University of South Carolina Libraries
?-?~ ?r RUST AT LAST. After lln? sWwir, tlie ttnii.juil sun: Silver vlars. when the ?l:iv is < After tin' siiuw, tite cnieral'l ? -; After tlie harvest, golden sheaves. i After t!io rioluls, the violet sky: t.iuii t woods w 1 o:t the wind goes by: A fie i lite teni|H'.?t. the lull of waves: After I he battle. peaceful jrruves. \fter tbe knell. ?he wedding bell?: Joyful ?reeijn^s frotii sad farewells; After 1 S<e htiil, the radiant ro?e: After our weeping. sweet repose. Alter lite bur leti, tlie Mis-Tnl meed: Alter tlie furrow, the waking a "1; i*. ... - I... j|: il.A .li.tnii* in??f AUt r the v v;v -r?it-i. WIT AND HUMOR The woes' kinJ of education?to be brought up by a policeman. When do^s a man feci giriish ?? when he uiakcs his maiden speech. A girl who marries well is said to I ii ake a lucky hit, though she is herself j ta il to le a lueky miss. 4 Robbv. why don't your mother sew rp your trousers!''" ' Van?o she's at the vestry, sewing fur the heathen." A can Francisco rran has just invented a ^out-making niachin-. Hp it any bout it turns out will kili an ^irjimry man with on? square) kick, nod the oust h irdcn J book ag nt wifefftcnty. A polI#e toung lady recently asserted that she lind lived near a barn yard, and thit it was impossible for her to sleep in the morning, on account of the out cry male by a gentleman hen. A bashful y>nng man cseortc 1 home an e I'l.tlly bishfnl voting la<ly. As they approached t!ie dw??liit)g 6f the damsel, she sai l, eiitrentitigly: " Z?kiel, now d> not tell anybody you beau*J mo horn " Saiy." s ?i?l ho, emphatically, " do i t yon mind: 1 am as much aslia ned of it as you arc." A liorticultur.ilist advertised that he would supply ail sorts of fruit trees and plants, "specially pie-j.'ants of all kiuds. A gentleman tbercnp* n sent him an o.'lcr for a package of cus'ord-pic seed an 1 a dozen winc-fic plants. The gentle nan promptly filled the order by sending lour goos -eggs and a j 801 lit dog. A fashionable young man lately presented bis sweetheart with a string of | pearls. As she bung them joyously around her neck, a cloud came over her brow, ami she etied : ' ]5e!oveJ, do not pearls betoken tears?*' ' Nary tear." was the response; "them's imitation.'' The acute and quick-witted llcv. Lemuel IJavnc?, ol Vermont, wellknown years ago throughout New Kngland, was once saucily accosted by an impudent trillcr with the question, ' Mr. ilaynes. how old do you suppose the devil' li?" " Vou must k?-ep your own family record." was the immediate rcspjiise. Fdueate:! Farmers. There ore many farmers who arc successful ami highly respected that possess little education: hut they are careful, observing ami have good, sound sense. Hut with more liberal education and general reading, they even could accomplish the same results, and with more case and pleasure to themselves. Knowledge "f almost any bean *!i ol" useful odu 'aMou will he of value to t e )OU?g farm r. Our age is a progressive < no. Th rapid tran<ji i-tation by s'c im in a great d> groc lessens the difference of j rices ami values at distant markets, and tlie t?legrap!i greatly abridges, as jgf weil as exped tes, the forms of com W manication. 