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LOCAL niTTfiBS. THIS PAFEB IS OX WtlM WITH Wbcti Advertising Coutract* can b* mad*. < SaYsljjb1 TEMPERANCE. *WATERES DIVISION, NO- 9 . Attend the Regular Meet j Jp\ iug of your Division .-it Tein- j /kv peranee Hall on MONDAY AaSkx evening next, at 8 o'clock By order ot the W. P. ^"Communications fur pub!ica?"&| f^iiou ia the Journal must be-*4 fi^-handed in by 12 o'clock on TUES-*&8 ' ??F"DAY. Otherwise they cannot^jSa {cT"bc inserted Kathleen Mavourneen at Town Ilall j this (Thursday) evening. Marines Baum, Esq., is spending a few days this week in Charleston. Blackberries are coining into market. No danger now of starving. Mr. G' )rgo Aldeu is still further improving his l.audsomr residence on upper Broad street. The Legislature adjourned Saturday, j 1 and all of our Representatives, we believe, 1 are at homo again. 1. Copious rains in Camden aril vicinity, fur the last week. I * : a Vacation.?The sovcral sch'ols of r Camden have closed for the summer. i s j f Four murder cases on docket for ; c I trial at the ne xt term of the court of the ^ General Sessions for Krs-haw County. j Judge Kershaw wint to Columbia on C Monday fur tin- purpose of qualifying as ^ Judge of the Fifth ' ircuit. ja Cupt. Ji W. Jamison, principal of the1 ^ Camden Orphan S reiety School, lcf^on w Saturday with his family for Sutnmcrvillc, whore they will spend the summer. \\'e regret to learn that oar young 1] townsman, Mr. Ifenry Schroik, is s.mious C ly ill at the residence oQ Iris uncle, Mr. fi r e. ro..? r> _t. . i. i. uuuu? jj. ciuiti, uvur riui itocx, jn ui'B u county. 1ai ! . m m , \ is This is tiic "tightest" summer since ' j l?Go. Provisions are senrc* nod money j ( carver; and as nn inevitable result, stealin;r is more abundant. Our new Trial ; . . Jc Justices are kept busy. j a( A Treat. ?Our friend, Mr. James L. ai B'asington, surprised us the oilier day ai with a dish of Irish potatoes from his;01 garden. They were the finest we have 3 - I 11 di seen, and were duly served. lie has gur thanks for hi> kind remeiiibraiico of us. 31 The Fence Law.?We present clso- tl where to cur readers the full text of tho e< new fence law as it was#pass?d bj b ith j pi houses of the General Assembly and r-p* di proved by the G"\oiuor. A noticeable feature of the times is ihat j ^ few white men eou.c to town. They aro ! < at h ?uie lia'd at work. with the detcrmin- 0j ati'oti thutthyj wili j.ull through this w year, or ' break a trac.'' in the effort. p| liy r? Terence to his card in another col" ' utnn, it will he scon iha? Gen. J. I>. Kenr ncdy has resumed tlie practice of law.? , " General Kennedy possesses talents of tho highest order, and. we doubt not. will at* ... nr tain an eminent position nt the Dar. T . ? Not far Off?The puhnirkuvj sea. 'j son will soon Le here in all of its glory? or as far as pretty "iris and moustmhe/young ) < ''sprouto" with their hair parted in the v: middle or thereabouts, an4 loaded tables ? can make it so. 