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1 ?' i. i .LtiMa1)1.! '.' THE CAMDEN JOURNAL.; 1 I /*111*1 ished livery Tuesday.. At ; CAM HEX. S. C., BY TKANTHAM \ ALKXANDKlt. SUUSCRUTlOS RATES. { [In Ailviinr< ) Oiio Year 52 f 0 .SU Hoiillii 1 23 DR. I. H. ALEXANDER,; ' f Surgeon l)eiitist, liUOAl) >T? CA.M1HN, S. C. Graduate of the l'tiladelj>hift Col ?gi of: Denial Surgery March ?o. | DR. T. BERWICK LEGARE,: DENTIST, ttRAM'ATK OK TilK BAI. I'lMORE I'OLLKOK ' OK DKNl'Al. Sl'ROKKY. OFFICE?DEKAI.R HOUSE. j Kutrnuc*? on Rroa?l Street J. I> KKXNKDVi ) ATTn7?\KY AT LAW, i x 4 v . CAMDEN, S. C. | o,n.-? for rue!) i y Ju :>r .1. H. K?tsUm* 1 Wm. D. TRANTHAM,' 1 i Attorney at Law, CAMDEN, S. 0. i IKS1*'Office over the store of Mrs.. II. Crosby, in the luiMing of Ilobt. j Man, Esq. Entrance on I>road / street. | May lU-ly. J. D. DUNLAP, TH1AI. JL'STlCt:,; HR0AD STREET, CAMDEN", SO. CA. Business entrusted to Lis carc ? will receive prouqt attention juneTtf. ' J. T. IIA V, . ATTOKNEY AT LAW and Trial Justice OfflcJ ovrtr>lore of M"*?-?. Hnuia Hrot. ??ppci?l ttciitlou glvvu to th" collection of olatnu. " J. WTDEPASS, ittmrnev AT LAW Ill - AMI Trial J nut ice. Bi4 u ** ' all i;.i W p.* >')' WuoMj I. FKKDKUICK J. HAY, Architect and Builder, CA.MDKN, S. C., Will fiirui*!i unl *-? ::ujate4 for all kiti'le of hull liujt*. Coutr.HCiit taken at : luoiorste ti^'ire*. an 1 promptly at;J i?r# fully attended to. ?>r Jet s left at tko C*Nl>fc* Jot r.XAL i flire will receive immediate aitentioli. March! tf JOHN C. WOLfeT, i PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL, AM* . sk;\ PAi>TKii., Paper Hunger $ Glazier, j CAMbLN, s. c. 'Jta lie Sure to Sio]> at the Latham House, ( t7!l)i:.\, H. ( . TU \.N MUST l?n 4 U !*, ,MI I' lit l> tT. x?: 1.. . ..... , i^.| ,fl4 1 ?>,]st:; W l"? - - , . |<!i?l with tnr boat the Market* ntfoi-i. r-*? tj attention p;?i>l to the comfort of (iue?tr MP oiitiecte?J with the houKP i* ft firit el*** liar. which ia locate! *cp?rftU,',7 trrtn the h >u?e. uii'l r 1 r!y kr;>t. nT.-jamoet aupplio'l to en K!?.-r?! term.*, either f?r or count rj un fetj'.t ijr S It LATHAM, l'ruprielor. DeKalb House, < AM >A'.V, S. C. jiits. A. N. K(|IM;I:KX, PROPRIETRESS Regular are] Transient Hoard furniahni iiI on uitn"'l.ttitig term* Septeinhei >V. H. ELLIN U<V* Ira* * to inform hi* frienJ* and th? puMic x<*li'-fa!'v that he * how rec?iTiiig a large oil 1 complete at?,i.< A WINES, LIQUORS, SEGA RS. TOBACCO 1 it.t M 1.. J r J# t it t nw DDTPLO PflD TUP PAtJU LUn I IlIULO 1 Uli inn unuu, I.i wit 'iiiti ! I. " f I' <M?ri } f r m ? u i' m J rir?ii t if /.m^ !r>.ni f 1 7.i t-i ff. J-.-r /?'i .li !' r, t,i .? .'hit./ In J i.r tilt,*' ? I'l i 1 I i III Nfl'l If I Ittll I 111' ;.i-f , ?v ! .r- | i:r I- ii? ? ire and Tic*, 1-2,000 " 1;A",',N,ir,i< j 12 i'i i!-- tikh, i >r suii* by oci.'tf i'* *' S< '<'(1 I I y **. i'.ir ,i!i-, hi |*11fi11tie" '<> "nil ' t , i..u M JWi'iS " "* !* jmi .. 11 ' A j|j^ ^ VOLUME XXXVI. THK FRIENDS OF L"NO AGO ' When l.sit in tl<?* twilight glcutiiiii;*. And the l.icv K'rtM-i* jrriiw still, 1 dream nf the wi le preen IUCH luiv. An i tlu> old l.i r.-" < t? iIn1 lii'.i. I fnn ?co t!ip rose* miiig About thr d< orwar 1<>w . An 1 apain n.y In-art givii jrrcetin? i' the fri?*n<ls f l<-iip np" ? 1'ear lwtig np>.' 1 I can sco my mother Miiinjr. I Witli liV? -:i"?vin lior hair. And the -'lailo? above I . r knittinp. And ln-r hoc i- Miiiit'y; An 1 I mo my fa: her tea iinp I'ron; !lie H;t>!o . n hi- hri?-.', Ac I n^-iin 1 hear Kim j-riyiti; A- lie i.-c 1 t" pray J >; i:.c ? >'( i rip up. ! i I ?f>* n'l thr .lenr I fans Of *11 tl;c Ii.ivh ati-i pit is lit li'iiii'1, A( I saw thi-rn in tin- 11-1r i i lav< Ucf.ri' wo I. ml l":irni"i rontu. As 1 line theoM s .nps < vi r With th fri l.'i- 1 ijs?' 1 t" know Mr heart (orpot" its s. n ** in its .lrmtiH of ! tip r.p ? War lot-g ng-i Jlv'.r wi ii'lv our foot have warrlore 1 Frvtri tlif ' ! ] h.'tt i- - t.'ti 1' t tie*, Sortie are lieyoml the eari, Ati'f t>"iue hoy.'ti-i the a';i"?. My lent! pr> '*? -n i v. thinking I >f the frioiM* 1 t?s.I t l;n>>ir, 1'crlinjs I l.nil moot in !. .von All the lor oil ,.f ! njj '.pi ? [ oar lotip Hp' ,k ANNA S PLAN. Mr. (iraccy Mood L-fnrc tin fire r?n?l pnki-il tlie p! wing Coals \i_r : >us'\ When lie vrns vexed he always .ji 1 that -I'V way I' s;,: .fyiiip hie 'Ic.-ire i t strike who ever ho hnj'jw-ried to he vill i with. This tiiiie it was his prttty danphtcr. Anna, who was making her shining knitting uctdh.s fly faster her father did th.