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Ji;h? $Wt?l iK77. Coker, the 1>ouii?eratio candidate fiv Senator from Darlington, was elect'd without oppo-dticii. TO THE PUllLIl'. <r After this week, the Cauiden JoUKNAK an.i Kershaw Gazette will be issued every Thursday morning as one paper un? tier the name of the Journal anh Ga. zette. The present proprietors of tlic Journal and the Gazette will be the pro. prielors of the consolidated paper, and will conduct the under the firm name i of IVantham & Heard. Subscribers who' have paid in advance for either or both papers will be credited on the books of1 the Journal and Gazette with the amounts they have paid, and the paper sent to them accordingly. The ClnwioKtou Election, Charleston is redeemed! The Democrats elected their ticket on Tuesday without any organized tpposition, Bowen and his followers seeing the utter folly tf putting forward a counter ticket. And all of this is due to the thorough organization and invincible will of the Democracy.? The whole State congratulates the old i City upon her success, and rejoices with her people in their deliverance.? With Charlcs'.rn freed from the clutches ofBowcn, and the up-country safe, South Carolina mav indeed he considered redeemed. Senator Binir.e it seems is not ouch in favor of IIayes' policy of conciliation. It is reported that the .Senator vrill make war to the knife upon the administration as scon as Congress reassembles. Blaine's character, like that of other distinguished men, needs vindication, and ho must make war upon somebody in order to hrmg himself again prmiiicntly before the It is paid that J'rayton lias succeeded in waking l?is b;nd of 873,000. and that he has gone with it to Washington for the purposo of <|U*ilil'yi?g as collector cf In* tcrnal lie venue of this District. The pybiic would like the best in tho world to know the r.aat -s of his bondsmen. The Richland Democrats elected tiicir candidate, Mr. Jndrcw Crawford, Judge of Probate last week by more than four hundred majority, and that, too, ngain.-t heavy odds. Kershaw wiil follow suit whenever an opportunity is presented in the election of clerk of tho court. j David Pcarce and (jcoigc Stevens, who ! murdered Mr. J. livans KJings in Char*' lcston on the of May lust, have been ! convicted of the crime and sentenced to bo hung on the IMth of July. ion rue -oraxAL. Mr. IMiior?.Vl:*>w me to make a few re murks in relation to the dramatic representations of the la?t two weeks, i have no pretentions of a critic*, und nin.ply offer you my views lor what they arc worth, if you think * them of suffioiciit importance to give them u place in your cofutnns. l'he drama of '*Kalhlcen Mavournccn" was rendered by the Histrionic Club, ou lite 14t!t and lilst instant, in such style as to place them on one of the highest rounds of the ladder of popular favor. Where all acquitted themselves with credit it would be invidious to make any discrimination. The leading characters were admirably sustained, and noue were found wanting in the parts assigned them. The music was good aud the scenery faultless. The Club has established a reputation that will not fail them iu the l'uturo, should they persevere in their efforts to conciliate public favor. May they prosper. OuskhvKh. Camden, Juncli'i, 1877. Correspondence of the Journal. Mr. Editor?IVe have had rain every d iy since the 8th of this month, (twelve days' rain.) Corn and cotton arc glowing fast The w heat crop h is been harvested, and I think will be an average The oats in this 1.??