'A'b will be on hand nt }' some of them, aid hereby give the afore- hi said young gentlemen due and timely no- U1 tice of tlio fact. j U| ^7 , Gen Kershaw was nominated for the position of Judge ol'the fifth Circuit by (,j that high toned gentleman and incorrupt" ?,j able patriot, Capt. 11. II. Masscy, on* of j1( the representatives froui York county.? j( Capt Masscy was for many years a citizen of Kershaw county. Fire Alarm.?On Wednesday of last ' week, when the wind was blowing stiffly K liS from the South, the fire bell began to j, ring. Everybody looked down street, , .j and the engines j nahed lor the house of ' Isaac, colored, next door to Wui. ih-as' shop, but did not get there in tin.e to do any work. The tire was extinguish, cd. ? i: SoMETir.Nis Nkw.?Those enterprising fi gentlemen. Mts-rs Heed .k Hurt, are now r running t-o circular saws at their mill a si few miles below Camden. One it placed v ab.?vc the other, so that timber of the ag- t gregato diameter of but'i sav.s cno be p made into plank. They arc men for the < limes, and keep their mill in operation all c the time in order to supply the demand > that is mado upon them for lumber.? ii Parties ncedinganything in thi ir Jiae.c could not do better than call upon them. > * i If you want any thing to drink, that is perfectly palatable and refreshing during the hot weather, call on Gladncy at the DeKalb House, and he will make you feel good, lie can also give you a first class segar for as littlq money as anybody cl?e in the State. Some Cotton?The finest specimen of cotton \vc have seen this year wasshown us the other day, (before the rain,) by j Mr W. C. Gerald. It measured more than twelve inches in height, and vu ? | taken from the farm of his son, Master! Davis Gerald. I'? is Wrong.?Wc have not seen the j official bond of Mr. R. It. Player, bu*' have been informed that the names of several good Democrats appear upon it.? ' Of Course, every ono has the right to u?e his own name as lie pleases ; but, to assist our political enemies in this way is contrary to the policy of the Democratic par*. ty. It brboova us to whip out, root and . branch, the radical party by ail fair mean?. j and if we in Kershaw county cannot j overcome them at the polls, wc can, under the law as it now stands, at least prevent the men whom they elect from qualifying i by dimply not g"i"o uPon their bonds.? And this should bs done in every in-! ! i iance. J He Has Come.?Last week we pub- j islu-d the following; j ''Wanted at this office?An lonesf, hurdfaced individual who can en)- < ect money where all others fail. He must i ?; prepared to do his own fighting." ' I Though greatly in need of such n niau. : re did not hope that our call would elicit ' ,:i early response. But in this wo were ; 4 nlstukcn.On Monday tnolning, while wend ' ng??ur\vay t:? our sanctum wo were up-,1 coached by a gentleman wl.o said he had i con our cmd ii\ the Journal, and that!' ie wanted the position of collecting agent, n reply to our interrogatory, lie dcclar1- I d that he c->nld "fid the bill" in every irtir.ii'?r e inlarcOiiil a-ill nlhika ale notice. lie u ill be along after awhile j 4 I s tid will bo armed with a huge flick, two ! | owio knives and three pistols, besides I hat nature has conferred upon hitn. [ ^ . itl "Katiileex Mavourneen."?Th.s ^ pular play will be rendered at the Town \ [all this (Thursday) evneing by the-'-f auiden Histrionic Club, as will appear j otn their card in another column; and.. aving been admitted behind the scenes, | ^ id knowing^Pat the cast of characters . . u far superior to that of a large majority ^ 'professional troupes, we do nul liesitaluiD, say that the entertainment will be | / orthy iu every respect of the noble tb? j el for which it is given, and that ail who I a. tend will rej^fc that they did not stay ^ ivay. Apart from the merits of the play, ^ jd the personal charms of the perform. rs, a view of the scenery, painted special j ^ ? for the occasion by Mr. I. D. Alexan. jj er, the magnesium lights, and the music ^ ij^hc orchestra, under the leadership ol j j( It. W, 11. McCreight, will be worth more tj ian tlic price of admission. Tho pro. : |( :eds of the entertainment will be ap..1 lied to the building fund of the Mctho1, ^ ist Church. j ! f) PERSONAL.?We were pleased last week ^ i receive a visit from Mr. A. A. Strauss,! iv.i....v 11_* n fit* Ptniidi.n tin! nt*i\r ! 