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W. 1). TK A NTH AM, Editor, ; <i. (i. ALEXANDER, Business Manager. CAMDEX, S. < , DEC EM B Kit 4, 1877. . . In til? Senate! The ioDqr struggle over the admission of Gcu. M, C. ButW to his seat in the 1'. S. Senate, to which he wis elected by the General As.-cn.bly of South Carolina last spriug, was terminated at two o'clock on Sstur-lay morning, by the adoption of a resolution declaring him entitled to ndrui.-s'on. whereupon he was duly 9worn in. Xot only will Genera' Butler's [.crsonalj'riends rejoice at hii success, hut every good citizen in the country will hear with the greatest pleasure that South Carolina is one* * - . n*., m<"<re repres*.ntrd ia itie l uitea oiaic Senate. The Lien Law. In accordance with an act of the General assembly, parsed late last Spring, the li? ri lav will be repealed on and after the first day of next January ; and the question arises, how wiil a very large number of oar farmers obtain supplies with which to carry on their agricult urnl operations during the coming year? There is but one unswer to the iuterrogitori's. and that ia, thousands o! f..nm in the State wiil be uncultivated for the next twelve months, unless the time for tho r poal of the li?.;i law it extended until the first of Juuuary 1879. Planters and business nu n gen* crdly want tho law repealed, because they hare soon and felt its evil effects Ipt they think the act in question win pas-cd too pracipita'ely. The semot was f.r advanced, the craps had brer plunlt-d, and very few persons had sufficient notice to prepare for the ciisL that is now about to come upon them In nnr iudirement. the time for tin J r~ repeal of the law should be extended ai least twelve month*, so that every on< may have ample t'uie to Ly in a ful supply of food for man and bca-t. Gen Jemes Oonnor. It is announced that General ConQll will at a:i ear'y day resign the ofLce ul Attorney-Genera!, the arduous dutiei of which he has discharged durir?? tlx meat eveutfnl period in the history ol the State, with such marked abihtv and G Iclity as to inert the highest praise His feeble health, CuUpb*d with tin; con ditron of hi* private affairs, which h?v< been almost entirely ne^'ected for the list year, alone piouipt him to retire -in- i:r. ir<?in puouc u.c. General Conner also, with character i.c uiode-dy, J dines, in a publi.-liei: card. to bcentue a candidate f??r Attoci ate Justice of tho Supreme Court. It is thought that Col.'V F Youmans, i.J the Columbia bar. wi I l>< appointed Iv Governor Hampton to fill the vacancy cause I by the re*imitation of General Conner. Culouel Youmam of tlie Oue^t lawyers ia the coun* try, sod lent the State valuable a>*L-tnnce la*t winter, and more lecently dofincT the trial id' CardoZO Slid Others ill Columbia. lie would prove a most worth successor of General Conner. Editorial Items. Senator S wails, colored, of Wi!liauisburg county, has rcji^ned bis sent in the State Seua'c. Col. T. Siobo, editor of the Spart ioburpr 1/rrnlhis Leon cl? Wed Ch rk of the State Senate, vice Joseph us Woodruff. res:?;ncd. I)R. J. F. Kv:ou. Supt tiiUodcnt of the I.unatic Asylum, has rcsigfteJ. Dr. Gii.Tio, of Florence, will probab'y he .his successor. Col.. KLI.JSOX S. KKITT, <>! -NeW berry, has brought suit agn:i?M the Now York Tt'iiif a for libel, that pi for having charge] liim wifh#big:in-Y. Col. Kiilt lavs lii-i damages at $50,000. GahDoZo's fine is $-1,000, instead of $2,000, as stated by us last we- k ; and aa additional year of imprisonment i? 10 bo added if the fine is nut paid at the expiration of two years?the je. riod of coriSncincut for which he i? enteueod. I'lle