1? >th railroads and V telegraphs, :.s well as many comI merei il lu>u>es, require their clerks J and othef employees to understand and he able to write phonography or short hand. Frequently, from accident, ill health or other circumstances, young farmers and old ones find it necessary to go into stores, offices or factories for employment, and if educate!? veil versed in popular branches of business education? iliev can much more easily and! ivndnv command positions and good I pay, while'education and knowledge also render tlicni better farmers for; the possession. IVcI.Iac . ;i' tlmr u??vr? tinnic know l.'fljjo of nil these thi?:g.s, they arc better prepared to enjoy and appreciate what they read and the lee' turea they hear. Better still, if they can take 3iicii notes or reports of the h-ctures, speeches or .sermons which t'i"V hear as wiil be useful or pleasant at a future time, when thev wi'h to think of tlieui. And there is no young farmer but lias time enough to study ami learn very much, ui'hout hindering hi! business at all, if ho don't spend , his leisure hours at the races, the courts, or at the corner grocery or: ttvern. Wo a 1 wars found time to study, and worked hard, too.?Mi* A Brat Fsirmer'ji Maxims. Tiie successful life of Mr. Jacob 1 Sttrrwn, the prince of Atneaican j farmers, is nttrihuted to the closet observation of the following tnaxmis, originated by himself: ; Make your fences high and strong: so they will keep cattle anil pigs out. If you have brush, mskc your, lots sccure, and keep the hogs from i 1 the corn. Be sure to get your hands to bed by seven o'clock?they will rise i I early by force of circumstances. P*v a ham', if ho is a poor hand. all you promise him ; if he is a good ,1 one, pay him a little more; it will \ VttcouiUfctt hiui to do etdl LftUVi 1 mmmmmm, . . ? Always feed your hands as well as yon feed your yourselves, for ilie laboring men sic llie bone and sinew >! the land, and ought to be well treated. I am satisfied that getting up early, industry and regular habits are the best medicine prescribed for health. When had. rainy weather comes, so you can't work out of doors, cut, snl't and haul your wood, make your racks, fix your fences or gate, and patch tiie roof of your ham or house. Study your own interests closely, and do not sdeitd your time in dec* 1 ting Presidents, Governors or other smaller oiticcrs, or taik of hard times 1 and spend your time in whittling I store boxes. Take your time and make caleu j 1:?tions; do tilings in :i hurry, but I do tlicin at the proper time, at.d ( Icfep your mind .15 well a.s your body | employed. FOTJTS'S tfORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. C'k^li ?oaro or prevent ?>"0 IlfTtSE-irlU die Ot t'OtTO. liOTTS or Lrxc FETOR. 1i Foutz* l'oir 'crs nre osi d In time. FoutPsPowdc rsvril! en:e nnd p:overt IJoo CnoLir.x | j Fcate* Powders will prevent Catos is Iowl, c^ tf l.iliy Tcrfceys. ! l'oiitz* powders will 5pfTpr-j? tiio r;entity of mlli: j an.; en ?m twenty per ceuU, und make the batter Aria I ?nd nweet. Feuc'fc Powders trill euro or prevent almost may DiatntM Horses and Cattle are l'lrto. Kot-TZV 1'nVMM WILL OIV2 E*.TIsr.lCTIOX. Sola everywhere. DAVID E. roUTZ, Proprietor, JUiTIMODE. ar<t 1- the most Kfiilnl bul?r.m ev < . Used by mireran from pulmonary diseases. It Ik composed of herbal product*, vrhlch liavc a specific effect on the throat and Inn;*; detaches from the air cell* all IrI rltutine matter: cause* it to be expecto| rated, and atones check* the InflaRiniation ! w htch produces the couch. A tingle dose i relieves the most distressing paroxysm, soothe* nervouaiier.s, and enable* the sufferer to enjoy <|iilet rest at night. Heine a pleasant eordial. It tones the tvenk ?tom- i I n< h. and is specially recommended for : children. What others say about TutVs Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty Years, Baltimore, February 3,1875. 