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LOCAL ITEMii. fixed.? Our determination that suh s. rilirm shall get our paptr regular'y Is fixed. fisarREMKMV.EU?That the office of the Camden Journal is in Cly burn's Block?Up Stairs. Send 10 Us.?Oar friends in the country wtll please keep us advised of whatever of interest occurs in their respective neighborhoods. The Journal is delivered at Granny's Quarter. Flat B< ek, Pleasant Hill an 1 Lancaster regularly upon the day of publication, which is Tuesday. - I Sunday?Was a beautiful autumn , day, and divine services at all of the churches were largely attended. A Scrimmage.?That was a lively fiuht at the potoffice on Wednesday evening between a couple of hopefuls? one white and the other black?aged respectively fire and seven years. Butt for the interference of the bystanders, tlicy might have hurt one another, and found their way to the guardhouse be-j sides. Arrested-?Two attaches of Cole's circus were arrested on Saturday under a warrant issued by Trial Justice DePass for swiudling, in that they, upon several occasions, happened not to give the right change to persons buyi Dgl I ' '? nrnn n?ir- i llCKCiS. 1 lU'JI mit ii.iv.ihvu u^>vu j.-j j UiCiit of ct sts and making restitution to the parties complaiuing. j I Tits Largest.?.Mr M. P. Kclly^ of Slmylor's Hill, lias placed upon our tr.b!e the finest specimens of turnips wo liavcscen. Three weighed seven pounds and top ounces, and averaged nineteen inches iu circumference. Tlu-y were of, the "White Norfolk" variety, and were sjwu in July, the seed being purchased from C. J. Dunlap, Esq. Always There.?Virgil Johnson, a respectable colored man, keeps a res. taurant one door south of Clyburu's Block, and is always ready to furnish i those who call upon hiai with something good. I appreciated?That little reipite in the payment of taxes, though it is only until il.c 15lh of this month, is a great relief to a great many people.; They will doubih bs show their appre. eiation of such indulgence by paying up as promptly as pus; iblc. Booked.?Madams Humour faith rthat Camden is to con'ribute several victims to the matrimonial maikct du? ring tl.o present scxs.m. - n i ANTICIPATING.? If por.s couic iroui t ail paits of the county to the effect that planters are anticipating the harder time* and higher price# ol next year by , planting largely of small grain. Caic.HT?Ore flight recently, Abram R-bon, jr.. of Western Watcrcc, caught three colored uicn, Charles Harrison,, Jonas Cunningham and Champlou stealing his cotton from the freehold. They w*rc nrres'ed by Trial Justice I-uiilap. and con.milted for trial at the next tetiu of the Court of General &s-1 siotis. * j A Treat.?Messrs. Nelson & Net ties have placed us under obligations for a piece of the best steak we ever encountered, not excepting even that which used to come from the Valley of Virginia. The beef was bought from Mtssrs. Raurn Bros., and was fattened in the rich river bottoms of those gao~ tleinen. A new Officer.?An honored public (ffieial. aud pood friend of ours, created a laugh in the menagerie tbo other day by declaring that ho discovered, in the p-rsen (?) of tho "Great Brazilian Monkey." a new trial jujtico. Let us have Coun'y Courts. Mc?srs Melts Bros, have purchased the old Dunlap s'ore rn Broad street, and arc now having the lumber deli*, errd preparatory to converting it into n carriage and wagon manufactory. The blacksmith *b?p will be in a near bulling in tl^rear. Popular Hotel Prices.