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KKI a\>\ EM INEM KMS. J. II. Whiskies nn?.l Family Groceries. J. W. DeI'ass?Bcnl Estate Agency. W. L. Aktiich?Mules, Wagons and Stock for sale. S. Bags, oltl metals etc., Susan M. Lang?Snlc'ifBcil Estate. lu< jiDAL ITEMS. KK1.1WOUS.? I'ivine services were lie!'] at all the churches on Sunday. Mrs. Mary il. lJoykin, relict of the j late L. L. Hoy kin of litis Gounty, died suddenly at her residence a few utiles | south of Camden, on the 24th ultimo. ; < Dwelling IDuscs. Stores, Oflicrs , _ or Farms, for sale or re::t. Apply to , I'ePass, Real Estate Agent. , ?.<vear Off.?To-day is the date Homily appointed by o;?I topcis to r t. swear ofT' fur a year. The number oI 1 / days iu that year usually ranges ali the 1 / way from one to thirty. I Heat.tii of Camden.?Mortality re- , port f.>r December :?1 white, adult; 2 .j colored-?1 adult and 1 child. Fur the ^ year ending December Sis', white*, 21; colored, 30. Window Shades and Fixtures at ( II. I3aruch's.?Avt J A Pirv*.?'Twcs a pity that these panics, who made such a desperate ef- ] lbrt to get up a row in rear of our of- 1 fiec yesterday, did not fufni-h material t for a first-class local. t " rs vA..?? ?v. 1 Tan 1ari?.?jir. n. v.. ? VUMf, V?. | pccts soon to open a first cln-s tan yrrd in Camden. lie will tlun pay llie 1 highest prices for all kinds of hides, tan b:uk, &c. c Christmas ?The holidays wore ' spent nuictly ami pleasantly by the t pool people of Camden. But few s fights occurred cn the streets, and the v police di 1 cot find it necessary to pnt i many jcrsotis in the lock-up. c Dead.? Boil Carlos, a respectable colored man died at his hourc in Kirkwo >d, Friday night. 1 New Styles of Ladies Cloaks can | be found at II. Burucb's.?Ave I, A Treat.?That clovir patron o! the Journal, Mr. J. I>. V/alling, has ? presiiKcd us with speciuj' ns of his , ruta-ba^aF. They are remarkably fine, j t.ic Q;ll(rnr tho best and cheapest;c 1 li r< Sewing Machine in :!it n?ark<t. Call ^ rtt!i" stor<j of Jauios J-iui-s and exam- 1 ioe them. S. M. Mathis, agent. " h Sm\ll Oiiai.v.?It is gratifying to observe that planters generally have prepared fi-r the lard times of next { 1 year by planting largely of ratal! grain ' r of every description. On all hands broad fields arrayed in li;ing green I. greet the eye. I Kememberki).?Our good IrienJ, jc Mrs."II. Crosby, did not f-rget us on f Christinas morning. She made ns and c ours g'ad by presenting us w'th a most beautiful and delicious fruit cake, fur <_ which .she has our warmest thanks. t The Singer Family S-.wi' u' Machine v is very lit:lit running, and will do a!I \ y kinds of work. S. M. Matuss. ageut. v Strawberry U loom 3.?Miss Alice 1 Walling lias shown us some strawberry blooms, which havo opened upon 1 plants in her garden, without any ' covering or protection. It would be a ^ rare thing in this? parts s' oulj those ^ flowers mature into ripe strawberries. " .! Procure otic of those beautiful sets ^ of Fursor Fur Capes at II. Buruch's. ( After Them.?The authorities arc dttcru.ined to collect tho poil tax, the ^ uonjavmont of which s under law an | indictable offence Israel McOirt.colored,' iv is now serving a term in fbe County jail f? r failing to pay poll tax. Oil eis would do well to take warning. Nr.KM.KS atid ail kinds of Attack- < mcnts for the Singar S- wing Machine. 1 for sale by Mr. S. M. Mai it is, agent. f at the store-of James Junes. At Work.?Christmas has come and . j 1 gone, and everybody about Camden Reims to have settled down to worl ( again. 'J l ough the times will be un- , usually hard during the 3 ar, the pro- , vailing opinion is that nil v.! j keep con , slantly up and doing will he richly rc. , warded when the harvest time comes. FfiF.siiET.?Waterce lliur has again overflowed its Links and all the I <w lands are now under water. It is not probable that mil' it damage wili i result fiom it, as n arly cveiything along the river was destroyed by the freshet in November. Heal Estate.?Parties in search of' vaiuab'e resideures. <ii!icr to rent or to luy, would do well to call on J. \V. Dcl'ass, ileal Estate Agent. Carpet*! Carpets! Hugs! Rtigs, at II. Baruch's.?Avt Think?W hen you turn the new leaf in )our till* book t j Jay, think if, during the year just dead, you have by your acti(R.s