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XE.V aDYEHTISKMEXIS. New Advertisements. J. 0. Roluxus. lntcndant?Town Ordi-1 nances. Harman & Arrant*?New Firm. S. 11. Latham?Latham House. J. M. Kiddle?Kiddle's Hotel. Mrs T. Benjamin?To the Public. Henrietta II. DeLron? Special Notice. James Yicu?Vick 8 Illustrated Priced Catalogue. John Dort. Agent?Mortgage Sale. " LOCAL ITEMS. Tax pale of lands for delinquent taxes will take place on the ' 21st of this month. Court?Will convene in this n'ace . * t oh the first Mondsy iu February. Judge Shaw will preside. Our Again.?Another freshet oct Currod in the Wateree last Friday.? ^ They are becomingcaramon of late. ( A Good Showing.?The fire-bell t has not been sounded in six months. A t good showing for the people#of Camden All the latest improvements for the ' Singer Sewing machine for sa!c by S. r M. Mathis. s ( Hard.?An exchange says: "When s Socrates said thai there was no living ( with or without a wife, he placed man I in an awful fix." p In Bad Condition?The red roads p in the country arc rrpresented to be in # an almost irnpa sable condition in many y JS?UV10# Corsets are sold remarkably cheap at II. Baruch's.?Avt Arms.?Forty stands of arms and a thousand rounds of a at intuition were ^ recciroJ by tha Kershaw Guards from ? the State armory on Thursday. The ^ guns are Remington Rifles. Much Meat.?The largest lot of ba c >n we ever siw in one pi'c i* in the warehouse of Ilium RrO'T It Is Tl c larger portion of that invoice of 75.000 j pouu Is advertised by them in these columns. On Biioao J. W.De-j Pa?a has enclosed the Workman lot'* * it!) a substantial fence, and contcm-1 p'..tcs making upjn the spot a uiumuioth crop of Irish potatoes. Every loot of1 ^ groun 1 that is available should be plan- ' ted in vegetables or grain of some kind., 1 No fau>iiy should be without a sewing r machine, an J the Singer is the one to j| get. It is very light tunning, and will j, d > all kinds of work?front making a con. sack up 'o the finest silk dress. Mr. f ; S M. Mathis is the agent here. i f Large Hogs.?Mr. ArchibaldOw-r, ] of Flat Hook. killed three bogs recently : wluse net weight was :is follows: 417,! 392:334 ?:fg?rrga?c 1103 prdiiKl*. Mr. | ;i O. alsj ni-es his own corn at heme, and j us a cong ruence has fat ltoraej, fat j e .w?, plenty of money, and is living well! ' generally, lie phsnu but little cotton. J S.vit Death.?The aiany friends of y Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Meroney, will syui- c. pathise with thctw in death of tlieit r daughter, Mrs. 4 W: KiiHer, Vlihbji sad event occurred at her h .ntc m ar v Savannah, Ga., on the 4th inst. Keller was universally esteemed, and ' r leaves a husband, infant son and nu- i mcrous other relatives to mourn her de- c parture. i In a Passion.?A white utan. who r is considered honor tble in all of lis dealings, and who has hitherto voted with his people, w.?s heard to declare ( th it he will not again vote'the Democratic ticket. That tnun must have b-en in n passion about something. Wc know t that lie d ?cs not mean what he says. I liis record in the past is too good. I PisiiOPVIi.LE.?A meeting of the ciiiz nsof I{i?hopvil1e and vicinity w^ i held on the 31st of December, for the purpose of considering ihc subject of u railroad from Georgetown by lhat place I to Monroe, N. C. A commit toe to confer with Monroe and Georgetown vtaappointed. IIe was Happy,?Ho was walking [ down Hroad street, dressed in a brand ^ new suit of the most fashionable cut an J in rcsp >nsc to the observation of s. friend; "You 6c< in happy," said, with n significant ami characteristic smack of his lips : ' Yes; heavy rush of customers." That was eooigh, and he was, indeed, happy. A MoSsTKoSjty.? Wo were shown tho othnr day what is raiolp sci a in n lifetime?a double headed calf, or rathe ! the two heads of one <a!f. The heads j whieh were joined together, were per-! fectly developed in every respect exeipt as to the number of cars, of which tin ro I were only two, while there were tie:' requisite number of eye, nostrils &i. ^ The calf was born dead on the plantation of Mr. John Uiu?ori in Chesterfb hi, C'jf.nty. Blankets, Oerpu Flannel, Plain I nrnl Twilled Flannels, Clothe and Cassitnercs in largo variety, very cheap, at II. Baruc?V-$Yt^ h rir.l Aiirad.??NYc l ave a young subscribe}" wTidr liucs haded horses twelve times within tie last three months anil is still fifty dollars all. a J?a showing \hat not many traders can make. II?:j trailed four times in one day, made thereby twenty eight dollars, ami rode the same horse home at night, and a! j of the transactions were with profesional horsemen. Cull for the .r>0 cent 2 button Kid j Gloves, in all desirable shades, at II Baruch's.?Avt Without Licensf?Deputy U.S. Marshal Peums Brownfi. id is still acive in the pursuit and arrest of hose who have been selling