1 I "I have lind Asthma thirty years, and never lound a acdicine that had such a happv effect." W. F. HOGAN, Chariot St. | A Child's Idea of Merit. New Onlkans, Nortmber 11, 1x76. "Tutt's Expectorant is :i familiar name in my hnusc. My wile thinks it the best medicine in the world, and the children snv it is 'nicer than molasv, candy.'" NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. PoydrasSt. uCIv onrl oil rpnnnu " kjiAy Qiiu an uiuupyt "I am the mother of six children ; all or them 'rave been croupy. Without Tutt's Kxpectorant, I don't think they could have survived some of the attacks. It is a mother's blesving." MARY STEVEN3, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor's Advice. ,1 " In my practice, I advise all families to kecpTutt'a 1 Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, for coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc." T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N.J. ?o/cf by nil druyyUtH. 1'rirv OJico 3il Murray atrrrt, JVetr York. "THE TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT." 44 Tutt's l'iil* are worth their weight in gold.'' REV. I. R. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. ' Tott's Pills ere a hk-ci.iI b!c?cine of the nine, tcenlh century."?REVJF\_R^_OSGOOD, New Yorlr. " I have u.ccd Tutt's 1'ills for torpor of the liver. ( They are superior to any medicine for biliary d.s- j . rJc-rx everjnade." t. P. CARR, Attorney at Lew, Augusta, Ga. ' I have rsnt Tutt'sTiToThve year* in nty family. Yhey uru uncounted forco*tiven? i-s and biliousness." F. R. WILSON, Georgetown, Texas. "I have used Tutt's Medicincwith crcat benefit." VV. VV. MANN, Editor Mobiio Rogister. "We bo'1 fiftv hoxeTjnttV Pill* to five of all j others. CAYRE & CO^Cartersville, Ga. "Tutt's Pills have oiilyto he tried to establish their merit*. They wort like ina^ie." W. H. BARRON, 93 Summer St.. Boston. " There i< no medicine mi well adapted to the cure of hiii-us tii orders as Tutt's Pills." JOS. BSUMMEL, Richinond, Virginia. AND A THOUSAND MORE. Sold I'U 'fmafllfits. US tents a bar. Ofiice 33 Murray Street, Aeut York. ITUTT S HAIR DYE I SWBORSBD. ^ HIGH TESTIMONY. r'( rfi'Of Ttlf. t'.iciric JOfUX.IL. t i A CREAT INVENTION . . fl fy hiu'wrn iiisilr in'i)R. II'IT, iifvcw tnrk, I, ,J w'ileli re-tores youttifiil Iwnutj to the hair. I ? That emtueut i-hemi-t lias succeeded In j 9J product"? a Hair live which Imitates M 2 nature t? j refection. old bachelors may F E P'ir/$1.nO. Oft e* 83 Murray*St., 8 " % St iv I'urk, Sold O'J all druyylsts. 'r At or Aciii' 4'tisl. | 1 living o:i i.nn! : <? !.tr}C" a Mich o! I.I'j'filS t?fl>'' t ({ita'itirs in cniry tlirtnurh ; llie tlall fi'tisnn, 1 inn sl?*tci*it i:: ! io !tin. ' it ittlo itiunev. and in order to tin so raj-hl- ; ly, liuve fit! lit l- 'l t" st 11 at the t't.ll .tv.nj; rcrv low prices l>\ tin* j.n'i n : ()'i (,ri>w II v. i I v o Whisky Si - "? j1 Dickey l'y?' * 2.i?0 1' .Millers live I'.".!) ' s I'li lo III' Ohio live 175 Nol i It I arc'iin t (' rii 2 ."ill ? I !