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bmmhwsmmmmamtmasssemK LOCAL ITJE^S. FlXtSD.? Our determiucUiou that tub tcribcrt thall get cur jmpir regularly it filed. / j .. 1?-IIemember?That tho office of the Camden Journal is i? OL burn's Block?Up Siairs. Send to Us.?Our friends iu the country will please keep U9 advised of, whatever of interest occurs ia their re- ' spective uei^hboi hoods. Post Office IIou:ta.?Open from 9 j A. M. to 12:20 P. M., and from 2:30 P. M. to 4 P. M. Northern mail, i closes on Mondays, Wednesdays and; Fridays at 6 A. M.; Southern and1 Northern mail closes at 2:30 P. AI, Noithern mail op^ns at 9 A. M ; Southern tuail opens at 2:30 P. M. A Treat.?Go to Town Ilall Thurs day night and see how completely you { can he made to forget the cares of liftby that charming play " Meg's Diversioii." The proceeds will be presented to the Cemetery Association. W* are indebted to our Congress- j man, Col. John II. E?ins, for late co* | pica of the Congressional Record. Religious.?Rev. John Kershaw, preached in the Episcopal Church, and j Rer. II. A. Dixon in the Methodist j Church Sunday uiorning and night. Henry Cardoxo, brother of tha con' 1 tict, and formerly Senator from this county, was in Camden last Sunday and preached in the colored Methodist Church on DeKaib street. Pirtun T'? A lorira nf i A AlltHI V A 4A ( tax-payers were in lowo last Tuesday,; Wednesday and Thursday, and paid their respects to Maj. Cantey, County 1 Treasurer. 1 ____________ i "Mkcj'8 Dxyersiox," wiil he pre* , tented at Town Hall on Thursday night. Proceeds to be applied to the improve, meut of the Cemetery. A crowded , house is expected. Price of admission , 60 cents; ChilJrcn half price. Re. s served scats 75 cents. Tickets for sale i '' w, at the store of W. L. Arthur, Esq. i Par 8PECTIKG. ? Gentlemen from abroad hare been in Camden recently for the purpose of examining the water , power afforded by the streams in the , vicinity of the town. They expressed I themselves as highly pleased. !, Deer.?Ool. J. W. Kodgers. of the j' D< kalb IIous*, feasted his guests up<n j; the choicest veni^oQ lost Tuesday. II<> freqn? ntly gets the hind quarter of a I fine buck. Popular.?"Meg's Bivirsion " is i one of the most popular plays on record j Those who hare witnessed it ia Wal? lack's theatre. N. Y., where it had a j fi?w voara arro. nrouounce it' I B,v"' ' "" " J -o-i r j superb. Dl8CU83ED^-Tbe Trial Justice system id ably discussed in another col* umo by a gentlcmsn who has not only W^^r^nessed the evils thereof, but has in no small degree the burdens it j solatia upon the taxpay*ra~-??? State. , Stock.?Mr. J. A. Armstrong haa a fine drove of horses and mules, which , be is offering at astonishingly lowj prioes for cash. Burolary. ?One morning last | week, Mr. S. C. Clyburn, clerk of the Court, discovered, on entering his of" (Toe, (hat the shutters of one of the windows had been wrenched open and tbe sash removed, so as to admit a per. ?nn. Diligent search, however, did not ? ?D reveal (he lorn cf anything from the of-1 fice. The question is, for what purpose ! was the burglary committed ? Be In Time.?Winter is near at' bond, tod every planter should prepare, whilo it is yet timo, for the keeping of his stock until the grass grows again. The Duties op the Citizen.?We publish on our first page a most excel-! lent address on this subject, delivered recently at Providence before the Clare mont Mounted Riflemen and Magnolia Guards by Dr. Edward J. Rornbort. Every citisen, and pirticularly our young men, should r^ad it. FlLLlNO UP ?Every day or two wo hear of another case for the Court of | fiennrdl Sessions. The docket will ho crowded by the first Monday in Febrebary. i Chanos op Schedule.?Tho authorities of the South Carolina Railroad , have directed that the following change shall go into effect on the Camden Branch on and after Mouday, November 12 : On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the train will leave Cuinden at 7 A. )!., and return at 1 P. M.; leave again at 3.30 P. M- On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrive at ^ Camden at 1 P. M., leave at 3.30 P. M., and return at 9.45 P. M. Persons ^^^foing North will taketbe morning train I Ed Mondays, Wednesdays aod Fridays;: r?