whiskey, obacco, &c., without license. Several lartics lave recently bad preliminary laminations before J. F. Sutherland, isq., U. S. Commissioner, and must of . Iicni have been placed under bouds fur tifir flrnfliriiiiPfi !it lilt? n?Xt terQ) of -cr- ------- , he U.S. District Court. James Si. RiinlE, Esq ?The many riends of this gentleman auiong our cadets, and particularly tlnse who crved with hiui in the old Second S. ). V."during the dapuhat tried men's j ouls, will he glad to learn that lie, with , ils family, is luring in Lancaster Vik j age, where lie is doing well. He is t iroprietor of the Riddle Hotel, aud { nows exactly how to make a guest pcrL-ctly comfortable. Read his eard in f notlwrcolumn, and stop with hiui when ( ou go ?o Lancaster. g Undershirts! Undershirts! Gen** line Bargains at II. Baruch's.?Avt I Quarterly Report.?Below wci ive a statement of the amount of taxes nd licenses collected by Maj. E. Ii ' m ' I 11. 1 . rt_ . u.. HI, J yWf! L lfTK anu nwruer, n>r m<: uartcr ending December !)1, 1877. General Tax, $405 52 ! | Liquor Licenses. 851.70 Circuses, &c. 85.00 Stallage, . 43 95 c n. ?t of Barber Shop, 10.00 [ Fines, 40.00 Street Vendors' Licenses, 8.00 1 Total, $1,510.17 a DiSAProiSTEH.?A young married ( uly in a neighboring city made all her ,j rrangemcnts to receive calls from her iends on New Year's Day. When the ay came, carriage after carriage drove 1 p to the door, and then drove away p sain, and yet the door-bell was uot jng onco. It was nearly night before I ie lady di-covered what wa? the mat >r. Iler husband had loll thenarkct I askct on the front d? or, and it coniin'cJ about "a pceV of v.siiing cards. ? 'hat husband is said t ? be now ba'd | ej b d, and the piiecof h>? oni-tuk.s has s isen one hundred per c nt. in that city. - j Carpets! Carpets! Ru^?! Rugs, | t II. Haruch's.?Avt c Recaptured.?Gyrus fbrkson, who s ras convicted at our court in 187 4 of cTjnry, and sentenced by Judgo Car- g enter in February, 1S74, to a term of t cars in the ponit> ntiary, and who csaped shortly tin roafter, was recently , cenpturcd iu ?umtef County. ('yrus , rill-be pro* BibtfQd as the party who ( ra? tried and acquitted of cow stealing | >y a jury, of whom not a member could end or write, and who, because of their , gnor tnee and evident bias, w-to di? i 11 iharged by Judge Carpenter, resulting u an cffoit by the Radical Legislature o impeach his honor for au "unwar anted assumption ol power. Procure one of those beautiful sets i if Purs or Fur Capes at II. Baruch'.^. The Viuilaxts.?At a meeting ol he Vifjilaiit Fire Engine Company, leld on Friday ni^ht, tlni following of- j Seers were elected for the ensuing 3 ear: J. J. Mackfj President; W. T. Barrett Vice-President; S. Ii. Latham 1st Director; 0. V. Metis 2nd Director; R Vaughnn ^rd Director; 11. T. L vis tth Director; P. T. Yillcpiguc ?Socr'tity; Aaron Kalin Treasurer. T5ett?*r elections could not have becu nmd<\ uid the Yigilants, as they have always' lone heretofore, will rcudt-r efficient service whenever an emergency arises. A full line of Handkerchiefs and Hosiery to be hud at II. Baruch's. PmtsoNAL.?Mr. (jcorge T. Whildcu, of the popular house of \V. \V. WliilJcn <fc Co., Charleston, was in town - !;i>t week. Mr. Henry (5. Carrison and bride returned last Tliui> lay. Pr. T. 1>. Logan*, ;?ffor :m absence of n week or two. is at hom*'again, and can !)' foun 1 at bis oflbo o-i HroaJ street Mr. M nines Hautn 1.111 bis bri !< j reached home from N?w Yolk on I*ii day afternoon. Mr. Ikiu h'sdaughters, Misses Sarah and Itosa, returned wi*b lorn. Mr. A. Sydney Smith, Jr.. has returned to (yharbston. Mr. Henry Levi and family, of(irand Uajiids, Mich., are visitig j relatives in (sumden. Mr J. H. Wb, oT Charleston, and * Mr. Sol. Wolfe, of Wlnnsboro, were in town la|t wcek^ - j Important M eltj no.?Agreeable ! to a published ctll ??f Council, a meeting of citiz-ns of Camden was bcl-1 in Town Hall on yesterday, to discuss the proposed repeal of the Act extending the limits of the town. The meeting was called to order bv j Intendant Rolling"", who explained its object, and de-ircd to hear the views of those present upon the subject. Gen. Chesnut then iu'.roduecd the following resolution ; Rcs<tle?l? That this meeting approve the petition, now before the Legislature, to re* I eal tiie Act of 1871, extending I lie limits of lhe town of Camden, except so far ns " " - ? . * ? ?J n.,l 1< AMI. Ka . ]<l l*V rcinies iu nit* cuuiuv< u . Co!. Shannon opposed the resolution, j and advocated the retaining of Kirkwood within the corporate limits. Mr. J. W. Mc Gurry spoko in sup-; i port of the views of Col. Shannon. Generals Chesnut and Kcuncdy spoke ' in favor of the res' lution. After considerable debate, a vote was ( aken, and the resolution adopted by a < argo majority. * Tho meeting then adjourned. The Cotton Market. t Camden, S. C., Jan. 15, 1878. C