*'?il ??, nv/iniiil li'ilf fl fl'rtn I**!! 11 iUV'iUHJ ni?4 ?i\<% vawvvm ...... .. v.vj . - sua tug was killed in the winter. Spring bowing wud injured by ?lie drouth in .Vuy. The fence question id attracting some attention, and should be thoroughly ventilated beforo action is taken. This remark is net intended to convey the idea that 1 have in* convictions on t!iv* subject, but rather to invite discussion. The long continued rain has not injured the crops or lauds by wash lug (or currying away the soil,) but r. ill add to the cost of cultivation, and ike prospect of an increased yield promises full remuneration for the exIra expense incurred. There is abundant unemployed labor in this section to meet the inert isfd demand, heuce we arc hopeful that no loss will ultimately be sustained by the planter, an 1 a gain be realised by the laborer. | J. It. M. Itussell Place, June lb7?". toil TIIE JOUlt.NAL. Donald McQueen, Esq. Perhaps no in ?:> in our community w?? 1 nun widely known and universally esteemed than the subject of this notice. For many years filling oflic s of public trust, he was brought into intim ite contact with all da-, s of our citizens tin ?cr circumstances of trial. It will never be known exactly how much our community arc indebted to the late Mr. Me,-1 t^iicen for standing a. a harriot between tlu ir I dearly eafned 'axes and who wished to j plunder them. Thoroughly trained in busi-j I I f 1 ne*s, holiest in "very instinct, lie couM neither In- duped by ?li artful nor purchased by the con?pt. Mis family have the satisfaction ofknowing that they can point to his ^ career as a public officer as one marked by faithful and honomMs son ice, and tin* tain > cJ by any short coining through the dark j lays where no niar.y uu n were tried ami! found wanting. During Severn! IIrpnl licaii | uduiiuistraiioiis he helil the office of County Treasurer, the choice of both parties; and within a few nays before his death. Governor I 11a ni ton showed a high appreciation of It's worth an 1 reputation t>y appointing hint County At liter. In the private relations of life, Mr. Molucca was much loved, as all v i I testify wito knew Into best No husband aid father was ever unite tender, affect innate and heluved than lie. To !tis friends he was always the same, cordial, generous and self sacrificing. Oaeoi' liigtust .tod most substantial tributes to his worth is that his oldest friends were his truest ; those who bad known It.tit in his youth it Charleston, where the greater portion of his life was spent were unfailing in their attachment to liini, r.j;! lie was held in r spe.t and est cent by tit it old an 1 iiotierublt org a .i/.i.toa, the '.Vus . revolt Light Itifatury, of w hit It he w as for many years an olliecr. The community of Camden showed taeir appreciation of M-. Mc'Jtice it by attending his l'uaei al at the Presbyterian church in large numbers, and following his rrtnniiis to the grave. Could he have I ttowtt it, his ap previa live nutuieand teuiier heart would Lava been touched by this tribute. In him we ll.rve IOtl a 11 U'.' HUM UUIICM eiii/.-n, mi upright unit useful man Those who are in distress have lost one who whs ever rcudy to spend his nil for their relief. To his family and frien is the loss is iiiesfiunilOe and irreparable. H. lioiiniil nriltiren. 'I!:is est in ihle oil 7. ti died a? iiis rosi. deuce in dan den. 8. d, mi Sunday morn* ing,-4th it st. Ife un* of Scctcb pari nt., age, catno t" ? i- ?i*y at an early a pre, and was first rtnj 1, ycd in th?