University of South Carolina Libraries
7? W. I). TRANTHAM, Editor. CAMDEN, S. 0., NOVEMBER 6, 1877. ?. , Judge Kershaw: The Winnsboro Xeics and Herald thus speaks of our distinguished tofrnsruin: It lias been so fashionable of recent years to compliment the judiciary in the newspapers?a fashion, we believe, born of Reconstruction?that we hesitate, ft* obvious reasons, to express a judgment on the judicial merits of Judge Kershaw. Of course, when he came here to hold court, much was expected of hint. A reputation both ne a citizeu and jurist, bad accompanied him to his first sitting, and that reputation had followed hitn ou his round or the sixth circuit. Patient, refined, dignified?just a little soldierly, perhaps?impartial, sys tematic, laborious, he seems to combine in a remarkable degree the qualities that were Bought for in the judiciary in the time wheu the ermine wns bestowed as a reward, not for political fealty, but for character and learning. The recent term of court here was a long and hard one. No civil business bad been dune fur two years, and thp dockets were crowded. 13y good work, during a] long term. Judge Kershaw disposed of all cases except those in which the parties desired a continuance or were not ready for trial. In leaving us, the Judge bears with him the kindest wishes of the harnndofourcommunity generally, coupled "with that npprecia'ion of his wcrth as a man that the people of Fairfield have ulwayi felt. Generous. The following letter from Col. Fadlor, the efficient cn 1 public spirited Route Agent of the Southern Kxj re * Compsny, cxp'aius itself; Soutiixdx Express Company, 1 Columbia, S, C., Jet. 24, 1874. / J. Jones, Esq., Agent. Dear Sir: The ladies composing tho South Carolina Monumental Association propose having n restaurant on the Fair flnfdllds in this city, on the occasion of our "Agricultural Fair,', to be held next month, please forward free auy contrib utions of chickens, eggs, butter, provisions, &c., offered for shipment addressed to Mrs. Judge Bacon, er other members of tlie Committee, Columbia, S. C. Respectfully, O. M. Sadleu, Route Agent. Toe Charloston Nc*t and Courier is now owned entirely by Messrs. Kiurtl in k Dawson, they having purchased the interest of Rcnj. Wood, Esq., of New York. "Wonderful as the success of those young journalists has been in building up the finest newspaper pub* lished south of New York, they propose to make still greater strides in tho fame Jircction during the next ten vmk than tin v have duriuf? the oast j ~ j n l decade. The State Fair comes off on the 13th, 14th, 15th and lGth of this month. Many people from Camden would like to attend, Lut cannot do so conveniently, in conseqoenco of the difficulty of get* tin^ to Columbia and back sinco the prescut schedule over the South Carolina Railroad has been in force. We hard not yet heard that the authorities of the road contemplate giving us any showing in the matter. We have no doubt that an excursion train from CamdeD, if announced in lime, would be m ** crowded with people from Kershaw and adjoining counties. Col. Winchester Graham, chief clerk in the Comptroller General's offico.'died in Augusta on tho morning of the 2Sth ultimo, from injuries received by falling accidentally from the train on the C. C. it A. Railroad the night be. fore. The deceased was formerly a lawyer ofHarnwcll County, and was enjoying a practice worth 810,000 per annum, when C'anby's infamous order drove him from the State. Col. Gra-1 liaui was universally esteemed as a gentleman o! the strictest sobriety and in tegrity. I Should Speaker Wallace boblevatcd ; to the bench, Hon. John U. ^heppard I ivi!l uiodt likely bo the choice of the Democrats for Speaker of the House of I Representatives. In the event of Mr. j Shc-ppard's promotion, a vacancj in the, Chairmanship of the Committee on Ways and Means will be created; and for such vacancy the lion. 0. 