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4 W. I). TRAXTHAM, Editor, j (I. (i. ALEXANDER, Businss Malinger, i O A MDEX, S. 0 , J A S L* A H V 1VI, 187S. ! A Word with Planters. Another crop has hoen gathered, and,! with few exceptions, disposed of, and ( you are about to begin another year's' operations. lJefore perfecting your plans,! which, with farmers who have any plans I at -at!, an* generally as unalterable as the laws of the Mcdcs and Persians.; perhaps it would be well to consider ( thoroughly the policy you think of adopt-1 iag?v.hetheror not by pursuing it your condition at the cud of the year, when nil nnn/ nnla It.lVO llCfll SOttlcJ Ulld tile balance sheet made, will be improved. What course hive you followed for several years past ? Very likely many of you have planted every available foot of productive ground in cotton, and a few acres of barren ujdan 1 in corn, j while 3051 have given no attention what ! ever to the growing of small grain or; the raising of stock. If )ou have done tills, your corn cribs and smoke-houses have been in Camden, Charleston, or Baltimore?they have certainly not been on your own premises, where they should j !).>?your cotton has been sold and [ the price fixed before it was; planted and, as an inevitable con-1 sequence, you have found yourselves poorer at the end of every year. Well,; if such has been your misfortune in j previous years, can you, with the low j price of cotton painfully Leluro your I eyes, hope fur any better result this j year, unless you change your course !'> N'o; it is iuipo?sib!o. So prepare t<> grow your own grain, an I to raise your; - own stock, and have your cribs and smoke-houses on your own premises, and keep them yourselves, instead of in distaut cities, where they are kept by \ parties who regard not your interests I except in so far us their own are con-1 corned. Do this, and twelve months hence, ^you will Ituve money ia your pockets, and cuongli provisions on hand to "ruu you another year." Primary Elections. Several of our State exchanges arc ' discussing the subject of primary c!cc-; lion." as the best and west satisfactory mode for making nominations for public offices. We have always live rod whatever plan that would come nearest to meeting the wishes of the voters, and. j as in primary elections evrry voter would have an opportunity to indicate bi- choice of candidates, there i* no reason why the harmony and unify o!'j tSi?t party should tut be promoted there-1 by. Agricultural Supplies. A Liii to enable planters to secure . I advance* for agricultural purposes is now before the I^<-jrij?1at?ii<?, and yeslcr-' day was sot apart as the day for its con- j sidcration. Some provision sliou'd bo made for the teli?,'of farmers, thousands : of whom will be unah!j to op- rate thiyear unhss something is done for them I by I initiative enactment. The Taxes. The subject of another State tax i?i just now a matter that may he discuss-! ed, not by the Legislature alone, but by the tax-payers generally. It is evident to any cue who observes at all that another tax cannot he paiJ by the masses of the people until they shall have gathered another crop; but the State government must nevertheless be sun-1 .?.?i .1.t'limncr What is I mine* uuuiin ?MV . to bi; done in the emergency is the ijucation. We cut from the Wiiuitboro iVtiri awl I/crahl the timely fallowing editorial on the subject: There is no one in the State so insane r.s to believe that another tax can be j paid this spring, yet tt is equally absurd < to suppose that the State government j eau be maintained without money. How to extricate themselves from this dilemma, is perplexing the Legislature 'J'bis suggestion is therefore made to thrill grulitft The levy should be reduced to the lowest possible figure, of couise, and should be inude | -ayaible i.i two instalments?one fourth in the spring and the balance in t lie fall. J lot ad if charging iutcrc&t oil tlie first instalment if not paid, as was the method ad pted la-1 pear, let the fifteen p? r cent, pnjuity 1 mi the iiist installment attach as soon as j the last day for p?yin?r it bans expired;' but the property should not be declared delinquent until after the cxpiiation of the time for pnjiog ilrj other initalinent. It is rather preposterous to rhargc interest on taxes,especially since the adoption of the usury law, and the imposition of the penalty is the tru** theory. The operation of this proposed plan will be satisfactory. There are at number of capitalists who will pay their j instalments to avoid incurring any pen a!ty, and the money thus collected will .support the government during the summer. Tnoso who have no fund.