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w <^i iiPinrw iimm?r niiiiiii n i us f M CAMDEN JOURNAL. ! v\ TKAMilAJi A J T ii vV Hi>! ??.:S ASI' i'lP'I'll I KT< >HS. EM BE It 5. iS7S. Tito i.u i'IImii. ."T.-liaw will lit- clo'-lt <1 to t "otign>s In :n u<?-t coiilit of v t1-* II;ol Ii-* carrie J !\ haw lii- election wnuM iiavo been ? ? .1*1 There is very lit I io r*;!i ib!>. uew.1 :r. hot It parties claiming tlte State. 1 thought (ircen lias carric'l Lancaster I I.-. or" |On laajority : if so. In- is cor-! f * elcetcil. i lie vole wiil i?o clo?c. i i'liini an4 the Kxecuiive ? miisiittooS v.' ntc?t all illegal \ .tinjr, anil arran^".o - are made to unjoin tlic iiiaic.iVoin iloelarinj: the election. Xewberry t iniv Vote* 1"" more titan tlidtc ar\. . i> in tlte < "oinity A S'olilieu! Hoaoli'lion. :I1 returns from slir -everal Slates in \ . St elections wore hchl <?" htesilav ! . not vet been received. mh m:c? m.i d .? a complete turning of the tables ,v . hitherto largely llcpubhean. have c ' T been h.>t to that pari v. ??r Mm, J given tremendous I>ciii??cralie gain?, s ...i .>lav-;;clmsctts ha.-' elected a l>elui i hiveviw. 'and JJoast Hutkr h I ikdvaicJ f?>r Congress by a l'e:uo_ . . New V ?i k has gone ]>or??oi*mti?- by go tnaj nitr. ami it is thought IVnn !v iiti.i has done likewise. Louisiana is 1 . mod. The next <'ongn>s wili 1?' j:. o\-Democratic I Visit lu the i |?-( oanli'3. V,"o enjoyed the privilege of visiting, a spending a few days in the town < f* In a i v. i wo weeks since. This is one of i most active and progressive towns in C ""t;ite. as is evinced by the amount ' f t> ii ?s ilone. an.l the neat and substaiit ippcnrance of everything. Xewberiv I ts of being the most important cotton i in !:*t i/i the up country, and claims t-* s ; lio.'UiO nr .'{0.000 bales of cotton dn ii i ' the s'uson. 'flit business houses al'(, 'j numerous, and some of thciu fi:ic i commodious. The streets are always ' with men and wagon*, to such an 1 ,,|,t a< to make loCoinoti' n difficult.? ' - 1 - ?? vi ! i C 21 VOU Ifavc inu uaum.- vi in ?v, v.1 ijnite a net-work uf streets. line-J mi v !; silk* with pretty 'dwelling-houses i . my of them built in the modern-tyde* < i architecture. and bright, at !: : !ivc. and tastefil. i ho people ' ! .H vberry are sociable by nature. :i:iJ iihe live e!.>?e together. Th?-y have therea made their streets narrow, and their - tares small. Kvcry man lives w it I. a i roach of his friemls. and pedestrian . . is tiie faahioiiable mule f travel: r ;e k no deed of street ears and carr 'P< although the toivii is ?juiie popui and conseijueutly those conveyances d not prevail t<? any groa? extent. v eo;no U> <j - uk of :fi< "g .t rn :>le of Newberry. we find it imj i-ib!e i oiv ton much in their prabc. In lio.?ili: v. courtoy and all the indde eli ir : eristic* if humanity, they eanitoi trpassod anywhere. I hiring onr visit. ;oeSymnl of the J'resbytcri in < iiun-li in ill; Carolina was in ?c ? ion in the t. <\\ i. ? i? i -inU........ !lt U' ?TH ' 'III' ilVilUitU UWB< -tuv ' a'it ii co. The houses of all citizens. ^ '! Mit re^rd t ' ee'd"-in-lie;| t..u..e l u- wore tin nvti open, an-! tli?' iiivmbei?-i !. Synod were most nordiaily i-.?i*?-? a I . 'i.rr<>?i"!y entertained. All of tlmm i t the town with the ni"-.t agreeable im --ions and there was ? ^etivrai cxpiva of opinion til:'.* tlicy had novel !