-?The Charleston Hotel, which is well known to be first c'ass in all its appointment* I has reduced the rate* to f'J 50, $3 and W St p'-r <1 iy, according to aluention of | rojm. | Western Wateus.e?A. Bifle I Company, under tne name of tho ^ "I'nion Veterans," has boon organised p in '-Little Edgefield," and the following I gentlemen chosen officers : J. A. L>riek. Captain; C. P. Buwen. Fir-t Lieutenant; >5. K. Perry, Second (Lieutenant; J.C Williams, Third Lieu, teuan'; li. W. Proctor. First Sergeant; ,1. \V. line, Second Sergeant; \V. J. Braziufl, Third Sergean'; W. D. Brulicll. Fourth Seigcur.t; (jrcen Brown, Fifth Sergeant; John fireen, First Corporal; IV. I). Kvjns, Second Corpora); Jose Cooper, Third Corporal; John Boss. Fourth Corporal; 11. \V. Nelson, Color Bearer. f I | Pied.?At hcu: l ouie in Cauidm, on the 25th ultimo, after a lingerii g illness, Miss Pen ah II. McEwe.i, in tin 64th year of her age. The decease*) was a natire of Scotland, and inherited in a | large degree the noble traits character, istic of the people of that nationality. jShe was universally esteemed wherever her name was known, and died in full hopo of eternal lif**, she having boon a life long member of the Presbyterian | Church. Our eutire community sympathise with her bereaved relatives iu their sad loss. Organized.?The commissioners to ascertain the indebtedness cf Kershaw county have, as will be seen by their card in another column, organized by electing Mr. W. P. McPowall chair, man, and all persons having claims against the county are required to file J and establish the same before the comi missioners within thirty days from this date. The people of Kershaw county are to bo congratulated upon tho ap, pointment of such commissioners. They will discharge their whole duty without fur. favcr tr affection. If you want Boston market pickled beef, tripe, pork, pigs feet, or anything in that line, go to Geo. Alden's. An Expensive Bull.?Our readers who puff the fragrant " Durham" stm king tobacco, may not be generally aware tl at a suit baa long been pond, ing between two manufacturers of the weed, Messrs. Blackwell and McElwee, concerning tho use of the " Durham Bull" trade mark. Each party is con. fi-ient of his ability to assert bis owner, ship to tho "Bull," and the case is interesting on account of tho immense amount of money involved. In the meantime consumers run no ri>>k in smoking the "Durham," a supply of which can always be found at Kirkley & Smith's. See card of Henry Wi'son. If you want anything done in his lioc, go to him, and he will make it all right. Next Week.?The huge advertisement of Mr. Geo. Aldco, announcing the arrival of valuab'e additions to his [ already immense stock, was receivod too late for insertion in this issue. It will appear next week. ? The Circus.?W. W. Cole's circn",j as [>cr ann-juoccuicnt, exhibited in Cam- j den on Saturday afternoon and The collection of animals was rather in- j frrior, but the ring ptrforraances were better than usual. An immense osuL i litu 1c was in attendance, and it is va- j riously estimated that from three to I ten thousand dollars have born taken out of Kershaw aud adjoining counties , by the concern. Sked Oats.?Messrs. Batim lire's, j have a superior (jaality of rust proof' oats for sale. Don't pass ihein by. Personal.?Dr. I. II. Alexander i and wife, Mrs. Donald McQueen, Miss Kate McQusen Mrs. Z. J. Dellay aud MlfS E?tello DeHay left Camden on , Fiid.ij last fur Columbia, where they ! will hereafter reside. It is with regret that we see so many friends and esteemed residents of our town leave at once. Dr. Alexaudcr will make frequent professional visits to Camden to accommodate his many patrons here. | Du*J notice of his roming will be given through the columns of the Journal. Dev. G. W. Whitman re'urned Home on Tliursduy lact, and occupied bis pul , pit both morning and evening on Sunday. Mr. George A1deo returned on Sat* arday from a hurried visit to the North We were happy to meet on ytatcrday our old friend and enmradu. T. A. Mej roncy, Esq., formerly of Salisbury, but 1 no# of Mockaville, N. C. He is traveling in the interest of the well known tobacco and liquor houso of T. II. Lanier, of Mocksville. Two Serious Afkhays ?On Satur' day night. N. W. Illnir and T. J. Dan* ' cey purchased tickets for th) concert which exhibited after the circus performance was over, and with them attempted to enter the canvass while the {circa* wus hi progress. Thej were to'd by the door-keeper that they could not enter