University of South Carolina Libraries
LOtiL ttmEBS. HEETIXUM. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO. 9 Attend the Regular Mee Aing of your Division at Ton jHruuce Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7 J o'clock By order ot the TV. 1\ TV. H. It."WORKMAN, R. S. Rev. Edward R. Miles is expected to preach in the Episcopal Church on next j Sunday. The habit of dropping unstamped letters into the Post Office is being practiced so extensively, that it has become a burden upon the time of the Postmaster, and he desires to give notice that, in nu instnnce. iwll a letter be mailed, unhss it has been stamped before being dropped into the Office. Another Trial Justice.?His Excellency, Governor Moses, last week appointed J. W. DePass, Esq., a Trial Justice. This act will meet with the hearty commendation of all good citizens. Mr. DePass formerly held the same position, and it is known that he discharged the duties of the same with ability, vigor, and impartiality, llis office is in the Workman Building, up stairs, where he will be glad to sec his friends. On account of the rain in the morning, and the indications that it it would continue throughout the day, the speakers who were appointed to address the citizens of upper Kershaw, at the "Mahaffy Place," on last Saturday, were prevented from fulfilling their engagement. A rousing meetiug of the voters of this important preciuct is in contemplation. Duo notice will be given of the time and place. General Kershaw will address the citi_ zens of Kershaw Uouutv at uamuen ou Saturday next. Public Meeting.?The Members of the Cureton's Mill Sabre Club, and the citizens generally, are requested to meet at Cureton's Mill cn Saturday. October 31, at 12 o'clock, M. A large meeting is solicited, as several distinguished speakers will be present. By order of the President. --filWvAIi.?A meeting was commenced at Zour (Methodist) Church, on the west side of Watercc river, on the 10th insant, by Rev. Messrs. Russell and Ilartou, at which, up to Sunday last, there had been thirty conversions. The meeting, at last accounts, was still iti progress, with encouraging results. The Synod of South Carolina wxs appointed to meet at Newberry, S. C., yesterday. Autumn is fairly upon u.s, and s;ye gen-! tie winds" admonish us that winter is near at hand. Farmers, provide for your stock. The heaviest rain of the season, accompanied with considerable hail, fell on Saturday night. ohm/ito nrmi-inviil.vriPM nf OTPflt VU. Ji.vcw.. r activity in the way of business. Cotton conies in rapidly, and finds ready buyers. The taxable property of Kershaw county, assessed for 1873, amonmed to $2,386,370 The same, as adjusted by the Board of Equalization, for 1874, is 2,279,003 Showing a reduction of $307,183 This is a considerable reduction in favor of the people of our county, and is one step towards a return to better government. Public Meeting. A large number of citizens were addressed, at Turkey Creek School House, on Saturday last, by Gen. Jno. D. Kennedy, Capt. W. L. l)ePass and W. D. Tranthain Esq. The people of that section of the county ore wide awake, and, on the 3rd November, will poll a heavy vote in favor of Reforu . Public Meetings?The County Executive Committee of the Conservative party have nude the following appointments for the present canvass: Marshall's Church, Friday, October 23d?Gen. James Chesnut, Capt. J. M. Davis, Capt. T. II. Clarke, Maj. W. '/. Leitner?speakers. Liberty Ilill, Friday, 30th?fieri. Jas Chesnut, Gen. J. I>. Kennedy, Capt. T. II. Clarke, Capt. W. L. Re Pass?speakers. Red Hill, Saturday, 31st? Col. E. M. Itoykin, Gen. J. J) Kennedy, Capt 'J'. II. Clarke, Capt. W. L RePuss?speakers. Flat Hock, Saturday, 31st?Win. M. Shannon, J. R. Dunlap, AV. Z. Leitner? speakers. The Subordinate Tax Unions will make .H^ill arrangements for the meetings in their respective localities. Hy order of the Executive Committee. Rudolph Stratford, a worthy colored man, of our town, died on Friday night, aftor an illness of only a couple of days, and wa? buried ou Sunday evening. A long procession, prominent in which was the Independent Fire Engine Cympany, of which the deceased was a member, and the several other Fire Engine Companies, ali in full uniform, followed the hcarso to tfc* oeoiotvry. Cureton's Mill.?]