* BgBBWaMJJtJJM in I IUMU.UIH9WgS | Some Corn ?Our old frlond, Mr. Hugh Young, of Grauny's Quarter, has placed upou cur table an ear of oorn, which is a specimen of his crop, upon a i chosen lot, of the present year, tha seed having been improved by him anuually since 1845. The ears thi n contained twelve rows of grains; ther now number sixteen roicn, and furtyfivc yean will rhell out a l%ikel of cum. Who can beat that ? The Fa tn.?A turgor number of people from Kt-r*haw than usual attended the Fair this ) ear; and mauy more would have gone, had there been sufficient railrod accommodation. A< it wa?, a greet many more went by private conveyance than by railroad. What a commentary ! Sure to be.?" Meg's Diversion " will draw a full house Thursday uight. With .such a cast of characters, scenery ' and costumes it is t-urs to be a grand success 1 i Painful Accident.?As he was coming out of the (ax office on Than- i day, Capt. J. J. Huckabee, of Western Watcree, received a severe fall; and, in the effort to recover his equilibrium, he < Move his left hand through a glass of I one of the windows of the office, the 1 result being a painfully and severely < lacerated wrist. Dr. A. A. Moore ^ dressed the wounds, and Capt. Hucka* < bee expressed tho belief that be will t soon be well. f i Got xa Fast.?Reserved seats for * "Mia's Piveusion" are being sold ( rapidly. More than half bare b?bu dia- i posed of. c i , Ourselves.?For three weeks after . the publication of the Jour.val was ^ resumed, t!i? paper was s'.nt j/ratii to j nil of th* subscribers of the Journal 7nd Gizctte. It ?s now sent only u> < th 'se w!io arc subscribers of the Jour- f n'al. If, however, it is continued to 1 iny who are properly the rubscribcrs of j the Kershaw Gazette, and who do uot #ish our paper, they can have it slopped, by informing oh of the fact, )y refusing to take the paper from the ( po?tolEcc, or by returning tbo samo to | as. c Personal.?Itev. John Kershaw r ihd family; of Abbeville, are apendiug C i lew days iu Camden. Our young friend, Mr. James W. j Jgiivie, left Camden last Tuesday morn- ^ ,ng for Colunibia, where lie will spend j i few days with his relatives, and j rorrcd the nee to Henneitsville, at which ^ pi ico he exp"ets to reaido in the future, [t is with regret that we we* Mr. Ogil- ^ rie leave our town. During his short i stay in our midst ho made himself a ^ good name, and one that will foliow t hitn. To his new home he carries with ^ hiui the best wishes of his brethren of the quill and stick, who will always be rojciced to hear good nows of hiut. v Mr. W. T. DarreU and family re- I turned to Camden Friday, after an ab- ? sencc of several months in the North. j Mr. D. A. Covington, a rising young a lawyer of North Carolina, and Mayor - P? J n 01 Mouroe, Speni a lew uays iii vbujucu rcccot I j. Fletcher UnfF, Esq., a prominent ' merchant of Ridgeway, wu in town the 1 other day on business. Mr. J. F. Gardner has accepted a po- 1 silion with the popular house of Ken., * nedy & BoyLiu, were ho will be glad to 1 see his friends t Mr. D. B. McLaurtn, who is ?o . well and favorably known as tho efficient Exprea-t Messenger on the Cam. den branch for several years, his, been ^ tranferred to another line. He is sue ^ ceedcd by Mr. E. M. Boykiu, of our ^ town, who will give Mtire satisfaction to tho patrons of the ooutheru Express Company. Mr. Jaraoa D. Deis, of our county, i has been chosen one of