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WIT AM) HUMOR. (YurJslup is defined by a man who pri tends to know, as "the skirmish be lore the regular battle begins." 44 Remember." said a trading quakcr to his soon, " in making thy way through the world, a spoonful of oil will go further than a quart of vinegar." A Frenchman, intending to compliment a young lady, by calling her a gentle lamb, said, " She is one mutton, as is very small A California paper says: ' The milk* men of Sin Francisco have formed a mutual aid as-ochition. One holJs the can while the other pumps." The most gallant man ever beard of was the uian who refrained from kicking a dog who had bitten him. because it was a female. ' If it wasn't for your ses," said he,44 I'd kick your head off." 44A uian who'd maliciously set fire to a b.irn," said good old Elder l'o)son, "and bum up u stable full of horses ar.d cows, ought to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'd like to be the one to do it." A little girl and boy, three or four years old, were playing on the ice when sis fell down and commenced to try. llub run up and soothingly lisped,; 41 Don't cry ! Titwear ! Thwear ! Thay j damn !*' A parent who has fifteen daughters, has poisoned his do?, taken the locks' off the doors and hur.g rope ladders' over his dooryard fence by the dozen, | and still his provition bill is as large as ever. Milton, the blind author, was one day asked by a friend of female education, if he did not intend to instruct his daughter in the different languages: 44 No. sir," replied Milton. 44 one tongue is sufficient for a woman." 4- fJ? t out of the way ! What are you good for ?" said a cross old man to a little bright*eyrd urchin, who happened to stand in his way. The little fellow, as he stepped to one side, replied very gentiv,4- They make men out of such things as we are." Two country attorneys, overlaking a wagoner^rith two span of horres, and, thinking to be witty at bis expense, asked him, ,l How does it happen that your forward horses uie so fat and the rear oiks so lean ?" The wagoner, know inn theui, " The Tore spun aro lawyers, and the other?clients." Thus talks an old farmer nbout his hoys: From s'xt**en to twenty they, knew more than I did; at twenty .five they knew as much; at thirty they were willing to hear what I had to say; at thirty-five tln-y asked my ndviec; and I think when they g?-t to be forty they wiil acknowledge that the old man does know something. An old Scotch parson once* came to J the house of a parishoner. whore his gently knocking cou'd not be beard for tbe nobc within. I'pon this ho lifted the latch and walkei in, saying, in a inajestical way. 41 I should iikc t<? know who is the head of this house ?" " Wee!. sir." snid Sundv,if ye bide a wee we'll maybe be able to tell yc, for Janet, and I arc just trying to settle that point." i The Appearance of Sitting Bull. At a late hour on the night of our; arrival the Times coi respondent man-! aged to gain admittance to the room occupied by the Indians, through the courtesy of one of the British 1 officers. One of the Indians had gorged himself with food during the j ( day and was not expected to live. I ^ The small room was filled with red-' S skins and Canadian soldiers. Lying Kit on the floor in the centre of the 1 room was the sick Indian in great! agony. While he was bending over | the prostrate form of the sick warrior, I obtained my first view of Sit** ting Bull. He is the contradiction of all the twaddle that has been ' published about him. Dark and swarthy, his straight