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LOCAL ITEMS?. Returned.?The delegates to the Grand J.odg<\ A. F. M., liavereturned. All say they had n pleasant trip. I'pm \niv vr. ?''How well these chil*' drcn succeeded in the Juvenile Entertainment." is remarked by every oue who saw them. The performances can- i not be improved. Carpets! Carpets! Rugs! Rugs at II. Barucb's.?Avt Admitted.?On Tuesday last. J. \V. Repass was, on motion of W. A. (7lark, r Esq , of the Columbia bar. admiitcl to practice in the SupiVmo Court of the Siat". Christmas.?All of the stores in Camden indicate the approach of Christmas, and everybody, though poor, is making ready for a whole-souled jollifL cati m?the first in uiany, many ycats. "^Window Shades and fixtures at II. Barucb's.?Avt Thanks.?We are under renewed obligations to our esteemed friend, Promeo, for the interesting account of the Juvenile Entertainment on 'i hurs-t d?y night, which will he found in! another column. Call for the 50 cent 2 button Kid Gloves, in all desirable shades, at II Barucb's.?Avt Masonic.?Gen. J. 1). Kennedy was j at the recent meeting of the Grand ! Lodge, elected Senior Grand Warden, Rev. John Kerch iw Grand Chaplain, and J. D. Shaw, Esq., District Deputy Grand Master. Badly Damaged.?The planters along the river have about finished gathering the corn and cotton that was covered by the recent freshet. A very small pcrconlagc c?T the corn will t?c i sufficiently sound fur use, while the cotton is equally as badly damaged. ( Mens Unlaundried Shirts, the best goods for the money to be 1 found iti Camden, at II. Barueb's. i Carried Away.?Tho crowded i house that assembled at Town Hall on Thursday night to witness the Juvenile Entertainment was carried away with the superb acting of the little folks Tho unanimous verdict was that theirs was a brilliant success. Shawls ! Shawls I at greatly re- < duccd prices at II. Baruch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt ] I.VCENDTAUISJI.?The barn, wiih the L Mire contents of corn, fodder, j?eas, fa f ,* ' Dr. R. S. Mcllett, on Raftou cnek. Sn",ltcr C0'J!,ty, WJS destroyed by fire on the of the 11th instant. The fire, \i*hicb was the work of an incendiary, occu."re'^ ahout two o'clock iu the morning. Free of Ciiaruk"?In our notice last week of the fact that the journa u j had been awarded the contract for the ( advertising of the BoarJ of County , Commissioners, it was not cur purposo I to hast that we had offered to do the i same free of charge. So fur from boast-; ing about the matter, we bold to the opinion that a laborer is worthy of the ' hire; and. under different circumstances.' we should not have made so liberal an offir. We had simply determined not to enter into any alliance with our patent-outside neighbor, even though we had to do the work for nothing. Corsets are sold remarkably cheap at II. Baruch's.?Avt Venus ani?tijk Moon.?The con-. junction of Venus and the moon on the evening of tho 8th inst has caused many persons to make inquiry concerning ihe lju, size and distance of the two bodies It is doubtless upon good as trnnouiic.^ authority, that the distance! of Venus If. *? (h/J earth at the time of the occulta)ion was -?>7 times that of tlic moon--'.be dis(aucc r,f thei former from this glober being OHif, and that of the latter 248.flb?'' miles. This accounts fur ' he apparent j smallest of \ onus, though her lineal diameter is to that of the tnocif to 100. 1 Ho for Christmas ! A large . *tock . " of fancy Goods suitable for Cln 'St-1 mas Gifts ai II. Daruch's.?Avt "Killkd It with a Hock."