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nil . * mi!-'J JUL1..? , - . *19JLV* f ?t* Jouwwl W. I). TRANTHA5I, Editor, G. G. ALEXANDER, Easiness rtlsmagor. CAMDEN, S. 0., NOVEMBER 20, 1877. The Limits of Camden. During the era of Radicalism, the lirnifs of Camden were extended by the Legislature so as to include the whole of Kirkwood, and all that portion of the present corporato limits lying between Mill Street and Town Crook. This was dono at the instance of cer* tain Radical leaders, who hoped thereby to get control of the government of tho town. However, they were disappointed in their object, the tax-payers having still a majority of voters, and electing every year their * - T_a 1 _i J W-l.? own men Kir lnienuuni ana n;um-u?, Bat tho extension of the limits of tho town lias proved extremely burdensome to the people who were thus brought within the eornnrati >n. They are required to psv the same tax as persons in the heart of town, while they roceive little, if any, benefit therefrom. Injustice to all concerned, the acts of the General Assembly enlarging tho town should bo repealed. A movement to this end is now on foot, and it will doubtless receive the hearty endorsement of every good citizen. L. Oass CarpenterTidings of tho conviction of this individual, which was not unexpected by thoso who had read the evidence upon which the charge against him was based, will carry a thrill of joy to the heart of every good eitiscu in South Carolina?not that Carpen'er was the head and fr\it of tho party that has robbed us of out* property, but because, as editor of the leading KvJical paper in the State, as Congressman, and as luternal Revenue Collector, he never let pass an opportunity to nLnso and oppress the victims of his greed. His guilt was established beyond the possibility of a doubt, and lib late b a warn-1 ing to all who would daro commit the crime of forgery. Cardoso and Stznlb arc guilty, but Carpenter h m >re so. Overr ruled: On Friday, the day on which Cardoso was to have been sentenced, his counsel, Judge Melton, moved for a new trial upon the grounds, among others; that the jury was not properly constituted, and that Woodruff's was wot evidence, it being written in characters which could be read only by himself. Judge Townsend reserved his decision until yesterday, when he announced that the motion was overruled, and said a similar-motion in the case of Smalls would also be denied, it being based upon the same grounds as that of 4 Oardoxo* Judje Townsend hoard ar i gomonU for and .against motion in arrest of judgment, and reserved his de? cision. Carpenter has i.ot yet been sentenced. Editori&l Items. Tbb State Fair, which was held in Columbia last week, was a decided sac-j cess iu every respect. The exhibits were numerous and varied, snd the: number of persons in atten-Janco iui-, mense. The addresses of Hon. If. P. Kimball, of Itockford, 1)1., nod Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, arc spoken of; in the highest terms. Everybody we have Teen, who wont to the Fair, was delighted, and determined to go to the ? ' next. Some days ago, 6omc gentlemen of Baltimore sent our to Governor Hampton as a present a fine double-barrelled shot gun. A party of gentlemen from Columbia vera