the Vice Presidents of the South Caroliua club. ? I 0. C.?The County Commissioners nave reelected Mr. W. H. Boswolj Keeper of the Poor House, and fixed hi# nal dry at $150 per an a u at. Mr. Boswell has filled the position with great credit for several years. Tiir Kaii.road.?The Convention in the interest of the Georgetown Ilailroad will be held in Sumter to_d*y. It is expected that delegations from Georgetown, Williamsburg, Clarendon, Sumter. Korshaw. Lancaster and Che*toj Counties, and probably from North Carolina, will be in attendance. The contemplated is one of very great importance, and the action of the Convention will be regarded with the liveliest interest Tkik Union Vetkkan#.?This now military organization of Western Waftree hud a spirited and satisfactory orill at their jarade ground, near Hose's mill, lost Saturday. After this exercise, an election was held for Orderly Sergeant, which resulted iu the choice of Mr. J. W. Rose. The company give a pio-nic to'day, and we suppose tboy will hive a fine time. ;y . , M1 \\u\mi. mmmmmasasmmtsesm Nkil I>lalit Again?Not content! with thu several severe drubbiugs lie has received within the last taelve months, Neil \V. Blair, ex-Coun'y Au-1 ditor, ex-Warden of the town of Oam" t den, ex-Clerk of Court elect, and chairman of the defunct Republican party in Kcrahaw county, was again up >t> f lie i rampage Saturday nisht, and probably euded his unenviable career in our! midst by inflictiug a knife two very serious wounds upon the person of M ?j. E. K. Siil, our worthy and efficient chief of police. It appears that Homy Bremer, Janus Doby and Neil W. Blair, who had just recovered from an encounter lie had with tm-mben o' Cole's circus, became intoxicated, and were so boisterous upon the street, as to attract the attention of policeman Carter, who endeavored to arrest them. But thoy resisted, drawing their kuives, and threatening the policeman in such j manner as to render it nocassary for him to seek assistance. This he did, tod soon returned with the Chief of Police and Policemen Gardner. Finding the druoiteo parties at the corner of York and Church streu's, they arrested , Bretner and Bluir without much difficulty, and Were proceeding to the guard >innw/> when iho former refused to go | further and became very insolent, rsn. iering tho uso of the club necessary. \.t this juncture, Blsir interposed, :uwed the Chief, and hituscif refused o proceed quietly to the lock up. Maj. Sill found it nccearary to use the club ipen him also, aud in the difficulty vhieh ensued received two wounds? 1 >ne through the nose into the mouth, tnd the other, about three inches long, 1 >n the right side of the neck, in front? ( rorn a kuifc in tho hands of Blair. In ' ha melee, Bremer escaped, but Blair . ?u lodged in the guardhouss, aud I Dra. D. L DcSaussure and S. B?. uch summoned to the relief of Major SilL, who up to this timo thought he had ecaived notliiog worse titan a blow ipou the ftco from the hurt of a pistol. t lis wounds were found to be painful 1 iuJ severe, but not critics!. lie was ouveyeJ to his home, and at last aoounts was doing welt. In tho mean- ( iuic, Dixir, who was in the guard tousn, was compiling greatly from the j lubbiog he had roceivcd,and upon the i ecommendatiun of Dr. Baruch. who 1 ousidered his condition serious, he was ?- ?