0. Mem* I minger, of Charleston, is named as a a probable candidate- Mr. Mcromingcr j is emphatically the maa lor tho poai-j tion. Sitting It I'll, the great Sioux chief, who commanded in the battle in which tiio lamrntcl Custer and his command poibhed, is now with his band in Can' i ada. A commission, consisting of U. S.! Army officers, visited him recently under a flag of truce and invited htm to i return to the reservations. Hut Sitting j Hull said ho had left them because lie was at ncace until the whites deprived hint of his rights and killed his people; that the authorities of tlie United States j arc liars and cheats, and that he will j never tru<t them again. Ue.v. N. ]>. Forest, the great Con* rate Cavalry leader, died in Menr week after a protraeteil His funeral was largely attenby the civil and mili ary authorities H A "f Memphis Kx K.-denl and Kx-Confedora'c soldiers. 1J is comrades and friends everywhere attested their adtni* I ration for him us loMier, and their respcet fur him us a man by suitable PopgJPius IX has been in feeble health for a longtime, aod his death I H laay be expected at any moment. j1 k Editorial Items. Moses Wilson, the notorious negro outlaw, was hung in Sunitor on Friiiay. Senator Sammy Green, of Beaufort eounty, has tendered his resignation. One more unfortunate! The Xeics and Courier has been authorized to state that Judge Mahrr is not a candidate for the Supreme, but for the Circuit bench, when a vacancy oc> curs." A new syndicate, the purpose of which is to buy up tho defaulted bonus of the Southern States, and then sue for ther recovery, i9 said to be organizing in New York. Tiie repeal of the Triul Justice system, and the ettablishment of County Courts in lieu thereof, is being discussed by several or our State exchanges. We favor whichever will bo the cheaper. Col. Y. J. Pope is nominated for the Jndgeeh'p of the Seventh Circuit, to .Tii(L?a Nnrthron. should the on ..vvvv? ? O' K W pointment of the latter as U. S. District Attorney be confirmed by the Senate. Thk Winnsboro JVeic? and Herald j suggests the iustitution of the Moffctt Bell punch' in South Carolina, as a means of paying off the State debt. It works well in Virginia, and there is no reason why it should not give satisfaction in our State. It is the general complaint that Mr. Hayes' Democratic Postmaster General is doing less for the South than a full pledged Simon pure Radical would, under similar circumstances, ty'hut a coward one docs become when ho finds himself in the wrong pew ! In accordance with a promise made during the campaign of 1S7G, Adjutant General E. W. Moisc has recently pre sen ted the Supcrintcndant of Education with a check for the bujance of his year's salary for oducationul purposes. Col. A. C. IIaskkll is mentioned as a candidate for the vacancy in the Supreme Court, occasioned by the res ignation of Wright. South Carolina has no purer or truer son than A. C. Haskell, and none whom her people woulJ delight more to honor. Hon. Oliver