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JL.OCAI. ITEMS. | Ar??LO?i>rK'.?Our ir (lids will j?hix ; don the d. lay iu our i-suo oi this week, wl>? n we assure th ui ilu.t it is attributable to the many oiinuidcueoa incident to a c!,iin.:'j nf I) .v . It will hereafter be promptly *i time. j To SUBSCRiiiia'.il' -Poison*, wht"' were subacsioers to the J??crnai. iii the tirxt July last. wili ti?.u?: t<> reo iv?- tin paper, just as it t h.vl ?- v er consolidated the Ke:?lu-wr (*'tr Z-ttc. The i'teirslh ol t ! ?.?- w ' > iJ in tdnytce '??r '!.? j-.o h.\ai. \np <i.\ZK1TE wil: he ju'lcvud. W'v i ml the i Joi'llKAi. :his week to ail w' o wua subscriber* ti.tliu eoi?foi"!au,,i paper and also to many <?th?T fW. Should auy w:s!t u.s 'o ;h i i oo 1 our books, tin y ?;i!i p'oasr ; ?'? :its ifof t oe fact at r-iiC". WANibts.? in t.iv c? m..unity a' oorrevj oud* tit w.o w iii wru u* sh?wi !' i)'smi i i".: >>:is We r J ' : ? want vtulhin in urco ti < ;/< w.-i m UXefcU.KN! ?I ' I! i . un?| UI ChuhIC. I' wns never bettor. Wo ! :? heard cf a o < !' itv. r t i* i' How ttiunv mtSui t ?i? 03 ca make ti.? k good a hfaow; : _5 v | Fa-, sr?VW 1: .<! i ?l.? Uiornii*.?. lOKT WAITINO.? T?u- U.-.ji n r-:? u:|| Keanii.iw are j*?M . a'Su.: ' ?' ? **' il K ?Ut:ipal_'li M i.piM-. i cv j.loJ/OX 'i> ! i roll up a uajuilty ! ti.e r .? , ^thous .:.d .'or their itok-1 ; ^LFiluku Up.?J1 \[ liio county iib-ia.a^ : Thu 111 Xt ( i l l ituvc a number < iiup< rt?n< | 1 ^ BKAU TUK.M. Dou't lai t - culutuus t-i-i' ic making ? jrour -Ivor i-fluent j' ape X* I'or ii-s. il. j ' Tdic L.w Turn.?I'e-s m ioJubtcJ t to : l>? Jul una i. wili p!ci?e bear in t wind that wo ate sorely pr for mo- j U'-y, nop would ho made vi-iy iiuppy ii they would coiu?- I *r??a d .1:. i settle up without further doljy. t Kky'Val.?A relus a- . \;v i vhi Ii .-ad hi eu iu {r^r^> .t v. ok or two ut lieui ih Church a I w titil*? , So-Jl1! f CiUideft, eioM ! on li e 17th j. instant w;th fifteen c< 11 vci " |j Aiii, That 19 Wantku. -A raiiro ?i j" or two ia ul 1 that is Wauled .0 in .ke old ' I aM.iiel, lll?: ill'si toWU iu c '(.t.oercisl! n*.- r?a ,co i-. tlie Iva'e. Hy the uuy e W'lat beeo'iie of llin 1 Moid t*'i. ' hilt tkiii p ??. to : so-uti tiuj I li .es t ' h j iv v1 .n liK 1) >S? ?K ?-r? p' t. u-r j iu Kir ha.v ? . uuly e ul S bis < wi, ?>., k, it lie wouui only li>j oud, i.#u. cb iiper tb,m >iu cm buy woalc. n in ..:, j lu l e pine .eo of eouomy evp, v e?l$je 1 iwitiU,(i "e mode iu eut. 5. :u t: liiKi ?.tir. W. ! '. Mo: red. who j fl'wy.d I'ii' liiv best ? : u>er?lii-ui;. h.ia a foe, (.jehi'vu u ><v;n old. ill.. | ^ ^ 1 W'i I W'U'gh, yi"-s. li.'i! i'U ised pound*. I He pert * 'o {'it "? ?? a Ji iuual huu-j dreu it- umU beii?r ki:it time A DlVKOsfuN.? If .my imo wisios li s uiiud t" he diverted ir :u the ti<>ub! ?, I ?n v i,.| ii:ci<!< lit [,) tile 'i ! ' ?VJt Mia I prc? el aiatc of ; /!".ii> i ; hiui g- t [1 Tuwii ilall and wit' e*-. tit reii'jiti it i.J , Diversion" > y lit- Cait.don irlouic C'iu". 'Jliu C!'tert.ii|>u?!ut v?ii<j be kI??i> with.'u "liv n-x: tw w&ek*. I aui the proco-ds lurucd over tf~ih?-lr C> tU' lerv^Stfiemtio!'. * T - - |l f}|l,KN*.?h'-' Uudicii leader* in j K? r?huw Canity #?r3 unit, uull) silent. 1 ! Jli> the in p-'ViTishi d " i?diii"n f our people, and the ruin* J credit of the j County mil Sate, one \?ould hni\ll,jt know that a Kidical part \ -u r cxis. djj in t}i x* regions. \Vyiid'i if son e if Uieoj ire lliif on t: "f jii J edge'' i:t 8 <l tuition of i warrant atr? si. i* 8U -.'i tl* the iiMlan o > f ri.e legislative ' inventi/at rig Con-uii: tee. ' " 1 < '-J ir,V.