?A j little colored l?oy, twelve years of aire, and named Alfred Brevard, came into town Saturday with a wild goose under his arm, and. in rcspoiispnn-e to a <j'tcs t ion put to him, answered : ' T killed it' wid a rock, sir, up to Knight's Hill." The truth was, the goose was alive, ho having broken its wing with a stone ani then captured it. The little fellow sold his g tine for sixty-five cents, and went on his way rejoicing?evidently in the idea that tie was just then the most* important personage in Camden. You cutt always find a beaut i?ol assortment cf Ties, Embroideries, Lacts, CufTs and Collars at Il lia-. ruch's Dry Goods Emporium.?Avt. At a uvular ei.ttimutiicali<>u of Flat Kock Lod-c, No. ITS, A. F. >1 laid on the 13th day of Docpji her, 1STT, tlit* following i fiiccrs were <*1< ct? <1 for li.o ensuing Masonic year : L. 15. Stephenson. W. M; J. T. Cuuthen, S. W; L. L. Clyburn, J. W; K. G?skin. Tivas; W. 11. Patterson, Secy; J. N. McCaskill, S. I>; .1. K. Thorn, J. P, J. West and F. G. Perry, Stewards' J. C. Hilton, Tiler. A full litic of Hosiery for Ladios* Misses and Children very cheap at j il. Baruch'8.?Avt jt CounTY Expenses.?Through the i couitcsy of Capt. W. II. 11. Workman, 1 Glerk of the Board of County Couiuiis- J sioners, the following estimates for , County expenses for the fiscal year < - ? vf 1 cf 1 .qt t ] COlEOieilL-llJU HUHOIUVI . . For County Auditor (assessments) 8300 00 For County Commissioners and Clerk's Salaries 1,000 00 For County Treasurer's Commissions 500 00 | For Jury, Witness and Constable Tickets 1,500 00 ; Fur Solicitor 500 00 , For Clci k of the Court 300 00 i For Sheriff 3,000 00 t For Trial J usticcs 1,000 00 | For Coroner . 200 00 j For l'oor House and Poor 1,800 00 ( For Bepairs ou Roads aud ^ Bridges 9,000 00 ( For Repairs on Public Build- ^ dittos 1,000 00 v For Books, Stationery and t Printioir 200 00 . For Coutingeut Expenses 1,000 00 t Total 821,300 00 The largest and decidedly elicap- , est stock of Boots and Shoos that a can be found in Camden, at II. Ba- a rucli's.?Avt Personal.?That active tourist. K. " F. Thomas Iv-ij , of the house of Ceo. v ?? i n i.: 1'. 1 nomas iv i/o.. j/auiuiurc, was Cam Jen last week. 1 Wo were pleased to meet in town an j :>'d aruiy fricad in the person of Ilichard . 11 Williams, Esq, formerly of thiscoun ty, but s:ncc ihe war of the State of 1 Missouri. Mr. \V. is visiting relatives t n upper Kershaw, where he will re* ; main a few weeks. t General Ghcsnut and J. W. 'j DcPas*, Esq., left for Columbia yester- c day morning. j t J. W. PePass, Esq., was admitted to 0 practice in the Supremo Court of the ' State, and the Pistriit anil Circuit ( Courts of the United States. ( Gaft. Clyburn went to Charleston '. Saturday. He is expect, d hack to-day ^ Undershirts ! Undershirts ! Gen* ' i. uine Eat gains sit II. Ihiruch's.?Avtj Patent Outside.? II?-re is what'1 that veteran journalist, brother Gilbert! ; of the 1*'r Dec Watchman which by [ the way is one of the best eout.ty pa- j ( pets in the Slate, has to say of our up- t town contemporary, and the patent out-1 Ride: 1' Tlic A enhan (layette has fallen into t the patent outside. We are s >rry to c see this. We exprjss the opinion' 1 modestly that a newspaper?one liall * of which is printed in New York or;! some other Northern city, cannot rep- I resent the people in the midst of whom ! it is published. And it is indicative of I two other points, that either the paper c ho printed is not able or docs not care c to employ home editor and printer, for i what u oftentimes the most important j i part of hi# paper, or Hecks thereby merely to make money from his publica* j tian. These remarks are g-fjerul and;, in no wise intended us personal to our' i friend of the Gazette, but we feel that wc would restrain the f 'tt-o of the consolidated reuiatk in this connection, did we not say. that the editor or pub- ' lishcr who makes the making of money a tine non. lowers the standard of that high posi'ion upon which the press as one of the mast potent human powers . on earth lbr the accomplislun.nt of good rests. The <?olton Murkct. For the past week, the market ruled 1 firm until Friday, when an unoasy feeling prevailed, though without any change in price. Wc quote the market yesterday at from ID to 10* cents., Sales for the week 8*0 bales. New otyles of Ladies Cloaks can be foun J at II. laaruch's.?Avt [COMMiNKAl cu]. ' ' I !?!