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v a Midwinter serenade. The winter winds are cold, love, The snow uturcuMcu lies ; The song 1 sing is old. love. Under the listening shies. Yet to toe and to yon its theme is now Under the star-genune t skie^. The window is curtained with frist. lore, And closed thy beautiful ey s: The soifg jsing mav he lo<t, love, Undo - the headless skies Yet pereitauee one strain tiny thv iieatt ret tin. Like a star in the far-oT -Lies. My love is p*ir.? as the s-j it, wee', over lit.- brown e.irtti Tes : Ati 1 free as tin: wind tint b'ov.", sweet. And deep a- the falhomh'.s <hi.s. Aii i shall live for avo. ihoti'h t!ie nr.le star die. Ati 1 pa- - from the am? . hi A light t.i thy casement ntovi sweet : Thanks for this glad surprise. Summer his came to the groves, swell, \nd warmth to the wintry - hies. Oil. love ean light the dark. right. An 1 brighten the dull s! shies. WIT AN!) JimOi! lie Lilt waters his y:?iip who takes many words t.j :t slmrt storv. A ofoevr hat] :t pi.u? 1 < !' <n;U' ri turned with a nolo, s tying: 'T?o much san*l fi r table uso, and not enough for building purposes." 4 Kemeuiber who you arc talking to. sir!" sail an indignant parent to a r fractory boy. 4 I am your lather!" ' Well, wln/s to blame for that said tlie young impertinence, hain't inc.'' W hen a man without ca>!i or credit a'temp's to leave :? hotel, ami lowers his valise out ? ! a hack window by im ans of a rone. it makes charity seem enM to hear the voice of the land'orl bc)u\v, yelling out: "All right. I've got the kalis'; let go the rope." If I bust a iaCn,' you mustn't get uiad blister.' was the reasonable request preferred by a Fort Wnyn: btide to the oMiciating clergyman. * I >< ;*! gently with the 'erring,' as the cockney said when bis fellow-boarJcr evinced a disposition to cat up all the smoke I fish and leave liitn the bones. When a man nearly breaks his neck trying to get out of the way of a 'lightning bug.' supposing it to be the headlight of a locomotive, it is lime for liiui to sign the pledge. 'I aui so thirsty.' said a man at work in a cornfield. 'Well, work away!' said i bis industrious brother. 'You know the prophet savs, 'Iloe everyone that thirstr-lh !'' An inebriated man, walking along tin street, regarded the moon with sovereign contempt 'You needn't fee! so proud,' he said: 'you arc full only once a month, and I am every night.' A couple of fellows who wero pretty thoroughly soaked with bid whisky got into the gutter. After floundering (or pome tiro*, one of thnni said: "Let's get to another house, this hotel leaks." A gentleman wa* examining an umbrella. and commented upon its (in (piality, "Vos," s.iid a person present, ' he fancies everything ho sees." 