> < <1 with more distinguish *?! kimlm-.-s 'i lie Synod ??f S met on tile evi _ ni the 21st ulf. .\s i- _i*-in**ai! \ vii, this hody is composed of eve: v i. ..'...iter it: the State, and a rulin;: elder . every t'luircli; so that, if the at'end: were lull, the hody would he verv 1 Hcv. K H. iiuist. of ' 'lieraw. was e> Moderator, and irive great sati-lae , ..s a presiding officer, hv his ability, i. .. .Hid prompt lies-. I5ev. T. II oi'Spartanburg, wa- olec'id Tempo, iv . ' lerk, and greatlv advanced the ha*i .i of the meeting, hv liie cai ami i :. i v with which hi.- dutic.- wt# di .r-je. 1. tc matter of chief imp i:*.,ce I>t-i:-r.* yuod was a question whieh ha*. lor tii!. tno deepest inter -? i it - ail the member* of tin !aii;e 1. .'!, i"--*!sl?yteri:iii> in the Stati Tni- wa* ' !at 11 - of the Theological Seminary :r . ..iiia, in which tlu-rc have 1< \-ij .-or! , -I tlivnii!The question w.i- I : uuiit " .. id overture from tli?' I'rc-bvferv "! : n-kiiijr that the Syn >1 request JcniT'il Assembly of the I'i : ;!aii f'hlir.dl. South. h? remand the m ', to the Synods of Smith 1'aroli-' '<ei>i_i.i and Alahauia. and \va- doba.. it: 1 Miu ii ability and fee lint: f'>r two \\ lieu a vote was taken, tin- ovcrv.a' <1 doafed by a vote of .">! to 'lii!"! 1 v the iMth. Synod adjourned.' i t at ^ orkviilc. N ivcmbur Itli. I ^7 >. mi--my will he lorio remembered n f j.Tii.'iar intercut. Ke|?iits from tr.s of fin St ite sh d that tin t Ii is in a hop'fill condition ami tli j .'1 t> be full of life and l-tenniual nil-- ia Newberry. we had the picas u. d" meeting our friends. the Messrs 1 j 1. ?ck*i tlio prnpriatnr* of two of the i l>. >t '; w*puper> in (ho Si:it .. the //< < oV and the / V'?.//< <sirt |.y. it published j a: N<ab.-rrv. and ex<di meito; notes with tuotii upon t!io >111*ivs.-n > riinl iihir:i inoiit*. (lie pleasures :t!nl tlio miseries o! ciit' ii;ti oxp'-iienoe. Tli.: Jiiiirii:ili>t> ?.| flu* upper 1 'utilities aro o?iJt*rj?risiii?r and iiitoliL-.iit men aii'l their papers arc an le-nor in tlio -i olii.n whio'i lln'\ repn iMt. Til - 'tji-i-.Mir/U \ seems ! ? ?' in a * l?? vine '*"'1 iil'oti. in ~jnt'' "i h?i I y vern incMit and Iii li Saxes 15'it tlie |?o??j>l* making a iri'i'it mistake. and ajur.i' v.-itiuj; it :vi ?v vw?tliei jd'tii! ! < > niiirli rirttmi. I lu.'ir land is admirably adapted ti. i diversified ari'iotiltfti'o, and should ,-.h uiml with Mfd -n-. .ram erops. and orchards. Instead oi tlii.s. tilC wllobitntiv is.i i- it ton tic id. while the depots mo j-'l'.v.iy Ir tins trr.iau with tlie burden ft he >tap:e. which i-. m the satiio time, the hot friend and the w uM eihinv ihe South. \ word ab-iiit tli Ihiilr - id- The <Jrc*? n. villi' am] Cnliinilr i U-iilroad is steadiK adv.tiiciiu' under its present energetic tinmanment. .\cw iron i- being laid, an tin- aim din incuts f tl.i- road are boinv jmi-r We 'earn (lint nijjit train.* v;.i }? put upuit'iiu road at li t <1 isl;inI I iv. a- thi- is dcni auded In the lain pas- nuer travel t't which provision tini-i be made 'lie South Carolina llailroad il-i?. yivr- evidence ' !' prosperity. A new Iv -:a is ncai iy completed across the ('on X nee llivej. on the ('nhtuihia I>rvisi??n winch is sai l t.i he the finest piece o| w rk. <;t" it- kind, at the South. The piles and strinyei- arc >!'eypre-s. and the era.-.