--T e flee, y -1 p'e is t.'vr l s' ia delll.ll '1. I'lel r.etV "'atltli* W -ll s he had eiouigh ' '> :r; 1. s'e liui the prisvs ' <.! in '.v i a'Urdv soi 4 ?' i .? ai heard ' c are ^' >i< . i ovr^ he ,"?< ?? ' ' 'i . rowed v U] i'S -iii i-. ? u : ?ii?l Hu? j ;! fa|i to road ih?? M tu.osoth n?SM '1 yttr'Jiemaii: "I si. :J ?iu w it-h up ' por,r% its t' 1- - M . I! i t-i y fi :? J wuiJt r<ui i-MifM (.? '1 _ _ 1amue'??{$.? Mr. i. t? JCiioibe exl [ tied i?* i'tintd-t) in siii>ru si-_: u )imI ?t u>i. < ?>l ! <- i'uvt.i. breed mo* fiied 2? Sofi ] <ju>. U? > c wi'j|?iiii!<; i uj >p. mid t'? of' ?-r |f i? i?u iIk* bunas | ut Luoti#!j J .jjO'J I wm.* ih iim olir, bu' bji.j U"i been dti.l itd. or ' t'jb totu?d into 'It* | en Said*. it j 1 * COMING In.?'1 It- tittle i< uf fc>.o'. i. r ' ili-' em- vi;.r nt ' or - n <1 iiiU: : !'r m i the ninn-t-i'l* of Tetri *?.,r a : the h.n I j rnes pi a ns o* Kentucky. I'rid-!'. w- ! It i v r ii.i t; :o. ; :? t ' ?* > ^ *i:>it reiti. i 'V ? ; ! > ! j?.. 1 ! | South C:.r u % i i it i> J own -'no!, "> n !\ the ?:.-i: is v . t. it?KK Ki T st :.l - i > a t luj-\ 11 i l l1 r ! a i ? I.| ( - t -i mmji within t!i? r j?ij-ti i ar-"1 he'pnrt v Into e l e?;!v o the tioi ii:pr, -i-'l k< pt t o' n.tly ce un! j Uo'ii late i: the V-? ti.*. Havk Vet' ?>t?n?: It!'?II.n- u.ii I ' planted an "lnir.ii.Mi.> ?in. i oat l??nl;yo? h'no% ?1.? ?> a* ii--. i.r i' ? ! i> too b'o tocnir. a iriM'i ? J. l! : . fl ur ir ?J crorytiiii ^ n c > *? - ?* th- j ( oipport r:;.tii ihmJ v> ',1 It.- i. j .'tvnrt r di'i: :ni<) ii-xt y.r than ew-i j hefiire. A *:tfv n?i>< ? < >.s : M-'k" 1 ay t iTMiif tin* >u.i >li.litre. | It W . .' "l lltt I ??,' ' o It i'vs .t i-4 ?it.;rk It! itf rll.iii' St ill) ti I 'l\ i i*iih |y. Boo* ? i! .1 . \ *. it sv i ' t'llf ? * ti '!' s. Mil ill p- l.-ol; ... . - it- 1 iv>}iin2 I t |mi: i! ast; wonl l '?o'i tu , rxutttin/ l'(:!??re uial!- Initio i ? !.? * ' i' nr!ir?r-\ . ^ { t'-rit Town ? Of ail the in?.-ri-?r j t t'.v. as ii; iS 'j'li ("ap li'ia ('..;??<?? ; tai-r-j, 'nail 'v ! i^ti ?i i 1 ir foiioh. ami i> nh' ) rift-s 1' r iff ct-ri s, ?' v j;h.i<.'s j1 pr >'( what w- way. t i* but r.e!< st'if'1 l o Sum ll?tt planters. | livi-L* wilh:" a f'.'.v n-i'-sof the Chut** ( I t"0 S'.III 411 I A'tft|?'i: slid of the I \\ lmltiil'iti, C -l.i ?ib:a irul Autrui.*:: R-iliot'l-' i?iiu^r their ooit??-t u> nur i.u'ki-;. ?n i r nMi "V l!i Ofir wi'jf. i:s ?i. <!?- } v^iili 8-icIi ar'iflfs n> t'e.y nee ! }'HA!*J?iVnRTUV?To li ?* '? | raise " aUnor if 1't'S'iiiv J upon th* T wn j Vmn-;: l'ie effic'Oni '1\->t u Muishu! ii or rf<- nianuer in which they mm* dinvar.'intj tlo'ir .iutiea. To th<* cioao a'. * . r. . 1 nlion j.' V.ll to the drain* < f the t w:. ? u.irc than anything ?-ls-, is to b?? cr.-d i ted the good h-ahh of our c<<111111 unity, i Thanks?Vt'e urc und. r obli-atiot: I II 11.11. John '( Kvin?. < ar Congr-H*- | ur.a, for va'uuh*" p iMie do am nt*. 1 141 \r y. so 'lie a to tt utey l\.'u"1. i-v 1 # ' f nir iii' ir Ti:?ei V r< rry, f#-:l i?no a w-i tty thr e I'eet de-poo tin id *v ?> neri uslj injured Ui' To TiIL MaUK ?-Mc??rM. John" t-.ii ilvjtj aJnoy are wine .vni.u ^<;.og Merchant*, a ii, uh a natural -tic miabng up a go >J tia-'lc in t\*.atdvu. I iscir ?t ck ol froi-eries atu i-q i t.. i-i 11 l * ijilijfli-fSr !ii v\biy resjieet. :i. u tlr ir j, >rio- a low us tiio !..v.ts{, (.iivc* is.cut j1 . C J. V * f| i Km. si Kiiicxsv Aasoci.i iom.?At a <i ii ti :T of the ilti.rt-w Hotji-volenl As" oci 11ion, i.clti at ill p'tsitlriicc ? ! Mr. hivt. t?'< 6-lIi'J i)" ovvti ii? tiio liil?.?iii^ j; s.-tji ? H were elected oifci- tu . If the oi.ioiiuj; your : Mi. II. ll.