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\ Kodeeriinar tbo Tima. t lie livesU long who *:vi>t)i will: All else l.? life bat t'utig away: Ileliveth bmjrrst who can tell . Of true things truly 'lone each day, ] Th<?:s fill each hoar with what will l.i3t: ' l.uv no the i;i"i.icnt- a-* Iu?*y go; The life above, wlieu this is past, li the ripe fruit ot itic below. Sow love, an 1 taste it's fruitage pure: 1 Sow J**1400 and reap its harvest bright; ' Sow sunbeams us the rock ami moor, Ami Siuvl a harvest homo of light. H. HONak. WIT AM) HUMOR An czcliaugn asks: -'Where doe? tlrcott.jn eo t" We kttov.- where a <:oOu . deal of it iptes, bat don't like to tell. AViicn a yottu^ 1 idy Items a hand., kerchief fur a rich bachelor, site probably pews that she uiay reap. W IIEN lour vtnen arc waiKing , flbpa>t on the payment, they will break rinks for except a utaii with a paint pit. Sorrn one SCii'ig :w.> or thro emincr.t lawyers gathered topeth?*r nu the site of the New Law (Vurts. said (hey hail uirt to view t!.?groun 1 where they must shortly lie. ''Al.r. flesh is gras?." Two farmers near Greenbush, X. V , contesting tlu* j ownership of grass in a graveyard, fell to cutting each othor with scythes, ami olio id them is uow no si?wer. Ax o! 1 man of our acquaintance says t he was horn at the tvm g time. "When I v. as young,*' I c says, "young men | wore of uii account; nnJ now that I am old, old men arc of no account." a" Well, 1 always make it *a rule to j tell tuy wife everything that happens," said JJrownwig. "Oh. my dear fellow that's nothing." a.;id Southwig, "I tell iny wife many thiDgs that never happen : at all " ' . I A man whoso appearance indicated i that ho was staggering from the excessive weight of a b iek in his hat, being j asked if he was a Smj of Temperance, 1 r -pIioJ : "Hie, no?no reiativu?not1 even an sci|UniutniKe.'' t As a rich and pretentious man was! looking at some paintiugs whicli j he nropoi 1 to tuy. the dealer pointed to a CnC one, and said : "That j is a dog aftcf Landsccr." -Is it. reaL lv V" exc!limed the pretender. "What; is the d -j; after him fur'/'' The following cphitnph appears en; a to nb4one i'> Thompson, C"'??ioetioat: ' Jit-re lies the b:? ly < f J< ualhan Kirhtirdsnn, vrh never hacriSced lib reason at (lie altar of suneistition\s g?.J, and wlto never believed t hat Jonah swallow cd a whale." "It i?i a settled piimip'e." your I.on -r." said nn eminent lawyer, "that nus.^ !v. ivs produces cCce;s " "They always do for the lawyers." r'-Rj>oiid? d | the judge: ''but I lave som.times known a single cause to dv-piivc a client of all lib effects." A Michigan law requires every man to "vote wh'-re his tva;shing is done," or nowhere. If you take the looks of tin ir shirts ns a te=*, tliis tan disfran* i-hise half the Kudical Laders in the Sidney Lame* has written an '-Ode to Vv'auiicr," which the St. Louis R*puhfirau remarks : ' TiiU in ikes Wagner's \i-it t? America a ecrUiuty. JIo will romr. if for no other purpose than to kill Lanier." ^^HBIvRostox tern can't belie* 0 what they , J boc. One of thorn ha?l to feel n sirnui nug' T in Chicago to s< c if it was really whiriin.'