- ties of -awed pine. The ivurk ha-hcen executed under the -uperintendeiie if Mr James Tnnnhle. th in whom tin Company has :i t a nnuv faithful and ctfi eieut officer. The S. ('. 1! IT i- preparltiyr l a- the heavy business that will folh-H the completion of t!ic Spart-iiihure m ? A-hvilh It'ad. and the union, hy ir.ui hands, between Charleston and the <treat West. 1 Wealth, Polities, Education and Re. !i;/ion. I'UU T!IK .lot UNA I.. It wiil be :t happy day Ibr I lie < 'hureh. when li r clergy and laity shall plant tliOinsi lvps t rmly n]i n tin* 1' tir followini; principles. vi-. :?That wealth can be law Tally aii'l inline ntly tr-itU'ii only by labor: that in the rhoit of rulers w>d"tn and virtue arc to lie ]?referre'l to party; that education i> not the mere :ic?|ui.s!tiou of br.uwledtre. but include-' moral and rcii Ion traini'io that tlie religion oT t'hrist is not tin* fruit of excitement. but I .scriptaraI in 'ruction with prayer and watchTuhn s Such principles \v mid in these d v> nia!;i' her members what Scrip tore np.s all 'i.ri?tin'? oti?ht to !> ?a peculiar people." The above sentiment- were expressed, many year- ? ?.?. 1 \ I lie late J>i*huH 'tf^TTT 1 orTTe^fl^^ff^trretJ'uail.y ap"" plicuble in the pi*WPf!^my. Sr.M.\. TJtanli'-irMin:? Pi'nilamali?ut. Was|t:.\i;T'O . < )c?' her J!>. i i* ill.: I-I ?i;..l i- 11 Wa. ? ? ' ?m " it; ] t ' '1 l\ itv thk I'l:k>ii?i:n i <<:' tiik i . si.\ri> ??t \v ;:i:t? \ - a i**i- i. \ i<>.\ V- c ip- ivmimicd i>v ti:c cL-Uiuiiijj i - tl. 4* - t::s:o i ) pat: e in our il.tih iti r thank. to A iiui^ltl < i <i .'< ; rs -lirn *1 wee t ! . a." ulii.-i "Irawiiej: I ; a eh-.I'm i?i a i - nj i.'v ! i i. at ?*??i?t imc l' it- v ? '. t.? ii- ".nth Ii:;* jt.tii lt'tl I t.i- ?a' - : --I 1 he illicit.Ur.iiiiaa . I.he l ltl-l 1 :i - M. C.I ire- IV.ilil pestilence. interna! .. il l" i. ' iti : maintained. and I peace witli otiiiT powers has prevailed.? it lillin.: that :.t *S..ted period.-. \v? 1 .'mi ' i i !: >ai oar ;i ?"ti~: tisioii pursuits i ami Ii- la tunic-i ??i* our daiiv live.. I u:>d unlit i:i I hankiiiloess |i-r llm bles. i aus of t! j.:I.i. in the cultivation <.) k:iidl\ ivt-'inviii t .war K ca-!i other. -v t herd. "i'c. ri'ri'oii i ii ii o these coil>i l-iMlioii-. i.i*l\>- > S '"rant President i' the 1 liitcil Stall... do recommend to ill . iti ten to a--ciiihlc in tiu-ir rexpeclivipine i ivor-hip on 1 hiir.-ilay. (he 'Jiith 11\ r November next ami express tlicir ? t 1 I* t 1 ifiaiiKs lor tiu? utcrcy ami iavor 01 .\iini?;hty (.!iu|, and laying asiuo all tlio po-I ,i:li- 1 c month ami m ' liar ocetlpa -ions to 1 *. "11 1 a ?i iv "1 10.-I. ti a'iks:iviii:: u.-i ;>i ii.-e. in v.itii'v-s win ;oo)' I liavo hereunto j t in? hand mi'! can.--d ill-. m'.ii lit' tlie* | I i lli n S : !. - I > I a!li.\i ! I 110 at Ilio j ! . "f W.i iiin:;! 11. il:N 'JTth <la\ of Or ! i- i? r. in the \i .11 IST i. ai <1 in llie year <tl ; in ni'l. ;i 11 - '1 !ln*l it it i-?l Stales j !n- II III V liilit ii i . S. ( It AN I . IA ill I'li-alenl: 11.\ M ill ?N i' l -ll. Secretary ul State. ' I A i! Mtn Win 1A ci'lio \? mini; .' !i 1 iu :!i-i*t w';.* t r- ii -ins tin in iiL-ar]\ ! i: !'. , I u i'ii ti 0 tlio a -]iroa?*li of a . !.:.l . 1 i* witr.'-i* (; aii ,vo liavo Irol lor vent- 1 Not -'-vore b re 1 0:1 o' frcijiieni j storing "i* k< iiier blasts, li t; bard in tbel !ik 11I entei j 1 i-o in commercial ?