'Mayrsvillo, Sumter ounly. Mr. Strauss j as iti fine health an J spirits, ami spoke j icour.ijjinyly of the f.iturcof his a?l >ptcl ! ate. 11- expects to leave New York in a j ti w Jays lor the Rhine, tho place of his j I r, where lie wiil rpend a few months : n uong his native relatives and frien ls jf We also had the pleasuro last week of j a ectin^ on the street our veuorable audi i. tceiueJ friend,. Mr. .Josse Ilortin of i ynchcs (.Vock. lie has been a suWrib- 11 of tlie t'AMUEX Jot JlXAI. " l'<tr l-.tty : i mr?, always pay* his suhscripiion in .11 jJ tncc, ai.d ?nvs lie cannot {jet alon:; with- ; ' it the paper. Thou;?h more than eighty ! 1 . urs of a^e Mr. llorton i? yet hale and it arty, and i*, b"sidcs, an oiiiiinal, wide J i wake, slraipjitout Deuioerat. fie lias sc f-?r offieo seekers, and believes in the i rictest parly organization a:, the only .' icans of reaping the fruits of ihe victory i r 1S7G. Wo (rest thut his u/ay le arcd for many years to come, and until < e shall have witnessed the complete it" ( suiption of South Carolina. : The Siie;i>p?altv.?II iving Jul ualitiel hy giving a which was r.provcl by the 1 Jaur J of County Couimia* oners, U. 11. INaycr, who rai upou t! c iopublican tick -t at the lait eleeti >11 for ic office of Shcr'.ll of Kershaw county ud who receive! the highest number o ' . I otcsatsaid clccticn for said office, re ! . civcd his con mission from Governor lampion last week. 11c says lie wili lake a formal demand upon ('apt. I>oby > the .Sherill's office ; and, in ease of hi i fn.-ul to surrender the same, that he wil eck redress in the courts. Cupt. Dohy. ro presume, will very certainly not sur j etider; but w il continue to hold dim! erforuj the duties of his office for the full erni ol four years from the time he w.v lcctcd, which was in May. 1S7~>. Tin luprctnc court has decided this ijuostio.i [] reference to clerks ol the court and eir* j nit. Judges, and those crises and that i ! hci iIT arc analogous. Homicide.?On Tuesday evening it* last week, William Young was shot and j instantly killed ty William -Dclirahl, a lad of nineteen years A feud had cxis. j tou fi r many years between I):c families of the parties in reference to a tract of j land, which at the time of the unfortunate j affair, was in tho possession of the Do* | Druid* A road pausing through the premises had beeu closed by DcDruhl, | who forbad* the use of it by tho public and particularly by the ^icr claimants,! the property. On the evening mentioned, William Younrr. accompanied by tht aged sunt of his wite, and a negro man, was ' travelling this road, when ho met Do. J Diulil. Hot words at unco ensued, and . DcDruhl drawing a pistol fired twice at Young, the ball from tho second shot pen. ctrntiiig bis heart and killing hiui instantly. Trial Jastico J. D. Dunlsp be!d an inquest upon the body of the deceased the following day, the post mortem examination being made by Dr. A. A. Moore, and the jury found