. It really was. and three or fjor of his fingers It'll down behind an: alderman's cravat. Next to a ncslcr in a rain storm or a man with his mother in-Uw on his j arm, the n?o?t wretched looking thing it the world is a candidate who has just j overheard some friend wanting to b<ui three to one that he won't be elected. A MiisieLin's Amusement. I'aganini was not merely a tnusicia::?but a magician in music. He could make all voices speak from his violin, from the thrill of an JEo-i liati Larp to the braying of a donkey. It was related of the great violinist; that, arriving at Frankfort one' night at an unreasonable hour, lie stopped at an inn outside the city ! gates. Finding himself unablo to sleep, he took his violin, went to the ! open window, and c nnnenctd one of }iis wonderful medleys. Feminine1 sighs and groans, then the cr) ing of an infant, and then joyous outbursts of laughter, i-sutst in rapid pucccs- !, sion from the string" of his magical j instrument. The whole neighbor- 1 hood was aroused. Nightcaps peeped i out timidly from upper windows, worthy buigbers in scant undress i rcconnoltcred stealthily behind half-1 open doors. At length the more i adventurous guests of the inn, rush-! i*ig upstairs and knocking violently > at Paganini's door with a view of ascertaining the cause of all the I i hubbub, were quietly informed by | the artist, that, bring unable to bleep, 1c was simply amusing himself with his violin. Cure fur ( ravel. j! Mullen leaves boiled iiito a wtrong tea ; drink freely for two or three weeks. The subscriber hereto had the worst of spells for months, and j when he was told that tnuilcn tea I would cure, he drunk it freely for six weeks, u.-ing no other drink in the time, not even the unnecessary j stimulant of enffee. This was in ( lfc'CG, and no sympion of that terri* 1 ble distressing disease has ever been felt hv him since. lie knows ot fcvtral cures which have been effected by the abovo remedy since ? I at date."?TV. L. GoitDO.V i i? Tho Russian Lancer. The Russian Lancer has a peoniiar way of bidding ami using hilance. Iii ether European :?>tu!e> i mounted lancer seisms his lance at ihe 1 vri nf his hip, and eomscfjucrit- ( iy supporting the butt un'ler }>i< arm. has about two-thirds of the! weapon in front of his hand?thi" latter directing the point. the arm ami shoulder supporting the shock.} The Russian Lancer, on the contra-; ry. when ahout to use his weapon. j takes hoM the middle of his staff, so that the butt being under his arm. he has but half its length in front of his hand. By this means he has un? doubtedly more command over his lance, since his hand, grasping it at, its centre of gravity, can direct thej point with greater accuracy, audi also contribute more effectually to-' wards resisting the shock. On the; other hand, the weapon thus held loses much of the superiority which' it otherwise derives from its length, tho lance points of a Russian lance regiment when charging projecting but very little beyond tho noses of their horses. This is