- > .u?? \,n i-leaded. it seems, uuwevui, umv uc ecovcred during the nighr, for the lbl? [>wiug morning it was discovered that i ie had left for parts unknown. A warant for his arrest was issued yesterday, nJ placed in the hands of ShuriiT Doby ?y Trial Jut-tice Hay. It was reported i cslrrday that Blair was sec a Sunday 1 uoruing near Swift Crock, going to- , rards Sumter. Another rumor repro- ] enlcd him as having trussed the Waereo bridge, in tho diicctiou of Colum.ia, on Sunday. ?? , i1 Ex-Soiio.I Commissioner Jaiucs Ed-j rards desirts us to state that he is in ?usincw in the grocery liue on Broad treet, and will be glud to receive ttie atrouage of his former constituency uid the public geucraliy. , llreTitles. A new Post ofhco has been cstabin I.inRui(Rr PunnLv. and its lauic i* iiauiplon. We know a ruau in our town who >ought a 'possoui ior tou cents, and 1 pent two dollars for beef lo fatten , lim. As far as wo have been able to aacoraiu, Kershaw count; carried otf no preniuui from the I a to Stat? Fair. Rev. W. G. Rollins assisted Rev. f. E. Rodger* in the conduct of strrices at Antioch on Sunday, and con* icquenlly there were no services in the Saptiat Church here on that day. The Cotton Market. The market ou last Tuesday bad an upward tendency, and 10c for miJdling was freely given. This condition was ? - > .t - _i r maiutaine.l until towards u.u ciose m tho meek, when it declined. The market closed yesterday at 9 J to 10c. Sales for tho week, 851 bales; shipments, 1,748 bales. iHAflRXCD. On the morning of the 14th Instant, in the ITeab/tcrian i hurch of this place, by Uuv. 8. H. Hay, Mr. Mansfield II. Mel.uurln, of Sumter, and MUi MatH** c. hhaw, eldest drtugblcr of the lute George W. Straw, ol C&iiulcu. On the ntoralugof the nth iimtant, In Trinity (.'hurch, Anbevill, l.y ltcv. John Kershaw. Mr. Wllilam A Aurru.n, of Cumdcn, and Mim Anna S. l alhoun, d tuguter of tho lute John K. Calhoun. of the former place. On the 8th Instant, by Iter. J. T. Kllgo, Mr. O. 8. Kelly, of Kershaw county, and Alias Minnie 1'arrotf, of Sumter county. In the City of Itonuen, Kingdom of Prussia, on the evening of the iCili of October, 1ST7, by Hev. Solomon Hlrachlierg, Mr. Jacob Khan, of t'amdeuS. C., and Miia Dlaua Prince, of the former city. "NK.V .4 I>VKUTISKMKM>;.? | DR. I.H. ALEXANDER, Dental Surgeon, COLUMBIA, S. 0'. OfBce for the present northwest cornet Gates and Plain streets. novL'Otl 40 llurreSM Extra Fine Sugar. For sale cheap. nov20-2t BKASlNf.TON & NETTLE 25 Nacks Choice Coil'ec, All kinds, at BOT20PJ BliASHiGl^S & KETTLES'. . ' - !W III UP II aagaBWMBgHWMMMM TOWN HALL! Thursday Night, N6y. 22, HIK CHARMING DllAMA, "MEG'S DIVERSION!" By H. T. Craven, will be presented by i The Camclen Histrionic Club Wiih new costumes and new scenery, j painted expressly fjr this piny by our tal-! enlcd fallow-c'tiien, I. B. Alexander, E?<j. Music will be rendered by a full orchestra. Admission 00 cents; children half price. Reserve seats 75 cent#, lor sule at W. L. Arthur's store. Doa^s open at 7:30 o'cloc'*; curtain tises st 8:20 o'clock. 75 Barrel* Choice Family Flour, At bottom prices nov20-2t BUASINGTON A NETTLES. Estate Sale. B y permission of J. F. Sutherland, Judge of Probate. Kersliavr Count/, on the second Monday in December nest, I wilt sell at the plantation of the late Burrell Albert, deceased, all of the personal property of aid doctasod, consisting of Mules. Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Household and kitchen Furniture and other avticlcs. Tinas?twenty-fire dollars and under, cash; orer that amount, one-third cash and balance in thirty, sixty and ninety days, with interest from data. No'c and approred security with mortgage of property if required. BUItllELL ALBERT, Adm'r Estate of B. Albert, dee'd. For 20-21 SherifFe Sals, Vf. B. Albert, Adm'r, Execution on Agrtrs. Thomas Sessions, j cultural Lien. By yirtue of the above execution, I will offer for sal? on the first Monday in Dee., at the Court House door in Oamden, to the highest bidder, three bates of cotton for sash. Also, on Tuesday, Dec. 4th. at the plantation of B. Albert, deceased. Mules, Cows and Calves, Sbcep, Geese, 1 Gin bead and baud, 1 two-boras Wagon, Corn and Fodder levied upon as the property of Thomaa Sessions, at the suit of W. B. Albert, Administrator. Term*, cash. Nov20/2t JOHN' DOBY, a. k. c. Estate Sale. Dy