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i; ' V ~ &v' Cf < ' ? WIT AN1) IS tT31011 "I don't care one cent for fashion, I have got to scratch uiy heel," exclaimed a Detroit man as he pulled down his boot in a street c?r recently. Ax Indiana gentleman thinks he hoe sufficient grounds for divorce because he asserts that his wife trapped bim into matrimony by means of false hair, false eyebrows, false complexion, a big bustle and^^jceitful tongue. Two deacons once disputing about a proposed new graveyard, oue remaiked: "I'll never be buritd in that grouud4 as long as I live." "What an obstinate man." said the other j "If my life is spared, I will. A oJontana editor bemoans the calamities of 1S75 in the following strain; "First the Beecher business, then the grasshoppers, then the Democratic victories, and now an increased tax on whisky. What is the poor couutry i caiingto?" The owner of a pair of bright eyes assures us that the piettiest compliment she ever received came from a child of f>ur years. The litt.'o leiiow, ancr looking intently at her lor a moment, inquired aaivelv: "Are your eyes new cues?" "I swear," said a gentlemen to his mistress, "you arc very handsome." "i'onh," said the lqdy, -Vo ycu would say, if you did not think so." "And so you would think." answered he, "if I did not say so." Paid she: "How long arc you going to stand before that glass?" ''Until I sec how uiy ulster hangs. But that's just the way ; a woman never takes any i interest in her husband's dress after khe v is married a year*" "Don't prevaricate. sir!" tl.uudercd a British Columbian Judge to a wit. ncss from the mines, "don't prevaricate, eir." "Can't help it, Judge," answer* cd the tuioer. "Ever since I got a kick in the tnouth from a mule, that knocked my teeth cut, I prevaricate a good deal." "Gentlemen of tho jury," said a ?'.a?A..n )?*vi>r "I dor.'t wish to i<n?in~ uate flint this tuaii id a covetous person, but I'll bet lire to one that if you bait a steel trap with n tnree cent piece, and place it wtthiu a foot of his mouth, you will catch bis soul." "Mary, why did you kiss your hand to tho gcutleuian opposite, this uioru. ing?" said a careful mother to her blooming daughter. "Why, the gen. tleman had the iiMpudeorc to throw a kiss clear across the street to me, and of course 1 threw it back iudignautly. You wouldn't have be encourage hi in by keeping it, would you 7" Giants in Oideu Times. The giant exhibited at lloucn in i 1330 measured nearly eighteen feet. I' Gorapiu? saw a girl that was ten | feet high. L The gihnt Gaiabra, brought from Arabia to Home under Claudius L Caesar, \v.*i9 ton feet high. Fannmn, who lived in "the time of Eugene II, measured clevon and a half feet. The Chevalier Scrogg, in his voyage to the Peak Teneriflp, found in one of the caverns of that mountain the head of the Gunicb, who had sixty teeth, and was not less than fifteen feet high. The giant Faragus, slain by Orlando, nephew of Charlemagne, was twenty*eight feet high. In 1814, near St. Gernard, was found the tomb of the giant Isolent, who was not less than thirty feet high. In 1590, near Itouen, was found a skeleton whose skull held a bushel of com and win was nineteen feet high. The giant Bacart was twentytwo feet high. His thigh bones were found in 17G3, near the river Moder*. I T.. nMr tliA rastlo in Dan-1 ? (I 1V?VJ ? ? ? phine, a tomb was fonnddhirty feet lorn;, sixteen wide and eight high, on which was cut in gray stone these words: "Kentolochus ltex." The skeleton was found entire, twenty-five and a fourth feet long, ten . feet across the shoulders atid five feet horn the breast bone to the back. Near Palermo, in Sicily, in 151G was found the skeleton of a giant thirty feet high, and 1559 another forty, four feet high. ^ Near Magrino, Sicily, in 