> f o-toinge bnsi mssoi' Mr. lihslia Oars ut. Fur a groat many ycnis ho was an accountant 'ti the extensive grocery house of S. S. FarrnrA* Bros, and in addition to Ids ofiitte work, I owit g to his aptness in hook keeping, was often etoj'h) cm! in the s t:l< aiciit of firm acc unts :OjJ olhii similar duties Mr. McQueen was Seorc'ary of tlse Y\"ashing,i ton Light infantry for nearly twenty live yea: s, enuring the ad li'ni-tnitiotn of 'opts, lltv uvl. Lee. Jervey. Porter, \Ynik< r, liiteh end Sinientnii, and the faithful disehi rge of these dutiis tiny he seen in theeircfal'y ctigr issed and ex. i/ineien itiiituli'S id the CfiriltL duiilig tllii long } erii J. .*ust picvious t<> the late war. tl:is C( !un.->r.d r? cgniz ?1 these Lug and laborious du'ics in tin; gill of a silver ser. viee'il" suLsUniiai vu!iu?, and for years jinst In* has ! on enrolled on their honor [ i-ry 1st Since 1S(I5 Mr. McQu'in lias ' lived in Cnimbn, and un'il wit recently has, fir years past, been County Treasurer by flic request an 1 with the consent o' both political parties there. IIu had on!) recently been appointed County Auditoi by Governor Hampton. A good citizen, true friend, an honest man, has passed away, leaving that Lest inheritance to his childnn?a good ?:iato.?Charleston News and Courier. Kt 'tr.t'TET.P Cdt.'KT.?Judge Kershaw opened court i.eie this morning. A quea. ti'.n as to whether this wn- a cm. (inu.ition of tioi term begun to be L 'desi here 't? the fir-t Monday of the present , uiuuth by Carpenter, aal whether the ; juries drawn for that term were legal juI rics J' r this term?the question turning i up a tire construction of the r cent so ! o! | lie present I^-gislatu'C providing l'>r j uniformity in the tiuio of holding circuits | Courts The Judge decided that this i was a continuation of the June l.rm, and j the Ctuirt oi General Sessions was opened. In the absence of Solicitor Aluwy, ' ca.. j sioficd by the illness of near relatives.) his j Honor appointed Mr. J. C. Sheppard t ! .I/.I Ilia Yihmn Tim eli;ir"i> of Li:li dudc'S H.V P" ^ to the grand jury was brief, couij . jIh'ij sive and admirable. It is almost useless to speak of t!ie general feeling of joy ami reliof over this change of judicial officers The manner of his Honor is calm, digui' tied and decisive, but, above all, tuost courteous, in which he differs greatly from his predecessor. Indeed, the difference is too strongly marked to need comment. ?Ninety-Six Guardian, 18th. i SlIOOTiNO a.\r? ('itttivo An \v.?A difficulty occurred near Tuxahuw, on Sat.. , urdny last, between Thomas Aldrich und Thoui:isKni$ht, brothers-in-law, and three I of the Wright boys. A crowd had a-, em. bled at the base ball ground to engage it: that sport, it appears, the Wright i bo^s attacked Thomas Knight, creasing i him of crippling one of their d'gs. Thomas I Aldrich, Knight's brother-in-law, intertired to at rest the difficulty, when lie was 1 alio set upon by two of the Wright boys } and severely beat and cut in the arm.? i in t. i? ? .i i r.^.i r,,,. 1 .IIHI 1LII lUUll linn u j?i5i yi uii'i aii v vi Ai? shots, ihc last shot striking Wtu. Wright ; near the c.Jlar bono, inflicting a danger* j ous wound. Thouias Knight also cut lJurwoll Wri^.l:t near the should r blade. A Id rich and Knight wore e inimi'.kd to ! jail on Sa id iy l>y Trial Justice AIcAl mus to await the icsult of the injuries of the wounded patties. Mr. Ahlrich claims tliut he lire-i the.