black hair falling down upon hi3 shoulders, his beardless face and strongly marked \ countenance, all betoken the pure" blooded savage. He stands five feet ten inches in his moccasins, and is . splendidly proportioned. A few j wrinkles can be seen on his face, tut not enough to create the appearance of age. The one peculiarity of his face is in his almost Roman features, . which heightens the air of intelli- ' gcnce, and adds to the almo3t judicial gravity of his countenance. The j Only drawbacks to his really fine bearing are a pair of bowed legs, a 1 peculiarity possessed by nearly every Indian horseman. I had heard that Sitting Bull was club-footed, a scholar, a half-breed, a graduate of 0 West Point. He is none of these; ' he is an untutored savage, and, as Indians go, a very fine-looking and more than usually intelligent one.? | Chirago Time*. j' Manufacture of Screws. At Smithwick, near Birmingham ' there is a screw factory which, with its clever mechanical contrivances, ( is something to wonder at. All the ' sizes of screws used in carpentry and cabinet-making are made of ^ iron wire chopped into lengths, and shaped in a series of self-acting ma- f chines. A blow on one end forms a ' head, which is speedily turned truc: in a revolving chuck, the nick is cut j hy a small circular saw, a revolving jaw then seizes the head, ami thejc 44 worm" or screw is turned in a 1 twinkling; and in this way half a j million screws an hour arc produced. This seems almost incredible; but] the screw-shed alone covers nearly * an acre and a half, two thousand machines. These being self-acting, five or six Ctui be kept, . gbing by are wtrmun. i A Fearful Scene. The Cologne Gazette observes that Bulgaria has on several occasions figuretl in history as the scene! of ''atrocities " no less horrib'e than those lately committed by the BashiBazouks. The Greek Emperor Ba-, silious II. was nicknamed 44 Bulga-! roktonos," because ho ordered' 15,000 Bulgarian prisoners to have their eyes put out, a few only being left with one eye in order that they might guide their fellow-prisoners back to their homes. Even more, atrocious was the massacre of thej Gothic settlers in Bulgaria. The I much-praised Emperor Claudius II. j gives the following account of this J massacre in a letter cited by the. historian Trehellious Pollio: 44 We; have destroyed 320,000 Goths and i 2,000 ships. The rivers arc covered j with shields, their banks with spears and pikes, and the fields with bones ;} no load is free from blood; the huge barricade of wagons is deserted. and we have captured so J many women that each of our conquering soldiers can take two or; three for his share." The Growth of a Dead Man's IIair.?Dr. Caldwell, of Iowa, says that in 1802 he was present at thej examination of a body which had been buried two years before. The! coffin had sprung open at the joints,! and the hair protruded through the. openings. On opening the coffin the ! hair of the head w as found to uuas"*! ure eighteen inches and the whiskers eight inches. The man had been i shaved before being buried. In 1?4? a s'milar circumstance occurred in Mcrccr County, l'u. In digging a grave the workmen came across the j skeleton of a man that had been buried ten years. Tho hair was as firm as during lile, and had grown to a length of ten or twelve inches. Invulnerable. Circumstances seem to prove the correctness of the popular belief that lightning will not strike a beech tree. In a thunder shower at a town in Massachusetts, a beech and maple standing near together, with branches interlocking each other, received the electric boU, which shattered the maple and passed into the earth through a prostrate hemlock tree lying near, which was; v n i stripped of its Lark nearly the whole | length. No trace of the lightning j was left upon the beech. ITvawivis Trv noilfml M UU1 H ? v ?