181G, was found tho skeleton of a giant thirty feet high. The head was the R17.H of a hozshcad, and each of his teeth weighed five ounce*. We have no doubt that there were "giants in those days," and the past perhaps was more prolific in producing them than the present. J>ut the history of giants during the olden time was not more remarkable than that of dwarfs, some of whom were even smaller than the Thumbs and Nuts of onr own time. \ -i Whj 31 en Need Wires. It is not to sweep the house, make the bed, darn the socks and cook the ineals, chiefly that a man wants a wife. If this is all he needs, hired help can do it cheaper than a wife. r^^If this is all, when a young man calls to a see a young ladv, send him into the pantry to taste the W bread and cake she has made, send ( hiin to inspect the ncedlewoik and , bed making, or put a broom in her < hand and send him to wi'ncss its 1 use. Such things nro important, ' ami the wise young men will quickly i look after tliern ; but what the true ' man wants with a wife is her companionship, sympathy and love. The /w:iy of life has many dreary places in it. and man needs a companion to go with him. A man is sometimes ' / overtaken by misfortune; lie meets with failure and defeat; trials and temptations beset him, and he needs one to stand by aflti sympathize. He has some hard battles to fight with poverty, enemies and with sin; and he needs a woman that, when he puts his arm around her, he feels he has something to fight for, she will help him to fight; that she will put her lips to his ear and whisper words of counsel, and her hand to his heart and impart inspiration. All through life, through storms and through sunshine, conflict and victory ; through adverse and through favoring winds, man needs a woman's love. The heart yearns for it. A sister's and a mother's love will hardly supply the need. Yet many seek for nothing further than success in housework. Justly enough, half of th?9e get nothing more; the other half, surprised beyond measure, have gotten more than they sought. Their wives surprise them by bringing out a noble idea in marriage, and disclosing a treasury of courage, sympathy and love. Air duns. The most perfect air guns in the world are probably those which arc made in London for the use of English poachers. As they make no smoko, and consequently no smell, they are not so easily detected as fire arms when used in game preserves. It is a mistake, however, to suppose that tney make no noise. When charged, so as to produce the effects above described, the report is sharp?full as sharp as that produced by gunpowder. When lightly charge?l the report is of course diminished, but the force with which the bullet is projected is also proportionately lessened, and so is the recoil. As a weapon for secret assas* aiuation, therefore, the air gun does not have much advantage oter a good rifle cane, fortunately for the world, perhaps. 1 he omy advantages possessed by tho air gun are its perfect cleanliness and the fact that the parts are not liable to be corroded or rusted. It never requires cleaning, but the labor of charging the condenser may be lairly offset against the labor involved in cleaning o-dinary fire arms' after they have been used. County Indebtedness. The undersigned baring been appointed by his Excellency OoTcrnor Hampton, under the act of the General Assembly, "A Commission to investigate and ascertain the true and bona fide in Jebtednesa of the county of Kershaw," ail persons holding claims against the said county, "created prior to the first day of November, 1870, are hereby required to file and establish their claims before said Commission within thirty days from this date. W. D. McDOlVALL, Chairman. J. D. DUX LAP, J. hi. 1>AVIS, Not. fi-4t Commissioners. Heed Oais. 1AAA Bushels P.ust Proof Seed Oats for B0ic bj BAUM BROS. Boots, Shoes, ?Jfcc. The undersigned having located in Camden. one door we?l of the Post Office, begs 10 inform the publte that he is prepared to do all work in his line?such as making and repairing Boats, Shoes, &c.?with n*ntue*? ?ii'l dispatch. Will also repair Harness nnd Saddles. All wor? guaranteed, and done only for the Cash or Cocntby PnonrcK at market prices. oct30if ISAAC YOUXO. J7M. Williams ltespectfully calls the attention of the public to his Fall and Winter Goods. Just received and readyJJ'or inspection. My stock consists of GROCERIES, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, II ATS, BOOTS, SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. AND A FULL LINE OF n niT-i-m i t nrrm rtrr i iTTtTfin IiMMMJ UKUUJUUSb I would call particular attention to my fine assortment of Ladies' Cloaks, Alpacas, Dress Goods Heavy *tock of Bagging and Ties. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT. Highest market prices paid for COTTON, J. B. WILLIAMS. BLACKSMITH SHOP. I WISH to inform the citizens of?amden and surrounding country, that I have open ed a blacksmith shop on Mutlcdgo Street, near the Post Office, where I am prepared lo do Horse-Shoeing, and nil kinds ofldackimilh work. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN ire employed. The patronage of the pub'ic is respecttully solicited. P. M. SPENCE, >ct 23dif Wheelwright and IP.acksmith. Ooflee* " r? Hags of new Coffee foa sale low by JO BAUJfBROU. i " ' -* Jr' O \.T "J? 55 ? B :wKis. ** > cavils rowsrss,; : Ay.f -yffi #M1 Fo Por?r *151 ?lie 01 Cox.w. Pan* or Uw K> Y**. if Fowdcre ere ctrd in time, i'lui''# Puirdei * Tt il <~vrt er'l ptevent ilon Oolxxi Footrt Fow?1wt wlU prevent Uaim m lovru c? . t?^c* *117 Tnr2:cnu Koutrt Potrdci* vlll fn?re*?4l the of nOTc ! Mid cretin twenty ptr c?rut*? uid siiikt tuc butter fins ; sail sweet. . . j KonfrV l'vnrrtctt *!H enre or prerent alcKMt stzsy ; DtM-A.ra that Hon*? ami tattle tre hoir to. Form's I'owrtu vllloitb SATIET ACTIO*. SoM e> exywBtrc. DA VXD 2. TCETZ, Proprietor, JALLTIilOIHL MA TUTCOlLLS A Noted Divine says T//f??/ r/? <? worth their weight in gold. ><> ? -?? i r- o n/n MtAU vvnrtl HL OrtlO'.i Da. Tctt:?Dear Sir: TYr ten years I have been a martyr to Dyr;>e|.i.ia, Coi:Mi|\iticn, aid Pi'e*. La?! aprinit your pill* wi re ncwmneiuJfl tome; I lined tfiein (but wall liuie luhh). 1 am now a well tnan, liave^ooJ a|)|*-1ito, pcruct, n'jrulur ? on!.?, piles gone, anil I have jpiitieil lory pound* solid flesh They are wor.ii the ir weight i*> ye Id. IUv. H. I.. SIMPSON, LouistilSe, Ky. TUTT'S PiLLS ^5^! medicine thirty years, and CUI1I BICE HEAD- for i Ionic tine Was demon. ; ACHE. str.itor of anatomy in the i ! _ Medical Collcifc of GeorTUTT'S PiLLS e^BtSSStSSi CURB DYSrEPtlA. t-c tliat they are prepared I ?i. I,. on rcirntinc principles, ! TUH'S PiLLS Me freevei!c<1 in CURBCONSTIPATION irisig In thrm the hereto lore antagonistic TUTT'S PiLLS CUXB TILB3. 'J heir tint apparent ifTIITTIO Bil I O feet L? t<? Increase the *pIU I I O riLLo petite by causing the fond . to prr;<vriy assimilate. CURB rrVER AMD Tims the svMcin in notirir.hed, and by their lonk -in .1 j- ... . _ action on the digestive or i TUTT'S PILLS * cvm.uait.nis arc nroducrd. CURB BILIOUS COLIC The rapidity tv ith which I I n ftr>ooi I ft it oh filth, 1 TIITTIO D!l I O while under the influence I U 1 I O riLLo of these aiiln, ol itself incupa vtnKW rv>K ciicates their adaptability CURB ?pyiT COM- to nourWl the ,^,7f !lna ' hence their efficacy in Cur Turn PILLS I audio! v. dycpepris, wast I inn of the'nniMjIrs, ItiiFVliJkS TORPID IgVam | gjshncss of the liver I chronic constipation, an*! imparting health and rtrength to the system. Sold everywhere. Office, 35 Mu'ray Street, New Yo.h. | TRIUMPH OF SCIEKdE. f B Gray Hair can be chancy J Ma \ El glossy black by a single application of ( H ^.TVTT'sHair Dye. It acts like magic, j I and U warranted n* harm!cm as water. ' price t'-oo. Office 3S Murmv St.,N.Y. ( What is Queenss Delight? Read the Answer It la a plant that grows in the South, and is specially adapted to the cure oi diseases ol that climate. ' "nature's own remedy, Entering at once into the blood, cxpcl'-.r.g all scrofulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic afiectinus. Alone, it it a searching alterative, hut when combined with Sarsapariila, Yellow Dock , and oilier herbs, it forma Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight, The most powerlul blood pttriflcr known to medical science fcr lite 1 urc of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges troni the curs and nostrils, uh-casses, wkin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint. ceil (Recta of secret practices, disordered l.verand spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system. imports a fair complexion, and builds up thebodv with HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly recommended. Hundreds of case.- of the worst type have been radically cured hy it. P11 tig purely vegetable its continued use tvilf do no liarnl. The best time to take it is during the summer itml fall; and instead of debility, headache, fever and nguc. you will enjoy robust health. Sold by all dnifrgists. Price, fi.oo. Office, 3J Murray Street, New York. WW nr ttts "m./T'wr*. U?fc* KEG8 TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS large and curcfullj selected stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES I :o: My stock is made up of the best and purest, consisting in part, of Drugs, Medicine:*, Oils, 1'oinis, I'ye Bluffs, Glass, Putty, Turpentine, Soups, Stationery, Fuucy Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery, Lamps, llurners, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Books, Paper, Envelopes, fuucy Candies. I 8?1_ Physicians prescriptions accurately i compounded, and solicited from all parts of the country. oct'23lf W. CLYBURN, General Insurance Ageni, Represents: Gaivesti Insnrance Association. Union Marine and Fire Inruraucc Co., Texan Hanking anil Insurance Co.. Uulveeton lumirranee Co., Of Ualveaton, Texan. Cash Cnpilul $?00,000 00 Surplus 155,781 ft? Tolnl $755,781 07 CAPITAL & ASSETS, $755,781 07. Geor&ia Heme Insnrance Ccapany, Columbus, On. ORGANIZED IN 1859. Capital Slock ; , . . . $.100,000 00 Total Assets 524,420 22 octflOtf AYood ! AYood ! Any kin.I of FIRE WOOL) furnished upon shortest notice. Money must he paid to he DRIVER, unless satisfactory arrangements are previously made with Sep. m3. J. D. McDOWALL. Choesc. BOXES CHEESE for sale hy HIU 13AUM BROS. Candy, Candy. +}? BOXES assorted Candy for snle hv 4 b B AIM/ BROS. : cx>: fji r </S v - * i I "Tcamdeit i Dry Goods a DEP< One of the Larges IS KEP IJ DAG n. pmi I beg to call attention to my large t now ready for the JPall aii<l Wi SILKS, DRESS COODS CawtfincrcK, DoineNtles, BI Laces, Hosiery, < And a full LADIES' ULT: No effort has been wanting on my pa most atractive, and I The Cheapest Ever C T bp<r tn mil tho attention of the Lad ported C The HELENA at The BaANCA at The SENSATION a The IMPERIAL at The 6oO at Since my introduction of tbese Cor to sell them. KID GLOVES i 4 My Stock of DOMESTIC GOOD BLEACHED AT 6 1-4 CENTS ; a the Loom at 10 Cent*. and all other and COLORED COTTON GOODS { Clothing, Cloth For Men, Youths, Boys and Childn Stock is the largest and most convenii plenished. Men's Suits Prom $4. Cassimere Suits From In this line particularly I can show sizes, and at the LOWEST PRICES den. 100 Dozen Men's, Youth HATS, IIA So much reduced in price that m Low Price that is II Shoes, Shoes, ? Boots, To fit and suit everybody. $10,00' fere.i for sale by mc at prices that def; market. Gents' One Hundred Dozen Undershirts, fi for a 75 cents Undershirt, the quality WHITE SIIIllTS?the celebrated your special attention to these. A GOOD SHIRT, ALL MA A BETTER SHIRT, ALL I THE BEST SHIRT, UNEQ1 A Full I Ties, Cravats, flows, o CENTS' HOSIERY And a full line of CARPETS, CARP RIGS, RIC WINDOW SHADES, a full lino of table oil clot Black, in Muslin, Di ill and Duck, for < TflE LARGEST STORK, THE LARGEST STORE. THE LARGEST STORE, THE LARGE: THE LARG THE LA Call and see the advantages offered : you cannot find, I will not press you tc / i Oct.28?f I ' : 1AMM0TH nd Clothing' OT. :t in the State, T BY RUCH. ind varied stock of DRY GOODS, nter Trade! \ I, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, aiikets, Flannels, QiilHi, Gloves, Corsets, I linr> nf DERWEAR. rt tliis Season to make the stock beyond doubt the lontrolled in Camden. ics to the following brands of Iar orsets: 91.00 1.25 . \t 1.50 b 2.00 2.50 sets and prices, I need only to show LT 50 CENTS! ^ . _ _ j 4 S 19 complete in every une. BETTER CLOTH than Fruit of brands of BROWN, BLEACHED iroportionatcly cheap. ing, Clothing. on. My new Department for this jnt in Cainden, and constantly re00 Upwards, S9.00 Upwards. the largest assortment in styles and that have ever been known in Cams', Boys' and Children's TS, HATS. A. J L j customers ouen wonuer m iuo ere asked for a Hat. ?lIOE8, Boots, Boots. 0 worth of Shoes and Boots arc off competition in this or any other thing Goods. ? V* Art > rw II l? A ^i?ll row ii pour iu iiiu muivu, v?n of which will be astounding to you. Unhuudried Shirt?I would call DE, AT 75 HAfE, AT 100 lT A LED, AT 1 25 line of if the Newest Make. r AND CLOVES, UNDERWEAR. ETS, CARPETS, 28, RiON, WINDOW SHADES, IIS, in Wood un 1 Figured ; Also Carriage Trimmings. ST STOCK, I EST STOCK, KG EST STOCK, IN CAMDEN, IN CAMDEN, IN CAMDEN. at my establishment, and if such > buy. I. BARUCI1. i / mm w>"^wwpi>w^wwPWW^Mf? D. W. JORDAN, 0. G. CARRI30N. ' ?f The Planters' Warehouse Enlarged and Improved. . r J QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. The undersigned nre now re&dy to show one of the FINEST STOCK OF GOODS BROUGHT TO CAMDEN THIS SEASON. f/ Consisting of everything pertaining to 'xV/ k8 ? In nil departments. It is useless (o attempt to.enumerate, suffice to say that everything needed in the family or on the farm can be had at our house, at the very lowest prices, and satisfaction in all gooda guaranteed. Our stock of HARNESS. SADDLES BRIDLES BIT AND LEATHER | Is larger than ever before, and cheaper than the cheapest. Remember that we are always aeady to buy cotton, and are prepared to pay the cash for the same. bagging and ties always on hand at lowest figures. D. W. JORDAN & CO. I REMEMBER! 1 TOO CAN - j M . jKjrjnJW Buy the Best and Cheapest 1 " : Wm BOOTS AKD SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS A AD SHOES, >.'50 HATS AND CLOTHING, HATS AND CLOTHING. HATS AND CLOTHING, r ~ * Gents.' Furnishing Goods, Gents.' Burnishing Goods, Gents,' Burnishing Goods, * ^ c~ W. XJ. ARTHUR'S W. XJ. ARTHUR'S W. Xj. J^E/TIXTJRJ'S j CIIE4P GOODS 13 A THR EAR BARE SUBJECT ^ WILL THEREFORE ONLY ANNOUNCE MY STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, ? A A Hi C & AO SI ? 'SS' A Ms? cSM? V tab ?2 M m Are Equal it not Superior ' to any I have ever bad to offer. ALL OF WHICH I WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BE. POUND ANYWHERE. The Stock Las been woslcarefully select*^ an<i an inspection is solicited. Robert M. Kennedy. OAIiIi ON J. J. JIACKAY BEFORE Purchasing Furniture ELSEWHERE, You can Have 20 per Cent, f>y Buying: from Him. HE HAS THE A FISESI8T0CE I that bos ever been brought to Camden. o?t4?8m.