permission of J. F. SuthcrUn I, Judge sf l'robste. Kershaw County, 1 will sell before the Court House in Camden, on Mon. ( lay, the 3d of Dccomfccr proximo, four fiue Mules, two very fine Oxen. Cottle, &c., Wagons, Cart-; Ploughs, Tools an>l Utensils, FoJdcr, n?y, kc. Anything not sold on I hat lay will he sold at the plantation on Tuesday, tha 4lh of December, at 12 m. Terms?Fifty dollars and under, cash ; [ jver that amount, one-thirh cash, balance in thirty, sixty and ninety days, with interest from date; note and approved security, with mortgage, if required. W. M. SHANNON, dot 13td Adm'r estate W. R, Withers. Notice. 3tato of South Carolina Kershaw County, In the Common l'leas. R. J. Donaldson, as Receiver, vs. \F. E. Johnson and others. Notice is hereby given to all bilder* of the bills of the Rank of Camden, 3. C. (not heretofore proven and established before IV. D. McDowall. receiver of said bank, under orders of the late Court of Equity,) , that by an order of his Honor J. 1*. rownsend, Circuit Judge, made in above itated case, and dated the 6th day of Noremhor, A. D. 1877, they are required to establish and prove tamo before the underlined at his office, in Camden, 3. C., on or before the first d?y of Kehrusrv next. W. 11. R, WORKMAN, novl3td Rofcreo. Notice to Trespassers. All per#on? sre hereby forewarned r.ot to enter upon my lands, situated in Kershaw county, on the western sid>' of the i Wnteree liver, for sny purpose whatever, without permission from me. Parties disregarding this notice will he prosecuted. novl3t4 JAMES TEAM. Final Nfotice. All parties indebted to J. 8. Gladney or to Johnston & Gladuey, are requested to pay their accounts and notes at once. If they are not paid by December 1st, we will place them in the hands ot au attorney for collection, as we are determined to close our books. JOHNSTON & GLADNEY. novl3tf STOCK COMPLETE! Family and Fancy GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Of all kinds, CANNED GOODS In Variety, FRUITS, NUTS, VEGETABLES A full linn of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, PIPES, CIGARETTES, Ac., For sale at lowest prices by KIRKLSV A SMITHnov 1 a Just Itceeivcil. Choice Bacon, Flour, Sugar and CoIFec, cheap for cash by novlStf JOHNSTON & OLADNEV. | .Bagging and Tics. 12 000Yardl DAG0IN0' 600 Bundles TIES, For sale low by Mt28tf ;BAUM BROS. \ hJ- ' ^ V V - Sheriff's Sale. W, D. McDowell, Receiver of Estate of John Woikman, vs. Cyrus Perry, Foreclosure of Mortgage. Incompliance with n judgment of torek closure made in the above Mated ciae by Hon. C. P. Townsoni, presiding Judge, dated .September 14th. 1317, 1 will offer tor File, to toe higiic.H bidder, on the first Monday in December next, betorctlifs Court House door in Cvtndcn, all (hat parcel or tract of land, lying and being in the eastern portion of the town of Camden, composed u; lour lots ot five no res each, fronting west on Mill street, and bounded cast by Uippenden street, as will appear by reference to the plan of said lorn. Txioifl? Oue-hnlf cash, balance on n credit of one year, to be secured by bond of purchaser wiih two good r.nd sufficient sureties, an 1 a mortgage of the premises, with i:itcre-,t Ircm day of sr.le. Purchaser to insure, and kicp injured at their expense, in some good and solvent inturauce company, the buildings on the placo and a sign the policy to the plaintiff; r.lso to pay for ail necessary papers, JOHN DOBV, s. K. c. State of South Carolina) In the Common Kershaw Cornly. / Plena. II. Barnes, Plaintiff, against K.-nks Fletcher and Thomas Holland.?Judgment for foreclosure of mortgage. In pursuance of a jutgment cr foreclosure in r.hove cause made by Hon. C. P. Townsunl, Presiding Judge, on the 18th of September. A. I). 1877, 1 will sell before the court house in Camden, within the legal hours of rale, on Monday, the third (3rd) day of December pros.: All that tractor parcel of Land, described in a mortgage from sol I Ksaks Fletcher to said Fdwiu Barnes. as fiftoeu acres of land, on Harbard Branch, waters of Dig Timber 'reek, in Kershaw county, bounded north by I'M win Barnes' land, oast by lands of said Edwin Dimes, south by lands of the satno, and west by lands of Thomas Hoiland. Terms, cath. Purchasers to pay for papers. JOHN DOBY, s. k. c. Noy. C?It. W. D McDowall, Receiver of the estate of John Workman, dee'd, plaintiff, against Paddy Green.?Foreclosure of mortgage Iu pursuance of a judgmcut for foreclosure made in above ca i#e, by Hon. 0. P. Townscnd, Presiding Judge, on thel3lh of September, A. D. 1S77, 1 will sell before the court house in Camden, within the legal hours of sale, on .Monday, the third (8nl) day of December, prox : All that piece, parcel or I met of Land described in the mortgage foreclosed, as all thnt lot or parcel of Land, lving, being and I 1 - J ? ? !?? lAum <?f P imiinn bflAti'n ao nilliniWt III IIIC iw?f i? vi M.IUJ JVU, western parts of Ion numbered 63.j, G3G and 037, bring 130 feet of the same, commencing oti Fair street, and running eastwnrdly towards Mill street 130 feet, boundcd north by York street, enst by remaining portions of lots No? 03b, 030 and 037, and south by lots known as Clodgctt lots, and west by Fair street. Terms?One-half cash, balance on a ereJit of one year, interen' from date sc. , cured hy bond, mortgage a:id insurance of ' residence. Purchasers to pay for papcra. Nov. 6-4t. JOHN DOBY, s. ic. c. 1 Qeo, W. Williams, assignee of Wm. Olyburn, plaintiff, against James Cook.? Judgment for fnreclosura of mortgigo. 1 In J ursuance of a judgment for foreclosure made in above cause, on tbo lJih of September, A. D. 1877, by Hon C. P. Townsend, Presiding Judge, I will sell before the court house in Camden, within the legal hours of sale, on Monday, the 3rd day of December, prox.r j All that lot of Land, described in the foreclosed mortgage as ' being fifty feet of front on Broad afreet, in the town of Camden, and running west warJly to a small ( ditch, about 288 feet, being part of lot in sniJ town, No 998, bounded north l?y the r mainine part of said lot 998, east by Broad street, south by lot No. 997, and west by small ditch aforesaid." Terms?One half cash, balance on a credit of six months, bond and mortgage, and assignment of policy of insurance. Purchaser to pay for papers. Nov. g-4t JOHN DOUY, s. k. c. Jonathan Page vs. Isaac Scott and Sullie Scott. By virtne of a decree for foreclosure, made in the above stated cum by Hon. C. P Townsond, dated Sept. 13, 1877. I will sell, in front of the court hout.ein Catnden, on the first Monday, the 3rd day in De \ -?- u it l.?w il?*i Ifliviil lmiirq nf s&Ip CtMimvr uuii, miuui v 1%^... ..v... , the following premises, to-wlt : All that lot or parcel of land, situated in the town of Camden. County and State aforesaid, known in tho plan of said Town as Lot No. UK), hounded north by premisrs ot Wm. Peas, East by lot of Joseph Adamson, tioutli by the corner ofBroadand King streets,and west by IIroad street. Terms eash. JOHN POBV, ?. k. e. Not. U.?td. \V. D. McPowall, Receiver of the estate of John Workman, dee'd.. plaintiff, against J. P. llced, Trustee.?Judgment for foreclosure. Iu pursuance of an order of foreclosure nrnde in above cause by Hon. C. P. Townsend, Presiding Judge, on 13th September, A D. 1877, I will sell at public outcry on Monday, the 3rd pro*., before the court hou?e in Camden, within the legal hours of salo: All that piece or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in the town of Camden, on the corner of Rutledge and Church streets, known and distinguished as lots numbered one thousand and twelve and one thousand and thirteen, (1012 and 1013) in the town of Camden, as set out in mortgage in said