'An I.' added a third party, "h inclined t seize everything he fancies." When old Sam Crowler, down i t % l'ike, was running for Justie- ? ( the j'eaee. Ids wif* in anticipation of h no's in store for her. said: 'Olv dear, when you pet to he Justice *<f th1'cace what will I bey" 'You,' said old Sam, 'why. you'll be the same oil fool you always was!' A soldier of a cavalry Tcgimcnt wall rough t up for stealing his eouira le'.s liquor ration. lie was an Irishmin, nud his defense was unique: 'I'd We sorry unlade surr, to he called a thafe . I put the liquor in the same bottle; at d mine wa3 at tho bottom; and sure 1 was obliged to drink his to get out me own !' ' '11 will Com* lli^lit at Lasl." For nearly a week had the storm W^. prevailed, when one night, just at I r A sunset, the sky became clear and L bright, and the settiug sun shone forth in all Lis glory. Only for h short timc^ however, for the black clouds soon hovered over us again; ^^^B but it was long enough to show us that the pleasant sky and bright clouds were there?although they were bidden by dark and stormy \ Just our so will continue to be. Dark and wcarv may be the path tread. Sorrow may assail us when least expected, and we can see no reason for them; but if we can only see that they are for oar good?tint wc need their chastening influence; if we can see the light behind the 1,^^ cloud, and put our faith in the Go ! ~ who worlcctb all tilings for our good ! ' it will all come out right at last." y it' we could see all this, could wc ^ all put our faith in our Heavenly; leather; could we all look misfortune in the face, and see only the good j behind it. would there he so much of misery and woe in this bright, and beautiful world of ours? 4Ev- 1 ? rv cloud has its silver lining,' yet how often we cannot see it, hut give it up in despair. And even thin is for our good?that wo cannot see it! ; The sky clearing up for a few j ni'.iiients iudicaiad very clearly to i inv tnii.d God's watchful care over, us:. Lotus remember, then, when! ... triaV and diflicultics hcr.ct us, and rtho world looks nark ai.<j cheerless ; to jh?%ii< us rct?onil>or tiiaf it is uii , for on" qqo i, ' look ahead ^'<rrr" iiliT.'i iuiies aaoN^'e the li^lif. Let US k chost jtikI when lio feels like giving up, < when !?e feels ?ii-couvaoe I because i his host e.Tnrts scum to have failed i on account of some nu. 'en obstacle, look at the bright sine of i: all, and keep riniit on. Let nothing put,, him down; try. ut least, to believe I ' II that behind u frowning Providence t God hides a smiling face:' with tliis, thought uppermost in his mind. a , 'man carina through most anything.' j and even look hack with gratitude j at his late troubles. No Success Wilhoul Industry. I really believe, young friends. | that idleness i; the ground of nn?t vices. I am acquainted with certain young men who "are running about 1 the streets, whom I see stopping oat of drinking saloons. Some < ! :li";:i arc sons <?f reputable parents. I remember last summer meeting yoijng man? one <>1" the best dreused . lads ie the city?a young man whom I met i: the omnibus frequently, ri ling ur? and down; and 1 liad s? :j 1 . . i bins so often and always with such j a h-i-mvly air, that I said one day, j calling him bv mime.? "What are you doing "1 have r.oi got any particular j j huMne'?s." lie said. "Well, haven't von anything t>< I 1 CM <lo: "Nothing particular," he answeicd. It was somewhat impertinent, but I I said,? 