; >!-?{ liil.iltm vrr until by - ;t: ! . t'r? in mint y ?lbfH?e?. It i^i'tziMU'i'df I'licrh.'l i>r<?liirM. tvhlrh Ii::v" :t ?. <<>' i IlVsd. i.n the throat unil ' <i A" .1| : i air ii'Uv all I r m:: tonit. r: r:.:t*?w if to bo tutpcrtic I. itnnuarhovk*tb?Inflammation wliicii pio.-iH't'H Ji.t; cotiifli. A K.ii^io r> i!> ve !'?< tii?' paroxyMn, soothoti iw-t voii?:h--s . :t??! ftiublo* the miffMcpMit'.ii.} iii '.r it &t nl^lit. itcini; it p'.oasatit ?'ortli' four* 11i? \v?*h'. Mtomrth, jmkI i> tiiiwially r? ouiouiotnieil for r.'iiiilrcii. What others say about Tail's Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty Years, t; w tivm-, Ff't uttrr 3, 1s75. " I1. lind ,\?!! mat .:riv year-, ami nuirlound .1 ~*eu?l.iUll i.?.ll Mf 'l " 1 ' '* * Vftl.*' \'J. r. liUGVN, Ch:il3? St. A Chiiri's Idea of Merit. *. a* C !.!. >s?, yVicw/f^ 11, 1*76. 'Tr.f - !!(?'! ; t .11 ri- 1 t:i 1:1 snyhouM*. My v.? 1; 1 ; ati*;!! i n; i:t the world, ft.os c':ili'r? :t ov 5' ! ' r'n r t'.in tnn!.(3?i? luady.' *' N3AM WOODWARD, I SI it!. Poydru* St. "Six, and all Croupv." " I mn c 1.: * of >i\- c!: i! !r*- ?; all oft Sent bare ! 1 :i ct. y. \i iilmut Tult's Kv|h-i im.t'it, I don t t '.ink t!.< v w! ! I.??;l survive a ?o:nc ui liie uttack*. I; i. a nn ! IMARY STC7IM3, Fran'ifjrl, Ky. A Doctor's Afivice. ' Jri - v pmc:.' o. I r.'iv.vr all famiiir* to iu-ji To'*. j I>;tcct<*r.intf in unlili n eincr;;et.tii-s, for toughs, crimp, tli. liilitrli, < 7. P. CLLIS, M.D., Niv/irk, N. J. ly alt dvtirfyisf*. I'rire 0Mjlcj ' o.5 Murray strc"t, N, to York, "THE TREE IS BY ITS FROIT" " T.itf'v Pi'l* an: tviph ttn-ir w? in tfo'd."' fltlY. i. H, ei.'dPfrQK, Ky. "'s r;:u a >.i >1 t?!?,??ir* of tin nineU tilth centnry."'?REV. F. R. OSGOOD, Nsw York. " * ' ? ***..?? - 1 ?*.tr t.trtAd ft|' thn liviT. I c u v-i i uii - . ... ...? 1 y ?irc wii>i r'.nr Ij 11. ly tncoiciix for biliary Jik* v.... i? c? i" li--." I. P. CARS, Attorney at Lav/, Augusta, Ca. ' I have r." it's IMis y.nrx in my family. 'I'.-. \ am univv'cd 1 rco?tivciic>?Riul fiiiiou?ticsi." F. R. WLTON^ Georgetown, Texas. I '..a?rc ' ' I i'i's TTTTI i i,-:cp; benefit." W. V.'. MANN, Editor f.iiiilo liegijtf r. ? V."<* r 'I f.'fsr I o\'s it 'I h I': '? 11> I*'1 c i t r'.l SAYKG & C3..rCarta.-?y;:!a, Ca. "T: "' * l'il!a i avc ii .'v l i f?* tr'i I to ctablhh lln-ir i . v iv il, 'AV7. ii. LAilflCN. Sur.iinor C.I., Coiion. " T re ' . .. : : 11.111 a ' rite,! 1 ; t c tens of bilioot (Si or 1. - Tan'sHill*." JC3. v'l'Af t-( Richmond, Virginia. AlO A MOR?. .'Said l?i/ <1 US rcnto a lor. Ofileo 0"t .uti.raj/ Street, Attic York. g MIGH TtSTlMCNY. a r: v tuf. p >nni'jorrtx.iL. y 3 "> C'tLAT iNVTNTiQN R )'1?1 . I" I: . .,1 i !? !. II 1'T. "f \i-W T nr!t, E v..11 11 . Ti> if i| In iiitv fo thv liafr. L* jfl Tl.,11 .il;:.oit rl:t-tiii 1 li?~ Mircc cilr-il In Hj Sd I'.i! i :if ,i 11 i'r J>m' which Imitate* m *4 naoiri- i n fiction. I'M bachelor* may B Ji i'l f'-Jier ,'v.T JTurroij St., H > ."? i- I /' f ( '/ u'l ilrnggixt . At or Aear C ost. 11 < vintf on lmii'l too largo a stock of I.I??l's?II*< i.flu-t i|ii:iliti<w hi carry through tii'- iluli si-nson, i :iin iletcrmincil to turn it into niiiiicv, r.ti'l in orler to 'Id so rnpiilly. have cono'u l 1 i > sill at the following Tcry Jo.v jiricts to; the gn'lon : O! 1 Cri '.v Ivy. Ily Wlraky $4 2.") Diekcv llyc 2,.jt) Miller'* live 2 50 I'ride iif < )hi'j live 1 .75 North Carolina (/ irn 2 50 !> ?!' m 'i*e C'-ni 1.75 A|?J?'e !h- in iv (the heat) 11 7.? < * t?_r? r Jiraiidv 2.50 IMaelclerrv 2 50 (.'ounac 15 randy 15.50 (5in (I.est) 2.50 ll.mi (purr) 2 50 P.nt Win- 2.50 Tub 'tern nnl rigors in variety, at 1-nv prices. Also, a tine assortment of Family Groceries >!' ill best quality. Cull and s.'i* me, an I price my good.