- 1 can let the penalty attach, and pay the I whole amount in the fall. Ttio penalty | of fiftceu per cent, on one-fourth of the tax will be bait one-fourth of fifteen per cent , or three and three-fourths per cent, on the eatiro tax. To illustrate: if the tax on A s property is one hundred dollars, ho is ictjuircd to pay twenty-live dollars iu the spring, and tfbliart In lift fall. If bl ? fails to meet tho first instalment, a pen- i ally of three dollars and seventy-live ; ] cents will be charged against hiin. and j , in the fall he pays his one hundred and ;' throe dollars and seventy-five cents At ten mills, one hundred dollars repre- J sents ten thousand dollars, while the t whole tax with the j?ena!ty attached is ;, but ten and three-eighths mills, the', three eighths of a mill being the price; fixed by the tax payer for the privilege l( of postponing payment /until another! crop comes in. For a ten dollar tax,: | the pjivilege will cost but thirty-seven i and a half cents. Last year the instalments were half ,1 and half, but as a greater number can , 1 pay one-fourth than one-half, the addi-: tioual individual payments may, in the , aggregate realize more than by requiring one half. This is an equitable j adjustment, and it should be accepted 1 by all parties. I Stateburgr. We take the following from tiic bum- , ter TV iie Southron : , The residence of the late James , Caldwell, at Statcburg, was destroyed l>y fire on Monday night, the 7ih it?>t. It is supposed to have been fired by an ; inceiuitary, us u was unocvupieu ai mu. time. We regret to learn of a sad accident 1 in the vicinity of Stateburg on Friday, the 11th ins'aiit, resulting in the instant killing of Adville Mitchell, uran 1 son <>f Mr. Wtn J. Atkinson, lie was with some other boys in the woods, ami, their dogs having run an opossum into j a hollow log. he !aiJ his gun down while ihey were trying to run the animal out. I When it ran out of the other end of the! log, he endeavored, hurriedly, to get his gun to shoot it, hut the hammer i caught on something, and the load was disihargcd into his forehead. Federal and Slate Elections. From the Chester correspondence of the Yorkviile JJmjuim- -co clip the fol-j lowing concerning a bill which seeks to | correct a well-known evil, and which will likely be acted up m at the present, session of the Legislature : Judge Mackey has drafted a bill to be presented to the Legislature, which provides that the balloting for Federal arid ..Tnr.rc cb'ill bo Jinil (lis ?. I KC UtUVViP W . - J - ...... , tirict. To effect litis end. the bill provi les for two Hoards of Manag- rs and i Commissioners?one Jhard to fake! charge of elect ions for Federal officios,; and the oilier Hoard to lake charge nl'j the election for iS'utc officers. The biil j provides that the polling placis for the; two sets of officers slou! ie some d islanco apuit, and not under the same! roof. The object of the bill, it is nppa- i rent, is to secure an tntiro separation of: flic election fir Federal nffic* rs from the diction fo' State officers, so (hat the ' supervisors and marshals who, according to an net of C ingress, have the right! to supervise the <lc?tion for nicmbcrs of; Congress ar.d Presidential electors, will j have no right, or r- ason, or pretext, for interfering with elections for candidates! fo fill State offices. The bill is in the ' interest of home rule, aud will, in ail' pivh thiljtv. rxvivu a favorable ctis:d*i erati "i at the hands of our legislators. Editorial Items. Gen. John S. Williams las been elected United Suites Senator from K-ntucky, to sucecid lion. Thomas C. McCrcary. Hon. W. N. 11. Smith, of