-.rueli. I'r s o'.t, y ' Aaron Kifiu, View I'i'isi i??ii?, : M. E. AriiSli jn, iSocMury, " J.M llieli, TrniS'ir r. i. i-cut ve Co u.inlttv ? M'Mtts II. iauui. J. M. Wiliiuu.*, if. A1. Stui'h, ( f. Ksitz utiti M. Rich. T c Ex cuiivc was iuniructcd t-i pri?ur n ruituloc spot /or u Ceui (cry. i-A.MMfci.NKi'?Frank A I'.ni-ou, exepre-nilutivc fr-.m this c-.un'y, wus lie ore tlie ve-fcijiutjii^: < uuiisiiit. u in \ mulift I"?.t wc k to toll wloU lie kn ws Lou.' ilw "ways tiiat were dark" while '' c was in j'tii'l'c I'fe. O Kxi'RA. ? Jasitiss J'iln'8. ho H lot ol 1' xtia fiii 'scat's a' ustoii s'.in^ly low 'l ic s. J'MrKfMn HiNii. ? Mr IV M Sp^ie ormcriy ?f l" ii i' i' open : i ; r >j;:i Ic-uni h Sh"ii in ('uiu i.'ii. iSee Ins:' 1 i i :arJ vr ?*.' viiil* U vt i |.: - i f.-li ;11 I * * | ii t ?v ! l?4 J\ ; > ' . !>? ?!, 1 < ll V Ah f > *' 1 -? " i' : r i.i?>i i s? ' , >(iit.i* a nt *i4*i W" >*11" ai Halt t] Hush" tiui'* plm'ii fut t|.i!ti. k lijf ill KlMaj^ ! i!||t||p4 Vlim l(J t i* lll'TII- j ii- b\ J. ]' S' I'-mI ii'l. K<sq., I . K.! i J i;i i l?-i?ji i r. llr r not b? n:, "u I!.t?' ...Jli n.OV t ? I r?i> IlUtHIM* *ll'i'" I , M.lSi Kilt ,, ''i ijm< u prim iut'io ' u m J >t tin j; 11 I vi'itnv Kl). ^tneo tli- in trod in lion j I tin' /. '-si infKii", t'<r ti' |ip:ii"uiiCO <>j lnii/R I bout iliiWLJiU t 11 has iuir ^ pMvi-ii wo" I r'tiV,. W'v I |'*' t will t MIOII III' llltt'll' < r w ||;ti II IV ' ll" (Sill ! ris'l VC th 111 J . t'Y nl;V |<I ill* Mill.-! * / llsoakei] \ !* ^flj I v - . i i ri ,i nut, mm,... mm 1.1,< ? Pkkhonai.?VV-- ? i ? . . to . ? I Again in our un i.-i ilia? g* i ; \ ni?j |>cnti< man. i? 'i'M; (). flv. i.*<j now ot tl'i! itt A ?'?r li'tltiunn . ; !? Kciinoiy ivum : in v'iiiiiili'U but. a 11 a' J"',.- . Mr. A. F. lluS .ui c t i _: 'ii rli.rt' of i?nisit'Wi.f, wv :> u i; ?. j \\ : !*. t .. . . . .... J' . I ' . ' tl ; I j 1 " .: * i O I (*!!'' ?:!> ili IN . 'I.-. On v*. ng U M .1'. 1 ' Iiu.ii, j nlm h. |j i .g ! i\v i.i tlie iiiof i .iti i.'c iv rs iiiV 'ur lli.' Mt ill..a? i.'fi ! . inn N o" \ l is i.i r j niiig !' }' *iv s; 1*.s! 't ! . . < :!.?i I... .?: t r i<J?ui to ilu h ir. ? . ' ' i - I-]? , aiti'inl fi n:. .'. " M.>. w}:< U i lli* i . ii. I* tli?* Soger I- O.l : :*( : ,1 I'.iji t.y !-? fining lively 1 i:- i: - o iiMt iy v.hit. u' leaving ! is. ; ' i . aigc stn:\: oi . 11. .>a'i t> ' ; VUl'l R lIDiL'iliilO it.)i* .. 'it 1 OH Slc.-I.< >1 all.' lit' Wiji si !'. .| . f, ~~7 V A Ut(r..lV > f l4?\V ' ():i ti j irriva' .n >. W. v.' !cV X- * < .<J I si Sitou* i:ii K.i !>, -lijir c irii'. !: !. in:; Hi;, hiti-o-i . :: > .r an ! ! ritinoJ ailMna' t'X. siii o! *'?: ditas. j ."hiumI .y X ,v. ,v i!i -tilltiiici i iitU'uli'ii o! a at _ i.i; aibiT o J: iwr ti'ii-us. "iliis fxliil.i :..; si.i^li'yj ij.'ukvu of a loin; lite ? u t* which !t li - j r.sM'U i!. ; l?v i, moot 'A. W . * ,s j >l iisi'.f a li.wei tii >'i l. i ii<* i. iM 11 ?ji?'Sic and Zoouji "ii corf-! is | o bo v< r .* i uu| Id". i<< * i.j '? i M'tjf of y.-iy .' in! v.i <1 hi ? ? . s of ?< icii ! ave ucv? r 1 eJ'oi" ' c n t? . c. hiJ't.u.i in America ? tin: c.i-.'.i?> iron. <i-i>aitiii- >( b ii . r \> o^.-tcd b Jewry ii stinting in heir jnufynion. We lotuni-.'iid tliie ^^:id i xi 'Voi t by of a larj'.' OBi'ffUA IIY. I'l-par ltd thiii HS'p, Se,.ieRibcr ?0tb. 1377, j ifi-r a ui.d painful illness, Mm. Mniy j iliaii'.oiit Mol<euil, wife of Jnrii?! II. .Mo-[ tcu<l, njiOtl lifiy-flirvc v>n;s, iin??.*!.Sj Hid I Weill v-s'.n da J *. Ac mi early a :e she was happily corivirt d to the Christian religion, and united icrself with t!ic Methodist I pi.