1 "Well, I suppose now you arc ou! j of school, you tnean to get into some- j , thing pretty soon ?" "Well, I liave not anything just now in view," he rcjdu d. To tnakc a long storv shott, tlie, poor fellow has not anviipng in view, I never did have invch in view. I>rifting, drifting, drifting I Down, down. rv o down! 11c is not the boy he wu -, when I conversed with liirn last summer. There is nothing truer, though trite, than the adage, "An idle brain is the devil's workshop." Unless there is an aim, a plan, a purpose in a man, there is depravity, ami lust. ami passion. It is idleness that rolls up Millions ami millions and million-of dollars for spirituus liquors every year. Industry. 1113' young friends, is, the first law of success. Some one' i asked a man who was counted a great genius, to define genius; and lie said,? t'Ge?iiu3 is industry." Things never come about of themselves. The man who writes a great j book never wrote it in a day or n week. The man who has reported! a great invention di I not combine wheel arid piston i;i an hour or in a month; hut it was the industry of inIquiry?the industry of application. Industry is the first law of success. Omul Advice. Aii t e young women in tlie country won! i da v.vll to heed the wordil j> I'' i. !ci\ addressed t > the gia uniting class of the Wcslcyair : Female College in Cincinnati, i 1 ' 4 Learn your obligations to the j [last; be careful of tiie present, and prepare yourself for tlie great, future behov you. The reign of brain has, come. Though you may not he found 0:1 the battle field or the bal' ! 1 1 . I -- ? - - * ? 1 ... I - i? mi-nox, vou cut diiii'i up mi* intnic by building u;? the men. \<?u iivc .ii a particularly ex-riling lim \>he?i : you havr placed in opposition to you I one of the greatest vires, aii.l y ?u women will eomju-'r it if ail of those, of your fex. wlio are real v.( tuen will i combine, Rovare of cox units ami libertines They arc fools, win they know it or not, l>y your con... j duct toward them s nd them from your presence. Reserve your heart and love for nicn. He not what is 1 known as a 'fashionable' woman, j There is nothing so foolish woman,! and none but fools admire her. ~ r.f i ( 51 -" > Sgpfcgaffi ^nwSS^jfi; i (\ r.KKNVILLK & Ctil.l'MHIA K,ML-| j 1 f KOAD. Passenger trains ran ?1 ii 1 v. Sundays exjccpted, connecting with tlie last day trains on the South Carolina Railroad. re. I Leave Columbia at 11 10 n m I T ? I in ... I i Leave Newberry 2 22 j? m j [ Leave Hodges fi 1"? p i:i | Leave Helton 7 0"> p hi Arrive at Greenville 8 25 p in | DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7 2<> n in Leave Helton it 10 n in ' Leave Hodges It) -17 a in . Leu/i' Newberry 1 U j? in Leave Alt ton 2 20 p :.i , Arrive at Columbia o 00 p m j and:: its on hhamii a islue hidgi:' DIVISION. Daily, except Sunday.-', bet ween Helton mid V.'.ili alia. Are <:niiio'!atiun trains be- ; tw eon Helton nnd Anderson on Mondays' Tue.s 1 iv-, Tliui> iami a'ur.i.iy s. '1 Leave Helton 7 (> '> p in ; 1 Leave Anderson 7 ">U p m i ' Leave IVinIL ton H d 'i j. m ; Leave l'orry.ille 2't pin : j Arrive ni Walli . l i D't t!!) ? in l?i>W x, m m I il l,i iv4* Wn!?i:i ;?-t J a xii : , i rrv \ if-.* '? '."Hiii Lohvc I'iii i lei on 7 :i in i lii'iivi1 andf'tfuin < 1 o 11 mi Am ivc at Jlril mi *0 a 1:1 j Linrtiii lii.iti'-'i lrnic-? l ive Clint:.:i ; 1 JOatn. aii'l Iffivt; ctvCerry '! j> in on j Mondajs, Tuc hIhjts, '!'