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K9iT^aaSK-ISBS VZZZZKSS. *JRK I'T 5$* $#?&? Joawtsl WILLIAM 1). TISAKTHAH KIilTO.t AN I> PliOI'ttlLYOR. jwsk a t. 2^77. Ohio. The news iV-t.ii Ohio, which bus become the pivotal State in polities, is rncouraging; in the higher degree. The Heinocrats are (Miifidi iit of their ability to eh.'. I a l ?.'V. crnor in Oct"!>: r. E:r;o !?? This notorious carpetbagger and i fii.e-: peeler, having rvc ived the appoint meat j of coliecior of interna! revenue for ll.i^ district upon tlie recommendation o! ' Chamberlain, fin is it tin easy mutter to make his official tyndf'of SlOW.iMKh And ? it is riMriorcd that certain Ih-mncrats in Augnata are thinking oS' lending (his ad" venturer a helping hand, it ia '.o be hoped that there if r.o (Irorgta.i who! would sor a uiomcnt think of contributing one iota toward - foistimr unon the m-onie ~ C J I oi'South Caroliu i a uiati whoui they dev test si it 'J loathe as lituch as ihov do ilray-l ton. Assoolutc Justice Wright. Beforeadjourning, the Ilouse posed ^ resolutions impeaching Justice Wright for ' druukenues* and immoral conduct generally. A committee of managers, ing of Messrs. Blue, of Marion, Shcppatd, of Jldgcficld. Orr. of Anderson, and J. .1. Hemphill,oi'lltcskr, were appointed to prejeue articles of impeachment, and the. Senate, sitting as a high courUof impeach- j ment, will try the case at the nest session of the ticneral Assembly, I'iie probability is that the noti?. 11 of the 1J< use will Le sustained by tt.o Senate, and that Wright will be driven in disgrace from the p<-sL tion which lie has so long prostituted by his ignorance and immorality. The k\?li Tav. Under the provisions of the lax biii passed by the ! gisl.-.turo the proceeds .ol the poll tax shall U- applied solclyio ea?! , cajicual put poses, and the failure or refit* ' sal to pay the saute is made a inindenisan* or, puuishabl- bv a line of not Ic-s than five dollars, and imprifounicnl in the coun' ty jail for a t rui not exceeding thirty days. There are in Kershaw 'county between twentyfiivo hundred and three thousand voters between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, and hitherto not more than twelve or thirteen hundred have paid the poll tax. A rigid enforcement of the! law in this regard will not only increase the fund for school purposes, Lut will have a tendency to prevent boys under age from voting. Tiro LegiMluturo. The Legislature adjourned on Saturday, alter^ffirotractcd and very laborious soss' ! inn.* *?ho purpose f< r which tho extra' wmiou was canon?luo iev*-iiig 01 a tux and the making of appropriation* for carr ryiug on the Stale government ami paying' the interest upon the 'public debt?wcra accomplished, and many other mcMur*?i T of great importance were passed, promh > ncnt among which may be mentioned the appointment of a commission to ascertain and report the amount of tiio valid debt of the State ; the local option fenco law ; the repeal of I lie lien latv ; the bill to prevent the sale of seed cott u between sunset and sunrise ; the bill in reference to the holding of courts in the Statu ; the hill extendi) g the lime for the redemption i?f forfeited ihi Is, the (Jharlu.tlon cievtl u law. and many others, ail of which will he published in the Joi llN.YL from tiu.o to time. Though composed largely of ye ung men, who had littlc; if any, experience in !ogi?latioi;, the (uwicral Assembly lias dooo its i 11 1 . t l it worK wen, ami u.o people may wen conr, gratulate themselves upon the ic-ult3 of the lirst year of Democratic iu!e. LI :?.ugi'ig ItorZr.. I r ri>:a :in C<.in-spi>n'oi.:.i Mr. Editor: As you :: -li-it items of interest from d.f:.rci:t localities, I submit the following 'i : On Friday, the Sth ' t ?Iuii.?, there v.:is a pic nic at Cedar Falls, one of the uatu ' ral curiosities id the up-country, situated on one of the trib itaries oi' 1 leaver ere and in clotc proximity to another curiosity of historic and revolutionary fame, known a? the limiting 11 eh. and also in the vinciniiy of a former place of nsuit fur invalid.-,; as the^IIai'girg INek mineral spring. At the el -s.: cfDetliul school, this pie liic was sop;. ' -led and given in hour.r of I lie teacher, ."?i. II. Ij. i, lor ll.e iailhlui di?chui;:e of her duty in "teaching the young idea how to slu.ot. ' Quite a jovial crowd of gay >?-u?;g ladies and gentlemen, juveriiiles, middle gcd, and a lew of the ' more aged from three scorn upward, met and formed int ? groups in the shady grove and engaged in lively conversation ' and various amusement-. such as discussing politics, playing chess, relating sto" ' ries Ac, of the good old antebellum days, i telling fortunes, and playing ''mumble the ' * peg/' with now and then sure very fine , music on the violin. As the thermomc- ' tcr was ranging nearly up to blood heat, , there was no dancing, of gymnastic excr* t ciscs, (or "stealing partners" as soiuc style it,) but lots ot '-flying around" as tlie young folks say, until the hour for feasting arrived, when the contents of numerous large baskets Sic., consisting of the choicest viands and other usual j>ie nic ! fixings." were spread in a shady grove ] by the side of a placid stream in the! valley of Cedar Falls, wheru all seemed to enjoy the sumptuous repast. The party consisted of representatives of the vari-ou. j>i i'e&sious, there being present .Uifi - and gi angers, mechanics, teach< is :?:??! d- et-us : hut none of the legal profession weie on hand, and the drill of conversation seemed to run against and ncn iijivh llso 1?gal fraternity. It wart eou.LKCiulid and advised that ail difficulties arising between parlies, (meaning "f ci ur.-c honest men contendii g f>r tight aud justice.) could auu should be ? judieated by arbitration or compromise. < ' > course, no insinuations against t r uuy*i.i?g '! dtrogati m of yourself. for prospects in a-i agricultun! way, ! might sr.y the corn is promising except a lo'.v grounds, where it has been almost i a'hililted by bud worms at.d crows. (Jott ii t-' backward and sinail, wheat go d, ;> 1 spring oats a!;m >t li co:i;p!cle failure, wir.;; to the protracted di"ii'li. Gardens but prouii. iu^. An abundant sup" ; !j of fruit coming on. I'lsok-ra ] ::?ycd ' v< c v. ith }) nitre, leaving but a few v . ieli tlw eld ladies are it. some instances :> Icuvoiinp, to l atch hi artificial means* . i ken pie is const ijUcut'.y a rarHy iu ti:? i parts. i here seerus to be ; line work of li?ji' eveu.cnl in this progrcistvo ago. The t'.ii'iaiTa.tvho arc juun^oiu, (nod ?ho*o who are not oujht to he.) can g:t their grain iiireshctl out by u atctitu engine attached to a thresher and s para tor?alt of which a i.wned by gr..i yeis. Some of the plan tars foe! glo my, or rather blue, (though .i 't exposed to the rays <f the**..a tL-ui.'gh nlii'i glass.) others arc bright and hopeful, while a o. oU nuuib.r scout to enjoy peace an I plenty?1 mean for the iiu.c being, J lie day was spent a. at pleasantly.? l/aio in the afternoon distant thunder was !unrd and a dark cloud appeared in tin S.withwest, causing the old foiki to I >ok . r. .. it..i. ... 