*copal hurch, of which she continued an accepta>le and consistent member utuil Iicr death. V loving and devoted wife and mother, frn ! ter devotion to her children was far itiove what mo-her-* generally manifest, viiid sn-1 obliging a* it trie:: 1 and rcijrhhnr, 1 iicrciful mi ! l.o.ugl.tiul oi tlie poor mid | ling, always ready tnrcii' vc :ii< wauls j' ?f a!! she ou'.d. i> -aili vi-*\v 1 m an e't r-i at separui or v.mild lie tarn ie tsnn w? : I'd t< : l.ll' lii.-H'k- 1 0 I Cob, I !l IC In- hope hie od reoii.oii II right i ?l|d above. Sin- 1 ft a I:lipball'i Hlld se*ell ; iiildriMi monia ilnir irreparablelose. i A'lcpiu Jesus. blessed sleep, fr.'tn ivbifli iniiii: ever wake to weep; A ca!:n atiJ i n 'ib'iii l ed :, Unbroken by the last of toes. ' NE.V i DV EitTIS KMKN'TS. BLACKSMITH SHOP. i i I W1SII to inform th citizens of Camden oi nirrminding e- tni :y. tiw.t 1 Imvo open I ii blacksmith shop oo !:: . !;? S-r-a. iear the 1 o*t Ulfice, where t :iu | ivpand i do Jims'- ,s:ioi ing. and a'l kinds ofblaH;- I hiiihwork. ii.\i'i:uiKNri:i) whiikmen .re employ: d. The patr.iui.g-: of lie pub'ic ? s respecttully solicited. P. M. NP'JSCE. ic! 28dtf Wheelwright and Uhickstnitli | Just Received, J; \ Lt! AND WKIJiSKl.KCl'KD ; STOCK OF ivi\i:s AND LIQIOKIM, ; i Wli cli wc guarantee p it?. A l*o. 3R0CtRiES, TOBACCO il and CIGARS, ; < lieup lor Crt"'', JOHNS'!ON vV GLAlJNKi'. Get. 23tf. EED AND SALE ST; BLES.i Every convenience on the spot Always lit up ill VK.M.S'lliONGiS GO.M MODiOMS 1 STAULKS n DcIiuRi Street. G?wl j>uni|i <v?ll on ] remises. Animals well led :iij i properly , ared for liv uceoinplulie'l lio-ll-in, , PHU'KS YKK V >?<M>KKAT!v i?nrso? and mules n'w... n hand ami ( iti* eals chc'ip. Dun*' f.>i'jc>'i ilie place. J. A. AsOISTISONU. j )>* *. I'iiriics in i; litc i i<> in nre ropiest i> t<e nr.nut i i in ikia^ sc'ilenient ( ollec- ( inns tit i: -! I e i i . '.e in- I shall lie com pell t 1 | n adopt severe nn asm vs. !, ? !i?* mi'ii l . i t. ?s:.v if' iljiy t;oM |<| my ("!'';< -T?-l >! /null* ill"! if iiii:? !<> Mi : ! ! >. ! ti ':i It'i v, i-i I III ' !? It' ! ... I II I I , , , 4 , ' ' .4 ' t? It' ! ???. ...... ?' i. !.Mj. Wii, iliit itiiii<ir>iguoi!, liiiv'.itj iliiu ilny >urrliti?t'il i|i?> ?n.:it e ?took i?l' of J til. ' iilivilljf V11; -< ?- i lilt" u io-j.iuill.*) lit'Hi'It fiiMi iiiinitf 'it loiiiiati.ii .* iilmiiiiy. f. r ilir jiinpnv" ?! irrylnjj 1,1, n rtflK'trtl fjrui-.-fY nil'! ' i'm. i ii.iiiiii |*i t"|i '".t n'* !''.ivk, (H 'fiitf.'i \ 'ng-'f I J'J Hull I. t'l. ! t M . ^ I. kit vl*i pnti*i>nng< : it IrlMoU *"'! tht mbiic. JW|'.\ .1 JMHXMTOX, , J. S. ULADNKV. tiiiu<1i n, Cctulivr litiii, 1 i*71. S I n t ter. ' IICfCM (J i? llr.itti, I'll* itilu low l.y L, It A *" ?I !;!tos. F?io**s?9 r/v lit*.KKh -or, *i't v:iu low by Mi U1U.U lIKOfl. % v ' ^JL:% fcKi ydiyt'k \ 1 *? -i JC il ? j <i moil t'is.-.i/ii'r. -' :i, < . 1 Hi' ' lit I ? t i i i. ! > ' i1 ? ! ui t*'i v. t!. -- I <M>:? ii: - i ?i * ; hi Ml pr?> ! '. t , ' .. ii- -I . ' I . . - i- '.: !?!i" I i " . .< i V .. . \ ;i- f | i. >]( . ?-.? .. . < i... -ii > .if' ..i ] , . ?. .-in ! i it?H ' ' ?M! u . .. ; . .U'J : i i Is. : r i : i : . .... * 1 : ! ' I ... I I II . -I ... "ill | atru-l J': '.I I.; ) IS;. i'j-.:<v : nn i.. rejiJi sii n.'V i '> t'ii-: I. -i;. 1 ii-. ? .- v. itT.oissr.v - is- ( our; j -iti : i I.:ii i M.ii. Vi !.l,r,.,:.rf. alt-fib IS. i. i.- 'i ' ; . ii- !.- t' < r .- <>|' ;t?i' i" ! ' r- I'liin n i .li. i . /.r;*i.!.a. :.. I . ;i-S e . 111 r. iin.j i-i I. . ... " : - M Ma!!. Ii'1-..ii.i il'i 1.1.:) .-. ! . i : .i . . c-i'i- .t.i ? ;r! .i -i;?. ;i : . i " . is- kint!r- ! a:i ; ' lr ,i 'i. ' I*. I .. .. '.