! ?:> s and S&ttir. I inys. A Mo-vill.' IiimikIi tiaiii coiM.<'i m at If...l^fs h ilti ! i?n 1 il;? u :>i daily, , la v -I rxooptr 1. THoMAS ! '>!? Will W>. (Ji ln ral Sill orililviidtlit. I. Nmrto.v, J::., tiro. Tickrt \tit. 2 sv?iv;>ool I'or s?> nt . !.2"> mt suck. I nov'JA 2t IIHASlNtiTti.N .< NF/fTLKS. Miickci'cl. | K.tu oi M.ickc.'ol fur fhIc at lUU ISA I'M lil'AlS. I O Tjf * 3 ICr-:". AJJ& CATTJX pov/ucno.; % ... 5*3F^ H-t _' - ' $S? <|&H iivi.'iK J ~ ~~ ? Mdffv-' , V? -.1 cr.rft t r ji.c- crt ' je. Sia .11 .lie ot < r;o. ir-r Li::;a I-"rW t,' i I <? J\rv *- r r?-. ; ir. i . . >onrr*?Powdcr?w II. i n im ivmtllooCsorou | J'rt:'?'S ?*. v.- :i .Vili {.raVl'IA ' IU 1 ' J: i'j 'j' ili '. 11 VrsT?lll Jr. r" .r t _ rj nr.i;tyof jtUV f v '.. "a t.. i.a . J '.i '.c'ii,; -i . .. u ; uliuWrfala JV.ll .-"i ?"!T"ii tn: r" T ftBl IMt SVSST '. !.\ . i: t.i ' ' !( . . ! . ! i. ] inz'n iWBict wiuam Bitioaoisos. I V1<1 every* izcre. vsn2&VCCTZ, Proprietor, ? ?Xa*IKOBJB.Zl * tiiiisiii Iii th.' 'i.'.-.t gciilnl Imlxnm rrer cued !>y .nflVn-v I'riiiii |Mili?K.n.iv} iiinonsrit. ? <?III'?<? 11 ' ' III !? r.nlllct t. T. .licll ; ! 171 HVCClii<i HVH oil the 1lir?:a? and ; luncdetaches froi i t ?? air cells ati |p? r.:?.i!iii? njiillit to by expecio- j rat il. anil .t one chocks tltci iniiammution i.'iiich )?iivlueo-. :U" eoiiRh. A single | it11"TM iii.'si .Usli-.'sslijij |>:tr.iz:ys?ii, , -cioi it ? ? :i?T????.- - ...... - ...... . ... fi-ror lo ft: |?y f ron: at lit;--it. ItoiiiK n pleasant < <?r.H:>i. it t tin- well. <lonii'.ut! Is special!/ rccejnincmlid lor < i.ihhti:. What others say about Tail's Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty Years, r?M.Tivonr, Ftirnnrv 3.1S7?. ! * I have h:ul Asthma liiirly years, ami never lound [ a tedicinc t!iat had such a luiivv < fl- ct." VJ. F. HOGAH, Charles Si. A Child's Idea of Merit. Nr.wr Oitl.rANs, A'ovemltr 11, 1 >-/ *. "Tnl!'. Expectorant is :i l:imi! r name in my hror e. I My wile t..inks it the best 111c tirine in the world, ' and the children s:> v I; is 1 h rr molasses, candy.*" NOAH WOOD WARD, 101 N. Poydres St. ' Six, and all Croupy." " I am! lie mother of fix < hildn n ; all of I hem have been croupy. Without Toll's Expectorant, I don't | think they cor.! I have survived some ul the attacks. I It is a mother's 1" MAR / STCVC.N3, Trankfsrt, Ky. A Doctor's Advice. ' In mv practice, I advise all families to keep Tut 1 Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, lor coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc." T. P. ELU3, M.D., Newark, N. J. Sold by nil drmjgisis. Price $1.0ft. O/Jics ilS Jflurray Street, AVic Yuri.-. !^E TREE 13 KriG.V^TSJ:T.' " Tutt'sTills are tvrrlh their wrj^ht in ornld." REV. I. R. S'WPSON, LauUville, Ky. | " Tntt"> VilN nr<* ? ^.^ml 1 U :<-'nr r f the rir. - , tec nil century."? REV. F. R. OSGOOD, Ne//Yor':. i "I have used TtittCl*.i:> rrrtirpcr of the live r. Yhey ::ro super: -r to nny i.'.cdicii.. lor l>:li..rv cli>- , i. It rs ? . er made." I. P. CARS, Ailormryai Lew, Augusts. Ga. " I l-.tve used Tutl's i'lll's t've y an in riy family. Tli f areaneqnaledforcottivena ?n id biliousness.1* F. fl. WILSON, Gc-ry.tcwn, Texas. ' I l.avc ' ITuttV Mr .v. |rrc:it hcFcfit." I'.'. V/. V.ANN, _ Editor t..otilo Rcglilcr. '.?