-irc!t s?. -tarnation in Initio. -iuiliKin um-i 1 ram-in - n|'IiM-ino--. aiiinuit int; to pa; a l\i- in - ?iiio. and ii" Work f'"r those win Mill ' livo witli -Mt employment A n o nt examination through three of the K i-;.-i ii '.il? > iTVia!- t!iat machine firiti!. tvi; l'?lt halt' their Usual tmoo of ji.oii itooiipio'l. ami thai ii" coinraets arc in hand or expected in the immediate* f'n* tu;c. While I h" skies are yet - rone tin; v "ik.ih"|i <1 mr- arc haunted by earc-wmi ; I'm - si-ckino vainly for work. We an*' t ihl that lunch -iil' iintt t xi-ts. !l it bo | - tiie.v In foe the leaves have fallen lew an W"ikiiju j'f'i'ii- t" tiirouyh the winter.' Ihtrini: the strin^ein y which prevailed alter the panic of last year ma ny were ?li?eliar^eil; hut the previous 1 \??:iis iiaviii,: been reasonably prosperous; their small savin :- afforded $ ipport until | *'r:! s. wlum better tiiisps were hoped for. l!u? the spring . h.o and went: IImsummer ; !*.i- p.i- i (1; .1:1 r.-i'lv .'lie hillsides arc Ida- 1 /.iiii; wuli tli - lire* ill'autuinn. and the ] rank.- of the uucinphiyi'd are fuller than j ever. Their 1 it:It: fund u expended and their services are not in demand. How ate ihex to live? Those still at the vise and loom may ; learn a lesion IV no the woes of utlicis. ndifpiulcn; befo curtail -fill mme :u their exji iui.ture- t*?r they h.avc no | is-lt: til- c that i ddi u turn < i the wheel ' n iv not unseat the a a! o litem hold i: to every cent which i- their wn. cut; II all supeiflui'ie-. 'I if thev were faithful to their tru.-i- before, increase j heir clluts. mi thai they .nay be i ml is- ( usable i he stock- of uiacliinerv ill this city at the p?e ?nt time are larger j than tliey should he. with little or no tienand Railways are decreasing tiieir nay rolls, purchasing little or nothing xetjit absolute necessaries, and on every j -ide we hoar of curtailment and cessation f production in manufactures. I p to New Year's day the cotton spinners of l-'all Uiver. Mas-., have decided to run on half time, and this will inevitably cause' much distress. j It is to be Imped that all these present ; vils will work their own cure in the sea-1 on approaching that natural wear and | ear will demand new supplies, and that ; - - f 1 wT" ?? 111 Uffi ^ 11/I ur)wi]n ! ' JI L* "I M1 | It M lil CI V. MIV I* an'iv | country better for tin: enforced economy i now p ainlv demanded.?.V>? J'?? /. i Martial Lsnv. , . [ o* tin- N?\\ York Tritium-.] &k\v Oim.kans. October '1~>.?The action of Ot'it. Merrill, commanding at Shreveport, in going iut? court himself uid'uiakiiig affidavits against the signers o' the labor pledge lias created a va.-t a nnual of disgust and indignation. Only i fortnight or so ago (Jen Ktnory declared in a published note to Packard that the nflilary should, under n circumstances, be allowed t > me bile in political affairs; vet lien Morrill, within live days aftrr iii- arrival in Slireveport, steps aside from his offic'al position t ? make affidavits in a petty commissioners' court, against citizens who have brought themselves, at least so it is declared, under penalt ies of a purely political law. The offence, whatever it was, had been committed before his arrival. P in no wise affected the interests he hid in charge. Put the worst feature of the case is, that the first one of the sl.oirnnAO .Hi. f'liP -It-r.-ikif Mill] t "laui Uj'Vi l VI V i f? V> H ?