1 ... .1 ....... r... ill v. i 111v.11 luui' a ii.i L I i4?;p it'w IJI t!i. ir respective homes, rcj oiciti? over the prospect ui' a refreshing shower, which w.t so much ncciL' ltJ resuscitate^uiJ vegetation, aftc: a drouth of five w.'chs. Mure anjii. I'MiilMX. i it i ii it iiiir.iNAii. tnv.w, S. June S:l? 1S77. Mr. iMitor : The town of iii'Jgovjy. on ilu A. U. U. .i l, is ruji'ully i;i.j?r h> ei/e. The sou::! of the hammer has scarcely ceased lo lie heard this year: unl with its new stores, resilience?, market a-: i o'.herbuil lingsthc pi.r e is beginning to pre nt (iiiie ;i towtilifeappcaranei*. Onechuich in the corporate limits r.xi'l two or three just out cf town ait'ord e?cry facility for (Mien-ling divine services. The ll.tmp' :i Kill*?, a con.;any which wo3 organiie-1 last lull at a ti;.:c when "Vie knew not w lia: .. d :y would bring forth," at; 1 when a robber-tyrant, of the Ktato of Muasachum t is ruled an I oppressed our people v.iiiia rod of ir--n, and which was dikhauurJ by crdar cf ox Gov. t'ham' erlai.i, is now a^ain re lined to ill* full ttij '^itu sit of all jH'i'tniui:ig to ti conipauy of freemen. TIic ladles of Kidgc.vay gave a hot nipper on the-'.'tli lilt. for the ht'i! of the ]I iou Kill *. It was <;i;ile ft success, clearing fti'<!.i of no hundred dollar:*. Mr. Jan:-* Pftvi-S Treasurer of 1 alrii M County, Itf: this j lftt-i to day for Wiiiiishor- . to ttit ru. toe duties of hij ohi.-p. This Is the lirst public do r King .vay has fur.ti-h J cd since '*Vc olden lli:i The harvesting of whc&ft has fairly begun j aft I fro'i ;.!1 iv ports the clop* v. ;',1 he vtr? heavy. Most A.V0.1. I 'liie .Veil' Judge ol'liu' S-'iiila ( <re::ii Ol'iMuX.S Ui' Till-: STATE l'llEed. From tin t'oluml-ift It gi.?lcr. The (iOti'Tftl A'-eoit 'y i f S ilia (*oioli:::i did Ilsolf an honor yesterday in electing to I the bench ? the 1:1th 'ireui: an int. i r m j- : hie patriot, an houest gentleman, and a pure Christian -ouo whoso life has been devoted I in the v. if. re and h'.:i'?r > t !.' ir.iii i . . , and wlnv-.e in- . i' nut- j;; lie! I y the : ii - lot..ii i in t'.e gil- of hi* feltuv.-v iti/en . I: is j.-iij..-i in >j. ;.f.ii:;- t # Eolith t'aroliII'.HU ! . i . : 1 l!:* "! all t init tile s . vices >f (irii. JoM'pii 11. Kii -l'.itv. in every inn !. ;i'i i ijni,r hi i,if i sii-f jji.-:: v. fuli'i.vtvl i.'in "t :?11 l.t..1 ! i,! and were ItTttcd : nis ponton with ran I fidelity. In the arduous trugglca of civil! lift*, uud< . the uppi >.. sivo iiiii.ivin cs of; 1 I ing despotiuu, (ieo. Kershaw has ;. n alike | euii-pkuous 111- Ills praci ica! vv i -. I i. i am! ! kt. it inj^iciiy. v.iiln ic. I..?ti,?g a .! >'. if his;in r ticvuli ii l > the s! .: ii li * lio11*< i of < proud commouweallh. I!;- political utter ancoa have beeusignalitsd with m adoration, linn.. ; uii'l i!. :... in;. ; ii y. J1 ?. *iji.i'iviVi l iih'l the pun t ii- .i I. mi 111 - t: I V jit. i l;.i> fill i II" lit Ml.' !: iu< C? J I i l'i ill J?'.i !i v lii . V. i I'' *' ili.l it Was till I' i ill in Id the Legislature i: "'it. j rmiiotr i !t j and uoblc gent Ionian and the iiinii-1 ncr of hie election won a itpU ;i lid tril ulo to | the I'm up !" I " ? !' ili I . 