%.? ?> izc any poison, mineral or vegetable, taken intentionally or by accident, swallow two gills of sweet oil. j For a strong constitution, more oil. Kershaw?In the Probate ("curt! Estate of Marl tin Ilin<h?on. Whereas. W. S. Del'inger has applied , to me Tor Letters of Administration cu all ! and singular the g?? Is ami chattels, rights j and credits of Martha Hindis'.n, late of the | said county, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite ami millionth all and singular the kindred niul creditors of the said deceased, to appear before die at a Court of i'robnte to be liolden on the 2l*t day of Dec. 1877, to show cause, if any they have, why said administration should not he granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 1*1 U dav of December. A. I>. 1877. J. F. SlTilKKLANI), .1. I\ December II L't. THE POPULAR HOUSE OF W, H. ELLIS. j In addition to my stock of ? >-a a i /m i ra ? -rA? I a aa WINtS. LigUUKS, I UBAUUU I Lave added a PULL SUPPLYj OF Family and Fancy Groceries!! Bucon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, aud all the leading a, ticlcs kept in a First-Class Grocery, Will be on hand and for sale at bottom igures. fikajrBefore you purchase elsewhere give ne a call at the old stand. nov37tf W H PLUSW. OLYBURN, General Insurance A sent, Represents: Galveston Insurance Association. Union Marine nml Fire Itisurauce Co., Texas Itanklnj: ami IiiHurauce Co.. (inl Vest on Insurrauce Co., Of Galveston, Texas. Visli Cnpilnl $('.00,000 00 ?urplus 155,7M S'7 Total S7"?r?,7Ml 97 CAPITAL & ASSKT8, 6755,781 97. leargia Heine Insnrance Ctmpany, Columbus, (in. ORGANIZED IN 1859. 'apital Stock ; , . . $'.00,000 00 'otal Assets 5?4,4'J.O 22 . oct30lf Candy, Candy. * ** IH'XHS assorted Candv for sale bv i '* PAU.V ?R(?.Sf. ' 1 Heed Oats. I nnil Bushels Rust Proof Seed Oat* I for ??le by U.WM brou, jr* Q -?)r rp r~? ? g* <ORGS AKD CATTLEPOWDERC, ii "vili oora or p revert D'-jcua, ?fo TToifit w111 die ct Cctip, Botts or LH9 F? , vtb, it r'outr"* Powders r.rc i.-cl In t!:ie. FoutzV I'orders w i'lrero pri'lpt rventJioo CnnutKA j l ontr's Powders will Gar its IN Fowuc? > tsvlaljy Trr!:c'*. Fjtui'H Borders trill !nrreft tbe tjnar.Slr of milk ?c 1 tma twenty i?vr Cciiu i?ud lunke Uic butter triu j sweet. . ... 1 t rt'M'B Powder# will err* or prevent r.luost xvhEj . DsseArK that Ilorsea aril t attle are l.eir to. FofTZ'a i'ovnrca villgivx Bathfactios. Sold everywhere. DdVU; K. rovrz, Proprlefcr, HAX.TTUOHE. ltd. | flffFS PHIS; A Noted &mne cays I /.# ;/ (rye north their tveiffiit in (jo 'cl. EAD Wr'AT HE SAYS: f) Ti n ? Mint Sir: I\ rt- n years t 1 avc Fern . .r:\rt i|<v.|ii>< .it:i*n,ni<d Pile. l-tsl >.. \ h r i -Ii r r- "iiit.ii nit t to i??.; | i. .I'm v.i'h jiHe i: i ! i. I ji.i now :t \v? II man, | :i|>;u lite, ilije-; inn |? r e? 1, regulars nets. | lesn?-t :iri 111: vil tnr.y | nun !>mi.pJ flesh > 'hi'v are v- or t ir v : i tp Kr.V. 1?. MMl'f' '-N, 1-Oaisville, Ky. | r; 3 ? r> !*" '' ' ** c,i" ? ! | 'A I'M ii S in the practice ol iUIU i.ieaicinc thirty year*, and CVl'-E '-.ICTI KitAD- fnr ilongtirtv wasdriron. /.Calif. .|r;i!iir i'l anatomy in the ..... T. -? / > .\'cilir;ilCollegeol'Ccorr?iTY?Q P i I Q ui.i. hence persons using 11 ! I O i vL?.