~* wv t. VI VM ? v ? ui vnx III * arraignment was J. J. Koran, tlie i.Vuisorvalive candidate fur the Legislature, while the commissioner be lure whom he is to be tried. A. Ji. Lcviseo, is his opponent on the liuiical side for the same office. They could not induce the dej utv marshals at Shrew-port t > serve the win rants, and so ?e::t to the adjoining parish and got the deputy sheriff of the parish, a man named Xeill. t" serve them. There is great ex citcmcut at Shrcv?poit in consci| tii-nce.? T!:.- army olliours- h ie would not believe, yesterday, that Merrill had taken this aelion. Kvery me seemed to consider it nib* t-cuiin : .itid tmpioj .>i . T! e federal authorities are pushing ar . i sts now in t add ?. I>o Sotu. N'atchitn. join'.-, lb d Liver. 'Irani, and. in fact, in nearly all the n--rthv/esieni parishes, and ; in St. Martin's al?>. If the object, is not to the ejection by intimidating or d-lrivi; tin- I'mi^i.iif!.,' yi^o: r looks vi i \ much like it ,|j 11 is difficult ti. s.i v.hat \?iil come of ; I rcld's -u-i'i ii in th i -j < ! the liaiiiralim i] ,-itizens. Iledcclart their papers illegal. ! uid if tin* registrar should thereupon true off their names, the result will be the disfranchisement of nearly half of the K oiseivative uiaj ?rity in this citv, and \v uhl ivy the State t" the !{a?licats. 1 lie opinion to-dav is divided as t.n the ivgi-trar's p: bnblc course Mine is that ! i - ...: n 1 1 i... ti... lilt .*M Iiriirv \? it ?' i II I KM mil n> lilt it idieaS it ilu'v liii'l themselves ottlraei ou:h I: ii >w seem.- clear thai tink: i . if any eiianec of a lair ?. ??*< .lion i'i i.'.ni-iaaa. The Conservatives no kot jiintr ?"jni?-t: enduring everything in - ! nee and patience; determined t ? have ! ie? folii.-i <n and to vie. if they are not jilt! .11 jail meanwhile lint with theso av.lry raids and indiscriminate aricsts j in a d zen parishes, the disfranchisements f-d'( oii.-ervnf ives and the fraudulent rogI Mration papery issued to negroes (two I?li hi and arc known to have been issued.) ! i cannot see by what streteli of charity the I'ntlie lining election can be termed fair. The troops were reviewed this morning on Canal street. This occurrence is said to have no reference to the "intimidation of the whites, and I am prett v sure is not so construed bv the better class -s. WlSUIlACEFUh DK.SKI'TloX UK TilK' I'ikinix.?Columbia, November 1.? I ho Columbia l>h?i?nix, which, during the present campaign, has preserved an atti.. 'tide of armed neutrality"?a policy coin nmiily .-aid to bo inspired by a weekly heck from Mr. Hardy Solomon ?finally went over, body and sou), to Chamberlain tliis urnming. The proprietor, in an editorial. states that lie will vote for Cham* * 1 , . ?> MM ! I'd ..nil UlllilM plOlCbl I III!" .IllIIIJIIIII ' imnt caused sane comment ill the com inanity. hut not much surprise. as the position of the I'lneriix lor many weeks a-t ha- been very generally understood. !n its desertion of the people's cause on tiic eve of battle, it cannot carry with it veil a corporal's guard. It is ilite t<? Mr. !'. I'cll :ni. the recognized editor of the I' [n i* t n -C.Y ilia! he hail no hii"vvle?lj. o of tin- arti le in |u< -1i??n until after it |i':arc?l. ami that it due.- m?t p-lb-el hi.-, -cut iiimnts. q itti'iiiiiu lite Tallies. Nkw VuttK. ?i t'her L'!