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W. !) TRANTHAJ^mtorT (i. ti. ALEXANDER, Rusiness 3Innagcr. . CAMDEN, S. DEL'K.MllER 26, 1 ^77. ' Christmas. Without going to the trouble of writing a long article upon the subject, we ; will simply offer our earnest sululatious to our readers upon the recurrence of this hstal day, and express the wish that all?old and young, male and female, grave and pay?u ay have a merry, merry Christ mar. In Union There is Strength. Without unity of action and harmony of feeling on the part of her people Sruth Carolina could not have effected h -r redemption in the campaign of 1S7C. And without these, she must suffer in tho future. We observe with regret the antagonism which exists between Cbarlestou and the up-country on all questions of public polity, and earnestly hope that the same may be overcome by honest, fair and square dealing. Delinquent Le C\ mptroller General Ilegood has issued the follqyving circular to the auditors of the counties of the State contlining the following oider: 1st. If the delinquent land sales in your county have been propcily udverlised in accordance with the require, incuts of the law, for the 31t. day el December instant, yon will proceed to soil on that day. 2d. II lor lack of time, or from any oversight they have not been so advertised. you will properly advertise ai.d Sell on the 21st day ot Jauuaty, 1S78. 'i hese directions nro in accordance with the action of the Legislature, and arc linal. Joii.NtsoN Uaoood, Comptroller-General. [The sale of land in this county for taxes is postponed until the 21st of January.?Kds. Journal.] The Usury Law. The usury bill, which has been the subject of great discussion in the Gen* eraj ^Assembly, huving passed both houics aud been approved bv I he Governor. is now a law. '1 he bill is as foK luws: A Hill to rogulato the rate of in ten. st on all contiacts arising in this Stale. 11? it enacted hv the Senate and Hull;"? of Representatives of the State j of South Caroliua. now met and silting in (iencral Assembly. and by tbe authority of the sauic: Section 1. Thai from 21 d after I he passage of ibis Act, po greater late ot inteieht than seven (7) nor centum per annum shall be charged, taken, agreed upon or allowed upon any eoiitraels ? 4 - tilt? llilllV4? lending or use of money or other eotn^ modity. ."-ectioti 2. That no p< rson or corjoration lending or advancing money 01 commodity upon a gi eater rate of interest than is provided for in .Section 1 <f this Act shall he allowed lo recover in any court of this Stale, any poition 0.' the inlf.roft so unlaw ful y c argtd ; and tliat 1 he | rincipal sum. amount or value so lent or auvauccI, without any interest, shall be dc mod Mi i taken bv tincouits of this State to he the true hgnl d^bls or measure of damage, t?> all intents and purposes whatsover, to be recovered without costs. L Section 3 That uli Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be, and the same arc hereby, repealed. Editorial Items. TilK legislature lias taken a recess j Sunlit the 10th of January. < A iioMUiiLE catastrophe occurrid it I New York city on the 20th instant. A l boiler in a fivo story caudyj factory on . liarclay s;ivt exploded, tearing away t the entire front of the building. Three < hundred boys and gills were buried in ( the ruins. The loss of life was terrible. c It. W. SlIAND, Esq., lias been elected 1 to the House of representatives from Union county, to succeed (jeo. W. II. * Wallace, Circuit Judge. Since the fall of Plevna, and the j Russian successes in Asia Minor, the J E istern war is considered practically ' ended. The Turks seem lo understand 1 v that tSev must now ?ro under. Col. MoCl'TCIIFN has been