> t!iiiiinr > (' .rn 1 7"? ' Ai'l 'e I'roi'lv tic best) !> 7.7 i (iiti^cr Uraiidv 2.J70 '? I 'Ia"k'<r. v Illy 2 no ? (V:tt it llt- .tiily UStU ' Din !( > ;? * 2170 |* ii tot mire ; 2 *? > l'ort AVI in 2.n?? i ami < i ;.tt s in variety, til !nv pru'i ?: . .1 in :i'i-nritut-ui in \ FamiIy G; oce nes > J" 111 o lie ! ijuaiitv. '' i" : i ! i:i", .i-i 1 [ii . ii v <i 1 - - I foiv j-iir?*2:.i < N *vvlit?r?'. J. H, LOLL IS. :i nt " O'nl it nek Comer," IJroail Si,. Cami!I'll, S. C. jnii 1 -M ; .i Water-Purifying Chain Pump A? knowldge J to lu? inr to any oilier [>iiin} known. N" viilviM in pet nut ?ifcr iler. Jiu ki I ainl i lmiii - ii>:i*lo n'* piilvnlit?! ii ali' i In iron. The foulest water nude | lire hv Ii n< r.f this pump. 10 iM'l i.r li'.n. i' i); emdi ii'l-liIioti.'i 1 foot, oO 0 ciiin, I Ii i-i pump iiuiy lie examined nl ihc " Latham lltJusL*. 1 A janK-tf LATHAM fc l'EttKIN'S. 1W Delinquent Tax Sales. j Office of County Auimtor, ) j Camuf.n, S. (/' , Dec. 18, 1877. j In accordance with instructions from the Comptroller-! ivneral's office, 1 hereby publi-li the Li>t of Lauds in the County of Kershaw, upon which the taxes for the fiscal year 1S7<? have not been paid. DkKATjIS TOWNSHIP. scinmi. losrniex so. 1. Addison, Tims. 2 acres land, 1 building. Ifiacey, dim fit) acres land t'anley, Mrs S A 1 ! >t, buildings Cnnwiy, Anna M 1 lot. 2 buildings Comvay, K J ?j0 acres land Cantcy, Charlotte ;i acre*. 1 h tildirig Carlo*, John St n. 2fi acres, 1 building ('lark. Mrs. L C 1 lot, 1 buildir.g Chesnut, Harry fit) acres (Vicinaii, A 17 acres Deltas, J 1' Trustee, 1 lot 1 building 1 >nrby, Adam 1 0 acres Dickcrsuu, 8am *?fi acres Green, l'addy 1 lot, 3 buildings Graham, A (J (Nelson tract,) ."00 acres Johnson, A bra in 5 acres McMulien, Alex. f>0 ucrrs Myers, T S 1 I t, 1i buiiduigf. Sykes, L-v iiii;! 35 aires - buildings seiioiii, oisTiiii T so. 2 DcIVs, I] C 5 acres, 3 buildings Halle. Jenny 2."I aens, 4 buildings Hunter t'bas (>1 A S) 101 acres, 3 build.tigs Ni !.-oti. Im:u| 70 acicj, 1 building IVrry, Mi >ley 05 acres, 1 building Stuckey, James 231 acres, 2 buildings; Sumter John 100 acres Triuilin, Margaret 07 acres Williums, Hick 30 acres, 1 building. .'. Iin.ll, ItlSTEIOT NO. 3. Adams, W:Ilium 214 acres, 4 buildings! Boykm. Isi-m 48 acres. 1 building Hyatt, It J 100 ams,3 buildings Hull, Ji-hn 11 255 acre.*, 1 buildings Moure, Wiley, -Jr. 0.8 acres, 1 building Mcl'nskill, Irani-1 !70 r?s 2 building* lleynnds, U A 100 acres, 1 building i?prad!cy, .1 1? 200 acre.*, (i buildings SCHOOL IUSTKICT -NO. 4. Bennett, Miles SOU ams DuBosc, 11 K 5 172 acres, 14 buiidings BUFFALO iOWN.SIJIP. sen I Ol. IMsTSCT NO. O. ('!)buin. Jun es 120 acics. 2 buildings Holland, K J 100 acris. 1 building H i t J J GOO acres, buildings McLeudon. Mary 150 acres, 'J buildings McC'j'ki I, M'hi> 177 .".ens it icy. M K C 200 aery* 1 building lVny, Jo! n T 50 acr. s, 4 i.utldiiigs Biu'-kweb. Wil i in 110 acres SCHOOL DISTORT SO. 0. t.'.:ti?. Maty tUO civs McCuskiil, H;n el 105 atris M.i\*!;al! Mary J GO acre*, J Luiluings d<i Wit.iaui 427 a< us, 2 buildings A < >i. Joscp i gd4 acies, 2 Lui dings school M.*n.icr no. 7. 0 W 100 ;.ens, 1 building Helton. N 8 2.*?S :.e i . 