11i i mi i' ' tr ivy I tile t i.h!: i* i > i-'.itig IhtiI fur, t:ie civfti >u v. ... > !: ; ! i j li.iliui, anil (Jin. 1\-r tdiaw received every vote, save two, auiong iH'limci i .-I J...:,! . .. i iii - j .i*| .>|<ini i.s -ul'i int !' >: it* i.' ii; ?ni 11 exaltrd * rnj liini'iit J '. l lo.lii'l; II i -liinv, ul.oiii \k stilii e most livii:tily. i J'l'iitu .1. t ''i l !"? N* u - mi l Courier}. A .lii'lv' ' ' IiOtlld ' J > < ?: I'll a' ,VC ill' Hill I-1- ijiiil'.. at ions of these three, n ii'iii-jiiitis.iii disposition, ^iiii'MVledge of the law hi 1 the r< net of the people, and on I, ' i-I il in < sri'iiiH 10 have In mi u 1. < ! . >tii l> d r i I I * % I,V tin.. consideration ill till' i l.oiee ol a siteessor to Judge Carpenter in too Fifth Cir nil. The lainr^s, ino'Ii-rut ion and imj arialil. i.f I'li .i.'i'. l tiial di>: iitgiiish tleii. .!. 15. Kvi :ii-.v litiu" l-'.Tii s i pioi:iiii''ii(ly <"ii.j.ienoiis 'In "i:?*li"ti' 'he irj nig i adethrough itliicli 15iv State jo t .'d, that In- w. lie- veiy lil's t tiiiti thought ol'as a luitdidnlc or tiov* i nor heads* < iiiva- -- haeed "ii i Ii. ( ety prineipli s now celebrated as "Hiniipoil's policy " For his knowledge of the j - -v UJI-ii-:,?xi I.,. ?I'lii.1 ; ' .ii.. u jirseiiet; ?.f in ir.? than a j oi'at iit.-r. ;,i her Ihir, and aj-c'iiila! ii Jt:;a !; Wv? r tii..; n iil c. nijeirr. favoi'flwiili iii1 oi any i;l ins contemporaries itv amp! iii:.;*n?it!* . I'i i;i'jI'.ii-vin, nilmil..:. !: Ml ! . IV J Iii i'iC V. llOlO p: of SoUl'tl I', liav 111 rii 01 and of nearly i - bl ;o?Iy itilehcMa that buccccdod that l'.i i'.ii.i.- .i i. 1 anhs Second to lio limit i t.i.'i 1 :!' < ! it bj <ii;r b-loVeil Governor' liiuis 1'. i;- is slrikiii^ cvi iencoofibo good '1 wisib'in of lite Legislature Unit am i; * so maliy to < bo iso from, in choice o!?. ii'i't imvr i.iilt-ii upon o:te in i vory way io v.'.'ll iji'iilii'.-i for tlie pofiiiou iu (Jru. J. 1). UtlSililW. (Front tn2 Charleston Join; -.1 of Conn nercc.) Tim vucaucy ia tin; Fifth Judicial Circuit of the HTftte w e; y icrdr.. tiib <1 t?y the eleeI'n : of General li-1-lt?w : and the l.cgisln;i; iiiaiiife-.t'M its high t.ebttiollJjrf his | i tic nt ami jntocritybyilioeoiapli'a'.et.i^wiiiaii a, . of the election, "oi of loO votes, JTte re .< !. d 1JH This hhoiv.. :hat ihis llcp^Slican n ! -.:! >red members of i he ho ly. as ?well a ih 1 ini.'-i lls, have i nlirecoini'leiiee in the i.nj '.vnaiiiy and ability of Judge Kvr.-haw, au<l believt ilia*, tiie ilnties of litis Lijrh mill , a;. . . . it i iii.-.'. affecting the rights ami proi . i.y of all i.t lite Slate, will be discharged v.*?i complete fairness and fidvl.iy under his ? tiniiil-,nation '.1 the law. ! General Kershaw ws?.s dilating wi: died during I the w. v a a el,iil.iii no 1 sagacious soldier.? 1 N. ilif.uisdc i toi'lii rs ui?y not, on that nei n ...U I hull* tat flftaaM I'..a ..... . .... ..ww-? ViUVVll. i'-i? nor.i! Me iU .. I:n tl.c merit of posset*a r : naive :.iii. 1. s.'s 1?; to grasp the ;nj, i u! ubj..t under eor.ri tioii. lit- i.- not i:n rely cony. rsant with t lntv, but thoroughly informed in ii.. < f.ii !:: .3?!.sl principle.-- of jurispm Icncc on uiiioli iifid. .c of vital interest to the |iri ! hin. . lie is carefully grounded in his cot vi t. .'i I .