until it was time for the concert to commence. Dliir insisted tha? i he would go in, and in his efforts to accomplish this purpogf, was struck by the doorkeeper with his closed fist. One of the attaches of the circus, who was cm ploy'd at the time in takiug up the heavy pins which held the tent ropes down, seeing the scufflj, ran up to Blair with a pin in his hand, and dealt him , a blow on Are bend, which knocked him I senseless. lie l??id where lie fell, with | a largo crowd gathered hround hiui, for fully a half hour, when lie was taken to his home in one of Mr. S. 15. Latham's wagons. The circus man disappeared as S'iou as he had inflicted the blow. These circumstances wo learnol from eye wit' neesea The arrest of tho parties assaulting was not effected. This reporter called on Dr. 1'aruch, who is attending Blair, und from hiui learned that Blair's injuries aro very '*? '0 painful, lut he discovered no fractured. Jesse Burton and Amos Banks, tivo laborers on the plantation of the estate of W. It. Withers, caiue to Camd' n on Saturday to see the show, and have a j good time generally. As thrir idea of a good time seemed to have sjino conn cc, tion with the free indulgence of whiskey, they indulged freely, and were joyi ful together, until on their way home, about half past nine o'clock at night, j when they quarreled, and fought. Amos hit Jesse between the eyes with a brick, j greatly to the detriment of his sight and the symmetry of his nose. When this reporter first heard of the affair, it was snid that Jesse was killed, hut upon careful inquiry it was ascertained ho is still alive, with the skiu of his forehead badly torn and a slight fracture of the skull, from which he will, in all probability recover. A warrant of arrest was issued for Amos by Trial Justice Dunlup. II ma mr 11 lou There was a heavy frost ou Sunday morning lust. Saturday w ill be the last day to paytown taxos without penalty. We think it about timo to get out your overcoats and change your flannel. After January 1st postal route agents will be uniformed in blue, with brass buttons. Throe deaths in Catndon for the month of October?one white and two colored?all adults. Seven children at two births is the way Mi*. Suggs, of Gaston County, N. C., treats her husband. There were 23 arrests by the police last week, 13 of which were on Saturday. Fines collected, SI2. Mr. II. C. Player is erecting a new tore housa on Broad street, just north of the More of Mr. J. C. Nabours. Dr. Young's store is being handsomely ornamented with a coat of grccu and bronze. Mr. C. Wolst is the artist. Darlington county is represented by six very promising young men in the mercantile business in Camden. The Treasurer's office was crowded on Mouday and Tuesday of last week by anxious tax payers who had not heard of the extension. The largest man in Camden weighs 2D7 pounds, and the smallest 07 pound->, when lie lias his overcoat ami heavy bcots on. Daniel Austin, eoloreJ, was commit-! ted to jail en Wednesday last, for violating his lien contract with W. L. Arthur, Esq. Owing to the immense amount of! cotton awaiting shipment at the depot here, the South Carolina Ilailraai company condescended, on Thursday last, to Si.iid up an extra train to rukeve the j pres-urc. Very early Sunday morning, tro the; dawn hud tinged the cast with gray and gold, dim and shadowy forms might have been teen slowly and silently stroll ing over the site uf the late circus, th^-ir eyes intently an J search ingly fixed upon the ground. It was the colored people looking around to see i( they could iiud anything. What Tiiey ake Doing.?As it may bo of interest to many of our read* crs to know what souie of the powers that one were, are now doing, we will j grali'y tlicin by publishing ttic follow. ; ing concerning the whereabouts and employment of a few of tho leaders, | who, f.?r eight yeais, lorded it over the good people of Kershaw County : SENATOR Fit AN K CARTElt, wc understand, is applying himself to the study of the art of shocmaking. and ' hopes, hy the lime Ids Senatorial term expires, to besuffiu iently educated with the awl, to merit, "by strict attention to business and hoool dealing," n lair : share of the public patronage. lie evidently believes thai the Republican party is dead in South Carolina. EX REPRESENTATIVE FUANK AHAMBON I seeuis long since to have lo?t the control he once exorcised over the colored i people of Kershaw county. At all, j events, he (ailed to secure a re uoniina*' | | lion b.