elected s Senator from Williamsburg county, nee ? SwailM, resigned. Kx-Governor, having j' received the democratic nomination: t| from Clareudon county, will undoubt- '1 idlv to eb-cud. Good people every-!'1 where will rejoice that such a gontle-j! man will be returned to public life again- J (.j Mr. Geouoe Franki in and sister J' 1 viug near Sims' crors roads, ALbeviile \ it, county, were murdered by unknown ls ! I persons i n ti e iiiyht of the 2Uth inst , ' Plunder was the ohiert. i Vi " # i .'j An effort is being made to revive the | fl, I niromiy of South Carolina, which M) was so crutlly inurdcied l?v the lludicu!; I',1 pa".-V' . . . u. 1HE manner in which the insults of j . Ilonr, Edroundsaud Conklintr have been ' to ir.ct by Generals I tan so in and Gordon, I a| will likely cause those dealers in slan-1 IO der against tie Southern people to. be ' |,i more guarded iu their remarks hereof ; fij t ?r j th Honest John Patterson was re- j "r ported the other day to be in a dying '"1 condition iu Washington. Late advices indicate that he umy recover after a on pflnTuUed illneii. A MEMORIAL. To the Ilonornb'e the Senate am1 llouae of Representative* of the State of 1 South Carol in in ( ' ureal As.vm h!y convened. The undersigned, members of. and j constituting the linurd of County Ooin-j missioncrs of Kersliaw county, would j respectfully memorialize your honorable j bony to the following effect: That by a vote of the citizens of said ! county, authorized to be taken bv some : action of the Legislature, we believe it was determined to build a bridge across j the Waterec River near Camden, over: which all persons should be permitted ' to pass free of toll. That by subsequent action of the Legislature a Commission ; was appointed and constituted to con' struct such a btidge, and authorized to provide the funds necessary for the purrmer. Illlll ?-| III |lf bonds. f j locw.uw which should afterward* lie paid from funds to Ik* raised by taxati u upon the property of tlie citizens of said Kershaw ( county, and that when said bridge was j completed, it was to be turned ever to] the lioard of County Commissioners ofi said county as a part of tho property of j the same, whicli they were to care for and keep in a state of preservation and repair. That said blidge has been built at a cost to said county of some 25.00b dollars, and has been turned over to the Hoard of County Commissioners of said county, to be eared lor by them us the other bridges of said county. That srid bridge was not covered or j painted, but has been exposed to the weather since it was first commenced to build, say in April, 1872, and that it has already been necessary to incur considerable expense for several years past, in repairs to the same, and that it is not now deemed entirely safe lor travelers to pass over, and cannot be made so without the outlay of a eon-1 sidt-rable sum of money, which the Com- ] uiissioners have not at thejr disposal, nor have they any means of themselves to raise the same, and that even to put on it the repairs which will be annually necessary to ke^p it in a passable condition, will require the expenditure of a "KM mnimi' fK'itl fllft CnillUlig sioDcrs can command for this purpose, without allowing other important bridges and interests of said county to suffer While we are constantly exposed to the j risk and hazard of having the same entirely swept away by freshets or other-1 wise destroyed, and of being heavily, mulcted in damages and costs for any ' accident or disaster that may befall! passengers while attempting to pass over the same. I'tider theso cireum | stauccs, we drern it to lie our duty to : ask your Honorable b' dy to pas-* an Act converting said bridge iuto