- .ttnd, V?'e cvnjh&tuldtc tin ->v( pie of t'.iv Mr.le ill seeming tlie nervier *i i ho 1 '..y if on n iictl f>r Lis keen, iiudnivo iuiJM. ui I road i n t generous | character. The ijYi.ea Law. A". A'. . 11 . ..!".!?>!ire tv.iiity Coram!: toners to hunt to the ' luiiiit'u iitv' n . ol tlioir v-rciul < llhtits ti .ttoil to alt. i' tllii ItllCI LlVii ttl.ii tip: t r . 'ctuitti. if fie c. I. i, it by ti e senate and I. . iso i.i roproieid-iivts h'.atQ oi South i .iiolitu, now ii to i in..I ittingju P ritual nsi s'. mi.!/, and I y ihe authority of the same, , V; at upon the written applicationof sevontyt:vo to 'he is t ; .\ 11s cl ntiy Icwnship iy any : oi th'' counti> ? ol tins State, w'.o nii.y desire i'. i ii-iiitite tile fencing oi -too,: in iu-n ,;i fencing the liclds, it sbuii i e Ii.o duty of tin* | coini-t. -i"i:fi * 11 bald con:, y toorder:ni c'cci lio.i in i .i i tfV.iisltiii I' tuten tins Jiiih and liOia of-Vu^i..*:, or tne iitth mid iiOth of l)coi' fi m.y yc? i", thirty naysiimicc tiicreo: oviug given in one or mure oi ihc ncivspapes ( ii ii.;i.3ii in said county, specifying in:..* ai. I j-iaet 1 i piii'pc-M" 01 Miuii election, an . liit- li .iii of ballot to l?e used at such cicc.u n. and to np(;uiiii to it o tiuit#. era ol election, ?..d .I..i.I, without toinjcituiiion I :ioi i ana cuuau . ?. ? vncti in, and imniedij ,iU-!y iiT.oii llie closing ti.ire. i ranke return Itlwivoi ko the coatuiissn nc: ot the count v who ali.,11 uii i jii;i?j;~ii ;lie res'.it ol t.v. . kct.onin one * ri.ore of the newspapers j unb-hed iu l t uiilv. I'ruvi lt-tl, huivcvll', II.ill Il.o ] lu.v Cl Totillg UCSlgUaied l'V lilt' county cuiuiiii^.iiouors shall I near the geographical ventre el the townships us the eneuniijiiiutos will permit: and ii'u majority oi tin. ijualilitil ilvclti oi township voting ,.t Mieii election shall l.uvc voted for tlie ;;ii">ititn ? I tins net, tlii'ii the same shnll be < 11-' iiio of fire.' ill aui'i township oil the l i-i d.iy i. January next tticctodiuj sucli olvoi n; and lioiii r.nd after that date, all j ,.u. - i.'.w existing in regard to the erection at: i i.auiitcnnnco tf fcnoi-.s in saL; town-hip -li ilt he mitt au>! \ ( id; air.Uil itu.!; not l,g lawful tor t uc owner 01 manager of any horse mule, iihs, jeiitiett, swine, sheep, goat or teat . atiof any description to permit the said aui.1.1!- or any of then 10 run at htrgobcyoi.d . the lirdts of their own lauds in eiid ton n -hip. ." i.e. That upon the application oi i -nt j-five t. r. p.ijrr* in each township in i any entity in ti.e M.atc, it shall be the <!u* ty the couiiub iontrs ofthe county lor said c; niiiy Ij order an elcciion to beheld in each , township in 1 he county ou the same day. is tin manuer and under the regulation* of the 1 foregoing i vC'ion, an 1 if ku uitl: toirnshi] ? in : .id county rdiail u l yi lids net, then tho same s-i?u'! be of foit c ia said utt the first day of .January next succeeding said cictii.'i;, an I t.l! the provisions of this net *pp!iv able to townships shall apply to ttie corn, ij: but it ail < f the township) shall ni t adopt ! l!ie n-t. then the .mesh.!! be oft'orcr in the '.oh r.'diij s in w hieii the sain shall be adopted | ! ;. a m-jority the rote cast at said election ' i.. .i t ltiiviisld v 11 :in\ of :!.c enumerated j in the first section shall hereafter )>r found at i ii . i:; *. t i?n U >f !iiiy i'-wiit oth' r ; :!i !i l!:.1 owner, in s;id lov/n.-liip, lie luaini I ger or on n : < f s a .'I animal shall beJitibls for i r.'l ! done V, ?: .! i animals i . f' ouni t ; 01" .1 ! crwj- or I'10 1-ui U it] on v, .ioh l!.- v ' trc'i> is. -. J. l,i c. k? of lr-.-'iass . r. iorexuid the . ' fi>w ' MV may apply 1 a V-is! Juxe . . i ilu IN .ico of the Oilrtty i.i n I: i-h 11:?' Iivtj W..M commitii i vv. o llmll , ii v.srrft i !y, I cturn.dile within five days from Iho date thejeof, and :it tin- -iiia tiin | named iistlio v. nrr hi ili-- v.:. o v :ii be *i:' !. r.iiJ i!? . spn. :nt of damage sustained by tbecomphunaft bo at v Mi <. I, '! 'judgment givi ii l ir the fMt..e \ i?.!. >j;.| co : * iii the case of other iv..i f , .. )V i,t ifcvor any county or towu-hio >i.:. 11 ml pt tli ii t, and ii shall become nic i - i,y in j loii-c' liiol.itnl- in s.iii I; \vn -1*i, u * . y ti< m in :i:' iir>ion of .-liiCf: or calT .. . ny i u- iuii. town-hip or county, i" t . ioiiti- ?. f t lie * .'iiiity are an iior:z< I in civet !' c along 11. line of sutli toivn-!ii?i i..- . i nn / ai ate espi -i-il ( > such inenr-.i -. i.nd Jo.- I. ,?i11*] io to '.-iiiit i]'ni: the l.iu-i j -rf,ii in-ai l inwti- ii|> and to ri i . i I ' i in i- on will:',i:t licit;:; guilty i of any ! ' ; a if.icver. An-liii- aid coiit,. . it I.-.vt ,n ! m. I.'oriiy i?, i out i net fenci? aero; s any public i r private roa'is; provided iJut proper gates tlaU i.e Indcii a- in* ?*r private roads; | nSi*! I ' vyund < "I el a las upon llsi< prep-] ci'ty ol said Iowa liip or county to dcfhiy i!*c i e.; . ' "I ci'u . -'I 'l: i;ni.iiiiiji':fen-I ! lax 1 li ? uiid i -Hi. :? ! :,i t!*e -. i:? I ! ." I I ill ill'' atllC Ilianne*' ; ? i.|l|< l si . ( ;:i'l iy lasi / :ir?i 1 vii i ml .-..1 i ed. And tin county commissioners aro amliit,' ' i i ii> 1^ in j uvt 1-11 il I o I.:;i !' i'h .. ri .in*. ini : vv !i I in- ?? ;.t*i r n! pn*. i ( , < i , j -w . it i 11 iter hide "I I lit I'jiv ii.sbiii i-r : nt , Hii"m; y accomplish l.'i<* i,': (1 .k ,-t il. ; i Illy "I- lu'.\ II-!: .. Ill , i I . ,.t< | Ol .-I' r\. til. '. ' The laws now <*f. i- o in i- ,> ! i i llic T'. lion nr.*! iiin'iiloii.mno <.f tin. -':al! .i| j>'y i'i a.ij . lice iivclvi in | ii nun' ? ! I l.v miv". n:;iy "ri .n!', ii i.'I a! I |"T?.iiM i - - ' lurMng <ir ivjari; <; .-ai<l femes hall leptini-li I jirovi I ! Iiy said laws. 7. Ii : !: i i ii I!iduly of any per mi ii. in i\in/ fio di, siicii rs lioix s, c* i'i*. i .,1.- dun |> it Ii* ;-s through llic |uil? Ii ! ill" any enemy, In mi Iici i an I t!i i\ 111 *. i * i * I'.il ilnv shall mil l.e iill-wed I. nt i.i i.f v. ni-k injury in I lie ! an !- oi c i ol :!' i:i/ if of - aid county. S;r. >\ !i shall I * (in* duly of each an I cvci y riiijilirvi i in ? very r uiiily or i?uif!iij, w!i i in n ;i" J'! I !"* pl'nv i 11ills ol I llis *|*'I In li., i:is!i nu ll and every empV. e hind l>y i..hi \\, | ' i; l ,i*;i 17.r ;: Ilia ll* hea l i|.*-li i k nwiiC'l 1 y i- ii i mployie as may ujieeil ' ii]' .n, ii a i *,i i ; tu i head <>l eulde in e\ ( V I I I li.ui I in aiiinuIII : provide ill.,I l llJil'M e' d?' 11.' i !7l|* III tlll'il* pl'npOI'li .'II.I ill "I labor i?> keep up Hiela-iiig * ' pa tutc. Sr.i . Thai none of the j lovisi 'ii - if this I ac! H the funiiiiH of limy' V.- ?'. (, \Y Jliatuhurg or Oror. ' J. D. KENNEDY, AUoniey at !'^a"Vv" t'A-Tiiik-H'X., S'tusjl OiTM'K, I hat foriutrly occupied i by uOil. J. 11. Kor.-li.'iw. : WEliloBICWIlKO. ' The underpinned offers l?is scrvica to the public as a VVT'll <?r anviiiiip cl.-c in that ii::c. Satisfaction gurtrintetd. ISAAC SCOTT. Next dour to Wm. Dcub' shop. June i i. I ' ^ * KATMN MAYOUMES! The Beautiful Jrixh iJranur, I KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. i ' j Will be prewnicd by Tili: tWMDKN HI.* | TltlONHJ < bi ll a! the Toivii Hall on *1 iitiiside y. the 14:li iiu:..n!. for iii? bencht of the j building fund of li.e >! . tin ?Iisi Ci.ut'cb. The scenery for I!.i~ pl.y h:is boon i.\j n?: ly gainled by our I.ii iVl'ovv-ciiiz.n. Mr. . 1. 11. tli'xt.mler. '1 In* T;;blc:iix, incidental lo llii:; pl.ij,-, will 1'- i itbanied by chemical fires and i:: i"!iO-iiini 1 ; :it?. vviioso' l?vi!!innt ^ cfl'c.'ts Iiavc to.ver ! tfolo been exhibited to a Cniutfi!: ai: hi lieC T!i<'t >i clu: ir in. !> r 1 lie baton of .Mr. ?V. 11. McCrcight, w ill be full, atnl its pi "gramme now und varied. | .Itlniis'if n?<V.) cent '. Children halt price. ! Ucsoriod seais 7f> cents Tickets for talc at the alore of Mr. M. J.. Arihur. AN ORDINANCE To reduce improve the Currency of (lis Town of Cr.mdrii, iS. 0., by i?Miii!j? Donds, and to provide lor the payment of the .same. 15c it ordained bv the Intcndaul and WarI der.s <>f the Town of Camden in Council a. ! semblcl, 1. That the Intenilant be and ho is l.ereby j authorized and leijuimi to is.-t:e l!onds to the I amount of ^2.00.), in sums of five, ten, and , twenty-live do:!.us, 10 be ei; ,ied by the lnj Icndnnt und lticorder and sealed with the j sea! of the Town, b:;uiti4; date the 1st .July, 11* 77. payable one year after date, to wit: tii lir.-1 day of .Inly, le-78, with seven per 1 cel.: interest from date, to be used only in re?l"< ininjt at par the Town Currency now in circulation. 'J That l!;e li'.ti-iidant be further autliori;:ed to piioettre a new plate and have new bills struck off, to b" numbered ami signed by lite jriten laut an I Uceorder of ltic Town. to I'l'tlccM the balance of the town currency now i.i circulation not i ui; Id in Itomls, bin to bo t.-.'l for r.o other jm:: whatever. J. 11,at lut revenue and jiojuriyof said ; Tfivu i>e an ! t'.io same is livncby j 'edged for the re<leini>tion of said bonds an I currency ! with ilie intc rest that will have accrue.! tim e i ii, and I he said bonds shall alio be received , after maturity in pa;, limit of ail dues to the said Town. lintified in Council this .'lib day of Juno, 1877. J. C. 1101.LINC5.S, lutcudant. K. M 8:i.t., lletordtr. J uno 11 it J. T, HAY7 ATTUuNKi AT I.AW. AM? :xjriiAZi jnsTioE. OF rlCI< over store cf Messrs. ]>auut llros. Special attention given to the Collection of Claims. juticTil J. D. DUNLAP, rii;iiiA.Iu ?J U&.VICE, ur.' aiuitLT, CAMi>i:.\'. SO. CA. ' IC.- 1 ?u-itic.-.s entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention juuiTtf. J, W~ DePASS, AT'JUKALV AT LAW AND I rjL*li 1AL -!i CS'-SMCE, i'l.w.w .1.. i >. i. | J * l>u.'ii;c*3 ol" all kliid.s j.ioiiij.tij . tluiisact-J. ju'.ic 7ll Cs'shucs? I'ratSksi I i.'-'ii (ill.VIN CIIAMI'IA | ..r ' u ?>> r.Al'M iJKOS. wuv*uv <rw-rnr-^r, Xew Advert isrHtr'HfM. r* i:i.i:?ian ;' ?ii. ;.\i? \.it: iumia m ! |_) ; . [ J .-I. I I i 111 - . *llf .Nil" "111, lU'll- I'll. V n, -A" ri'Afl s \: ;i Hill'K v.i'.vor llvjVUlVtl MCw v i.iinlifiv. .t. ItruWD A boil, VM & !. - Wuvil 1'itl 'my, 1*9. N H jA ...i i. 0?U?. I, ;. {?*..,3 MA w.. ;h |.K l ive . ..r.IN I i-'s ciiiniiii~fj ifeSi1 J" : i l-i* si u \ii -I i , I v , 1 . I 'mi. .t i I i .* Willi j , ,*MII i i ,'ili'.iili Imi; ii. V ' bnO|/ ::n<. onlt ??. riyuiiv.l ! U's./iX KV.ts-.iijf Ji-Mark Tu\tui'.? Ni xv Si i \. witiinip. in J. K. I:-ii;. ! :" CANVAS8K1W 'ii1 fit 9 S'tiG r^v'sWITiU'oLD IS ALWAYS HANGKUuLS. e Nk'4 Wf.Li.lS' UAKUULIi; I AKLLio, a *: re < ? * ?M 1 . . ' - < f the 1 \ 11 ( Jills;' MlV?'l.-> MtvMpit i;i on;.v in bluf. if ni>\ I V 1.1. Pliicm : ?.i ;;i :: i. k.n. ; sixth Avenue,x. v. The Black Hiiis. liv II. ' . M . v. I) < I.-ii -|" ; J \ .i. s I.I I! i? r.-i ii n. I.i'. ; r ... M i-f ;iml t-iivrr |?ri?-- i |i.' . . Slk'.'XT.'l il *i>i t-a V. - ".!!: rt-s. I'ttllllli. i'liii'.: iii?iii:i". Imlu'iS iiiui m'MIi' -i' .I'lvi uliirc* Willi tin in. Mm hi;: mi'I V. ml 1 ? : n I it*. Hitm . : lis, Dolling ra, tiolriu aeenerjr, i; . . i -. etc. With 87 flue tllimtrntiiHiii, aiull int.. IHliji. 1'fir.- mill III ivlit*. S.i'tl liv i ll ItelVii' r.liTS. m i;i I'naUpiiliI f-?r 1: v. 1' uncllv, l.luvtl I ' < ..I II' riiti:?: i, ii. rj?,-1>(j, HQnfc. Tip T.'p l? tpn l?W?t MwJ H i"t??U|PR 01" Rl?AO ANO 8*1. | 0 H fiv 1 -> Sno-T? N :*? r*i+r. 1M Kn\ I-*) rl n 1>nhiWdor, I5??hl#n * !'fcUv n W -J cunt Mimi# Sleoti* Riitt^Ni, <?. ?Cd tiiumnnd I'lli, AatfOtjrf Kinftn^M with roll' ' U)M Henri I't'i. <?"h! WfddltlS t'ir>j;t Bel n i'ib Rai Drop#, RownrtU andSliveredfief rin% l."'1 ? ? ' i In A lHiipi,flold 1'iato Collftr Button, Gentl iiol' i jtv I IVotHi Chain and Sot of Throo Gold flat**.! Kfutta, BO BUflM iitfA, gjjk niK. k'XI K.H'llMS.if:)' l\l>i ? . B ciimon pince, itew^/orhl! OtT b tv*Mis^a uv ' ''.r JEWEL '.T 'in < I ; .ir ;..t:<|.|i! .ii i i i-nt'ii'is i " * H !- ' Mm' .? :.< * iin..urol pin, on< i i !. . i| |il>collai Mini),tun i. uts'llnuiiitii wi'ii I'll! .. niit 'ii. ... . wctitiiii] rinp pit # of iiiia casket complete, M ocnu; three foi it l"r ; . till I.' in ; - I , if. m i.'. S|\ .1-1. I ,i:i.| ; . .1 f ..Jill I] - 'I ' ' 1.1" If! . Il-U' tin .. ki In 1 . I '.i|tl. > it.i I i ;n.t . i . \t c ii all i i. u . .. al i W '< A i ... i. . II.. ii| \ iv. ^ . . . :i e III ii.' .i i i i'"! ? I '' in: I !ia\, im * '111 ti <. ii ir "... ' w . ' Tin* Jewelry (ttnliiit* is renin, kulilj uttiactive, :nlil i hi... in., aic leliultlu ileal is."?Uti .itm OloliC. I" SOME. RE AS wjEiy W. Jj. ABTI-] CAX SUIT Y0UBES1 / ? SOOTS AND S: Hie aim anil attention is devoted to that line of lie buys direct from the manufacturers in all pa Cash, thereby getting the LOWEST TRICES, n INT 5i?E j L'lOM of his Stock will convince yo 1 I Tor all tlie late .styles in Ladies' LoW Shoes for i Tho largest stock of Ladies' Cloth-laud Cc to Camden at j Children's shoes in great variety at 7 f vnil Until t r. en vn m/\nnv P. ? UIVIIIJ c uji ?uui UUUiS ?A> ollUC'i | If you want to Sr.d shoes to suit your fancy go t< For the Lest Foots and Shoes ?0 to Foots and Shots never so cheap as no\r at W. L..ARTI MOW OPE J TEE. IlSf I at 1 : : LOWEST PS I j ) AT UOUT.M. I a FOB rnii^ srro< IS VERY ATTRACTIVE IN THE \>l ! ' Y Eli EN ^vllcL I IT IS NOT NECESS VIIY TO K! They hare been bought since the i AND WILL RESOLD AT THE VE CASH JPXfclOJ AN INSPECTION AS liESPECTVUL rois 5 II It r IN HOES. \ business. iris of tlio country, pays tbe u tbatjie sells tbc cbcapeit. wmasm Summer ?0 to V,r. L. ARTHUR, j'^vess Gaiter* ever Ireugb ' W. L. ARTHUR'S. W. L. AUTTJTTTTS s from W. L. ARTHUR. > W. L. ARTHUR'S. W. L. ARTHUR'S. W. L. ARTHUR'S. HUR. NiNQ oo?s XGES i:r wear t departments for o lemein. sumi-iute. recent decline, uy lowest la' solil'l