/? ? ? 1 I I j i uun inn. Mu. liDlTon, ?nd tl:e tableaux which | preceded th? drama at Ot'K THEATRE,! oti ThursaVy evening, the Kith itiKfanrcxhibited a high degree of artistic talc; out "ii the pa if of {lie lady who was the; head and front of the exhibition, and of those ladies who lent their aid i:? a fording the citizens an evenins ofey-' cpiiaite cnjoyiurnt, and the display was j enjoyed l?y a \ *jrv larg j nsscuddasre of! the "fair Women and bravo inert ol Camden. 'i'ho first tableau?the \ilist's I > ream?j was exceedingly beautiful, nod elicited ; unbounded applause from the apprecialive audience. The on I v object ion was. the brief \iew allowed, in order not to ( fatigue t lios#? who e run posed the tableau. I he succeeding tableaux, wcit? fiuitbss, ' and but slightly inferior to the first, which consisted of fourteen young girls admirably arrayed in guv and appro-: priuto cofctunus. placed in Mu'ue liko positions, which were sustained with surprising fidelity by the youag I'uiritht, i \ \ A V with look* as bright us the upper skies and with pleasure beaming in i heir'-ye*. There did not appear the slightest wavering of position on the part of even the youngest of the galaxy of beauty? a little beauty of sonic four \< a is. This tableau will long maintain a place in the memory of the young people, as wrll as those of larger growth, who witnessed it ; f?r ' a thiug of beauty is u joy forever"?while to those who composed the tableau, it will be a theme over which the little fairies will hold sweet converse for lo, these many years. Hut what of the HP.AMA, the main feature in the evening's performance j by the young ladies and gent'emeu who assumed the various characters, and truited their brief hour for the first time upon the stage i To say that they ?nuko their speeches as tlioy were given :hem 'tripplingon the tongue,' and that j hey did not mouth them, us some actors >f more experience have done, is but ac- |, wording to them their full measure of i praise. When one and all were so prompt ii their parts of speech, as to ignore tl e prompter's aid, and so readily "suiting nch action to the words, and words lo " ; i-> Ir\ lie Ul'UUII, li 10 uiuivuiv iv miu. - | z-', and accord to one a uiore maikod 1 ippreciation than others, but among the iit!e girls who graced the stage, may he muted without injustice to hi-r coiupan-1 ] ons, Jibs K. (/., as Roselcaf, the fairy , ;od mother of Ginderilla, having been al. otted a prominent character iu the Irauia, she fully personated the benevocnt fairy, in behalf of the lovely but uckless daughter of the baron, ?a poor, onnubial martyr, who, in his second vcdlock had caught a tartar, and her ] wo daughters (the mom of tartar,) ; ( tho sorely oppressed the tuaid-of-all . vork ; througlit the scenes, the churac. j er was well sustained. Among the roung gentlemen who displcyed a daided talent for the character assumed, i vas master II. Kennedy, as Prince Free- i ove. lie played the lover with an uictiou that gives a forecast of his fu- ;' ure, if he does not find a tlijipcr to iid him in af'er life, lie wili doubtless ,vo'd the touch of the prunella. (/in lerella, Miss A., was well reprc- \ cnted in the varied phases of the char- j K-ter, passing from the maid of the kit 1 'hen to the beauty of the hall room, ] vith a readiness that indicated her full < o i 1 1.. ppreciatioti 01 tier position. J<uuy iiolilda Matilda G iistcldeau, Mise . V., a very exacting person, showed t??r estimation of' the position of an ; Tster. in tegard to her elder sister, Lady \ngelina Sclina Kvaluia, MissS., G!o? J < ilda met tier match, and they con-ij inucd the keen encnuntre of their wits 1 h rough the several scenes, culminating 1 n tiic trial of llf sfijiper, * here 0 lo-, dda ar.d Angelina iugloriovsly failed n their attempts to win Priuce Free jovc, one getting a ' shocking had xauip," and the other a strong desire1 o kick up a row,and the siiglitod Gin- , Icrilla received her reward in recover-1, ng a slipper and winning a l'ince. i The Paries?Violet Hud, (MissS..)