contribuUd t?? make the world brighter or happier 'm any one. And if the retrospect does not prove satisfactory, form a resolution to do better in the future; but do not add another slab to the paveu.cnt to perdition ere li e idts of Fibruury shall have couio. Corsets are sold remarkably cheap at II. liaruch's.?Avt KncovraG'NG ?The many kind words which coma to us from ali pt-| ! tior.s of the county .arc duly appreciated i ?nd encourage us to put forth greater i .'fforts to make the Journal a welcome risitor wherever it gors. Though the arc hard, we will do our best for hose whom we serve. St. John's Day.?The usual pleasant euuion of Kershaw Lodge No. 29 A., * M . ?1_ -1 ? ?p ?i,? r i?i. irok juace uii uik ih^ih v<? ?.? ? ?7th, that being St. John's Day. The bllowiug officers were installed : J. D. Kennedy \Y. M ; S. 11. Adam?. S W : !. Me Smyrl. J. W.j .J. I. Villcpigue Treasurer, J. 1'. Doswcll Secretary, 1!. 3. Carrison S. D.; W. W. Love J. D.; fos Goodale, Tiler. Call for the 50 cent 2 button Kid 'loves, in all desirable shade?, at I Daruch's.?Avt Tun Sumter Union intt with the faptbt Church in Can.den en Friday a-t, pursuant to appointment. Owing o the extreme inclemency of the weath r the meeting was a small one, hut the isual business of the ho ly w..s trjnsr ictcd, and the meeting was \ very deasant one. WnnttE are They ??Do the prcsilen's oi' th?' various Democratic c'ubs u the county know where their lis"? o! uctnbcrs arc ? If they do not, they houhl Cud nut at once, and have thorn there they n ay he found at any time, 'retetve the orgauizati mi <.f the clubs. , nd mucli labor will bo saved in the ? ampaign next summer. i See advertisement of J. W. Dcl'ats, teal Estate Agent. Earths having i louses', Stores. Offices, or ether Ilealp Csta'e to sell or rout, w< uM Cud a mar- j ct for same by calling on bint. j A Mistake.?In the County Coui- j, nissioti'ts' rojort, whh li appe ared in ' he Journal of the ISth instant, Maj ! j. \V li. lilair is reported jts hating revived fifty dollars for s nicrsns Jury Commissioner. It should lave l-cen bitty dollats. The 0lei Ic of t' e Hoard undo the mistake vti ile copying from . lis books. Be sure to get your Clothing and Iatsat the popular store of II. GaueVs.?Avt Oakland JIiflk GI.UB.?A mce*. : aj* of members of il.e old Oakland K-ijiocratie Club was held . t .Ma-.-hall's 1 hurth ? n Thursday, the l-llli ultimo, i i?r the purpose of < rj.a:iizing a rillc 1 lub. (' ?pt. I). T. M< Coy ?08 called to lie ha r, and Mr. I!. K. Dull>sc n quested o act as Seeictnry. I'r. I>. L. DcSa assure bt io? present ras coiled upon to ad d i os the elub, rhieh he proceeded to !<? in a style rhieh alnays charms. After which li#* following officers were elected t II. K. DuUose, Capt in ; II. T. >Jc/.?y. 1st Lieu?; ?J. E. lVircc. lid Lieut; i. !. lingers. 1-t Ser^t ; .1. K. Ah inner, 2d Ser^t ; J. M. Potter, 2d in ret > 1). Gardner, 4tl? Scifjt : II. T. Tur.< ? ".1, W iirt It F l'aie. l.?t Corpora': F. Hampshire, - -! Corporal, J. M. i dcCov, II I C<?rpcral; W. King, Itii! 'orporul. A full line of Handkerchiefs and losiery to be bad at 11. Barucb s. Lancaster.? It was uur privilege to isit Lancaster Courthouse last week, iii"J we were {.based t<? observe the evilence* of improvement that e vi.?il<!e. | lot i:i the village alone, 1 u? along tin ntirc route. Planters seem to be antt ipating the pressure <?f tlie coming u turner, by putting in Krgor quantities d" small jrrain than usua', wbieli is tiis overed in the folds of wheat, oats and ye along the r ad. In lb village* in ?-1 iy new r sideucts aud storea h ive bu t; j milt since We* we re tin ra in 1875, which j pr< Ve.s that siimehnjy up there has been | making in ?nev. Whil: in Lancaster ivc met a number of IViei ds.'al! ot whom i ccuied hoped ol, and ddcrmimd that! the Ib' sha'l bo save d. Luic.asLer is a great county, : nd her people : arc auiotig the most patriotic and thrifty in tie State. All that they need In .sides I>e:nncraiic governti cut, to make i hem pet feetlv happy is re rai.road to Caiii'b ti. And then tint surplus eiop ol cotton ol which Carter, < 1" the I.nfi/rr,! spoke so boastfully at the i'lvss As?o- | ciuti m, will not be- put njj :i the market before late in the spting. We In pc we will soon have an opportunity of again visiting Lancaster. ' ? Undershirts! Undc-rshirts! (.ionuine Bargains at II. Bat itch's.?Avt, i I Uainfai.l for 1877.?We arc in- j dubfed Id Mr. lV?in Macrae fur the, j following statement cf He rainfall fui the past year: I Jiitin tlays. Inch. Ji'tiii. ('"// * hfh. ! j January. !