*. r.'l f'v Vo-' !**i. :i * Pi ' * to fv? of all ?SAVRE&COjjCarlertviUei c?. It's I'ills 1: vc . . t > Le tr I t ? t: their turrits. Thtt trnrk ULe (Un; ' V.'. li. E..NRM. A fi3 Summer Ci.. Co.ioi. .. p""",. * ar i n > n? ins mwi II inicd . > lac cure ,.f ! lious ?!irncd rsaslVttt'i Pillh" JOS. tr.JMV.ul, Richmond, Virginia. AND A Tn^'^fAND MORE. LjIZ hy <lr::yji. !s. S3 <\ >?.'? a '-nr. Otfce S3 A'?n.;y f-trrct, Xcr.i lurk, |M iilRDYEB 1.. T2;?. " ' ITttmm 8Uf i 7 . -.?ri.v ;.v<?. .1 zg&HBsaamBam TIIE POPULAR HOUSE or VV, i:l e. lisj-slilS. In ad !i.ion to my m' aik of WINES. LIQUORS. TOBACCO,', I have milled a SUPPLY; of ] Family aM Fa^y Groceries!. | i lincon, Fiuur, Su^ar.' and all the j i lending a. title ; Kei.i in a i c 11 S<"5 Ef*t -dllSH in POC rj', j J I Will be on hand and for ' a'.e at hcttoni I flfcttri S. JGrjy*lLTure von p.:rch.r-o elsewhere ;pve i me a call at lite old I. t W. H. ELLIS- . BACK ASAIK I: I I 11A VII the plen.-nre of : nr.oitminj: t o my , friends ami patrons t at I have removed to j MY OLV13 i' where with far freer:!' . faoilitics and conve-: ' ni? nccs th-.n I li.vl telle the tire, 1 am " |irc'i'ired to ioiidttct a F1KST CLASS itAKEHY I ii every reaped, an 1 li patronage* of the < P inlilie i cordially eoii ilc.l. ' j', &r<tars fi.fyr ak?ls! rany scii; lion j>?omptly and satisfnclo- i V liili t ! y ? I t!- nt ' : a* ; . x: o&1'jl zs i.* c n ci U hvays on l,nn?l. ool 2>!tf WHS. II- CROSBY. i-lni*. | s.itV i:\io:;? (;!.* . >. i v ;!. ?? u ci.' PI/ ^\ill }?< -??! 1 ; i si \?-i \* jir.m1. log lGtf. JJAUM 1JI10S. I 12,000l;Wiuraif.iMi IWiihlU's r> r sale Ion In* | oct'JIif .BAl'M DUOS. J THE OLD CODER LITE W. C. GEE ALB Wonl'l invite the nlteniion of the public ' O his Immense Stock FOR THE Fall and Winter Trade, j Consisting in part of I>ry (loiiK Notions. ]> nts. Sin i s lints, Clothing, , Gents" I'iirn:sli:ng Coals, 1"; tirv Articles, Croeeri'S. I'rovl.o'oss. lJai'-n. Litni, (Cracker?, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Canned Coal-, Salt, Pepper, .Segars, Tolmec Ac. which he Ins jn-l icsmod.'fand^wliich is larger and far superior to any previous slock lie lias ever exhibited. 1 would ask a careful eamino I ion of my slock before purchasing, as I am confident tlint 1 can save money to nil who need goods. Highest casii prices j aid for corrox and all kinds of CoHlllPJ PPfidlK'f.. My stock of Bagging and Tien is extensive. cp. 1!'. Fall and Winter Stock AT James Jones, 1 have tUr pleasure of announcing to inv numerous parous that i have list I?( (imu ti from Hut Noitiicrn Markets where I purchased n licavv stock of FALL m WINTER GOODS, which I i roposc to sell at prices corresponding with the low price of cotton. My stock of HARDWARE I' Ik' ex^ellail in nnrk'-r. and v.< ! made in y i nri'hnses mi I hi -i line, under t!i< must favorable circiuustaiici s, 1 can sill to sell tlie sane at the Very Lowest Prices. COTTON. I am always in tin- mark"!, an-! jiivc tin highest market prices in v:i>!i. The patronage of t ??? public ; < solicited. Polite ami attentive cUiks en hand to serve customers. t>ri?r.??if .] \mes W. GLYBUBN, (jJenoral lasnriiiu c AgeiM. r.ejirescn' : GaMca lara? 1'nii 11 Ma: iae ami fire im;.' me i u? 