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LOCAL ITEMS. Cm?ski?.?'1 ho po>t office will Le cbscd to-day. Music.?A string band of colored musicians from Sumter wtrc in town lust week, and discoursed most excellent music. New Styles of Ladies Cloaks can be found at II. Baruch's.?Avt Hons.?An old time drove of Kentucky hogs were in t"wn last we?k. The price asked for thcin was G cents per lb. gross. Bear in mind that you can always purchase goods cheaper than the cheapest at the extensive Dry Goods Establishment of II. Baruch.?Avt In Demand.?Firewood is always in demand duiing the wiuter, and many enterprising perscus have discovered that it is so. : i I? Procure one of those beautiful sets ( of Furs or Fur Capes at II. Baruch's. , _ i1 Religious.?Rev. G. W. Whitman j1 preached his farewell sermon at the ' Methodist Church on Sunday morning 1 " # ] lie v. J. C. Bissell preached at night. " 11 Blankets, Opera Flannel, Plain and Twilled Flannels, Cloths and ' Cassiuaeres in large variety, very : cheap, at II. Baruch's.?Avt We ire indebted to Comptroller General Ilagood fjr a copy of his an- ' nual report to the Legislature fcr the fiscal year ending October 31. 1877. j] Lively. ? the way the omnibuses, ' hacks &<* ? rattle to and fsem the depot i n i\v-a days indicates that at least some- ; b: dy in Camden is doing a lively busi- i nev. Be sure to get your Clothing and , Hats at the popular store of II. Baruch's.?Avt j, . Hon. John II. Kvins, number of;' Ciogre'S from the Fourth BUtrict, has { pi lecj us under obligation to him fur a c ?py cf the Congressional Bi cctory by t Ben. IVrh-y Poore. j 1 A full line of Black Alpacas just , received, and offered extremely low, j at II. Baruch's.?Avt Smoke?Tho lar^c sjjoLo seen in 1 tTic nortltcrn part of town on Thursday. * was caused from the burniug of tlie woods on the turpentine farm of Mr. ' Jerry MxCiair. Ir? the 4* Ladies Department " you ] will find an assortment of trimmed and untrintuied Hats, Ladies Under-; wear at It. Baruch's.?Avt < ? !' Itiivc fr.rt town mnnL'il SAVS VOU call """ t ' * shoot Grecrackers and fircwr.rks on Christinas. bat not your guns and pis-' in]'*. That is in the corporate limits ! See their notice. 1?JU)TIUCTKD MBETING.?ReV A. S SVillcfonl has recently been conducting & protracted meeting at Bculali clutrclt, ?ve miles south of Catndcr., which was!1 attended with considerable success. " ~ ; ; A full line of Hosiery for Ladies,! Misses and Children very cheap at II. Barudi'i.?Avt The weatlur lor several days past has bctu exceedingly inclement, greatly ! .to the disappointment ol many wiio expected to indulge in outdoor sports du-j ring the holidays. Shawls! Shawls! at greatly reduced prices at II. Daruch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt _ i Sentenced.?Keith S. Villcpigue, ronvictod ol' Violating tin: i nitcu r>ia;cs iutcrnal revenue laws, }>a-) bcoD senftT.ccJ to a fine of $100 and three month# in jail, or four month# in jail in case he fail# to pay his fine. Undershirts ! Undershirts ! Gen** ! uine Bargains at II. Buruch's.?Avt We acluoffhd^c an invitation to the ' celebration ofthed^d anniversary of the Jvjz li in and Pliil -WMhesiao Literary Hoei.-ties, Wake Forest Cylhgu, ,\. (/.. i which occurs on the 13th of February., Call for the 60 cent 2 button Kid Gloves, in all desirable shades, at* II Baruch's.?Avt Tiik Suuitcr In ion will meet in the' B.ipti>t C lurch at this place on Friday next, at 11 o'cloch, and continue in scs ^ sioti three days. Preaching may be cx^ pected on Sunday an 1 Sunday night, aD'l perhaps ou Friday and Saturday nights. Window Shades and Fixtures at II. Baruch's.?Avt ThaNK>.?We arc indebted to our friend, '* Occasional," tar the interesting report of the entertainment at Liberty Hill recently. Circumstances beyond our coutrol alone prevented ui froui showing our face on the occiim >o. Personal?Dr. I. II. Alexander arrived in Camden last we- k, on professional business. He returned to Coj luuibia ycstctday to spend Christmas, but will be back again on Thursday. His patients will lind him at the residence of Mr. I. 1>. Alcxnudvr, on Men ument Square. j Dr K. M Povki.n, after an absence j or several months to his plantation to Louisiana, returned home on Saturday night. Mr. Frank II. Warllaw, of Liberty Hiil. is spending the Christmas holidays among friends and relatives at Edgefield, his former home. Judge Kershaw, under commission of the Governor, occupied the seat of Associate Justice Haskell iu the Supreme Court last week in the hrariugof several eases in which the latter had been cut ployed as counsel. 11k v. G. W. Whitman, pastor of the Methodist Church at this place during the past year, goes next year to Spring itrect Church, Charleston. During his tay with us. Mr. Whitman made many Friniiife otits'ilo his ertn*_?re?ratioit hv his i "*W W ~ * juict demeanor. active teal, and deep toned piety. We believe be is pivon he credit of having built, in a large measure, the haudsomc edifice which Lite Methodists have on Lyttleton street. [11 appreciation of his services and real itr nth, aud also as expressing their feel* ng towards him, his congregation 1J1 pled resolutions requesting that he be returned to Camden for ihe ensuing year, Rut Con for., nee saw proper to tend him t > another field, whither he will carry the best wishes of all who know him. Mr. Whitman is succeeded ( ia Camden by Rev. John 0. Wi'son. Rev. A. M. CitniKrzr.erg goes next j year to Newberry, and Rev. A. J Stoki s ; is transferred troui Marion to Suruter. ( Mr J. T. Hay and family arc spending the holidays with relatives in Rich- > and County. Mr and Mrs. M. II. McLaurin, ol 1 Sumter. having recently returned from lie North, are now in C .uiden fur a Vw days. That friend of ours, Helton 0. K(n";< icily, Ksq., is taking Christmas with lis relatives in our midst. Mr. Manacs ISaum left Saturday fir Sew York. Madame Ilumour suit 1. ic will bring home with him a briJe. George G. Alexander. Ksq., of tlie Camden Journal, is Christinasing in Columbia. ('apt. Wm. Clyburn returned frum Charleston Wednesday. Sqnirn Win. Mange li-s been appointed Trial Justice for HufTJo down* hip A Mono?The fo'lowin^ lines will serve as an excellent n ott for all who irMi to ''do the rijrlit Co'irngc brother. <lo not stumble : Though thy path be dark nst night, There's n star to guide the humble ; Trust in God and do the right. I'ul.L Tax.?There is u very encournj^infr prospect that the Jail will soon he filled with those vot" r? who have neglected to pay t!icir poll tax. The Jay of their grace expired on the 20th The scheol fund won't he benefitted much, hut the county will have to pay th'. ir board for twenty days. Pocketbook Theft.?A colored u;au, name unknown, complained to the pul'ce that I.aura Magirt, colored, had stolen his pf>ck"t bck. Lmra was arrested, carried to the guard house, and searched. The picket took was found conceal d in the lack of her dress. This ai! happened on Tuesday night. Crowded.?Fifteen prisoners arc now in the county jail, nearly all of whom .are awaiting trial vt the court of Sessions. Levi McDulT, the?cfno:>'tit colored jailor, thinks the Legislature ought to pas* a law requiring prisoners to work on the highways fee. lie Fays they would then he less cxpensivo and less troublepome to the guards. Ntw Stoke? Messrs. \Y. A.Ancrum & Co. have opened a first class grocery store one d < -<?r north of C.J. I'unlapV. Their it:t- tit ton is to make a specialty of heavy groccrim and plantation supplies, then by being able to sell very low. They will further relit- their business, in an adverti ement, which will appear in these co'm?t..s next week. Too Mi'i 11 CimisT.mas.?On Thursday niitht last, S'?uie person, or perrons, made a raid on the turn-stiles leading into Monument Square. The one on the south side was broken, the one at the cro-F-road was taken off an J carried Funic di-tonco up the fince, and the one next to Mr. Alexander's wao taken tip, port and all, and piled up against his front gate. You can always find a bcautilul assortment of Ties, Embroideries, Eacis, Cuffs and Collars at II. l>a-, rucli's L?ry (Joods Emporium.?Avt The largest and decidedly cheap-1 est stock of Hoots and Allocs that can be found in Camden, at II. I'uruch'a ?Avt m County Finances Ac ? We lay be* f ire our readers this week, the memorial of the County Gotutiiissinners tithe General Assembly, concerning the condition of tlie Guancc*, roads and bridges, Ac., of Kershaw o unity. The Commissioners h ive given great care to the preparation of the memorial, and all of their suggestions are timely. Kvcry citizen should rea l it, and the Lcgisla ture should give it the most earnest consiJeiation. An oversight.?Our failure to notice the advertisement of Mr. Jacob Klias, which appeared for the lirst tiuic iu our paper :i week or two ago, was an oversight, and we wish now to make amends. So,'be it known that Jacob, wiio so distinguished himself during the late campaign as a very enthusiastic Hampton man, has been all the way to Germany Ibr a helpmeet, and is now merchandizing on his own account one door notlh of T. J. Pat Geld, Ksrj, At two o'clock, to-morrow afternoon, a fashionable wedding will take place at the Poplar street Presbyterian church ; flw> rrr-,,f,tn I'miii I'inn ltlnfT \ r. kansas, and tho biide is one of the most charming aud most accomplished young ladies of our city.?Mrtuphis Appeal, Dee. 14. The groom above referred to is Mr. AHou J. Robinson, a Camden boy, and we are sorry that we were not able to learn lie name of the bride. Allie, old boy, we congratulate you. A Large Wildcat.?Probably the largest wildcat seen in this country for many years was killed by Mr. J. A Newman in Mulberry Swamp on Tuesday. His dimensions were two feet ele- , ven inches in length and nearly two feet iu height, and he weighed niueteen and a hull'pounds. His sizo was fully that of an ordinary dog. Mr. Newman brought this trophy to towu Wednrsluy, nnd h<s was pronounced hy those familiar with wild cats to be the largest f lnwl nt'o(toon Woman.?The origin and meaning of thcwrrd "woman" having been quite ic-ontly und.-r discussion in the pages )f London Notes ani Q i:res. a Dublin man sends the following oid verse which he lately came across in his reading* ; "When Eve brought xcot to all mankind, Old Adam called her icoc man; But when she uco'il with love so kind, He then pronounced it icoo-ntan; But now with folly and with pride Their husband's pockets trimming. The ladies arc so full of tchim-i. That people call llieui whin-men. lire vi tic*. The usual Christmas cock main took place at Swift Creek Saturday. Sumter county whipped. , Dear reader, at this writing we cannot tell you whether we will get u Christmas present or not. Messrs. Kitkley & Smith display a large stock of firoworks. We presume if you do not have turkey for dinner to-day, von will always tliink you ought to. Oor tamer presents l?'s u*ua! Ghrisinns compliments to oui reader.-'. 'i lid fi?iam*c<? of tlic State will be in solid cou(iiiii>n when bar rooiu customdiink to the health of the MoffiA bell punch and the State debt. If you see a young man with a flashy | new watch chain or a brilliant sett of shirt studs, ask him if lie bought them J at tin* auction that was in progress on ! llroad street Fri lay and Saturday nights. The streets were crowded with country folks every day last week. An unusual amount of fruit has been sold bv the dealers this season. ' It was Inter s?ing to the grown pco-j pie, as well as to the children, to inspect the d'sphy of Christmas presents at the store of I>r. Young. The Methodist Conference received &G.SG1.J3 f?r missionary purposes the present yoay. The free schools are to be reopened January 1st. 11 you can buy a secondhand inoulh organ in Camden for 1 cent, how much do you reckon you oould get it for in Monroe'! Our town is dott^l hero and there with newly shingled ruols. It was a lovely sight to S"C so many l.uTnvs on the streets last week, making Christinas purchases. Our mrrchnuts say the 4 dull times" the coming year will commence about the tirst of January. We know a man in our town who is the happy possessor of an o!u blind horse and a big William goit. lie ' II <> ?<! 1 ..I?en I'lfin U'ltll t !??? I1U|?1'? lO I nil u Viit'nvirv luitii t? ivi % 11v I wo next year. A lar<;<f crow J was attracted to the auction bale of old gnus an J j>is!ols byMr. A. J. Frcitng luj-t Saturday. We know of a jurty who should be arrested lor iiaud; and wc wish he was. so that we could juild sh it. Corsets arc sold remarkably cheap , it JI. Baruch's.?Avt Ho fur Christinas! A large stock of fancy Goods suitably for ChristImaB Gifts at II. Baruch's.?Avt I Shaylor's IIill Items The p'iinfrs aro about done sowing wheat, siih] ilie old women aro preparing li?r ( lir s'in o; and the little, lo1 k3 arc I on iheir tip -tup, wish high xpoftations i Mini Siiii'ii titan* will fi 1 all their stock! tugs witii g-M??l things. I sincerely hope that they may realize their expectations. 1 see that Ti ler's Ferry was not washed away in the recent freshet, or at leant it left ilic Colonel on dry hind, lie rccuis to be liviug in Greece; wonder if he is not fond of turnip sausage. As ior our friend MiiK he must answer for himself; but as for Wat, he has caved in, and wiil not appear on the arena again. I will state by way of a friendly fate well to him, that lie is now Superintendmit of the Shaylor's Hill Sunday-School, where long may he live to enjoy the blessings of having his house covered. As we are a go-ahead, and never louk hack people, we have one of the most i ingeniously consisted mill dams in the i world, which divides the waters of Flat! Rock and Granny's Quarter Creeks, one ! stream passing over the dam and the other ben eat U it. We have some few hogs to kill when the weather will admit. The County i Auditor mod u^l think we are going to I exterminate tlic few hogs that aic taxed 1 in tnis country, but will try to incrc-s--1 the number to several tliout-nnd head, it' the liog-eholora dots uot thin out the number of pigs betwccu now and next J nue. We hope to hear soon, that, the pub-1 lie schools will be opened throughout the State; so, that the children in the country will have the benefit of receiving a common school education. Wc are a po t jcoplc. and the State must come to the front i:i this hour of need, or this generation will grow up iu the grossest ignorance. More anon on this subject. A happy Christmas to tlie proprietorsj of the Camden Journal. Americts. i [coJIMONICATEP,] Kutcrtainmeiit of the Liberty 1!ill Social (Mub. Mb. Kditoh; Permit tnc to give you a short and imperfect account ot the entertuinnicnt given by tli- Social Club of Liberty IIill on the nights of the 13th and Nth instant. We hud heard that the pop- j ular play "David Garrick" would be acted, ' and also that the object of the entertainment was to procure funds to assist iu | building a church at Liberty Ilill, and, therefore, determined to go. Arriving at the hall, wc at once met an appreciative, IllOllgu uui nugc, uuuieutv , aiul promptly at 8 o'clock the bell rang, i the curtain rose, ninl we were gazing upon .1 beautiful and tastefully arranged stage ; j and beheld the accomplished aud rich Miss j Ada Ingot, Shakespeare in hand, living; over ug.iin the hours that she had listened to the impassioned words of David Garrick, when the words of the poet had fired the heart of the comedian?words, too, that had entirely won her heart. Soon this reverie was interrupted by the entrance of; her father, who thought Shakespeare a fool j and David Garrick a Magt-plnyer unworthy of his notice, especially as this infatuation interferred with his own scheme of besiowing his daughter's hand upon his own nephew, Richard Chivy, who, though some day to be a peer, thought too ruuch of iiorse racing and frolicking to suit the refuted taste of the lovely Ada. The passion j was too strong, though, to be despised by 1 her papa. Failing in persuasion, lie uu- j dertakes to bribe the player to quit the | stage, and betake himself to parts un-, known. In this he also fails, and the high toned Gairick assures him he need fear i nothing from hun, but on the other hand pledges himself to cure the girl of litis 1 fancy. Tiie old gentleman believes him. and invites him to dine wi;ii him, together with a few of his friends, who knew him when lie was poor. Now, begins the scenes that I arn unable 1 to transmit to paper. Mr. Smith, of Smith, Smith Co.. with his g.-od wile, worried about her sown children; Araminta, proud of her literary attainments, ami prou ler of her pretty blue dress; to say: nothing of Mr. Drown* with more tnotistafhe than brains; and the stut-stulterstittK ring Mr. Jones, all pleasantly entertained by Miss Ada, till thrown into great confusion by the announcement of Mr. David Garrick, who meets for the lirst time the j lady who lias his heart.|anu whose heart lie also has won, as well ns tlie woman he lias pledged himself to cure of this attachment for him; not kuoowing till too lute who she! was. Having promised, he plays his pari well, acting the drunkard, the gam est err the bully, and everything bad,to disgust the j lovely creature. Then it whs, Mr. Editor, that uiy tender heart got ttio better of me. To sec poor Ada, disappointed, mortified, weeping and miserable, was too much for us. We cou'd have mingled our tears with hers. There it was that we forgot that it was only acting, and not real, so well did she act her pari. Garrick is successful. She orders hiiu out of the room, and on her father's neck promises to marry anybody he desires, even Cousin Dick. Cousin Dick, upsets all by unintentionally, while tipsy, telling I hut Uarrick was oniy acting, which, when the jrirl knows, places her again under the influence of the same old infatuation : and, instead of marrying Dick at the aj pointed hour, leaves her father's house to prevent Carrick from fighting a duel, which cause - the enraged lather to | denounce her. She faints, David conies in, persuades her to let him carry her to her ! father; he, moved by the honorable and I gentlemanly hearing of her lover, gives her I hand where her heart is already bestowed, much to the disgust of Dick. It was well worth seeing, and it has seldom been my pleasure to attend such an entertainment. The performance closed the first night with a very laughable farce?15ox and ''or?and a more laughable one tlu second night, c.ilie 1 "The Mage .Struck Yankee,'1 in which Curtis Chunk?'or short, Cur chunk?and Mi.-s Tannic Magnet and Jedidah had a lively time. Too much praise cannot be given to the managers and performers for this delightful rutertniiiinent. i Wo were son y to note the absence of our I friend- from Camden, I ..a mat si or and Hidgc; w ty, and as the Club expect to have aiiullij cr entertainment early in January, we hope ?? .? .? .11 ? lw? ?,!? isiirn <il" vniMliir Villi nl! t lien. Occasional Tl:c < Mnrlirf. At the el<iso of business Saturday, I die cotton ni.nkc! was firm, but v.itli no 'advance in j.tico, tlie same ligurcs iu!ing during the entire week. The staple I continues to come in freely, though | much interspersed with the lower grade*, some of which so d us low as tit , cents. Wo quote middlings nt IthilOl cents. Sales lor the week. "Sd bales. Carpets! Carpels! Hugs! Hugs, t at II. Haruch's.?Avt Conference Appointments. I Glnrlesfon r>i--lric-t?T K Wannnma- ; i ker, 1* E. Charleston?Trinity, It N Wells. Ii-tiifl. W C Power. Sprinpr 1 street, G W Whitman, Berkley circuit. SI'* Vatican. Gainhjy circuit, 1A 15 Gantr. Cypress circus G II Pooser. St. Paul mission to l?osuppliod. | St. George circuit, Paul I? Kistler. ! Bamberg circuit, W P Mousson. GolItitoii circuit C C Fisliouriio Walter- ; born circuit, J L Sifley. Allendale I circuit, W II Lawton. Black Swamp circuit, L C Loyal. Ycmmasce circuit,! , A K Banner. llardtvillc circuit, 1J G j Jones. Summcmllc. S II Brown. Columbia District?K J Moynardie,' ! P M. Goluuibin?Washington street. i ? t ! J T Wightman. Marion street, W Sj Wightuian. (Columbia circuit, L 31 1 Little Ridgeway circuit, J E Watson, Winnshoro' station, W A Rjdgers. Fairfield circuit, John A Porter. Chester station. J.Jiu 10 Carlisle. Chester ciicuit, M II Poo'er. East Chester circuit, T J Clyde. Kock Iliil circuit, JM Boyd. Pert 3Iils circuit, J LJ. Stokes. Vorkvillc station, Thomas E I Cibcrt. York circuit, L A Johnson. Black's station anil circuit, 1) 31 Boozer Lexington circuit, C P Rowel!. Edgefield circuit. S heard. Batesburg circuit, ?J \V Keiiy. Profe.-sor of the (Jo- < lutubia Female College, J W Dickson. Orangeburg District?W 3Iariin. P,: E. Orangeburg Station, S A Weber, | Orangeburg circuit. 11 W Barber 1 Branchvi'.lo circuit, T Rayfor. Provi-! dcncc circuit, J P Piatt. St. 3Iatthcw's 1 circ ii', John II Zimmerman. Uj-| per St. Matthew s circuit, M L JJanks. : Orange circuit, D Z Dantzler. Kdisto ] circuit, M K Melton. Kdisto Mission, M M Ferguson. Graham circuit, A J Cauthcn. Williston circuit, M A McKibben. Kllcntou circuit, I) Tiller. Aiken Mission, 11 li Jones. Gruuitcville and Langley station, Jolin A Mo<<d. i, Sumter District ?G II Pritchard, P < E. Sumter station, A J Stokes- Sumter circuit, J S llca-lcy, Spring Hill 1 circuit, 1) Dantzler. llisliopville Station, O J Stafford. Manning circuit, D J McMillan, San tee circu t ?J L( Sliuford and J IP A rial, ltichlaud ! Fork circuit, W II Arid. Camden I station, John 0 Wilson. Kershaw cir- K cuit. A C I.cggett. Hanging Il.-ck i [ circuit. II'II Kitten. Lancaster sti-' ^ ticu, IP II' Williams. Lancaster cir- I cui?, 11 L Duffie. Chesterfield circuit, 1 J W Murray. Zoar circuit to be supplied by G A P yvr. Florence District?,1 C Stoil, P K. Florence station. A II Lester Darling- j ton station, G W Walker, Society Ilill! * circuit, W L Pcgues. C'hcraw station, 11 W Thomas. Darlington circuit, Thomas J t W Munncrlyn. Lower Darlington circuit. J li Massebau. Tinimmisviile circuit, G II Wells. Lynchburg sta lion, J IP Wolling. Lynchburg cir-! cuit, W S Martin. North Williams- j s burg circuit, J W McKay, K togs tree ! station, F ilnrtiti, Gourdin and Samp t' 1 circuit, J (j Kussell, A I) L?o. George's station, W T C'ap-rs. Illack Hivcr cir- j cuit, II J Morgan. Jolinsonville cir- 1 cuit, K W Gatlin. West Marion cir- j. cuit. J C Cruu.. Mais Dlulf station, } W D Kirkland. j Marion District?II A 0 Walker, P. K. Marion station, 11 L Ilarper, MuL,' tin's circuit, 8 J Hill, J T Pate. Lit- , tie Uock circuit, F AuiJ, J II Little, t supernumerary, llennettsvili'j circuit, i Thomas Mitchell and .1 W Tarbeau, 1 South Marlloru' circuit, (j T Harmon. North Marlboro' circuit, J C Pavis, Waccumaw circuit and mission, W Car-1 son, iJuckville statiou, A C Walker, j Con way boro' station, J, Wood. Cou-I wavb ilX) ciscuit, M If Janes. Hebron circuit, L Scatboio. Marion circuit, J C Kiigo. Little llivcr, l> If Scale. S[ at tatiburg Di-trict?11 31 Mood P K. Spartanburg statiou, John M. Carlisle, ll C Oliver supernumerary. Prov j idence mission to le supplied. Union station, J 11 Campbell. Cane Creek circuit, A 1' Avant. Jonesville circuit, C 31 lioyd. Coslicu ilill circuit, K 11 i Daynaii. Laurens circuit, J iv MeCaru, North Laurens circuit, J W Humbert. < Limestone Springs circuit,.) II Wilson.; Linn stone Springs uiissi>u K ( r Price.! , Clinton circuit, .J F England. Pel-1' luuiit circuit, li li' Wood Cowans- i ville circuit, J F Smith. llich 11 ill , I circuit, W llutio. Cherokee circuit, J i J Newberry, l'rolcssor of Vandcrbilt i College, A 31 Shipp. Wofford College, 1 W Smith and W W Uuucnn. Editor j of the Southern Christian Advocate, F j 31 Kennedy. Agcut lor Sunday Schools, I , 11 C Oliver. i Cokc:?bury .District?Manning brown ( I P K. Cukcsbury station, K T llodges. | Coles bury circuit, W A Clark and J S : l'ortcr. Abbeville station, D J Simmons. Abbeville circuit, <) C JJissell. South Abbeville circuit, S 1' li Kiweli, and ( W (J llouudtreu, superu'ry. Lowudes-1 vi'.lc station, It P blanks. Tuuibiiug Shoals circuit, J 11'i ray wick. Creeuwood circuit, tl l> Smart and J Mcynar Jic. N'cwboiry station, A M Cii.i u* berg. Newberry circuit,'1'hos. P llcr- 1 belt and W i' Aunduws. North .Newberry circuit, ii II \V hiltakcr. Lex-; ingtuii b'ork circuit, L M iluuicr. Sa-> luda circuit, J 11 Chiton. (1 recti viilo District?O A Darby 1* K. j (jreenviile station, A C. Smith. Crccu- i villc circuit, A II'Jackson. KtJgcvtilci circuit, C P Alatin, J A Wood super-! nummary. Witliauistuii station, S Lan- | der. Helton inbsiou, to be supplied.1 llouslcy creek,.) J Workman. Atidcr-; sun station, 11 1' Lhrict^bcrg. Andcr-1 sou circuit, A Irvin. Shallow Ford cir-1 cuit, T P Phillips. Ponuletvii circuit, jS D Jones. Sandy Spiiugs circuit, J Attaway. Picscus mission, to be supplied. Wallialia and Scncca City circuit, .J J Neville. Oconee mission to , he supplied. Westminster circuit, F? >1 Meruit. Fork Simula ciicuir, 11 11 Diown. Mens I nlautidricd Shirts, the best goods for the tnoney to be bound in Camden, at il. Darnell's. j J 51A lUtiLJK On the eventiik of the tilth Instunt, nt th red-, dencc ?l i tie hndo'-t mother, !>>' Itev. A. s. \\ ll!ofoiU, Mr. J. A. Wait* ami Mia-i Nanule T. llau- j duck, Card of Thanks. Editor Camden Journal: Please allow me tlie use oT your columns for the purpose of reluming thanks to :i large proportion of our co/nr.iuni'y for what I regard a gr<":it favor. The church at Be .lah was built a few years ago for a Union Church, where our neighbors, without regard to denomination, could worship. Through the generosity and courtesy of the other denominations,the church has been given over to the Methodists, who have had the lot donated by Mr. John Brannon surveyed, and titles and a plat made of the same. Wo arc profoundly grateful t<> our ftiends and neighbors for their irooduess to us, and hope in tho future to be able to return the favor. Thanking you for publishing this card I atn Yours with Ilcspect, T. W. B. Smith, Trustee. A full line of Handkerchiefs and Hosiery to be hud at II. Barueb's. ~NE ,V ADVERflSEKESlfr Council Notice. COUNCIL Ciiambes, Dec. 17, 1877. Ordered, That the Onlinnnce against firing cracker* and fireworks on the streets be suspended on Christmas Eve night, Christmas day anil Christmas night. The firing of guns and pistols will not be permitted, and is strictly forbidden. By order of Council, E. E. SILL, dec'Jo-lt Recorder. Notice. All persons indebted to the undersigned ire requested to come forward and settle up by January 3d, as all his accounts will be placed in the hands of a lawyer after that date* dec25 2t I. H. ALEXANDER. T>. D.S. NOTICE. With a view of a change in my busiuess, tny books will be closed on the 1st of JanJary, and no goods sold on credit after that late, unless under special arrangements. 1'hose indebted to me arc requested to set. le without delay. dccL'5.1t " ROUT. M. KENNEDY. Notice to Tresspassers. All persons arc he eby warned against iKssing through that part of my land, ttiowu as my Woods Pasture, without my leriuission. Any one disregarding this lotice will be prosecuted to the lull extent ? < hi 1 ,i.?, II I lie IIIIV. IJIfJT Hi**5 lilJUiUiCU umi luv ane adjoining the pasture is recognize! as he public highway, decllo-li* WM. BRANIIAM. Administrator's Police. All persons having claims against the state of Martha Iienricshon, deceased, rill present the same duly attested, and hose indebted to said estate will make irnnediale payment to me. W. S. DEL LINGER, dcc25-lt Administrator. Notice. italc of South Carolina?Kershaw County In the Common l'lcas. ( I. J. Donaldson, as Receiver, vs. W. E. ] Johnson and others, Notice is hereby given to all holders of I he bills of the Rank of Camden, S. C., i rot heretofore proven and established be- I ore \V. D. McDowal), receiver of said tank, under orders 01 the late Court of Equity,) that by virtue of an order of his iouor C.l'. Townsend, Circuit Judge, made n above stated case, and dated the loth lay of November. A. D. 1877, the}' are re[uired to establish and prove same before j he undersigned nl his office, in Camden, | J. C , on or before the first day of Februa- 1 y next. W. II. U. WORKMAN, novlotillfedl Referee. Fine Berkshire Pig* i For Bile by dcci'Stf DAUM BROS. Mortgage Sale. Jolumbus West lo Marines Baum and Hermnu Bauru, merchants, trading under the linn name of Buunt Brothers. Mortgage of Ileal and Personal Property. By virtue of a clause contained in above Mortgage, authorizing the saleof the mortgaged premises in case of default of pnynent of the consideration for which said inortcagc was given, I will sell in front of die Court House in Camden, 0:1 the i'.r.-t Monday in January next, all that piece, parcel or tract of land situated 011 the waters of Flat llock creek, iu the county of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, containing one hundred acres more or less, rnd hounded north by lands of Anderson ,'authen and Amos Fnnlkenberr^, ens* by lands of Ilettry Wo0t, south by lands of Nathaniel Gay and west by lands of L. B. Stephenson. Also, one two-horse wagon. 1'crms cash. dccJtd W. M. BILLINGS, Agent. Jiungu'AC c?aii*? Pcarco & Tiller to L. I>. Mo wry & Son. l?y virtue of above named mortgage, I will sell in front of tlie Court House. in Camden, on the first Monday, the 7th day of .1 iriuury next, within the legal hours of sale: Three cows and calves, one yearling, one gray,horse,one bay mare mule,one two-horse wagon and one buggy. Terms cash, doc 1 bid W. L AKT11UK, Agent. ISstate ^ale. On Wednesday, the '2nd day of January, 1878, at the late residence of lleury lluker, deceased, near Hough's l'ridge, in Kershaw County, 1 will sell so much of the esta'o of said Henry Uaker as shall not have been set oft'as a homestead, consisting uf entire eroji of com, fodder, peas, horses, entile, hogs, household and kitchen fttrniture, plantation utensils, &C. Terms cash. The plantation upon which Mr, John Suip-s now resides will at the same time and place, be rented for the ensuing year to the highest bidder. SAM I'M. WEST. Administrator. Coilec. .-J'ags of new Coffee foa sale low by JO 11AU.V BROS. Sugar, llivrelij of diMcrent kinds of sugar .Ml for sale by 15AUM BROS. Seed Rye, Forsile, in quantities to suit, ly seGtf DA U M 1.R) Books, Jewelry AND Fancy Goods! _____ A large stock of popipnr School Book*. Colored Picture Books, Juvenile* aixl l*iimers, Annual Publications for 1377. Dr.y Books, Ledgers and Uccords, Composition and Copy Books, Pens and Inks, Cap. Note and Account Paper and Envelopes, Slates and Pencils. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Razors and Scissors, Spectacle?, suitable for all ages; Double-barrel (inns, muzzle and breech loading, with implements. Pistols. Cartridges, Christmas Toys, &c. fancy China a- d Glassware. Reiiiitoj Sewii MaoMnes, At crreatlv reduced nrices. J A. YOUNG, dec4tf J. W. McCUUBY IS OFFERING Rare Inducements TO PARTIES WANTING IDK/"Z" GOODS, CLOIHIKG, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Groceries, <&c.! ? * Always In the market, anc' will pay the ' (. Highest Prices for Cotion. Don't fail to givj me a ca'l. J. W. McCURBY. declltf il'V IBiiIac The Estate of Martha Adamson. By virtue of nn order from his honor J. F. Sutherland, I will sell on the lirst Monday in January 1878 in front of the court house in Camden: One house and lot on Market street, bounued north by vacant lot belonging to the same, west by market snrcet, east by lot of Abrunt Marks, north by lot of Abratu Marks. Terms Cash, JOHN" DOB1", s. k.c, fl. C. Saliuond, Trustee, vs. John Whitaker. Executor, and James L. Reed?Execution. 4P By virtue of above execution, 1 will sell in front of the Court House in Camden, on the first Monday in January. 1878, the fol. lowing tracts of land : One tract of twelve acres, immediately north of Camden, on Beaver Creek read, bounded north by lauds of Mrs. Margaret Whitaker, deceased, cast by lands late of William Nettles, south and west by lands of Mrs. Margaret Whitakcr, deceased: conveyed by William A Nettles to Jo'.n Wbi-j aker. One tract of thirty-three acres, adjoining same, west of Beaver Creek rond, bounded north by land of W. C. S. Elk: be, oas* by Beaver Creek road, south and W'-h' by Laud of Mrs. Margaret Whitaker,decease*': conveyed by William A. Nettles to John Wiii,aker. One tract of fifty-seven acr. -, bounded north by lands of W. C. Ellcibc, east by lands of Mrs. Margaret Whiinker, deceased, south by lands late of James Bun- . /" Ian and John Cantey, and west by inn " of E. B. Cantey, conveyed to said John W hlinker by James Bunlap. deceased. Levied upon as the properly of John Whitaker at the suit of II. C. Salxnoud, trustee. Terms easu. ? dccll-3t JOIIN TOBY, S. K. C. N. B.Smith, Administrator Mary A.Smith, deceased, vs. S. J. Ynte?, George Scay and Henrietta Scay. parties in :merest? Order for sale of real estate. By an order directed to mc Kotii Lis Honor .I. F. Sutbertvnd, Judge of I rebate, in the above entitled ^ause, 1 will sell on tbe first Monday in Junttcry m r*. at the Court House in Camden, the following town lots, viz.: Lots No. J142, 343, C-1!, 345, 34ii, .".47, ."4S, 349, <141, 642,?;I:i. till, til'., and (JJti, the said jots being situated south of the residence of S. 11. lilodget, on King street, in the town of Camden.. Terms cash. JOHN UOBY, deel l-.'5t S. K. C. J. D. Dunlap, Receiver, vs. King rerKic^? Mortgage of Ileal By virtue of an order of foreclosure in above stated ease, to me dire H?l. f will sell in front of the Court Ilouseln t&indou, on the first Monday in January i-'*t, -ill that tract of land, situated in 'he county of Kershaw, containing two Lund i and twenty four (224) acres, and bounded north by lands of Mooic atul Monroe, ca^t by tract No. It' of the Chesnut lands, south by lands of James I.cvy and II. C. Stummd, and west by lands of Edward 1'erkiii;. Said lands to be sold in parcels. Terms? One-half cash; baiance in one and two years. JOHN DOB\. S. K. u. 1 dccll-td ' J.I). Dunlap, Keceiver, \s. Larry Williams?Mortgage of real estate. By virtue of an order of foreclosure in the above stated case, to ntc dir.clcd, I will sell iu front of the Court House in Camden, on the first Monday in January next, all that tract of land situated in the county of Kershaw, containing two hundred and thirty-nine acres, and bounded north by lands ot estate of Mark Sii.i-, east l>y lands of Dr. D(U, south by lands ot Wm. Ellerbe, and west by lands of Mr. Dai Terms -One-half cash ; balance in one and two years. JOHN DOBV, declltd 8. K 0. Administrator's Notice. H M duly attest to said innk" imncdinte