> 2 S3 June, 7 3 20 | | Kebuary, 4 2 34 J a!y, t? 4 117 ' j March, 7 4 U5 August, (? 1 20 I April, 8 4 S3 September, 10 0 70 j May, 3 132 October, 4 3 32j Novtinl 4 137 December, S 4 HO j rIoial rain fall fur ?lie year 43 77. Low for Cash ?At sales of stock under mortgages, which are frequently held in Cauiden, good horses and mules j may he bought at prices ranging from thirty to fifty dollars, cash. Indiscriminate SiiooriNfl.?Can- \ not something he done to s'op the firing j of guns and pistols within the limits of j the town ? There is a town !atv against j it now, but no one seems to have the [ least regard for it. On DeKalb street I,< on Friday night last, some poison fired ! off a pistol five titms. Such wild | shooting is dangerous, and the ordinance rguinst it ought tj be rigidly , enforced, and the offenders severely . punished. ( Rowdies.?There are in this town i about twenty young colored raeu, strong ' and able-bodied, and who appear to live well; but how they obtain their living j is a mystery, for their oily occupation ' appears to Ic to make bo'.h day and 1 night hideous with their drunken rows 1 and obscene behavior. We do not ' write this article to call the attention , of the authorities to these characters, , because under the present law they can f uily be arrested onu imprisoned for ' twenty-four hours; and there is no one ( i>f them who is not familiar with the j inside of I lie guard house. In fact, j they give the jo'icc more ticubic than r the balance of our population ; and last night two if thiui w*Mc arriSifd for t creating a disturbance in front tf the store of M<ssrs block ?fc Smith. What t *c want is the enf rccuieut of the va- ' srrant law and a chain gang, so that ^ just such ciitractfrs can he put to work, itid made to pay for the trouble they ( are to the town. ,J ______ 1 Shawls! Shawls! at greatly rc- ' . t lucod prices at II. Darnell's Dry t Goods Emporium.?Avt j c Peusonal.?Th* many ftiends of a Cant. James M. Davis, who has been ' I confined to his home for the last two ' c we?ks by severe i-i(kne<s, will be glad 'u hear that bis condition is much i:u . proved, and that he hopes soon to beat a his office again. :l Ucv. Tin mas P. Hay, <f the Thcolc- j uieal Seminary at Columbia, has been j 1* "I ' - - ! -1*1 ) p< tilling i nri>im:ts in \ auiuen. , Mr. 1'. II. Kills, oi' Kertucky, but familiar to Kershaw and furrjundinj: 1 Jmntii'8 as a popular dealer in stock for the past thirty years, is in town. We arc to see him here, and looking so hale and hearty. , Mr. Max 1>. A rust cm, P.r the pa?t j three years a popular young salesman in 1 the dry pood- house of !l. Karueh, left 1 last week for Kansas City, Missouri 1 __ ' ( The fotton Marhet. Owing to the Christina- holidays, ecu- j pled, we suj |' ?e, '.villi the fact that the | suj | ly of cwt I on i- alien: exln. listed in I hi- ! market, we can r> port sales of only 10! Sales for the week". The pries range at t Hon. '.it to 10 cents for middlings. < The Shtlo Supremo Court. i An Fiijj?:?rliint mi?I Interesting ( Decision l?y the S'nll Iteneh. I An iinprisonii.cnt under a judgment cannot Le unlawful unless the julg- t wont l>e ati absolute nullity, nod it is ( not a nullity if the Court has general i jnrisdieti" n of the subject, although it | should be erroneous. When voidable, j the remedy by ajj cal, and not by , futb'us co> I 1IIE OPINION. < Su;,r< mc Court?November i'erui, 1^77 ' Px pare Andrew Bond. Oj'iniori: < Ha-kcH, A J. < The prisoner was trii?.1 at Columbia, i PiilI term. 1875, and convicted of us* j i sail it wit It intent to kill. The prrsid- ' iitf;Jud;;e thereupon sentenced liiui to I confinement in the State Penitentiary, ' at hard lib -r. for bur years, and the ? p< t it inner. under a writ of habeas corpus. } now seeks a discharge upon the "round that tlsc punishment imposed by the i M'trcnce is not nuihom.d by law. in ' the case of the State vs. I lord, for ' as-auit with intent to kill, it has rccentlv i been decided, on appeal, (opinion by i Moses, ('. ,1.) that the oUcnee is not | punishable by confinement in the State 1 Penitentiary. such error of law, : in the judgment by r rluo <>f whieb | this prisoner is detailed, render the J: judgment of the Court void? Says i Chief J list ice Marshall: An imprison- j t moot under a judgment ea inot boon-! luwful unle-s that judgment an ah. j solute nullity, and it i? not a nullity il: the court fas general juried etioa of the | subject, although it should he rmne-ji 11u*." Px parte Walking " Peters, L'0.'