The market lor the past wcni; has | recti quite active, and prices hud a j ilight teudency upwaids at tlio close of \ business on Saturday. Good grades ' cadily brought 10* cents. Salts for J' he week, 203 bales. . \ Helow we print a table, showin? the f lumber of bales sold and shipped at t his point fr^m tho opening of the sea- j 1 on to January 1, 1878: Months. Sales. Shipments, j j September, 470 5S7 I j October, 3.314 3,017 !, November, 3,807 4,217 11 December, 3,107 3,495 Total, 10,758 11,910 I Brevities. The marriage market continues 1 ively. J Three more bar rooms have suc-l umbed since our last report. The num- r nr now is eight. Some people dou't kuow that the lieu ; aw is abolished. We have had seve-' f pplications for blank liens lately. ; c Israel Mauirt has paid his poll1 ax He was released from jail last j Tuesday. c The industrious street cart is depos. \ ring gravel where needed on the, i t reels. t A few robins have made their ap-, i n ??arance in the suouibs. Lancaster is to have a Hook and f /tdder Company. r There arc fguic important amend- ^ i "tits in the town ordinance relating to , ieenses, which those who are interested ( hould peruse. ! d Wateree Division S. of T. has a 1. 1.: i ?; Knnrtr/.,! nurjiucrsiu^ iaitwuih^ V??W ..UM-.V-. Several new brick buildings will be irectcd in Camden during the coming lurnmer. We notice that a good nwny young iiiade tr? cs have been set out on the ; < i.reels in various parts of the town. 'J'lIE statement of cotton sold and shipped Jrom tlrs point to January. , which appears in these columns, is ' ( oiupiled from absolute data, arid may : ( be relied upon us correct. i We suggest that our streets have , been quite muddy for the past wock or ' two. jj The festive town-cow still feasts on J ihe fo lder that lies around loose in the I, cart of the unwary countryman. Tilts is the proper season of the year for harvesting fishing poles Metis Huns. have completed, and now occupy their now Carriage and Wag in Shops on liroad strc-st. Wild ducks arc said to bo plentiful on the river. There are five turpentine farms in; this county, and the shipment of naval I stores by steamer an 1 railroad is not: inconsiderable. It is barely possible thut the Joorgetown and North Carolina railroad will' be discussed again next summer. Several persons arc waiting for the j liver t?) fall and got tolerably clear, ir.! nrdot that they may go fishing for red 1 horse." Mosr of the farmers of West Wu. toree are in favor of converting the free, bridge across the river into a toll: l>riJg<\ if mch a measure will keep it in better condition. At the annual meeting of the Camden Steamboat Company it was decided t" sell Uia steamer Liliiugton. Judging from the amount oT freight she has care!ni*rt tltis u ifitnn nnnncrl \Vi? Jiould v. think her purchase would bj a profitable investment. A crowd of prisoners arc in jail, awaiting trial at llio next terra ol' tbo (.\uirt of (jcticril Sessions. I5ut as far t? we know, tberc arc no cases of greater magnitude than arson and assault and battery with intent to kill. The news from the country Democracy is cheering. Tho next ctuipaign is u I ready being generally discussed in a timet way, and, as soon as the proper tiuio comes, nearly every man will answer to roll call. I ' 1 m Independents. , T!ie defeat of the Democracy in Surnl? r am! Ih-nufort is having a wholesome effect i?i stirring up the Democrats of oilier c lUii'ies to renewed efforts at com- i pact and i fficicnt organization. Espc-i. cial'y is this the cum; in Anderson; and < in iliis connection the Anderson Intel- 1 I'tjt nri r very sensibly says : ' This prompt action is the forerunner J of another successful I canvass duriugjj the present year and should receive the > licntty support of every Democrat in ' the County, and wc trust that ere Ions f every Primary Club in the Connly will j have met, reorganized and gone to work t for victory. To perfect our organiza-1 e tion at this time is the wisest policy. |' fur now men are cool and in the fu ll possession of their full judgment, and , where they join together to perfect the ' s reform begun at this stage of the can- v vass, they arc more apt to secure addi- a lions from the opposite party than tlicy could do after the canvass has' been opened and the party iine closely 1 ? Jrawn." i a This i.s true, and it would be wcil for " die sauie course to be pursued in every ir county of the .State. There is another a dement of success, however, which lmuld not be overlooked, and which is ; uliv as important ns organization, and ' hat is the nomination of' capable and ifficicnt men as candidates. This is a, ict only an important factor of success,! tii >nt it i? an imperative duty which the tli )-irty owes to the public, and which it 10 vi)l not be safe to neglect. Organiza- j ion may elect incompetent men. as we j ill know, but