>i /arnation Hud, (Miss W.,) Jessamine I' Miss Mel),) Hluc Bell, (Miss G.,); miow Drop, (Miss B.,) arid Daiscy, (Miss I.) played \^11 their parts, and were leautiful beings , like those of yore who :ainbo!cd like nymphs on llie Grecian ' liorc." | ( Nimhlcwitz, the Prince's page, (Mas- , er Williams;) Fleur-de-lis, herald to ho Prince, (Gilbert;) the Barou Tumile-down Dreary, an auc'ent nobleotan n antique costume, (Kllerbc ;) and Al- J eit Itoderigo Herberto Giraldo Griggs, DcPass;) were al! enacted with decided ; ruthfulncss and effect. The Baroness Tuuillo Down Dreary, 1 Miss W.,)in her ancient costume, play- I ci well her pait as the designing stepnotlier, in her attempts to supplant Cinlerilla in favor of otm of her daughters, nit not succeeding in cajoling the ptiuce he made a virtu; ol necessity and alws tlieti) to Wed, although ready to >ur?r from spite. The Baron joins the lands of the Prince and Ginderilla and dosses both, ''a speech that did of a ertain. with thundering plaudits bring l"Wu the curtain," ending a decidedly iffectivc representation ol the Fairy Diana of ('iinli rilla. A pleasing addition to the evening's wrfonuancc was the flute solo by Mr. J. B. Adams, which was received with ounds of applause* DltOMKO. ( Procure one of those beautiful sets. )f Furs or Fur Capes at II. Baruch'g. [t'owju'xloatlin,] The Whipping; Post. Lynches Cukek, Dec. (i, 1S77. Mil. Kiutok: I was truly pleased with "Citizen's" communication in your last issue. I have been long convinced j that severer laws than those now in force were nocesscry to deter evil-doers from the commission of crime. It docs senn that every honest man. whatever be his color or previous condition, would be willing to vote for the establishment of the whipping post, or any other means thut would suppress crime. There is little doubt hut some Judical scoundrels would he willing to make (lie colored p"opl? believe that the whipping established, would bo intended lor them especially, but the dictates of reason are, that none would be guilty *>l such meanness, except those who arc in sympathy with rogues, or are rogues themselves. Why is punishment in. fll? no <1 iminals Is it not to deter tjietn and others from committing crime!' Well, if ;}.o punishment which in now imposed is not Mitfece?,i, i' should l?e increased. Tin; (able of the old man and 1110 !-ov in tin* apple is a <pmd illustration. Mut what is the punishment thai criminals have to unci^o n:?w i It is either line tori i;wpps'>nnicnt in the count)'jail, or a tertn of months tir ytatjj in what has heeu commonly and appropriately called, Col. I'arniclc'.s Hotel on the Otn^atco?there to be fed ami clothed better than they ace at h'inii\ and to labor Ic-s, than any houest. industrious farmer who has t? ilipr and delve to support his family, and to pay a tax to help support that bogus tiling itnproperlv called "lite penitentiary " And there arc the youthful culprits, if uudor oiL'hteeu years of ago, instead of being put at haru labour, arc put io the fcohwl, therein provided, tor wliitt purjwse, heaven only knows, unlet" it be iliut whci; t?'?ny are turned out that ihcy will be prepared to steal more adroitly. I a:?, likc "citizen," not lor ubtdishimr the ?.?*ni*entprovided, Hint the li gi.