-'i. ! u r. Ji-.-i'.ir i > J ilil- IIT , ' I. I'l'lliilll i" lie ; . J *\" i. Sr. 7. I. j we. i . i . - , .. . . w!i_. ?.;i i ! it'iruinisirati-..- ^r;? . ii .riven i.ijlee .ii i i ,? ! ' '"i i. .si Ai\ October !. lit State of "Vuth 't:i.o'::t.i, I .... . _ Uv. e :;w : ,A A. r.-r.y, I'.iii^snr, VII. J. In. IklWO/i, l)..|Vl. 'la.if. I'.y vii!.:. : . ! .v.- i:\rc i . a to me ilirecIt(i 1 "'.'111 Mill. X!| i t?.i? of Tile Coli i II >n .our, :i tlie town t anal. l Ii: . el A jVCJiUer ii .vi, ill. li:jj iii" .I'xsa! una.a or sale, the fvlldflnifih ?e ibed i> vpcrl): AUlkitiU w J....l&mL nitosM : i U S i uihity el, con':. .ion li:?:.?!.-. .1 ECU'S, lliu. * ?>. it s, llOU !':C I *> ? tile .v> til l?jr the,-. r tr.t- of .John Knox;* ?a th t l.t: I by i. ;.' -i. .J. iKrt .i. 1 . l". , .t:u. >i. ii. Urewe.;on she Sumi. by l..i.U<ot ii. li.c.ver, ?iui i'. i. I witty, '.im 'r.i West oy . ,.:ela of i'. i. ! witty u :(J c.-la(c of Julio e uu.V. TEit.i!s - v a: a. !<?Tif. ImBV, a. k. o. ensiia otnc-, uetuoi-v at.., Im'.\ l'hs State of South Carolina j In the Court o: Kershaw . uuu.jr. ; Couiinou i'lean. Virginia 11. Hiukeney, plMutltr, against, llemy K. Dalioae, Judgment for foreclosure. Is i>ui?UdUee of a Judgment for foreclosure bum tilt icause hf lion. It. B. Carp lie , on ] lilt* /Oil .il r'.l.y, A. !>., 1?.7, 1 Will aisii bjfo... t.12 . Cou.; ilou" (Io:i- ? : tn? ; i.> uof' armle.i, on rne < 1st MondayInSuVBaU)?Knext, wti.\Ui tiii> gt.. liou. s 6; sine, nil Unit piece, pa cc. or true; of nuul. stunted, i viiij; and otiug la U3 tloaatjr of Ke> shawm the s??te afoiesalU, cm Pinetree Creek, (.'oiithiiitu? six thousand a "ei, more or less, lying on botn ?l<li& of the put'lie .o?<l Koto C iiutwa ; . < i*. aw, devised to litii'y K. UuTloae l erkia;. Iccas-.d; bxciptug ria l \clmli. i;t eel eo iv-yeJ l?v il'-ee.-.-itil !o ,\i.o. Uullont', -..xl mortgaged premises, bouudei! no lh . bv r.uidii of Ji o: un., .stile of li nry Tiller, of liftiiy i'hot'ii ami crtat*' of Eiilot',scutii by iind of Jlccey ami entute of Ben. Ptfikiue, Went by^ iami< o! (atsto oi Ben, i ttklu and Alien M;' .?( Kill, Eakt by iMids of Kenueth Mccaakill, l'lue 'lit^ i ml McCoy. TiiK.'lS?Oiiethl <1 cjbIi, the liuUnce ia one, two ami three yrmn. iuteieat peyjbla annually, - ? ? v * * ..... ... ?it luiuciru fn It'CU I ) I IJU'I UUU illlM lj(Ug<.r, i u.? nwavi ? ?v puy for ropers. JOIi.N DOBY, S. K. C. i-lionliV (>Sic(., Stli, Is. .. 'file stile of Sou!!; Carolina, j In ".a Con.: of Kemha w County. [ Co. i.aou Ileus Jmich - i Fali.ou' .'fi.i : .'f lMu-ft J. J'l..!!.'. ] ! ; iii Mi..1.1 1:1 u ju id-mat >. it iniidc. iniii.h iw l.y i.-.m. !:. II, <';.' 0:1 ihuKUUiof Jan. a. i-ir., I vilitdil Oefu e the court house duo." ill llie town ?.f ' .iiiidoii, on lli?!;-n Monday In jVov-int.'T next, :til tun! ol.'uo, imicsl ur t?uc ul laud.Illuttcd, ' >,kitisd i.i Kt iriiiuu county on l.iit'e L..ui'io* t it-. ., ttim.licil ami forty-two ,.> o.iclulf (>,2 l-Si) acieft,hound:.1 cant t?y h?u?i?..f Oesse Hortoa, south by land< of ti. ? vil, west L?y vVliliaai Cljbti n,; by John W. TrU Jtdeil, Tkkms?One half cash, balam e in oue ..ear, In-1 i.-n nt front dxi- of sale, to I. n-cit ed by bond ti.d mo. tKr-oe'. 1 ur< ha?cr to jit;.' tor pnpe.