{ j A jteJcue'iit tnav lie voidable and yet not vi id. When voidable the remedy * is by appeal?the only way of iwicw-1 in" a jndoineiit order in a civil or erim- J in;:i aeti ui. Ilrv. Slat p. 5; I, Sec. b ?! j When void, and it alb ctt the liberty j of a | erson, relief bv habeas corpus may \ bo Irid. ( poo that (iistiiniion all the; eases iv.-.t; and allliou^ii the dirtincTion may roinetiiin s be finely drawn and j judges tuny dilTcr as t? the character ol, the partieular process under which a, prisoner is detained, they all corwur in 1 the principled above slated. if the I Court general jurisdiction of tho subject an eiroiicous judgment is voidable. If Ih?- Court Iuih no! such jurisdie ion. its judgn ent iJ void. ' Where i a c?rt <?f record has jurisdiction of the Mihj-c! mu11' r Hi.d tl?n party, its judg-j though ciroit 'ous. oust stand uu-j ii P'fiindid hy the proper tribunal, * * * * i-M oid- r must avail until rovotsod in the mode provided by law. which tinder our practice is by appeal." j In re. tStoSkis, \ Kitb , N. S. S (J. H' pa.. p. 71; ex parte Wat kins, !> Peters -ht>; Elliott vs. JVesc-itt. 1 Peters,' In Brennn and Galen's ease it was submitted that the ioprisori'.iiciit was by: virtue of a sentence contrary to law. J.oru Penman. C. J., said: "We think, ! however, that tlic court having compo-! tent jurisdiction to try and punish an ! I offence, and the sentence being unre-11 versed, wo cannot assume 'bat it is invalid or not warranted by law, or require the authority of the court to pass ' the sentence to be set out by the gaoler upon the return. We arc hound to ns- ;' sutnc prima laeie that the unreversed j * sentence of a court of competent juris- i, Jiction is corrcci; otherwise we should, in ?fleet. be constituting ourselves a : court, of appeal without power to re-: verse the judgment." 00 E. C. L., p. 1 402. ! r In IJi'theU's case, ''It was held j>er tir, that that the commitment was I 4 - 1* I it tt-QC nnl fill* inu^Mii; if, uutnusc iv ??w ?..v ^ sheriff who is the legal and immediate officer to every court of oyer ami (rrtni- ;? iri; 2d, because the word couimittitur v s necessary to form .a legal commitment I'lien the question was whether lie could i t>e discharged," and it was said, '-Where i i commitment was without a cause, a I . prisoner may be delivered by habeas, ' rorpus but where there appears to be a rood cause and a d feet only in tin1- form I >f the commitment, as in this case, ho , a lught not to be discharged." And as, j o the other matter they said, "that, hough the commitment ought in strict- j less ought to be to the sheriff, yet a aiicr is a known officer in law, and his ; ,-ustcdy N the custody of the sheriff to ! c cany purposes; therefore It t him bring c is writ o'' mror, for we will not d:srhnrge him on the habeas corpus." 1 1 \.lk<]J, 348. The petitioner ims that his son-1 cnce should have been eoiiOncir.cnt in 1 he county jail and not in the periiten- f "" : 1: inrv. i n?j Hiuie rca?'jumjj ;iji|i.iva .io in m [icthncH's case. The cases Hex. vs. Ellis, 5 Bam and ><s.. 395. nud Hex. vs. lh.arnc, 7 Ad. 1 ind Ellis, 53, wrr: carried up by a writ d error, and are pot applicable. The , illier cases relied on wore decided, and j he prisoner discharged, either upon the t ground that the court had n>t originally 1 urisliction of (he case, or as in the * use ox parte Latino, IS Wallace, 1G3, | " ind the Tweed case, or as in the case, o 50 X. Y., p 539, where the sentence o tad been passed and executed, and the A 1'iurt passed a second sentence under 1 he s:miic verdict; on (he ground that! the power of the court was exhausted.'' . ind that its second sentence was null ind void. It i?- unnecessary to collider the care of i)e Hay, 3 Bich. B. C. tops., p. 5l!4, as the principle up<>ri < vhieh this decision rests is uot conc.'u-'c led by that ease. j The motion to discharge the prisoner . s refused. ,1 Wiiliard, ('. J., and Mclver, A. J. 