a Toll Hridgc, and that we be thereby authorized to exact from each and every p-r son using said bridge, such reasonable toll as is usually charged lor such privilege?the fund derived therefrom to be; devoted, in the first place, to keeping sajai bridge in repair, and to such other county purposes us may he decuicd ex-; pedant. And, as the biidgc is in such bad condition at present, as to be un-1 salh, we feel impelled by duty, to ask as prompt- ut"i ueiiuu ou tnis important subject as your honorable body may be able to give to the same. Wo would also incmoii-l ze your honorable body concerning the county debt CAIMIH^ ill Jirir^Clii ii^uuioi I 1113 vi'UMij.r would respectfully show that ;t1 consists, :ij? far .is known to /uir memorialists, of :in amount due ibr dcficionsaid county up to iK-ci-uiber Ii<>t!?. 1873. as amumined by ; me ? diiij:* iustitu'i il in ibc Court of C uinion I'leut*' of paid bounty between the creditors of I sail c >uuty, interested in a fan! provided to pa)- the saute; after applying j the panic as fur as collected, there :c | mains du--of said debt, up to I'ec-ni her 20t!?, 1S73. a balance of $1133 33 ; And that we are authorized, under a joint resolution i f the legislature, of that date, to rais-- by taxation i In lid of some $0,729 32 to pay the same, which is to be Jcvotcd exclusively to that purpose. J>y joint resolution < ( tlio jcnerul A-s< ujldy of this >tale,passed March 23.1870, he then Hoard of County Jonnnisstoneis for tlm said tounty were uutlioriz?d and cquired to arcurtain the ain't ( if the debt ofsai'l county for lie liscal year ending October 31. 187-1. and tbt the same vas found to be 3,811 t)5 ;. )f which there has beeu | aid iotii a tax raised for that turpose, say, ? 038 III, Vnd there still remains due or the fiscal year ending Ocober 31, 1874. the sum of 3,173 38 nth no further provision uade for the payment of the umc. That for the fiscal year miinj; October 31st, 1873, here exists a deficiency a- v lountins, according to tin; est information we have of :1 lie same, to some 1.212 13 '* hat for the fiscal year end r October 31st. 1S7<?. there '' xisK ae<oulin<; to the best 11 ifotuiation we have, a delileney amounting to 2,002.07 hat for the fiscal year end ' ici. .?i, io< <, mere t xts, according t" the host in>r:iiatimi wo l ave, a dtiicionurn .timing to 2,*>00i'' lakini; the lo'al amount duo r dolicicncics ol' said ooun up to tlie Ij. ^innin^ o! tlio i wiit fiscal V':ir. 10,071 So 3 or which such provision should ho a 1c as vtui. in your w i-d on, may think operand expedient; hut wo r. speed* i!v hi;: est that we he authorized to >p!v the surplus of (he 1 uml. which we ive heeii authorized to raise hy th? J .Ht resolution of the (itiioral Assem y, ol" l)eceiiihrr-Ot'i, lv7d, to the dc- j it* tic its of other yours mentioned in *" e order in which they have occuiivt] | arisen, nut I the same he exhausted ' d tie ii apply f >r such additional tax may ho necessary. Wo would also tin nioriul ze your htmible body to mukc the foilowiug! M angtrs in tlio lldUtl Law, vis ; That' warner* of hands make their return of hands named to their respective overset rs. who should i?c authorized t > swear them to the correctness of the same, and keeping the same and nntiiip absentees 4hereon, said overseers .-ho'tl i ho rerjuir d to iv'utti the same to the (Jounty ti'oniniissioners, certifying to the correctness of the same?which eer-' tiiieate should have the effect < f an oath, Tiia' overseers should have purer to excuse, when satisfied that the abseentees would he excused by the Hoard, without rcfurnintr said default tors to the Commissioner*. And that the overseers of mad* he authoiiz-d and empowered to van ire for the use of a loose or mule and n cart i r j#'uw two days exemption of a hand, and f*-r a pair <I hor-e* or mules and a wapon. three dn\s exemption of a hand. We would also n.