-H. JOi.N 1 It'll!Y Hti C. Uliei'tll's ofi.'ce, OcioberSth lail ri:e State of .Siuth Ca olltiH. j In* tl.e Comt of Kershaw county | v otuniun Pit an. Alex. II 1! Stewart, assignee of Mrs. Charlotte D 1 ujl.r, .J!u. litilT, v?. I.. Il.iyl.lii, il fcadint. IX if a jti-l f neu! o; i.ture made In Hie shove cause by Una )< H I'arpeulcr on January 21.1l 1 17, 1 nnl sell at | u'die outcry, lie-' fore the 1 ouit lion door in the i.uii of l annlta an Hie ti st ui November next Within the I'-jfui Uoti k of sale, till that piece, parcel or tract of land lylnjj, being and situated tn the county of Kershaw and state aforc-ald, "ii the waters of Swift creek, immediately udjjiniug tli xe.i deuce o: so d Thomas I. li .yLia, "ilouut I'leasar.t," o/tt Inch two hundred acres are i:i eJill vat hn an.! in.d fenc-, i> 'itoded ..o Hi by lands of Uetty 1 uud l.' ai.'l utheis, mte lauis ot Jamts 1 ties nut, d e .-tsed, late of d'jUbsrrv, wt by R&i.l Mnjn I'u'asa:.! residence enclosure. - /.r I.. ,?t Idl'dntftv u III I nuuiu ..jr iiiiikj uu , ... i.i. , w> " ih.o ..-j Mrs. Minnie Annum, we?t bjr p nutation lauds of -aid Thomas L Koyklii. Tkhms?0:ic tiu'f cash, balance due on lirst day of Janu uy next, secured by bond and moftifaye; pi i chaser to pay for punei*. JOHN IdiliV, S K C. bliti Jlfs oittcc, October tilh, isiT. 1'l.u state of South Carolina t In the Court of Kershaw county. / Common Hleu> .1. J. Hull vs. /tinuicrniun l.sll, Execution. 1 will sc.I 0*1 the 1st Monday in Noveinrmr' next, by virtue of the above txvu.iuaat the Uoutt llouse hi Camden nours A sale, tr.*: following proj crtj : All th .t tract of it.nil, lying, situated and being in Kershaw County, contiuiilm; one hundred >;,u t.vcnti imi.c or ie>K,.ntl bounded m the not th by iu..d? of J?sr. John Stokes, cost ;y lands of J. it. Hall, west Ij lands of Itliey lioll, south by lands of i> ii Hall, l.trvied upon ' .s ins projJiite of Zimmerman Hall at the suit >f J J Iiftii. .eric* cash, ocllld JOHN DOHY. 9. K. C. 1 Laettei*fc? Dismissor v. Notice is hereby jiiven that one month Yum date, 1 will apply to lieu. James t\ ?ut herluini. Ju'ljcc oi'l'rohfttc, turtlic counj of Keiahnw in :hc slate ft South t /Ul'Mi? tu, tor letters tlisniis.-ory uu r.dmitiistruti it the estate of Ucijjnniiu K. l'ethins ?leased. l'iUbCILI.l I'. reuscix*. >t.t li:M 41 Notice to t'rc?55ltors. All jjcrs'ms having cloiti:* i lliorlute (?i Solomon A. leconhf i. Vn' ire-nut Hit <1 lily :??t? -1 I, uii'l tlios?u. Ji-lfbtt-1 to the i into will hi ?!tp imini'Jiitio !>:iyto, Cathiihivi: Hsxjamis. i. i 'J.'!. : I l!v tutrix. Col'liMS v ,. !*.i, - ! IJ.-W i 'i?!f ! i -.1 l... \ ><> ' ! (>?> i Xliwi "OilJ *"i ~ /k ?% I'-.uiiiIh I'n . i f it nil- li?' -CiMMMf UAL-.Muaos. Aug. IA(., 02ioo?c. a ivxi lloxus t ii i:i:sj; :?nir in> 3"" ihum liiwift, .*2 f.3 s *** a*ry ?>st 117. ?iliik Delivered lieprulsrly Kvery Morning at. Door. ' ijwirf Tit' i? $2 40 8- !'iiit Ticito'i* 1 'JO Vi'k 10 ill illcr oi !?>:f wi.l ! ui the r r ? ** ? . 11 "i - Jff <|i ill i 11 ?it. '? I! -o i'lied i;t rt ,liu."''5 : 1! 11 it it :< ' coo 1 p- r { iiifi. lopilotf* !?. MU,U IS I tVfLI.U.MM, 1 j . bOOi \;iJ bril;;. bhOr'. I I ! :v.;-.-.1'. I 1 iil.,1 i|? fl ' Op ;!. . .1 1. tiiinii. ? : <i !' ;ibo i t* ' t ii > : ;. ' i , w'i-:' - i* .- | " piro'l in . ? v i in j : < I. i.-ft'.ii.'l >Ji ?? * ilia .Hi i .."i lo-l i. Sii .'i i: -u>\ -ii ; i-i >u .*i; '. .... ..I i i '.! OCi -r : II 1 * i i sfl. !hr Rusiirjs:';;! ! i U- w L.j . ;.ml Luinly f-'owj Sr.ifL Cl j v f\ . I 'Tnirp t .TivV .* v.v? v?n,T*'"tr -ni : Fi 1)1 iial J-t iiit 0 ii ii i iJiii'i i. : v ?:* i: .\N'A;>K.N .i; i .a^ n: ii. ; Ix wV? ii'i u' I if nt (I ' 1* P. J. V. . '.it tlili 1 v. h i Ji- jn?? iv; -a" *. An iSatirely !?evr Stock OK K.\MI!/i ! \N< i ii r 0('K!iIKt\ ( h:if' ' I 1 Suiriir, r ll'- ! ' .'? I l'.uv, Diimii, L -i. ii . i r. * us- < ' iu u" ; i ki-- s. .) .'*.i . } . Kt., i *?. n?! i???i i i*js. i' ;rs, T'lltacc", And :-ii flu r !