in that case success may tii )c worse than defeat, for upon the party pi vhich elects them will fall upon all the ?' idium of the crimes, and blunders worse i ban crimes, committed by feeble atid I ct neompetcnt officers, either through in- ! h< torance or th s influence of evil councilors, Preferring their party to the 1,1 ?tale and country was the ruin of the, '' { publicans, and the Dent icrats should alee heed lest they commit the same | atal error.?Xiwt and Courier, a Important Questions. Lynches Cref.k, Jan. 7, 1878. ! Ma. Editor: 1 wish to propound at i'w questions through the JOURNAL. ; p* ,nd hope some of your able corrcspon- j ?r lents will answer them : tw 1. Is it right, for the honest Democ*j JJ acy of the Sfa'c to he burdened with a ,h ax to pay tlie fraudulent debt of the In, ;tute. which debt is in favor of capi'al-1 [f[ *ts North and South who have made tit l-rtun^s out of the misfortunes of our; ippresscd people? ca 2.-Is it just or expedient for the hon- <ic st people of the State to be forced to : iay for dieting the innumerable horde i ce if thieves that infest the county jails, i},' hereby offering a premium for evil- jjj loing ? | co 3. Is Corbin's fee bill just and equiable ? ..It 4. Is the Radical law giving judg- ^ tionts for all sums under one hundred f.'| lollars at the first court, and a right to t? ell in twenty days, allowing the debtor' io chance to redeem his property, h tti norc wholesome law than tbo old law.1 pj rhich allowed the debtor six months to edeetn ? w" Th"?c are questions cf more than or Iinary interest to the working class. ' n? Yours &c. Jones. >f Town Ordhianees, P In pr \N ORDINANCE to regulate licenses for w retailing spirituous liquors within the ^ Town of Catndcn, and to amend the Or- tu dinances in relation thereto : qi Whereas it is necessary to conform the jj,' )rdinances of the Town of Camden to thr ; T< itHlule laws of the State regulating the JJJ site or spirituous lienors ; nicmurr, r, He it or'i.iiiicl by the Inteodant and ti< Tar lens of tiie Town of Camden, and it jjl s hereby orL.ined: , |K I. That from and after the passage of this | at drdinnnoe, there shall lie in tlio Town of i ,fl 'aiuden live ( "?) classes of licences for the i tv etailing of spiritous liquors, as follows: j ta II. License No. 1 slinll be that granted j* 0 Tavern Keepeis. The person to whom tti he same is grunted shall be first recom lb men le 1 by six respectable freeholders of r, 1 he neighborhood where the tavern is jro-1 n posed to be kept, ns of good repute for ?>t lionesly and sobriety; and shall enter into 1 ][' a bond, with two good nnd sufficient sure- i M lies, being freeholders of the Town of ' Camden, in tlio sum of one thousand dol- ^ lurs ($1,000) for the keeping of nn orderly ; ( house, and for the due observance of the ' laws relating to the retailing of spirituous jJ liquors ; and shall pay for said license, to a the Town Treasurer, tlio sum of Three ' Hundred Dollars, pnyable in quarterly in- ? stnlmenls, and a fee of live dollars ($3) to ? the llecsrdor. " III. License No. 2 shall ho the license to * retail spirituous liquors in quantities less j, than one quart, granted to the keepers of 11 drinking saloons and eatiue houses, apart '' from taverns. The person to whom the a sam" is granted shall he first recommended 'I by six respectable tax-payers of bis neigh- . - ?-i.-ii ? ii,? .. hornoou, iun ?u?n tu?v? !??? .. ............. ,, . mm of one thousand dollars ($1,000) with '1 threo (3 ) good sureties, for the keeping of' ' nn < rdclv lionse, and lor the due observ-! i ance of all laws relating to the retailing of ' spirituous liquors; and shall pay for this j* license to the Town Treasurer the mm of i Tliree hundred dollars annually, jmyablcin quarterly instalments, and ft fee of live dol- [, lara ($ "?) to the Recorder. 11 IV. License No. 3 sliall ho the license | * authorising the retailing of wine, cider [ brewed or m ill liquors, within the iueor- ? porate limits of lb" Town of (I linden. The js person to whom the same is granted shall 1 j be fi?\st recommended by six respectable a lax-j aycrs of neighborhood, and shall en. ter into a h ind in the mm of five hundred j ' dollars ($">IM?), with two good sureties, for , the keeping of an orderly house, and furl' the due observance of all laws regulating the sale of such liquors: and that he will not sell any spirituous liquors, or any ad-1 mixture thereof; and ball pay fur this license to I lie Town Treasurer the sum <?l , 1 One i I mi l red and Fifty Dollars annually, 11 payable in quarterly inslalinctits, and a fee t of five doll irs ($">) to the Kecordor. V. License No 4 shall lie the license authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquors l.y the quart or in larger qualities, within ] the limits of the Town of (jntnden. The pernon lo whom the same is granted shall ' pay the