'on cur. 1 tillzinir Convict Labor. 'J he Special (lonuiiittce of ttie Lecis- i l iil criiHi.r fn imillirp c utuio aj/in .. ... .w nto tlie disposition made of convict la- c ). r in the other States have suhmuiit1<-(J their report through their cliaii tuau. ho lion. II. A. Shaw. They found rrrat diversity of plans and opinions in lifferent States, and recommend the ] idoption of the management prevailing n Georgia, the State wl ich. io climate, vipulation and necessities, is most like South Carolina. In Georgia t'nc companies hiring cornets pay the State ?il n yar for each onvief, and bear the whole expense of j, uards, &c. HltVt n hundred convicts a ire now employed on sueli terms, on f arms, railroad'', and in coal initus Ti e '' ontracts regulate the number of hours v lie convicts may he ri'tpjiied to work, ? ind provide fer their ci tnf rt. protec-(1 ion and safe-keeping. The State fur- ; n rislies one general super nt? iidetit, one ' alr.sician and one chaplain, whose duty it is to look after various wants There j, s not a single convict within the walls j \ >f the Georgia penitentiary. The eon- I ractors take all classes of convicts, in- ' luding tlii' vicious anil iiivaiius. j.x luvernor llmwn was one of I he first v ontractors for this labor. His first r ;<>ntract expires in April, 1871b He,1'I >vith two other companies, have con- 1 meted with the State of (leorgia, (to " nke effect after April, 1871), ) for all J heir convicts for twenty years, enter-1? ng into a suitable bond to pay ilie ? 'tale SnOO.OUt) in annual iiistaluicnts o! ' ?2").U00. |' Those who hare had tiiufif expeiicnce j n the management of convicts aro con- i winced that in the Penitentiary they will i spoil so much material that the result .Till be, in every instance, that they will nvolve the State in a heavy annual expense." In view ol'tlie financial ctnharras.-inetils of the State, aad of tlie larj?o ippropriation for the IVnitrntiary in " preceding years, and tlio amoutit now 1 i.-ked for, the Special Committee advise that the convicts be leased for at bast ! me \'i ar, and not uioro ?ha i live years, inidi r such rules and regulations as will lie prudent and safe. N > Miialier number than twenty-five convicts should be leased to tiny one person or corporation, so that the contractors can uflord to t luruisli eonifortabl ijuariers and ?rti-l worthy guards. The (Jommitfeo arc t satisfied that advantageous contrucfs can be made with persons iiitoiestci iti the phosphate works on 'lie seaboard, but think it would be advisable to favor, as much as possible, .all individuals or companies working tiii.- labor on railroads, canals or other public works in . which the State has a gmcral interest. ; The Special t/omiiiitt- e, in their eonelusion ntol recommendations. are forti- 1 lied hy the experience of other States, and by the conviction that it is just and ncccssnry that the ublc-bedicd convicts 1 ? ???wmmmmmm m mmmm b:; mad' ti? mm at least their sujiporf., For any groat work of internal improvement, we ehutild be willing to poo the convicts hirt J out on any terms that would relieve the State from the ex-,! pense of feeding and guarding thrm, | and, if they cannot be hired out, it is bi tter that the State should employ! them on public works tiian support j them in idleness.?Xnri and Courier. ?SA1SKIK1). tin the 20th nit., at 'he resilience of the briiie's | limther (Mr. >?'. I*. Wehlon), by lhe Rev. H. N. j Wells, Mr. II. Mathis, of n&reiuloii, to Miss S. K. WeMoa, of Sui.uer. Special Notices. Bear in mind that you can always purchase goods cheaper than the' rdienpcst at the extensive Dry Goods j {Establishment of II. Barucli.?Avt ! _____ Blankets, Opera Flannel, Plarn j ind Twilled Flannels, Cloths arid j Cassiincres in large variety, very j .heap, at II. Baruch's.?Avt A full line of Black Alpacas ju3t eceived, and offered extremely low, it II. Baruch's.?Avt In the " Ladies Department " you i vill find an assortment of trimmed ; md untrimmed Ilats, Ladies Under-: vcar at II. Baruch's.?Avt A full line of Hosiery for Ladies, tfisscs and Children very cheap at 1. Baruch's.?Avt ] You can always find a beautiful issortinent of Tics, Embroideries, jacts, CufTs and Collars at II. Ba-j j uch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt! The largest ami decidedly cheap- ' st stock of Boots and Shoes that an be found in Camden, at II. Bauch's?Avt TV! .1 Cl.Jrfc !,? I .'JCII9 ?. IllilUHUI JVTU kjllll 19, u?v , >cst goous for the money to hei. >un?l i;i Cam len, at II. Israeli's. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ileal Estate Agency. i ,Having established n Real Estate Agency j | n Camden. 1 nm prepared so negotiate for . lie sale, pureli ise, rent or lease of dwell- t, ngs, offices- or farms. The patronage of , icrsons having such property to dispose 1 ; f, or wishing to purchase or rent the same, ! t s respectfully solicited. I have already a hand several desirable dwellings and dices for sale or rent. No ciiaiiuk fok nvKRTisiN'u. Ilnsincss promptly attended J, W, DcIMNS, janltf Real Ei.talc Agent. S. WOLFE lhiya and pays the highest market price or green and dry cow hides, sheep, fox, itter, mink, raccoon and rabbit skins, tlso, rags, wocl, tallow, beeswax, old iron, i irass, copper, flic. ' janltf titles, Wagons and Stock FOR SALE. i j i A fine lot of broke mules, some forty | lead of cattle and a number of wagons. I '. in be purchased to advantage by calling ' 1 arly. Apply lo janl-2t W. L. ARTHUR. j Molasses. | i ima 11ARKKI.3 New Crop New Orleans i, I WO Mollis-'s. For sale low by janltf liAlWI BROS. Sale of Real Estate, i On tlio first Monday in February next, ' ictwccn the legal Ictus of sale, will be >old t public sale, lo tlie highest bidder, in I runt of the court house of Kershaw ounty, the following named renl estate, to! lit : " 1. The plantation on the west side of! Vaterec River, known as the !?oby Place, i itunted in Kershaw county, and hounded j lorth by lands formerly the property of K. '< 1. Cunningham, cast by lauds of Culleii,' rest by lauds formerly the property of E. | I, Cunningham and 1>. Motley, and south 1 ( iy lands of Daniel and John Motley, i Vhich said land was, on the 22nd day o( Ybrunry, 137f. conveyed to Susan M.j> .ang by H. <1 Salmond, assignee in bank-, uptey of John D. Kennedy. 2. And also, at the same time ntd place, i 1 rill he sold at public sale to the highest | ' liddor an> liter iratt as follows, to wit: j 1 ['lie plantation i r tenet of land 1 nown ns 1 1 he Rock Hill Place, situated on the west!1 i?e of the U'ateree Hirer, Kershaw conn-, y, Stale of Soudi Carolina, hounded north ' iv the lands of 11 illiuni Kelly and Thomas '1 Sessions, south by lands <>t the Doby Place 1 ttid Daniel .Volley, east by lands of Cullcn, i 1 v?1 !y and c-t.itr ?f Spring, west by lands ' if lloseand the Rice Creek Spring load, i . vliieh said iand was. on toe 22nd day of J 'ebruary. 1*72, conveyed to Susan M ' j ,ang by II. C. Salmond, u :dgnce in bank-1 \ 'iijiicy nf .lolin I'. Konntily. Tonus of sale cash, jnultd SUSAN M. LANG. Notice. All persons imlohtcl to the undersigned ire roijursto<i to conic forwur I and s< ;tl ? ip by January JJ, as nil his accounts will 1 ip placed in the hun ts of h lawyer alter 1 hat date* dec25 2t I. II ALEXANDER, 1>. U.S. Jl NOTICE. With a view of a change in my business, ny hooks will be closed oil lh * 1st of Jan-. ini v, nud no goods sold on credit after that late, unless tin lor special arrangements. Those in lehled to nie arc reijuested to setlie without dclav. dee'Jj-lt IK HIT. M. KCSNEDV. . Mulberry 3>?iry. Mil/c Dilivcrol Jir./nlarfy Every MornUKJ at tkr Dour, !2 Quart Tickets $2 40 52 l'int Tickets 1 20 Milk to til! smaller orders will be at the rate of ten cents per ijiiuit. Fairs, Suppers, Ate., will be supplied at reduced rates. Duller .10 cents per pound. eptliltf S. M1LLLEU WILLIAMS, At or Hear 1'ost. j I Having on hnmT too large a slock of I LIl^UOlUS of best qualities to carry through I the <lull season, 1 nni determined to turn j it into money, ami in order to do so rapidly, have concluded to sell at tlie following very low prices by the gallon: Oid Crow Kv. Rye Whisky $4.25 Dickey Kyc 2.50 Miller's Rye 2 50 l'ridc of Ohio liyc 175 North Carolina Corn 2.50 Baltimore Corn . 