1 building I nij luii s, Naib ui 100 acre*, 1 building FLAT BOCK T07iW.SUIK SCHOOL niSTKIeT xo. t<. Munn, John 207 acres, 2 buildings i\ illiau s, 11 eniy 70 at res Watts, .) A 28 aces W est, Tlioiu is (j 01 nc i*. 1 bunding M iki.ii, i.i - i :tr no. 0. lenj.-ifi ;n, finnicison, 272 acr-?, 4 buildings Bower-. J..ines W 102 aces, 1 building (/!<auij>ioii, I,state li 1/ 12-18 aires *; III' \ , .MIS a I.;IM ii l S - UUIIU.IIgs l';i\ is. JSIUIC'H M |-*>1 ac !lotMrs S ,\ 50 :n ic\ 1 L'?il i;.g 1 J.tile. A in- s -00 aero* Junes, Amos ;*>0 aero; 1 ouilding !5uLoii, Ai'O 1171 nor s " alii oi:d, Isaac 50 acre. 1 building Voung, li-aao 121 acres, 2 buildings H'ljOUl. DIM HI 1 NO. 10. i uiii.oiiil I. 1:515 acris .11.-. M- .1 I. 1 acre- 1 building Jo cs. .J I, 050 acre-, S buildings del )? >% I'r T 1' 100 acres. 2 buildings WA'! 111!!:!: TOWNSHIP, scuoor.oisTiucr .no. II. iliiiiiliaiii. II' II 50 seres 1 building ildnn i d-. Mrs II 1J 50G acres t!recti. Joint 1 an *. 1 buildings lone.-. i:.-t A 1> 2000 acres IVuy, Mrs i: M 2501 acres Sliirali Isaac 100 acr-s. 3 bu'ldings l'ickcit, Mrs A K 15 50 acres, ii buildings IJmjilitics, Nailian 100acres. 1 1 uilJing SCIIdOl, DISTKICT NO. 12. lion en l'n d 11500 acres, 2 buildings IJaiU'V, ll' A 1 I'd acres, 2 buildings (.'Luke T II acres, 21 buildings Claikr, Mrs E G 12UU acres, 5 buildings Gerald, I*] J 428 acres, 2 buildings Gardner, E?t Jain s 100 acres J/azcll, Julia and Mary 1 ivingston 10C0 1 aero, 10 buildings Nelson. Frank 82 acres, 2 buildings Paschal, John K f?0 acres Loss. Jobn S 100 acres, J buildings ilo.ox, 11 illiam acres, o buildings Notice is lien by given that the whole < dI the several 1'areels, Lots and parts of 1 Lots of Ileal Estate described in the preceding list, or so much thereof as will bo necessary to pay the tuxes, pen- j1 illics and assessments charged ihoreon, will be sold by the Treasurer of Kor-' I haw County, South Carolina, at his' "ilice in said County on the 21STJ DAY or JANUARY, A. 1) 1878, in less said taxes, assessments and acnalties be paid before that time, ( uid such sale to he continued IVotii day ' i day, until nil <f said 1'nreels, Lots and parts of Lot- of Ileal Estate hall be sold, or offered for sole. K E. SILL, docl8 County Auditor. V. C. Y<U'NG. ISAAC YOUNG. YOUNG SROS., Harness, Hoots, Shoos, &c. > I' Made or repaired nl the sliortc?t notice iti'l in the ii est durable manner. | > Tlie highest price pii.l for IIIDKS of all ' Inscriptions. I Give lis a call, ono door west of tlic 'ostoflice, Camden, S. C, declltf |* S. WOLFE jj Uuys and pays the lug icst market price ' ir green and dry cow hides, sheep, fox, iter, inink, raccoon ni' labbi1 skins igo, rag?, wool, tnlltAv, did lryn, 0 r*W, tc, Jstfltf I % Books, Jewelry AND Fancy Goods!; ? i A large slock of popu'nr School Rooks, Colored Picture Rooks, Juveniles nnd Primers, Annual Publications for 1877, Day Rooks. Ledgers and Records, Composition and Copy Rooks, Pens and Inks, Cap. Note ami Account Paper and Envelopes, Slate? and Pencils. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Razors and Scissors, Spectacles, suitable for all ages; Double-barrel Guns, muzzle and breech loading, with implements, Pistols. Cartridges, Christmas Toys, kc. Fancy China and Glassware. Reiiigoi Sewing Machines, At gr-.atly reduced prices. J A. YOUNG. deedlf THE OLD CORNER STORE. W. C. GERALD Would invite the nitention of tlie public to hi* Immense Stuck FOR THE Fall and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notion8. Hoots. Slt"C8, IlatP, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Good8, Fancy Articles, Groceries, Provisions, Bac?n, Lird, (Cheese, Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Canned Good8, Salt. Pepper, Sugars, Tobaccos, Ac. which lie has just reseived.'fand'which is larger and far superior to any previous stock helms ever exhibited. 1 would ask a careful examination of my stock before purchasing, as I am confident that I cau save money to nil who need goods. High est cash prices paid fur COTTON mid nil kinds of Country Produce. My stock of Pagging anil Ties is extensive. cp. 19. JJST OPENED. Fall and Winter Stock AT James Jones. I linvc tl.e pleasure of .innouncing to my numerous pu-rons that 1 have Just Returned from the Northern Rill'iiCfs ivhorc I purchased a heavy s:o<'? of FILL AND WINTER GOOES, which I propose to sell at prieescorreepou ding with tlie low* price of cotton. My Mock of HARDWARE cannot l>c excelled in this market, an.l ns 1 I made my purchases in this line, under the i most favorable cifcunistmices, 1 can afford ! to soil the same at the Very Lowest Prices. COTTON. I am nlwnvs in the market, and give the highest market prices in cash. The patronage of the public is solicited.! l'olite and attentive clerks on huttd to serve customers sep 11)?tf JAMES JONES. W. OLYBURN, i General Insurance Agent, I Represents: Galveston Insnrance Association, j Union Marine and Fire Inaurauce Co., Texas Bank!uk and Insurance Co.. Gnlreston Iuaurranre Co., Of Galveston, Texas. fash Capital $000,000 00 j Surplus 1 "#5,781 97 j Total $7<"?5,7HI 97 j CAPITAL fc ASSETS, ?755,781 97. Gecriia Hie Insurance company, Columbus, Ga. ORGANIZED IN 1859. 7 Stock $.100,000 00 [Mai Assets .">l!4,l-0 22 octSOlf BACK AGAIN. I HAVE tlio plensurc < f announcing toniy 'rietuls ami patron* tAnt 1 have r? to Ml lllill Kllilll, i viicre willi fur greater facilities ami convolictircs than I liml before I lie tire, 1 am >rGf?iro'l to conduct a FIRST CLASS 1IAKERY n every respect, ami the patronage of the uhlic is cordially solicited. Orders For Takes; if tiny description promptly and sntisfactoily tilled hy competent bakers. Fresh Broad. lways on band. ? bct&iT WHS. if. CRWDVi H w DRUGS & MEDICINES. I beg leave to announce that I am now | seceiving a NEW STOCK OF DRUGS, J/EDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, PERFCMERV, BRUSHES, i PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, | Ac., Ac. ; wliicli I propose to sail nt prices to suit the i limes. My slock embraces everything : usually found in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. I Cigars and Tobaccos. A large supply of the most popular brands ! Durham Smoking Tabncco, and ihecelebra; led Gravely Chewing Tobacco, the best in ' use. Gunpowder Tea! I bey to call the attention of families | lo this article, which I guarantee to be the : best in market, and cannot fail to please. I TOILET SOAPS in great variety and ct I ?n | CHOICEST PERFUMERIES and Toilet I Powders, in great variety. SPICES. MUSTARD, PEPPER. BAKing Powder nnd Condensed Milk always on | hand. A LARGE STOCK OF LAMPS, LAMP Fixtures, Kerosene Oil, &c., constantly on | hand. PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS I would cnll the special attention o: j painters and others wauling White Lead tr ; Southern White Lend, i ! which is guurnntecil strictly pure and can ] not fail to give satisfaction. C. J. DUNLAP. DR. ZEMP BEGS TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS la-ge and carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines! My at ck is made up ot the Lest and purest, consisting in part, of Drugs. Medicines. Oils, Paints. Dye Stuffs. Glass, Putty, Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery, Fancy Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery, Lamps, Burners, Patent Medicines, Trusses. Books, Paper, Envelopes, ! rancj* Candies. P1'.v sicinns prescriptions accurately compounded, nnd solicited from all parts of the country. oct'J3tf iWand sale st/ bles.; Every convenience on the spot. Always | , put up at ARMSTRONG'S COMMODIOMS i STARLKS on DeKalb Street. Good pump well on i premise.'. Animals well fed and properly j cared for by accomplished hostlers. PRICES VKR I' MODERATE* Horses and mules always on hand nnd , for sale cheap. Don'' forgot the place. J. A. ARMSTRONG. ! JtfQ,. Parties indebted 10 me are request to be prompt in making sc'tliment. Colleclions must be made or I shall he compelled I to adopt severe measures. CHRISTMAS! ; Our usually large and varied stock of Christmas Goods, Embracing every variety of x x.f, * ; r tii%-> i 11 i>a:> 1/1 r..^, FANCY CANDIES, PLAIN CANDIES. Fruits and Nuts, 71 OF ALL KINDS, Currant*, Citron*, Prunes. Raisins. Figs j Jellies, Preserves, Spice*. .Satires, Flavor-) ing Cxtruds, Dedicated Cocoanul, Ac., Ac Family and Fancy Groceries. nilCE MEAT. Pig Hams, Pigs' Feet. ?c. I We keep constantly on hand a choice j stock of j i TOBACCO AND CIGARS,:, Anil continue to yell I i The Best Cigar for the Least i Money. Fireworks and Toysl In greater variety than ever. We solicit a call from t.ur former patron* \nd the puMie generally, and guarantee j goods at the lowest prices possible. KIHKLEY & SMITH- ! declltf Ohooso. iiWk COXES CHEESE for sale by IvV tfAUMBBOS. I NEW GOODS, NEW 600DS, Just Beceived by EmitT & BOTEISt AT Prices to Suit the , We bftTe just opened a complete assortment of NEW GOODS, such as we usually keep, consisting or DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, HARDWARE, WOODWARE, CROCKERY, Ac., Together with full lines cf Choice Family and Plantation Groceries, all of which have been carefully selected, and purchased upon the most (favorable ! terms, and at the I LOWEST PRICES, Give us a call and examine our good) aLd prices before n aking jour purchase elsewhere. LARGE STOCK OF BAGGING AND TIES HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR COTTON. KENNEDY k BOY KIN. I $100,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD At Astonishing Low Prices; * CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, ! Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddles, Harness, Groceries, Bagging, Ties. We Still Pay Above Market Price for Cotton. BAUM BROS. REMEMBER! YOU CAN 13uy tlie Best and Cheapest HOOTS ,1\D SHOES, nnar? tin suave uir v i kj ;iii ir \w BOOTS AXII SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, HATS AND CLOTHING. HATS AND CLOTHING, Gents.' Furnishing Goods, Gents.' Furnishing Goods, Gents,' Ifuniisliiiig Goods, AT W. L. ARTHUR'S W. L. -A-PYTIiTJIR/S W. L.