Town Treasurer for said license, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars annually, payable in quarterly instalments, and a fee of five dollars ($.">) to the Recorder. And before such license is issued, the person so applying shall be recommended by six respectable era of the neighborhood, and shall enter into bond, with two good sureties, in the sum of otic thousand dollars to keep nn orderly house and for the due observance of ail laws relating to the sale at" spirituous liquors. And any person to whom such license is granted, who , sliall permit such intoxicating liquors to he , i Qruuls on th where sold, .hall! forfeit his license, and the same shall not be renewed within a year from the time of forfeiture. VI. License No. 6 shall be the license authoi izipg apothecaries and druggists to sell, trade or barter any bitters of which spirituous or malt liquors arc an ingredient. or any other medicated liquors, by the bottle or by the driuk. Tiie person to whom the same is granted shall be first recommended by three respectable tax-pay. cis of his neighborhood, and shall enter nto bond, with two good sureties, in the mm of three hundred dollars, for the kcepng of ait orderly bouse, and for the due ibservauce of all laws regulating the sale if such liquors: and shall pay for such ioetiso to the Treasurer the sum of Scveny-fivc Dollars annually, in quarterly intalments, and a fee of five dollars (So) to 0 the Recorder. VII. That any person desiring any one 1 said licenses shall apply by petition to ? he Town Council, getting forth such de- , ire, which cla?s of license he dosires, and J lie shall vend, naming his sureties : t nd shall deposit the one-fourth of the lice of his license with the Recorder bcore the same shall be gi anted. VIII. That 110 licedsc shall lie granted 'itliout a full and perfect compliance with " 1! the requisites herein contained, norun- t! 1 a notice of such application has been u uLlishrd one week in .1 newspaper of the lace, nor until (lie second reading of the [ plication be ore Council. ? IX. That the same persons shall ^ ireties on more than two (2) bonds for censes. X. Tlint no licenses granted by Council mil be transferred to another person, or f ithorize selling in any oilier houseMlian rj inn the one stated in the petition, without le consent of and regulation by Council, W i be bad by petition to that effect. XI. All persons engaged in retailing liiiors under licenses granted hereby, or ndcr pre-existing ordinances, shall expose p urir licenses to public view in their chief ace of making sales; and no such license mil authorize sales by any person neglect- E g this requirement. XU All ordinances or parts of ordinan s inconsistent with this ordinance are ;reby repealed. A Done at Council Chamber, in Camden, lis twenty-fourth day of December, A. D. f 177. J. C. ROLLINGS, Intendunt. E. E. SSll, Clerk and Recorder. e: N ORDINANCE to Raise supplies for the Year ? of our Lord i-T*. L Be it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens n the Town of Camden, In Council assembled, el hy the authority of the same: That the folwlnjr taxes lie ami the same are hereby levied r the current ye ir?that is to say: Section 1. Six (C) mills on each and every dol- t r of the value of all real estate and personal 1 opertv within the corporate limits of the Town i arnden on the first day of January, A. 1). 1S7S Sec. 2. That each and every male person heroen the aires of eighteen and fifty years, other naomaineit ministers, students and m mtiers the fire department, shall pay, on or before c e lfitu day of March uext, live dollars (|r>) for ' ad and police exemption; RUd If any person yi ih'n for this tax si.all fall to make iiavinciit at . e time specified, he shall t?e liable to "work on i e streets for six days, under the dirccilon of i( e Town Marsha!. Sec. 3. l'here shall be ten dollars (#10) pal Jan- et tally on care omnibus; five dollars (}.'>) on each rrlageor hack drawn by tiro or more horses, >"1 it for conveyance of passengers or hire ; three gf liars (?> for each one-horse buggy or sulky kept t hire; ten dollars ($10) on each four borso wait, dray or cart run fur hire; five dollars (#.'