-laturo wr.ll reorganize it, and cause it to be managed in such a way thai it will become self-sustaining, otherwise, blow it up if tlmre h powder enough in Columbia to do it. I wish to say something about making | Arson, Rape, Rurglnry <X:c, capital offense*, something about the sickly, sympathy that generally gets up for i criminals after conviction, and something disapproving of Gov. Hampton's recommendation concerning those who i have paid tax to the usurping govern- j nient last wiuler. but that hereafter. lU'STICUS. In the " Ladies Department " you , will find an assortment of trimmed j1 and untrimmed Hats, Ladies Under-j' wear at II. Darnell's.?Avt Be sure to get your Clothing and 1 e IT T> | Hats at the popular store o: 11. i>aruch's.?Avt A full line of Black Alpacas just received, and offered extremely low, it II. Baruch's.?Avt A full line of Handkerchiefs and Hosiery to be had at II. Baruch's. Bear in mind that you can always purchase goods cheaper than the cheapest at the extensive Dry Goods i Establishment of II. Baruch.?Avt Blankets, Opera Flannel, Plain i md Twilled Flannels, Cloths and j Cassirneres in large variety, very J cheap, at II. Baruch's.?Avt IIAKK1KI). On the evening of the 12th instant, at the re-d-1 lencc of the iiriue'a fattier, by Rev. A. s. Wiiich?r<l, Mr. Seaborn Jones, .Ir., and Miss Carrie, Fotingest daughter of A. Owen, Esq.,, all of lie.-- I I On the lS'h Inst&af, ?? Et?1 ?r M. Mclraw, Mr. j IJoUert 1". Wiiaoa uti-.l Miss E:u i Utr, an uI Ker- j tiiaw. . m;,v aDVKRTiskhexts. Administrator's Notice, j All persons holding claims against the {state of Joseph L. Tiller, deceased, will' present the same duly attested, and those j indebted to said estate will ntnke immediate payment to me. li. M. PEAKCE, decl8-lm Administrator. Mortgage Sale. I'cnrce & Tiller to L. D. Mo wry 5; Son. j By virtue of above named mortgage, 1 j will sell in front of the Court House, in1 Camden, on tue first Monday, the Gtli day of January next, within the legal hours of sale: Three cows and calves, one yearling, one ; gray,horse,one buy more mule,one t wo-horse i wagon and one buggv. Terms cash, decldtd W. L ARTHUR, Agent, j Estate 8ale. On Wednesday, the 2nd day of January. 1878, at the late residence of Henry Baker, deceased, near Hough's Bridge, in Kershaw County, I will sell so much of the ifsta'e of said Henry linker as shall not have been set ofTas a homestead, consisting sf entire crop of corn, fodder, peas, horses, eattlc, hogs, household aud kitchen furnilure, plnntution u'ensils, &c. Terms cash, j The plantation upon which Mr, John! Snipes now resides will, at the same time tti>1 place, be rented for the ensuiug year lo the highest bidder. SAMUEL WEST. I; decl8-td Administrator. m? a Jacob tnas Begs to inform his friends and the publie gcuerully that he lias ? I OPENED STORE i Jne door north of T. J. Harefield, Esq., | where he is offering a stuck of General Merchandise, nt nstor.islily low prices FOR CASH OMA lie hns Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, &c., &c. A call is , respectfully solicited, dccl8-8in JACOB ELI AS. LeKalb House, 15V A. S. KODGKKS. Most Centrally Located Hotel in Town. l^erins Per Day. Commercial Travelers will have everv ? l.? 4\... a; i i-xii iuii |Miu iw unit t'/iMun, nun i/c mi uishcd wilh SAMl'LL llOOMS :it this1 House; an<l persons visiting Camden will I find it a <juiel ami pleasant home. Special rates made lor parties traveling t together, ami for those tvlio wish to stay a week or more. ZaT In connect ion with the house is n first-class LI Villi V .ST.MILL, where horse*-' ami vehicles can he hail at all times for town or country use, at the most reasona- i hie rates. I'oiiveyanccs to ami from the depot at every train. dcclHti Sheriff's Sale, The Lstntc of Martha Adamson. l?y virtue of an order from his honor J. t I'. Sutherland, I will sell on the first Monday in January C<77 in front of the court liotise in Camden: <}oe house and lot on Market street, hounded nirtli hy vacant lot hi longing to the same, we?t by market i street, cast l?y lot of Abram Marks, north hy lot of Abram Mark'. Terms Cash, JOHN 1MUY, s. k. c, 10 Itiirrels Extra Elm* Miliar. F?r sale cheap. novaO-2t I5R VSINUTON & NETTLES. Ooffeo. flings of new Coffee foa sale low hv ?