cause. Forms?One-half cosh, balance on a credit of twelve months, interest from naie, to lie secured by bond, mortgage and personal surety, and assignment of policy of insurone* to amount of bond. Purchasers to pay fur papers. Nov. c-4t. JOHN DOBY. s. k. c. N. B. Smith, administrator Mary A. Smith, dee'd vs. S.wnu?'l J. Tata*, Georgo scay mid Henrietta Seay, parties in Interest?Order for sale of real estate. Itv nn order directed to me from his nonor J. r. Sutherland. Judge of Probate, In the above entitled case, I will sell, on the tlrst Monday In December, at the Court House In Camden, the following town lots, consisting of i its No. mi. No. 64ft and No. 6M, the said lots being situated south of the resilience of 8. H. Bludgeit, on King street, In the town of I'amdeu. Terms cash. no vat d JOHN DODY, 8. K. C. J. Boss Dye. Administrator, vs. Thot. Sessions, I Win. Dixou and Craton Williams?Kxecution. [ I will sell oti Monday, the 3d day of December, next, bv virtue of the above execution, at the Court limine In Camden, during the legal hours of sale, the following property: AU that tract of laud, comprising scvejal tracts on Heaver creek ami Watoree river, containing nine hundred acres, more or less, known as the Dixon place; imund-d north by Withers' plantation ',east bv Mrs. ('urchin's land, south hv Mrs. Curelon's lands and west by Waterve river. Levied upon as the property of defendants at the suit of J. Boss Dye, admlstrator. Terms cash; purchaser* to par for papers. no void JOHN DOBY, 8. K. C. IIEXIIY WILM09T, Harness Maker and Repairer. Will do all work In his line promptly and ?atIsfac'oi lly. Will also repair and relit Saddles. iy Shop opposite LeUner A Dunlap's law offlee. uovfl-im 300 Macks Liverpool Malt, For sale at $1.25 per sack. nor20 2t BJU31NGI0N & HETILXS. NEW GOODS, # Just Rei EI11IBT i Prices to & We hare jnst opeacJ a completo asior keep, consisting of ! DRY GOODS, READY 31ADE CLOTHING, WOODWAEB, Together with full lines ef Choice Family and all of which have been carefully selected, terms, and at the LOWEST Give us a call and examine oar good elsewhere. LARGE STOCK OF ! iTT/iTTuren nr i Tiirnm nnr/ iiivxiiJuoT iiiAni\.xj i run THE OLD CfflER STORE. W. C. GERALD Wonld invite the attention of the publie to his Immense Stock FOR THR Fall and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notion*, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Good-, * Fancy Articles, Groceries, Provisions, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Molars, ' Oaooed Goods, Salt, Pcppor, Segars, Tubaccoe, Ac. which he has jast reseired, and which is larger and far superior to an/ previous stock he lias ever exhibited. I wouU ask a careful examination of my stock before purchasing, as I am confident that I cau save money to all who need goods. Highest cash prices paid for COTTON and All kinds of Country Produce. My stock of Ragging and Ties is extensive. Sep. 19. For Sale. '"A EMORY GIN, very little used, Will be'sold st a very low pries. Aog lGtf. BAUM BROS. X FULL LINES OF DRY GOODS. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, The finest ever brought to CAMDEN Hot just been received by J. W. MiCurry, at his new store, next door to his old staad, A JM.ATH Can buy anything At bis store so cheap that COMMIT? a great mistake whoa ho fails to examine this handsome stock of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. It is worse than SUICIDE To pay high prices for Goods of any kind, when they can be bought so cheap. Call and examine my goods and save money. I am determined not^to be undersold. Don't forget the place. J. W. MeCUBRY. 