-!, tin 6.11' defence.?Han. : caster Lcdji r. Govuunok IIamitun II.V South Oauoi i.ina i'ltosi'Ei rs?On his way to Air burn, Governor Hampton conversed v.ith i Herald reporter on the situation in South ('?! din i, and gave a choiring nc* count. Hi tays that all classes ol the people are ennUntoi and secure in their rights; that the ( ' rod pe. . ! i ave nice I uiore gone to woit:* that a fair pr portion have been appointed to <nic?s, and that all proscription for any cause has disappeared, 1 hat all j attics arc now agreed upon the wisdom of the j.< 1 i? v which gave t'i'i State sclfrgovcrinnunt; and hcantii'inatcHa cnnsMciable inunigia" tion into the S tite, being in theuci ipt of nut:iers letters of inquiry on the suhj.-ct of lands. I he credit of the Slate, he says, will lie ].< nos'ly niaintainrd, an 1 all ts debts pai l. All (his seems a little hard on the people who opp the I'lv.-ident's S "l'h ro policy. Hut such h li!e. ?.Now Voile Herald. { y Hai?j Jon's ypi'iM'li ;:{ Auburn. ? j Governor li liiu.oij, in li:.- speech t?f} welcome t> Governor Hampton ;t the Shields' celebration in Auburn, N. V., W duci-d ay. dwelt largely on tin: contest ! in .Smith Carolina, in which tlie latter had; taken s? prominent a part. Governor Hampton, in the course ofi his speech in reply, said : Your distingui-iinl Governor has been pleased to allude' to the contest in South Carolina.? That, my friends, was not a political struggle. It rosy far higher than any such contest ever waged on this continent. It was a contest lor civilization, f?-r home rul1, for good govern::.en!, for life itself. It was a contest waged by the people of South Carolina, not as demagogues wouid : il y< aj. against Northern men. but acoiij t"-t waged against carpet-baggers?and wlnti I fay carpethairtrcrgj mean by | t .it tbi ves. Y\ e d.> n il canTany Northern man, any Irishman, any German, any KnglMtmnn, who seitlcs ia bTir midst as an honest citizen, a carpcll.agger. Wcwch come such with open anus. We tell th. tn toc -nie to on? genial skies ami f'ettiie .-oil, cnuic ?-:ic and ail, and 1 pledge I hem, in tie- a line ed' the State, a hospitable, warm hearted k caption. We do not ask whether they an: lb publicans or Democrats. I want to impress litis upon your minds, i -- i . ?:.i j . i... f:..? \ri...i iiil ; l v. i i i,o ik uy i<iu.*>.iii n it was Jone by the Democratic Legislature al'S,mt!i Carolina in almost its first ac.. tion ? A vacancy occurred on the supreme bo soli of the Slate; a Chief Justice was to to elected; it was a place which had been filial by men of the very highest reputation in our commonwealth; the names of honored sous of Carolina, w^io would have done honor to any bench in any country, were presented, but that Democratic Legislature elected to the Supreme Court a citizen of New York, who cauie to the State as a soldier, and who is a Republican. What further proof do you want that we are not governed by prescriptive feeling ? Does it not shov; that we have fulfilled the pledges and pion.i-cs made through the last canvass to make no distinction <-*i account of race, color or party ? We wanted to show you pcoplaof the North that we xh:va aetua ted by the lushest and mcst patriotic feelings. V?*e did n it wageJL political canvas; we were fighting Ibr every intercet dear to freemen, and thanks to brave and true men and glorious women of South (J retina, this war ibr good gov' eminent was successful. They have e?a tablishcd it in every department of the State government. They accomplished this, and they now propose to faliill to the very letter the pledges I made, and appealed to High Heaven to v. it no-s that they should lo carried out. L declared that if elected I would be Govornor of the whole people of South Carolina; that I should know no race oij party, nor color; that all men who stood on the Soil of South Carolina, native cr foreign born, white or black, should be equal before the law, and so !:<-]p me God, it shall be done ! 