>( ) Is lisiiiiii) fo.isi'i in a 3' i!'S;. ( IjsSS < i'iiCt'i'y 'jtOi'C. !!i(; ti'.-'t market prl .U ' .r ail k'.ii*.? ol \l:-\ l'i"> ill Alu-.y.-" :- *a<ly t.i }>.:; tii" JA8SI far t ottimin; \ si no tonNMiTi.ics. * !' ' DM. KEMP na.5-? 'it) ATtT.NTJOX TO HIS !iv?'g" art ! car'fully lwti-J lock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES! >!y ? ji k t* iimd ? up o< I ?gt 9?? ! pure*:. \:>g i.i part, ??f Ihu :? ' c lii'Wics, Oil*. Paint*, Dye Muffs, Oluxs, Putty, Turf cut-lie, S>tps, Stationery, Fancy Article?, Choice iVrfainery, '.it .*wt. Darner?, Patent Mciicines, Tiutuea. Paper,.Mnvcia. l- r l'l-t'CS. C?).. Phy to"a'i; ! '-ci-ip i-iii- ue tirntt'ly Ctiinjioit'i !< !. .. 15 :.oV i'c 1 fr< :i all parts of the country. oet'JSif Candy, {'stittlv. j w I?OXK-*> u'Sotfc i ( liniv t r bv i J .'W IJllOd. * j. M. Williams llci;i*clfiiry Ci-.IN tliu attrition >if the pu'?!ic to bin Fall and Winter Goods. Ju*l ri'cgivol i*ul roily "or ius|>i c,t?u. My d?>iok consists of GHOCIiKIKS, ii A kicv AKK. ckduukkv. 1):1V <;0 >:?.C i CLOTHING, II Virt. SHOi'S, vi>ULKS. II MINERS, Mil DLLS. AND A FULL LINE OF GElfiiL MERCHANDISE. I wouM call particular attention to my fine assortment of Ladies' Cloaks, I AI pacas, \ < 51 C-?ood& i I on vy stock of aesd Tics. !mmi PRODUCE BOUriHT. Jlijilifst miirkel prices pool for OOTTOX, J. HL WltllAMS^ I3i?sOTl'i te. " : :J ' : 11 i?V \.,v :?.J I'M!- ... . -i .. >( . * ;:!;? . *0 It J.' - . i \ .* A '' , ' I**!? k * * <\r I I* ? *, jfl'l'; 1.11 h r.i c ; ICV.I IJIil'J# wi ll . vop. ui3. .J. I1. MulUMVAI.L j Dissolution .Notice j 'flip firm of ltoo'1 ? Durl Is this <l?y die* I solved '"3 mutual cnnatiu. It Hurt negutneo \ . ill JnHilltl"* ?r t.ri.1 ftiirt. I! th? r of l!ipj fl ! ?:* ! ) ' lit it" i ft li I.: eo'le. I ! ?0l.pi*. A ! p-?r iv. InU't'tr:! ;u ti>ii ln?t firm ?v|li j loun'.' lunko ai:".''p^u..'nr? und gave cost. W F. It PSD. It Dl'KT. Soptemher lltb, 1877. Having puirlmsed the interest of \V. F. Heed, in tl.e.ct aui Saw Mill hit-in:- *. I will sell 1 lie lis'lsro'O of litinlier on iia-. !: c!n*. ; for rush, lc ct^so'tlie tiifh.iM \ : order left uitli .Mr lieod. in ('nmdon, iieeeiv prompt attoullon. not 11 It. HL'lt'f. mk' ' v:X.W fi'JV,;" li V. %>% v U Isy ticif t V v tf Just "kea W* V- TJ Vv; :$?Ti V i-* 4si* ' ^., AT * 0 f L ?? <** f, ri ? /\ '< -3 ff t i t } '? J * / ?. '< v>'f> ii.iv- :.ii- . i ;.: .. ? <i.:. I> fccjl.\ H;l - . ' I t>:lV si '?>\>.:. , UI'iA i>V ,'i ? :>K 1 '..DTiilAii \v ()(/ J *\\ A I t Toijoiliir ? ! ': -i: 5 liius cf *, ? Choic-3 Eamiiy aai ! ill 11 wiiif'i *.ivj h?ea car Ti-.'l;*-tl ? f?*! .. < r:. . T.;-1 !ll?? .LOWEST 'live iu :i ?nil ex.i". i ??i.r ): > ( < l"Nf v! ? ! . . LARGE STOOK OF I highest PRK BOOKS, I; STA - IONERT, &C. CONST1 N'Tl.V VO'S AALY. AT WHO -JiNALK AND HKTAIL A i u'-'e in I .*<. ?! s'Uole-.l toA n: 8 55.0a].i RCOKfi O;'oil Uin-l'i uifil in our i>r,W1n *?.l |??-ivi??c schools. Also, NEW PUBLICATION3, I Bihjr*. Pr.ijtrr mi l niu ?Wtn,' Uiniil. Books. i'nprr md S:.i i '<i??rv, Spectacles, Knivc u. i i Miis|o?l Instrument.'. Sii in^s, Aero which the attention c?f I'uu. lry Merchants, Teachers, nud parcbits.rt- generally ' is invited. October. l.T. J. V. V'?l!NO. THEOLD CORNER STORS! W. C. GERALD W.i.tM .IIvi:C '! >: lil.etl I ': ' puM A' to his * Immense stock Ko.l THE Fall and Winter Trade, Consisting in part of Dry Gu jcD, X-iCuih. 15*mi?-, 5h<*ii?, ifa:j, Glyt'-in^, Gen s' Fum>!i:U? G?oti-, Fiiiicv Article.*. Groceries. ] Prov'siou*. IJacii, I/u'l, l < ? r ?-." !.'