Raleigh, lias Inen appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Comt of North Carolina, t<? succeed Chief Justice Pearson, deceased (Ien A. C. C.aM.IXUTOX, V.liO left South Carolina stone yea:s ago, has returned, and will live at 'Jrectiville. whore he will continue the practice of; law. Kx-Coykknor Mannino, Senator elect fr? in Clarendon county, has hem admitted to his rcat in the State Senate. ' It is gratifying to sec such a man reenter- \ public life. The 17th day of this month was the day set apart by the 1'. S. Senate to j pronounce eulogies upon the life, char-1 niter and public services of the Into Senator Morton. Several appropriate! addresses were made. The House of Representatives Have ! admitted John R. Johnston, Repuhli | can, from Sumter county, to iill the va-: cancy caused by tho cxpuh-ion of hit* | brother, Thomas R. J jhnston, for eon-! temp'. Col.. A. CoWAltb has been appointed Brigadier General, commanding tl?c| Kblith 1>iijrude of Infantry, cnibracin" o p ' p j the counties of Iticli'. ind. K?rsbatv (,'lies tcrfield, Lancaster, I'aii field, Chester and Vork. 'I'llk Moflett punch law meets coiimJerablt) opposition in tlicStnto. Petitions numerously signed luvo gono up froui j .1 i ! early every county, ]?ravit;^ toe ja*j;is> i Inlure not to j ass the Li 1. the luilhcr | consideration of which is postponed !' until the first day of February. Mess lis. If. Jj. J'jrley ami T. J. < Trimuiier have purchased the (utro/iim SjHtrl'iu from Mr. M. Triinuiicr. Cupt. Farley will continue to edit the paper with that ability and success that which characterize his ricordof the past low years. (Jen. M. \V. (JaiiY las been ur^ed by several papers for I'. S Senator, as k?on as a vacancy occurs. South f'urolina has no son who has served her more faithfully than Gen. Gary ; and, though ! lie is not our choice for the position for! which he is nominated, we would rather sec liiui in the Senate than many others who arc opposed to him. IIoNCSl J din J'atUrion, it seems, < trill dTtj br rotgD, tmibb to \\m k iit?.ij>|ioiutincut of many Democrats who lave tlnir oycs fixed on the I uitcd ?ta?es Senate. Now, wo want to see 1 !\itter*on in the penitential)', and his | dace filled by a good Democrat. But his scrambling fjr u.Tu \ of which too nany ol our leaders are guilty, must jc discountenanced. It will degrade, lemoralizo an i utterly ruin tiny party. Assistant Slimit/j.n Disatkr, who ias been restored by Secretary Thompson to bis rank in the Navy, aft' r h ivng boon droppcl thirteen years ago, being forced to resign by Soerctay Welles in Kebru-ry. 180 ), because he :o >k dinner with a (J -nfid rate prisoner who had been permitted to vi.-it some mutual fiion Is ol' Draper and bim-elf in Baltimore. Secretary Thumps m hills that Wtiles' proceedings it. the case were illegal, and consequently Draper will get his hael: pay, amounting to ?2li.OOO?a perfectly legitimate claim, which is creating quit; a row among the p >pers, which ur^o that Proper wa#a "iibcl spmpithizor.'' A special telegram from Norfolk, Va. s*ns the whole liu'ioke llivor country was laid w:ist by the rc.vnt flood*, and presents a startling scene of devastation. Tims' who have ben up and down the river say the farms al-nig its course lor one or two miles hick aro nearly till destroyed, farm houses, barns nnd stables swept away, f uws destroyed?all things portraying general ruin caused by the waters. Tho coaiplaint of the farmers are heart-rending and red. The fl nd.s lure ruined tliom and left them destitute of means to recommence life on their barren and wasted land. The j i -tur . is a pitoons one, and be seen to he r.n'iz-d ? i'o'liUlKl t litjt.yf: r. Tltf Walem1 Trf.stL\ The planter}* nlon^ (lie line of lh? W&terec Itiver, tY..m (.bindou lo Acton, have calh d a public ueetii:;;. on the 2">tii instant., lur the put pose of or;; mizing an ullii ore, offensive nod dMfci>ive. against the Wilmington, ('o!u;ali::i and Auguita ISuilmad. It i* prop scd by tli'-ui to mute in a -nit at iaw for damn" s to their binds caused by the act ion ol tlie roi'l in in a portion of the four mile tri-j-tlc w bicli cro.-scs t'ic Wattree near ;\eto?. Although only one uiile nti'la hatful'this trot If have b. i-ii Coil, veiteu into an embankment, the planters allege tli it they have already great pecuniary loss by reason of the embank m-nt, which acting as a .lain, r- tarda the drainage <1 t!:e low lands above, and thereby subjects them to cmnplctc arid destructive overflow on all occasions of flood in the river. In consequence of the repeated losses already sustained. the owners of swamp lands in the section so affected find it difficult to secure tenants lor their best farms. They claim that, if the projected wo-k is allowed to be couiplutcd tiy the fillirn; its of tlm remainder of the l'uur-uiile gap, they will abandon these Tl.,1 t.lut.* r.t a nlYi Miiua Htd'^i iuvi. i iiv ?.? ...% thoroughly aroused to a sense of their injury, and the matter will soon find its way into courts on application for indisunity f?r past losses, and injunction against lur.lier p Oiecutiunof the work referred to.? ( slou A < ic* uwf ('utiii' r. A Brnvo Boy. < >u last We Jims lay night, about da:k, Azariah Martin, or Miller, was shot. :u Du'' West hy ^ittle II'bbic lloo l while robbing a potato bank. The boy is ten or tw? Ive years old, and deserves a gold medal f? r bis markmumdiip. II fore liring at tiro negro, lie sliot u p:stol oir three or four times in the yard to sc.rr?? him off, hu'. Azariah dug away, and filled his bag with plunder. The gallant ll dibiethent<ok down hrs lather's trusty rifle, -dipped into a house near by and "took rest." The fir-t shot failed to iiit the mark, and Az iriah dug away. Then liobbie drew a fine bead ; n I plugged tIre rascal just under the tiehl shoulder blade, lie lift at once, ami the doctors have heen probing for the bullet ever since, but with nit finding it The chances v.iv ihat Azurtah will niv.r steal any niurc potatoes?lie is ooino to that other Liberia wl ieh i- r< mtvo! IT all who break the eighth commnndturut. A/.iliali say.s that he was hliot by another nc^ro while he was on his way home from Duo West, and we wouldn't he surprised if thin is not the truth about the matter.?AhL i il M, ilium. Fine Berkshire Fi^s For sale by Jec2olf U A I'M nil OS. Soii]?, Soil]). X 4| I50XKS Soitp for salt- low I?v 'W I1AL'J/ linos. Collbe. lings of new Coffee Ion ale low l?v mios. ?0<> S.Iverpool Sail, For sale nl >1.1') per sack. iifivi'O "_'i UIIASlNliTON x*. S(M?d For sale, in quantities to suit, ' v jtottif 11A I'M IlKt) M ackerel. * Kits of Mackerel for sale nt IC)(J RAUMimoS. r?r Male. SAW LMOKY GIN, very little used, Iv Will be sold at a very low V\J* \bt. lUl'M W9 Ni;\V OKUAXS, 1? Stops (I ?1, 10. 12,* A 9, J }>'<:<. PIANOS, retail price $7&?, only *2M. Send ( (or confidential elicula.s. Daniel F. J'esitty, I Wublujrton, n. j. ji ?> new vocal ami 2new Instrumental pieces sheet ' ' '' music, inc. silver or stps. Music Publishing Company, Middleboro, Massachusetts. j i ?) \ CARDS, 5? styles, inc., or en Chronio Cards . ?:Ne., with name. .1. Dusted A Co., Nassau. | N. y. er f\ I.AKiiK Mixed Caki>s with Tuiiue. In case, L Q[J isc. 2ft without case, 9c. SMI new fun cards. 10c. Or.ttits, toe. K. WasiiiuuS A Co.. Middlelmro, Mass. RUPTURE! Those wishing relief ami cure for Rupture, I should consult l?K. .1. a. S1IKKMAN, iSS Broad- ' way, New York. Send 10c for his uew hook with ; i photographic likenesses of lud cases before and j , alter core. Beware of cheats who pretend to fur- ] nish Dr. Sherman's treatment, i One of these fellows, a Oeriuan clerk, now rail : iue himself l)r. W. <;. Crempien. Is indicted on I i complaint of Dr.S.and awaits trial lor forgery and i embezzlement. AGENTS WANTED ! Si rou l'ARTtct't.AR.s Wilson Sew lug Machine Co .TS R-nn.ltvar Vpw Vnrk CitV. Chlcairo III. New : ' Orleans, i.a., or San Francisco", t'al. u I That SAXFOhD'H KADId ^ CAI. CI'IIE for Catarrh will | aot instantly relieve ami ;riie?lll.v cure. Inferences, 1 Henry Wells, Esq., Wells, i Fargu A- Co., Aurora, N. V.; i Win. Itowen, Esq.. Mclln- j T?rvr a Paso ?'n. (Jrant A llowen, St., j X" ux <% Testimonials ami1 |Trealise l>y mail. Price, j 'vvitti improve*! Inhaler, #1.1 Sol'l everywhere. WEEKS; of ^Catarrh, j *& | MARSDEN'S Pectoral Palm !| TUB tiKCAT REMEDY TO.", COUGIISs COLDS AND I Consumption. FIXLAYSOX & THOMPSON, New Orleans, La., Sole Agta. For Kale by all diugglst*. Water-Purifying Chain Pump Acknowledged lo be superior to any other pump known. No valves to g-'t out of or 1 <|er. Ducket nn'l chains inntle of gnlvao> j wj<1 maieabto iron. The foulest water made pnre by the uo of this pump. 10 feet or less, $10; each additional foot, .">0 cents. This pump may be examined at the Latham House. janS-tf LATHAM & PERKINS. A NEW ENTERPRISE !| ! I ; iW. A. ANCRUM & CO.,; i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS: AND Commission Merchants; HeI'ASS' IIlock, I CAMDEN. C. Ill store, a full supply of Heavy and Fancy Gracerios.: Our olijec* id to supply a want long felt i in Camden?namely: A place where you can buy llruceries an>l Provisions at retail at only a t-nuill advance upon wholesale j.rices, thereby saving the trouble and cx| penrie of sending to Charleston (as many have been doing) for monthly supplies. Onll and examine our stock and price?, and you will he convinced. I T' I lYcsla Meat Market 1 Attached to our house is a Fresh Meat Market, where all kiuds of fresh meat may be obtained. The market is under the I management of a first-class butcher, and the public may rely upon obtaining good meat. W. A. A NCR I'M k CO. | jauStf Town Ordinaiim. i AN OR1HNANTK to regulate licenses fur retailing spirituous liijuors within the Town of Camden, and in amend the Ordinance? in relation thereto Whereas it is necessary 10 conform tlie > .1... ",.f <I?n i,. i unilliSilK'Vn Vt HIV v?, , .w .... J ! st:iinl laws of the Staie regulating the sale of spirituous li?tu<>! s: thcwi'ore, He it or-laine-l hy the Intcndutit ati<l ; War-lens of ihc Town of Cam-leu, nn-1 it ' ' is hereby or<laine*l: I. That from an-l after the passage of this i Ordinance, Micro shall he in the Town of i ('iiitiileii five I *>) cla-wes of licences for the , retailing of spirilou* !i<|iiot?, as follows: II. License No. I shall he that granttil . to Tavern Keepe. y. The pcr-oin to whom : the same t? crante-l slnll he first mom i men-le-l hy six respeitihle freeholders ol j the neighborhood where the tavern is | 101 posed to he kept, as of g,?-"l repute for honesty nn>l sobriety; ami shall niter into < a lioml, with two good ami ?iillieieiit surcli..j l.nilwr fl-io-llillili l < tin- Town ot i Cuuilcll, III till' Sit III of OtIC thousand dol-j | Inrs i "? I I? r I lie keeping of an orderly ; house, mid for the *Iii*1 observance of the j laws relating to the retailing el' spirituous ( liquor* ; mi'I shall pay for snid license, to the Town Treasurer, the sum of Three! Hundred Hollars, payahle in <|uarlcrly in j stalincnts, nnd a fee of live dollars ('-">} to 1 tli*1 Reorder. III. Liceuse No. II shall he the license to | retail spirituous liquors in quantities le?? [ than one quart, granted to the keepers of J ; drinking saloons ami eating houses, apart I from taverns. The person to whom the! same is granted shall he first recommended hy six respectable tux-payers of his tieigli- j tiurhood, and shall enter into a bond in the L sum of one thousand dollars i.>l,(i<Mi| with three ( "<; good sureties, for the keeping of an ordely house, and for the due observ-; , ance of all laws relating to the retailing of ' pirituous liquors: and shall pay for this j license to the Town Treasurer the sum of | Three hundred dollars annually, payable in quarterly instalments, mid a fee of live dol- j lars (| to the Recorder. I IV. License No. !$ shall he the license 1 authorizing the retailing of wine, eider, J brewed or malt liquors, within the itieor- j pornte limits of the Town of (laniden. The * person to whom the snme is granted shall ( I ho first recommended hy six rcspcetnble i j ftix-j ayere of neighborhood, and shall enter into u b'inil in th? emu of live hundred ' I Wl?b t*"fl *<*4 ibrctle*. <Vr i Iiv keeping nt'an orderly bouse, an'l for! he due observance of nil laivs regulating' lie sule of such liquors: and I lint be will not sell any spirit nous liquors, or any a<l- j mixture thereof; ami shall pny for this li-; cense to the Town Treasurer the sum of | One Uundreil ami Fifty Dollars annually, payable in quarterly instalments, and a fee . of five dollars (So) to the Recorder. V. License No 4 shall be the license j authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquors by the quart or in larger quanties, within the limits of the Town of Camden. The person to whom the saine is granted shall j pay the Town Treasurer for said license the sum of Two Hundred Dollars annually, payable in quarterly instalments, and a fee of five dollars ($ ')) to the Recorder. And before such license is issued, the person so applying shall be recommended by six respectable tax-payers of the neighborhood, and shall enter into bond, with two good sureties, in the sum of one thousand dollars to keep an orderly house, and for the ' due observance of all laws relating to the ' sale cf spirituous liquors. And any per- ! son to whom such license is granted, who i shall permit such intoxicnting liquors to be . drunk on the premises where sold, shallj forfeit his license, and the same shall, not be renewed within a year from the time ot forfeiture. VI. License No. o shall be the license authoiizing apothecaries and druggists to; sell, trade or barter any bitters of which ; spirituous ot* malt liquors arc an ingredi- ; cut. or any other medicated liquors, by the j bottle or by the drink. The person to whom the saine is granted shall be first re- j commended uy turcc reHpectnuie mx-puv., er* of liis neighborhood, and shall enter i into bond, with two good sureties, in tlie | sum of three libndred dollars, for the keeping of nn orderly house, nud for the due observance of nil laws regulating the sale of such liquors: and shall pay 'or such license to the Treasurer the sum of Seventy-five Dollars annually, in quarterly instalments, and a fee of five dollars ($o) to to the Recorder. VII. That any person desiring anyone of said licenses shall apply by pelilion to! the Town Council, setting forth such de- J sire, which class of license he dosires, and wh.rc he shall vend, namiug his sureties; I and shall deposit the one-fourth of the J price of his license with th* Recorder be-j fore the same shall be granted. VIII. That no license shall be granted without a full and perfect compliance with all the requisites herein contained, nor until a notice of such application has been published one week in a newspaper of the place, nor until the second reading of the application be ore Council. IX. That the same persons shall not be sureties on more than two (2) bon is for licenses. X. That no licenses granted by Council I shall be transferred to another person, or authorize selling in any other house than than the one stated in the petition, without I lite consent of and regulation by Council, to he had by petition to that effect. XI. All persons engaged in retailing liquors under licenses granted hereby, or ? .1 Avtol'.ni# ..cCtintinflO cllflll OTni,t? li { their licenses to public view in their chief place of ranking sales; nntl no such license shall authorize sales by any person neglecting this requirement, XI1 Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed Done at Council Chamber, in Camilen, this twentv-fourth <lay of December. A. 1). IS7T. J. C. ROLLINGS, lnteudant. E. K. Sill, Clerk and Recorder. AN OIIDINANCE to liaise supplies for the Yior at our lsfs, He It ordained t>y the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden, In Council assembled, and 'iv the authority of the same: That the following taxes ha and tne same are hereby levied for the current year?that is to say: Section 1. Six (?) mills on each and every dollar of the value of all rei! estate and personal property within the corporate limits of the Town of?'aimien on the it rat day of January, A. 1?. l*is Sec. 'i. That each and every male person between the aces of eighteen and fifty years, other than oroam.nt ministers, students and in mbcrs of the lire department, shall pay, on or t?efore the lath day of March next, five dollars ({5) for road Rnd police exemption; and if any person fall to make payment at the time specified, he shall l?e liable to work on the streets for six days, under the direction of the Town Marshal. Sec. 3. There shall bo ten dollars (fin) pal t annually on eace omnibus; rive dollais {(ft) on e?eh carriage or hack drawn by two or more horses, run for conveyance uf passengers or hire ; three dollars (3; for each one-horse buggy or sulky kepi for hire; ten dollars (fto) <>ti eaen four horse wagon, dray or curt run for hire; live dollars <$.