also due partly to the fact that the Russian lance shorter than that carried in other armies, being only 2.75 metres in length, whereas in the German armv it is 3.14 metres, arid in the Jlal:a:i 2.9o metres long. Water for the Eyes. A writer in Frazer's Mtga:hie thinks that, whatever hesitation there* may be justly called for in recommending one or another of the various lotions now so popular, there need be no such doubt in respect to cold wafer or pure water, lie says : in cases of much inflammation or difficulty of opening ti;e eyelids in j the morning, experienced by so tunny, wafer should he warm, and it may be mixed with warm milk, tut in nearly all other cases it should be cold. All those who- have en gaged in reading or writing during several hours ni a stretch, ami especially at night, should carefully bathe the eyes with cold water hefore going to bed and the first thing o n t c in the tnnrninrr's ablution**. Ail ar ti.sans, too, who work at a blazingl fire, ought often wash their eyes with I cold pure water, and so sh ?ul?! aii1 those who work'in wool, pariiru-i larlv carders and spinnc s. and j those likewise employed in woolen! manufactures, the fine dust which J such works disperse often producing cataracts, obstinate it.ihiuunaticti, swelled eyelids, etc. >Y heu <o Cut Timber. Timber for building panoses or for the use of coopers or whcelrights ! sh? uM never be cut b? fore Decern-' her or January, when tt?c circuhiti n ' of the sap is thoroughly arnsted. Immediately when the tree is cut j down, it should he freed from all j shoots and blanches, anf sawn into planks as soon as possible, so that j these tuny be at once seasoned by l wposurc to the air. Dv taking these precautions decay and dry rot will be avoided, and the wood *.vd! keep excellently ; but of eonr-c die advice h ii tended only for those who get out their own lumber. or can have it done according to their own wishes, for dealers will cut timber at tnfiimitt' c.-.o ;r,na v THE POPULAR HOUSE OF W. H. ELLIS. # In n.Uiticuto itiv stock of WINES. LIQUORS, TCSACCOj I Lave u Met! a JPTJXmUm SUFPIiY I OF Fasiiy sM Fancy Ms! Ducoii, Flour, Sugar. Coffee. nn<l all the lea l.tig tit l,ties kept iu a First-Class in roeery, | Will bo ou ban J aniforsile ;.t beUoin ! figures. 1 e*vf vou n.ircliii-* clseivlierc irivr I >.ie u cull nt the oil etati'l. W. H. ELLIS. W. OLYBURN, General Insurance Airens, Kci-rcs-ent t: Galrato Iiim IsKialia! 1'i.Ua Murine :?;;1 Fin- Iu-aira:. C.?? 'I xus Jlu-iV:.'!;: ami liiiuciucu ( aiVtbCuu l:itt:irruiicc 1*0., of Odlvi Hiori, 'uxd?. I'HSh <'nj>it:?l f i'Jil.flO/) 00 Surplus lj."i,781 !i7 Total S75-'?,7S1 *.?7 I'AJTTAL & ASSKT.S, *735.761 ST. Gscrgla ite Iterance CiM! i > Columbus, Gil. OJKJANJZKD IS 1S5'J. P:otk ; , ?300.000 CO fotnl Asm 18 621,1'JU ?[ oct^Ol f CusitJv, fatidv. ? ' * yit 170XE3 assorted Candy for *|le by ' > lur.fnftos. ie1 o tt tt1 tp* 3 *=5 horse and cattke^owdersj ovpnvoat el?<r?i>. "*o nwnwin <!!? ot coltc. fottb or lrao l z> tin, if i n-itz* few !m arc u ! .n tire;, f .iuiz>l'"v 'its w l!rnrr linorrotaii* fonts* l'owilrr* will prevent t'.al'ia ix iowl,c* cr'al'y tvrfcc v*.. j'mi'vitl'-w.!'