|U 11 \U.V BROS. Mackerel* i /\/\ Kits ul Mackerel for sale at lOO OACM DUOS. Delinquent Tax Sales, j OFFICE ok CoUNTV Al'WTOK. ) 1 Camden, S. Gee , 18, 1877. ) j In accordance with instructions from the Comptroller-General's oflice, 1 here . by publish (he List of Lands in the , County af Kershaw, upin which the i taxes for the fiscal year 187G havo not been paid. r Df.KALU township. j SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. i. t Arrants, S E Mrs. 1 lot, 2 buildings. o Addison, Thus. 2 acres land, 1 builning. v Braecy, Jim 50 acres land. Cantoy, Mrs. S A. 1 lot, 3 buildings. s Conway, Anna M. 1 lot 2 buildings. n Conway, E J. 80 acres land. I' Capcll, w II. 1 lot, 1 building. 0 Cantey, Charlotte 0 acres, 1 building. Carlos, John sen. 28 acres, 1 building. Clark, L G Mrs. 1 lot, 1 building. * n ChesuUt, Hurry 50 acres. If Clemments, Marion 50 acres. c Coleman, A. 17 acres. Del'ass, J 1', Trustee 1 lot. 1 bunding. Darhv. Arlaui 10'acres Dickcrsou, Sum. 35 acres V CJrceu, Paddy 1 lot, 3 buildings ti Graham, A C. (Nelson tract,) 300 acres Johnson, Abraui 5 acres ^ McMullcn, Alex. 50 acres Myers, T S 1 lot, 2 buildings Priuglc, llausom 1 lot, 1 building llobiason, A 1) GO acres Smith, Alex. 50 acres S>kes, Leviuia 85 acres, 2 buildings J! Wadkius, 1> F 21 acres, 1 lot, 3 build- q ings t. Williams, Wilson (A C 8hcorn) 1 lot, 1 buildiug n llobmson, Hubert 30 acres, 1 building ? school histbict so. 2. Atuuionds. James 70 acics Del'ass. K C 5 acres, 3 buildings j Haile, Jenny 234 acres, 4 buildings Hunter Chas (M A S) 101 acres, 3 buildings a Nelson, Israel 70 acres, 1 building 8 Pcrrv, Wesley 05 acres, 1 building o Stuckey, James 231 acres, 2 buildings 1 Sumter John 100 acres i'rimiin, Margaret 07 acres r Williams, Dick 30 acres, 1 building t school imsraid so. 3. Adams, \Vi)liarn 314 acres, 4 buildings j Boy Li ii. Isoui 48 acres, 1 building Hyatt, 11 J lot) acres.3 buildings t Hall, Jolin 11 255 acres, 4 buildings Moore, Wiley, Jr. 98 acres, 1 building McCuskill, Djniel 170 acres 2 buildings m Bey colds, JL A 100 acres, 1 building SCHOOL DISlI'.ItT .\U. #. Bennett, Miles 300 acres DuBose, II K 5,173 acres, 14 buildiugs BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. i SCHOOL DISTCICT xo. 5. ' Clyburn James 120 acres 2 builJings | Holland, 11 J. 100 acres, 1 building Hall J J 000 acres, 5 buildings I McLendon, Mary 150 acres, 0 buildings McGaskill Moacs 177 acres Riley. M K C 200 acres 1 building Perry, John T 50 acres. 4 buildings . Blaekwelh William 110 acres I SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 0. Cato, Mary 100 acres McCaskiil. Daniel 105 acres Marshall Mary J 00 acres, 3 buildings Todd, William 457 acres, 3 buildings West, Joseph 204 acres, 3 buildings SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 7. Cato, G W 100 acres, 1 building Helton, N S 258 acres, 1 building Umpbries, Nathan 100 acres, 1 buildiug 1 FLAT ROCK TOWNSHIP. SCHOOL DISTRICT SO. 1. Alexander, Dawson 98 acres, 1 building Bass, Est. Eliza 100 acres, 3 buildings l Muun, John 207 acres, 3 buildings J Peach. J M E 100 acres, 1 building Shannon, Kirk 134S acres, 1 {building Williams, Henry 80 acres Watts, J A 28 acres v West Thouias G 91 acres, 1 building SCUOOL DISTRICT NO. 9. ^ Benjamin, Euiuierson, 273 acres, 4 building ? iAA 41 M V Bowers, James \\ 10- acres, 1 ouuaing Champion, Estate 11 L 1048 acres Cantoy, Mrs 8 A 1300 acres, 2 buildings Davis, James M *131 acres Duren Beckham -50 acres, 2 buildings llorton. Mrs S A 50 acres, 1 building I llaiic, Amos 200 acres Jones, Amos 50 acres, 1 building Kabon, Abe 371 acres Smith, Oliver 110 acres, 1 building Sulmund, Isaac 50 acres, 1 building Young, Isaac 121 acres, 2 buildings SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10. ] Hammond S L 133 acres Jones, Mrs ,1 I, 4 acres 1 building Jones, J Ij 1050 acres, 8 buildings Me Mow Dr T F 100 acres, 2 buildings ' WATEKKB TOWN'S HIM. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 11. Branham, W 11 50 acres. 