- booro ; urchu-ing rl-it. re. J. H. LOLLiS, at "Old lirick Corner," Ureal St.. Camden, S. C. junl-tt \V. C. YOl'NG. I* YOCXU. YOUiMG BROS., Harness, Hoots, Shoes, kc. Made or repaired at the shortest notice . and in the most durable manner. The Iii^hc.-t j 11 ptid for of ali , desci iptiaiis. | Give in a call, one door uc.-t id' the l'oslotlicc, Camden. S. deelltf j Jaonb El las Picg? i<> inform his fiioml: :u.?l I he puhlic generally thai lie lias OPENED STORE no 'Ivor north of T. J. Ilarc-licM. Ksij , where he is offering a stuck of Ueneral ^(MvIianJisc, nl nstot.ishly low prices r(>R CASII < >> lie lias I?rv (ioO'ls, Hoots nti'l Shoe?, ilir.luare. tinwries, \e., ice. A call i? i t\-peel fully solicilcl. .Icds :: mi JAfOH KM AS. f-S. WOLl'IO Uiiyn ati'l )m;,ili- highest mark el price for given ati<l ilry cow lii I?*s. slnt-p, fox, otter, mink, lartoou utnl ral.bit skin*. Also, :ug?, wool, tallow, bvc?wfcx,oM iron, brim, tutfpM-, fcf. JanllT | Town Ordinances. AN ORDINANCE to regulate licences for J retailing spirituous liquors within the | Town of Conxion, and to amend the Or- i dinniicos in relation thereto Whereas it is necessary to conform the Ordinances of the Town of Camden to the ; statute laws of the State regulating the! sale of spirituous liquors ; therefore, lie it ordained l>y the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden, and it is hereby ordained: I. That from and after the passage of this | Ordinnnce, there shall be in the Town of! Camden (o) classes of licences for the j i retailing of spiritous liquors, as follows: ) II. I.icensc No. 1 shall be that granted to Tavern Kcope.s. The person to whom the same is granted shall be first recommended by ix respectable freeholders of the neighboihood where the tavern is j roposed to be kept, as of good repute for litmsly and sobriety: anil shall enter into a bond, with two good nnd sufficient sureties, being freeholders of the Town of Camden, in the sum of one thousand dollars (SI,000) for the keeping of an orderly house, and for the due observance of the ' laws relating to the retailing ef spirituous ! liquors : and shall pay for stid license, to ! the Town Tieasurer, the sum of Three ! Hundred Dollars, payable in quarterly inI stnlments, and a fee of live dollars (So) to ;?lie llcceriier. j III. License No. 2 shall be tlic license to retail spirituous liquors in quantities lc?s ; limn one quart, granted to the keepers of drinking saloons and eating houses, apart from taverns. The person to whom the same is granted shall be first recommended l?y six ic.-pcetable tax-payers of his neighborhood, and shall enter into a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) with three (3) good sureties, for the keeping of an ordely houco, and for the due observance of all laws relating to the retailing of spirituous liquors: and shall pay for th.s license to the Town Treasurer the sum of Three hundred dollars annually, payable in quarterly instalments, and a fee of five dollais ($oj to the Recorder. IV. License No. 3 shall be the licenso authorizing the retailing of wine, cider, brewed or malt liquors, within th incorporate limits of the Town of Camden. The person to whom the same is granted shall i be first recommended by six respectable ! tnx-j ayers of neighborhood, nnd shall cni for into a bond in the sunt of five hundred dollars ($o00), with two good sureties, for the keeping of an orderly house, nnd for the due observance of all laws regulating the sale of such liquors: and that he wiil ! not sell any spirituous liquors, or any admixture thereof: and shall pay for this license to the Town Treasurer the stun of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars annually, payable in quarterly insta'imntv, and a fee of five dollars 0?