*.0 j,:s pills Ii ivethcjruarjn- ' evr.C DYCITXoXA. tecthnt liny arc prepared ' in xi.ntihc principles, rUTT'S PilLS 7*" 1 i< has m-cti tiled in 0U3SC0XSTIPA2ICN coin tring in them the I . _ r ii.lore antagonistic I IITTJQ Pit 1 R <p.'a!i;!csrf a riitugllitnI U I 1 O I "Uty ' rgotirt, and afurCPEE P1I.23. ? vt>:? iauif. ? 'I heir tit t apparent elVUTViv? P ! II C feet is to increase the ap i I U I I U riLi.0 lietitf by causing the fool, t.? properly assinri late. CUKE F^VSB AltS T'ms the r-vstent is noarishcil, :tii?t hy their tonic *io?'is n-i t r\ ticlh.ninthedigestive orTil | I J\ P.! 9 Ss jenns. regular anil healthy IU! ! O I .-UO eve nation:; ? produced. CtTP.t EILICTI5 COXJC 'Hierapi.titv \\ ith which fsr out la.I* on floh, r:rTV5!?> CI I O white under the influence 1UI I O liLe?0 oi these jiills.ol itself inr-tr)v-rv rrv dicales their adaptability " '*" to nourish the body, anil ??n )' hem e tin ir i Cic.iry in cur p-- a iiH i'' rvousdchilitv.trt.JI It I 10 rtLLo anciio" .dyspepsia, wanini* ol the inuH'lrr, vlu*; ?\JEr TCP.rilj X-IVEC pMwrfti ol thi? live r 1 chronic corsiij it on, aiu Mir.rtip': hcn'*h -*nd ftrcnj,'t ' to the ^utyin. ^ j . e .. i,. ... f hVi.-.s 1 - \.u r.iv Sm-ct. New Y??ik i Jt. I..... I Jgam -ei ? | ? 1 TRiaSfiPH OF SCIENCE. ? Cr.iy Jl.iir can be chanifti! ti a 1 olo'&y block by a otnuU application of j i I Dr.'rvTT'sHjirDye. Itartslikertiicic, i 3 and is warranted at hannlcsi at water. I Price Jt .oc. Office 35-Mum" St.. N.Y. i hat is queen's eelight?: clecid the Answer It ii :i f' n t pri>v.. in the Si.-.t!\ am! is ?pc* ' ;.ll.\ aoaptr.1 to (lit-1 rent tli mHii t climate. ] ' NATURE'S DWN nE?AEDY, Ci.ti :.r<- oiae ifn tlx- I ; < i tp< I ir? all srrnfImik. anil r i-iiitui.- li. ctioi's. Alone, : ii .i ' a" h : I ft w'. vii. -n -.t-in. ti with irfc.t|vir:i'a, Yellow Lo> U,:t::d oilier herb*, it lorma 3r. Tutt's h'aKaparilla and (fccca's Bdight,. j r ip ' I p. nrliil Hi I ; mi.", r !. ;>? . i< ri.-m i t!i- i re i t i I.! nl "i r - ,.li ?i .t y ir.t?, foul k.m.titc Ir.'titl " .m a. I i r ' . i' ?kin :-ca is. lir. j y. I.. !n- v < r ' o I. i til ?tit, Is of r i n i (i . <i .1 .i re I l \i i .i nl .(>! i n. Ilk nee i.-n-it-ir:. t c t- ri >i . .yf.i:' i r a fairCO.n ixii'i, ami !nii.,.s nji tti.'i i, . ui.ii HEALTHY. SOU") i'LrSH. \- an . i. ti t trjihi i poiton it i. trandv i'ii'iii'i* ri!. 1. 1: -inr ii - t i i ft it m- i t tyjH .ii i- i-v n r i 'v niitlvit. !. i-*: )-..<?.!> vi? i. I' i .1 1:1.11 I n'l IV it i i ;..> Jinrr.l. 1 Ih f me :o laic . I* mii. ia r .: .! 1,11; ann |.|i of di'ltiilV. c i. .1 i.' t % r an I .i<;'i... TOO lit I I j. rii.' -i !' it'.i ..i ' V .1:! . Iti- t<. rricc, f ;.c.i. Ol;i .r 1 strc-i-l, V v.- Y-,rk just opened. Fail and Winter Stock AT j James Jones,. I have the pleasure of .announcing to inv iiiimcrotM pa runs that i have Jusl lU'luriHtl from the North cm Markets where I purchased a heavy stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which I propose lo sell at prieescorrcspouding wiili tlie low price of cotton. My stock of HARDWARE cannot he excelled in this market, ami as 1 made my purchases in this line, under the most favorable circumstances, 1 can aifonl to sell I lie same at the Very lowest Prices. COTTON. I a in always in the market, and give tlie highest market prices in cash, The patronage of the public is solicited I'olitc and attentive clerks on hand to serve customers. sepl't?If J AMES JONKS. BACK AGAIET. 