.) on ] eh two horse wagon, dray or cart run for hire. ie taxes ilue on omnibuses, carnages, backs, iggies, wagons, drays nnd carts kept for hire uli be paid before they are allowed to run. ovided I h it nothing herein contained shall lie ? nstrued so ss to extend to wagons, carts or her vehicles going to or returning front ntart, and owned by non-residents of the lown. S'?c. 4. Allkeepcrsof livery stables within the >wn of Camden, shall pay ait annnal tax of gt enty-flve dollars ($i*i) before It shall be lawful jy r them to keep such stable. Provided tltaf said ^ cry stable keeper, upon the payment of said x, shall be privileged to keep ami run any or I of the vehicles enumerated in the preceding p, ction ft ee, and discharged of the taxes charged (j,j reoi In said section. ty Sec. t>. Twenty dollars ($80) per day shall be _ lid by every itinerant auctioneer raferlng for !e within the corporate limit* of the Town of linden, at auction or otherwise, nnv goods, 6res or merchandise, to be paid each day in aduipo, and any ifincraut auctioneer liable to the X nforesaid,"and who shall fail to make pay- <1 ent, f hall be fined fo-ty ilollars (#10) per day for l ich tl.iy he may so offend, which said fine" the . arsliai shall enforce and collect by the selz- di c and sale of the goods, wares or merchandize e? ' the person or persons liable to the said line. <i Sec.All peddlers or transient persons dealg In fruits, nuts, butter, lard or meats, shall 1,1 i< to the Town a fa* of live dollais ($6) per ci eofc, or one dollar (fl) per day for periods of ,i rue less than a week. In all cases where butter _ lard Is off''roil in smaller quantity than by tlie b,kitorfirkin, or fruits or nuts in sniallcr i intHy than by the bushel, or meat in smaller , i.-tntity than by the plore, an<l sold from wa>stands ur other* Im on the streets: and the >wn Marshal enforce the payment of this tax r the seizure ami sale of the good*. wares ami iTchamli/.e of the person or versom failing or n( -tnslhg to pay said tax. Provided that this secan shall not he construed to extend to and in- " ude the people of this mid adjoining counties. In ' whom ramden lathe market town, who shall at liberty to vend their produce upon tso _ reels, except a i may be otherwise provided by ie regulating the Market. See. T. There shall be paid an annual lax of rant y-fivc uollurs ($2*) on each and every billiard . Me; five d>llars($M on oauh ami every baga-: I !*.? table, and ten dollars (|lo) on each and every 1 me or ten pin alley, kept within the limits of ie town, for profit; Bald tax to be paid before S( reuse t" use the same shall be granted. v see.s. That no equestrian exhibition, menage- t| e or other exhibition of that nature, ami no j, i-utrleai cxhlhltion, minstrel performance or her slioiv of any kind, shall be held in the Town j, f t'auiden, for gain, wlthi.nt a li reaae therefor .-lug first obtained from IntcmUnt, aud pay- fl nut for said license being made to the Town ^ lerk, as follows; For each equestrian oxhlolon, menagerie or oMibr show of that nature, ich sum as the lnteiidant shall determine, not _ i be i- aa than seventy-five dollars perjday; for tell side show, such rata sa the Intendant may etermtue, not to be leas than twenty-ttve doii:s per day; tor each theatrical exhibition, mliiirel performance; or other show of that nature, ot lose than live dollars cor tnsre than twentyv? dollars per day. Each and every person gi'v I?Any of the exhibitions aroresaut rnr train ithoiit having tlrst obtained a license therefor, i provided above. (.hall i>? fined for each anil t very <lay so exhibiting, a sum not less than don- ;i !< the highest tax nliove Imposed for sitoh ex- i tuition, said Hue to lie enforced ami collected v the Town Marshal l?v seizure anJ sale of the y roperty of the peraou'or persons so offeu.iing. Sec. 9. An annual tax of twenty dollars ($30) hall he paid by each and every express company loing business In the Town of Camden. Sec. 10. Every person who may wish to engage a the business of an auctioneer within the Town f Camden, shall pay to the ftec rder of the 'own, as it license tax, before engaging in such lustness, the sum of ten dollars annually. Any ersoti \ lolating ihls section shall be lined by the 'own Oouiictl live dollars for aclt and every of. ence. said line to be bollccted by the Town Starli'il, tt|M>n the warrant >t the Intendant, by the my nud sale ?? any and ail property liable to egnl pr <o as. Sec. It. Any person or persons who shall vioate sections 3and 4 of this ordinance, shall lie Ined by the Town t'ouucila sunt e<|unl to double he tax therein Imposed in cacti specific Instance, i it id t.ix lo lie collected l;y l?;o Town Marshal, I j i|??ii iii" warrant of the iiitcndant, l>.v the seizirc and Hale of the vehicle or vehicles, animal or inimals, used in violation of the sections aforelid. i See. 