a verdict in accordance with the facts a:; above stated. William Youung was twenty two years of age. und leaves a wife and one child William DcRruhl was nmsUd on the night of I ho Gth instant, and is now in jail. Tub Taxes.?A gcueral tax of ten mills for State an 1 county purposes, exclusive of the special Rridge tax amount* ing in Watereo and IK-Kalh to two miils, 'lid in Ruffalo and Tint Root; townships :o oue infll, has been levied in Kershaw couuty, the same to Ic paid iit two equal Instalments?tiio first to be due and payable from July 1st to August 1st, 1S77; ' ind tlie second fro Oetohvr 1st to October j H it.. 1877. The State tax is mvon mil's 1 ind the county is three mills. Tliu ng" . jrcgote tax of the different towinhipa is i is fdlows; Watarce 12 mills. Do leak 12 mills Bufhlol2 mills, Kah Rock 12 mil!*.. This is about one half of the last tax ,aid l-y our people. ! COMl'LIMENTASty.?Oil Thursday crcsr ng, n* soon as the news of General Korhaw's election to iho, ofheoof Judge of " lie Fifth circuit was received in Cauiden. sveral hundred citizens formed in pro" ession at the market, and preceded by ic Helicon Brass Rand, marched to the 1 ?? ' i n -l r ncrai s residence, i?r mc purpose o. Hefting their respect for and confidence (J i him as a man, and congratulating him It pon his elevation to tho bench. Gene* il Kennedy, on behalf of tho assembled tizer.s, delivered an appropriate eongratlatory address, which was responded to i the most feeling and QlfW]"C||t ? j juugt?TCfr-taw. He thanked his lends for the kindness nud respect d wwn him from his youth up to the pre- _ 'tit time. He had had a dream while | et a boy that he might some day worth i wear the ermine of a Judge of South urolina. Ho duly appreciated the uu* R peak able responsibilities ol an upiigh udgo. In the language of air Edward 'oke, England's greatest jurist, "a popu* , ir judge is no well tuned cymbal." 15v lie help of God. lie expected to discharge is duty faithfully. With three cheers for Julge Ker?haw, lie crowd dispersed, all feeling that we are ' rideed getting back to that good time jr which we have been yearning these > lany long am/ weary years. a COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. a Council Chamber, June 11, 1 ST7- " Council mot at 5 p. m. Present?In. riid.nit Holliii-'s. and Ward* ns Kirkiey. * 7 ' ,. . ' : t .mliam and W?li. 1 ho xn.uutcs of li>?t 1 iccling were re:.J and coiifinm J. The lb-wing accounts w?rc presented, ex. i mitied ai: 1 pflv-ed ; and (lazetto offices for print.. | ng ilie r'port of tlic Committee on Ti_ j'' iniif. s and Cut r-ncy, $2.">; (jaift'tte ofiivc . r J ubli.-l iou' < niitiuiiiv A.- $27 0"; :l iolni lt< l>v dating prisoner. $2.7": 1 >r fi-uni! st?t;..|iei v 1 ~>7 0 $21.SO; i?. 1 1. 1 i. \h:n. I* | atri '<> I uggy aii-i harness ::m ! l'\ lip uten'.i j>.i!;;.ie iriglucu. ng his horse- iu *.h? str-.'it, iejected. i'otition of Ktnsom Cringle, asking per- '; liis'io'i to run a stairea.?e from the siJt ivalk to a building on Vork street, graut. d. Chailos Waters, was summoned before t he . Jouiicil fur violating section -1 of an or. , linance to regulate tlie sale of butclmrs' 1 neat within tlic Town. The accused appeared, pleaded ignorance, and promised lot to do so again. Having paid the 'tallage, lie was excused lor this offence by Council. T, W. Lang, case same as above. DocnOanl not appearing, the case was con. inued over to next meeting. Council t -J: i iicii