'iVxi'S Hanking ;iiiii !nsnr..i:e Co.. tIi;*urntn?'e Co.. (>{ (.iflVi'Kion, Ti =. ( 'ash Capital .: *:< ?.(? > (j(i .S'urplut 1' ',7M 97 T.'i ii S;v..7SI H7 CAPITAL ASSETS, ?7.">.".7S1 !iT. Italia fi? ferae I'djaaj, ('olntiil'tts, (la. OIKIANlZKi) IX 1 aipitnl ^'!Ol k , . . C ' i I,HI', ) (.1) fatal A^els ..... * J1,4'Jit *J_' (.-13011' ra^iai^ nuai. i IS7S. Xew York, SS7.S. j Am i 1st- time approaches f. i- the renewal if tuihscriptiotis, TflK SI N v*.?nM retain.! is tin-tola ami tu-ll-wishers everywhere,; hat it is :it tin :. cainliiinu- for their cnitsiil rniion and support. Upon its record for lie past ic-n years it relies for contitiuinco of the la-arty sympathy an.I irem reus ' o-opcration which have J.ith-it-> hcon ?-x?-ii<le.l to it from every .juarter of the Aiion, The DAII.Y .MX is a four j a;:o sheet of IS columns price hy mail, p.-.-r paiil. " cuts a montli, or p. i yen) . The Sunday edition < ! the SI N' is an ij;ht pap'.- s!i.-el of fa; c-olttn o-.. Whilcgivn^ the news of the .lay it also contain-a nrce anioutit of literarv a-. I mi-r.|l:iii.-..iis :i?iIer, specialty pn-paud for ;(. The :l'NI>.\ V SI X lim met w it great success, 'ostpaid, ;?1. 'J(? a 3 oa > . T53B: W2:s:sis.v .\r:v. WI:o not know tin- V.'I'I'K!,V Sl'N'.' t circ ilntcm throughout tlx United Stairs, he (''innila4. and beyond. Ninety thousand imiiiies greet its welcome |>.i-? weekly, ti<l r<" ai l it in tlie light <?!' ^a'.de. councilor and I ric'id. lis lire. . and literary departments tank" it ssrnlially a journal for the family and tiur ' reside. Terms: One ddl-ir a year, post aid. This price, ijua'.iiy cotisidcied, inkes ii the rl:en| est ln ? -paper published or chili* of t(ii, wiili .7;( rnsli, we will ml an extra copy I'co Atlilrr:-** ? iti;usii;:u okTin: rx. iiov.7 Xov; VoikkMiu. , Just Received, . LlilCi: AND Wi:M,;>i:i.K('VKD r stock or YIXKS A3i!l | Which we guarantee juno. A l-o, ROCERiES, TOBACCO and CIGARS,' (.'heap for Cash, l?v JOHNSTON & OLADNKV. 1 Oct. 2?ff.j ! 1 -a t . \ DRUGS & MEDICINES. I beg leave to announce thai I am now receiving a [MEW STOCK OF DRl'GP. .vkdicinks. FAINTS, OILS, DKRKUMIIRY, BRUSHES, .J'ATKNT MEDICINES. FANCY GOODS, kc., kv. which I propose to sell at prices to suit tlie tin!'.-.". My stock embraces everything UMr.lly found in n FIRST CLASS 2)1(1*0 STORK.; Cigars and Tobaccos.; A large supply of the most popular hrnnds j j Dur! am Smoking Tabaoeo, am! I lie cekbra; te<! Gravely Chewing Tobacco, the best in ! Gunpowder Tea! I beg to call the attention of families' ; io uus aiiine. which i giiniaiuccio uc iiic ; j Lot in market, and cannot fai! lo [ lease. T< JI F.MT SOAI'S in great variety and ai ail prices. CHOICEST PKRHJMKIlIF.S and Toilci i Powdeis, in great varieiv. i ?' | Sl'U'KS. MISTAKB, PEPPER, BAK ; iPowder and Condensed .Milk always on j | itlilid. A LAi'.GE STOCK OF LAMPS, LAMP Pixilires, Kcicteuc Oil, &c., constantly on lmnd. PAINTS, OILS, AND WTM>g\V GLASS. I would call the special attention ot painters and others warning White Lead to my &oi2il3cru Whikkle?d, which i* guaranteed strictly pure and can not faii to give Mat is t net ion. C.J BUHLAP. BE, 2IMP IiLCS TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS large and carefully lekcted stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES! :o: 1 My st ck is made up o! the best and purest, consisting in part, of fMiigs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, I've St nils. Class, Putty, Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery. I I'ancy Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery,|s, Burners, Patent Medicines j Tnt.