1 II WK the pleasure rf announcing tnmy | friend- ami pit runs t'-al 1 lmvc removed to MY OLD NTA^D, where with fur greater facilities and convc- I nicnces than I had before the lire, I uia prepared to conduct a Fill ST CLASS JlAKEUYj in every respect, and the patronage of the i public is cordially solicited. Orders For Cakes of any description promptly and satisfactorily filled by competent bakers. Frosli Br.oad. ill way Oh hand. oct 23tf MRS. II CR08DV. ]Voli<30# i Thirty days after the date of this notice, i if not rnlle I for before the expiration of! I hut time, 1 will rell at public auction lot til Mueken l. not*- lying in the ilepot ot : lie South Carolina Railroad Company, consigned lo order of A. S. Muggins," U II. ANDERSON* Agbnt. JtettnbYr 11* 1?t7". 4t IIV ATTV riAXO, ORGAN txnt Look; I 1 *. A startling sec! Organs, 12 J dops, $.v?, Pianos only cost IMfiO. Clr. Free. Daniel F. Realty, Washington, N.J. fJI T IWft an?l Revolvers. Illustrated price list s U free, (treat Western (inn Works, I l Pittsburg, 1'a. ? M11111 moth out IK toeverylmd.v. Stein ; H VAfl winder watch free with llrst order, j M X WW Ten <l:?l!a s a day guaranteed. M. ' CRONEGli A < o'., Philadelphia, Pa.,, or Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 3 new vocal and 2new instrumental pieces sheet j music, inc.. sliver or stps. Music Publishing j Company, Middlt boro, Massachusetts. AGENTS WANTED for Ilolman's new PICTORIAL BIBLES, i 2,fw>0 Illustrations. Medals and diplomas awarded. Address for new circulars, A. J. lloliiian A , Co., 9.10 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Agents wanted for the Work Days of God. I A hook of marvelous beauty and richness in > thought, style and historic fact Gives the very; bream of science, making ii* thrilling wonders and bright gems household treasures. Endorsed by the press and clcrgv everywhere. 1IAIIK CIIANCK for Agents. Sales Immense. Sample Illustrations, Circulars and terms FREE, at once* J. C. Mci T'KDY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. r a I.arur VtXKDi'AKOS with name, in case, Oil 13c. 2*' without case. pc. 30 new fun cards.! loc. Oi tilts, 10c. F. Wamibikn A Co.. Middleltoro, Mass. CAMfnOniC Tim only .mbliiati.-in of Onli I Un U O the true ' Jamaica Ginger j wifh choice aroiuatlcs and French bi-and.v, for tveafc- ! IAMIAIPA ness, weariness and prostra , JAIYIAIL'A tlon, of the uervoiM forces, inability to sleep, cold ex- j troniitlcs and suspended < IrPiMPrD cnlatlnn is a grateful boon to UilNULR. suffering hum nity at once | soothing. strengthening and refreshing. A*k for j 8a 11 fold's Jamaica Ginger. w4 RUPTURE! i Those wishing relief and cure for Rupture,' should consult Dk. J. .a. 81IKHMAN, 2m Broadway, New York. Send 10c for his new hook with ; photographic likenesses of had cases before nud ! Mfter cure. Beware of cheats who pretend to fur-1 nlsli lir. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, u German clerk, now railing himself I?r. \V. (i. Oreinplen. is indicted on t combialntof Pr.s.and await- trial for forgery and embezzelmeut. AGEINTS WANTED I ! Foil FARTIt'ri.A l!S AIHWESS 'Wilson Sru iiiK Machine 'o <*79, Broadway, New York City, Chicago III. New Orleans, I.a., "or San Francisco, Cal. OPIU^i' IlahittiiNMl. A Certain and Sure Cure! Ijjrge rtductlnu in prices. A inal bottle free.? Mr*. J. A. lhollliiger, lapoite, Intl., fPotntcrlv Mrs. l>r. s. B. Collins.] * Soul fur Reduced J'rir (J MASOX A CABINET 0 II 0 ANS. New and Kp!onU:tf styles. Prices redveed $10 foearn this month, (Nov. lsTTL Address, ' Mason .v Hamlin Organ Company, Boston, New j York or Chicago. tthc I /youthPsX -o A WE^KLY ' PAPER'fo ft V^~ i v~. "MJ^- ~^r -YOUNG mwi$ ' V v- :-l-V <+! - ' Sn. AND THE ?^xp?