1.75 Apple Brandy (the Lest) 3.75 (ringer Brandy 2.50 Blackbcrrv Brandy 2.50 Cognac Brandy 3.50 fiir. (best) 2.50 Rum (pure) 2.50 l'ort Wine 2.50 Tobacco and Cigars in variety, at low prices. Also, a line assortment of Family Groceries of the best quality. Call and sec nie, and price my goods before purchasing elsewhere. J. H, LOLLIS, at " Old Brick Corner," Broad St,, Camden, S. C. janl-lf COUTH CAROLINA KAILBOAD. The passenger frains on the South Caro. lina Railroad will run as follows : FOK COLUMBIA. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston 5.C0 a. m. 9.50 n. m. Arrive at Columbia 11.00 a. in. 8.45 a. in. FOR AUGUSTA. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston 0.00 n. m. 7.20 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 6 00 |?. m. 0.15 a. m. FOR CHARLESTON. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Columbia 5 50 p. in. 7.15 p. m. Ariive at ( harleston 12.00 p. m. 0.15 a. in. Leave Augusta 8.50 a. m. 9.50 p. m. At rive at Charleston 4.20 p. m. 8.00 a. m. " CAMDEN TRAIN. The Cntnden train will leave Catnilcn at *.00 a in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and connect at Kingavillewith the ip passenger train fur Columbia. On Tucslays, Thursdays and Saturdays it will con a ret at Ivingsvillc with down passenger | train from Columbia, aud arrive nt Camden it 9.45 p rn. Connects daily with train? from and to Charleston. S. S. SOLOMONS, ijupt. ?. 11. Pickens, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Notice to Tresspassers. 1 .1.1 j.HSU.ia OIU lil.V-J f parsing through that part of my land, known as my Woods l'asture, without my permission. Any one disregarding this -Slice will he prosecuted to the full extent if the law. They are informed that the nne adjoining tlie pasture is recognised as ilie public highway. dec234t* " WM. BRANHAM. Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims against the ' pstnte of Martha, deceased. J will present the same duly attested, and those indebted to said estate w ill make im mediate payment to mc. W. S. BELLINGER, dec25-4? Administrator. ' Notice. , State of South Carolina?Kershaw County In the Common Picas. R. J. Donaldson, as Receiver, vs. W. E. Johnson and others. i Notice is hereby given to all holders of ! the bills of the Dank of Cnmden, S. C., (not heretofore proven and established before W. 1). McDownll, receiver of said J bank, under orders ot the late Court of Equity,) that by virtue of an order of bis Honor C. P. Townsend. Circuit Judge, made In above stated case, and dated the 15th 1 lay of November, A. D. 1S77. I hey nre rc- 1 puired to establish and prove same before 11 lie undersigned at his office, in Camden, k. C , on or before the first dnv of Februapy next. W. II. U. WORKMAN. novPitillfedl Referee. c Fine Berkshire Pigs I 1 or sale by dec25tf BAUM BROS. > Mortgage Safe. jolumbtts West to Mantles and Herman Bhuui, merchants, trading under lhe firm name of Bnum Brothers. I Mortgage of Ileal and Personal Property. ? By \irtue of a clause contained in above 1 Mortgage, authorizing the saleof the mortgaged premises in ease of default of payDent ?f the consideration for which said ' Mortgage was given, I will sell in front of 1 he Court House in Camden, on the tiist ' Monday in January next, all that piece, |>nrcel or tract of land situated on the wners of Flat Bock creek, in the county of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, con- . mining one hundred acres more or less, uid hounded north by lands of Anderson 'anthru and Amos Faulkenberrv. eus* by lands of Henry West, south by lands of js Nathaniel linv mill wf.-i iiv mints oi i,. i?. * Stephenson. Also, ono two-horse wagon. ( Teriiis cash. t dec it J W. M. BILLINGS, Agent. i Mortgage Sale. j Pcarcc & Tiller lo L. 1>. Mowry & Son. I' By virtue of above named mortgage, I ' will tell in front of liie Court House, in I" Camden, on the first Monday, the 7th day j of January next, within the legal hours of' 1 sale: Three cows and calves, one yearling, one j gray bay ins re mule,one two-horse | wagon and one buggy. Terms cash, dee 1 Sid W. L. AMHUB, Agent. Estiiic Sale. j On Wednesday, the 2nd day of January, 1 1S7H, at the late residence of Henry linker, 1 deceased, near Hough's Bridge, in Kershaw County, 1 will sell so much id' the esta'e of said Henry Haker as sliall not have been set off a* a homestead, consisting of entire crop of corn, fodder, peas, horses, j cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture, plantation utensils, ,Ve. Terms cash. The plantation upon which Mr, John Snipes now resides will, at the same time] and place, he rented for the ensuing year to the highest bidder. SAMUEL WEST, declS-td Administrator. Oollee. of new Coffee fua sale low by tfO BAUJf BROS, ? I u iii? n m mi i mi aim rr."7"zm*!Tr* Books, Jewelry AND Fancy Goods! A large slock of popu'nr Srbbo! Took". Colored Picture Books, Juveniles nix! Turners, Annual Publications li>r 1877, Day Books, Ledgers and Records, Cempo?it!on and Copy Books, Tens and Inks, Cap, .Sons and Account Paper and Envelopes, Slater and Pencils. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Razors and Scissors, Spectacle?, citable for all ages; Double-barrel mis, mnrtV and breech loading, with irnpleinriils!,*!'!-tols, Cartridges, Christinas Toy.,, &c. Fancy China and Glassware. ReiaiiiiiiatGn SewiiE Mis, At gr?atly reduced priu-. J A. YOUNG, decttf J. W. McCUEEY IS OFFERING / Rare Inducements TO PARTIES WANTING DRY O-OOJDS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS HARDWARE, CROCKERY, f5rnr*nrioc An ' 1 V4I V/VSVsl IVWJ WVVI j HOT Always in the market, zjA will pay be ~?. , Highest Prices for Cotton. ? Don't fail to give me a ca'.l. J. W. MeCHIiRY. ^ declltf Sheriff's Sales. ^Jj The Estate of Martha Adams^n. | Dy virtue of an order from his honor J. ?. Sutherland, I will sell on the ;'m Manlay in January 1878 in front of the court :mi?c in Camden: One house and lot. on Market street, hounded nirth hv vacant lot >olongiug to the saute, west by market J irect, east by lot of Abram Marks, north A >y lot of Abram Marks. Terras Cash, j/k JOHN DOEV, h. k. c, U. C. Salmond, Trustee, vs. John Whitaker, Executor, and James L l.eed?Execution. By virtue of above execution. I will sell n front of the Court House in Oanideu, ou 0 lie first Monday in January. lo7S, the 10I owing tracts of land: One tract of twelve acres, immediately torth of Camden, on Beaver Creek. : iu, totinded north by lands of Mrs. Margaret iVhitakcr, deceased, east by land; of William Nettles, south and wis' y la:. Is ?f Mrs. Margaret Whitaker, deceased: cor.reyed by William A Nettles to J'.uu Whi-j iker. One tract of thirty-three acres, adjoining nine, west of Beaver Creek road, bounded torth by land of W. C. S. Ellerbe. ran' hy Paver Creek rood, south and west bvt >nu ?f Mrs. Margaret Whit alter, d? :<as.ii: coneyed by Williaut A. Netties to John Wl.itiker. One tract of fifty-seven acre*. hmi"doi. m torth by lands of W. ('. Ellcrbv, nnds of Mrs. Margaret Whiiuker. deeased, south by lauds late Juntos Dun- H ap and John Cantev, and west by lands nt 1. B. Cantey, conveyed to said J can Whit- H kcr by Jautes Bunlap. deceased. Levied upon as the property of John Miitakcrut the suit of II. C. Salmoud, decll-3t JOHN TOBY, 8. K. C. W I. B. Smith, Administrator Mary A. Smith, vs. S. J. Yates, George my and Henrietta Seny. parties in iucre-t? for to itte from Judge n the on lie first Monday in January next, at inc m I viz.: Lots 4IH the lots being situated south f the vesidcnce of i>. II. ltloJgot, on King H JOHN DOBY, I. 1). Dunlup, Receiver, vs. King Perkin*? Mortgage Ileal Estate. 15v virtuo of an order of foreclosure in "'" "'l "?"> ? inn ilirri'lsi. I will "~" jell in front of the Court Iloita? in Camden, tn the first Monday in January m-xt, n'.I hat tract of land, situated iu the county jf Kershaw, containing two hundred end wenty four (-24)acres, and ' vutstled noi.h jy lauds of Moore ami Monroe, east hy tract Xo. It) of the Chesnut lam's, sou:!, by ands of James Levy and I!. C. Salmoud, slid west by lands of Edward IVrkins. ttaid lands to be sold in parcels. Terms?One-half cash; balance in on" mil two years. JOHN' DOBV, t-. K. C. decll-td J. D. Dunlap, Receiver, vs. Latry Williams?Mortgage of real rotate By virtue of an order of foreclosure in the above stated case, to me dire 1, Twill sell iu front of the Court Hot: in Camden, on the first Monday in January next, ail ilint tract of land situated in 'K- Couuty ot Kershaw, containing two i ndred and thirty-nine acres, and bound* I north i>) lands ot estate of Mark Sikr-, cr.s? by lands of Dr. Deas, south by lands of Win. Rllerbe. ami west lands > D.. Terms-One-half cash : bnlr nee I All persons rgnlnst estate of Joseph L. Tiller, present the same duly attested, B B indebted to said estate will mcui&te B payment to me. B. M. deolS-lm Admit 1st raM\