>th in 1874 and 187t>. The old man, it is believed, is now striving : i . -? i- ? --- i it.: i ! naru IU I11UXU an MMH'M in III^, UIIU ir> at (hi." time the proprietor of a small j grocery in town, The Jol'RNAE re. serves to itself the right to wiite his , obituary, EX REPRESENTATIVE STEPHEN (JAItV i was unco an iufluentinlman in his piny, but ho has never been definitely heard : from since he stole a watch it; Colum. hia two years ago on J left for parts un. 1 known. REPRESENTATIVE R. I>. (lAITIIKR is. ns he a I a ays lias been, ci^tgcd in farming. He is in many respects the ; hot of all our colored politicians, his private life being buch as to eoninian 1 ! in a large decree the good will ol his neighbors, while his industry and thrift enables hint to handle a largo quantity of cotton every year?the product < f It's own lahor. Hut Kcnhen is. for one. at sea, as h?? does not know which w.iv thecal will jump iu Kershaw county next year. EX-REPRESENTATIVE ER F. (JEORllF. had a brief, but brilliant, cxptuienec in the councils of the Slate. He dlstntu gi.islmd himself greatly in the K-.i-la. ture. lie is now, we b- licvo pursuing the avoea'.iou of u painter?when he call i;et a job. REPRESENTATIVE ALLISON \V. IIOUOW was buying seed e?tton earlier in'die I beaaou, but more recently lie has direct | ed his peculiar talent to catching "Hcd Horse." His power lias waned, at:d an indictment against him for fraudulent breach of trust is hinted at. REPRESENTATIVE E II. DIIIIJI.E, though I lie brot her in law of t lie Duke of Marlboro', is a most deserving youn<r colored man, and seems to trouble I: i in s-lt very little about polities. He sue. j cecdod his biotlior John, also a worthy '' man, in the grocery line, and is said to bo doing an lione.-t and thriving business. EX-CLERK P.. H. WALL, since he was superseded in the Clerk's : office by Mr. Clybnru. lias formed a e<? partner?hi|) with Taylor Helton, and is now driving a lively trade in the grece1 ry mi J liquor business. EX-Al'DtTOIt N F.I LI. W. ULAIlt appears to be in tlie same business as Edwards. It is reported that lie con-1 templates removing hence at an early day. j lie possesses considerable mu-ical la I-1 cnt, and may lure it to g'>i;.l^account some day. ex-fcno(>l comm'r. jamf.s edwards does n-it seem to have any occnpatioo. deputy u. s. marshal de?ius brownfield is as active as evi r, but what he dors, or how lie lives is a mystery. We believe he has not yet been paid by the govern, tnent for his officious services during the late campaign. We may have something more to say of our cx-llulors hereafter. in wliicl. ease others will te introduced uaee more: to the public. Tlie Cotton nnrbcl. Camden, S. C., Nov. G, 1377. Since our last report, the market for cotton has been exceedingly nnfavora. Lie both for buyers 'and sellers, llicro being a gradual decline since Tuesday laft. Advices from Charleston Saturday indicate*a gloomy prospect, at least for a time, and buyers here ore disposed * - ?- ?' - * ii?oi /.r n lo cuiar^u tutu uiuiri.j, mm ?v?.? v. ?. further decline. The market clo-cd yesterday at 0] cents for middling. AW report sales for the week of 052 bales; shipments for the week, 2,353 biles; for the month of October, 6,330 bales. Married?On the 31st of October Inst, byKev. William Perry, Mr. Durham Drown am! Miss Liszie Albert, daughter cf the lute Harwell Albert. NE.V ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTENTION! Attend a meeting of Phoenix Hook and Ladder Co.. at the Truck House, on Thursday night at 7:3# o'clock. By order of the Foreman. It W. R. McCHKIGIIT. fiec'y. SIierifiT's Sale. Stute of South Carolina 1 In the Common Kershaw County, i Pl?us. K. Barnes, 'Plaintiff, against K-aks Fletch- j er and Thomas llollan ! ?Judgment lor . foreclosure of mortgage. In pursuance of n judgment if f< /reclo- j sure in above cause in ide by Hon. C. P. I Townsond. Presiding Judge, on ihe 13th j <if Aeiitember. A. 1>. 