-rcs. Ilooks, l'aj cr. Envelopes, rnncy Candies. L1' .. Pl.y icit.ns j 11 scripti<'tis accurali 3y C'liiipiutti-le !, and solicited front all parts ol , the country. octlKtf r'EED AND SALE ST/BLES. i.v ry convenience oil me ?-poi. Always put up fit A iiM^'l llOXd'S r O J J M 01 >1 () M S STA BLISS vii Ii.'Kiill) Si reel. pump well ou | premise-. Animals well fed and properly ' our til lor by accomplished hosilers. chicks vi:ii i\mom;uati<> ; lim-HCs atrl initios always . ii linrnl a:ul , for sale cheap.'i forget ilie place. | j. a. a UMSTltOXCi. ! )f' Earth" iml< liit-ii t.? me arc request 1 !o lie j rompl in ntakimi se'iieniont. Col Ice lie," ii.iim I " made or I bo compelled . lo ado; t sevi re mci-iires. CHEISTMAS f j Our usually large and varied stock of I Christmas Goods, Embracing every variety of HlKM'Il CAMJIJftS l'ANCV CANDIES, PLAIN CANDIES, UPriiltCJ ?,2.1.c3L Nuts, OF ALL KINDS, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Ilni?in?, Fifjs. j Jellies, Preserves, Spices, Ounces, FJiivor-1 iii;r list tads, Dtssicaicd t.'oconnut, &e., ?c. 1 o ? j Family and Fancy Groceries, JJIM i; 51 FAT. Pig Hams, Pigs' Feet. $c.j I Ho !>oojt constantly oil hand n choice Uock id' rOBACCO AND CIGARS, < An.! continue In roll <j riio Beet Ciftar for the Least Money. rirnverks mtd T?js! In greater variety thnn ever. . \Y o ' a call from our former 11*011a n l the | uMie generally, ami guarantee ooils at the lowest prices passible. KIEKLEY & SSIITKtlecl! t f Oliceac. i/i/h imXlii) I'llEliSE for sale l?y DAL'M BU09. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, 1 Just Received by E1SS1BS' & BOTSat, AT Prices to Suit the Times, j We have just opened a compete assortraent of NEW GOODS, such as we usually , keep, consisting of ^ DRY GOODS, I IiOOTS AND SHOKS, READY MADE CLOTHING, I HARDWARE, WOODWAKE, I 0 HOCKKitY, &t\, Together with full linos cf ' . Choice Family and Plantation Groceries, all of which have been carefully selected, and purchased upon the most fftj0ruUe terms, and at the LOWEST PRICES, \ Give us a call and examine our goods and pricey before n aking your purcli; s i\ elsewhere. " LARGE STOCK OF BAGGING AND TIES HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR COTTON. KENNEDY & BOY KIN. | $100,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOliD J At Astonishing: Low Prices: CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddles, Harness, Groceries, Hashing, Ties. We Still Pay Above Market Price for Cotton. BAUM BROS. ^ REMEMBER! VOL' CAN Buy <l?e 3iest and Olieapest BOOTS AKD SHOES, BOOTS Wli SHOES, BOOTS A\IS SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, HATS AND CLOTHING. s^j HATS AND CLOTHING, ^ I Gf cuts.5 1? 11i*iiis?l iiiis>' GoocL% breiil^' J^uvnisliingj Goods, Qents,' I^iieiiteliing; Goods, t / AT * W. L. ABTHUB'3 W. Jj. ARTHUR'S W. L. .AJEWTHTJKfS