- jki-r. while Iter bright brown ?yo gazed iotniwhn! defiantly at the f'n rut of her fat In r ho M<,..j..>i over the lir< . and hor r? 1 mouth wa.? ' - : i ... C?>li:j rt.v?0 Wi ll it Urieniiiiiiu eij-n si on. Mr tlraccj's ln-nd w -? shock}- sn ! , snndv now, hut if one in i n h: j r. trait i- n \ 'tit..: man if would h.i\? shown a i irk auburn whv iri w.ivo. like Anna'" own.and in t!i? face u s'i r _ r. s. u.iilnu oe t'i l.i r* S:.o re* tiib'cd in his ,?:r nq will, to and tlx ir j n? ?? -> ch-lwd oft- in.r , than vvn* ij.i te iiirr* ii ! tin: irvntlr mother. 4!ow:?!it? l v\ r\t!iiii^ to on so srnout! Iy. Tbi- time i" Ant i* !- , i?indeed In r :i- J > ]! -. m . w 1 .. }j.4-1 . (:? ? had t!: ' ln'licr s o. tiNont?w h > whs ti t. v ati-e f til*.* !r ')! !( Th> :< ytk> .v dance over a! V.'vtG* ..J Corners. s> it wvscni'd iti i Ami i detor.i inej i with lot iit t. 31 liard l.iii I'.ti. ati'l 1 r .Vher d t ru.incd that she >l:i U 1(1 411 with a til) cousin wis v':-it!n^ tl tfiu, in :V ir ?.wu trap An 1 i! he c n'd have ? :? a !* ?' r fr i:i ' Itichard. which w.?s >1. iirly hidden :ti Anna's pocket, lie iniirl.t have bit 11 e\en it;< re determined than he was bather, jou rrv? r ? nt-v objrrtcd to Kicbarl til! v.?u ha i ! .t with 'his father shout the lalid, *ald Al ia. l? ti,.t.' Mr. tirv.y ntra;_'ht? iiini: ?} Lis Uil fi,'ur>: hat I Tt vowed .-i:i i ;.i }. ? .? n g to <!n wilii the \v 11 .!?j >it i f I..m l (/?.. l.ikf fath r, like N. h 1) know- I,. \? ' Kit-hard ? ^ iiig to turn out. I've ma L\ tiji in) ii:i i I wnr.'l Law liiin | k.:r. i; r?>uini here nn) longer.' liilt lather, we Lad your Culit-etil unci1. Poli't <*ar? if v.iil nil. I take it Lack. That's ail. N,.a tl.? rv'? ) ur ciiisiii Tuui waut.1 )nti us iml :-n K.' liar I dues wLy i an t you taki* him, l.Lo l?lt* uirl, ?i.d L- ?it -tu d ? T ith?r. unholy flunk* inu.h 'I 'Chdinai Wilhy hot \ .?i. I ! .n't I f. i licvo half tLf talis he u!!? a!-, it heing ?> veil id!. 1 iicur \i.ii uiariy L.ui, 1 Ic'l y.'ii.' 'We'll see about that As t,? t! > ' lanf- t'>-tii**lit. v '? 1 an i i'.lnT i- t T in i , . urivo you over or \ i can stay at heme.' 1 It wr.h on Anna's iif < t m_v sh< would "t <y at linn... 111e-1,a: t -? ; ;?ns Slid | 1( ud OIL'S *[. i I 1 hi 111. '1 d rstl.ei _*?- v*: 11 my n- :i ti.i.n htay at I.,on -! -..i 1. ju t.\ 'V'-ry vv.i!, tluu, you fan g", 59.J th? fat her. Anna turin-d and ! 't the i i ,:n. l ut 11 <*rc wn.< . ? lift ' rig in If f r.n aii the n. ruing h tnaif tin* oid gflit ilian vciy sysj, i j. S.? at daiiiiT he rcu.iil-- i. t "I In !i> .> I ii fi i- ..v> r t > ti ' 'iii' ra and s-. the \ luntr i * ; 1 tt i t night I rri'Lofi l!i< v won't lum n.e nut it I don't mysi f, end 1 haven't - m; * youi.^' t k.-t part. the- in.try\ I ilitnk 1 .i .-add ?i d .M 1 k ..i i i; l t o\ r ' J?utii ! I!. it w1. '!; ' ?v I Tlmlnrn \V i;i \. w 'il n.ti A til. V- h e there *'<'!' n . k < I in .:.k n-'i it i ti t:, wl.i Ii Jj J n t t - a|. Mr i t n \, mid l.i - y iy ho k i in I in. " ! ; ' AI * reek' in 1 . in it i hi. 'J i to 11. . > tin. !' lint Anna's wi'k w :o In . t tHliew?4 I,. !j nij.' !,..f ii. ti i wi-l. 'I dinner d.-l. ?. >nd Ji l.!y. .v. I!. \ i nut in.' n'.vu} 11.' . i-t :....111to. in I ll? lit | III.' I \ Ml 1 I l '!_*' t In I ii o'l.i r I.', tin* -t.i.ui !' i and M.d ; M .'hi r. I I. . .ur i n >wi.t 11? in.*t rv 11 ''hat I.' \ d u d '.iir i.'i I ill- ' .H 1 .* *oi 11. .. wo kiniw, ! And > j don t want t . lie marry ' 1 Oil-. II I 11' Ui'l.t.' ; 'tii. \rinM, I i ilj rail . r it v i d"nd ' \\ i tn v deir i.t1 ii I d"h t ! think I will tii.-, . i. i h !... .v I v. u'i cam: mri: i v n lint n w. ii m'Ih i . I i! , toll v ii a srrlet. fail 1 tnist yotf '^ i'f. \iili.i. '\N"?1:. tlmr, 11!< !;*irtl 'c in t , met t liini nt the il-ine.' t > nij'.t. 11 i , w would slip u\v:i\, _'> oviT I Wi ?t. 1 (1 -M and cot ti -irri? i to in rr-w m -ir.. ii c. What <] * \i?u - it. ii .:lu r (] ;i : The c *1 little woman ln'can to <"v. In? Do as you j>!can\ Anna: I ean't blame y> n. 'II. l lil'eyiur I-1!: r l-.-i !> , t u i* 11 ftt v at '1. I 1. ii u*. I Jut h. Anna, your lather is going to the ('or in i? !* ' Ves, tin th-T. on ] urj mio t w.voh ti*. -i Kicbfir !'.? ; Ian won't \t..ik. i!uf I have another on*\ 1 can c'tint on y or' 0"p>ciit cb ar.and h c uJ worJ with latin i aft rward'! 'Vis. y-?.' s Muni the mi tin r 'That - a dear. fn o*J u.otln r,' said Anna, kissing ln r. 'Don't think I don't a| j rci i.