*>) to the Recorder. V. License No 4 shall be the license authorizing the sale of intoxicating liouors ! l>v the,iu ut or in larger tiuaulies. within I the limit* of the Town of O'hui'Icm. The | person to whom the same is grunted shall pay the Town Treasurer for said license the sunt of Two Hundred Dollars annually. | payable In quarterly instalments, and a fee of five doll irs :c'T) to the llecorder. And j before such lie. use is issued, the person so . applying shall (,e recommended Ly si* re1 speelubtc t >x-j avers of the neighborhood, and shall enter into hontl, with two pood I silt its. in the sum of one thousand dulluslokcep an orderly hottse nntl for the ilne observance of all laws relating to the -ale spirituous liquors. And any person to w hom such is grant, d, who sltajl pejtni; sjt'.di ijjtpgiciitipg liqucjnt to he j drunk on the premises where sold, shall forfeit his license, ami the same shall not be renewed within a year from the t trie of forfeiture. i VI License No. o shall he the license : aut'.ioiizing apothecaries and druggists to I stdl, trade or barter any bitters ot which .spirituous or malt liijuors are an ingrcdii cut. or any other medicated liquors, l.y the ' bottle or by the drink. The person to ' whom the same is granted shall be first rej commended by three respectable tax-payers of his neighborhood, and shall enter , into bond, with two good sureties, in the : sum of three hundred dollars, for the kcep, ing of an orderly house, mid for the due i ohsi rvanec of nil laws regulating the rale of such liquors: and shall pay for such license to the Trencurcr the sum #f Seveiij ty five Dollars annually, in quarterly inJ sta'mcnts, and a fee ot five dollars ti?u) to | to the Recorder. VII. That any person desiring anyone j of mi ill licence* shall i'j'jily l>y petition lo | the Town Council, setting forth such <le; ?ire, whiclt class of license lie dost res, ami wli re he shall vend, naming his sureties: and shall deposit the one-fourth of (he price of his license with th? Recorder before rhe same shall be granted, VIII. That no license shall be granted I without r? full and perfect compliance with j all lite requisites herein contained, nor tin| til a notice of such application has I en I [ ublishcd one week in i newspaper of the j p! tee, nor until the second inad.r.g of the i application he'ore IX. That tit" saute persons shall not l?e j sureties on iuorc than two ("J) bonds for I licenses. X. That lio licenses granted by Council shall be transferred lo Another person, or authorize selling in any other house iI:au than the one stated in the petition, without I lite consent of and regulation by Council, j to be bad by petition to that effect. XI. All persons engaged in retailing li! <|tiors under licenses granted hereby, or ! tm ler preexistingordinances, shall expose I their licenses to public view i:t their chief j place of making sales : and 110 such license shall authorize sales by any person neglecting this requirement. X11 All orltnances or part* of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed I tone at Council Chamber, in Camden, this tw nty-fourth day of lieeetnh'r. A. I'. " j. c. koi.i.inus. 1 ntendaiit. E. K. Si 1.l, Clerk ami Recorder. AN ORPINANYE to Ikil-e supplies far the Yi ai of our I.ord bT-. I> it ordained by the Intcmlant Wit-dens of the Tiiwu of Canidea, 111 Council asseu l-t it. ami tiy the authority of 1 satue: That the tallow ing taxes lu* atiil the same are hereby levied lorllti*current voir that isto-iu: SeetIon l. Si.