1 building Edmund*. Mrs 11 B 500 acres I (1 recti, John 4 acres, 4 buildings Jones, Est. A M 2000 acres Nelson, John J 1000 acres I'cay. Mrs E M 2501 acres j' Shirjh Isaac I (JO acres. .; inmuings Pickett, Mrs A E li 5U ucrca, d buildings L'mphrios, Nathan 100acres, 1 building SCIIOOI. DISTRICT NO. 12. Ilotren Fred 11500 acres, 2 buildings Bailey, W A Id I acres, 2 buildings Clarke T II 3.2JH) acres, 21 builJitigs Clarke. Mrs L G l.'JuO acres, 5 buildin iJS Gerald, E .1 128 acres, 2 buildings Gardner. Est James 100 acres Maz dl, Julia and Mary Livingston 1000 acres, 10 buildings Nelson, Frank 82 acres, 2 buildiugs Pasclml, John K 50 acres Koss, John S 400 acres, .'I buildings Ilu.vs, William 05 acres, J buildings Notice is hejeby given that the whole of the several Parcels, Lots and parts of Lots of Heal Estate described in the preceding list, or so much thereof us will bo necessary to pay the taxes, penalties and assessments charged thereon, will he sold by tlio Treasurer of Kershaw County, South Carolina, at bis nllice in said County on the FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER, A. D 1S77, unless said taxes, assessments and penalties be paid bufuro that tltuc,] and such sale to be continued from day i to day, until all of said Parcels, Lots and parts of Lots of Real Estate shall bo sold, or offered for sole. E E. SILL, dcolB County Auditor. Sheriff9* Sales. I. 0. Saltnond, Trustee, vs. John Whit ft- , ker, Executor, and James L. Heed?Execution. By virtue of above execution. I will sell n front of the Court House in Cam ten, on lie first Monday in January. 1878, the fol owing tracts of land: One tract of twelve acres, immediately lortli of Camden, on Beaver Creek road, lotinded north by lands of Mrs. Margaret Vhitaker, deceased, east by lands late of Villiam Nettles, soiuh and west by lands f Mrs. Margaret Whitakcr, deceased: coneyed by William A Nettles to John Whi-j ker. One tract of thirty-three acres, adjoining ame, west of Beaver Creek road, bounded ortli by land of W. C. S. Ellerbe, eas' by leaver Creek road, south aRd west by land f Mrs. Margaret Whiiaker, deceased; coneyed by William A. Netties to John Whitker. One tract of fifly-scven acres, bounded orth by lands of W. C. Ellerbe, east by inds of Mr3. Margaret Whiiaker, deeascd, south by lands late of James Dunip and John Cantey, an 1 west by lands of !. B. Cantey, conveyed to said John Whitker by James Dunlap. deceased. Levied upon as the properly of John Tliitakcr at the suit of II. C. Salmon J, rustee. Terms cash. decll-Gt JOHN TOBY, S. K. C. i. B.Smith, Administrator Mary A. Smith, deceased, vs, 8. J. Yates, George Seay and Henrietta Seay. parties in interest? Order for sale of real estate. By an order directed to me from his lonor J. F. Sutherlrnd, Judge of l'robate, i the above entitled cause, I will sell on be first Monday in January next, at the ourt House in Camden, the following jwn lots, viz.: Lots No. 842, 243, 344, 345, 46, 847, 348, 34 *. 641, 642, 613, 644, 645, nd 646, the said lots being situated south f the residence of S. H. Blodget, on King treet, in the town of Camden. m 1- TAflV TbAllV terms casu. decll-St S. K. C. . D. Dunlap, Receiver, vs. King Perkins? Mortgage of Real Estate. By virtue of an order of foreclosure in bove stated case, to me directed, I will ell in front of the Court House in Camden, in the first Monday in January next, all hat tract of land, situated in the county >f Kershaw, containing two hundred and wenty four (224) acres, and bounded north >y lands of Mooie and .Monroe, cast by ract No. 10 of the Chcsnul lands, south by ands of James Levy ami H. C. Saluiond. tnd west by lands of Edward Perkins, jaid Inn Is to be sold in parcels. Terms?One-half cash; balance in one ind two years. JOHN DOBY, S. K. C. decll-td r r. D. Dunlap, Receiver, vs. Larry Williams?Mortgage of real estate. By virtue of nn order of