%) on eaeh two horse wagon, dray or cart run for hire. The taxes due on omnibuses, carriages, hacks, buggies, wagons, drays and carts kept for hire shall In? paid before they ate allowed to run. Provided that nothing herein contained shall m> construed so as to extend to wagons, carts or tmi.i,. ..J .minTf iA- rr?tnrnhitr fmm m?r. Ret, ion1 owned l?y non-rcaldenU <>( the town. See. 4. Ait keepers?f li*or\ stable* within the Town "f Patnden, shall pay an animal tax of twenty-live dollar* if:?.) Iteforclt shall he lawful for them to keep such >table. Provided that said livery stable keeper, upon the payment of said tax, .-.hall be privileged to Keep and run any or all of the vehicle* enumerated In the preceding section free, and discharged of the taxescharged thereon In said section. see. ft. Twenty dollar* (Wl) per tlay shall ho paid by every itinerant auctioneer offering for sale within the corporate linitt* of the Town of i I'atiiden, at auction or otherwise, *uy Roods, wares or merchandise, to he paid each day in udvance, and any Itinerant auctioneer liable to the , tax aforesaid, and who shall fall to make pay. tielit, shall be ilued foity dollar* (fait) per day for each day he ntav so offend, winch said fine t tie .Marshal shall enforce and collect by the senttire and sale of the Roods, ware* or merchandize I of the person or person* liable to the said Ulie. I S? c. All pe?I lie;* or transient person* ileal. I lng In fruits, nuts, butter, lurd or im ats, Khali pay to the Town a lay oi five dollai* (* ) per week, or one dollar (?l per tiny for periods of tunc jess tn.ui a week, in ull ease* where butter or lard Is offered in smaller quantity than by the 1 tub. kit or ilrklit, or fruit* or tutu In smaller; quantity than by ihe bushel, or meat In smaller qu.i.'tip. than by hi i piece, nnd sold from wa-' ro:is, si :nd* or otherwise on the streets: and the Town Marshal cnfotce the payment of this tax; by the seizure and sale of the goods, virtu and 1 merchandize of the perron or versons falling or refusing to pr.y said tax. Provided that this section shun not no construed to extend to nnd in* tide the people ol lids slid adjoining counties, of whoiii I'aiiideii I* the market town, who shall be at liberty to vend their prdMce npon the street*, exuent a i inav be otherwise proxtdod bv the ordinance* reiruhilliiK the Matkc:, See. 7. There shall Iiu |nu.l a:? annual tax of i twenty-live dollar*on cut !i ainl every IdlUnl t.iMc; five dollar*(|A) on etch tnd eVerj b)(9tella table, ainl ti n dollar* uiv) on c..< ii ainl every i nine or ton pin alley, kept within tin- limits <>i the town, for [iroltt; s:ii<l tax to be pawl before lie-nsi) to use the until- shall i.e granted. S't.s. That no ei|iif*(ilmi exhibition, menagerle or other enlitlotion of that untitle. mid no theatrical exhibition, |iert>>riiMiice or other show ill any ktml, shall tie helil In the Town of I'nnnl n, for pain, wi'lioiit a lie.-use tkoreior bailor tits' obtain..I t on. i;>i| Inti'iclatit, ami payment for sal-l license lioiii* made to the Town ' --- ' . .11 .1 I ... i. v hi!,i. tion. no-nag tii' or oilier show of thar nature, sneli miiin in Hie liiti'mUiiit shall determine, nut In he lex. than soveniy-llve 'I dlar.s per Vla.v; lor, esieh Midi' i Imw, such nam nr the Intendnni" in.iv determine, not to In1 l"?< tlrin twenty-live <ioi-1 Urn per <1 iy; for each theatrical exhibition, minstrel perforin*nee: or other show of Hint nature.' not lev Hi.hi live iloilau nor mare than liveuty live dollars per day. Kaeli anil every person giving nil) of the exhibition* uforesaid for without having Itrst obtained a license therefor, j aa provided ah ?ve, he tlned for eaeti end j every dnv so exhibiting, a sum not less than d?u- | hie the highest tax above Imposed for Hiteh e.