> ?The Her j aid's New < >i le .11- special say- : On I "1 day evening the I'm ivative leader.' held a meeting and decided to eoiii ne m e criminal proceed iligs against Keilujir, I .on;;-' r< ci. I ladder and all the i; .di al loaders for murder. The charge will he that of eon-piracy on the 1 Ith <d'' Sept tuber. again-t the lives of thecitizci - wliih in the exeiciso of rights guaranteed by the constitution, in reiintVing a ml protecting their arms. The affidavit*! mc being piepared to day, and two l*ni? ted States commissioners have agreed to initio the warrnnts. It'Marshall Packard re- j uses to execute them, the commissioners will direct < imoral Kinon (? do so; ami tin dor the President's decision iie must execute the orders of the United States Court as represented in the person of the commissioners. While the affidavits will he tiled, the warrants will not be issued before the election, unless further arrests of the whites are made. As the offcine charged is murder, all who arc arrested must lie in the parish jail. A Vjr.< tiiiil t ultra r MAltHIKD- On the 21st ult? by lti v. I. Ii. Sliuford. Mr. William ltunh ll. of Kershaw, and Miss-Julia Ishell, of Fairfield. FINAL NOTICE. I hereby notify nil iflio an* indebted in hie by lien, tnorlj{a;fe. or any oilier aeeonni. t<> eonie forward |)i'<iin|.ily ami settle. 1 will reoiniu in t'auidcii Inn a few 'lay longer, ami all account* not smile! by the loth instant, will lie placed in liie hands of an ntlieer of the la vt lor < oil eel inn. W. If. 111*|)S(>N. Noveniher ">. l!i SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 hejj leave in inform ilie public iliat I have re-opened my Ititkery. Ticket* for sole to llie purchasers of wliieli. special inducements are ottered. Tliiiukful for past favors. I respectfully ask a eoiiiiiiiianee of die same. j p. in >s\v i:i,i.. November "i. it KEKSI1AA\ . In 111v i'robah' i'ourl I1STATK i?F ItUDOKI'H Hl'KADFOllli. Whereas, Nancy Sjiradford lias n|>|died i<> j me for belters of Administration oil nil ami I singular, the goods and ehatiels, rights ami I ereilit" of llic said I'udoljdi Spradlord.^ic ceased: These are, then fore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred ami ereilitoi. of thesai'l deceased, to be am! i>j?oni lolore me, at a Court of Probate, i" ho hold-n on the 1'ltli ilay of Novetnhcr, insl,. to show cause, if any they have, why the said sidmtiii?tration should not lie granted. Given utulcrmv iuunl ami seal this nth day of November, \. 1). In7t. .1. F. Rl-TIIKKLANH. Judge of Probate. November "?. lit iv r. SHEDD. Calls attenijoii to the Store which in ha- ju-t o|icno 1. FANCY AND FAMILY j anocEniE?, CANNED (J(>0l)S. VI{CITS, CONFECTIONEDV. I TOBACCO. Sc.. kc. Fine Cigars a Specialty. si.;, k uavavs n i.i. and si:i.?: t. One N.'rtli < ! .I.'hii II. (Ion ' !> Xo< llllhl'l -J. xm' STOIt K. I ln-i-i'M illfoi-in tiij frifti'h4 lhot I lu.v. < A .\ > j;n I""? ??i I II lih'll / It'll/ X. // I 'llt'tl'i. Corn Pea*, Batter, , \ i..| < : Ikt < '.unit > ? 11 !' < I>i 1 < 11 v. :i? ? i?I **fT ?! i|*i..r S.iuili tin f*i.i in. r 'I. (i| I 111' l!:i 1^.. i.l I in- Sl:i 11' A. M. IIV A MS. A--:.!. VllV"tlll.l I i ll I E. C. GREEN. JR., Commission Merchant, CMAIM.KSTON, S. C. I will Mil I-OTTOS', SA\\I. Ulik I'roiliiri- <i|n|i|ic.l to Mir, aiiiI iiiiikr |ir.iiii|'t i. tnii..