aujouruvj. Wunukukl'Fj .Success ? It is reported .hat lloscheo's (jcruiai: lias since ts introduction in tlio / n it oil States, cached tlio iuuncnsosnle of 4<l,()0il dozen |<cr year. Over (5,000 dru.'gists have nr.. J ere J this uiediciiic direct from the Kac~ ory, at Woodbury N. J , and not one I las reported a single failure, but every ! otter speaks of its astonishing success it i tiring (,'uughs (Vlda settled on tin | llrra-t, Consumption, or any disease of he Tlimat and hung?. We advise any | person that has any predisposition Jo weak Lungs, to go to tlu ir druggist, ('.?). i!,;n. Lip. and get this medicine or iiu|,;i/r ibont if Kcgular size, 7") cents; Sen jilo Hot lie, lU cents' Two d< ses Will re . ieve any case. Don't neglect yt.ut coogl. # Advice Gratis.?The Hon. Alexander II. Stereos lays :?"Tho Giobc Flow., ?r Cough Syrup has proven a must v.ilubis rsrocdy to m?." ' Got. .James M. Smith, ofGeorgia says :?I shall always use it with perfect confidence, tnd recomtnend it to the pub. lie as a remody which will aff.ird thai satisfaction sxpericnced by mo and mine. It excels everything lor coughs, colds and obstinate lung affections." Ex Gov. l>rowi?, of Ga . says:?uIIe finds the Globe Flower Cough Syrup a DKist excellent remedy. Such endorsement by onr great and good men deserves the attention of the afilictcd. Those suffering from cough, fields. and ^lung affections should use the (Jlobo Flower C< ugh Syrup. It will positively cure consumption. For sale by, C. J Duni.AI'. Forleihd Lands. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend 'An act to provide for the redumption of forfeited bind upon c<r. tAiti conditions therein mcntl inml " Be it enacted by tho Sqoa'.e and Ilottse of Il.;prwdWiitatiTes of the State (?f So*tb Carolina, now met and sitting in 0?* i>- r?1 Attcmbiy and by the authority of tinsaute. Thai an act cntith'tl -'An act to provide for the redampti> t> of forfeited land up*n certain conditions therein mentioned,'" be, and tha same is hereby, amended by striking oat in section 1 ul! after the word* "follows," and inserting the following: "That in ail cuscs where lauds shall hare been foi Kited to ths State for the non-paymefft of tnxa.s, and the titles thereto bo vested in tho Sutw from the 13th of June. 1874, the owneis of the said lauds, or if they be dead, their legal represents*ires, heirs :.t law, or any judgment creditor, mottgeg.M!, <,r other person inter* sled in said lands, shall Lave .he right, and th?y aro h-.r-by authori. ted, to redeem ih : sntne on or ktlbra the irst day of Jnnt.a j. 187rt, up. ii (ho pay. iient of all laa#*, cost* and penalties due wtd owing upon the same : and the Coun* ty Auditor* of llu-"-ovm J counties where ( he *?:d laud* aro tu?t.-d up u thr ] -.y. ncnt . {'such taxes, rrti and penalties * v it Lin the time herein< J, shali ie* ( lort-the snid payment t.? tho Comptroller icncral, ?nd the proprrty r > redeemed l.c Iropped from toe forfeited laud record nd restored to the tax list of the county ** ,hero the land u situated. J Approved 3!ay 31,1877. pimr-sisnWf m MWI IMTM?jp?w? Wm. D. TRANTHAM, Attorney at Lair, CAMDEN. S. C. jtiaft'OiTice over the store of Mrs. II. ? Irosby in the building of Uobt. Man, !:>q. Entrance on Broad street. May 24-1 y. DR. I.H.ALEXANDER, Surgeon J3entisst5 ?mnv.lU Jl,,S. C. GruilunU of lli? I'LjlajIclphia Collega of tut;il Surgery MurcL 15. -DR7T. BE WICK LEGARE," DEM'IST, ABLATE OF'i UE IAI.T1MORK COM M.E Ot BEN i?A. ML Jtt.KKY. OFFICE?1V.K Al.l> MOUSE. Knttanet a Broad Street Fee latiam house j B itO ADSTREET, ** CAMISN, S. 0. 