-* w!ll tni-rff tli? cnv'tittrtf r-.ii* tinil fmiii two'itj' jivr ciku, unl tut fruiter arm *v.""it/* v"w(*rrr v!il err" crrr-rat al'noal avis 1 dlveamttlnt jfr rs ' :it' i jfe'tr.: lit'.r to. l.ijiz's j'nwr?rr.? vil1 ulvit lialltfachox. ik.ll cveryw litre. havuj Id. t50t2, frt fritter. 'wXJu i'i*! ;?m*? x % tjrrt?^ i y 5 m '.5 a sfetaw a noted eivias says 'll\17/ <v;r irftrth vcviyhl in (jo It. read what dc cays: ik<. ti' r t:?i * 4r s r: t'i r ! m.:r. i :,\o !? . ii :i ira: r i . i). .; .?,i ..... v-ii:.-'.,. ..-,1 . vmivt vi' i i',,?ikr v i l.i i.. ; i -i cil ilies i (fri'i v. ii :i i; ij; : ) | ' i*- <\ : \t. i tn.tu, liuto)(oud . , ? !..(. : ." ! : r t.ireill ir* (liltl. ii .. ? ?":?% ' 'm . ? '? ' ' " v ; 'i'm "i :.l a> 1'hc* Af \* r t f\( mi :t m v' ' '. ii; v. it. r. s:m?" < \, l-i.k*. tjjtti^ r-.i: ^ i l< i 1 o !,v " , 1 . >li -t-;*i\ \i .ii-.una cvxb ?fk ilwfr. i ; i w .l.i,,.);. a''il ' j r... ;) .,. t;i ? v i*i t lit* tutt3o p ' ?1" ^ cub2 steycl-ma. | i ' :y :ir thtt'o p'! 1 n ' 1 ' . o 11 re i ruin ul! i <j i 1 'u f:r?vj i . ! ' .; > i!rt! in cre5co>-3tipat:y^ ,v ; s )v: r. , tvr tiit'.iin rv i ' r 'r IUI! s r.usj;ctbe r:i,rj. j > ' ?> totpTp.lls ??** jj5g> *** > i:~ , , i i' i, t . I I ? r ?ir tonic "J?il?. ? > -> tv? ? : .t- "i'.cortuTi'S PiJuS i r ri : khSiii c,1. CUBE LTT.IOIT'J C.ZI.IC i ; iih winch / r r,:. , f.ttk, TiTTjS 5"? 3 f * .. I %i I < V> I O' I i t ) i!v-|f in< i^AiVV. : ' ' f!".* ?.! nc'iuctir713TT;3 PILLS] CT23 TOr.T'.'J LI'.'EE I V1"-'"' f.' ii:j*nr?irp hvsi,fN r.T-.J ftn n;;'t??llu- > ???. * ?'Mr; Wiijc . Oiiitt, 3j Mil r.*y Nr.v Y>u.. Bi^spzs 07 ^r.^^rr ^ M??rz] a.t wuivtUbK- o ua b? cI>-<!T< j t? * f n s Mai Dv:. J*. *rts !ilcc rrai;.>, I irarrintcil ai ! : ilesi as woJit. k \t ,? v h'., N.Y. p rassr: .i:tzcga &V\r ; }; -ri:T7 b t I ?."j I JO & JU.tmii \* ? UttV'.Ml , Tkw.d tho Anrr.rcr it i- 3 | l.ii l f??r. i'i t' '. :?' . " :! :r *{'?" c.iiy adapted to it.; < ; c?a '; ; it rilmiitc. it is v: r i" ^?'*l rrttrny i!r.! ?;> ! ?n -V?i t- ' ri; - !J - niftiloc*, r*tvntn-tie .r.v ti AluneJ it :t .r \ . ' ' . ' "i w! fit i imiMih ( ??.ti> itarMpjuiliiti Yd! > l uii* and a< |tc ill, it furm ex r*" J J ? c: 1 ;W? I ? C " * " ** "*i V ' ! ait / a u c<>-? ill1. **. *? s ? o SV C"> jrw f J V h) #V e i / u, di V | Tic m??t jv.'vi r::i! ! '. > >r \ m . . r-.r.'ira! KifWr HrliiriT.NI'f ulit <:! <r .. I f fiiill lii-.v.i.'.'c lr I'll,1: . . ? ili.-i : .< >. \, !.i v ?.f NC* :. t p'.nti . i!:- *r i ! ! r .t ?."' ."i. Its it:e 11 ;. i ' ?. ' - i . .r i : itr k-.ii;>!! xiiN, ' : . ' s v i HEALTHY. COLD rLrpH. A* in . v : - t'i |- ' it i si n;tly rrmtnmrniL f. !i tulr ... (*' w . ttype nave hem raiti < : e' !. f. uitf fwrly wj? ft ;'.I.- I ir: . i V'i , , > l. ill . i .1 >r<l tttnetotaiu : 11 r i a tiini - i.d; and l':?tia ! i- i hits . i<i la * r .. ! ISJUC. \Oi iv;il t a J. r,' 3.i. > i! ' v ! itne^i t*. i'l'is!, (..J It'.'. t, -r - v;c..s, \i IV V.irit. syrr 6P?&Fri JH J wj ea I <j iu W ? Fall ami Waiter Stock % V J anies Jones. I iinvi' ilja* J I.r-> ( f .1 *-U Itncilil' || my Liimeioi!" | tl..