1877. J will sell bef.?re | the court in Ci,ni l?n, within the lego! | hours of sale. on Moiid.y, the third (drill day of December pro*.: All that tract or parcel of Land, described! in n mortgage from sail F.y??a Fletcher to i said K.I win Barnes. ns lilie.n acres of land. '.11 Hurh.ird Branch, water* of Big Timber ''reek.' in Kershaw county, hounded north | hy Kdwin lSirni,?' land, cast by lands if said Kdwin Barnes, south hy lands of the same, and west hy lrfnJ* of Thomas Hoiland. Terms, cash, i'ar has'-i * to pay f r ; pipers. JOHN I'AiiV, ?. h. c. Nov. G-It. \V. 1) McDowall, Bereiver of the eslnlc of John Workman, dee'd. plaitiiiif, against l'addy Green.?Foreclosure of mortpige Iu pursuance of a judgment for foreclosure made in atiovc ca s*\ by Hon. ('. 1'. Towiisend. Presiding Judge. on ihe 1:1th of September, A. D. ls77, I will sell before tlie court house in Camden, within the legal hours of sale, on Monday, the third (del) day of December, pros : All that piece, parcel or tract of Land described in the ipor'gnge foreclosed. as all that lot or parcel of Band, Iving, Wing and situated in the town of Camden, known as western pans of lots numbered Gd5, O'lO and G37, being 1150 feel of the same, com mencing on Fair street, and running eastwnrdly towards Mill street I'JU feet, hounded north by York street, east By remaining portions of lots Nos Goo, I'.-'ltj and G:l7, ari l south hy lots known r.s Blodget! lots, and west hy Fair street. Terms?One-half cash, balance on a credit of one year, interes' from date secured hy bond, mortgage and insurance ut residence. Purchasers to pay for papers. Nov. G It. JOHN DOilY, s. k ii. ?-mi ,.r \i*,? rw. VlCO, ?1 . ? Illinois, Iif^.^uvv t, luirn, plaintiff. against James ('m k.? Judgment for f'>?c;!o?ur? of niori??. In | ursiinikc of a judgment for fore cloture iiinile in above, on the 13th j of September, A I>. 1877, by Hon 1' j Tuwmend, l'residing Judge, ! will tell | before tlie court limi-e itiOunden, within tho legal hour* of sale, oil .Monday, the 3rd day of December, prox.: All that lot of I,and, described ill the foreclosed mortgage as being fifty feet of j front on Itroad stre't, in the town of t'nmileii, and running westwards* to a small j dileli, nboiil l!SH tee!, being part of let iii : aid town. No '. '.'8. bounded north by the remaining )??irt of said b.' cast by j Itroad street. <o;itli by lot No. O'.'T, and west by small ditch aforesaid.'' Terms?One half cash, .balance on a i credit of six months, bond and mortgage, and assignment of policy of insurance. i 1'iiri baser ti> juy fur paper*. Nov. 0-!t J?>U.N l'l)ISVp s. k. r. .Innntlnn l\?gc vs. Isaac Scott an I Sallie 1 Semi. liy virtue of a decree tor fori- Insure, j made in (lie above stated ci A* i.y lion, jp Townseiiil, dated Sept. 1-! H77. I will *e!l, in front ol i!ie court li mi- - in ?".n:i? 1 < n. I on the first Monday, tin* dr ! ! ?y in I'cI cetulier next, u it l.iu ike Ic^ii i.'.cui of sale. ; the following premivs, to-wit : j All tliai lot ?>r pared <.f -iticilvl in i tin* town of i iin icu. <* hi:i;y and Stale 1 iforc.-ai'i, known in tl.c p'un of said Town j as Lot No. 1 *'>. lmnnli I norlli f v prciui n <>t iviii. let \ Li- l'v In! if .1 -j a \d-n:i ! son, t 11li111 liy iliv ciii'iu'i''of iJi'o:. land King slr-f t-. ni'l wvs! by lirn.iil street. Torino cat'li. Ji.'lIN li'.tli'i, s. k. i'. Nov. >.?l l. | *iV. it. Mellow i1!. l!i r vi r ii." Ill. estate of John Workman, doe'd.. plaini'df, against .1. I'. Kee l, I rn.