>y reference to their notice in another column, it will be found that the Commissioners of Klee- | tion have ordered the Cureton's Mill ballot box to be reopened on the 3rd November. Let the voters who live on the western side of the Wateroe take due notice and {govern themselves accordingly. Kvery man who feels an interest in the govern merit must turn out on that day and inanj ifest the same by voting the Reform Ticket. The KtxnsTREE Star.?This valued' exchange has been vmhr <i < since last sprint. We arc glad to see. however, that it has again commenced to .?//?*>//'. 1!. C. Logan, proprietor of the paper for sev- j enlccn years, has sold it to Samuel W. Maurice The Star appeared, under its new management, on the 7th instant, and promises to be a wull-cUited, vigorous ami uianly conservative paper. W e extend our congratulations and good wishes to the new proprietor Old .John Robinson's Circus will exhibit in Camden, 011 Thursday, December 3rd. 1874. Bask Bam-?A match game, between j the Sifnriun and Oalchnul Clubs, was played on the ground of the former, at Turkey Creek Church, on last Saturday, 1 and was won by the latter club by a score of 45 to 16. The game was played with .spirit by both clubs, and was witnessed with interest b_\ a ' large number of ladies and gentlemen. It is; due to the Silcrrinots to say, that they had but recently organized, and were not as thoroughly practiced as their opponents. Otherwise, the game would have been, more closely contested. The following is the official score : OAKLAND. Jiatsmcn. It. O. TI y-.ll., rwl I I,' 1 1. i\ ll''IIUIIVJ, * . IV. V / Holland, L. - 1?. 7 1 Hyatt, 1. f. <? .'1 McCoy, c. 7 1 Pcarce, s. s. Co Brown, c. 1*. 5 3 Shiver, 3 b. 2 5 China, r. 1". 3 .'1 Marsh, p. 3 ."? 15 27 Jiut*tnc>i. J{. 0. Shaw, J. D. s. s. 4 1 Lucas, 2 b. 1 5 Kelly, K. C. 1. f. .^3 _3 Shnfl^VL'lv C. f. 1 3 T lluggins, lb. 1 li Kelly, J). B. p. 1 C Folsom, 3 b. li li Peebles, r. f. - 1 Josey, c. 1 4 1C 27 There will be a public meeting at Schruck's Mill, on Wednesday next. jjo.swei.i.'s*?This establishment, of on ly a few months standing, is rapidly becoming one of the most attractive business houses in Camden. The proprietor purchases nothing but the best articles, which he carefully selects luuiscif, and therefore t his stock of candies, confectioneries, Ac., cannot be surpassed. Fresh bread, cake, pastry, Ac., arc always on band. Cash sales and stjiuU profits enable hiui to offer | uncommon inducement*. lie speaks for i himself, this week, in the columns of the ; J ol it n a i.. I'lleli's A )hI.I.INo.s?Wo learn that these gentlemen are now receiving an uncommonly fine stock of groceries, Ac., and cannot be beat anywhere in this market, for quality, prices, Ac They give notice | that they sell only for c?s/?, being satisfied that this is the only method of transacting business satisfactorily to both buyer and seller. They are especially noted for their Coffee and Flour, to which the attention i of the community is called. Mr. ]J. M. Smith is putting the finishing touch on !iis now and elegant store.? Give hiuj a cull and you will not regret it. Mr. C. Uyutan comes to flic front in i i this week's paper, lie advertises Dry Goods, Keadymade clothing, Hats and j Caps, Hoots and Shoes, .Vc., &c,, and a I full line of choice Family Groceries. Go j to see him. and lie will make you glad. Kci.ii'sk of Tin: Moon.?There will 1 be a total eclipse of the moon on the 25th instant, on which occasion it will be at its full, thus affording a fine view of the eclipse, provided there are no clouds to inteiferc in the matter. If will commence at 1145 oil the night of the 21th and enu at 4.4S oil the morning of the 25th. Although the eclipse is called total, and It'ic wh do moon will pass through the j shadow of tlio earth, our satclilc will not wholly disappear, but will remain visi ble, of the hue of tarnished copper. The Lee Memorial Monument. Tlio latest advices from tlie Lee Memorial Association is, that Prof. Kdward ('. Valentine, the sculptor, having procured j from Vermont a block of pure white marI ble, is fashioning the statue of Gen. Lee, which is to be placed oil the grand monument now being erected at his tomb, at the Washington and hoe ('Diversity, Lexington, Virginia. The figure represents Gen. Lee reposing in an easy, re cumbeiit position upon a couch, his head and shoulders slightly raised above the body, his left arm outstretched by the side I of his 6word, his right arm laid across his [breast. He wears full Confederate uniform, including boots