? ! * * ujT.u . i Colfc T- :i. M '1.,-s. s, G 'inie > Good , t. I'eppcr Scpr, 'I'obafc': ?. uc. which he has ju-t res'dved. ni l watch is larger an-l far superior in any previous stock he lias ever exhibited. 1 would ask a careful examination of my stock before purchasing, ? -? 1 am confident that I can save money to ail wh ? lived ( goods. Highest cash prices paid I'oi COTTON find nil Muds of Country Pro(!iirr. My stock of 1 lagging and TicN < is extensive. Stp. I". For Male. || SAW EMORY GIN, very little used, {#" Will be sold at a very low pr'oe. Aug lCtf. 1UU31 HUOS. ^ ~aT FULL LINES OF DRY GOOD3. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY. ! HARDWARE, Olio- ' I URKtES, The finest ever brought to CAMDE> Has just been receive ! In-J. \V. .McCur- j ry, at his new store, next door to his old stand, A MAN Can buy anything nt ins store so cheap that COMMITS itnkc when li > fails to examine ; this lijiiidsotn s nek of g 1 efotc pur* ' tfhrisiifglejscvvlvie. It is w->re than %TJ3t7i i r s:: 1 ^ 1'j00 '1* "f y fin-gel the pl.ujoT J. W. MfCtTRRY. Ootohe tl' i BTOVfiS. STOVES. ! A heavy stuck of COOKING. PARLOR and OF PI CP HTOVKS j?<t v-te'vod, and ' uiVinrd at j-eirm lower |)t?e ait he lind | t lso\? here it> ilatn^tn. . OL'TTEIUNG, ROOFING, J-c , attended ' to at t hnvto t n'j> ice and on nouujjitttountljijf j terms. , 'Lj A full iine of Tinware & House F nishing Good\ I opt constantly on hand. ?&*Att work guaran'ood. JOI N i.:o fO'ALE' I Ortt. I Iff, ' y \ Vr. I-'. * ' .? .\ - \ K>\ >. l?. v L*VJ ^ jive.i fcy % ' 'frnvfr'i ty. 'tC'Y " ' "J i" . * ? *" :ll !? ?*7 lhi> '* kJhcs, f ' ^"''' * f' i. i!: . '. J '. . t. ? i.i! UMuIly *| .j, ' ;.c>l<: * ' V ' # 1 " ; ' : * A ^>rrl ..Lii.i OCcllC'S, . w <-? .: ui ' . i .: . . :c<?.i f.iTo-*W# *5 \ ' ' ': ' * 1 T '*>; ? ?; . *&SZ ,W ' V *j ^ J- A. "V - i -<>* *. .* .fi * ' : a j n.( ; ' . - > .1V i. . V'rJ.V J-UrciiOMB Jf . \ . V iagaij.j fins s. -* JS KS ? O'i'i BRutfd & ISE3ICIH18, i.< *-\ 1/ s ^ IS. i ' JVCDICiKKS. GOODS, t<? CLASS LBl'G Si'OHK. Cig-crs and Tobaccos. A large supply of (ho most popular brands. Durham Smoking Tabncco, aud the celebra* led Gravely Chewing Tobacco, the best in ; use. Gunpowder Tea! If J I bcgto c ill the attention of families ' 'oe "ji to this article, which I guarantee to be the best in market, uii'J cannot fail to please. TOILET SOAPS in great variety and at i?'l prices Cii*>l?jE-ST PElinJSEl'.lES and Toilet I'ow.l , in great variety. SPUES. Mi'STAUD, l'EPPEB, BAK- " mK ing I'.* > .l*r and t'ondeneed Milk always on hauii. A*LA11GE STOCK OF LAMPS, LAMP Pixhir-e, Kou'seite Oil, constantly on / haul nr PAf.'T.S, Oilxs, AXU WINDOW GLASS. I ,would call the specia^^^Bition of piinii-r* mi 1 others \v.uuinto wy ^oieftiprn lo sal inaction. A C. J. LUIilHf . i JiiST OPENED. Fall and Winter Stock \ At J James Jones. I have the pleasure of announcing to ny numerous pa'rtms that I have last Returned from the Northern Markets " rhnrn T nnpahflitoi) n hps vv u'a/?It nf / ^ ^ FALL AND WINTER GOODS, tvhicli ! propose ui prices correspou* line with tho low pile* HARDWARE I)* nnde my purchases under can (lie snnio . Very Lowest Prices. COTTON. nui the native the v The the solieHed. on J JXMES JON Bo.* Sugar. IWrcls difl'tieni sugar Iv for by ASApr t. ;>^j>nnoing .il^i ; jj^k > -,^e ritn iveJ ??ii# niajtd, 2H wliet? with far greater faollitlM and oon?a?, I had before firs, ap| CLASPS UAKEBT iy reipsot a^ the patronage af the pt:hl(u U pordlally eollolted. Orders For Cake? H .ny description ) romptly and satisfroto* ^ . iiy filled by competent bakers. Fresh bread ^|H always on hand, ' %, _ MtSllf % MftB. K, OAOBBYi ^ ?. J - t.'^if'