going doer hunting down in tho lower end of Richland Saturday, ond the Governor concluded to go down among them and try his new gun. The result of tho hunt w&9 three deer, of which the Governor killed two the first two shots he fired, and the third one was killed by a lad of nine yoars, who was named after tho Gov. crnor?Wade Hampton Stack. Jit the price drill at the late Fair, the palm was borne off by tho Governor's Guards, of Columbia, they excelling the liiohland Volunteers, also of Columbia, the Clarke Light lnfuniry, of Augusta, Ga., and the Walker Light Guards, of Richmond, Va. We believe the Governor's Guard, or the nucleus of the organization, was known daring the war aa Company A of ibe Second South Caroliua Volunteers. gllon. Paniel W., the successor of Mr. Mortoo in the United States Senate, presented his credentials and was admitted to his seat in the ^ Senate last week. That body now con-1 ^ tain* 38 Republicans, and 35 Petno-1 crats, with two seats? from South Caro- ( lint and Louisiana?vacant. It is' I ^ thought that the Senators elect from those "Slate, Messr*. Puller and Eustis, , ^Hpp will be seated. Another fire has occurred in Chicago. V M >re than $1,000,000 worth of prop-t erty was destroyed. Tub bill fur the repeal of the Rcsumption aot, which is now before the Houho of Representative*, is exciting considerable discussion not only in Congress, bat throughout the country. Western and Southern men generally want the law repealed, while tho Northern bondholders clamor for resumption I on the first of January, 1879. Mr. W. C. Benet, of the Abbeville bsr, has purchased a half interest in the ' Abbeville Press and Banner, and hercj after that paper will bo conducted by Messrs. Hugh Wilson & W. C. Cenet, editors and proprietors. TllE Southern Congressmen, now that carpet-baggers have in a large measure been made to take back seats, are coming prominently to the front in everything where ability and character are required. The heirs of Commodore Vanderbilt are contesting his will. It i3 alleged that the old gentleman was unduly iu. ! fliu>n<v?d b? his son Win. H . who re ceived 806,000,000 of his father's efete. Senators W. E. Joiikson of Sumter, and F. A. Clinton of Lancaster, both colored, have resigned their soats in the State Senate. They will bo succeeded by Democrats. Oapt. Jon.v C. ITaskei.t., of Co. iuiubia, has been nominated by the Democrats to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of C. 8. Minort col. ored. It is understood that President Hayes will veto the bill remonoticing silver, should it pass the 8eoato in its present form. The death of Pope Pius IX is looked for at any moment. An effort it being made by the Cardinals to aecure his successor outside or Italy. Congressman Kvins, on the 13th presented in the House of Represents tive*?, a paper relating to the establish, moot of a post route from Taxabaw to Camden, 8. C., which was referred to the committee on postal affair?. Ua???a aP T) A*\?noAntn Hraa a IMC iiuuav ui Xf|'iirvuM*iiM? ip looking into tho caao of Small.-*. The [ matter has be^n referred to the Jadicii ary 0 ?mu)iMce with power to send for persons and papers, > Kars. the Turkish stronghold in Asia Minor, has been carried by storm by the Russians. The fighting, which was very severe, lasted twelve hoars* From lluwll Place. Trial Jnstiee Uonrfs. Russkll Placi, S. C.. Nov. 15. Mr.Editor: By the 0>ns:itu;iouof ' South Carolina, the judicial power of the I State is vested in ft Supreme Court, and I i if two Circuit Courts, to wit: A cmrt of | Common Pleas, having civil jurisdiction, and ft court of General Session*, with criminal jurisdiction only in Probate Courts and Justices of the Peace. The GeneAil Assembly were also authorised to establish such municipal and other I iuferior courts as may bo deomed necessary. By virtue of this constitutional authority, the Court of Trial Justice was rstablished by the General Assembly of this State, and, for party purposes, tho justices who preside in -ft* --- ? L _ 1 . 1 L? <0*8 court were to oe ?ppo;ntea oy me Governor of (ho Stale, thin making the judiciary subservient to the Executive Department, in violation of the principles upon which the Government of the State and United States is founded. The thrco great divisions of power?the legislative. executive and judicial?were intended to be {forever separate and ditr tiuct from each other; and persons exercising the functions of one of these departments should nH have the power to control either of the other departments. I conceive the true Democratic doctrine to be, that all elections to office in either department of the Government shall be by the people. Hence I do not favor the vesting of power in the Executive to appoint judioial offi cers, and consequently I do not approve the Act of the General Assembly establishing the Trial Justice Court. The court of Justices of tho Poaoe have the sarno jurisdiction con. firmed on it hy the Constitution, that ibo licoeral Assembly has cou< fcrrcd oq the Trial Justice Court, tod tho only material difference in the establishment of the two Courts is that the presiding officer of the former is elected by the people whom he is expected to serve, nud tho latter is appointed by the Governrnor of the State whom he was formerly expected to servo. Many objections ure urged against the practical #orking or the Court of Trial Justice prominent among which are its expense to litigants and to tho tux.payers. Theso objections might be removed by judicious legislation. One of tho greatest inconveniences arid expenses of tho Court is tho trial by jury Kither party to a suit before a Trial Justice is entitled to ft trial by jury. This jury is drawn (on motion given by the party claiming the right of trial by jury) on the day of trial, the Court then adjourns until a constable rides ten or twelve miles to summon tho jury selected and very often in tho coun- 1 try when the jury assembles the day is too fur spent to try the unsc, another day is appointed and the jury notified to attend?all this trouble and expense in some instances when 'lie matter in issue does not exceed tho vaIup of fifty c-uts. If the General Assembly would abolish the Trial Justice courts, and provide for tho electien of Justices of the Peace and constables, and dispense ( with or improve the jury system in the s Justices court, compel persons convicted of larceny to pay expense of goods stolen, in money or labor, crime would ' decrease, and expense of conviction ( bo leu costly to tho tax payers. J. H. M ,V:- * * * % SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. On the 1st Monday of December next, I will sell at l'nblie Auction, for cash, at the court house in Camden, the Lot of Land, with the Residence thereon, situa:ed in the town of Oatnden, containing thirty acres, more or, and bounded on the north by property of J. W. DePass. east by the Factory l'ond, south by lands of W. F. Morrell, and west by hinds of James Chesnut? it being the late residence of Ocn. John It. Kennedy, and now occupied by John Doby, Esq. Or the said property may be bought at private sale by applying to the undersigned. J. M. ItAVIS, Attorney. Nov. G-4t Mulberry Hairy. Milk Dovliored Regularly Every Morning at Door. 82 Quart Tickets $2 40 32 Pint Tickets 1 20 Milk-to fill smaller orders will be at the rate of ten cents per quait. Fairs, Suppers, &c., will be supplied at reduced rates. Butter 30 cents per pound. I septlStf S. MILLLElt WILLI AMS Ready for Business. HEW STOEE % r *' AND Entirely New Stock BRASINGTON AND NETTLES HAVE TIIE PLEASURE OP ANN'OUNcing the opening of ihcir NEW STORE hi the old Htaad of 0APT. J. W. McCURRV, where they have just opened An Entirely New Stock OP FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Canned Goods all kinds, J<llit'g. Pickles, Ccmfectioueries, C igars, Tobacco, And all other goods usually found in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE, Highest market prioes paid for All kinds of Country Produce. * Always ready to pay the CASH for Cotton* BRASIK5T0H & NSTTLES. S**p. 20uj3. j lYIacltcrel. |nf4 K*U of Mackerel for sale at lUU 11AUM BROS. Just Received, A LA1IGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WINES AND LIQUORS. Which wo ?uarar.tco pure. Also, GROCERIES, TOBACCO and CIGARS, Cheap for Cash, hy TrUTVQTOV * r.T.AD\TCV Oct. 23lf. Soap, Soap. K BOXES Soap for sale low by till BAUJfCROS. backagaifT I HAVE tbe pleasure of announcing toiny friends and patrons t'lat 1 bare removed to MY OLD STYND, where with far groater facilities and conveniences than I had before the tire, 1 am prepared to conduct a FIliST CLASS DAKERY in every respect, and the patronage of the public is oordinlly solicited. Orders For Cakes of any description promptly and satisfactorily filled hy competent bakers. Fresh. Broad. always on hand. octlMtf MRS. II. CROSBY. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. CONSTANTLY FOll SALE AT WHOLESALE AND ItETAiL. A large and well selected rtock of SCHOOL ISOOKS Of oil kinds used in our public and private schools. Also, NEW PUBLICATIONS, Iiibloa, Prayer and Hymn Hooks, blank books. Paper and Stationery, Spectacles, Knives, nad Scissore, Musical Instruments, Strings, &c. 1*0 which the attention of Country Merchants, Teachers, und purchasers generally is invited. October. 