Investigating C'Ujrailtce lure fbund a cloud of witnesses to prove bribery against Ilone.?t John Patterson 11. J. Maxwell and oilers UViry dl rectly to having received pay fur their votes for Pat tenon as United States Sena'or. The evidence also implicate* Worthington, liolivar ll*ye?. S. F. Jacobs and W. L. Lrggetl, who acted as the agents of Patterson in buyng up tlie Legislature. Tilr recent heavy rains were general throughout the country, and the i< sscs of property rt ported ate enormous. Mayo's bridge, over James river at Kiciitn ?nd, was swept away, and so were the Seaboard ?fc Roanoke and Petersburg & Weld ?n Railroad bridges ever , i the Roanoko tivor at Weldon. The!' Koauoko was tight feet higher than ' ever before, and tho loss of j roperty ^ albrijj its banks fruui Gaston to Ply laoafh is not Ictt than $1,000,000- t 0 Wil iam l'i'.t Kellogg, liadieal car- i pet bagger from Loubiatm. lias been adm tted to the U. <?. Senate as Senator i from that State. It being almost a foregone conclusion that Speaker Wallace will le elded to J the Judgeship of the Seventh Circuit, made vacant by the resignation of Judge Northrop, the contest for the Spcjk< rship increases in interest, 'lhe candidates for the position are Messrs. Aid- , rich, of Barnwell, Orr, of Andervon. Siiuonton. of Charleston, and Sheppard, of Kdgcfield, with the chances in favor of the la!-t named gentleman. A PULL Democratic ticket has been nominated for Mayor and Alderman of ,Charleston. Mr. D. F. Fleming, a prominent merchant of the ei*y, has suffered himself to be trotted out as an independent Democratic candidate for Mayor, but Major Sale, the regular | nominee, will almost surely be e'ected As soon as Hon&t John J. Fatterson has gave evidence that he would vote i n for the admission of General M. C. butler to the United States Senate, Kdmutids, of Yernion', and Iloar, of Mas>acliu*ett$, charged him with having 11 procured his own s?at hy bribery. iThi.i, to soy the lciet. was in bad taste, for the same charges were made against I Honest John by the Democrats ut thr ; time of his election. Still the Radical i *?-? ?* nf whifh Kilintinds and Hoar are ' j F?V ? *j shining lights, admitted him to h's seat, I tiid tnade him chairman of an iuipor> taut committee. FROM RIDC EWAY. November 21?d, 1877. Sii.ce you last heard from us we hart | had some pleasant times over on oni ' .sideof the river. Fbst the Koir occu. } ti d our attention; mai y entries oi i stock and plantation pFt,ducts were , uiadr, as were slso specimens of har.di work and curiosities, from this place Kidgcwav was represented by the fait ' sex on Wednesday, several of whom spent that day in the capital. Thurs ? day being our 'day out' we were so uuf lbi tunate as not to accompany them but on cutcring the train (hat was ' tnboarusto the exposition we found ' on b. ard about twenty-five ladies from ounJer charge of I>r. Fobeitson of that place. After surveying the assembly we concluded that* should j other places do us the " Boro" had r we should have a rcuimknbly "fair' 'r "xliibiii<m and ?l? wc touud it. living t mi adtniier of beautiful cy?s. wc feasted > our gaze l.oujitif'uily on that particular p feature, for ey?* black, ey>s b! ir I hrowu, hazel and all shades were there nil l'-okinjj happy and bright. Aflci enjoying a guid substautial dinnei giv?-n by the ladies for the benefit ol , the Monumental Association, (nut t hest wiattcs for both the h?di< s and ihtir undertaking) we witnessed the drill of the different Conipmies contfe* tine thr the chnuipioufhip, all did well . and reflected credit both on themselves I and their native States. Ipon the whole we enjoyed out selves hugely and hope to attend the fair next year. 1 lie ls ics a Sways ready toassrst us iu any j raiscworthy undertaking, gave a > l ot dinner and supper on la^t Tuesday, j for the purpose of puithasing a flag for the Hampton llifleguards, which corps is a particular pet and protege of theirs 1 Af'cr supper the tables were removed ' | nod the young people engaged in Terp* ., i-iehoriuu ntnusem. nts till quite a late > j hour. We have not yot learned of their success, but speaking f<?r ourselves and 1 many other4, say We had a delightful i time. 'I k.% nPAfwarlr f\C Vctufn If KllfV i "V [?* I'V I ?J V? was soil] yesterday at public outcry. The I teal estate was principally bought in by licini. Mr. A. F. llufl pureha?od the i large d welliutr h um , whit li if improved as regards shade trees would te a bonuti* ful residence. We note with pleasure the clung" in at rati gemot, td which biinu* your va?ily improved paper to us on '1 hursJuy, and I h pe it will continue ?<?. Mure axon. . * Meg's Diversion.'' Ol'r TiiF. MltE, Mr. l'id it or, was agaiu tl c resort of a wry fair assemblage of the citizens on Wednesday evening, the 27th ult., although, as was the case on the evening of the 22J, ' hung terr* the heavens in b.'nok," and the rain, it ruinoth eviry day," when the 11 istri.. n itCub purpose giving one t-f their choice entertainment*. Hut the citizens were not backward in coming forward to wit iiom the scrotal presentation of "Meg s < Inversion," uiii] tu li.-teu to ilu* c uror?l of sweet found* emanatiii-i from (lie laJ ea nnd gentlemen of the Club, and an orchestra of increased number*. I The But act opened w th an appropriate Bong (not inilie plajr.) by Conic | lia?Mr?. T.?which was rendered very 'sweetly by the fair act rem, and waa a . pleasing prelude to the appearance of J the rest of the Crow family, the head of which, Jertmy Crow, Mr. Z., ?a? again enacted with a tru'hfulu*s* cpjite suiprising in so young a gentleman.' lie appt and to hare giowu old b'tiora hia turn'. Coru? I'a, Mrf. T,wa* entirely per-: f? et in her assumption of the '*l!oaiditig School Mi.-s," showing that her scholar)ic d t\a w?re not firgotren, in the more responsible doti a of life. Mrs. 15., as Meg, at all riuies hippy in Inr eff-rts to ' hold the mirror up to n.i'ure," was in advance <?f her previous fiott in the character of Meg, ispecial ly so in the scene in the menu i act, bc> 1 *r?eti herself and Jasper, when h*? has discovered the fraudulent character ?.l Uolund, and realist a the fait III ulnras ot Jasp- a. Through the entire dmmuth* dirplayi d tho clear delineator of the character intended by tho author?her action and intonating voice was iuiprra. -ive. In tho charucti r of Jasper, J)r. L th? rw was tin falling ?>ff fiom his pre, . linus rshibtion of urtistie ability. Mr. %ttl<ur, a* Ki'Jand, acted well nits part, j . dthvugh hi? ecu! J not get into a dati", * ? detl quarrel with his fricn I. Ashley ' .Merton. K-q., of the Hall, (not the Town Hall.) Mr. Macloy, who war too philoaophical for Kolaud, and intent upon creating, and succeeded finally in creating, the widow Nctwell, the uiis_ tie-* of M?rton Hal!, fining evidence that he was nut tu blending ! his heart's beams, blight as thore above. I with the dim twilight of a widuwV lore,"?fur which lie waa nut to blatna | when so hard pressed by a daalting widow, ulthongh not of his creating Mrs. h., as M: ?. Net well, war perfectly at home in the character, as she has been in xli her delineations. Mr. Heard, as Kytctn, was the unfortunate pettifogger, in n matrimonial respect, he appeared quite desirous to weave within his bridal wreath one flower, '-plucked from a mound that uuurds a husband's grave." but he was, in the widow's csti. uiation, too thin. i The musical programme was well ap preeiateJ by '.ho aulivnee. The song* "That little Cower you gave me," and Where the is Corn Waving, Annie Dear," were artistically aud sweetly rendered hy Messis. Logarc, Arthur and Msckay. T'h fortunately, the flute duett, by Messrs. Adams, did not charm the ears of the audisnce, as it would have done, had not the clerk of the weather interfered to prevent Maj. A. from coming to town The flute sol?, hy Mr. J. Adams, was giv< n with in-ich spirit. It is to ? -I . ni.u _:ll ft.,.A DC liOpCU mm IIIC UIUU Will a *ou iiuuiu the citizens another exportunity for an evening's enjoyment. DaoMsn. 1; Antebellum Mail Contracts. i A bill of gnat in porlnnct to the Soutli, iutr.Ml'ji-ei by Mr. Reagan. of . Texas, earlv in the session, has been favorably considered by the committee on Po8t'>ffiees nnd I'ost Roads, and Mr. Wnddell, its chairman has been directed . to ask action ?n it at the fir>t opportu! nity. The bill provides that tho Sccrc! tary of the Treasury shall begin at once, r' to jay, itt full, to tlie iatf mail contrac> i tors of the Sta'cs of Alabama, Arkansas, ' j Florida, Georgia, Kentucky. Louisiana. '! Mi^siss pni. Mi aouri, North Corolina, Houth Carolina, Texas. Tennessee, Viri ciuis, nod West Virginia, their legal ' heirs, or representatives, the amounts 1 j Jue uti leir reso 'Ciivo contracts for the years 1850, 18ti0 and lHtll; and the appropriation of S37.r?.000. made by an act approved May i?rd, 1ST", shall be : made available immediately, for said I pn\mints* 'J he bill provides that no i r.tivim u?* ?liall be made lor scrvice'ren dcr d after May 3rd, 1801, when dis; j continuance wcs ordered by the Poet, uiustrr (frnoral. A bill of similar pur> jort, but lucre con.prchoD.sivc, bar b en '' aiuiuHancoualy predated in the Senate ' by Mr. Merriiuon, and in the House by 1 Air. Steele. It appropriate? 81.000,000 f?r the payment of all unpaid sala. rios duo to mu'c a^'nts, mail contrac tor*, mail DK-saengcrf, e tc, in the S-uth* " ern State*. The bill bus beeu referred to i lie comOiitite en Obins. SOCHI CAROLINA RAILROAD. , Tlio pnsst'nger trains on the South C?ro. liriti Ita:lior.>l will run tlx follows : Foil COLUMBIA. / o 1 . - . -.1 \ ir?uim?ij* i Avi pivu.^ ; Leave Charleston 9.50 n. to. Arrive at Columbia If.00 a. in. 8.45 a. en, FOR AUGUSTA. (Sun-lays excepted.) I Leave Charleston 9.00 a. ui. 7.20 p. m. Arrive nl Augusta 5 ?H) p in. C. 15 a. m. FOR CIIARLKFTON. (Sun lay* excepted.) Leave Columbia 5 30 p. in. 7.15 p. mArrive at Charleston 12.00 p. si. 0.15 a. pi. Leave Augusta 8.SO a. in. O.SOp. m. Arrive nt Charleston 4.20 p. ra. 8.00 a. oi CAMl'KN' TRAIN. The Camden train will leave Camden at 7.00 a in nu Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and connect hi Kingsvilie with the up passenger train fur Columbia. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays it will con tied at Kingsville with down passenger train front Columbia, and nrtive at Camden at 9.45 p m. Connects daily with trains front and tc Charleston. S. S. SOLOMON?,- Fupt. S. E. Pichcns, Cen'l Ticket Agt. ESTATE SALE. On Wednesday, the 12th day of D. ember next, at the residence of the late Hear* Baker, near H< ugh's Bridge, Ui Kershaw county, I will se! J the entire personal projwrty of the estate of the ?ald Henry Baker, consisting of 4 Horses, about Ui hesd of Cnttie, 3u head of Hogs, 400 bushels of Corn, a quantity of Peas, Household and Kitchen i-ninltu.e, Plantation Utci.sH*, Ac. Teira cash. SAMl'EI. WitflT, , novtitd Administrator. .Mortgage Sale. Thomas Fyuuin and llilze Bynutn to I'du'.lnsToMai Mortal* of Personalty. By virtue of the above mortgag1, I will sell i In front of the Market, lU the town of Camden, oil Saturday, the nth day of December next, the follow in? pioj.eity: One black mare mule, one' red cow, with w hite tail, one epecsled cow, with butt head, ond brown heifer and one oo.-hotac Matron, t'eriii* cash. n??v<;-?i MARCUS TOBIAS, Ageut. Just Received, A L\HGK AND WKI.LSKLKCTKD STOCK OK I \M\1M AND MQCOIM, Which wo guarantee pure. Also, 1 I GROCERIES, TOBACCO and CIGARS,' ( heap for Cash, I v JOHNSTON & GLADNEV. Oct. iz-?t r. wanteBT 1 ( A Piano. Vi lli rrnI pi 1 ny. Aililmt JOl'KNAL OFPlfK. October 80. If ;? Cofl'oc. ^1^58 tf Ht'w l'wffk!n foa pr.lf low by if 4 virvtiS*. / D. W. JORDAN, The Planters' Enlarged and QUICK SALES AND i The undersigned are now tcadjr to abow one FINEST STOCF BROUGHT TO CAMDE> [ Con^ating of eTorytbing pertaining to General Me5 | In all department*. It is u?elc?? to attempt to i j needed in the family or on th.? farm can be had and ut:afaciion in all goo-la guaranteed. Our atock of HARNESS. SADDLES BRIDLE Is larger than erer before, and cheaper than th Remember that we are alwaya accdy to bus ooeh for the aacie. BAaaixa j ! always on hand at lowest figure. D. W. JO] CHEAP < IS A I THREAlI>BA R j I I WILL THEREFORE ( . MV 8T0 DRY GOODS, Li A n nn i ' SO OX S AST Are Equal it i to any I have ever had to offer. ALL OF WHICH j | AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN E | The Stock hat been luovtcerctuHy selected, n Rober CALL J. J. 31A UK KOI ! Purchasing j KLSKWU i'vr.... ill *- Ull < win r^ii v Knyiiiy- lr< J IIK HAS nsisi ; tliftt has ever been brought to Camden. Itcady for Business.) | I | NEW STORE |? j AND j l ^ Entirely New Stockj j j Ibrasington and kettles ? I HAVE THE PLEAST."ItK OF ANNOl'N- j cing the opening ol their NEW 8TOKE i?t i the old stand of (JAPT.J. W. ci'URRY. j : wuvrr turj un?v ju-?< v^eu* ? ! An Entirely New Stock n It OF i FAMILY & FANCY GllOCKKIKS, j to T Consisting in pnrt of j X ' * ^ ? ??? 1M Tt I>ti?ur, O'Ht'Of*, '.leas, riour, i>icon. Lard, Hutti r, Canned (Joudi * all kind*, J? Hi* h. l'ickli*, Cttufeciioti' tie#, (i- -m gam, TuUci-s * And all other goods usually found in n FIRST CLASS GROCERY I STORE. Hi/licit market prices paid f ir all kinds of PP Country I'mduce. 01 Always ready to pay the CASH for Cotton' BBASIHBTOU A NETTLES. Sep. 20oj.'l. Notiee to Trespassers. All perrons are hereby forewarned rot i to euler upou my lands, ai'uuted in Kerithaiv county, on the western aide of the W'nteree liver, for uny purpose whatever, .>.? ( without permission trout me. Purlieu dis- ...? | regarding this notice will be prosecuted. ^ norlStl JAMKSTKAM. M., Just Heccived. rpJ Choice Dncon, Flour, Sugar and Coffee, ei rheap for cash by uotlMtf JOHNSTON ft GLADNEV. 75 Barrel* C hoice Family *G Flour, At liottaai pici# J Pa UoySOdjj DUASiNbl^V ft MOTIF* ^ H. 0. GARRISON. Warehouse Improved.; 3MALL PROFITS. ?f the C OF GOODS THIS SEASON. rchamlise, i enumerate, auffice to sty thot everything j t our house, at the very lowest pricea, j | S BIT AND LEATHER! I e clifopest. r cotton, und are prepared to pay the 1ND TIES .IDAIT & CO. ! GiOODS .E SUBJECT ?*LV ANNOUNCE CK OF ri T AmnTvn isjjuininur, rs, ? SKOBS tot Superior [ WILL SELL IE FOUND ANYWHERE. el an inspection is solicited. t M, Kennedy. , ON C KAY IK . Furniture Eili\ D por Oeiit. l>y 3iii Him. THE sietis , oct 4?am. J. M. Williams Rexpeciful'y calls the attention of the iblic ?j bis 'all and Winter Goods, Jiut rteeircl and ready *or inspection. Mr stock consists of ROCK R IKS, HARDWARE, CROCK EH Y, DRY OOODS, CLOTHING.' VTS, BOOTS, SHOKS, SVDOLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES.: AND A FULL LINE OF ESERAL MERCHANDISE. I I wouKI call particular attention my fine assortment of radios' Cloaks, Alpacas, >1 ess Goods Hear; tdock of tagging and Ties. IDNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT. Highest mnrket prices paid for COTTON, J.M.WILLIAMS. } Mhilberry Dairy. Ik Devllered Regularly Every j Morning at Door. JiPirt Ticked $2 40 I'int Tickets 1 20 !ilk to fill smaller orders will be ut tbe of ten cents per quoit, sirs. Suppers, ite., will be supplied at uctd rules. utter 30 cents per pound. epilStf 8 MILLLEll WILLI\M8. Mackerel. K'ts of Muckercl for sole ut IO ILIUM UK OS. _ ThJonp, Neap. m DUXES Stn<p '\>v sale low t?r f HMtf CAMDEN MAM Dry Goods and DEPOT One of the Largest in IS KEPT BY H. BARU< I beg to call attention to my large and varied now ready for the n.wi xv -S *14 nt! x1 cm. aimi Aiii/vi. SILKS, DRESS GOODS* SHA CasKimcreft, DomcNiidt, Blanket*, Lacc?, Hosiery. Glov I * And a full line of LADIES' UIsriDEI ; v I No effort has been wanting on my part this S most atractive, and beyond do The Cheapest Ever Control I beg to call the attention of the Ladies to the ported Corsets: The HELEM at The BiAKCl at The SEXSATIO!? at The IMPERIAL at The 600 at Since my introduction of these Corsets and ji to sell tbeui. ! KID GLOVES AT 51 t My Stock of DOM EST TC GOODS is com BLEACHED AT 6 1-4 CENTS ; a BETTEI | the Loom at 10 Cents, and all other brands of and COLORED COTTON GOODS proportioni Clothing, Clothing, For Men, Youths, Boys and Children. My i i Stock m the largest and most convenient in Cu plenished. Men's Suits From $4.C0 Upw Cassimere Suits From $9.00 1 In this line particularly I can show the larges 'sizes, and at the LOWEST l'RICES that have | den. 100 Dozen Men's, Youths', Boya' a t | HATS, IIATS, So much reduced in r.riee that mv eusteoipi Low Price lliat is Here ask i ?????? Shoes, Shoes, Shoe Boots, Boo To fit and suit everybody. $10,000 worth of fered for sale by me at prices that defy competit market. Gents' Furnishing One Hundred Doten Undershirts, from a poor for a 75 cents Undershirt, the quality of which v WHITE SIIIRTS?tHe celebrated Unl?undi your special attention to these. A GOOD SHIRT, ALL MADE, AT A BETTER SHIRT, ALL MACE. A THE BEST SHIRT, UNEQl'ALED,, A Full Line of Ties, Cravats, Bows, of the CENTS' HOSIERY AND < And a full line of I'NDERW CARPETS, CARPETS, Riles, KKW. Kill WINDOW SHADES, WINDO A full lino of TABLE OIL CLOTHS, in Wo Black, in Muslin, Drill and Duck, for Carriage T TIIK LARGEST STORE. THE LARGEST STORE. THE LARGEST STORE, THE LARGEST STOCK THE LARGEST STO( THE LARGEST ST Call and sec the advantages offered at my esta ou cannot find, I will not press you to buy. H. B act.trrrtr MOTH Clothing the State, DH. 4 fctock of .DRY GOODS, Trade! WLS, CLOAKS, Flannels, Quilts, os, Corsets, JWEAB. eason to make the stock ubt the led in Camden following brands of Im** ^l.OO 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 >riee9, I need only to show 0 CENTS! plete in every line. 4-4 1 CLOTH than Fruit of BROWN, BLEACHEO itcly cheap. Clothing-. new rcparlment for this uide;:, and constantly ro ? ards, Jpwards. t assortment in styles and ever been known in Can.nd Children's HATS. *s often wonder at the oil fr\t* n lfflt v iv/* ** s? its. Boots. Shoes and Boots are ofion in this or any other Goods. to the best make. Call rill be astounding to you. :ied Shirt?I would call 75 T 1 00 kT 1 25 Newest Hake, CLOVES, 1 EAR. CARPETS, GN, W SHADES, 0(1 an 1 Figured ; Aleo rimmings. i ::k, . UCK, IN OAMDEN. IN CAMDEN. IN CAMDEN. (blissbmci:t, ami if emh ARUCH*