-.te ynttr saeriftee, 1 r I ?lo An ! niter ail's done I'm Hire f.ithir h:r? t io ini. Ii sense riot to make the hi*-' 1 it. I'll d" my best for y u. dear.' - ?iii "... .i i t ..... , 'I klll'M VI'V. V.I.I IIIV>? II' I I I i Ml \> u tjiv j l;i:i. i >r it tnt*>? t ^'-.t X i int i troul.ii*. And I must 'jet t i Murk now. f r I have uu time to !> sc.' A'Ui.t fi iii. I a chance to -^n 1 'or lover u little note, which cvnlaiij. Ion.} tie word< : ' I )|tA it Mli 11A 1:1 > ; I eanri -t 1:0 to the Corners. Mut tneel tin: at Wii i- Hnif Way House nhout H oYliek with a fj-r li< rse and chaise. I'm t be &sit ni-hc! it" I coitie alone, but only be ready fur uic 11 nick. Anna' And her u ssen^< r brought her i >v? it's nnswer, written hasti'y uj oil n-oaii of her <>wti note > ty i: 'A!!. riirht atol- all t< :?dy. ill' II \i:I>.' Anna ws? d'essed an i ;:i :: > d - j-; r t > when laih-r r de nw:i\ ht iii.'ht. and very >"on Tl.-tutis drove tiie linht chaise round 11 the d" r and h- r to lor seat (jijite J .!:_*! 11? d witlil-r irract' us liieuJhiiess, f-r liisr oj-in An. nu w.'? not always ready to sh \v him tlllleh laV'T. 1 It was a lious tim-xil*lif ti _*l:t. ' cvry lcai an i twit; sli .v.ii j n_*..ii the white st: ,;v i hey r a 1 ?ja}!y a! >t.jr ibr a mile i t two, *.:: 1 Sana to '< >|-e? : .1 j *ii:.- t Iliaktf her li'.i.'p table 1::.; s> 1 'i^f.t it w a! at titne to sit j t w .rk in_* . S i'i.k n'y, > ) iijv! ti- > ! ?irt tl " r*j. Atitia st |> 1 "Vt-r : 1 X_ tc- '?-:y titi .1 her muii in ?!: ..v. >ho jv. * ! !.jlit M-rctm. ?'Hi! I'm* Jr. | 'i my mufl. at.! it was riv".v, a ('I rstina- jit* ! >;ji latin r I' j !< ;. j> i nut an i t 1 <".. i I.mM tlx.. I'usii?: ic:?iiis a*.! ! j'ii j. I" -rii ' I IumIoi! I I- '1 < ( ill';;! i?111? "I- ll ?!. | r? i: - -in I 'Jt.mj at t jet t is i'.T. (^ } i k as t!i ujlit At.:.a lr> w tin- | r< ii.. ttjht.v, r.vislil the ij: t whip j Ir tit i:- K?'t. javc i! ?w I * rut ami - 'it it J .wn th? : i a? iijht a> an ?rr- w, r ' il : T1 a..*, ti nipr?*l?e:i"iin^ th j rati ?h' it iaj a':- : tlx* in H j: In t-uQIi far, fat hch'iid. w1.1 <?n tlt-w tin- bay 1. i- i ! ) Atitii't ft ?'!} t ?i*li. t.t.tii -i.r-i-c.v t up. reckii.j ! .am. ui. ; r t! i nKm! at \\ ;i!i- >. All >tIn I rliai??.' W is il,. r 1 . I tin !!>' < i.lijht A ir. i i< it ji.i/i. I li ..:i;>: fast jre\ mare. 1 ! faiii'j f.rv* *r 1 at otic . I? ;t \ oil. Anlilt ' 'Ve?, Kiel.aril,' t-li.' -jiJ. -piaj tij: out. 'Ti'ithelo) to blanket my In r?". I s nil in a 'Writ, at.-l It kj. him lew ti!! t'oiisin Tin im ii-i him II i i -it... \ , , . Ill* 1 t'f C M l . I I IIII , . . 1 i ? i I .. . . ' Yi *, :?i! r- ? i\. .! 'ltii|i into i:r, !.:? iu: k, Anna W. !! i'i| Vn u / > .l'. Il_' Yi 1 /'i^' W -lii'.'M Willi 111' (i.-ai AiiVftli'Ti ?t.'i | I'irk i i.i*i u* In* quick. 1'itiicrV at tbc ( 'iHiiiij. !>. -k j ill I ' r I i* ' !i*i.- ^vf a f w b;i? I ij.:i lii i;. I t !.i- a ai-l.' i ' '_T III. lili 1 VI- Jur oil till I . i .11 h iiiii iiti- ii.urt'. 1. ni?r Mr 'ira? ? \ waiti d at lit- :-ii?<*i I 'll ii'.itii'; i "in. lIi -I.iii'J i . Aunt a a iAt ia*t, iiiviifail that - a. ll.ia/ vt- "xr !.< in unti 1 ! - i ' -c .i I i If I . k. a. Mi/ II. in..- 1. ill \v:t\ li la Vv i - w ;! Ii t!.. m v. i i a a- w i- ! .r iii-i .i.t j ur- . bill .1 / n:! in Mil i .I w i i i. .1 'i_\ >-1. u i / n'ti r !" r or linn/ In r ! L . i-lif ) u I ina It In r owi lifl -br in:.*! t r-.,n it I - i a I In* r uvil. v. I., tli i louti'i i* tuf?<rttel-ij ur not. S i linpiu "fit 11. - i I '. ' r r.: i n'ir-i I b:-wia'b liiit.i tlie in xt in-ill ". a a l ite W i- 1 i l_'i.t 11 in A i.: n ! I f in"*- - ; ii 1 ii t" T ' 1 . ? i. : . r ? ?v iii vtI.i h -!) v. i- ' i ; . i. ? >r r I. in i n .*! t l?< ! t . . .i Ii' i.r I i' I ln-i - !; r- in i: i ; i w.'i i 1 nnr i > tu *' r !. ; i n ? .r 1 W 01 \\:. J i | t . L 11 \V 11 till. 11, ' I oVi : : 1 :i<k I, r I , .. N i Mf . .Ji I !.!, .. w! t. t II ik< Ii." ! it . t I tl.1.1.'. Ml I i < ! in : v I I - 'I .u. liti r ! !i in i f I t' i u l >| .lit \\ Iii?-ii i |i i I . v. it . nt i .'mi. i.r .in ! 11 tin.* I.i.* ;.? m.*i H . . I r. .n ; a Ii: '. Ii ' I 'iii . | : i 1 t). i' . \\ i i i ia j \ .: I it ! -t I in !> , :n ! 1 ^ bi i..* iticiia Ik tn t" diuiit r. ? ? t 11 M! "I I It I* l'|i 11 i i n nrtiSil . I f ill it ill. Illv Ill-Ill .! ) ,! I . Ii t !.. It. |l|I : ih 111i - : i' IV ' I . ii* I Hi ! . j laud, Ohio, wan 11 l??r?*d i in I ' i. \ lau I - I In Iii I j ; iM< r- i-t I ( ' final: ill \\ i**?fn l! I \ ' 'i I alvw.