-.t I hive Jiiil IMstrmi'. rnun ilae Noitiurn wh' rc I j.tircl i :t !i.:ivy i-'.ctk of f.ui /.?in raw f:nnr? x liiiJJ w xixxjit uuyri.1, vv'lit !l I * !' [)?'-: to * li a I ]>l 11 1; -j-on wiili liif i-iprice i.l toM'jii. EAEBWAEE rannot ) ex* in i!.i-? :mr ! ?. > I n.? ! pi i'li* wv pure Sum". in Iiiis : n-\ i:i.?irr the in 1 ivorn'ilc cirri inM:::r. , 1 can iiiTure In 1! ihc .' .line :>t I In? Very Lowest Prices. CZJ -Ov;jl' ~X:' on I .nil ;'w.i v- i:i r I'i .rkcl, 'ili-f j,'iiC ilil l:igill&! i.l : I kd J ' . .-ill fa-It, Tlif j i?r !i < !' t!.c p.;M:c is MiKcllt-J n.j 1 aiii iii.Vi,' c!?-i..y i t: Siai.-i If Bi-j.iy-if J junks. U TV. i i'M. i.IN;: C; uoui-s. i>oois, Siiur.s. !i \ i?, c:.i ?'! .!.::v, i?\!:! u(;i;o< i).:; The fin ! cv< r 5 i uj'j! to "* * oa 31 ipi:TS III- Wi-i Iipi-ii rt'tivi ] i-v '.V. Mifcr ry. at hi" lit rt r<. it- \t In );>h ?.U siaa I. A At A X i . b':j- j r: r>. >.? ihc.p lh.-.l cjc>^2 m rrs ft in'w !i"n li-> f.;l~ to < xr.miiti I!: i- h:ll!<! . si.i !. nf I.c'hiv | arcli.-isinjr ?'i"t iviuM*. I: i- \v..i i i>. m ?^uicji To J.ty ! . 'i ]" !< V.r t'n?- ! - i I' tinV 1. win n tln-t ciii <' < <;>. I't'ii ?:i I ov.mine n v pool< ;,u<] i\.- wmicy. I miiil I?* i iiii I i. t to he 11:i : r ' i. I'mi'l l?n I I lie j.lniv. j. w. Mi ( i;T;kv. 0cl2S 11 ?0 ISarroSs 'S'aiira I-lav KiiKttr. For sale cl.cnp. nor?0-2t J'RASISCT05 & SETTLFP. nr ITTV i': AN?. i.e?t i.oa . S;! ? < ! l)!(fniu>, 12 stop, v. p;?:m s (.! } i:.v, fi'm. c i.-. pre ' Ihnuol 1". !ka?',\, V. >,. ,J. f ' 1J \'C iin-i If v.-Iv rt. riustr:;to-l price list | '' frcc. m est .'. csiern tiua V. orbs, I'litshurp. Is. M HUM'! toev. I Vl.-x!; . S>o|:i H wiolT *?' !. Willi fir'-: <<r.l, f*s A WW I* n <l"iui* j <!,>;. ffair.-tiirrd. M. < \ Co., I'isilatSLlphlii, Pit., 1 or .M:lw3!iki.:, ) < f\ vara! w Instrumental pio.-<-i ylim t. '' n.'islu. ltv. ?t!v. r or rife1. M.I'tiWishing . ' Company, Mi.!.!;. ! }?. . Ma.-nac'iunetta. AGENTS WAN".ntfor HOIMO* PICTORIAL BIBLES. ! 2,ooo JIliMrntions. >ic.ta!s and diplomas av.ard? !. Addrrrs far now cine'?rs. A..I. Hotmail A , i Ojl A:cli:r. < t, JT.ittite.'p'iia, I'a. Agents v aided for tlic Work Days of filotl. i A liooV. of marroloo* l?"?u*y and rl'V.css In t thorn it, style ami fact t.ive* tin* ?ery j twain of science, ii* thrilling wonders : and l>:la'ht gems lioii*oh..;d trc Endorsed |br !h- )> f.i a.i'l cloitTV every*lioro. It A UK I ?:I1ANVK for Agents. rulea in : :< nv. Sample ! lilmtra'totis. l lir i ars hint brum fit EE. at Ojtiv J.A*. Mr" I'iCltV A Co., Philadelphia, I'a. ' eA f.AKH?5 Mi.\r.p< akds wish ranm, fa case, /ill !:;< . a*, wtrliout:; 5>o new fan <\ir?K lOc. i tidCts, ltf . 1 . V a.-liei Ui a Co. Mid* (II. boro, M*.s*. CAVCTiDHIC The otilr combination of 0/\lirL/nU o the true Jamaica 'linger wiflt clioicc aroiaatlctf and iKrrtich loan!/, for wralcI A A 4 A IP A tioss, writ .-iiu-m ami pnntra J/AlYI AluA\ lion. < f lite n>;voia forces, inability to cold extrend'.t?