2 fcsrTKUMS?tl uiont reasonable, and : pecial atientiou pbn to tlit convenience nd cou.lbrt of boalcrs. PaJ-STABLKS i premises, and horses nd vehicles for hit ^ 11AT K goctly tho Depot every i noruing and venit. ^ 6b.r~A GOOD Ml nf liiind, where ^r. ho choicest WIN5, LlldUUllS, tfce., Rni :c., may b? fun ad. ; May 10,?ly. Iraq BTOUCJE. *4 C"i x<'ii., M.iv L'hli 1^77. r\ ..ItfAi'lvcJ, Tlint \bufl duo >r ' tick [tic the Town of C.imti, > l in ?|?;.%rirrr iiftalluicnl"' of ;tr cent or J if (!: * luimti::! until ii* h ?!?* .uiruml ! ini.l. . ill wini il l not e tnji .'i!U > nltiii.'ii viiluii ;ii!i iv i ;y? Ir< this <!.?ic \t:.I lie If-; t* prl y |>s ! * iil>j ('ounc J for ilto vll li" *: It'll J| Titf.i i 1 1 Tnxfnr t!ir viiii> i.i y< nr. j hi : v ? in 'liiiiyyp I'mm thin <int?. ? \f:.-:Iu "5;.;s .it ion t i.i q. li.ilvs>ciiiio:n will i*-:.o u.:M nil dclinquenti " ; lly or*!'!'o* Coil lie: lilx.. 'ii>!ii thr niliutes. FH.b, JiHy 17 If. ark mid Ktcoiuer. N010E~ In roti if queue* oft extreme diiUcnlty fx pfrift'ced in tolled! my >*co?nu, 1 mn 'oiiTii for the l>ieseno conliue luy : 1( tt telling for tush cxeiu lv. C. J. i?UNLAP. Feb lo If WMAND Life Iiisaran Comnanv, NET ASSETS, $10,871,040.81 j ESTAIJLISSD 1844. . A. II. IIDEN, C Literal Ayent fvloulh Carolina. Having accepted! local agency i for the above Compnl am prepared to receive npplicati' for Life Irisu.. on the uio?t liable terms. May*J4ii?3 I DELL. FOR ALE. . ~~ . ft. One linrso, i >1<I. ii!i n.-p- , . i *> in un?l ImriH'ss Term* Apply to a..'i May 17-lm J. R'lIDULAM). A[ man. jgjuaw-.-PE. | H BARUCH % 1877. Spring & Summei f i ?i , ,, 3 The season is advancing, and Ins demand for G < Our STOCK is COMPLETE, and in order to ma! UJ Spee (ly Heductioii, WK SHALL OP FLU X SPBOIA.L In the following lines : WHITE GOODS ! Such as Piques, Victoria Lawns, Swis scobs, Jaconets, Bishop's Lawns, Co Linen Lawns in black, White and Dress Goods in black and grey mo Emftrotleries! Embroideries ! EiuJ) Laces, Hosiery, Ties, Kid and Thread Gioivs, Ida A FULL STOCK OF Table Damasks, D)yUc3, Towels, Lony-Elhs and An Elegant Assortment c ! ^?ILK, (.IXGIIAM Mixcl <0^3! PAKASOLS AT EXTREME L Y LOW FIGUR.\ 3'j ^ Ladies' Hats, Trimmed and Un 5 2 iei! i?\Al . IX VAKIJE'. K1 | L 1 As usual, my Stock oi' font's Furnishing Good: dies' Slippers and Ilats is unsurpassed. All 1 ask from uiy numerous customers is an ins} hrge stock, and I guarantee I'lUCES TO IxF THE L : H. BARUCH I spei m1877. j! A LARGE STOCK 1 SEASONABLE 8003' a U!~.ri: K eoioi" w If 9 AMONG THEM 300 pi3C33 eiegant Ca!i< ; WE11CH WE WILL SKUL I 11A.XJ3I SPRING 1877 SPRING KESm&W IjYSm&2 AND SICK RELIEF SOClJ OF Camclen, S. C. 1'rckiJciit?It. M. KKNNKDV, Vice-President?Wm. M. SHANNON, Secretary an J Treesurer?JOS,.). MAOKAY. BOARD OF DIKKCTOUS : R. M. KKNNKDV. W. M. SUA JOS. J. MACKAV, C. J. McDO1 J.M.DAVIS, J.D. DUNK H. 0. KKNNKDV. f>?A])]ily fur uivuibcr<ip to tlio Society through J. J. M Treasurer. tril ID , , I \ 1877.1? I CD > 73 ^)DS increases.! **? kta ; * ?? io x I, A-IIfcTS || ? ! 'S JVain- L '.rubrics', 1 figured derials. roidcriea | ndkerchief*. ' I ? Sheeting*. r : J [15KIC,! W l> \PS ES. f i , , tnmniea. w TVS! r<v *. A. j, *, Shoes, L.ii! * j' icction of nv rOWEST. ) 1877.1 S3 OF* > ? s. sb !"a M i fr : Q :oes, " 5Wf 1?W. % ti i? 1S77 vm ETY, t XX ON, >VALL, Al\ ii'Aav, Secretary