1 am glud to ray the bitterness which marked that strife i< passing away, and I say to you, men of view Vurk, as 1 say at home, 1 owe my oleetien to t!ic colored men of South Carolina. Thousands of them voted for tne, knowing that L had !? en a good friend to the race; knowing that I was the first man after the war to recommend that I hey sho;:iJ Lc 1,1C T.-ufTrago; and 1 never yet eiiaiigoJ on that .subject, knowing they sustained me i-i large Mtmbt rs. and I am happy to say that the fears of the ignorw.t a-.c passing .1 .i. ...* . { i ,i.. _ _.:ii i. ' ;iv?a\, uuu uicj ui'j raiiJMiru mv\ win in* dealt with in ail respects an _ cit'.zcns of South Carolina. We intend to try ami elevate tl:cui, to educate ihcm ami try t?j j?how thorn t!io. ropon-ihililicj; as well as ihe Lles-dugs of liberty. Wo want thorn, as other citizens >f America and South Carolina, to bo worthy of the groat boon of citizenship of this great republic. My liiends. 1 must again thank you for this most cordial greeting, doubly grati1lying because it is the voice rf Mew York reverberating to South Carolina. 1 cati:c, as I sai 1.1? (1? honor fn my distinguished ! friend, tien. Shields. Ho wore the blue and 1 were the gray bat we can let the curtain drop over those years, and go back to that time when that Hag shall float over a free, united, and prosperous people.? (Applause.) 1 f-ay this Inyou as a Southern' man, a rebel ; l'? r when 1 fought 1 fought as hard as I how against you; ami I say also, that i! that flag 11 uits, as it should do, over fr ? and tcjual Suites, if i; h'iall he the symbol of liberty nud ju-tice, all the States, an i every man id' the South will honor it and love it as of uiJ, in.! the Ini'i! liiav C ilinr r>ne > iim?*r? when NVvv York ami South Carolina shall stand si. uM'T to shoulder ugainst the common enemy, and llicir blond mingle upon the ??U. ("Applauso.) My friends, I shall hear this cordial greeting hack home with to% to the little Ih.luiet to Si ate, and assure u:r people that your hearts here throb kindly lot- in. I trust, in Cod that a bet lor future is he I Wo the whole coat.try. an(1 that wc shall have peace, prospciity j and liberty to every man upon the continent. (Aapnlau-e.) 1 t vn.yj/.'i,Tv^r<ariMiaj?yrwym?r^?? Ice and Ice Cream. Mr:-. K. (i. Workman gives notice that she I will furnish H'li CllEAM on every fair and wiuaii day. which will he ral l ied out at t r about " p. in., or may he h:i I at I lie residence >jtt DeKutbstreet, front ('? to IJ p.m. Site also will fnriii .li the same lo families tvli u ordrcd. It'll may also he had nt any hour of the day to p. in. .Iline .8?If ILHSnSIIAW, S:s <!<?' ('otii'l' t hxht's "J I} . It. II itJicr.i. I Whereat, Win. M. Shannon lias applied j :ii me for Letters oi nihoini-irati on null .an ! i'itLw ih- p.. r|s and cdia'lel.s, rights iitt l ii liti if Vi'. 