-'re. J udgmunt for loreclosure. In pursii in e of an r of foreclosure nrolr in uliove cans:1 Ly lion. 1' TownI sen 1. Presiding .lu<L". "ti Mm September, I A L>. lt?77, 1 will a.'ll ul public outcry ou i Monday, the I'.rd prux , bolore the e< art e Hi Cattwl.ii, within the legal hours of sale: All that piece or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in tiie town of Camden, on l lie corner of Hu!ledge and Church streets, known mi l distinguished as lots | numbered one thousand and twelve and I one thousand and thirteen, (!Oi 11 and 1018) in the town of Cnindeti, as set out in mort* gage in said cause. forms?One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, interest front date, tohesecurcdby bond, mortgage and personal surety, and assignment of policy of insurance to amount of bond. Purchasers to pay for papers. Nor. C-4t. JOHN DOUV. s. k. c. N. 15. Smith, administrator ?-I?.ry A. smith, dee'd vs.'i j. Yates, ficorge Seay and Henrietta S':ay, parties in Interest?Older for ealeof real (state. Tt.7 nn order directed to me from his Honor.I. F. Sutherland, Judge of Probate, In the nlmve entitled case, I will sell, on the tirst Monday in December, at the Court House in Camden, the following town lots, consisting of lots No. e 14, No. fiia and No. 64<*., the said lota being situated sontlinf the residence of S. IT. Blodgett, on King street, hi the town of Camden. Terms cash. HOVOtd JOHN DOBV, S. K. C. I. Boss Dye. Administrator, vs Titos. Sessions, Win. Dixon and iTaton Williams?Execution. I will soli on Monday, the 3d day of December, next, by virtue of tho above execution, at the Court House in Camden, during the legal hours AH tlint tract of ianA, comprising several tracts on Ileaver creek ami Watcree river, containing nine hundred acres, tnore or less, known as the Dixon place; hounded north by Withers' plantations, cast by Mrs. i.Hreton'a land, sonth by Mrs. Cureton'H lands ami west by wateree river. Levied unon as the property of defendunts at the suit of J. Ross Dye, adniistrator. Terms cash; purchasers to pav for papers. Uovfiid JOHN DOlil, S. K. C. W. L. REPASS. T. II, CLARKE. DEPASS & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CAMDBN, S. C. Will practice In all the State and Federal Courts. nov6tf I. !). KENNEDY. P. II. NELSON KENNEDY & NELSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. O.llcc formely occupied by Judge J. B. Kcrshnw. novsSiu CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C., E. II. JACKSON & CO., Proprietors. T'nc Charleston Hotel, well known as one of the leading first class Hotels of the South, offers lo the traveling public,special - i- ? ?i : . . mtnvrf tn iii'iiif'tMiu n:s iuis ?ra>un ut i wi tu.i u IIA1' liS?$2.50, $3 and $1 per day, locatiou of room. novl3-Gt III:\RY wiL80.\, Harness Maker and Repairer. Will do 31! work In his line promptly awl satisfactot lly. Will also repair an.1 re.'lt Saddles. ?2" shop opposite LeltnerA Dtmlap's law office. ntfvS-lm "avanted, ~~ To rent for the year 1878, n small co'ton and provision Farm, in tiiis County. The snl.vrilier being responsible, and desiring to settle pcruinnently, hopes to have some inducements offered. Would have no objection to firming on shares, or in copartnership with responsible men. Satisfaction guaramecd. Correspondence solicited. Address, ' Vorso Farmer," Journal Office, Camden, 8. C Nov. G-lt. county Indebtedness. The undersigned having been appointed by his LxcclVncy Ooverticr Hampton, under the act of the General Assembly, "A .ommissinfi to investigate and ascertain the true an I l? i\n 1i:> indebtedness of the county of Kershaw," nil persons holding claims against the said county, created prior to the fir<?t day of November, 1S7G, are hereby required to file ami establish their claims before slid Commission within thiily days !r on this date. V?'