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinances neousistent wttn the provisions of this ordinance ire hen i'V repealed. Rati lied In Council this :tr<| <| iv of dati'tary. A. ). ists. ,i.r uoi.mnus, Intendant. K. E. sill. Clerk and Recorder, janl.vtt Special Notices. Ask your druggist for Slirincr's Indian I'crmil'nge, and if lie fails to sttpplyyou.adhesstiie proprietor, David K. Foutz, Dai. iaiore, Md. A full line of Black Alpacas just received, and offered extremely low, at II. Baruch's.?Avt Mens Unlauiulried Shirts, the host goods for the money to he found in Camden, at II. Baruch's. David K. Foi'tz, llxLTiMoitK. Ml). Dear Sir: Your Slit incr's Indian Vermifuge is J ready sale with lis. Our customers say it j destroys and expels worms effectually. We j liave sold all we had. Send us another supply. Cartumichnel & DeVault, AshvtlW, N. C. Shawls ! Shawls! ai greatly reduced prices at II. Baruch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt Be sure to get your Clothing and Hats at the popular store of II. Baruch's.?Avt New Styles of Ladies Cloaks can be found at II. Baruch's.?Avt Dwelling Houses, Stores, Offices or Farms for sale or rent. Apply to J. W. DePass, Real Estate Agent. Yon can always find a beautiful Assortment of Tics, -Embroideries, Laccs, Cuffs and Collars at II. Batch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt Notice to Druggists and STOitMKKEr:rs. I guarantee Sliriner's Indian Veriiifuge to destroy and expel worms from lie human body, where they exist, if 9ed according to directions. You are utkorized to sell it on the above conditions, avid E. Foutz, Proprietor, Baltimore, Id. Big Wheat.?Wo have received roni Mr. L. L. Osraent, of Cleveland, 'onn., a specimen of the finest wheat j c ever saw. See his card in this issue. 1 * Bear in mind that you can always \ urchasc goods cheaper than the heapest at the extensive Dry Goods Istablishment of II, Baruch.?Avt A full line of Hosiery for Ladies, < lisses and Children very cheap at J I. Baruch'9.?Avt The largest and decidedly cheapst stock of Boots and Shoes that O O VIA r/Mtml in Prtmilnn of TT Do_ llii uc lUUU'i in v/auiutiJ) av x&? ucli's.?Avt l Window Shades and Fixtures at r. Baruch's.?Avt , Something New. i In order to introduce our Big Seed j '{)) iiij Wheat, The Wheat of Taos, in j jur locality?single grains measuring , inch in length?I propose to send a implc of the wheat /Vcc of charge, to 1 /cry subscriber to this paper who will ' ate (he name of the newspaper and end a 3 cent stamp to pay postage. Agents wanted in every county to sell lis new wheat. Address L. 1/ 03 ME N'T. Cleveland, Tcnn. ? I CARRIED. At the residence of the bride's fafher on the h Instant, by Rev. R. M. Isaacs, assisted by Dr. sSoto Mentles, Mr. Mannes Kauin, of Camden, l\, an<J Mrs. s. Krnnter. daughter of B. L. donjons, Esq., of New York City. On the 3d Instant, by Rev. J. E. Rodgcrs, Mr. r&dford Scarborough and Miss A. L. Smith, tughterof Henry Smith, Esq., of Sumter conn- 1 ^ j OBITUARY. 1 Tied suddenly at her home, near Savannah, a., on the 4th instant, in tlie 20th year of sr ape. Mrs. Bessie l'almer Keller,-only tug! iter of the late W. J. Palmer, and eldit (laughter of Mrs. J. S. Meroney. of lis plaoc. Mrs. Keller was expected daily j i visit her relatives ;n Camden. Each in- r .tiling train was met, but they looked for f icir child and sister in ruin. ^ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notice, , All persons arc hereby warned not to tss anything to my credit, excep* upon 1 ic order of myself or James F. Suther. ind, Esq. J jnnlA-21 HENRIETTA H. DeLEON. ; ? > 1 M L/IIS VIUIVO I llustrated Priced Catalogue. ' Seventy-five pages, illustrations, with <le- ' riptlons of llioiiitan.U of the l>est dowers and ' ege tables In the world, ami the way to grow ' ifcin?all for n two cent postage stauip. Prluted , i Herman ami English. Vtck's Flower and Vegetable Garden. Ml cents 1 1 covers ; in elegant cloth cover* 51.0#. i Vice's Illustrated Monthly Magazine?as pases, i tie illu-tratlona, an.i colored plate in every nutner. Price $t.<5 per year; uve copies $s. Address, JAMES VICK. Jani.vit Uoehesler. N. T. Riddle's Hotel, LANCASTER C. H., S. C. Having purchased the Hotel formerly occupied 'j Mr. Jones Crockett, situated on Main street, I in prepared to receive transient and permanent ^ardors. Good net ommodations at reasonable rates, tables and Lots free to drovers, janl.v.f J. M. HIDDI.E. Be Nure to Stop at the Latham House, ( A7IDEX, S. C. (Transient Hoard, S'J.OO per day.) :o: Js2f Ample accommodations. Tables supplied with the best the Markets afford. Every attention paid to the comfort of Guests. Persons stopping at the Lnthaui I House will he conveyed to and front the depot free of charge. Passengers, without heavy baggage, will be conveyed to and from any part of the town, not ubovo DeKrtlh street, at tlo cents. Connected with tho house is a first j class liar, which i* located separately from the house, and orderly kept. Conveyances supplied to guests on liberal terms, cither for city or country use. janS-ly S. It. LATHAM, Proprietor. Mortgage Sale. Johnson & Glndney to R. J. McCarley? Mortgage, Ity vittuc of and under the above mortgage, 1 have taken possession of the entire stock ot merchandise of the firm of Johnson & Glndney. and will proceed to sell the same on the first Monday in February nest, at the store formerly occupied by Johnson & Glndney. The stock consists of liquors, groceries. Ac.; also, one firstclass billiard table. Terms cash. jniilotd JOHN DOBY, Agent. To the