^ It aims to t?e a favorite tn every rami*??loohe 1 for eagerly i>? tbe young folks, ami read tvilli in-: teres! I ? the older. lis purpose is to interest wi.ile it'amuses; to be judicious, practicable, sen-1 slide, ami to have really permanent woitli.'wlil t> 1 it attracts for tlie hour. It is Imndaainely illustrated. and lias for confriliutors some of the most attractive writers in the country. Among these are: I T Trowi.ridge, Hinali Mitlooh (Talk. iatnesT Fields, .] (i Whittle', ltctiecca II Pavis, I.onise r. Voulton, Mrs A II Leo'ioweiw, ?' A Stephens. Kdwaid I verctt Hide, JHarriet P. spoffor Win CuUi-n ISrvant, A I) T Whitney. LottlsaJM Alcott. Its reading Is adapted to old mid young; u very 1 comprehensive in its clniractur. it gives Stories of Adventure, Stories of Home and i etteni of Travel, School Life Cditor: sis upon i urrcnt Talcs. Poetry, Topics, Selections for Iteclallihtori al Articles, nation, I'lograiiliicai Sketches, 'Anecdotes, Puzzles, Religious Arficli s. Facts and incidents, Subscription Price, #! " >. Specinien copies sent fr> e, PJe:?se incntloii in what paper you i read this advertisement. PERRY MASOM A (;<).. II Teuijile Place. Itoston. CONSUMPTION An I |.lci;etpii, iv::rod . k?r-c" r cf .v'l if"' i 'x! l.i.tii iiwj>in: ,.r> i.w (tier. u;.i , t :u;-> Tt^rliblij r.-rr. './ Ii r i> ^ y --iij |>.nn. 11. ?UT*J f r>??' ?/? '*. /' "Hr/.I .? i -t n.-,h. tt t.i .11,: : ti i t nr t :.n l I iitji ?.;? i r r i t> r i rv . t. ! tr *n-| pit r prr.r-H ,nm|>l It.. r't*T liiv I c I ! i(s -ur ,i;k? ;>.!*? r-i-i ?li (r ic?. h?? ! onto ??wn it known to h'? nil r g fp't <w . ; la by ? -ir I r -I " -ii k -ii ii - |: : iv<, I v it! > : Ira* t-icII vir> ! >! i? tht? recipe !nr(i?mftti. frm * tr -!i. will'/ .liro ?i,.r?. Ai'dri?.w 'I ? It. \<*. .f.lid^i.iii.LCPI;! <-uttitr.N. r THE OLD CnRHER STORE, W. C. GEBALD Would invito the attention of tlie public to his Immense Stock FOR THE Fall and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of I >ry Goods, Notions, Hoots,,Slices, Hals, Clothing, Gents' Furnitlrng GocnN, I'nitcy At tides, (Jrocerics. Provisions, Hue n. Lurd, Clicehc, Crackers, Sugar. Coffee, Ti a, Mola (/ itiitcl Go; (Is, Salt. Pctwer. Seizors, Tobaccos, \e. which lu> lias just reseivcd. 'and which is larger ami far superior to any previous stock lie has ever exhibited. 1 wouM a>k a cart fill examination of my stock before purchasing, ns I nm confident that I can save money to all who need ooOlls, Highest cash prices paid for COTTON and nil kinds of Con 111vy Produce. My slock of Efa^ing and Tics i is extensive. cp. 11*. ? Wood! Wood ! Any kind of I-'IKl' WOOD furnished upon shoe est notice. Money must he paid to he DHIVKI', unless sstisfnetory nrningc-, " men is are previously mad with .Sep. III". J. I'. MrUOM'AI.b. WANTED. A Piano. Mill nn/oi huv. Address JOUUNAL UFflt'K. i OettfArr 8tl. tf ' DRUGS & MEDICINES, j I beg leave to announce tbat I am now eceiving n NEW STOCK! OF DRUGS, .VKDIOINES. PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, kc., &c. which I propose to sell at prices to suit the times. My stock embraces everything usually found in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. ' Cigars and Tobaccos.; A large supply of I he most popular brands I Durham Smoking Tobacco, and the celebra-! ted Gravely Chewing Tobacco, the best in use. Gunpowder Tea! I taf,lo Mil 111, ntlenlion of fninili,, to this article, which I guarantee to be the , best in market, and cannot fail to please. TOILET SOAPS in great variety aud at all prices. CHOICEST PERFUMERIES and Toilet Powders, in great variety. SPUES. MUciARD, PEPPER, BAKing Powder and Condensed