*, \NU uii.i Kll.l. ol.'UKKs fnraliy kin.) ni ' ilr-irril. oiUi'i* at .1. A. (?l A( KKNi:i:plI \ (<>.. Wholesale Grocers, 12S Kast Mav, Ciiaki.ksto.s, S. Wlii-ro I will |ilciisi'i| in sec nit fri< ids !ii\ 1 HI!* UIHl I ? III HUVf Villi llllllirt t tllllll III Hl'llil!'.' Willi' , i n! tmi uihI Iiiiv iin/ i'uimI-. K. <\ liHKKN. .litJ llrtnir-r 1. -in Great Attractions! AT II V M A>''S . Tin- nii'lil-iniH.I it | eel III ilr- :il I nil inn tu In* ili i k. i'nii<iiMiii.i. in )i:?rl. ill 1 1 Mis ;i i i <! ( 1m |>s. XJItlT GrOOIDS, CIjOTIIINO . Boottt and Slioon. ' SADDLES ANI) IIUIDLKS. Hardware, Crockery war o '1*151"NKS, \ ALISKS, iAi\, iV<*. \ a n i.ii i.ini: ??r Choice Family Groceries. Ml of ulih'll will lie S'll'l upoli As 1 \easoiKiljle Terms, toll t'ASII. t? -inn- cm In* |. ii'.'Iwit ! 'IsrlV Ill-re ill I lie Si lie. nlll-i li> ft I' I'll . l li-l?.li (Shr mi- .1 onll before |uirchaxii.g froiu other*. ? igvn i\. \%vnt O.-tnln-r '2'2. "Jin r I'<>!>: t t'co, Tobii ? < ?>. Ml bixes, which wo will sell low, ik-I wit list an Jinjr t lie *_? rout advance in T<'bnc<ur.Ar.M muvs * THE BEST PLACE IN CAMDEN T< > III' V VOI I! ' HATS AM) CAPS. Honl'S ANIi Silo ICS, DR Y GOODS, itf all i.iialil !< ?. ! ano cer iejs I ii any >|it amii\. I Saddle* ami Iti i'll''-. I.i- till i . 1 laid warm ii In I a lull *-11 ii k ill liii- rlinin -l Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. | In Ii in*, wi^ii-vtr i- rii i iii ii 111 l.ady uv (ii Ii i i ti'innn. in low u ni cuinilrv. ran k.v found al KALISKY & COLDCARTH'S, I Tliaiiki'iil I ic |i:if.t Invor*. wi |ii.i|inm- lo do jfl iimrr i-Mi liMivr k:i nil !'-- tu fulurm ami liavr. i-'iii-r.jurnily. Ii>|il iyiil grcalrftic in . tin* it'li'i'linii of uiir lai')ii- ami roii-lanlly inrreauihg 'i'-iT;. which i.ili in- told at prices I In di-ly cnin|o'lilinti. Iloing Halislifil wiili i mall jiinlil. we I ?liall undersell all i.lkm - in CiuoU-ii . (live us a mill. KALISKY & (fOLDUAKTH, Al l.'onawiiy'a Old Stand. October 15. 12m r \ r > v i in i i / un I MHJ.M) Al IjAo 1 ! THAT BOSWELL'S IS THE F^LACE. > llvoiy i.*,?Iv i- invilto oil 1 an?t see lii? <l?irk. e.iii-i'tiii;' ?.l' H GROCERIES, H ! CD t'itlllM'fi ^OOlis, 03 I o CONFECTIONERIES, O . , CO < CraofcovB, <| < or all kind*. ^ | [D CIGARS AND iOBACCUp p- p" y ..:iiislV Vi >ti rst-l \ r1 *>-~ y> timt w BOSWBLL'S is tile |?l:icr to !?;iv i 'in.ri'n's n)id (7n'ltfi ii ft. i i:i v:r?ir I'oiiolit I for C:l>!i, lie ran allot 1 to sell as rli?\i|i |as ai.y *?*.?* ? !> in Imui !>.f tin* s.iiu? (jiiality oi O(?o<ls. I jr. xp. bos weijII. Oc|.t?H'l J1. It'll For Service ! > ( Jiuy the Stylish, Good-littiiig PouHj*Ss:r/J FINE SHOES I l'or I.AMIES' and MISSES* wear, with this 'I'rade Mark in every shoe. nmwir ikcuo. The Side* arc attached t?? the I'|i|>c-rs with /::v row i.l li\?'.(itrd vutr.l I'm id, (instead ot one inw a in other shoo*,) and arc WARRANTED Ntvi-i |n x11?>xii trie* ojipcrs i ?l > tto t Sfc.t I'M 35SSO'**. > I It lu ll all.I \ IIII'l il llll ( Ullli-'tf it'llt-rics1 Hi i ii .' \ it, i, |*'i.r il?; I v .1 \\ Mi l l liliv. StU'L ilcU'lc/'i. ('.iiuifil ii I* SiMp SUHVII. Suila ! i atuiii !>i. 1.hi" A?* l 'i ili' ! '. !. V, Alt CI It'll \ . Wait f>J i-lui Wagon, jnul \v?''11 all tako a llklo." K. \\ III'MAN iV SON'S I i 11'm i. i i i.i: v ; i:i: \t j.mns. ..i i. ' i i ... in. 1 ? i .it.i-ii II..I i It'll \t il Ii llu i,|> irl i-Ju'tl nil! !i.i\f | i Hi;. | *1 all till lull. I'. | . . I'l i ?l t It . i ial I.U' | ,lli.