Public. Having sold out the entire stock of goods of the late S. A. Benjamin to Messrs. Harniau & Arr.ants. I beg to thank the public for their patronage in the past, and solicit a continuance of the same for tny successors. MRS. C. BENJAMIN, | jaulJ-U SliettirU, NEW FIRM. HARMAN &. ARRANTS Having purchased lbe entire stock of General Merchandise Of tiie late S. A. benjamin, deceased, are now prepared to otter the same at Reduced Prices for Cash I The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. jnnl5-tf A Card. I hereby give notice that 1 have for the present discontinued the practice ot medicine. J. J. HORTON, M. D. janHtf To Rent. Three or four rooms of a residence, situated in a desirable locality, and within ten minutes walk of the business centre of the town. On the place is a new well of excellent water, outbuildings, &c. Apply to WX1. D. TRANTFIAM. jan8tf Notice to Tresspassers. All persons are hereby warned against passing through that part of my land, known ns my Woods Pasture, tvithout my permission. Any one disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Tbey nre informed t?at the lane adjoining the pasture is recognized as the public highway. . dec25-4t* WM. BB4NHAM. Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims against the >8tatc of Martha Ilenrichson, deceased. *ill present the same duly attested, and those indebted to said estate will make imnediate payment to me. W. S. DELLINGER, dec25-4t Administrator. Notice.,' State of South Carolina?Kershaw County In the Common Pleas. R. J. Donaldson, as Receiver, vs. W. E. Johnson and others. Notice is hereby given to all holders of the bills of the Bank of Camden, 8. C., rot heretofore proven and established berore W. D. McDowail, receiver of said Sank, under orders 01 the late Court of Equity,) that, by virtue of an order of his Honor C. P. Townscnd, Circuit Judge, made n above stated case, and dated the 15th lay of November, A. D. 1877,. ibey are re|uircd to establish and prove same before he undersigned at his office, in Camden, 1. C , ou or before the first day of Februa* y next. W. H. It. WORKMAN, novlStillfedl Referee. Administrator's Notice. All persons holding claims against the istutc of Joseph L. Tiller, deceased, will >resent the same duly attested, and those ndebted to said estate will make immediate >ay nient to me. B. M. PEA 110E. decl8-lm Administrator. NOTICE. With a view of a change in my business, ay books will be closed on the 1st of Jan* tary, and no goods sold on credit after that late, unless under special arrangements ["hose indebted to me are requested to set. le without delay. dcc25-4t ROBT. M. KENNEDV. Sale of Real Estate. On the first Monday in February next, ntu'onti ih<? leirnl hours of solo. will l.ocol-l it public sile, to tbc highest bidder, in ront of the court bous* of Kershaw souuty, the following named real estate, to vit : * 1. The plantation on the west side of (Vutcrec River, known ns the Doby, lituated in Kershaw county, and hounded 101 th by lands formerly the prbperty of E. \. Cunningham, east by lands of Cullen, vest by lands formerly the property of F. \, Cunningham and I). Motley, and si nth jy lands of Daniel and John Motley, Which said land was, on the 22nd day ot February, 1873, conveyed to Susan" M. Lang by* H. C Salmond, assignee in bankruptcy of John 1). Kennedy. 2. And also, at the same time acd place, will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder, another tract as follows, to wit: The plantation or truct of land Inown as the Rock Hill Place, situated on the west sine of the Walerce River, Kershaw county, State of South Carolina, bounded north bv the lands of William Kelly and Thomas Sessions, south by lauds of the Doby Place aud Daniel Motley, east by lands of Cullen, Kelly and estate of Spring, west by lands of Rose and the Rice Creek Spring road. wluch said land was, on the ^nd any or February, 1873, conveyed to Susan M. Laug by H. C. Salmond, Assignee in bankruptcy of John D. Kennedy. Terms of sale cash. janltd SUSAN M. LANG, A NEW ENTERPRISE ! W. A. ANCRTTM & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND Commission Merchants DePASS' block, CAMDEN. O. 1 i I In rtore, a full supply of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Our objcc* is to supply a want long frit I iu Camden?-namely: A place where you ! can buy Groceries nnd Provisions at retail I at only a small advance upon wholesale | prices, thereby saving I lie trouble and exI pense of sending to Charleston (as many I have been doing) for monthly supplies. Onll and exauiiue our stock and price.*, | ar.d you will be convinced. ! Frcsli Meat Market. Attached to our house is a Fresh Moat Market, where nil kinds of fresh meat may be obtained. The market is under the ninnauement of a first-class butcher and the public may rely upon obtaining good meat. W. A. ANCRUM A CO. jtrftf m