4tf. J. A. YOUNG. Baoon 2 Bacon Z ft"" AAA I'ounds Bacon for sale by BACM BROS. Aug. 18it. / / Sheriff* Suite of South Carolina?Kershaw C?j It. J. Donuldson, as Receiver, Iu pursuance of orders of the Court i of September, 1877, I will sell at the C dav iu December next, for cash, the folio Rank of Camden, to wit: Tbe lot upor the town of Camden, having a front < bounded on the north by property ol th lot, east by Tlroud street, south by Rut! one hundred and ten foet. Also, six other lots, lying immediatel; with a fronton Rotlcdge street of twent extending north sixty-six feet, a plat w Davis, Ksq. And also, the following assets of the i Accepter, yote or Security, or Payer. Draft. Indov&tr. Tho8 J Ancrum note W A Anerum JII Anderson note R C Cummings & co W M Allen note Allen & Kushinj John X XcLccd John J Croswcl B C Adams (sg't) cash Granada, Misa L W R Blair note B E Boykin note J S Meroney do do note do do E M Boykin, Cftft note Thos J Ancrum John Cantey 1 tunean W Lituk J 11 Cureton J M DeSausaur B I'erkins F. M Boykin draft l?co Allien do do' E W Bouncy no do draft E E Adarason II R Brown note Jus L Ueia Jas B Cureton note Jus Dunlap A M & R Kcnue do do note J:ir Duulnp A M& R Kenned do do nolo Jus Dunlap A M & RK-nncc do do note Wui Dixon Jn* A Young do do note A M k. R Ktnnec do do note J as A Young do do dratt Jas Dunlap Geo Alden J & J 1> Kirlcpatric do do draft Geo A Men Jas Dunlnp J k J D Kirkpatric Jas Cbesnut, Jr note W M Shannon E A Cunningham note J D Kennedy Coleman, Britton & Withers no*e Ben Cook nolo Geo W Barnes E W Bonncy Jas R Dye nolo Jkaak Kil^ore Jas E Doby note do do note John J MeKuin do do note A E Doby <->1 T n?? Hiiln 1/IIiftS ii I'^O H-iv Ceo S Douglas draft JiJ D Kirkpatri do do draft do do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do* do Bryant Ellis nolo \V E llugin-s \J N McLeod do do note D D Hocotl /us Dun lap R 0 Edwards note Coleman, Britoi & Withers Samuel D George draft /ohn L /ones, A/cFarlnnd k 1'nrksdal D J George dr:lft S I) Gc >rgc / I* fleorge GeoMGrares note LuceyV.'Smith Coleman, Brit'ou k Wither! Mrs M A Gibbs note Wm Cox k co R LaRoclie4iariot note C M itheson k Solomon Hedrick note R 0 Edwards Coleman, Britton & Wither Thos J Hatchins note R 0 Edwards Coleman, Britton & Wither Thos Harris draft W M Shannon Locus A Strohackc i> D Ilocott draft Jan Dunlup C Mnthce-on k Thos II Gri{fen& do do draft Jns Dunlup C Mat beson & Thos H Gritfen A1 do do draft WH Sikcs Geo Alden Thos H GrWen S do do draft J M DeSaussui Thos II Griffen & do do draft J M DeSaussui Titos II Urittcn & do do draft Jas Dnnlnp x TIjos II Griifen & "do do draft Geo Alden Titos II Grid'cn & F P Inerani note C Maihesun & John L Jones note John J McKt do do draft J P Gtorgc S ]) George R B Johnson draft \Wt<&Villen C C Jackson noto J D Blanding Thos M Bake; C Matlieson & c Win Kirkiaud note Jus Dun'ap Rubt Latta note J B Kerahav A T Lalta uot? A A Mellow Ja-i L McDowe do do note cotu'pd 4 per Trastnore Landry J Y Ede Kgan Tho< S Murpliy note C MalhcaooAc do do note Mathciion&ci C Mathcpon note Jhs B Curator A MA It Kenned; Martin &, Gilu:ore note Fellows A co Coleuian.BrittonA Wither F Morrison draft do do 11 E McKay note Jan Dunlap K W Young 1 W W McKay note F A Sitgravea -lonma (1 [ T & W Moloon draft Thos Pofcrs | * Scruggs, Dunn 3 0 Nelson & co By , F J Oakh note John L Jones i ! W F Ferry draft W \\ Taylor C Matheson k < Wardlaw. Walker k co 2( D D Ferry note CMathesonAeo 5 Ii J FatterHon note Jesse Kilgoro 1 Jonathan Fago note 1 oumuul Shiver note J is I? Cureton 2 d-? do do J M DeSaussuro 1 Chas J Shiver notr J M DeSaussure J I) Kennedy 4 D II Smith note F A Sitgraves John J Nelson J, W M Shannon uotc C J Shannon 27;' Catherine