(morialize jour Imnorahle body to make such change in the fee bill of Trial .Ju-liecs and other oSiccis as will cause tin so who so misbehave as to render it necessity to put them under bonds to keep tbc peace, or for pood behavior, to pay the m-icssary costs and cxpcus-s then 1 y incurred, or be iinprisoUC'J a reasonable and pr- per time. We wnulJ also memorialize your honorable body to cause prisoners confined in the county jails to work on'the high ways of said county, or perform other services for the same, under prop< r sur. vcilniice mid guard, that thereby the said counties may rucivo some compensation for the expenses of maintaining them while imprisoned. W'c would also memorialize your honorable bo-'y concerning the eosis < f assessing piopeity for taxation, cud the expi use of publishing notice-', k<:, concerning the same, lhaids of llijuaiization &e.. all of which fall on and arc deducted from the county tax. although the State is much uioie largely int-1cstcl in the same. And such burdru, wc think, should I e proportion'd between the State and county, according to their n-spective interests in the taxes to he collected. We beg also to eull your attention to the large estimate made in our annual repot t> the (jt iiijitroih-r (jcneal, ol what we think it necessary to raise for repairs of roads and bridges, which is ?!lllll() fMii? tihimdcii or W.-itcric Free MiMi/c is now in such a condili m that it would probably cost about ?3000 to put it in repair, or more than that, while there are two or three iui|K>rtniit bridges on Lynches crock, which it would ost some 8l."?t 10 to put in g"od repair? such as Tiller's Feiry. the Killy Hridgr anil I lie I Loup it Uridgc, and marly all the other important bridges, which need considerable repairs. All pf which is r. s peel fully submitted. Al.t.KN McCaskii.l, Jull.V Jh'itDKM., Isaac Knui.isii, County Commissioners Kershaw County. [I'OM MI'S ICATI'I']. Tito Latins* Fair, And the fair ladies at llseT.un Hall, un Tu'sJav, Wednesday and Thursday of last wet k, wore entirely successful. TIiC lloln "t* | v puratioo ? mllM'tiecd on Tuesday inorii up, nun by evening, the ladies in charge of the fahh.s had everything. animate and inanimate, in order ix.r I I ,? ro..,?i,ti .n rf vteit/ivj ?t.A i...n .... i.ilutiii'_r a gay ami festive scone of the blight aii'l beautiful i;i nature and in art. There were "flower*, sweet flowers, that in i'her spin nor toil," inabuiidauce, fashioned by the hands of timid ens, a? ' f-uliivs?, fair, : i:u free from flaw or blut, as ? v< r nature's cunning baud turned out." 'i be tables were loaded with nrtiel s adapted to the taste of nil who tksirod the useful or -the beautiful, or those who wi re tit -re anxious for ilie gratincutinn of the palate than the rye. The gastronomic display was decidedly inviting, both iu the many at tides calculated to appease the appetite. and thcli delicacies that tend to tick!.- the palates of the younir, and the eatables w?rc dispensed with utibe grudging band and :.t fair prices.? Tlide was no complaint that the bivalves were isolated froui their couipanions. as has been complained of on s-nnc other occasions?one crustati a being 'alone, all alone," in a sea of liquor. To attempt a description of all the beautiful articles displayed on the numerous tables would be useless, for I hey were legion. That ail the beautiful things were disposed of at reasonable sbarges indicated that the vendors were adepts at the game of give and take.' I'l e at ten lance each evening was large, md the receipts uvic unite up to the xp1 ctati mis of those who had excited licuisclvts lor a succe.