\\?) mills on ei;et| unit every 'I !tar of the value of all're I estate ami p- -opal propertv with 1*1 the roriinrutc limit-- of the '1 own of ('ntmleti on the tlrst day of .iatimiry, A. I>. ts> See. That eaell niid every male person l> tween the aires of eighteen and lifty years, other titan ordailicitministers, stmh'iiis am! 111 labors o| tin' lire ilepartuifiit, shall pay. on or before the mtli day of Maich next, llvi dollars v>'? for loud ntnl polteo e.xi-aip: 1011; and if any person liable for tl:ls t ix st.atl tall to mate payment at the lime spei'lfled. he shall lie liable to work 0:1 Hit' sirens lor SIX nay.-, Iiiiun no- mim >n<> . >> the Town M I'-hiP. Nee.There shall be ton dollar* -lm pail annually on < arc <>tini11> <?; five dollar- f.M <>n cavil carriage or Inick drawn by two or more hntses, rim for passengers or lilre ; three dollar* i.'i) for each ono-hoi*e ior siilk.v l.*pt for litre; ten dollars .?lit) on eneli lonr hor-e a ajron, d ay nre.irt rim for hire; llvv d >l!nis on each two Imtsc wagoi:, drav or earl tori lo. hlie. The taxes dm? on omnibuses, carriages, hacks, buggies, wagons, drays ami rails kept for hire -hall ho paid he lore they ate allowed to inn. Provided thai nothing le'reln eoiitnined shall lie eoiistriled so as to extend to wagon-;, earls or oi'ier vi lli, es jpilnir tool* n turning fiom market, am'owned by iion-respleiits ot the town. See. 4. All ke pets of livery sl.thies within the Town of t ainden, shall |>:iv an annual tux of twenty-flic dollars .fheior< p shall he lawful for ttwill to keep AMI 'i ruble. Provided tlia' aid III cry sii?l?le Keeper, upon the payment of said tax. shall he privileged to keep ami run any or all of the vehicle* enumerated in the preceding section free, and discharged of the ta\r< charged tHereon III -.lid section. s?-e. r?. Tvveiilv dollars p.'?n p-r day s!in!I lis pant i?y every Itinerant auctioneer oil'e lug lor sale wifltlii the corporate InnPs ot the To.vini t 'amdeii, ill an. lion or otherwise, ?ni good*, wares or merchandise, to he paid each d u in advance, and any Itinerant auctioneer liable to lire t i.v aforesaid, and who shall I ill to nuke ,-;ivliienf, shall he flip d to' iv dollai s .fi per da* for recti dav lie mnv so ofl'-nd, iviilch s.ild till* the Marshal shall eitfoie ami collect i>> the *n/.lire and sale of tliejf jods, wares or ineie.liandize ni Vw tfrrtotf w pVrtwf imiifcH) ftt? *?iMBii?. | St All peddleis or transient persons dealing in fruits, nuts, (tatter, lard or meats, shall [ pay to the Town a tax of live dollars lift) per week, or one dollar (11) per day for periods of; time less tnuna week, In all cases where Wutter or lartl Is offered in smaller quantity than by the ' tub,kit or firkin, or fruits or nuts in smaller \ quantity than bv th? bushel, or meat In smaller; quantity than by the piece, and sold from wa-1 gons, stands or otherwise on the streets: and the ! Town Marshal enforce the payment of this tux by the seizure and sale of the goods, wares and merchandize of the person or persons falling or! refusing to pay said tax. Provided that this sec- j tion shall not be construed to extend to and include the people of this snd adjoining counties, of whom Camden is the market town, who shall be nt liberty to vend their produce upon the streets, except a may tie otherwise provided hy the ordinances regulating the Market. Sec. 7. There shall lie paid an anneal tax of twenty-live dollars (*& i) on each and every billiard table; live dollais ($.' ) on each and every bagatelle table, and ten dollais ($10)on each am! every nine or ten pin alley, kept within the limits of the town, for profit; "said tax to tie paid before license to use the sniue shall be granted. See. 8. That no equestrian exhibition, menagerie or other eqhlbttion of that nature, ami no theatrical exhibition, minstrel performance or other show of any kind, shall he held In the Town of Camden, for gain, without a license therefor being llrst obtained from thd Intemlant, ami payment for said license being made to the Town Clerk, as follows: For escli equestrian exhibiI tion, menagerie or other show of that nature, | such sum as the Intemlant shall determine, not i to be l?-ss than seventy-live dollars per May; for each side show, such snm as the Intemlant may I determine, not to be less than twenty-live dm; lars per day; for each theatrical exhibition,nitiii strel performance; or othershowof that nature. I not lose than live dollars nor tnsre than twenty live dollars per day. Each and every person glvI iiifr any of the exhibitions aforesaid for gain without having tirst obtained a license therefor. I as provided a hove, shall he lined for each and | every day so exhibiting, a sum not less than dou' hie the highest tax above Imposed for such exhibition, said Hue to he enforced and collected ' by the Town Marshal by seizure and sale of the ' property of the person or persons so offend lug. Sec. n*. An annual tax of twenty dollars (f:2!?) shall be paid by each and every express company doing business in the Town of Camden. Sec. 10. Every person who may wish to engage in the business of an auctioneer Within the Town | of Camden, shall pay to the ifec odor of the Town, as a license tax, before engaging in such i business, the sum of ten dollars annually. Any person violating this section shall b?- fined by the Town council live dollais for each and every offence, said line to be bolbct'-d by the Town Mar- j ' slm', upon the warrant of the Inteudant, by the levy and sale of any and ail property liable-o . legal process. Sec. II. Any person or persons who shall violate sections 5and t of litis oirpnuiioc, shall be fined by the council a ?.uni cgual to double the tax therein imposed in caoh specific Instance, salit tax to bo collected by lhe Town Marshal, upon Hi" war,Lid of the liitendaut, by the seizure ami sale of the vehicle or vehicles, animal 01 aniiuils, used In violation of the sections aforesaid. Sec 'All ordinance* or pa ts of ordinances Incon Isicnt* provi-loiis of this ordinaireare h -r !>v repeal* d. IMiiih d in cotnn i; litis 3rd day of Janua-y, A. D. tST*. .1. r ?(OI USiiS, luteudaut. E. E. Mix, Hi corner. JanlVlt SB. ZEMP liKCS TO CAT.I. ATIFMIOX TO HIS large and carefully sel?ct?>d st, ck of DRUGS AMD MEDICINES! :o: M v crl i t \m ii nil.? im nf tl.* \\n<t ami purest, consisting in part, of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, l'ainis. Bye Stuffs, CiluiB, Putty, Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery, Fancy Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery, Lamps, Burners. Patent Medicines, Trusses. BooUj, Paper, Envelopes, rnncy Candies. BgL, Physicians prescriptions- nccurnfcly compounded, and solicited ftotnall parts of the country. oct'22tf r'EED AND SALE ST/ DIES. livery convenience on the spot. Always put up at | ARMSTRONG'S COMMODIOMS STARLKS on DcKalb Street. Good pump well on premises. Animals well fed and properly cared for by accomplished hostlers. , PRICES Vlilir MODERATE Horses nml mules nhvays on liaii'l ami for salecheap. Don'* forget the place. J. A. ARMSTRONG. rallies indebted to me are request to he prompt iumaking seM lenient. Collections must la1 made or 1 shall lie compelled to nifopt severe measures. CHRISTMAS f Our usually large and varied stock of Christmas Goods, Embracing every variety of : FRENCH CANDIED I FANCY CANDIES, PLAIN CANDIES. IPX'-LTLitJEJ ?123. d KTlXtJEJ, OF AL1. KINDS, I'liiraiite. Cilien?, 1': tines. l'.a;>.in?. ! I 1 deilies. l'l,->irvi-. S| i ^uite*. Klivn ihg Extracts. Itessicaled t'ocoatiut, Ac., \c. Family and Fancy Groceries,' J31M T, 3IE.iT. Pi'J Hams, Pigs' Feet $c. We keep constantly on hand u choice slock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, And continue to sell The Best Cigar for the Least Money. Firework** and TTo.vs! in greater variety than ever. I We sulii it a call from our former patron* mid the public generally, atnl guarantee goods ut the lowest prices possible. KIRKLEY & SMITHdccl lit* and Tie*. ,2,000 v"r''"BlGniX('oUO Bundles TIKS, for sale low by o*cr23tf HALM BBO?? j SPECIAL IISI ( I Will Oil # NEXT THIJ My Entire Greatly Red HEAL BARGAINS Will H. BAF jan2-tf CHEAP IS | TIIR E^.1 >B^I I WILL TIIEUF.Fon MY J DEY GOODS, HA ' lOOfi iu i Arc Equal it j o any I Lave ever had to oH'tr. ALL OF W'lirC AS CHEAP AS THEY CAE The Stock has been inoticaicfully sekc:e Robe $101 I i WORTH C TO "BE At Astonishi: CoNSIS' Dry Goods, / i ? *vr j Homing, nais, Shoes, Hardware. Saddles, Hani Groceries, Ties. We Still Pay Above 31 I THE OLD Mf STORE. W. C. GERALD Would invito the attention of the public to hi.s Immense Stock FOR THE Fail and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of Dry Goi ds, Notions. lloots. Shoes Hats, Clothing, 1 Gents' Furnishing Goods, Fancy Articles, Groccri'S. 1'iovisions. linen. Lard. Cheese. Crackers, Sugar. T?a, Mola.-s?s, Gntmo'l (Io? ds, Fait. IVppcr, S trars, Tobacco. Ac. which he has just reseived, and which is larger and far superior to any previous stock lie has ever exhibited. I would ask a careful examination of my stock before purchasing, as I am confident that I can save money to all who need goods. Highest cash prices paid for COTTON and all kinds of Country Produce. Mv stock of Pugging and Tie.* is extensive. cp. 10. JIo lasses. I oik r.ARRKLS Now Crop New Orleans I WW Molasses. For sale low by jtnltf Hi I'M 11R0S. , UUCEMEiXTS. ) fer for the LiTY DAYS Stock at 1 Luced Prices! be Offered, f all Early at lUCH'S. d^Ld ^ X.JI A IE SUBJECT, n ONLY ANNOUNCE STOCK OF , CLOTHING, iTS, 8804*8 not Superior III WILL SELL BE FOUND ANYWHERE, J, ninl an insj ccii< n is fo'iciteJ. irt M. Kennedy. 0,000 )F GOODS 1 SOLD ng Low Prices; 1'IXG OF ess, uuggiiig,; nrket Price for Cotton. SAUM BROS. * J JST OPENED. Fall and Winter Sttck AT James Jones. I liave tli* rlei<i'?e of announcing to mv numerous patrons that I hate Just Returned from the Northern If - M __ .Utll'KClS where I purchased a heavy stock of | FALL AND WINTER GfODS, which 1 propose to sell at prices corresponding willi the low price of coiton. My slock of HARDWARE cannot be excelled in this mar e . and as I made my purchase- in this Hue. i nder the most favorable circumstances, 1 tan afford 10 sell the same at the Very Lowest Prices. COTTON. 1 am always in the mavkct, and give the highest market prices in cash, Tlio patronage of the public is solicited. Polite ami attentive clerks on hand to* serve customers sepl9?if J MRS JONES. Candy, Candy. ^ CONES assorted t'andv f..r snle bv 4 > H.U .I/ E.RO5. * Hugai'. llarrels of differeut kinds of sugar ttjff for saU by UAUM llROS.