0cl23 tf STOVES, STOVES. i ntn^k Of HOOKING. PARLOR anil OFFICE 3T0VE3 just receive J, and offered at prices lower tlian can be bad elsewhere in Camden. GUTTERING, ROOFING, Ac., attended lo at shortest notice and on accommodating terms. A full line of Tinware & House Furnishing Goods, kept constantly on hand. work guaranteed. JOHN K. GOODALEOct. lltf. Look to Your Interests. The undersigned advises his friends and roUtives not lo buy goods when they come to Camden before giving him a call at the EXTENSIVE DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OF J. M. WILLIAMS, opposite W. L. Arthur's shoe store. GEO. S. KING. Oct. 80?8in. Sugar. /ra Barrels of different kinds of sugar tlw for sale by BAUM BR08. WANTED. A Piano. Will ren'or buy. Address JOURNAL OFFICE. October 80. tf BlsOultfl. fCaa Barrels of Biscuits for sale by vW LAUM BROS. Dissolution Notice, The firm of METT8 BROS. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. M. A. Metts assumes all liabilities of said firm. All parties indebted to the firm will please come forward and settle with M. A. Metts. M. A. METTS. M. M. METTS. Vtrmbey 0, 1SF7* **tU4l NEW GOODS! ruit the Times, # J-M fluent of NEW GOODS, such as we^ually \y I BOOTS AND SHOES, I HANDWASH, j CHOCKEitY, etc., Plantation Groceries, '|fl and puicbased upon the most foTorable , PRICES, .18 >8 and prices before making your p urcliase BAGGING AND TIES M JES PAID FOR COTTON. M KENNEDY k EOYKIN. DBIJGS&MEDICINES. jf I beg leave to announce that I am cow I lccciving a NEW STOCK I PEBIUMBEY^ - ^9 PATENT MEDICINE?, FANCY GOODS, ^ Ac., Ac. which I propose to sell at prices to suit the times. My stock embraces everything v usually found in ? FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. r Cigars and Tobaccos. A large supply of the most popular brands. ^ Durban) SmokiqgTabacoo, and Lhecelebra- ** ' ted Gravely Cbewing Tobacco, the best In Gunpowder Tea! JlB I beg to call the attention of families ?: to this article, which I guarantee to be the best in market, and cannot fail to please. / TOILET SOAPS in great variety and at ' J CHOICEST PERFUMERIES and Toilet j ^ Powders, in gTcat variety. -y ? 9 .'^BR2H^^9 SPICES, MUSTARD, PEPPEB, BAR- * y-->9[ ^ ing Powder and Condensed Milk always on -4; ' A LARGE STOCK OF LAMPS, LAMP jjHjj Fixtures, Kerosene Oil, &c., constantly on I '<M PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS. / fl 1 would call the special attention of ? painters and others wanting White Lead to Southern White Lead, which is guaranteed strictly pure andean*; I ^ ' not fail to gire eatisiacuon. , - vr. ? ? C. J LUNIAP. J|g Just opened. Fall and Winter Stock I James Jones. & I have the pleasure of announcing to my numerous patrons that I hare Just Returned from the Northern , i where I purchased a heavy stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, " sQn9 which I propose to soil at pricescorrespoa* ding with the low price of cotton, HARDWARE cannot be excelled in this market, and as I made my purchases in this line, under the most favorable circumstances, I can afford to sell the same at the VGfy Lowest Prices. COTTON. V jj| I am always in the market, and give tht ) higheet market prices in cash. The patronage of the public is solicited. and *lAi>lra An hand La serve customers. sepl9?tf JAMES JOSE8. FEED AND SALE STABLES.' , M Every convenience on the spot. Always put np st ARMSTRONG'S COMMODIOMS STABLKS y on DeKalb Street. Good pump well on premises. Animals well fed and properly cured for by accomplished hostlers. PRICES VER Y MODERATEHorses and males always on hand and for sale cheap. Don't forget the plaoe. J.A.ARMSTRONG. rarties indebted to me are request to be prompt in making settlement. Collec. tions must be made or I shall be compelled to severe Butter. V I CHOICE Goshen Batter, for sale low by BADM Talnable Stock for Sale, I H. K. DaBose to Dtrgtn A McCall?mortgage. Urn lor and by virtue ot the above named mortgage. 1 will sell before the Cvurt House in camden, on the first Monday, the sd day of December Instant Five mulea and one roan horse,