Perry Morton, Uni ted States Seoator from Indiana, died at hia home in Indianapolis on the evening of tho 1st of November. Being the heart and soul of the Republican party, and the most persistent and tualj ignant enemy the South ever had, the Southern people will shed but few tears over bis demise. George William Curtis, Editor of Ilarf-er's Woekly, and noted Radical leader, is creating n sensation by readiug the icrmon's of Thomas Starr King ; iu the Unitarian Church at New Brighton, Statcn Island, N. Y. Mr. Curtis is one of tho^uiost distinguished rhctori cians in the country, and multitudes of people fh>ck from all quarters to hear | him. 1>. T. Corbin, who is well known and thoroughly luted in South Carolina, has recently returned from Europe, and is dow in Washington contesting Gen. Butler's seat in the U. 8. Senate. Corbin, it will le remembered, was elected | U. S. Senator by the Mack?y House and Ridicul Senators?a legislature that had no legal existence Mr. Tilden was recently serenaded in New York City, and made a long speech ou the Presidency. lie was particularly severe upon' the Electoral Commission.. It i-i rather late in the day fur the President elect to be making such a speech. The Democrats throughout atho country were unxious to have one word from him last win'er, but tho lacked the nerve to utter a syllable. BisOuits. Km Darrein of biscuits fur sale hy WW BAUM BR03. IVf nclcerel. g Kits of Mackerel for sale at IOU DA I'M DUOS. Wood ! AV <><><1 ! Any kind of F1KE WOOD furnished upon shortest notice. Money must he paid to he DRIVER, unless sstisfsctnry arrangemeats arc previously made with Sep. m3. J. D. McDOWALL. Ohocso. g /ksv BOXES CHEESE for sale t?y 1UU BAUM BROS. DR. ZEMP BEOS TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS large and carefully selected Block of DRUGS AND MEDICINES! :o: My klock is made up of tlic Lest and purest, consisting in part, of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dje Stuffs, Oluss, rutty, Turpentine, Soaps, Stationery, Fancy Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery, Lamps, Burners, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Books, Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Candies. Pliydcinns prescriptions accurately impounded, and solicited from all parts of he country. ocl!i8lf Family aM Fancy Groceries, s CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS i) Tobacco, Cigars, &c. ^ Kirkley & Smith, \ Having entered inlo copartnership for (be [ purpose of carrying on the above business, v respectfully solicit n share of public pat- e ronage. anil invite attention to their largo | and well assorted stock of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, all grades; Bacon, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Maccaroni, Butter, Mackerel, Bice, Grist, Potatoes, Onions, Cabbnges. &c. Plain and Fancy Candies, in great variety; Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Banntins, Cocoa Nuts, &e ; Cakes, Crack- \ ers. Jellies, Preserves, Spice, Ginger, Pepper, ltaisins, Citron, Currants, Prunes, Nutmegs, Mace, &c.; Nuts, all kinds; Flavor- p ing Extracts. Canned Goods, of all kinds; Mince Meat, | Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, Prize Cnndie9, Toys, Crockeryware. Brooms, Buckets, j Powder, Shot, Caps, Candles, Matches. Blacking, Brushes, Baskets, &c. A large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, all grades: Cigars, in great variety, nt