foreclosure in he above stated case, to me directed, 1 will oil in front of the Court House in Camden, in the first Monday in January next, all hat tract of land situated in the county of vershaw, containing two hundred and hirty-ninc acres, and bounded north by ands ot estate of Mark iiikes, east by ands of Dr. Deas, south by lands of Wm. Jllerbc. and west by lands of Mr. Darby. Terms -One-half cash : halance in one i ,nd two years. JOHN DOBY, declltd S. E. C. Ready for Business. %/ i iNEW STOUE AXl) Entirely New Stock 3RASINGT0N AND NETTLES HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNing theopeuing of their NEW STORE at he old stand of 0 APT. J. W. MeCURBY. there they have just opened An Entirely New Stock OF FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Goods all kinds, Jellies, Pickles, Ccuif'ectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, And all other goods usually found in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY l &TAPV kj JL V 1V1J, Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Country Produce. \lways ready to pay the CASH for Cotton* BRASINGTON A NETTLES. Sep. 20m3. J. W. McCURRY 13 OFFERINO Rare Inducements TO TARTIKS WANTING DRY GrOOIDS, CLOTHI9TO, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Groceries, <&c.! Always in the market, and will pay the Highest Prices for Cotton. Don't fail to give me a call. J. IV. McClBRY. dwUtf \ J. M. Williams Respeclful'y calls the attctrion of the) public to his Fall and Winter Goads. |> Jujt received and ready|f->r in pec: ion. My stock consists of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, ROOTS, SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS. BRIDLES. AND A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I would call particular attention to my fine assortment of Ladies' Cloaks, Alpacas, ? t i... Heavy stock of Bagging and Ties. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUSE Highest market prices paid for COTTON, J. M. WILLIAMS. J. R. GOODALL Stoves, Stoves A HEAYT STOCK OF Cook, Parlor and Office STOVES, OP AT.L STYLES, JUST RECEIVED, AND OFFERED AT r\-?rATirt T AWTTIT) rJ&lUJUB JjU W ?iDi ? THAN* CAS BE DAI) Elsewhere in Camden 0UTTERING, ROOFING, Ac., attended * lo nt shortest notice and on accommodating teruis. A full line of Tinware & House Fur- ^ nishing Goods, . , \ kept constantly on hand. {payAH work guaranteed. JOHN R. GOODALEdec4tf Books, Jewelry i AND Fancy Goods! A large stock of popu'ar School Bo^k*, Colored Picture Books, Juvenil# nr.' T?ri liters, Aumiiil I'ublicntions 101 inn, Books, Ledgers anil Records, Comj.i sition and Copy Books, Pens and Inks, Cap. Note and Account Paper aud Envelopes, Slates and Pencils. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Razors and Scissors, Spectacles, suitable for all ages; Rouble-barrel (inns, muzzle ; aud breech loading, with implements Pisj tols, Cartridges, Christmas Toys, &c. FauI cy China and Qlassuare. ; Banjul! Seviu Wines, At greatly reduced p-'ices. J A. YOUNG. decdtf Mortgage Sale. Columbus West to Mannes L inn aiil T'ermail Bauni, merchants, trading nder the firm name of Bauin Br< ?h. s. Mortgage of Ileal and Persona! Pro 'rly. By virtue of a clause contained n above mortgage, authorizing the sale of'he mortgaged premises in case of default of payment of the consideration for vhich ? ' mortgage was given, l witiser in h vi? > ? the Court House ic Camden. ? u the ilrst Monday in January next, nil tl ' piece. ^ pnrcel or tract of land situated on the waters of Flat Hock creek, in the county cf Kershaw and State of South Carolina, cntaining one hundred acres more or less, and bounded north by lands of And r.son Canthcn and Amos Faulkenbeiry, cast by lands of Jionry West, south by land- of Nathaniel Gay and west by of L. H. ^ Stephenson. Also, one two-uorso -.aron. dec4td M. BILLlVuS 200 Sacks Liverpool Salt, M I For at Si.23 per sack. nov'.U a UK A8LVQI0N & NtZTUm