*s and .n.sp'irled cirP{ h'PCO ciil.itit.n isaprateful boon to Vs!INv2Lii. sniferiiitr linittMiity at ?i)oili.:;t;, :>irrnj{'ii(itimr an I refrc.lting. A?k fur S..uf.r<i s .laai.iir.t (linger. wl RUPTURE! Those wishing relief ami ntre for i.'upture, : Should eoa-u't Ini..1. MIEI'M \N. lit- l.uad! way, .V w Vol It. .Send I V ? n hi tmw book with 1 photograph).' likene-M-s of oa>: . a*es tx-rore and | alter com*, li.-w .tie of r':eats w ito pretei .! to fur|! l>r. siieiitiaiiStr<*fc,i.i?,:st. 0 1- r?/\nr fil* ) iliif Itwisi'lT I'r. \V.ii !'j'!! *?< 1 en i i.iiliijiu! of l)r.S.:iu<l'.-t li'l'll for for;;try ut:d I rii!> 7.s?:.:>eut. i XcHEvirs" ava\ti:i) : : Von I'AKI'llTi.AKt \l>i?:5lrA W i'soii Kcwiut; .UnchiiU'Co lit iH'I'Viiy, Ni w York i';r . ' V.ra^o In. New i Organs, Lj., or s.?:i Frunciu-'o, Cal. ?>?*8* 32 KaMtturwii r f j y A Certain and Sure Cure. ! !.n:f rwl ictifii) u? prifit. A trial Sottlv liff.? ! Vrs. a . i'ifliti. !.: } !/!t?, inJ., ;i'oimerly ! Mrs. Pr. >. I'?. < 'oliint.J Said for Reduced I'rifc Lit! of & If IMMX : C A r> 1 N E T O It G A N S. J New ??. ! Style:. ] ?!r.t rcdvc'-'l JM r:!i lh:s moilili, ;No1->7I). Aodr?*-f, | Va.-ni: ,v Nahiiiatvgtu Cum? :ny, UiMt-.u, New | York or A'N.rac . yAiiMVJV 1 3 Mi QNV 'yO?^ rV' 'T , r-li-T" i Snrnr *nii* y < y. *au$a unmuA< a ; yjd Vd ATH3JM V />^sSlhoA/ . IP 1' ,!!h!!iiVj f.v sv'rv ru.'ijy?5-i.AoI {fm ?Myn.*riy the jonnr f",: j, uihI r<..?i rilt la* !en'V, ii, Hj/oM't, 11-* |<w;. ? ' ! ? f t Interest | ?!.!! I' ?: :,> I if ju i:o i ! ii . Mi-ii; hiltii, uhI ! ' fmve mils ponuaaea. worth, whl c I r. attract I rt i ? boar. It i- !y nlii^irn'.- J. n:i?i ? :.? f-?r c?Rfril-utors < l'ir," i ,.i: .H-tive writ'M In iliv I'OUBtrr, A?i'.oiig these an : : .1 T Trrwi'rM;.', J1 .Vi M :!>v!i (.'raJS. ' .Iji>IU-ST i I.-11--, .1 V. hit 11 1 IWIiwvh II 1>xvi?, to <M-nilton, ! Mrs A il \ ; 'i' - !.s. J IMw.ij-1 Kvrrrii li.tle, ilm- i I'. XHiffof', I V.'iii I uiltr.iiant. A 1> V W liitn> y. i its rofi'.irt;-' i? *i ! ; i :??. , ! y. r*i2; U vorv !' 11 nj.i.'hi itsivt- !< clta'it' r> r. !: gsvvit shirk of A-lv^i.tiirc, Meri'-s '-f t.1>\.c and I rttrn Trmieft >oi Lilt L'tit.'rS*!.' iijtoa Current faU i'< fir, J T< |i.i x. fe.-i t. wrt i Declai RioimiphieHl Biiclclic*, 'AIM-HOIC, PuxflM^ liriifl.aM AiSti i ii.tnl.-iiti, Ml v.nril"ii i"n'ft 78. i'l'cu mpirj * ni fritn flt j-c n -Ml- n ri v\l:U paper jou ! IN-iv' 1'F.KUV "lASO'l A II 'SYinjil:? K??*fo."i. r^ricss^PTffjf,? Pr'^crri vcyiJv^Uifir i (upj i'LuLtJ. I A-. !'. J>hy.?. .. i.rr' r^: ?r- . t< t ! f \? f*M*W ?!) f lilt).* 111 r* i: r ??'.I tvyjy f..r jtnd i ifi) -,f * / ## !/ t. . b> nn.'Xi ?. fu ii'?/., i41 / < ft J f,l I'.rn.nt ii??i I n?K ai'^iiAon*: r?. y f .r j .Tr?iti? <1 . ( t I ty a:i'l i '!**? t o'ppl. *l*r I t? { I it* < 'if . ,(i ?!,? ?? t <1* #.f lr?% U I hn | ?i V\ t ? ? 1 ? : K:> ">ni" f *t.: #: . A ; ' . 1 immifl f???c I will ? j f. - t ? i? %rl.. .1.- r *K r?? , - ? r t in. br, 'i# | vf ) ' (4. v * / ' . . ; Aii th v.* ' lM4'Lp, .THE OLD CORNER STORE. W. C. GEE AID W.'.iW iuvjsp !:;( nf!cn:i'-n of the j ublic I ?> lii* 'Immense Sleek ? n.'X i i? i: Fall aiid Winter Trade, | 7 | (ViimMi::g Hi j? ii i of i>r) In) us, .Nil! i j <? it -. .v I !.?:? , ( luihtrg I'll Illsi 1' lilil I'll II _T ( ii Oil , I":tii?*y Aiiidts, ilroctriis. i Provision*. 11. I,.H. Ciif>c, ( rs, So^ar, ; Co floe, Ti si, Molars, Canned flood*, Palt. ! Pepper, Sefriirs, To'vi os, \ci I j v.!:i? h lio li?.? jii' i i .u,ivc I. "iifi-i uM -li is !I rj/*'r mid l.'ir superior in any previous stock In* Inn ever i . liil-ilt I. 1 v. I : s!. -i r .it-it 1 i vi'iiiiisl'iiii < f my I ;i"ii;i;, r.? I :im I'niiiiiii'M j I hat 1 run save ii.oiify in nil who litre 1 I ponils. j cn-li pri "j nil fir i :< > rrox I nil i nil kin 1* uf .Vv slock .'f I * ami Ties j is t-j.lciisl v p. * Ftp. II'. "\Voo<l! Wood! Any kii:<1 ?f Flllll \\ (it'll i' itii iu >5 II|h>:i sin.i Ic-I i.oi j. ' *' .iii y ii ? I ! . | ii'i i'i l.i* L)K1V I i'.. hi.!i i :i-!h i. ry arrange, iiicnts mi- j rc\it i. !v in: I uiili Sep. m l. * J. 1'. M. L'OVi'A1.1.. V; i IXtiS, Harness Maker and Repairer. j V- lit :i;i v.-- ' In I'I i mi m.; '.'1 Mti icf.(t>>M v. Will ttlco rri irniitl teflt Mwltilfi. i s?- r> :i err" " !xUa?r .< insr.t#r'a ' a.-... n.ifMm 1 PEUGS & MEDICINE3. | I beg leave to announce that I am now teeming a NEW STOCK ok DP. COS, .vkornsk?. i'AlSTH, OILS, I'KKITMEIIV, B ill'S IIKS. paten r mi:mcinf.s. fancy goods, Ac., Ac. i I propose to ?el! at prices to ruit the times. My Mock embraces crerything usually found in a filial' (i.ass mtl'g stoke. Cigars and Tobaccos. j A large supply cf the most popular brands Diirli.'iiu Sau.kiug t>j. ?< < >, and the colebra. ...4 C .. j i-ul t- I'l.u.L Ti.t^rfn I h.? t?r-st In ; use. Gunpowder Tea! T call the attention of families to Lhi* ?r(which i puar:?i:tto he the : bee-t in ;na:ket, and cannot fail to [ lease. TolLKT SOAPS in ?( < ? variety and a: a!l jirioes. Clf'TtT.ST FKIiKl'MERIS.? anJ Toilet | I'otv !cr;t, in i'reat variety. i SPICKS. MUST A l'I>. PF.PPKil, BAKj in.' Powder anil Condensed Milk always ca j hand. I ALIF.GE STOCK OF LAMPS. LAMP Fismris, Knoscnc Oil, S.O., conitanCy on iir.nJ I PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS. I WrtUS'l C>l i I I ill: r|>fciiii ;i>"-iitiuu wi 1 painters and others wanting Wbit* Lead to my filctiUtcru WltileLead, which i< guaranteed strictly pure and cannot fail io give satisfuction. C.J DUKLAP. "is." ziip" i;i.CS TO TALL ATTENTION* TO HIS i large Mid carefully eelcelid M<ik of ;DRUGS AND MEDICINES! My * ck i s made un ol (Le best otid purest, consisting in part, of 1 i'rugs, .Vcdi.-ines, Oil*, TsUi'S. e SiulTs, G!s?<. l'utly. Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery, Fancy Toilet Articles, (Leiic I'erfun.e-y, Lumps, r.i.rner-:, Vnteut Medicine?, Tru?sc?, Recks, Piper, linvclopc?, rmicy Candies. I T' hy Ir'tRj ;>r< scrij'tb ?i? firruritely 1 <*<?n:| an 1 fniliiltci fi ciunl! parts oi . the country. oc?-3tf : fEED AND SALE STABLES. F.vory* convenience on the jot. Always f ut up :it A1: M ST KONG'S F() M M 0 DIOMS STAPLES ' on DeKtlb Ftiort. (.oo.1 rump well en j.r? ii:i-??. Animal* well r? ?! nirl properly cared for by accomplished hostler*. j PRICES Villi )* MODERATEHorse* nnl nut!'" always on hand and fv>r s:t'echeap. ! n'? forget the place. J. A. ARMSTRONG. Fnrtirs indebted to :ne arc request to be prompt in making M"tl- ini-nt. t'oilec 110:1s 1 us! be made ?r 1 shall I e ewnij vlhd to a l?ipt hivcrc mcast.ris. I 5iit 101% C'llOlCK Goshen i;t:11crt ft-r s-.le low l y* DA I'M 1SKOS. - V.v.l. TMcniVf! IZ,UUU ' 600 DuaJles 7111.