-sfui i-sue. The i eccipts amounted to three hundred do!ars. St;M?KN 1 >katii.?The Had inlellijenee was brought to Columbia )esterlay oh the death of Kcv. Dr. J. 1j. Keyudds, id' (Irod.villc. J'r. Reynolds wis for a 1??111* |>(: i i<>d a } ndesfor arid: huplain of the South Caiolina (,t>l!e_,e. aid lor many \ " ars was a contrihutinj: ditor id' the II'? /.*/ii?/ (''hi film. A' he tmie of his death he was mi lite edtoriiil stali id tlo' /'ni/i'ist li'i'iii'iii' and j j profess >i id'i'uiman I'liiver-ity. His ( eaih will he deeply deplored hy tliouniid.s oi' Ciiristains, who hiu-w and ( )Ved liiiil W.thill the hinders id' this ( tat". His taking off was very sudden, nd no one who miw him mi the *1 reels f Hieenvillc I e t 1'uesdiv would have < I'uicht hr:ti) instant that lie was not | > he spared f>r years to come. ' i i cfiinifnit A'* '/nth /*. j ! Sacoii! e y * l'"iiii l> fi.r sale I v I '-.MHN? i:AI*.M ?t:os. * , An<r. l"?lf. v iMackcnH. .... K i w! for sal" al W ISA CM llltOS. :00 Kucii.s Q.ivvriioo! fsa3<. 1 u u For s-ilr at jut sue];. novk'Ul'i III!\,!TiiN ,v "'KTTI.i: t 1 ' in AlthNTS WANT! ?!or 1! Ilium's |.?.v PICTORIAL BIBLES, i oo Illustrations. MCalais I'tul diploinr.* aw nrJ-. . AtlUres* for new circulars, A. .1. llouuuii ft ! rts) Aran ?tr?t, PlillaUeipnia, Pa, Delinquent Tax Sales. Office of County Auditok. ) 1 Cami>km, S. C.. Dec , IS, 1877. j ' In accordance wish instructions from j the Comptroller-General's nflice, I here by piildifdi i lie List of Lands in the j County af Kershaw, upon which the taxes for the liscai year 1870 have not, beer. paid. dkKali; township. SCIIOOI. DISTRICT NO. i. Arrants, S K Mrs. 1 Jot. 2 buildings. Addison, Thus, 2 acres land, 1 building. Praecy, Jim 50 acres land. Cautey, Mrs. S A. 1 l"t, !> buildings. Conway, Anna M. 1 lot 2 buildings. Conway, K .J. 80 acres land. Capcll, \V 11. 1 lot, 1 building. Cantey, Charlotte 1) acres. 1 building. Carlos, John sen. 28 acres, 1 building. Clark, L G Mrs. 1 lot, 1 building. Cbcs.iUt, Hurry 50 acres. Clcniuicnts, Marion 50 acres. Coleman, A. 17 acres, lie Pass, J P, Trustee 1 lot, 1 bui.ding. Durbv, Adam lO'aeros Dickerson, Saui. 35 a."tcs Green, Faddy 1 lot, 8 buildings Graham, A C. (Nelson tract.) 300 acrts .Johnson, Abratn 5 acres J/cMalien, Alex. 50 acres Myers, T S 1 lot, - buildings 1 *ritJfjlc, Hansom I lot, 1 building UobiiisiM), A D GO acres Smith, Alex. 50 acres Sjkis, Lcvuiia 85 acres, 2 buildings Wadkius, 11 F 21 acres, 1 lot, .'1 buildirigs irdliams. * 11'ilson (A 0 Shcorn) 1 lot, 1 building Kobinson, Robert 3G acres, 1 building SCHOOL MSTl'.lCT NO. 2. Amnionds. James 70 acics Dcl'ass, E (J 5 acres, 5 buildings llaile, Jenny 234 acres, 4 buildings ; Hunter Clias (M A S) 101 acres, 3 buildings Nelson, Israel 70 acres, 1 building Firry, H'.sley G5 acres, 1 building Stuekcy, Jauies 231 acrts, 2 buildings Sumter John 100 acres Trimliu, Margaret G7 aens Williams, Dick 30 acres, 1 buiMing school district .sj. 3. Adams, William 314 news, 4 buildings Hoy kin. Isorn 48 acres, 1 building Hyatt, It J 100 acres, 3 buildings llall, John 11 255 acres, 4 buildings J/oorc, Wiley, Jr. 08 acres, 1 building J/oCat-kill, Daniel 1 TO acres 2 buildings Reynolds, Jl A 1UU acres, 1 building HCIIOOI. I) I STRICT .NO. 4. Rennett, Miles 300 acres 1.)uRuse, 11 lv 5.173 acres, 14 buildings BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 5. CI)burn James 120 acres 2 buildings Holland, K J. 100 acres, 1 building Hall J J GUU acres. 