Segur Win Irish note WestAVillcro G ! llobt II Smith draft Coleman, Frittoo & Withers 11 Jns S Thompson noto h J Patterson 27. II 11 Thomas draft J N MeLeod '1 bos 1 S Sandlord John S Hradloy John Davis Works A Thomas 1 E J Wilson uotc W 15 Sikis J J NcNon J as f? Jones 20 J K Wilhersponn note T W Fegues 1GJ Tlios W Welburn druft Wardlaw, Wulke COLLA1 Xo!t or Acceptor, Set raver, Druft. fndorrcr. Samuel w Lancaster <1 aft Coleman, Drittoii KlUaheth Stover note K A Cunningham .1 D Kenncily note J .1 Williams b'uUAm'go BenJ Vlllc PotitC&X X Wlnrtliam <io do J J William* <leo Mrf'opsianil m "gemote West A VtlJerc John H Martin follows A Co y mm jmjjunjpnepca ' aixnw.iumum'JK!-' 's Sale. iuntj?In the Court of Common Plcss. vs. W. E. Joli&8on autl Others, n the above stated case, dated the 13th ouit House in Camden, on the first Moo* wing described property, belonging to the 1 which the bank building is situated, in >n Broad street of sixty-six feet, and e town of Camden, known as the Market edge street, aud extending westwardly . f west of the above described lot, each y.five feet seven aud a half inches, and ! hereof may be seen at the office of J. M.; said Bank of Camdeo: Date of lfArn J'ajitr. Time. Payable. Amount. 31 Dec, 'CI 1 day 4 Jan, '62 $214 96 2 Dec, "01 12 iuos 6 Jan, '62 1,000 00 IF 5 il 10 Jan,'62 12mos 13 Jan,'63 3,262 28 26 June, '69 16,000 00 9 Nor,'06 165 31 30 Mar, '63 1 day 3 Ap'l, '63 1,100 00 8 June, '63 1 day 12 June,'63 300 CO 1 er 9 balance 15 Feb. '81 228 92 2 July, '01 15 Jan, '62 15 Jan, *G2 878 27 2 July,'61 >lo do do do do do 391 00 2 Sept, '61 ] Feb. '62 1 Feb, '62 225 00 2 Oct, 63 ^ day 6 Oct,'63 100 00 Jy 9 Mar,'01 1 Jan, '62 4 Jan, '62 2,000 00 ly 9 Mar,'61 1 Jan, '62 4 Jan, '62 1,000 00 ly 9 Mar,'61 1 Jan,'62 4 Jan,'02 1,00000 2 Not, '61 0 months 6 May,'62 1,000 00 iy 4 Nor,'61 60 days 6 Jan, '62 1,500 00 4 Nor, '01 60 days 6 Jan, '62 2,041 00 k 6 Not,'61 CO days 6 Jan, '62 1,619,50 k 12 Nov.61 '60 days 14 Jan, '02 2,030 00 10 June XI 1 Jau, 02 4 Jan, 02 oW 00 24 Mar, '04 28 Dec, '6o 280 07 21 Dec, '61 2,000 00 10 Ocl, 'CO 1 Jan, 67 4 Jan, '67 4,304 SO 24 May, '02 1 day 28 Mav, '62 600 CO 81 May, '61 1 Jan, '62 4 Juii. '62 105 20 16 Jan,'62 1 day 20 Jan,'62 48 76 25 Doc,'61 6 nioa 28 June.'62 1,741 19 10 Dec, *66 10 days 23 Dec, '66 1,350 00 ck 22 Mar, '62 16 Ocf, '62 6.452 92 11 April,'62 6 mos 14 Oct. '62 2,600 00 18 April, 'C2 0 un? 21 (Jet, '62 4,600 00 11 Muy, *63 30 days 13 June, '63 3,000 00 11 June, '62 4 nios 14 Oct, '62 1,000 00 12 Nov, 'C2 SO days 15 Dec, X2 2,000 00 12 July,XI 1 Jan, X2 4 Jan, '62 200 00 24 July *61 1 Dec, XI 4 Dec, 61 300 00 " 18 Feb, '61 18 Dec, 'CI 21 Dec, '61 4,400 00 Ic j5 Mar, XI 1 Jnn, X2 4 Jan, 'C2 1,100 00 10 April,XI 1 Jan, '62 4 Jan', '62 653 80 i 13 Dec, XI 1,100 00 9 Feb, '61 6,00000 co 6 Sep, '61 1 Jan. X2 4 Jan, 62 809 72 s 21 Jan, '61 1 Doc, *61 4 Dec, '61 528 90 s 22 Jan, 'CI 1 Deo, 'CI 4 Dec, '01 918 73 r 17 M?y, '00 C mos 20 Not, 'CO COO 00 CO co 3 Sep, 'CO CO days 8 Nov, 'CO 4,800 00 co co 3 Sep, 'CO 70 days 13 Nov, 'CO 4,800 00 : co 12 Sep '60 14 Jan, 'C4 2,530 40 0 co 1 Oct, 'CO CO days C Dec, 'C) C.SOO 00 , co 1 Oct, 'CO 70 days 15 Dec, '60 6,200 00 co 1 Oct, 'CO 80 days 25 Dec, 'CO 0,300 00 co 1 Oct, 'CO 90 days 5 Jan, 61 6,200 