-a n - int d nl. 'it if i- ' n ! in iii t J it ' ! 1. . ; 1 avc In* ii.;! in t!. .it DEN, S. C., NOVEMBE TI'NNKSSKi: AliVKXTl'KKUS.[ A t! ; . .i.i i nr Cit.wvi i;: i \ :i a?Ai voi v: ?I" Snvn: <>; i in: ] 1 !.!:< i - ? li/^? Tknni.s- I m:?:. 1 j Tls" mn!>'.( j I .u >(>?n- lottc'i i?? t!ii* i'luiit ty "I 1 I'.i-ha. pul?it) yt>Ifr<I i\ '* (' (lie ('"iiiirnn' wiil he e?t ii-lso?! "r conir i i'rt " 1 r<.? ii?*y Wh.'li.'i it lie true >'V ?'.?!< ?. (' ?*r?1 i- > ' tt-lt ! rminritie inl r ?? in the if fl ' y Crawl"Til. ij nrl It' Sti any *i:i r a! <f : t - ?1. \v;" 11 (':.' TtiiAi-ii hto rieike 1 > IiI a I. xt ! r > t: t:.- ti*i mj.lcli n. N >1!:iti_ c ul-l I ni'Ti v ! ini-iral. tiiiil vet a* we kt uvv "tit '! th- it'fiiUH x] > rience- < ! i \< ry .1 iv t: 'hit ^ i.* le>> i leal than j'.-' ?-'I*-') \j riciiiv nf aetun] vi.-i'-ittiJi - aiel nilivntun* 'I I ^ lii-t ?ry of mir cut: it try :.> 'Miel? itt "\hl ( \:i!i:J. *.v 11ii 11 ft:i:t-'.:r i (> ! < :i?-ti Wiittl'l he i ; ir-: ! P- i->:\iz'rnti> nv !'j 1 *i"t Ataiti w <1 litt- i ' "iii" iVooi tlii* same Ka-t Tci;n --v . ami was he not n ihilur - a; j: uti-v, wl.u.-e wife tniijht him t" rn 1. ami u!i... :if;. r a lotij; eart-cr ! ;r.:r.*' :r'ij f' i| p m* t" 1 e 1 'i it? ! the I *rii* 1 > ?!?< - A Hin!i iii"'! . I r:.n_'ininvi' nature. 1 < t't-rfi in ! r.-t'iml ami hij"\i '1 -it'll t I ill.- ? ij. - i'i ! j. !!rnt'V 11.: i'i_'li !if>'. < " -?*?' Crawl r l w.i.* a mm !i I :.t all lil:o him. 11" i-. < r w.i-, n t\; ! ;' tl ? ' inot -] ?. 11" lir h in 1 . 1 |J-? v Vtur v' !*) v ,?. if v. .1! t,. t. i':< r ji! i\ : a m r tnar.vl t! in runt"? ri.-f tr -m ii I' i i.r sjiltn. ! r v.-1 v iiiii"1. i- .i" .- iii -iat.tial. ii' in-t n:<>r? <'ri.'iiiai, i an ?.; :!..>*. wl.iah cm alien 1 "i1 await < l.-n :?n I'a-lm. IJa-t Tcinn .?*' ! i- a w :i 1 r?-iri"i?. atnl iii j ii: i'i' it i- .v i' i r than HawL c i ly. 1 hi- i i i\ I r:r.\h r l ii -- i.i i i:- i'!iA cuiM bulimi to Amcia-aii lc.-!,'l It i.-marly a lain* iin ! \i at* ii'iw -ii it -i a' I rlli an :> ]v? i.t'irer wh r.-hcVi'l a _T"it car- ?r. j"-- 1 thr i wi i ' ! of .-tinin;: v\ litai'i Ii\i '1 a I n_' h; Ai'-'Ut the M a l-i'l. K i i- I' Mean. 1 la i "I 17. -ia ti'i w: a j arty ' ! i i!'-:n : . 1 m ! ! an I h II ! -? n in ' M| | i. T: <i at- i il"M ri 1; "'II 11- .III - II 1' I ! I ; ! . I In' way. : -? tl.cir rafi a;- i th Mi- >h a!? aici !i t. i ._* 11 ;r . mi.- vo ? ' tie: < utiivi ! tl ir ; tir:i. \ v?>rl.iii<i in w ir ' N i!i !. / I! !? v u? _ 1 ! :i:i ::< t the fit II let..- f: I ; r~u. .* . Captain Nu" inn. uhu was a! ?*i! -t .iv.: : n rxpcdi. ! u .iit'i A r!.:?!?-:i- I ! \ thi* j ?-t :?!:iiir v.'.iv ' r:i !. - !: 'tht'i-, v.h *:i li ] i' ' ; *urii ! vi-!. >fjr ! hi. v. i * i. Ai' i; - v .! i I. . ! he !. T.i !.?. -it i N I, - c.itllCi'tll i. . .? V I! : "I l? IMJltUP ) iy t! <* In ! -h i: ! . ii i !: I : !> !> t! - !'. . -i i -i ? tin JIM .|? ? > I J.. 1 A -It I!. i ii i t h r hi 1 ! \ 11. S; *.r 1 -. nln> i I. t: ??n j ii- ?! - 11 i" i A1 town ut >.11 A'.t n.' I! ! /. vi iV. they '.ii r< !' ! a-i ! Mi j if \ n I Ii i\ 1 n VII li !'.r ! ik :|i.* ii. i.:i 'i :i l"'-' i i .? I r v. < i r L. '!: \ < 11: ^ r f tie t w A : r: i ::i !t* > ariiii.L* i' ? tr: lc . f -i lutti r il - -< Jed w li tl.-' ri t!.:? ;. .!.- ' f i- .\tii;* the ! fl. 1 |i in t>. u.ikf tn 'i y. f 11 in ?' U nil :i I.V I I .'V. .1.-1 W til.ii.'j :i i, - ! . vf. w! ? ti i'j ii. U!i_ii:ii ?] 1 in i i it", v. "J ! it tin;'\ .v. ![ j-t.t.; ;> -A. he yield-d ;i M.;,'!i Ill "i I. iii . >ii :?! ini 1 !. . i..- I j -. .? -j- ri. I hi- iwt it1 In :.i;il :!? !. lie w.t- j ur.-n I. n\.i| tnknii. I i i.;. t i . k. :.i i i- a penalty i nt ii.i the >!? \; j :< M 11.1:: n- t.i the Ii* - i- I: :!.? r w r : :li. v tic k him in Aeaiitili'ii ?h?-rc lie w:w thrown Hit i j : i- ill. II i|>i 1m |iili_'i "li III '".he 11 l"itr< ? !>r \ ni'-. hi- on \ r mind* : rj.: !:. whi !; lie tauied * 'tit I t k ill' I 1 Il '1' I'' ' Iii i -1 J t! . k;- Mi u - ii in-n:r. I II . ' I I. .* >| 'IH | -\\ I I ! M Ii \va.? ! : ! v 1.]< M nan*, a i. .;> |.r .1 - i ii; i j?i' i int. a soldier .'I I l -litti -Hi 1. I . . * in* i i I i - .[ i\\!.. 1!. hi u .- uliiK 'l. U i i- <1 a j i i t 1. i t a <i t> n . .1 1 i.l a . I i mliiiiini'l'i d -irei.j' Ii a:. 1 i. : l a . ' !> Iii- Ili l i' . ii:'i i . i?i - . i 11 ! Hi r !?>r i. ' 1'ii^* (.'oiiliiietiuiit. 11?: oiijjht l!ie ili :i_ i." i mil' iii*! i i i M'.i. l - - u I ! Hi Ml A III I '.Ii uli -j 'M* i? i 11. 11 _ !. \ i,..... ? , a -la'w yl, i.i i !y Ii .. a J i-l "ii' ' | ri- ti. r for avtiv. rai ii.,. i.i, jv.i' Iii in I.: .[ Ii.- . till ii i.. ami * i ii Ills i -if. !!. ! .ii i . : a I i ! - ill. Ii- \t I i . i i la Tt _'i i ' il : I.;i-i ai. mid la 1 i: .c j- III :! * 11 ] ai. I I lii^li. \i :i il . i w in,' iimi.i: i. \ ' a I iii i ii' . .' i . ! la ' ii. *10 i i.i n a'i i . ii . ! . i -- i r i.i 1 r- i. Morclof i ? ! . i. I !irl -j i' 1 fi'.in i - i. a ii ; a: -ii ! ilii-i I u ."in. ; : . in \ \! iii 1 !' 1 in lilt' . ti. i.'..:i.- ii i i ! 'i in' a silli^lti !:rliiM. i -on. In tni i ' ! i! .* .-mi.:. ' . . . i .I.I r i .it It' i ii | in - >i 11 ii . I i v *i v.1- ! \i iii,: 'j iiit'i tlie !. . 1 !! oni ! it!. It .it;;, u !., ii it i r. I'nm ' :' If" I In re wan i . ti I - <! | 111 ii ^I \ 1 1. .v I i . 1 - -. > I I ; Hi-ail t itltlM I IVI at . :tI.,- r ! fin . i I \\ ii w ir u Hit' !, !|i \. I t! i. .1 : ir t r ll, , tl., - .1, I | ; j .. .I tl,.|t 1, !i a. i I . '; t .v . ' i- m till mil' t t t'. I . i I. it til \\ .I V. i I ' . I. .i k i ri '1 I tin!.' ii \ -nj', | ; it' i - w - ! v ti <1. iti.I !l hi 'Ii j .! I. J 'it! . !.;'< Ii. i - i n. I i ? 1 I ! ! a !lll r ll it W lll'll III' I i i i' . ! !. i ij.tuii'il i' I ' . : i I ' . tin' I Ilia! In itu', i i . ' f v. !ii* ii u :if till mi'l n i l; ; i t I- l i> lit, tia II M? vi i .i . 1.1 t i i* !I tin il l . i; M i - ; vv i:- t to tin "J r. ^*T.?' lltL!_ E.'iSSJfJJILS.1! gjUj !R 6, 1877. famous (ieijcra! Almonte. his L'Uaidinn atnl friend tn be :i Field Marshal, arid tin* richest tti.'iii in Mexico; where at Iilara. in 1Mour victorious aim*, ! Ulid 11 'til a ! :;!> I !d IKatl, retired froU! | artivu life and l:\ini.' in vast splendor. I and surrounded by an extensive proye. iiy. (If bis children but cue rose to distinction?the black shed of the' family?a f--'!ow by the name < f f'nrtinns. not unknown to fume, articularly ; aloti^ tlmt stream which Clay C'.-w. f rd inn hi to r.-soun 1 with certain hue* eatim-my exploits i,f his. Cur; us t;i- do. indoed ; hut lit' outgrowth . | the r- ck rihh d ledges dark with tin- silent horror of death." Legend of 1 ho Jasmine. We aie I old that a duke of Tuscany was the t;r~t p.ism's--r ,y th protltr shrub in Fop-po ; ami lie was so jealously fearful lot others should tnj"\ what lie alor.c wi-hed to nee-ess, that .-itiet ii.jiincti lis werc^iveii to his car.. 1 - - - . . .. .. . i ' IIr FT l l '.'ivr a r-111?. imil c?/ *iiuv.n : > :i single fl ?w< r. tu any person. To, t!.i- mman I thf mrdcuer would liavo ! en faithful. ii i-1 not luvc wounded, him I v iL sparkling ryes i>t'a fair hut j rli' tilr"- whose want of dow-' rv. and l.i- poverty alone k- j?t thorn ' from tin- i \ riirto a; altar. (In the birth- j lav of Ii;- ini-trc -- lie pr.-.nted lur J with a i: < _-ny, ninl to render the b ti-| I it * t tn< '-# :;nrf ib!.', ornamented it w-tli a branch of the jasmine. The wi.-hino t-? pr-s.TVC the hlo'-m o| th.- new flower, put it into! lV? -h rirth. and the branch remained; iricc'i all the v?ar. In the following sprliit ?t w. and wa? covered with' ll'-wci-. It fioriiisl .d and multiplied -oi nn. -li in <b r the fair nymph's cultiva. tioii. tlir.t *h? w:i? able to amass a little fortiiui fr in the precious irift wliicb 1 v - had u.ade Ii* r : v.hen with a prrj of j.-aiiti in her breast, she bestoWid her hand and w?alth on the happy car ( d'-io 1 f hi r heart. And the Tuscan ^ii!-. to this day preserve the rcti.ctnhraiK I' tl.i? adv-iiturc by invariably wcariitrp a n- - eay of j-j-mine on their, w. ! iinir -lay. an 1 th y have a provctb which -a\? a ut._' uirI wmthv of weariii_' : I'm- i t - j v i : h u_-h t make the !' >rtuic- of a n. I hu-h ii.d j A Thoft by a Mouso. A wry n_' iniidcnt incurred !*i ci ii' iy at :iio nee <>l 11 A l! ii-n ti i:i ;v I'ii-* n. < \?fir;t*et.iMit Mr. K i:tit.3 and wife. of Ni'.v V i*. w. re Miivin^ ilu-re 1 r a >!? -rt linn* ait 1 ? :i ti.< in j il? t: n :la \ ti tired t r.-nat at mi c;?r!\ iiour. Mr K'-mioy t<> -k tlm jrcrau i ?:i I | ! i a i:?i ji' lin! f Llii- in tin* Iim i I ii.s i> .nt. I !. iiilt.M'a' I'ili li:?pj.i'hi ii t ! , a t, u i].,i!ar iinle. ACo r?l. iiii-lv. a ; i u:a: ^in_ i.i" ti.mey vare. I i ly .ii tl . ii t. ai. i tli.. kuii; ii>> iiur_!?i e uM tli.-l it. I ri tiuil tl.r tint.i;J?t. W hat ni-i.liK'lit i:. tin* :n- ri;iu.' :< tin I that tin- ton liar bill S..:v!l W i- II.a l? t!i| i'l_'li. 'It till' .11 artll .it. lilt ll" 11 Hi'? . I* tin?.;>-i in.-ii. y o ::!<i bo bund. It \va? <vrt.i A Viiy lay.-tniuu*. <'ti'y < Uo ?! '! i .1 >; bi. - wa> L'"tio. A I"., r ii !.u_' in my li *:s - it. tin? mwoIi. Mi- lb 11 a * \ ri t:i"V. .1 a .I'ainl, atni ta? t :c< i . i.?i tn r i l l lie In?t hill | r.c 'I'l titia' ti Ui a "ti all iim::.-a- lnilo. i In i.i I a- i .r_* ii I a i i lit-, h ! t!i<.' aj ii tin lit ..a i -a '.ti '! '1 in titfriiMUJi t'"' t' H ill*." wlnlc ll '! till' "I '.Mil! t> it" Imlv. u K> to it In. k llv i au ;lit n a nail. The In i ?;i" ?'?"iiia.l t; at tbo loll o tlM only ! cx:r.ioi<'<l in .-tiinll | i??.* >. Tin: 1-urU''ar i< >ti:i at l.iijo. a'.tln il^h tin- owner i'l t:." Ii .ii"-- i !l a lala'-J reward t??r ' - - V . ?[ ! : i- H-. ii. i Crothi rJoiinthr.xi i:i Ditjtf Wli.-ii S.vretary Kvart-;i: s t :ik ' :f \:!.iti:o. a ti..iti 1:1 i!i cro'.v.l uui.irk r ?i "That fare ! k-? \.-rv f.tiriiar "l.iit I.-- - ii ?11 i. ' >.i I aii< lis i \ 11 .ire n.i-t. l?mi. -ir i 1 ave !..i I lit- I.H'M.r i f li.r.;n_' k:? ? a I in .t!i my I ! ' It it lir Iiv?-s in Ni'W \ rk. av??l . > i \ ii > r li i n (-at ? t < 11 ?: ei i. I m- in. Iv t -"I'l- I lie man. I ' l: a k *. > ii ?* ?.*? 1 !' ? ".'i'l2i' tVit ! in 1 -! I irn., i vt -r, -i i. .in in I i .; i :W I \ a tIi-'tl* !i i till.- - II- ll. Il_'!lt In- -I | Ut I'll win n In- rain ti \vn > nth, I .1 a r- .jni/ --i l.iui a h? n; - n r i t I . .1 a w \ I i i-i - i i|.t\ i i .tliIn:! iliavlif ll.- lli"ll_-l t II W ll'llll I ll t > I 111 Illicit tin- i- nii:i . w ir Ii tin in mi. W!kii.-l .-! r!i-tli - .! .1- 1?. w. at v t.i.i miiit i ii nr. i i"ii_' m hit. neekii-: in in. ! a -'an 'in- i i .ir. a l?i!t-? 1 -ii'. i -:::|. I v. -t I .?< In a an.I > 1 . - III I I -Iih. . "II - :i Ir i\. '.11 _r it;. (M i i i i i-i i- I :m ..>.4Qtlli -1 ItinIv. ait? :i'ii I 111~ n iHi'* \\. . v.l ,i! in ii. ti.u ! r !.? i In n !? !, i .1 I . !I.I?i I ati I \ >ll . j I.;. patron / : .* Slllllo I*?l kln?W thai I ft il I -.iu it iiiJii t.ii > - A .;>/.< (/'? I,/; i. in Til i' \tii Hi I !:H - - I In* 1. hl'i v i" u . I ir.. > It > l? . it >i ii. >] ti If. ii j i: 1 11 >i rii I?< l - a- 1 1 - I *i t i ln.iii' i \ I r> - - . I i 111III I>t .limit lift1 ii ii . ,il 'Ii.i.: >ii ! !> >1 in > I (Mir ii'iv .1 HtMI. ivilar til l.i l> in >11 > ; huh i iiv>*. 'J..*ii"' tk. 1 i.M" i rruipi' I .i"i' Oiiriitii j iiin\ l.jutl. oabbft | t 'in 7"" I nit*. lit'H, i\ v. ill'I I. :i*li | Inn i i- ainil | i:in. "mi tInlt> j.-?1 id ' i'.IMI 'tl.-li J.t ar. :'.nil. Jl|t|i||t. L'tlil I I ." I i >\ iI \ I'll- | aim u 11\ > - nt t lie :ii; i1 n| I fit' v at . iit> S it.'li lir ii i" : i 'A i It in : ! ut I Hi' \t ars. and tin.- balll 11 i>t i > iload iti abvUt ?r>" )t an. s NUMBER 17 A Fair Exchange. Paring one of the Kuiperor Nicholas" visits to Warsaw he was met by a poor woman, who threw herself at his feci jam! implored his protection. Nicholas inquired her grievance, and she replied that her only son hud just be n drawn for the conscription, and forcibly carried off by a rectuiting agent, in defiance r-f tlie regulation which prohibits the compnl-ory enlistment of the only son of a widow. Wishing to a-sure himself of lie truth of this complaint the ('zai rave orders for the immediate summoning of the culprit. The latter, however, stoutly denied the charge, and asserted that the woman's petition was merely a -ulterfngt; to defraud the recruiting agency, inasmuch r.s she had in reality h'-u sons, the eldest of whom had been enlisted by bint in accordance with the imperial enactments on that poiut. Hoth paitio being tbu* positive, the Kmpc* tor. between his fear "f violating the law ami his reluctance to commit an act of unwarrantable harshness, was lot <omc time at a loss what to do; but at leUL'th a solution of the difficulty occurred to hi:n. "You arp quite certain, then," said he. "that this woman has really two v ..., ir.f w tin* wlin i? ut tires- ! t iit in your hands !" so, your Imperial Majesty." in that case." replied the ('zar, with :t L'riin suiile, J'we u-iM not lo?c a sol. d'.< r. so nivc hack (he eldest s >11 tu Li.ui/ilur. arid take th? r>th>r on..'' Blunt but True. There is said tu be a young man in the M i-?< uri penitent iary. whose parents, at their death, left him a fortune of .-jo (too. There is where his parents made a fatal mistake It they had ta* ken the precaution to invest that sum in a small doir, and shot him. and then had simply left the young man a jackplain' or a wood stw, with printed instructions how to use it, the chances arc, that instead ot being in the penitintiary. be would to-day have been gradually but surely woiking his way * - 1 J-. ..,.* /.4 ?i.?inil fill I honorable old age. ]iut ever since the : <iav.? of Adam and Kvc, parents have ; made it a to struggle and toil all their iivrs in ?i?K-r to realize a sufficient sum of money to purchase, when they are dead and ir?,m*. their sous each a , tir.-t class through ticket to the devil, ami it i? not much tube wondered nttha' so itiatiy of their sons, reared in vict and idleness. a> too many ol' tiuui of. f ten are. have no higher ambition thai; to invest their itiliet it a nee in just t'.oat ? rt wl transportation. Masonry iu Indl vna. 1'r a: i lis.* St. J use | It Herald. A M i- ?tiit* Lodge in Indiana was pro. sided over by a Master who had all ex* jjciat.'d notion of discipline. One night he nut his! d_"' hi called meeting not a member absi-iit to iiistrue' titem in the work. Teaching them the us ! the gave!, lie had ju-t called them up with three knocks, when he leaned too fir hack. toil through a window to the ground?fuir stories?and broke hi- neck. Po ke ] up m \t in irning, he was buried decent!\\ but not a Mason came to the i'uut ral. More strange stiil.ivt a Mason appeared any more in that Milage. It was inexplicable, l'or tv women were left widows. L'ltl childien h It orphans, u'ghty-foiir merchatitt i'-h in tin* lurch w it it unpaid bill.*. I'vr. ;tij, \tarr that some ludy went nto lite t< tirlh >{ .:}, broke open thy i r. and I ri ? ' ! the lodge, a lodge of I > i.s! Strange. but truo, tlu*y Ii hI strictly ubi vr?l the ??r?l?.r.-; ol ibr \V. M . an 1. wailing lur Li:? ks to Seat tiiiiu starved ti> death. Ivtih was stainiing in an attitude i?l* re*-|?eet!ul attrtjt; n. tin king I i l!i?- Kast; ' arid bad it ' | it vim: fitixi'ti* taken tlietn down, tin v w.'iiiil Lave been standing there -liii. I'ooplo of Weight. The I'bamjiuii fat nan of North Carn'ii'.i i> (' 11 >* a; u J nines I . Junes, lie is ?ix feet one inoli. and kirks the beam at i'iIT jound.?. lbirtiuni bus been after liiiu. A pair of bout lasts have been made Ibr Let I.aid Wileox. i f Home, New York. who is seven feet liijjh mid wi-iuli- ti'iil pound*. The lasts are 11*v. ii?v-t\v?? irit'lics in len?:ih. seven in laiuht :iini eighteen aroiioil tho instep. 1 Near Avi.ii, Missouri, is u Mis* Kvans, wh > i> a curiosity. Hie is only tin y?-rir- old. hut i* probably the lar^ ?i oirl for lur n^e in the world 1 lor 1 li-i-jlit I- about five ti'et. nitd >ho Weighs ll*? p iiimN. Hit features are even snd pn-:iv. and l.< r manner is lively I hie would lake li'T to l ?' about eiirh(nil. > 11. tan l i m r.' work, notj ivilh-taiidui^ her MipfahuaiidatieT nl Ihsh, (I .hi id ?>t t;ii!s of twice her ap'o. An Andier-t Mass.) fanner lately oiler id oiicil the \eiuur la lies who . | leaeli hi tie public si honl-there a Inish!elo!'|t la!, i - it >d.o W li d w heel I In ni holm through the strei Is at till llolt! , when the l;ii ati ?t number id >tndi nt.wi'i' t..k;ii_' their walks, lie had tl.eui . . .did oti tlic whe< ihurrow ready loi her, and she p'liehiU wheeled theli! home, telling him that when ho hat' til ne potatoes to dispose of in that W3J to let III t km w. If all Kus>ia mid Turkey she>u!i , eolio to op;;-nje* III the s! lite, there W'ouh he S,".ii|iii.iniil Uji>iaus ti_rhtiu/ 411, 011,0 M Talks. % - - ii i ii wwmh? ADVERTISING KATES , Hyjf" Orlinury transient advertisement* j inserted ut the rnteof$1.00 per s^uur* one inch) for first insertion und 75cisp?r square for euch insertion. ttiT Contracts f?r n period of thrc* I months or longer will he made with udvertisers lit a liberal rate. JpgTObitunrie.s and Tributes of Respect will be inserted free of charge, if they do net exceed sixty words in length. Otherwise, they will be charged for at the rat* of one cent per word. Jffoj* Transient advertisements must b* [ accompanied with the ruth to insure insertion. escort in cases of regular advertisers. A tragedy occurred in Chicago lust week, which created a sensation. A man named Joseph W. Gludden, of Oshaloosa, Iowa, ended his own existence, and also that of a woman who had come to the hoarding house where ho was stopping, claiming to be his wife. 'J iit: two hud been closeted to* gcther some time, when the chambermaid, in passing the door of the room, heard loud erics, and a moment later was horrified nt seeing 'he woman emerge from the room with her throat cut. She was followed by Gladd>-n, whose throat was also cut, and who fell upon the woman, wh< n they both ex. pired. As they were being curried iroui the building on the way to tha Morgue, the Covering of the woman's face was accidentally lifted, und a bystander recognised the body of the woman us that of his wife, lie had just arrived in the city to search for her, - 1 :.l..?,_ll? tha ViniiSA JIl'l \> il?5 UCUIUCUUlli^ |'U.7CIII^ IHV when ho uiadc the horrible discovery. TiiKworkof devastation and daath lias pone on for so loop a time in Cuba that both parties are now said to desire peace, and certainly this country ought ?o encourage thein in any honorable efforts to secure it. The exports of su" gar alone from Havana and Matan/as has declined from 233,353 tons fn the first six months of 1375 to 147.924 tons in the same period of 137C; while between 1S74 and 137f> the exports to this country had diminished in vulue r'roui SSti.OOO.ouu to <?5S,U00.UU0?a tiiII of nearly 32 per cent. It is doubtful, however, whether Cuba will accept the t<mis which Spain is supposed to be willing to exteud, and Cuba is iu as favorable an attitude to dictuto as the mother country is. Military Sciksck in Germany.? One particular German institution is decidedly unpopular among the German people. There are l.O.o.o.OOt) men in? .-eribed on the military lists of the Gor,. man Jim| ire. Of thcse; as many as 3(13.000 have their names set down iu a black list as having failed to observe die law ( f compulsory military service, in 1 HU.fUlO of these have gone out of it ly emigrating. One iu eight of tho ible-boiiied Germans as resolved to I a it his fatherland rather than stop at home and share the prevailing poverty and enforced military service which his nation has to endure. In this manner *- s. e ntiicli ttf" the muscle and brain u! lior young uiori. .Mii.k and Li ml Water.?Milk ui'l Ii*i c wafer arc new frequently pre" cribed by physicians in cases of dys. pejisia uiid weakue.-s of the stomach. J Often when the functions of digestion in i assimilutt in have been seriously impaired a diel of bread, milk uiid lime -M water lias an excellent effect. The way ^ simply to procure a few lumps of unslaked lime, put tho itue in a atone jar, add water until the i11110 is slaked and of about the consistency of thiu croani ; the lime settles, leaving the pure and clear lime wator at lie top. '1 Inee or four tablespoonfuls of it may be added to a goblet of milk. Stkesgth ok the Armies About Pi.kvna?The London Timet war summary contains an elaborate computation "f the strength of the Ilu-?*iun army of the Pattube. The conclusion is that onlv ?IIO,U00 men liavo crossed tho Panube, of which tin,(100 have been dispi si-d of by battle or disease. Of tlio Imperial liuar.J only 00,000 will reach (lie fronl tit for service, that a? reinforccd. the nrmy will amount to L'O0,UI)0. Phis includes the Roumanians. but ex* eludes the Pobrudseha column of 30.001). The writer estimates Osman I'a-hn's army, *s reinforced, at 100,000, and Sulieninn Pasha's at about the same. So the contestants have equal forces. # A Toiviusi; I.ncihknt.?A most touching incident Httcndiug the death of Mr. Springs, on Monday last, was thio exhibition of faithful attachment to his master, by a little terrier that was with him. The poor little dog lay down by ' -c- II ....... I ilii' .si(ie of the cm-} so 01 iiic imu inuit :iik] resented every effort made to touch the body, even keeping the insects from huzziiiL' about hi.s reuisins. True in life, ami faithful ever, the poor uncon. -idored cur pave a lesson to erring nature worthy of unfading remembrance. (\u liiiii Sparttin. i!fn*. .lolin M. Harlan, newly ap. pointed Supreme Court Justice, is -aid to he tint sj heavy a man ns Judge Ihivis. hut he will be the largest niau on the beneh. "It* he were a lady, ho would he called a magnificent blonde,'1 -ays Mr. llalstea l ; for the new judge is tail and ruddy, and of majestic figure. A Ci'Mkast?The disposition of mankind to \ hiate fioin one extreme to another has never been more signally _ -howii than injthe of thieves when Were hanged 9 1 be H ^99 to the peniteutiary.?J'allicontemporary :1 re I'Ulldlols |.| people who hud become religious when danger is near, and adds "Wo km w- < f a man who fell from a bridge acr? a cerUiu river, ^9 ^ and ju-t ns he found lie uiu-t go, and ' no help for it, he bawled out to the tup 1 " j of his voice. le>rd have mercy on cue, | ' and be <juiek, too."' J