|'lt'fl - u: :. <;!??. \ \V A NT!']! >. \ u.\ iriiMlti-. flf-laluri' . ny i iiu- |' 11 1:i' i... il,. in . ..i,i. an.| ft .11it 11? in\ liiij'f ' ' COOKING STOVES, il : f j. ..i'II i iii' I'I wlii':'!* Tli.V aif i'l ii] i i.ii ijiia'il \, :iiu! .il i In* lt?u i ai |ti it \ In. i I i Iff il "HI I Hit I.I i.l ill' I Tin-Ware, a ?. In-!.an.J i t.iil 1 M I \ . liiitt. i in.'. S|o\ ' 1 '< i I. | in| I :ii i ''it'll .1 in I V'til !,,| :..i llii- \r|\ lilii'l-il | :it: i.|::t'-<> In ' - ?. ! 111ii :i in. in I In' ) :i|. I 11' { 11 nil i sti ill':; .1 I . I, I 1111 II.'I Ill III. ' III'!' .1 V >. I!. \ LI!. II I ill. 1 I'll BAGGING AND TIES. I.. !' ,.l II ill r. I!- I.i i V w r.AiCIM.. Ii".! l.Mil.II. - \llltliw TIKS, Tit:.r.n I.v I'll II. I'S \ !i|;.l,l\(iS. \n hi l |;5: it' >! ticlici't1!, \ 1 :i<-lirn>l. l.'io k it 'i n arriv?? and f'??r salo 1?v HA I'M HROU GREAT POFO: TO II BOOTS AN TIIK IAHItI! i A rriie i3e*<; I The Strongest 1 No pains have been > MY ESTABLISHE I'Oit Hit: 1111] 15 KK Which i am no Further Reduct i (? 1 iOOli I ?> VOI i AND EX i MY Sk3 ti KEfcoItK i t W. . N?ivoiiil?rr * i T ' fyd i j I HAVE U | LABGE ! ? L A D i fc S 1 D H ? - -r<o. | i ULAi'U \\h ?'ol.(?Ui:ii A LI T \.MI ?: ?l.< ?Til. !'l. \<'K Si ?ibKs; \ 4'I.t i h. t \ i.K I>1A< A i. \ i.Ai:?. i: i i? ilii-V.t 1 <! i K . 1 'in'I'll * i It . . .1. , f , (. J ! I'll' I 'ili'l 11 'I I it 11, iivllii | i iVt Iri'i-ii. I 1'iiiv. "i IM.I...M . i, j . I ' . \7 'I, I Ilit .1 \ * tn.j I'*- ?'iii i..ilv 11> ( o.vniiun.' il'.in I I I i i i?.!?. ? . HEAD THIS \ i ii . i .. i. ! j.; ( III .'ii i : ivi.:!iV -r I. ; ! i, I i ii'.u I? .if I'll, i'I <1 i" | tli I'ltliln*. i .hi tin- i-t ; a** ?<? 'ioit i I I ! . H i ll I. I IrtJiiS. Slt.iui'i. iS, < -'ii ;.ir. Lml. M. la . Xv. | 3 f a s v ^; * ?? ? a 7 1 iiu* :t>k 1 i li\|\'\ Si^ ua^-niatl'.' ^(odiiii^,! \ If.' -i- < : l HAi'S, B001S-AND SHOLS< hi#1 !' ill. tiin>l t?' !?. in t< mi. J j Hardware and Crockery. <?oo<is ;im<! .Notions,! * i I ios. KK.N.NKJH X NOV Si I.VS. j S'jttoiiilit'i* 2-1 if ( ( '< >1 f *4 ??. Ill I; I':. COi' J' MM. I'nl* Ity BALM BliU'a. 4 LAB PLACES ~l ID SHOES. 1 ST STOCK, I <r piiiOES J Materials, Workmanship. 1 pared to maintain D REPUTATION ^ i?PINU 1 * * h (i / h ~ _ w selling at a :ion in Prices. ) in* t ni <*re^t, AMINE POCK, IN <; ELSEWHERE. I L. ARTHUR. \ tr' fHE LAUtES. ^ I 1 K j "stock ESS GOODS, 'At \S. BOMBAZINE, l.K. 1A P. SILK. h ?XGF!F, G?NALS. ail wool HE!, A INKS. i Ml NT i'iK l'i nt.i. i aii i Fancy tcai-king?. yanl, worth i;1.00. i all i'ohn'5 Ullil .-IiIIiK'S, it ' ill -Hfibf . > // than. at . IIAHi ( li S tf Heavy Arrivals. .1. >1. WILLIAMS it. ..... i c,ill i .inn i.. i L? mililL* i Liu * r v ? lie il!l? just I'l'lill'lldl I,' t ':ilii'l ell with :? 1rjrc ??l DRY GOODS, ? ?f :il! il>'- i ijuinii' . Clothing, Ilats, Boots, Shoos, jsro-x'xcjitvfi, In ciulle- i variety HEAVY AND FANCY GROOSRIES. ;s.\im)iji5s, and bridles, hardware, nc. Which 1 him ili'ti rmiiii'u l.i sell :it the Very I.owest prices for Cash. <?'ooi) rt.oi k, (hilt S(l,"jO per Hiinvl. \ i ivim- \;?vji-i v of s mm'l.t.s. iii which i ilotV coin|>etiliuti. I uishii ili liiii'lly iiiulci "ti.oil. that 1 will nut i>e hikiithom hy any one. r y^eoin. atol sop if wh.-.t I tell you is not ulie "lijia *1 H liJDI U1S opposite <Ion. milen's. Rrottu Street camden. s. c. thtoherl. tf sonj), so:i))! In boxes ut low prices. baum bro's ft /