1!. Withers, 1 ale of the tnid .ouiiy, d? i.eas' 1 ? Tin -< are. lli ia fore, io eite and adtm nisli ill and singular the kindred and creditors . liddeei i i'd. to IIJ'|-? ar liefot'C lii'-III . (' oil of 1'ro'i.iio lo t.e tod ten on the ll'.llt .lay ol'.l>.ly, I-TV, to ?h >w cause, if any IIh'V 1iii\ . why said administration should not he gianted. Given under my hand and seal, tliis28tb day ol June, A. If ls<7. J. K. SUTIIHIt I.AN l> .1. r. June 28 L't i awir; 'vivn i 322s: as June -1 if J. D. KENNEDY, .Attorney at LaW ?aulli Caroliua. I " Okfjce, tfiat ibrmtily occupied by Cen. -J. J>. Ivor.:>haw. J. T. HAY, attornk1 at law. and ci71=LX^Xa JDS^ICE. 01'KICK over store of Messrs. Hanoi Dros. ?.1; * Special attention given to tlic Collection of Claims. juncTtf J. D DUNLAP, jTItlAIi JUSTICE, nnoAii street, CAMDEN, SO. OA. Uusincsa entrusted to his care will , receive prompt attention juncTti. J, Wr DePASS. attorney at law and iTUIAL .1TSTICTC, lU(OAl) sr., CAMDEN', S. C. SfiT" llusincss of all kinds promptly i..?n r,r I I UliJMVkb'Ji J UIIW I t* WELi-BicieiHG. The unucrgigncd offers his servient lo ihc public:is a Well l>i^'cr, or anything . vise in that line. Hutisfaclion guaranteed. ISAAC SCOTT. Next door lo Win. Dcas' shop. June 14. AN ORDINANCE To reduce ami improve the Currency of Ihc Town of Camden. S. C., by issuing Rends, and to provide lor the payment of lho same. ! Beit ordained by the Inter.dnnt and Warden of tlie Town of Camden in Council as* ; ecablcd, 1. That the Intcndanl be and lie is hereby ' authorized and required lo issue Bends to the amount of S"J,(Kht, in sums of five, ten, and twenty-five dollars, to be signed by the Intendant and Bccovdcr and sealed with the j seal of the Town, bearing dale tlie 1st July, ; 1877. payable one year after date, to wit: the first day of July, 187S, with seven per cent interest from date, to be used only in ' redeeming at par the Town Currency now in circulation. 2 That the Intendant be further authorized to procure a new pinto and have new ..I, ,.)) In I... ,,.,,..1 1 ??,1 c!nnn.l by tlie laten lint ami Itecorder of the Town, j to redeem tin; lialancc of the town currency < noie in circulation not funded in llouds, but to be used for no otlu r purpose whatever. 15. That the revenue and property of said Town be and the fame is hereby pledged for the redemption of siid bonds and currency with t lie interest (hot will have accrued there . co. ..o-t ii.. ? :~r u.j. ..i.. i? i.e received after maturity in payment of all dues to the said Town. 15 a I i lied in Council this Stii day of .Tune, ld77. .1. C. U<>!.L1NCS, lntcndant. i! K .'<15.1,, liecorder. Jutl" i i It I NOTICE. Corxi'tL Cif.\Mi?KK, MayClth 1S77. ,,Kc?olved, That all past due or back taxes dir.' the Town of Camden, bepaid in quarterly in*tallnr. tils of t went v-l;ve per cent or { of the amount until the v.hole.amount be paid, all v la; da not comply wit It this resolution within thirty days from this date will bj legrliy proceeded against by Council for tho . whole amount due. That ail uiij aid Taxes for tho current year, shall be paid in thirty days from this date. After the eviration of the term specified ?xecutions wilt issue against all dclinquenta " lly order of Council. Extracts Irotn the minutes. IS. K. Slid-, May 17 If. Clerk and lleeorder. mr,? h? .i N am Advertisements. *")& KI.K(i.\NT OAIIIM :iII styles with inline. inc., ?.>) 'Si |.till..I. H. ll'ttsteii, N:??nt, kens en. N. V Revolver Free wiii'i ImxcartrUlfes. I. Itmwn .V Son, liiti A- ir.s v, m?l .si. Ii.?l ury. I'a. ij u Cji 1 tMinie oil cbroiiio, Txi I, iiiounieil, LjS worth nr.. . pk low van's, t i-k. comic SmA < iivt hipi.s. 1 |tk emtio tvtrils, I pk E L it *H scroll, l *||? i.'m.V I'litt. till .-int for only'lis, N'oveliy t o., Miildlolioro, Mass. noqi/ S " this, oulv fl.fto capital ri'tjuirol to DuU A start i .tiiTitssin^ lor .Murk Twain's Now Scrap thick. \oplv, Willi stamp, to J, K. liullowell !l:w '"%?