00 ; CO 2 Feb,'59 10 clays 15 Feb/59 272 22 tio 30Dec,'61 1 day 3 Jao/02 292 11 ONov.'Gl 1 Mar/62 4Mar/G2 820 00 1 9JuIy/61 15J.ui,'02 18Jun/62 2,576 90 ) r > 24 Dec,'GO 1 Nov/61 4 Nov/61 1,550 37 13 Jau/62 3<!ays 19 Jan.'62 12,425 DO v balance 4 Nov/59 210 00 ell 11 12Nov/61 GOJays 14Jan/62 500 00 c 4 Nov, '64 1 day 7Nov, '64 500 00 a 28 April/60 7,453 00 0 30Jan,'62 10 .lays 12 Feb/62 310 00 j 30 Jan, '62 1 day 4 Fob, '62 197 52 1 7 4 Dec, 'GO 60 days 5 Feb/61 1 200 00 s 20 Dec, '61 11 mos 23Nov.'62 4,500 00 31 Doc/61 2,000 00 0 April,'61 10Jan/62 13Jan,'G2 150 00 2 April/61 lOct, '61 4 Oct/61 350 00 cgan & co 4 Dec. CO 3,500 00 baulrupt statement 26,S02 63 } May/61 1 Nov/61 4 Nov/61 106 43 30 )April.'Cl 30 days 23May,'Cr 500 00 10 April, 61 10 days 13 .May.'01 288 53 r June' '02 1 day 11.1 tine,'02 3,000 00 ialance 5 Sept/64 1.152 08! 5 Nov. '04 1 day 20 Nov. '04 1.000 00 3 Mar.'67 Duo 13 Mar/07 4,040 80 Oct, 'Gl 13Jan.'C2 21 Jan/62 204 10 j April,*01 1 Oct/61 4 Oct.'Ol 150 00 1 lpril,'G3 1 day 1 .May,'03 3,000 00 Uar.'GO 11 months 9 Feb'Gl 2,000 00 Mar/61 10 Dec.'Gl 13 Deo'01 2.479 74 Vpril,'G3 1 day 1 May,'03 3,710 02 I Juu/62 8 montha 4 Sept/62 1,546 14 ! | Mnr.'G2 balance 30June/63 97 G5 ! u!y,'Gl 14 Doc.'61 17Dec.'G 1 107 00 r A Co 15 Mar/62 070 22 rEIULS. urity or JTAcn On Paper of Payable. .4 mount. I X Withers Cabman. B A W 23 Doc,da $ 2,000 on J Kami D George 4 Jan, f,2 ],004 83 , D r> Ilouott 4 Nov, 69 r.23 TO i D D llocott 1-2 1 Jati.eo-To 15,9*5 18 H D llonott 1-2 13 Kel),S.V?T 10,19.', no K B Johnswi 4 Dec, 09 0,000 00 mwjllllllil Thr,iri8? H Oilmoro do do Cotomsn,Brltto& A VTltiiers Martin 4 Gllroore B fob. ft ?,W0 M K A Stewart note KO Nelson A Oo BO Nelson A Co 65 Nov, 01 S,Sf 00 4o do do do do do do US Deo, SI 1,M8 00 OO Nelson do do do do do 19 Dec, 01 6,000 OS v 1 a Hill do do do do do SO Dee 61 1,000 00 3 C L A K M Lewis do do do do do 88 Dec, 61 4000 00 KatKCBellany do do do do do SSDc-c.Ol 8,000 00 M A McUee do do do do do SO Dec, 61 lAOO 00 >T D Martin do ao do do do 8 Jan, 69 1,780 00 B Walton do do do do do 16 Jan, 6S 9,300 00 Alfred Brevard do C Matheson A Co C Matheson A Co 8 Oct, 66 1,341 U llKAL ESTATE. About fifty acres land on Oum Swamp?Mrs. Lewis' tract. Banking House, corner Rutledge and Broad streets. Balance December, 1971, (In bills of the Bank) 9i?U 60 novGui JOHN DOUY, S. K. 0. J- J "" The Crowning Triumph! Jj _ > r 7?m * . * ?0? ' :-M ' * ?L4pf\ MONITOR ! Ar. W3H SIM Tlie Only Absolutely Safe ~i I y OIL STOVE ,3 IN THE WORLD. *53 -M - 'MH " "A Cooks Splendidly; Is Perfectly Safe! ECONOMICAL, ORNAMENTAL, CONVENIENT, v 4 / DURABLE, cdfcPACT, CHEAP* , Its fuel is Coal OiJ. No <luht, no ashc?, no pmaice, no trouble. Ever; house* . '4 keeper should use theiu Examine the MONITOR at GEO. AMES'S. I BOSTON MARKET PICKLED BEEF. i Ittxtw ^ i ts-" J PICKLED FOBK. - * < stw-tSIM 'Mn - 'M&M TICKLED TRIPE, PICKLED PIG'S FEET, Prepared expressly for family use, and for sale by V *'* -' iaM M \ siii'Sl GEO. ALDEN. 13oortf $100,000. I WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD ' s '' At Astonishing Low Pricey | CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddles, Harness, Groceries, Bagging, Ties. 1 'V < feu 1 * We Still Pny Above Market Price for Cotton. I BAUM BROS.