*, For sail- !o".\ hy j oct'l-ltf DA CM imO5. STOCK COMPLETE! \ ' i Family and Fancy j GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, OI .111 k ! i v i s, canm:d goods i In Variety, FRUITS, NUTS, VEGETABLES A lull liar of 'tobacco and cigars, 11IE-, C'IuARi:TTK$,&e, For sale at lowest prices ly m KIIiKlLY & SMITHf?<>\ I S Look to Your Interests. Tl.r ut.'Ie. .ki;*n' <1 ml vises i:i.k fricinlr nti'i rclu11 \i- !? ? t< l-i.y ? >, -!< ulton t! <y come to Cato'lt n l> fur" ti' lni* liini a nt I lit* i:xti;n-.<ivi: m:v ct??i?s kstaiu.i^iiMKNT OF J M. WILLIAM.s. W , I.. -V^lliiir's siioo slote. LiKS. KiNt*. , rfa. rtb-Sm. < ! Boots, Shoes, Ac. TJic undersigned hating locate! in Onm Icn, one door Trent of the Post Office, begs j to inform the public that he is prepare! to J !o nil work in his line?such as making | an! repairing Boots, Shoes, &c.? w th neatness an! dispatch. Will also repair Harj ne?s and Saddles. All work guaranteed, j and done onlj for the Cash or Count p. t j ! PaoiRca at market prices. oct3!?tf ISAAC' YOUNG. I Sochn J.lvcrpocl Hnlt, For sale ?t $1.2o per sack. nov20 2t BRASINGTON & XKTTLF.S KEW GOODS, Just Bee KffinSDY. :a Prices to S We hare ju-t opeaeJ a complete assor keep, consisting of ; DRY GOODS, : READY MADE CLOT1IINC, : WOOD WARE, Together with full lines cf Choice Family and : nil of which Lave been carefully selected, ; terms, and at the i LOWEST Give us a call and czaninc cur good ! elsewhere. LARGE STOCK OF ! HIGHEST-MARKET PRI( | ; $101 WORTH C \ TO T2H At Astcnisbi: CONSIS'J I Dry Goods, Cloihing, Hats, siloes, Hardware, Saddles, Iiarn Groceries, Ties. i We Still Fay Above Mi : I i c REME! YOU I I I Buy Hie Be?t Bears AS boots AS boots as HATS AND HATS AND HATS AND I I | i GiciiiW l^uriii i <ji en i Funi i C* en< ?, Funii * , "W. 3L. .A.IR W. HI. A.3? W . 3LA -A.JW Finnl IToiife. * All parite* indebted to J. 8. Gladnrv or to Johnston & Gladiiry, nre requested to pr?y their accounts ami rotes at once. If they nrc n?t by December l>t, we rill place them ifi the hands ot an tut .rncy for collection, as we determined ioclot?cur books. JOHNSTON & GLADNEY. j iiorl3tf For Sale. SAW EMOUY GIN, very little jued, Will be sold at a very low price. * A up lGtr. HAUM BROS. KEW GOQDS, icived by & mums, a T itit the Time*, tmcnt of NEW GOODS, such as we usually BOOTS AND SHOES, If A HDWABIC. CROCKERY, kc.t Plantotiaii Grftftftrioii. and purchased upen '.be most faTorabl# PRICES, Is anJ prices before n.siting your purebfti* BAGGIEG AND TIES DES PAID FOR COTTON. KENNED V & BOY KIN. 3,000 )F GOODS I gOLD 4 tig Low Prices; L'lNG OF \ 0 / PKS, llaggin^, arkct Price lor Cotton. IAUM BROS. MBER! CAN ami Cheapest .J) SHOES, l> SHOES, % .0 SHOES, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, 11 J* iii 00(1&9 [*iiiiijj? Goods, ifediiii|? <JjS oods, lT .THTTB'S /PJ-CCTiR/S