Milk always on hand. A LARGE STOCK OF LAMPS, LAMP Fixtures, Kerosene Oil, Ac., constantly on hand j PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, j I would call the special attention ol i painters and others wanting White Lead to ' niy Southern Uliiti Lcad, 71 which is guaranteed strictly pure and can- j not fail to give satisfaction. C. J DUNLAP. DR. ZEMP BEGS TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS large and carefully selected stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES!' :o: | My tit ek is made tip of the best and purest, consisting in part, of Drugs, Medicines, Uils, l'uinrs, I>je StuflV. Glass, Putty, Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery,' Fancy Toilet Article?, Choice Perfumery, Lamps, Burner?, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Books, Paper, Eur elopes, ( 4 rnncy Candies.! Physicians prescriptions accurately I compounded, and solicited from all part? of i the country. ovt'itftf | t'EED AND SALE ST/BLES.I Every convenience on the spot. Always put up at ARMSTRONG'S COM MODIOMS STABLES on DcKalb Street. Good pump well on premises. Animal? well fed and properly cared for by accomplished hostlers. PRICES VEIir MODEUATEHorse? and mules always on hand and i for sale cheap. l)on'r forget the place. j J. A. ARMSTRONG. , Parties indebted to me are request , to be prompt in making se'tlement. Collections must be made or I shall be compelled to adopt severe measures. flTTRTR A S T I ************** | Our usually largo arid varied slock of j Christmas Goods, | Embracing every variety of FHENCII CANDIES, FANCY CANDIES, FLAIN CANDIES, Fruits and Nuts, OF AI.I. KINDS, Currants, Citrons, l'runes, Raisins, Figs,, Jellies, Preserves, JSpiees, Sauces, Flavor-1 i!i? Extracts, Dcssicatcd Cocoanut, &c., Ac. I ! Family and Fancy Groceries,* .unci: MEAT. Pig Hants, Pigs' Feet, $c. \ \ Wc keep constantly on hand a choice j stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS,!' And continue to Fell I The Best Cigar for the Least Money. Fireworks and Totys! lit greater variety than ever. Wo ?ulii it a call from our former patrons md the public generally, and guarantee roods at the lowest prices possible. KIBKLEY A SMITHdec? Ill Cheoso. i / w, COXLS CUE El E for sale bv IVV BAl'M liUOS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Just Received by : at, Prices to Suit the Times, We have just opened a complete assortment of NEW GOODS, suoh at we usually keep, consisting of DRY GOODS, I BOOTS AND SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING. HAKDWAFK, WOODWARE, | CROCKERY, Ac., Together with full lines cf Choice Family and Plantation Groceries, all of which have been carefully selected, and purchased upon the most favorslle terms, and at the ^ T ,OWF?T T>T?Tni?? Give us a call and examine our goods and prices before making ycur jurcLns# elsewhere. LARGE STOCK OF BAGGING AND TIES HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR COTTON. KENNEDY k BOYKIN. $100,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO aOIiD At Astonishing Low Prices; 4 CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddles, Harness, Groceries, Bagging, Ties. We Still Pay Above Market Price for Cotton. _ BAUM BR C REMEMBER! VOU CAN I3ny tlie Be?t and Cheapest HOOTS AXD SHOES, HOOTS A\I) SHOES, Itoirrs AXIi SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, HATS ANp CLOTHING. HATS AND CLOTHING, i ? J ?. 9 Ikiii/M Z' _1 v^1 ?_l? jl 1?111is9i1ii1^ vGents.' Furnishing Goods, Gents.' Fnenishing' Goods, AT W. Xj. ARTHUR'S W. L. .AIF/nBCTTIR/S W. Xj. ABTHUa'S