lowest .prices; Cigarettes, Cigarette Papers. **- <r t 1 riiinr ^ IH1II . -"V l.ll^v rauiiiuvm v.e... j Holder*, &c., lie. Tlic very liet?t class of goods alwnys kept nnd sold at lowest prices. KIltKLEY Sr SMITH. j oct30tf * J WANTED. A Piano. Will rcn.' or hny. Address JOURNAL OFFICE. October 30. tf Just Received, alarge and well selected STOCK OF WINES AND EIQI OR.S, > ] Which wo punrar.tec pure. < A to, 1 GROCERIES, TOBACCO and CIGARS, , I Cheap for Cash, hy JOHNSTON & GLA.DNEY. Oct. 23tf. W. CLYBURN, General Insurance Agent, Represents: GMin Iiisnraote Association. I'nUn Marino anil l'lre Ii:a trance Co., i Texas Rauklnu and Insurance Co.. Galveston Insurrance Co., Of Galveston, Texan. Cash Capital . .... $ 100,000 00 Surplus 155,781 07 1 Total $.*55,781197 ' CAPITAL & ASSETS, $753,7S1 97. Georgia fltma Insnrance Company, Columbus, Ga. ORGANIZED IN 1859. Cnpital Stock . , . . . $300,000 00 Total Assets 624,420 22 oetSOtr Soap, Sonp. BOXES Soap for sale low hv WW lJAUli BROS. Butter. CIIIOICE Goshen Butter, for sale low by , ) it A CM BROS. Sugat'. i 'Xfl Barrels of different kinds of sugar for sale by BAUM BROS. BACK AGAIN. I HAVE the pleasure of announcing tony friends tend pa:runs t ut 1 have removed to MY ?L.D KTAN1), whore with far greater facilities and conveniences than I had before the fire, 1 am prepared to conduct a FIItST CLASS 11AKEUY in every respect, and the patronage of the public is cordially solicited. Orders For Cakes of nnv description promptly and satisfactorily filled by competent bakers. Fresh. Broad. always on hnnd. oct 2Hf MRS. II. CIIOSRY. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. ( CONSTANTLY FOR SALE AT I WHO ESALE AM) KETAiL. \ (. A large and well selected flock of \ KOOKN J Of oil kinds used in oisr public and private ' schools. Also, NEW PUBLICATIONS, ItiMes, l'rnyer and Hymn Hooks, lWnnk I'ooks, I'npernnd Stationery, Spectacles, Knive;. and Scissors, j Musical Instruments, Strings, &c To which the attention of Country Merchants, Teachers, and purchasers generally is invited. October. Itf. J. A. YOUNG. * Baoon! Bacon! j IkAlk Pounds llncoii for sale l>v B( MF BAU.M UKOS. N Aug. 15tf. jt V ^ Sheriff* tatc of South Carolina?Kershaw Co R.J. Donaldson, ns Receiver, I'i pursuance of orders of the Court i f September, 1877, I will fell at the C av iu December next, for cash, the folio lank of Camden, to wit: The lot upot be town of Camden, having a front i oundod on the north by property ol th at, east by Rrond street, south by Kutl ine hundred and ten f jet. Also, six other lots, lying immediate! rith a fronton RutlcJgc street of twent xtending north sixty-six feet, a plut w1 lavis, Escj. And also, the following assets of the i Accepter, Kote or Srrurit'/, or Payer. Draft. Indorxer. .'hos J Ancrum note W A Ancrutn II Anderson nolo It C Cumuiinga & co V M Allen note Allen & Kushinj John N NcLeod John J Croswel J C Adams (ag't) ca-li Giunada, Miss , W R Rlair note 1 E lluykin note J 8 Meronej do do note do do 2 M Boykin, Capt uo,c Thos J Ancrum John Cantcy 1'iincnn ? ruiaK J B Curoton J M beSuuaaurt B I'crkina ? M Boykin draft Geo Alden do do druf' E W Bonuey 119 do draft K K Adutnsou 1 K Brown note Jus L Heia las B Curcton note Jas Dunlap A M k R Kenne< do do note Jus Dunlap A M & U Kenned do do note Jns Dunlap A M i K Kenned do do note Wm Dixon Jus A Young do do note A M k It Kcttnei do do note . Jus A Young do do dratt Jus Dunlap Geo Alden J & J D Kirkpatric do do draft Goo Alden .Fas Dunlap J i J I) Kirkpatric Fas Chesnut, Jr note W M Shannon K A Cunningham note J D Kennedy dole man, Britton & Withers note Ben Cook note Geo W Barnes K W Bonney Ikh It Dye note Jesse Kilgorc Fas E Doby note do do note JohnJMeKain do do note A E Doby uhas L Dye note 3eo S Douglas draft J&J D Kirkpatri do do draft do 'do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do do do do draft do do do Bryant Ellis note W E Hughes J X McLcoJ do do note D D Uocoit Jjis Dunlnp R 0 Edwards note Col'-nmn, l$rit to & Withers Samuel D George draft John L Jones, McFnrlund & Barksda D J George draft S D Gerrgo J 1' George Geo M Grarcs note Lttccy (.'Smith Colcnmn, Brit'on A Wither: Mrs VI A Gibbs note Wm Cox & co 11 LaKochc Hariot note C Mat'ieson A Solomon Hcdrick note U 0 Edwni-ds Coleman, Britton \ Willie: Thos J IIutchiofi note K 0 Edwards Coleman, Britton & Wither Thos Harris draft W .M Shannon Liicus*& Strohacki D I) Ilocott draft Jas Dnnlap C .Matheson & Tims II Griflfeni; do do draft Jas Dunlnp C MuthesenA Titos II Griffen & do do draft WU Sikia Geo Alden Tims H Gritfen I do do draft J M DeSaussu Tbos H Griffen & do do draft J M DeSnusau Thos H Griffen I do do draft Jns lionlap Thos II Griffen $ do do draft Geo Alden Thos II Griffen S F I' Intrant note (' Matlieson J John L Junes n do John .J McK do do draft J 1' Grorye S 1) (leorjrc R 11 Tiihnson draft \Vn?tA V illiT v C Juckuuu note J l> ithoidinj Thus M Pake C Mathcson A c W'm Kirkland note Ja.s 1 >nn!aj? liobt I^atta note ?J It Kersha \ T Jjulta note A A Me Pot* Ja? L McDotr* do do note cotn'p I 4 per rpifimorc Landry J V I-Me Kgtii H:oi S Murphy note C MathesonAt do do note MathosonAe } Matlifpon note Jns l? Curetoi A MA It Kenned dartin A Gi!u:orc note Fellows & co Coleman. PrittonA Wither ? Morrirt^n droft do do t K McKay note Jas Punlap K W Young I iV W McKay note F A Sitgraves J line!* (J J> lies r A W Mclnon draft Tims Peters Scrugg*, punt > 0 Nelson A eo Pv 'J Oaks note John I. Jones! Y F l'erry draft W It Taylor C Matlicon A Wardlaw. Walker A e> ) P Ferry note CMathcsonAeo i j J Patterson i otc Jc.s-o Ki'gore ' lotia'han Pago note .I lutli* .T ?c IT (1iir.'fnn *' tl<? do <lo J M Jt'Sau^suro 1 .'Ins J Shiver nutr .J M IK'Siussure D Kennedy 4 ) II Smith note F A Sitginves It'lln J Nelson 3 V M Shannon note C J Shannon 27. Catherine Segur Vin Irish note We?t?vVi!lere G lobt II Smiih draft (,'uleinnn, JJrit. .ton k Withers 11 lis S Thompson note h .J I'alters-in -7. { 11 Thomas draft .1 N Mel.eod 'I hos I S Saiidfoitl John S I5i ad ley John Divis Works A Thomas I ] J V> ilson note \\ I! S:k s J tl NeNon J as I' Joins 21) K Wilherspoon note T W I V?ues 1 (>.] hos W Wuilui n draft Ward law, Walki COLLAR Note or Acceptor, ?S'<i Payer. It raft. Lola,'nr. iniin-l \V l.ttncnstcr <1 aft t'olenitri, lJrlitor il/.ali.'ih Slaver note A ('uiiiiltiKlmiu 1) Ki'iinfilj noti1 J Willluirm l>'ii<IAm'jjj cnl Vilie Ponteax W I ml ham do do J MViltinnm l'o McCousIuikI in'k'-.v iiutr West A Vtliero ihu II Martin Fellow* ?v Co '? !Sale. I?" unty?In the Court of Common Pleas. i.?< vs. W. K. Johpsou and Qthrrs. VJ n tin above stated case, dated the 13th I j1] uurt Hou.-e in C'nmden, on the first Mot>- ^ wing described property, belonging to the 1 which the bunk building is situated, in in Proud street of sixty-six feet, and B|c town of Camden, known as the Marketj J ledgo street, and extending westwardly i y west of the above described lot. each j G y.fivo feet seven and u half inches, and | hereof may be seen at the office of J. M. said Paftk of Cauidcn : Date of When Paper. Time. Payable. Amount. 31 Dec, '01 1 (lay 4 Jan, '62 $214 96 2 Dec, '01 12 mos 6 Jan,'62 1,000 00 ; 1 10 Jan, 'C2 12inoa 13 Jan, '63 3.2C2 28 25 June, '59 16,000 00 9 Nov, '06 166 31 . 30 Mar, '63 1 day 3 Ap'l, '63 1,100 00 * 8 June, 'G'J 1 day 12 June, '63 300 00 ^ I er \ balance 15 Feb. '64 228 92 T 2 July, '61 15 Jan, '62 15 Jan, '62 878 27 2 July, '61 do do do do do do 394 Oil ( 2 Sept. '61 .1 Ftl>. '62 1 Feb, '62 225 00 j * 2 Oof. G:j Ida/ G Oct, *03 100 00 Jy 9 Mar,XI 1 Jan, '02 4 Jan, '02 2,000 00 J Ij 9 Mar,*61 1 Jau, *02 4 Jan, '02 1,000 00 1/ 0 Mar,'6l 1 Jan, "62 4 Jnu, *02 1,000 00 2 Nov,'G1 G months 6 May/62 1,000 00 e ly 4 Nov/til GO days G Jan, '62 1,600 00 4 Nor, '01 GO days G Jan, '02 2,041 00 j j k G Nov/Gl GO days 8 Jan,'62 1,519 60 k 12 Not,61 'GO da/9 11 Jan, 'G2 3,030 00 lOJurfe'Gl 1 Jan, 62 4 Jan. *02 600 00 21 Mar, '63 28 Dec, '66 28G 07 21 Dec, *G1 2,000 00 10 Oct, 'GC 1 Jan, 07 4 Jan, '67 4,301 39 24 May, '82 1 day 28 May, '02 OUU 00 31 May, 'G1 1 Jan, '02 4 Jan, '62 *105 20 10 Jan, '02 1 day 20 Jan, '62 48 70 11 25 Dec,'61 G mos 28 June,'62 1,741 19 J 10 Dec, '00 10 days 23 Dec, '60 1,360 00 ck 22 Mar, '62 1G Oct, '02 6,452 92 11 April,'62 G mos . 14 Oct.'G2 2,000 00 18 April, '02 0 mns 21 Oct, '02 4,000 00 ? 11 May, '03 30 days 13 June,'63 3,000 00 J 11 June, '02 4 mo* 14 Oct, '02 1,000 00 1 12 Nov, '02 30 days 16 Die, '02 2,yOO 00 j 12 July/61 1 Jan,'62 4 Jan,'62 200 00 , 1 24 July '61 1 Dec, '61 4 Dec, 61 300 00 ( n I 18 Feb, '61 18 Dec, '61 21 Dec, *61 4,400 001 i i lo i5 Mar, 'CI 1 Jnn, 'C2 4 Jan, *C2 1,100 00 10 April.'Cl 1 Jan, '02 4 Jan, '02 653 80 ! 1 j 13 Dec, 'CI 1,100 00 9 Feb, '01 G,000 00 * co 6 Sop. 'CI 1 Jan, '02 1 Jan, GJ 309 72 i b : s s 21 Jun, 'CI 1 Dec, *01 4 Dec, '01 528 90 I ! s 22 Jan, '01 1 Deo, '01 4 Dec, '61 913 73 ! t , 6 .*r 17 M?jr, 'CO G mos 20 Xov, 'GO GOO 09 ^ eo co 3 Sep, 'GO GO Jay* 8 Xov, 'GO 4,800 00 | n CO co 3 Sep, 'GO 70 Jay* 18 Xov, 'GO 4,800 00 j It co 12 Sep 'CO 14 Jan, 'G1 2.53G 4U re I ;co 1 Oct,'GO CO Jays G Dec, 'G ) 6,300 00 ii ro , i co 1 Oc', 'GO 70 Jays 15 Dec, 'GO G,200 00 j k co 1 Oct, 'CO 80 Jays 25 Dec, '60 C.300 00 I? : co I Oct. 'GO 90 Jays 5 J?n. 61 6,200 00 * ceo 2 Fel>,\>9 10days 15 Feb.'59 272 22 aiu 30Dcc,'Gl 1 day 3 Jan,'02 292 11 ' SXor/Sl 1 Mnr,'C2 4Mjr,'C2 820 00! t i i r _ ?i*.i to I o no I c UJ ui)'f 01 Mjan, u- lojuii, ~toiv jv : r 5 r >24 Dec,'GO 1 Nov,'61 4 Nov,'61 1,530 37 13 Jan/02 3 lays ly J an'02 12.425 90 w balance 4 Nov,'59 210 001 reil j *11 12Nor,'Gl 60.1.1)8 14Jan,'G2 500 00 1 c 1 Nov, 'Gil day "Nov, '61 500 00 r* a 2S April,'GO 7,453 00 1 sl :o 30.Jan,'G2 10 days 12 Feb/62 310 00 o 30 Jan, "G2 1 day 4 Feb, 'G2 197 52 q ii 1 h y 4 Doc,'GO GO days 5 Feb,'01 1 200 00 s 20 Dee, 'G1 11 nios 23Nov/62 4,500 00 * 31 Dec/01 2,000 00 1' i el 10 April,'til 10Jan, 62 13Jan,'G2 130 00 2 Apr >1/01 lOct,'01 40ct,'Gl 350 00 ^' , ai n-fpin & co 4 Dec. 00 3,500 00 | ni bankrunt statement 2G.S02 G.3; fe 3 .May,'01 1 Nov.'Cl 4 No/.101 160 43' e> OApril.'Gl 30 days 23May/6I 500 00 30April, 01 10 days 13 .May.'til 288 53 7 June' 62 1 day 11 June,'02 3.000 06 hi I'iilatico 5 Sept.'04 1.152 08'?' !5 Nov. '0 1 1 day 29 Nov. '04 1,000 00 1,1 3 M tr.'07 Due 13 Mar/07 .4,049 89.110 Oct. '61 lSJau.'C2 21 Jan,'02 204 19 April/01 1 Oct.'01 4 Oct.'Ol 150 00 ^ i 1 \??..v.3 'i imn iii> jV/?# A van J X t'l fi J % \j*r Uj?/?/v vv Mar'(10 11 months 1) Feb'01 2,000 00 l( Mnr.'Ol 10 Dec.'Gl 13 Dec 'CI 2.470 74 \]>ril.'G3 1 d.iy 1 Mav,'G3 3,710 021 ? I | 4r Jan.'02 8 montlis 4 Sort'02 1,540 14 ,j0 ; mi ne Mar '02 lia'ancc 30Jun?\'03 07 05 Fuly,'CI 14Doc.'01 17 Due/til 107 00 J" r Si Co 13 Mar.'02 070 22 ; FKIJALS. L ru/ify or Whtn Oil ]'a;>rr of I'ai/aitlf. Amount. II Withers Coleman. 11 A W 4') Dee,<50 $ s.oon on Saml I) ueorge 4 .tan, 02 1,034 33 re 1) I) Hncott 4 Nov, C9 BJ3 70 ,0 1> 1) llueott 1-4 l Jau,i;s-Tj 1ft,wo is Ml D D Hocntt 1 i lft F?Ii.v^bT 10.14 > 00 1 It 1) JohltHoQ 4 Deo, as ft,00<) 00 j L onias B (ill more do do Colcraun.Drltton4 V \ Stewart note 8 O N?Imd li r< do do do do do 3 Nelson do do do ) IIII1 do do do , i li M Lewis . do do do t E O Bellany do do do A McUee do do do 0 Mitrtin do do do Walton do do do fred Brevard do C' Mathesou A Co . REAL Ki About fifty acres land on (Jum Swamp?Mrs. Lew oad streets. Balance December, 1ST1, (In bills of tbc Dank) novOtd HEW GOODS, Just Beet AT Prices to Si We lmve just opened a complete assort! cep, consisting of >IIY GOODS, I tEADY MADE CLOTHING, VOODWARE, ogetber with full lines cf Jhoice Family and ** ' * ' 1 ? #11 1?i.J 11 ot TfiiiCQ nave Deen carciuuj sciecu-u, ? ?rins, and at the LOWEST Give us a call an<l examine our goods lsewLere. LARGE STOCK OF 1 IIGHEST MARKET PRIC The old corner store. " W. 0. GERALD Would invite the attention of the public j his Immense Stock FOR TIIE Pall and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of )rj Goods, Notions, Hoots, Shoes, Ilala, Clothing, Jcots' Furuielrng Goods, Fancy Articles, Groceries, 'revision*, Hncn, Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Sugar, \>ffeo, Tea, Molawios, Canned Goods, Salt, Vppcr, S -gar;, Tobaccos, Ac. rhicli lie has just reseived. and which is irgcr and far superior to any previous lock he has ever exhibited. I would ask a careful examination of my lock before purchasing, as I am confident hat I can save money to nil who need ood s. Highest cash prices paid for COTTON ,nd all kinds of Country Produce. My stock of flagging and Ties sextenstve. Sep. 10. JPor Nale. SAW EMORY GIN, very little used. Ml Will be sold at a very low price. , Vug lGtf. HAUM WHOS. ? X FULL LINES OF DRY GOODS, B00T8, SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GUCCI RIM, The finest ever brought to CA3IDEN Has just been reciiv .1 by J. W M C <r y, at hi* new store, U 'xt door io bis oli! and, A MAN an buy anything at bis ator .-ao cheap tbai COMiMITS great mistake wheu be fails to ex-imiitp lis handsome stock of goods, before purliasiug elsewhere. It is worse than SUICIDE. ? pay high prices for Roods of ai y kind, lien they can be bought so ctie:*p. Cail id examine my goods and save nn no/. I 11 determined noijio be undersold. Llou'l irget the place. J. W. Mi CURRY. 0ct2.1 if , STOVES, STOVES. ' A heavy stock of CHOKING, PARLOR id OFFH'F STOCKS jim received, and rcred at prices lower than can be had scwhere in Camden. < OUTTKRINO, ROOFING. Ac,. attended i at shortest notice aud on accommodating > rras. t A full line of , 'inware & House Furnishing Goods, j?l lUTPIIIimj Uil iinii'l. All work guaranteed. ] JOHN K. GOODALEOct. IIif. ItoolH, Shoes, de. The undersigned having located in Oamn, one door w est of the Tost Office, t>egs I inform the public that he is prepared to ' i all work in hi* line?such as making 1 repairing Boots, Shoes, Ac.?with neat- j ss and dispatch. Will also repair Haras and Saddle*. All work guaranteed, d done only for the Cash or Coi'strt ioditk at market prices. ( octttOtf ISAAC VOUNO. i .ook to Your Interests. The undersigned advises his fi iend* and latives not to huy goods when they come ^ Camden before giving liiiu a call at the vTKNSlVK IMIY GOODS KSTABL1SHBNTOF J. M. WILLIAMS, opposite W. ( Arthur's shoo store. GEO. S. KING. t Oct. 80?3id. t U I ' Vithers Ma'tin *.(.tlraore 5 Feb, Cl .6,000 O) ,X ? W * Co ?* <?' ' do do 26 Dee. 61 1,700 00 do do 16 Dec, .CI 0,000 00 do do ?o Deo 0,0*0 o) do do *6 Dec, 61 2,000 6>) do do 2* Die, 61 6,000 0-i do do 2* Dec, 61 1.600 00 do do 8 Jan, 62 1,760 oo do do 16 Jan, 62 2,J?uo oo (' Matheson 4 Co 6 Oct, 63 1,342 14 STATE. in' tract. Banking House, corner Rutlcdge and ?2,374 64 JOHN DOBY, S. K. C. NEW GOODS, lived, by lit . the Times, nent of NEW GOODS, sucli a3 wo usually BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD WAKE, * CROCKERY, Ac., Plantation Groceries, nri purchased upon the- most favorable PRICES, and prices before making your p urcLase JAGGING AND TIES ES PAID FOB COTTON. KENNEDY & BOY KIN. DRUGS & MEDICINES. I beg leave to announce that I am now teceiving a NEW STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY. BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES, FAvrv noons. &c., &c. which I pioposjto sell at price? to suit lh> times. My stock embraces cveryth usually found in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. * 0 - , Cigars and Tobaccos. A large supply of the most popular brands. Durham Smoking Tabacco, and thecelebr.ted Gravely Chewing Tobacco, the best ia use. * Gunpowder Tea! I beg to call the attention of familiei to this article, which I guarantee to be thj best in market, and cannot fail to please. TOILET SOAPS in great variety and at all prices. CHOICEST PERFUMERIES and Toil t Powders, in great variety. SPICES. MUSTAltU, rEPPER, BAKing Powder and Condensed Milk always o.? baud. A LARGE STOCK OF LAMPS, L\MP .-'iitures, Kerosene Oil, &c., constantly on mud. PAINTS, OILS/AND WINDOW GLASS. I would call (fee special attention of painters and si hei r wanting White L >ad to my Southern White Lend, r? which is guaranteed strictly pure and ca ? not fail to give satisfaction. C. J DUNLAP. t JUST OPENED. Fall and Winter Stcc'x AT Japaes Jones. T Have (lie Measure of announcing t> lay numerous pa'rons that I have Jnst Returned from theNorthcr.i ? Markets where I purchased a heavy stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which I propose to sell at pricescorrespoaling with the low price of cotton. My stock of HARDWARE :.innot b ; excelled in this market, nnd as I made my purchases in this line, under the nost favorable circumstnuccs, I can nfforl o sell the sainc at the Very Lowest Prices. COTTON. I am always in the market, and give th j ugliest market prices in cash, The patronage of the public is solicits 1. Polite and attentive clerks on hand t> terve customers. sepl9?tf JAMES JONES. FEED AND SALE STABLES. Every convenience on the spot. Alnays >ut up at ARMSTRONG'S COMMODIOMI STABLES >n DeKulb Street. Good pump well oi iremise*. Animals well fed nnd properly :arcd for by accomplished hostlers. I'RICES VER Y MODERATEHorses nnd mules always on hand and or sale cheap. Don't forget the place. J. A. ARMSTRONG. Parties indebted to me are re<jiie<?to be j rompt in making se'tlcment. Collecions must be tundc or 1 shall be compelled o adopt severe measures.