*?!,%:' CANVASS EKS TU1B^3X? WITH l'tir.1) IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS, i U?E WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, a sure retncil . for 'Ol'tSllS. a'nl all 01 .ease < of the Til Ho NT, l.l'NUS. ( IIKSf ami MIT'Ol'S .MK.MBUANK. PUT UP ONLY IN J3LUE HONKS. SOLD ItV ALL DiaiKllsTf?, ('. N*. CKITi KsDKN. Sixth Avenue, N. Y. The Black Hills. i:v it. N. Maui ikk. who has spi nt 12 years In this rtirioii. l.aTi-M nect suits of jroM ami sliver pros|ic< tK, imririilturnl ami grazim? resource?, climate, iniiitiair, tlshini!, Indians, a:i<l settlors' adventures with them. M iuliisr ami W15?I Western I .Iff, t lie WaterfallItoiliiiK Cry fM. nol.ic scciieij. Iniinctis" tlorpes, etc. With 87 lino lllu.-dratioiis, ami "lie1 map. Prion only 10 cents. Hold l>v ail newsdealers, or sent post-paid for li Donnelly. Lloyd A Co., 1'ulis., Chicago, 111. mm i?fc TMI Tip Top faritgn I* the larpwt k4 " fr" Ps J vg'""i'ollliigout. READ AND 8E*. rS ' 1 OTCl'lM Hbwu Not# pHpir. 1 -i KnT*t???* x M H '' ncll. |>nlH?i,ior, <}?,|,!on fcl* Hi ?2 fcl pint Stoua 9lMte lluttrn*, tioitlj lake r.^.rgo Pin. Aincthypt Bffno Itliitf kn!*t?1 with ffoltl. AnviF-v^t St.-ii-^ S*wf fin. <told-|*lfttc<l Witling Mnc, Kc? lf.? S i- ' H'li n Hi?werr?l prvl Si voictl lint PI:;, I'ln A Itp.p*. <I"M | i i'o ( ' t Si.t . ' f l j . '.V.U i t Imin uii'l Sw f Miroo (Mil f' Vf.v'rw'" ".r*V.s. j, BRIOF, jST rjOilmen Place* Mew Ycrh. Q ^ ?] c', ;i mm n KV /?. . in.e JEWEL contains 11 lira i '. : i , igravedsl relmUona i act (3) plml "t studs, one dent's Int.coroi i?in, ci! n ?; i! i" ? " ...> ami, i in- (.. n;-'' lia liiil, trutch chain, ami one Ladles' llcavj sciMliig ring nr|iti of one easkel complete, no cents; three for :i tx ioi $ .'. and li lor nil sent |in*.tpa!cr ii_. i;t;>iI. si l"/',n ami n solid silver wuleii tor \;* it-1 i.i i.ia',1' nioiiry selling these tasked!** >i i, ; ci . i'?! s.'- mid i : tali'itu.'s. We have .>1 ' . . ..! lo.v in:<-i s. V.i . . Ilioudvvjy, N. Y. city, v. th (iriirimilH in litis Iraalarsn, and have i,o' Miiii.n dold"?r -'lirass.!fwidt.v. I Inf. .1. v. 'i> ( ,tsh< l i- i t'liiu.'k.ilily filifpi live. * "ork .'. in, arc ri'lluhle Uinlc,?."?IV'Stun ( dlo'Sd ?\ SOME REASONS J WHY I W. L. ARTHUR I CAN SUIT YOU BEST IN I ! BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 \ I I His aim and attention is devoted to that line of business. lie buys direct from the manufacturers in all parts of the country, pays tho | Cash, thereby getting the LOWEST PRICES. < n IMSPfi 1 riON of his Stock will convince you that he sells the cheapest * ' =* F or all tlie late styles in Ladies' Low Shoes for Summer go to W. L. ARTHUR. The largest stock of Ladies' Cloth-laced and Congress Gaiters ever brougb to Camden at W. L. ARTHUR'S. Children's shoes in great variety at W. L. ARTHUR'S. If you want to save money buy your hoots & shoes from W. L. ARTHUR. If you want to find shoes to suit your fancy go to W. L. ARTHUR'S, i For the best Boots and Shoes go to W. L. ARTHUR'S. Boots and Shoes never so cheap as now at W. L. ARTHUR'S. W. L. ARTHUR. NOW OPFNINfi - ? '- ? - mmm i ? a hi _ / , 1 I ) v.1 : c ; T.nOTmaT PPT rma M V WW I Jh aft. dfcVJ. v 1'IKi/ AT I KOBT. 31. KENNED Y,S, FOR i iHl'IlirVG A]\D SUMMER WE A THESTOCK IS VERY ATTRACTIVE IN THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS FOR IjADI?!S and GENTLEMEN. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO ENUMERATE. They hare been dought since the recent decline, t AND WILL HE SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST i CASH PRICES. AN INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICI