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AT MY MOTHER" S GRAVE. ; BY GEORGE P. PRENTICE. The trembling dew-drops fall lTpou the shutting flowers?like souls at rest: ' The stars shine gloriously?and all, Save me, are blest. i Mother ! I love thy grave ! I Thavio'at, with the blossom blue and mild, Waves o'er thy head?w hen shall it wave ; Above thy child ? 'Tis a sweet flower, yet must Its bright leaves to the coming tempest bow, ' Dear mother, 'tis thine emblem ; dust Is on thy brow ! And I could love to die ? To leave untastedlife's dark, bitter streams: By thee, as erst in childhood, lie And share thy dreams. BK/ And must I linger here To stain the plumage of ray sinless years, And mourn the hopes of childhood dear With bitter tea'Vs ? Aye I must linger here, A lonely branch upon a blasted tree, Whose last frail leaf, untimely seer. Went down with thee? Oft from life's withered bower, In still communion with the past 1 turn, And muse on thee, the only Hower In memory's urn. And, when the evening pale B >ws like a mourner on the dim, blue wave, I stay to hear the night winds wail Around the grave, Where is thy spirit flown? I gaio above, thy look is imaged there; I listen, and thy geutle tone Is on the air. Oh, come! whilst here I press My brow upon thy grave, and in those mild And thrilling tones of tenderness. Bless thy childJ Yes, bless thy weeping child, And o'er thy urn?religion's holiest shrine? Oh, give his spir't uttdefiled To b'end with thine. 04(1 Fellowship. This order was first instituted in the United States at Baltimore in 1819. Ta ?? *aa fltaf the So. il was 111 liaiuuiuiC) wu, ?>U. >uv ciety of the "Friends of Temperance" originated many years ago?in 1828, if we mistake not. We are told that it was organized by Thomas Wildey and four others, in a small tavern, on an obscure street; j and was styled Washington Lodge, No. 1. This was the grain of mustard seed, Behold to-day, the mighty tree of Odd Fellowship! it lifts its head proudly amongst the talle3t. Its branches spread out all over the world! A balf million citizens of the United States alone shelter beneath it. And* it is um p""* ?? growing and increasing its membership, enlarging its jn/.vcr, extending its sphere of usefulness wider and wider, and dispensing its blessings with more abundant hand. Already it is one of the most flourishing orders in the world. The origin of the order is very remote. It is spoken of by some as occurring before the Deluge. For all that we know to the contrary, Noah P himself might have been an Odd Fellow. He certainly was an odd sort of i a man; he was a just man, and per- * '?ahnwotmn on/1 Kuirut ! leci 111 1119 gllicmuuii , i?m ui^ii | Shem, Ham and Japheth, when he was, ( five hundred years old; and lived nine j hundred and fifty years. By others it is contended that the ( order originated in England, during the reign of Claudius. This was in < the first century of the Christian era. i Claudius was the Emperor who bought j the Empire. He achieved the con- , quest of Britain, which in the opinion ^ of the great historian Tacitus, Julius x Ctesar had rather pointed out than subjugated. j But whatever may be the existing r differences of opinion relative to the n beginning of the order?a matter, by- j the-by, of very little consequence?no I n difference of opinion exists as to the I merits of the order, the beneficence of ij its principles, and the nobleness of its ii aims. These shine out like galaxies of v stars in the clearest of midnight skies.! h One needs but look to discover them. | n The great end and aim of Odd Fel-1 . lowship is the practical development of some of the leading truths in the Bible J ( ?Friendship, Love and Truth. Odd * U.ll/I?.?li;n Innila In nvnunil llwi llimrf ! i'l'llUUSIlip Wlivto VU VA|/UIIM MIV >.? ??) ? ami teaches men not to limit their aftec- j, tions by geographical boundaries, nor |( suffer their charitable impulses to be shut up in river or mountain chains, (j nor by State lines, nor even by the t| wide, wide seas. The language of love, they teach, must be spoken in every . clime, and the helping hand of charity " be extended to every race of people a under the sun. Odd Fellowship labors to relieve the " temporal nee. ities of man. It seeks to supply the wants of the orphan and ;!" the widow, and to alleviate the suffer- ' ings of the poor, the unfortunate, and n. the destitute. A noble brotherhood, with broad ' and comprehensive principles of chari- |( ty; a fountain of good to thousands of | ^ tiie needy; a hard-working hand-maid 1 to the ilhtircli, coming down to in from I the dim vistas of past ages, bearing r| a'oft its banner of light. let us hope ii ,, may go on increasing in power and brightness until its beneficent influence .is felt in every portion of the globe. Charlotte Observer. ?J Shooting a Stuffed Squirrel.? {>< T'jtfro is in the neigliborhoed bf Ridge-1 wood an eld gentleman nk* w'ni ?tw? iNimrod among the hunters, lie could ihoot out a squirrel's cjc from the top )f the tallest hickory nine shots out of ;cn. Indeed there was no limit to his >kill. lie has been renewing the sports >f his youth for the past few weeks, but as squirrels were scarce, and his eyesight was dim, his game bag was not well filled on his return home, lie lias a mischievous rascal of a grandson, v.ho would ever play pranks on him, and as he was wandering throigh the woods day belore yesterday, the youngster got into the path before hiui and perched a stuffed squirrel on the limb of a tree, tying it fast. As the old man caine near, the youngster showed himself and called attention to the squirrel. The old man looked.? "Sure enough, there is a squirrel," he remarked. "Be still; I'll fetch him." And taking careful aim he pulled the trigger. hen the smoke blew away there sat the squirrel with his tail over his back, not in the least disturbed.? The obi man loaded bis gun with great care and blazed away again. The squirrel stood this fire with as much equanimity as the first, only his tail seemed broken and had fallen over his side. 1 he old man was nonplussed.? He did not, however, see his grandson, who was rolling in convulsions of laughter behind a convenient log. He had become warmed up to the sport and thought of nothing else but fetching that squirrel. The third shot cut the cord that hound the squrrel to the tree, and he fell, not with the usual heady thud so well known to sportsmen, but bouncing several feet into the air. This aroused the old man's suspicions, and going up to it he found the true nature of the sell. His change of position brought him in full view of his affectionate^ grandson, who was tearing up the ground' in his effort to laugh without making a noise. A realizing sense of the situation crept over the mind of the old man. He east his eyes on the ground; they fell on a pic;e of shingle, which he picked up, and approaching the convulsed boy unawares, he affec tionately fanned him a couple of times on the seat of his breeches. This hi ought the youngster to a perpendicular, and he took to his heels, thereby saving more loving demonstrations. The old gentleman could.not help relishing the joke, and tells the circumstances with greater good will than one would suppose. The boy is just ten years old, and his grandfather declares that at some time he will he President of tho United States. He now has most unbounded faith in the abilities of that boy. The Very Alps of Impudence.? Policeman Badger, of the Tenth station, had a bit of experience the other night, which he is riot fond ot talking about. It was past midnight as he was leisurely pushing his beat through Jessop street, ami us he came opposite to Drayton & Fogg's jewelry store he observed gleams of light?through the chinks of the shutters, and he rapped at the door. ' Is that you, policeman?" asked a voice within. ' Yes," answered Badger. "Well?it's only me?it's all right; 1-1 > .:n * . :.0'? allUl O CUlllV OUl, JSII I Ii: "Yes." "Thought so. I was just fixing the fire?good night." . Badger said "(rood night," and pursued his way. An hour afterward Badger passed i through Jessop street again, and again lie saw the light in the jewelry store, [t didn't look right, and he hanged at o o the dour loudly. Hallo!" cried the voice within.? Is it you, policeman?" "Yes " "All right. Won't you come in and varm you? It won't hurt anything iur rou to slip froui your beat a few minites," The door was opened and policeman | ladgor entered, and he found the in-. natfto be a very gentlemanly looking nan in a linen duster. "Come right up to the stove, policcnan. Excuse me a moment." The man took the ash pan from the iottoin ot the stove and carried it down uto the cellar and emptied it, and rhen he had returned and wiped his amis ho said, with a smile: "Chilly ight, ain't it?" "Yes." "Chilly outside and dull inside.? rViiother smile.) New goods fjr the inter trade, and liavo to ket|> our yes open. Lonosoine work, this watchig all night; hut 1 manage to find a it of conifort in this. Won't you join te in a tip. Yt u'll find it the pure ling." And the man produced a botc and a tumbler. Policeman Badger partook, and bav-j ig wiped his 1 ips and given his fingers!] new warmiyg, he left the store and sunied his beat, satisfied that all was, I'uwfnn itr l< mttr u ^..Vw. ~ ^ ..&6 , lint tin? morning brought a now reflation. Drayton Hi Fogg's store lmd cen robbed during the night of ^<1,000 11 i>rt!i of watches and jewelry, an'., ullough Policeman Itadger carries in his lind a complete daguerreotye of the ?bbers the adroit rascal has not yet cen found.?New Haven JiecjixUr. FEMALE ACADEMY. I1HK Exorcises of Mrs. J. SliANNSON'H ' [ SCHOOL will So resumed, on Thursday, ' ctohor 1st, at her resilience in Kirkwood. 1 Sept. 10. tf. '< Jjaiul foi* Sale. IA A ACKES of WOOL) LAND, three miles ! M/'J from Camden, on theCheraw road, longing to JohnT. GralinmnndC. N. Graim. Apply to G. KKLStiN, Trustee. 'THE FAVORITEHQME REMEDY This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mkrcury, or any injurious mineral aubsance, but is Purely A'eget able, containing those Southern Hoots and Herbs which* an all-wise I'rovidence lias placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of l/ie Liver or Jiovelt. Simmons' Liver Regulator, or Medicine, Is eminently a Family Medicine: and by beiugkei>t ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues froin persons of the highest character ami responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTFtE RE53EDY For Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Armed with this AXTIlKiTK all climates and changes of water and food maybe fneed without fear, Asa remedy for MXJ.ARIOUS FK VERS. HO WEI. COM'j'I.A/XTS. RESTL FSSXFSS, J A FX DICE, XA I 'SKA, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the ?heapest, the purest and best Family [Medicine in the world. MAKItfACTURKD ONLY ItV J. IL ZEILIN k CO., MACON", G.\. AND PHILADELPHIA. Price $100- Sel l by all Druggists. January 1. 187.?. 12m j ||||g Nos. 3 Broad Straet and 109 East^Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. STATIONERS I First-Class Work J OUR SPECIALTY, YET, BY VSING CHE A FEB GRADES OF STOCK WE CAN Ft'RNfelf WORK AT^"^ I LOWESi- LIVING PRICES. i i fine fashiohabu statiosebv, Piries Paper and Envelopes. Redding and Ball invitations ON THE BEST STOCK AND PAINTED IN THE I.&TE5T STYLE Oil, Oil! ;> barrels Keroseno "ii i*or sale by 15 A I'M l?RO\S. K?ARx\?Y\S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU. The only known remedy lor BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And a positive cure for GO IT. GUAVKL. ST HI (TUNES, DIABETES. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROl'SV. Non-robntioiior Incontinence of Urine, lrrition, 1 nflaiituiHtion or Ulceration of the BLABBER ANB KIDNEYS, SPKU.MATOKKIKKA, Letichorrhan, or Whites, Diseases of the Prostate Chill.I. Stone in the Nimbler, Calculus Gravel or llrickdtist Deposit ami Mucus or Milky Discharges. sum bum: vs RYTRAHT RUTH11 Permanently Cures hII Diseases o^the 11LADDKK. KIDNEYS. AND DDoPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in AI?*ii, Women i?n?l Children, tkxrSi) .MATTER WIIAT THE AUK ! Prof. Steele says: "One holtle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Purlin is worth more than all other Dueling comhineil."' Price One Dollar per ltoltle, or Six Dottles for Five Dollars. Di'puf, 104 Duune St., JV<York ' A Physician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis, 8^A? Send stamp for Pamphlets, free."^yg TO THE Nervous and Debilitated. OF BOTH SEXES. X? Chary*' for Advice and Consultation. Dn. D. Dyott, graduated of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, author of; ieveral valuable works, can be consulted on ill diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, [which he has made an especial study either in male or female, no matter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of .1(1 years enables to treat diseases with , success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can fnruard letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOccnts. J. B. DYOTT, M. I' . Physician and Surgeon, 104 Duaiic St., N Y IMMENSE STOCK I OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, AT 1>. EPSTIN'S, Under Columbia Hotel. | My Stock for this season emhrnces all the new anil popular styles of the very best makes, and is composed in part as follows: Cape Overcoats, In Beaver. Chinchilla, Petersham and Plain Cloth Overcoats. Business suits, Of.every style and description known to the popular Buyer. TK i n <>-#>?! 11 Is. Elegant Patterns. Velvet Suits, HcAUtif'8. Fine Dress Goods. In endless variety. The Furnishing Goods Department Is replete with every tiling found in a First Class Clothing House. A Full Assortment of HEX'S AXD BOYS' MAYS. Sjieeial attention is culled to the PERFECT FITTING SHIRT, Which, for quality, durability and make, lias i no Superior iu this market. Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas. Of all Grades i Purchasers will fiiul it to their advantage to call and examine n?y stock ere purchasing elsewhere, for I am still the CHAMPION OP NOW PRICES in the Clothing business in this City. Buying close as 1 do enables me to sell cheap and on small profits. Thanking the public for past favors I respectfully ask a continuance of the same, feeling assured that with my present facilities I can continue to give ENTIRE SATISFAC TION TO ALL. a. EI'STn. Under Columbia IIotkl. Sept etn tier 24. fun. NEW GOODS, FOll TlfE Fa ll. Trade. The subscriber is now receiving his ' Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which, when completed, will be one of the Most DftfiirahlA it has ever been his pleasure to offer to his friend* and customer*, embracing ?veiy variety of Foreigh und Domestic DRY (i(>OJ?S, i CLOTHING, HATS, &C,; To which lie invites the attention of pinvha* , MOTH. J. W. McCUKRY. September 24. tf THE PLASTKR'S WAREHOUSE! ATTENTION PLANTERS, j We have just received a most complete Stock of GROCERIES, j DRY GOODS, Ready-MLode Clotliiii?, Hats, Soots and Shoe?, BACCING & TIES. :Wc keep only the justly popular Ar-j row Ties.) Heavy Plantation Bridles, 1 lames, j Traces, Curry Combs, Pope, Steelyards, Shovels, Forks, Well Buckets, Cotton Cards. Spun Yarn, OATS, BYE, CORN, &c. kc. Attention City Folks. ( fou can always find ns choice and as cheap u supply of as can bo futHid anywhere in the City. Call and give lis a trial before purchusiiijr elsewhere, 1). W. JORDAN, A?ent. September 24. tf. Bacon, Bacon! 40,000 Itm. BAOOX.-fFor sale by J HnHBHBinHHEHBBBHB 3L lilllllaL Grateful Thousands pr<? mlic VTxeoar Bitters the most wonderful Jnvigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which arc so prevalent in the valleys of our great fivers throughout the United States, especially of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Brazos, Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during tbo Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements ol the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to hit. .1. \V a Merit's VtMviAJ: Krrnats, as thoy will speedily remove tin.-dark colon d \ is.-id liailter \vit!i which the I towels arc load*:!, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify I ho body against disease by purifying all its ilaids with ViNKGAti litTTKiis. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus IVire-araied. llyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, rain in tho Shoulders. ('. tt !:*. Tij'.itin-s t.f" the ' i-ijuim---. .r ft tut/tat ions of tlio Stomach, Dial Taste * in the Alouth, Ililintu \ltack*, l'uipitaHon of the ill-art, Inflammation or tho Lungs, l'oiti in the region oi tho Kidneys, raid a hundred other painful symptoms arp tin- oil'spritignof Dyspepsia. l.'ae !> >'.lie will prove a better guur.iutco of it; merits than a lengthy aihvr'i < Scrofula, uv Kiim's Evil, whlto Swellings ( leers. Kry.-ipHas Swelled N'cek, (ioitre, Scrofulous fulliimmntion*, indolent fnilninmntions. Mercurial alleetious, Did Sores, Kmptions of the Skin, S<>re ftvps, etc. In these. ;?s in ,,u other constitutional Diseases, Wa.'.kkus VtsKoAKltiTTUlts have s!io,vn th'ir great cv.rI alive powers in the im -i obstinate and I in tractable cases. For Inflammatory aiul (''.ironic ism f-T nt T,-iji and Intermittent Fever-. Di-otsei oflhi! ISlood, L:v -r, Kidney.and D: ;<I;!- r, t!-i.iy 1 titters have :; > equal. S ieh Di cases me ene ed by Vitiated J i >od. 3lr? Persons engaged in I'liin:.; a-el, > v. ns ' l'l inn hers. Type-rt: l:nM-l?t,iter- and Miners, as they ndvnnco in life, are :ul> I jeet t?> paralysis of the liotrel -. i'o guard against this, take n d e of <Vai.'s Vi.vtaiAa Itirn-.ris oc? ally. For Skin iHsmsrs Erupt hats, | 'fetter, ts.dt Khcum, Diotrh. .Dimples, I'u d ules, Hoils, ('arh'.itn fes. King, worms, Seuld-lieml. Sore l.y ?, ftry.-ipelu-. Itch, Setirfs, Di-eohna'. of the Skin. Humors and Dimac-of ike Skin of whatever iiitine or luittire. r e liti rally dug up and carried out ? : 11. sy- :--i; in a abort time by thou.-e of tin- ! . Fin, Tajio, tuttl other inrkiitg in the -v stem of.-o many thousands, me clfectttully destroy.d a ..I jetnoved. No system of litcd: 1: . wrutifuges. no ahthi'lminitic; 11 t the svsteut i an worms like these* ill For Ft'IilSlicCoiUpiniuts, iuy .ting or old. martied or sin^!", the d.iui: of V.'(:p.;:.ilieH>;l. nrtli. turn olhfc. tie o Tonic Hitlers display o decided an intlmnco that improvement : soon p-. ; . ; ' ' -. v'Ir:i!iso I Si;' Viiiiii- tt 'sKkmI wliriii-vcr \ <m i* ;*ii]it:rl:i*rs isitr tlir.uiuli i:i ! . .. ::., fi. :. i !i :t v.Mh'ii \ >u il.i.t it ?>i>in'. U'ii a:-i ,.'lt -a i:. t!..-; -it!-; rViiiixo it wiu'ii it!; roar iVv'iitjr-f wi!! t?*ll v.ii; wli.'tt i!>!i?<nl | ;,c. a:ai tlio health i?ftlte >va. ia i.! fo tw\ If. ! I. : << !>()V VI. (> CO.. J>!"itA J >i At .a I'r.rv. n> f Miifnr. ui't. v nir 11' W........mi.i?" . ritnn AvX.V. M?itl ' )y all .>; tit,i'!f K:i . . u1.1 A SOUTHERN HOUSE. GEO. 8. HACKER'S 3KIOR, AMI BLIND FACTORY, Kim:, Opr. Caxxux Sti:ki:t, CHARLESTON, S. ('. Tin only house of in ill is City )WIH'c| ;| II I Illlll|;|<rOil liV < II ..lilt'llt. A I. \ IJiiK ST??('K AlttAKN t'N II AN 1) and ?oM at i!0 j? r coif. us* than Nortlii'i !i [irici'S. A (iVA) s. hack kit, Gil MifJbTOX, 8. P. o. !ll\ uo. Jiltltlrtrv 1nik largest and best Assorted st.?c!i of FrcP'.-li ami A ncri an CONPECTIOMS, ni is. nuns. r vnm:i> coous, &c. 'an always la1 found at KIRKLEY & GARLAND'S. Jaiitn-.i y K. tf f3e3h turnip seeds .In i roodo-f a lnrj??? variety ?<f Turnip M I N. HOIiflSON & ill NLA 1*. fulv :'i>. tf BScgUcr and cikhw. FRESH Goshen Ruder and Factory rboc.?c. Just received hv KIRKLEY & GARLAND. Hejitvuibar 1". if CONRAD H. WIENGES, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES, &c. BROAD-STREET, Camden, S. C?. (In the building formerly occii] icd by S. A iSenjntuitt,) Trunk* thoroughly and really repaired Orders solicited, and work promptly done. All work warranted. Tor?s?I'o'iticfly Citth on 'jh lictri/, icilh no exception. February 5 tf. Iron mid Steel. 15,000 lbs. I HON", of different sizes, 15.000 lbs. PLOW STEEL, " For sale by 13AUM IIIK). January 22 . tf iSt ?.""J A"'- * X. fr 1 f ; -r :V..; :0p i ; ;Sfii 1 r V:?' - 3 ' p^iiii i & 'i i 7Y i v > ',? ?l 6j f .*" ' y '~'s ;-,- v "3 j" " / '.'jL'*-Ap?.TAv'?> (fpS'tJf.: I iAyr-i??',JR-'il, !>/.viV/.'5/?-5t,?| " ' . ' iXsrbU Mi h >;/&yWZhtw| [<! i. ': (ftzfrWdInutB*yLmkrf 8 I, (bimtJfikjtrsl': J; e. L j H >ttf y $ LO'VEST FHICEIS.Jj Sen,df lrPri;: L ijt. p L H. HALL & CO. 0 if4ucfit/uftrj K Dnltrj. i 1" ;\ Zj'ffCj %,10. Xir/tct Street, ^*1 j. i WIZr, U'-iS, , :atfl&jt ! nrmU'LYuX, S. 0. fr N j i?1 t .' I Tin? f.'iit enti re I according to Act of C? ^iic-ss i? tlie yearlfcTtJ, by I. II. IIali <Sf t.'o.. in the office of the Librarian of t':?ng.- ,-< at Washington. B. R 19. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Cl'RES TitE WORST PAINS In from On? to Twenty Minutes, NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement neei any one SUFFER WITH PAIS. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It waa the first and Is Tlie Only Pain Remedy that los'sntlys'ops the most eicruelating pain*, allay* Inflammation,. and curea Cougattlnu*. whether 01 the Luinta, stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organ*, bj ens application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no ma'ter liow violent or excruciating tbe nolo the | RHEUMATIC, Hed-riddci, Infirm, ('rippled. Nervous, .Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may sulfer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILE AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFAMMATIOX OF T1IK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OK THE It LADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE ROWELS. co;.'i?K>rroN op the lungssore throat, difficult brsati1ino. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIP1ITERIA. CATARRH,INFLUENZA. I headache, toothache. SMI K.ILOXA, RUELMASISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application ofthe Heady Relief lo tha part or piru where the pain or diiLculty cn?U will alibrd cuii and CotulrrL Tw enty drops In halfa tumbler of water will In a few momeuiacure OUKAMPK.SF ASMS.SOUR Sl'OMAl H, HEARTH CRN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COI.IC, WIND IN THE DOWELS, and all I W KRN AI. I* A INS. , Travelers should always carry a bottlo of Radway'a Ready Relief with them. Atewdropain water will pre veut ?ickue?s or pains fr.-in change of water. 11 is betierihaa French brandy or Dlitera asa stimulant. SAVvm tvn tmir S. MJ V JJA? Alia/ /lVOAii FEVER AND AGUE rured for fifty cent*. There I* Dot a remedial ageutm tin. world Hut will cure fever and Acne, null all other Malarious Ifilwu, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fever, (aided by RADWAY'S PI LLSjxn quirk aa RAUWAVS READ* KK LIEF. Fifty cent*per bot.le. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BROOD?(NCRBASE t>K FLESH AND WEIGHT?CLEAR SKIN AND UEAUTIFULCOMPLKXION SECURED TO ALU DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ; HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES : SO UU10K.S0 RAPID ARE THE CHANGES.TDK BODY C NDKRGOKS.t'NDKU THE INFLUENCE OF IlUd TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT TJtrnen Tien nn TnAnnAnil in v\ nnli ' JbVGi'j uaj au liiwcdsc iu ncau ; and Weijlit is Seen anfl Felt. ;; Every drop of tho RARSaPARIIXIAX RESOLVKST communicate* through tba Wood,Sweat, Urine, audoilier Fluids and juice* of the System tbe vigor of life, for li repair* the w.istesof the body wiilineivund sound material. Scrofula, Sypliili*. C'on-iinipHrin, tllaii hilar disease. bier* In tbe throat. Mouth. Tumors, NulciliitlM G laBdi mid Mlm' p iru of Uk ry iltn, SnreKyei, Sirumorousillsciuiruea troin the Kara, and , tbe worst form* of Sain disease*, Eruptions, Fever i bursa,Snai l IP ad, Riua Wmni..Nilt Rheum, Erysipelas, 1 Acne. Blank Spots, Worm?iii the Flesh,Tumors. Can- J tent in the Womb, ulid all vvrakcuing iitKl painful (lischarge*. .Vlglil Sweats, law* <>1 Sperm andull waste*of | thelilepiincipie. are within die cuistito rougedthis I wondernt Modern Chemistry, and a few* cUvh' use will * prove louny person u-iu git lore llier of UicaS forma of disease Its potout power lur uro ihcm. i lithe patient, daily becoming reduced bytbewMtes au i decomposition that 1* continually progressing. succeeds In arresting ih<*? wu-tes, and repairs the wilh new material made fnuu healthy blood?aod this IheSAUSAPAUll.LlAN wlll*ud dors secure?a euro j bee ruin; it when ones ibia remedy enmmsnces lu workulpuiiiic.ati. il. and succeeds In dim iii?Mi>< the loot of Wustos, lb repair* will be rapid, and every day Ihe patient will feci hanseli growing better nnd stronger, * tbe fooddlgesllng better,appetite Improving, andllesh and uelghtlticreaioug. Not only doea lit > vi:l>ir?uii.i.ui Rxsolvkst'excels all k' own reined I agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, t'oiiolitutluiial, aud Sam disease* ; built la the ouly positive euro f ir Kidney <t> Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb dlsrsacs.Gravtl. liiAhrv*, IXrnngy, | I Stoppage nf Water, Incocuneneeof Urine, llrixlit'iUit* | Case, Alhumliiuiia, and in nil en-en where there are brl. k dn-t deposits, or Ibe water la thick, cloudy , tuited with substance* like I lie vvhl'ei.lan ecu. ortbread* like wbilesilk, or t li-re i-a inorbbl, dark, bllloua anpearance and whits bono dual dopoal's. and whentberoU aprickiiiR. burningseiisatiou when p*<-ing water, and pain i u the Small nf the Hack aud aloug the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by lladway's Resolvent. BR. RAQWAY'S ( Md?isgife & Relating Pi, pcrfccilv latlcle*-, eb::ai tie rvatclwitli sweet cum, 1 pour, i e-ol oe put iii. clmaMandMrawttea la? waf* P> IK, for lb en i of Id! rd rsef tbe st tta.,cb, I ' liver, Bowel*, Kidney*, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, ti I Heenebe.Uuutipstloa.(Soetiveuese, Indigestion, Dye| I'ep-I.i, UiliousDc**, Bilious I'cvec, Inflammation of the i {towels, Pile-, nid oil Ib'i.niremecl* of tbe Internal I Viseera. Wurran cd to i fleet a po-itivo cure. Purely I \ cei'UMc.cont&iUing no mercury , uUneralaordeleteiri- 1 out .true*. AfiwdoMstrfRAnWAVRPII.T.'Swfll freethesys- | tern from a.l the above none l disorders. Price, 26 cents , per Ib.x. Si?LI> B* llRUtKllsTS. READ "PAUSE AND TRl'E." Send one letter stump to RADW VY A CO . No 82 Warren Hi- New York. Information worth thousand* wrtil be sent yog) 1 ^ South-Carolina Rail Road. t Charleston, S. C. Oct. 18, 1873. On and after Sunday the 1 lith inst., th Passenger Trains of this Ruud will run & follows? Leave Columbia at 8 40 a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 4.20 p. m. Leave Charleston at 'J.00 u. ni. Arrive at Columbia at 5. OGp. m. NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7 15 p. m. Arrive at Charleston at 7.10 u. m. Leave Charlestonat 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at Camden Accommodation Train W'l run through to Columbia, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday as follows: Leave Camden at 0 50 a. m. Arrive at Coluiuoia at 11 50 a. m. Leave Columbia at 1 60 a. m. Arrive at Camden at C 35 p m. jfoaT'Niglii Trains connect at Augusta with the Georgia Road, ami the Macon and Augusta lloud. This is the quickest und most uircct route and as comfortable and as cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and all other points West and Northwest. i Jfe^rLay Trains connect with the Cliarlott? ! Road. Through Tickets on sale, via this route, ( j all points North. J^'Cainden Train connects at Kingsvill daily (except Sunday) with Day Passenge Train. , S. S. SOLOMONS, Vice President. s. r. Pickens, g. t. a. Wilmington, Columbia and Au-^ ^ gusta Rail Road. ^ Wilmington, Oct. 8. 1874. vuuuge 01 nciietlulc. Tlic following schedule will go into effect on and alter tins 1 bill inst. niuut express train. k Leave Wilmington, 6:10 p. m. Leave at Florence 11:37 p, m$ Arrive at O'olnmbia 4:00*. m. Leave Columbia ~ 8:45 p a. Leave rlorencc 3:10 a. ji. Arrive at Wilmington 7:15 a. m Passengers going West to poiuts beyond Columbia will take Express Train leaviug Wilmington at 6 10 A. M. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 0:10 a. m. Leaveat Florence 4:40 p. u. Arrive at Columbia 10.00 r. it. Leave Columbia at 4.30a. m. I Lo ire Florence 10:00 p.m. | Arrive at Wilmington 5:25 p.jtf. I Accommopation Train makes no connection | at Columbic. Express Train makes close con| ncction both North and Soatli. tJAMES ANDERSON, Oen'l. Suporin't. C h ad o" tte^Col um^bia ~and Aulrnsta Rail Pnorl Q?WIM IIUII CIVUUl GFNBCALSl'PEaiXTE.VDAXT's OlTICK, Columbia, July 19, 1874 On and after thia date the follow ing ached ale will be run over this road? GOING SOUTH. Train No. 2. Train No. 4. Leave Augusta, 7 45 a m 4 15 p. m. Leave Columbia, 12 42 am ? Arr. at Charlotte, 0 45 pm Train No. 2 makes close connection, rta Charlotte and Richmond, to nil points North, arriving at New York at (i.05 a. in. Truiu "No. 1 makes close connection / ,'? Wilmingthn and Richmond, to all points North, arriv??tj a* 5 15 p. in. OOING Sot'TH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte, 8 80am Leave Columbia 2 52 p m 8 40 a, m. Arrive at Augusta, 8 05 p ni 8 45 a. ni. South bound Trains connect cWcly at ugusrn, for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage check, ed to al! principal points. Sleeping Cars on all night truing. A. POPE, General Passinger and Ticket Agent. JAMES ANIlRRSON, General SupcrintcndoiU f iT'i Grct'uville and Columbia ltailroad* Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains ontlic South Caioiina Railroad, up and down: nlso with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. UP. LeavcColutubia at 7.20 a- tn. Leave Alston 9.05 a. in Leave Newberry 10.31 a m. Leave Ookeabury 2.05 p m. Leave Helton 3.50 p m. Arrive at Greenville at{ 5.30 p m, DOWN. Leave Greenville at 0.30 a m. [.rave Helton 8.SO a m. Leave Cokoabury 10.18 a m. Leave Newberry 1.80. p m. Leave "Alston 8.10 pm, Arrive at Columbia '5.00 pm. \)t(h rson Branch and Blue Ridge Division I.KAVE Valhalla 5 45 a ni. Arrive 7 15 p m 'erryville 5 30 a m. Leave 0 35 p m >en'lleton 0 20 a m. Leave 5 50 p m luderann 7 20 a in. Leave 4 50 p in lr. at Bolton 8 10 a m. Leave 3 50 p m iot?amtil<\i]a(tAli Ti??inu ah A KKav111 $runcl) Mondays.W edensdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Bclton and Vndcrson. on Tuesdays. Thursdays aud Sar. inlays. TIIOS. DODAMEAD, Genl. Supt. Iabez Norton. Genl. Ticket Agt, RICHMOND 3 AN KING AND INSURANCE * COM "PANY. 0:0 Capital, - - $>>00000 ^ f) I'.llSONS wishing to insure in afirst class S L Company at low rates, will please apply l_ _ W. CLYBURX, Agent. Molasses, Molasses. 50 barrels New Orleans, 25 half barrels 20 barrels Muscovado For sale by n. 22 liAUM UKO *