5 buildings J/cLcndon, Mary 150 acres, ! buildings J/cGaskill Moses 177 acres Riley. M E C 200 acres 1 building Perry. Jnlui T 50 acres, 4 buildings Rlackwcll, William 110 acres. t>CIIUOl. DISTRICT \o. 0. (.'ato, Mary 100 acpw J/vCaskiil. Daniel 105 acres J/arsliall Mary J GO acres, 3 buildings i Todd, William 457 acres, 3 buildings R efit, Jost jOi 2G1 acres, 3 buildings sriinni, DISTRICT No. 7. Calo, G W 100 acres, 1 building Helton, X S 253 acres, 1 building L inphries, Nathan 100 acres. 1 building FLAT HOCK TOWNS 11 IF. SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1. Alexander, Dawson 08 acres, 1 building) Bass. list. Eliza 100 acr- s, 3 buildings n | .1/unn, John 207 acres. 3 building* | IVaeh, J M E 100 acres. 1 buil ling ! Shannon, Kirk 1318 acr*s4 l(bu;!ding M'ldiains, llcniy 8 ) acres H alts, J A 28 acres West 'Thomas G 151 acres, 1 building IM.MIiltl .MP. Benjamin, Euimersoii, 27J acres, 4 building Bower?, James V?* 102 acrcj. 1 building Champion, J'istatc il I. I (MS acres ('antoy. MrsSA 1200 acres, 2 buildings Pa vis. James M -121 aer< s Imren Beckham 2.">0 acres, 2 buildings Norton. Mrs S A ;>U aens, 1 building ilnile, Amos 200 acres Jones, Amos f>0 acr.s, 1 building ltubon, Abe 271 acr.s Smith, Oliver 111? aeris, 1 building Saluiond, Isaac .">0 acre*. 1 budding I Voung, Isaac 121 acres, 2 buildings st iioor. district no. lit. Hammond S I. 122 acres Junes, Mrs J I# -1 acres 1 building Jones, J \, Iti.Mt acres, S buildings Mellow Mr T I' 1()() acres, 2 buildings WATKBKK TOWNSHIP. KCiinor.nisTiiii'r n?>. 1. Branliain, IT 11 oO ::c? < 1 building Kdmoiuls, Mrs II B oO(J acres (jrcen, John I acres, 1 buildings Jones, Kst. A |1 20.10 acres Nelson, John .1 1(100 acr. s IVay, Mrs M M 2?1 acres Miirali Jsaac J'fj acres. bu.Mings Picket t, Mm A 1! It iio acres, .'I build ings l.'mphries, Nathan 1(10acres, 1 building ; SCtMill. MSTIIHT no. I J. : lioweti Kivd 1I5WO acres, 'J buildings ISailcy, II A lit I a rcs. 11 buildings 'larkc T II .'I "J00 acres. L'l buildings ( 'larko, Mis L (i It?(iO acres. ."> build- v ings tcrald, P. .1 1-3 acres, U building iardncr. Kst.laiJus 1 OH acres l/.izell, .Julia and Mary I.ivingitnn 1000 acres, 10 bui'dings kelson. Frank Sli acres, 2 buildings '.isclia', didiu K a- res loss, .lobu .3 |00 acres, buddings to*s, ll i'liain !)."> acres,buildings Notice is hereby given that ilio whole I (he several Parcels, lafs and pans ol .ols o| Ileal INlate described in the (receding list, or so urn !i thereof as nil be neec-saiy to pay (lie I ixes. penItics and a-'-ssincnts ehaigo I thereon, ^ .ill be sol I by ilio Treasurer of Kerhaw Connly, Sou'h (' rolina, at bis , !li in siid Countv on (lie l! 1 ST >A V UK d AM'A It V, A. D 1SV7. il-ss s?i<t taxes, as-c.*siiiOnls and en lilies bo paid l efiuii (bat lime, (j nil Midi sale to be coiithim d Irotil dav i day. uniil all < I sai l Parcels, .nls an I parts of l.nts of J'? il K-tale tall be sold, or offer* d lor rob* r ] : K. SILL, fl det?13 County Auditor.' Jacob Elias Begs !o inform his friends ami the puli- i lie generally that he has OPENED STORE Jno door north of T. J. Bare field, Es?j , I . where he is ollcring a stock of McrdiandiKCs; t at <istor.ishly low prices FOJi CASH OMA He has Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, &c., Ac. A call is respectfully solicited. dec 18-"in JACOB ELIAS. J. M. Williams Ilespectfully calls the attention of the public to his Fall and Winter Goods. Just received nnd readyjj'or inspection. My stock consists of C.IIOCKIUKS. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, II ATS, ROOTS, SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, RR IDLES. AND A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I would call particular attention to my fine assortment of Ladies' Cloaks, Alpacas, Di ess Goods Heavy stock of Kngging ami Ties. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT. Highest market prices paid for COTTON, J. M. WILLIAMS. i. R. GOJOALE. Stoves. Stoves A HEAVY STOCK OF Cook, Parlor and Office STOVES, OF AI.L STYLES, JUST RECEIVED. AND OFFERED AT PRICES LOWER THAN CAN BE HAD Elsewhere ill Catmint fitTTEFING, ROOFING, Ac . nttended to sit Niiortcst notice ami oil uceomniodating terms. A full line of Tinware & House Furnishing Goods, kept constantly on linml. Ls^"All work guaranteed. JOHN U. GOODALE* doe It f ii c I, t ii ll^ii?ii>ik.',.. IUI 0 \ mw STORE 1 I AND Entirely New Stock * iASIMM AND NETTLES ii \VK TIIK I'l.i: \<ri:i: OF annoi Nihi; ilici>|K>i>iii'; ot liifir NIHV SI'oUM ill lic'ol.1 Msiiul orCAPT.J. W. MclTtlltY, i kUi'ro tlioy li:ive ju-t npi'iic I in Entirely Sew Stock OK I 'AMILY & FANCY cnori:i:IKS, , (WMstiiig in | art of ti^nr, (VifTiTH, Teas, Klour, l>uv,, ' I 1 I 1 1 ! 1. jjtliu, IfUl >1 I) * VIU'-IU^ all k:iuls, lt*llii's, (,cnilcctiom,ii<;..i ( i. ,,1PO T . ..oaaccn, iinl all o(Iu*r go;al* usually found in a :TrtST CLASS GROCERY c STORK, i i^liest market prior-* paid far all kinds ot Country Produce. , p Iwnys ready to pay tlie CASH for Cotton * IRASiH&rON & NETTLES. , Sep. 20ui3. 1 I CHRISTMAS IS COMING! And so are Goods Daily Arriving at H. BARUCH'S. With a view of supplying; the usual de ? .a m. , am 1*1 t I inanu tor tnc mrisimas uonuays, i nave made new additions to every Department in my [extensive Establishment, and,, am fully prepared to satisfy the demand. Everybody knows what I keep, and I want it distinctly understood that I will sell you anything in my line, I Cheaper than the Cheapest! I Consult your interests by buying your goods from Ei. ItAKUt'lI. i declltf D. W. JORDAN, II. C. CARRISON. The Planters' Warehouse I Enlarged and Improved. i QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. , The undersigned are now ready to show one of !he FINEST STOCK OF GOODS EROUGIIT TO CAM LEX THIS SEASON. 0 Consisting of everything pertaining to Grenei'al ^lerchaiidisc. In nl! departments. It is useless lo attempt to enumerate, suffice to say that everything i needed in the family or on the farm can l?e had at our house, ul the vciy lowest prices, ! an I sat!sfaciion in all goods guaranteed. I Our stock of HARNESS. SADDLES BRIDLES BIT ADD LEATHER ' Is larger than ever before, and cheaper than the cheapest. Remember that we arc always aeady to buy cotlou, auJ are prepared to pay the cash for the same. BAOGrlNQ AND TIES ! ! always on hand at lowest figures. D. W. JOED AIT A CO. CHE4P GOODS IS A TIIII EADIIA R I! SUBJECT I WILL THEREFORE ONLY ANNOUNCE MY STOCK OF DEY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, lOOfS AIM SK0?S Arc Equal it not Superior to any I liaxc ever had to ofl'er. . ALL 01' WHICH I WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BE FOUND ANYWHERE. The Stock has been most carefully selected, ami an eel ion is solicited. Robert M. Kennedy. CALL ON J. JT. 3IACKAY BEFORE Purchasing Furr/iture ELSEWIIERi", y<>? < !"' Savo 2<) 1>or Cent. l>y n?.vln(S J'i-oin Him. ViE 1IAS THE sa?oes hat hascverbeen nought to Camden. oct-1?3m. V. 0. FOP xfl. ISAAC VOONg . BisCuits. YOUNG BROS., 501Wre,8ofBiscui'8"M'uiuS. Harness, Boots, Shoes, &c. wanted. Made or repaired ut the shortest notice A Piano. AVill ren/ or buy. Address ind in the most durable manner. ? % JOH.NAL OFFlCfc. October 30. tf The highest price paid for HI DPS of all ? Icscriptiotis. ef list Kocen ed. Give us u call, one iloor west of the 'osloflice, Camden, C, ileclltf Choice Bacon, Flour, Sugnr anil Coffee, cheat) tor e:i?sli l>y !*?$<)311>^ notUu Johnston & gi<adnl\. DUXES So.ip for sale low by UAUJ/BR03. -10 fliarreN Fxtra Fine Butter. *u?arCHOICE Uoilitu Butter, lor salo low by For ?ft!? th* lPJ UAUM DhOS. JnoYiJ-Jt DUASINOTON & NErXLKft