. l> McDOWALL, Chairman. J. D. HUN CAP, .1. M. HA VIS, Nov. G-4t Commissioners. SALE OF IlEAL ESTATE. On the first day of December next, I will sell at Public Auction, for cash, nt Hie court house in Camden, the Lot of Land, with tho Kesidence thereon, situated in the town of Camden, containing thirty acres, inure or 1 sand bounded on the north by property of J. W. DePass. east l>y the Fact< ry 1 < t.d, tenth by lands of W. F. Morndl. and west by lands of James Chesnut? :t liciii^ the I itc resilience of Gen. Jolin I). Ivenucny. and now occupied by Joint Doby, Km|. Or the Ktid I'tojir'y may l>e bought .it private talc by tipplying to the undersigned. J. M. bAVIS, Attorney. .Nov. fi-lt Heady for SJiisiitess. 'm STORE AND Entirely New Stock mimm and settles IIAYK Till: IM.HASt'ltK OF ANNOt'Neing pening "t their MHV STOlili hi i . - ? <i' hit i iv Mi.rri:itV 1 .if oi:j?i;;nt| u? ?' ,'i i i..?. ?, .uw v...... where tliej have jiH* opened An Entirely New Stock OF FA MI la A FANtV (JllOCWtllisJ Consisting iii of Su^ar * foflers, Teas. Flour, Rjccn, Linl. llnttor, Canned (loods ail kinds, Ji Hies. Pickles, Cclufeoiiorierics, ( if*ars. Tobacco, Ami all oilier j:oods usually found in a 1IKST CLASS GROCERY STORE, i iii ,'bcs: market ju ices juld for all kinds of Country Produce. I Always ready In jviy tiic CASH for Potion BRASINGIOSI & KETTLES. Sep. -Ouid. CAMDEN MAMMOTH Dry Goods and Clothing DEPOT. One of the Largest in the* State, 1 1 *' -' M IS KEPT BY H. BARUCH. I I beg to call attention to my largo and varied stock of DRY GOODS, now ready for tho JT'all and Winter Trade! j, SILKS, DRESS GOODS* SHAWLS, CLOAKS, Cattslmereg, Domestics, Blankets, Flannels, Quills, s j * * ~ ^ |T^ w Laces, Hosiery. Gloves, Corsets. \* /' 9 X. ' s And a full lino of * ' LADIES' TJlTZ)Eie;WE^.I2/. * 4 B| ' ' : No effort has been wanting on my part this Season to make the stock most atructive, and beyond doubt the The Cheapest Ever Controlled in Camden. I beg to call the attention of the Ladies to the following brands of Im* ' ported Corsets: .. * -' i The HELEM at $1.00 1 The BjlAWCA at 1.35 The SENSATION at 1.59 The HIPERI1L at 3.00 , The 600 at 3.50 * Since my introduction of these Corsets and prices, I need only to show to sell them. , j KID GLOVES AT 50 GENTS! H ... t?. yg \ My Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS is complete in every line. 4-4 BLEACHED AT 61-4 CENTS; a BETTER CLOTH than Fruit of ' 5 the Loom at 10 Cents, and all other brands of-BROWN, BLEACHED and COLORED COTTON GOODS proportionately cheap. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing. _ . T For Men, Youths, Boys and Children. My new Department for this ~ ~ - , Stock is the largest and most convenient in Camden, and constantly r?. plcnish^d. "Men's Suits Prom $4.00 Upwards, Cassimere Suits From $9.00 Upwards. ^ H '?<* . . V- ' * In this line particularly I can show the largest assortment in styles and sizes, and at the LOWEST PRICES that have ever been known in Cam*"" <lcn. .* > ' .Y^j 100 Dozen Men's, Youtbs', Boys' and Children's IIATS, HATS, HATS. ' ~ "1* * So much reduced in price that my customers often wonder at tho Low Price that is Here asked for a Hat. Shoes, SHOES, SHOES, ^ Boots, Boots, Boots. To fit and suit everybody. $10,000 worth of Shoes and Boots are of fered for sale by me at prices that defy competition in this or any oihor market. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Mtk One Hundred Dozen Undershirts, from a poor to the best make. Call for a 75 cents Undershirt, the quality of which will he astounding to you. WHITE STTTRTS?thn celebrated Unhundried Shirt?I would call your special attention to these. A GOOD SHIRT, ALL MADE, AT 75 A BETTER SHIRT, ALL MADE. AT 1 00 THE BEST SHIRT, UNEQUALED, AT 1 25 t A Full Line of r y Ties, Cravats, Bows, of the Newest Make, CENTS' HOSIERY AND CLOVES, And a full line of UNDERWEAR. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, RK.S, hion, BVGN, wrTwnnw STTABES. WINDOW SHADES. V V w ? ? , - . . . A full line of TABLE OIL CLOTHS, in Wood an! Figured; Alio Black, in Muslin, Hi ill and Duck, for Carriage Trimmings. THE LARGEST STORE, THE LARGEST STORE. STORE, STOCK, STOCK, Call and see tlie advantages offered at my establishment, and if such you cannot find, 1 will not press you to buy. II. BARUCH. ?B i j