\- , hlliltlnn,-aid line to he enforeed and e.illectecl by the Town Marahol by soitnro and suicof the, property of the peraon or person* so otTOi ting. See. p. An nn.nnal tax of twenty dollars (Jin) shall h paid by ? aeli and every express company lining iHislitt f s in the Torn i>f t tuindt n. si e. io. t very in-raoii wbo may u Ish to engage ] in the hiidne.-of an auctioneer within the Town hi Camden, shall nay to the Hee rder of the Town, as a lieeiiaefax, before engaging in such , hii-lne s. the sum of ten dollars iintitiuln. Any! person violating lids section shall b-> lined lit the Town Council lite dollars tor eaeli mnl everv offence. said tine to he hollertod by the Town Mardial, upon tin- warrant of the Inteiidiuif. I>y the , levy and sale of any and all projerit liable to ' legal process. Sec. II. Any person or persons who shall vio-1 lute section- t and x of tins ordinance, shall be lined by the 'Town Council a sum prpml to double I the tax therein imposed Ineuclispeeitie Inatanee, <aid tux to be collected by the Town Marshal, ipon tli" warrant of the liitetnlant, bv the seiaire an I sate of the vehicle or vehicles, animal or tn,11111 Im. used in violation of the section* aforeOild. 1 Sec. 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinance? ucouslsteiit wltn the provisions of Ihia ordinance ire hereby repealed. Ratified in Council this 3rd day of Jaunarv, A.' [). 19JS. J. 0 lUJLMNUS, loieadauf. | t, fe. s;u? CkrW w>d Ihwniur. /iwtlVtt I SPECIAL IIS1 0I Will 0ff< NEXT THII My Entire S Greatly Red REAL BARGAINS Will 1 H. BAF jan22lf CHE 4P IS THR EADBAB I WILL THEREFOR! MY SI DRY GOODS, U A i i n BO 01S AS i Are Equal it lo any I bare ever hail to offer. ALL OF WHICI AS CHEAP AS THEY CAIT The Stock has been inostcarefiilly sclcele<] Robe Ready lor Business.! I I NEW STORE i I AND I Entirely New Stock | BBASINGTQN AND NETTLES HAVE HIE PLEASUItE OF ANNOVX1 cinjc I he opening or their NEW STOKE at i the old aland ofOAPT. J. W. McCURRY, ! where they have just openetl An Entirely New Stock OP | FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES, I I Coosistiog in part of I Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Flour, Bacou. Lard, Butter, Canned Goods all kinds, J Hit s. Tickles, Cciufoctioneiies, C igars, Tobacco, Aod all other go.ds usually found n a > FIRST CLASS GROCERY I STORE, Highest market prices paid for all kinds of i Country Produce. Always ready lo pay the CASH for Cotton BRASINGTON * NETTLES.! Sep. 20m3. J. W. McCURRY IS OFFERING I 15 a re Inducements j TO PARTIES WANTING I ZDiR/lT GOODS, CIOTIIIXG, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS 7 i HARDWARE, CROCKERY, i Groceries, &c.! s^r A! ways in ibc market, and will pay ( the Highest Prices for Cotton. Don't fail to giv.> mc a call. J. W. MoClRRY. deelltf : 10 Barrel* Extra Fine j < Sugar. For sale cheap. nov20-2t BRASINOTON & NETTLES. BlsCuits. ! a Barrels of Biscuits for sale by 'iw BAUM BROS. Need Oats. 1AAA Bushels llust Proof Sited Gate , ,vr wk uy BAUM BBOd. 1 )UOEME]\T?. V >r for tlie I ITV DAYS Itook at uced Prices! Offered. Call Early at tUCH'S. GOODS A in SUBJECT. : ONLY ANNOUNCE nAAiir n?i iu? rw ur CLOTHING, TS, [D BMOMS not Superior r I WILL SELL BE FOUND ANYWHERE. , and an ir.apeciion is solicited. rt M. Kennedy. J, R.G0J0ALE. Stoves Stoves 4 A HEAVY STOCK CF Cook, Parlor and Office STOVES, OF AI.L STYLES, Jl'ST RECEIVED, AND OFFERED AT PRICES LOWER t THAN CAN BE HAD . ' i Elsewhere ill Camden '' i GUTTERING, ROOFING, &c.. attended lo at shortest notice and on accommodating terms. A mil hoc Ot Tinware & House Fur riiehing Goods. Icpt constantly on hand. ^ work guaranteed. JOHN' R. GOODALEdec It f NEW FIRM. HARMAN & ARRANTS Having purchased tiic entire sleek of General Merchandise Of the late S. A. IJenjauiin, deceased, are now prepared tj vth.- ih; same at Reduced Prices for Cash! The patronage of l be public is respect, fully solicited. ,'anlA-tf lagging and XI e*. 12,000 Vttrds BAGGING, f>(?0 Bundles TIES, For sale low by ocl23tf 11A I'M BROS. Bacon! Bacon ! y X. AAA P?und* Bacon for sale by { J)WUU BAUM BROS. janStt. Axes. if>r: DOZEN AXES, ) For pa]e i,y janSIf BAUM BROS. Sugar. Barrels of different kinds of sugar iMJ for i?U by BAUM BROS. i