and gauntlets, and ; a light drapery covers nearly tlm whole : form. Th'i appearance is natural and graceful, indicating peaceful slumber ra- j ther than death. The niomiinont. when .surmounted with this tine work of art, will he :? lasting memorial to one of Virginia's noblest pons and patriots. The members of this .Wo-1 nation are gentlemen wall and known by the entire community, who will see that nothing is left undone that will1 add to the beauty and finish of this great work. We are advised by the Secretary, i Mr. (Jhas. A. Oavidson. of I .ox hurt on. j Virginia, that the funds subscribed are | insufficient to complete the monument.? Inordewto further this object they have I issued a H/t-fiy steel engraved portrait of Gen. Lcc, to he sold only by subscription, throngh authorized agents, the proceeds of such sales to be applied toward the completion of the work. An opportunity is here presented to every person, not only to procure, at a reasonable price, a superb life-like portrait of the great General, but to aid iu the erection of a lastintr monument to his memory, ivieh subscriber will receive a certificate duly signed by the Secretary and Chairman of the Lcc Memorial Association. Wc commend this valuable portrait to t lio tMiklt/i n?>1 t' .? !? nit IIIC jruuiii;. UIH1 |)i v 111 I I"! > ?'* 111 j 111-11 .* sale. Some energetic person should secure (lie agency in this section to assist in this nohle work. W. W. Bostwick & Co.. Nos. 177 k 179 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati. Ohio, have been appointed (Jonoral Managers of all agencies in the T'nitcd States. All communications addressed to the above firm, for circulars, certificates and Onus to at/t-iitx, will receive their immediate attention. Cotton.?Our market has been active, with a good supply, during the past week. We quote at 13 to 13 3-4. Fvucihjott. l$rxKi?i< t \ Co., Charleston. S. C., are offering one of tin* largest -tocks of Dry (5uoi?s, ami Carvkts in the 1*. States.? Parties in want of the same, will save (vein 'J-' to :?0 per cent, liv ordering from litem. They are prepared to send samples on application. All retail orders over Sin will l?e sent free of charge to any part of the Southern States.? Remit by P. O. Order. Express, or Draft drawn to our order: or Ooods will lie sent C. 0. I). Bv*ink3s Nk< t.ssirir.s.?in these dnys of progress, most enterprising firms use every means of putting their mimes before their customers. In no way can this h? more conveniently and attractively done than by using l'rinted better Headings and Bill Heads.? They have come into such general use by Merchants, tlint otic seems old fashioned who does not use them, and the custom should be generally adopted by the Country Merchants. \y u.k'c.i: Kvans & Conswri.t.. Charleston S. C.. furnish Letter and Bill Heads of all grades and at the most reasonable juices.? Send to them for sample? and prices. By the way. Mkssks. Walkkr, Kvans & Cogswell arc'getting up atol selling like hot cakes, some excellent books for our Merchants. One, the Merchants' Cotton l'o k. for keeping correct accounts of purchases and *TiipifielTt*>i'f cotton: tlie other, the Merchants' Bill Book, for iva.'iijy knowing how the p.iyinents on their cnslotTlf ttCj'Qj''-'' and account* stand. Both books are excecfingiy comj jete. and answers the jiurjmses ?xacti>. THE UAlMtOUM ItKMEDY for all ailments Is Ituin Hitters, surcharged with Fusel (Hi. a deadly f! : ? _ III! iiTfll A. fi\ li\ the ! lllioonl Uv. truigriit* u?" which it Is eomiiincit. If vmir stoinach is,weak mnl liver or IsitPels ilisoiilcreU, strengthen A regulate them with \ inkuxk I?ttki:s, a punty vkoktaki.k ALTKKATIVK xvi> m'KIIIKNT, free ir Ml! uleolml a capable of infusing new x Utility into your exhausted system. October 1 It. AW KM. HiiTSK. Is is }| feet beyoml'lispuie ilii|l \le.?srs, Knigslniui \ Heath, nl Columbia, by their eni r .'V ami :<i?< 111 I out ion to business, have v-iubl -lie' foi their house mi enviable reputation. 'llix >]in i e no linn* nor labor in U? ?; in _ tin : !??-ir stock, ami being always on tin v. at.-h for mytliiiig new umler the mih, nlxvayshave si;ca variety as cannot fail to give the utmost -,ilisfaciioti. Ifyou Mailt anything torlie.l-i. ,unt lining room or kitchen in erockery, glass, china, iron, tin, worn I or willow ware, go to the store un-ler the Columbia Hotel. tiii: l'eoriiirs iickix At a conference of citi/ons, ine.-peciivc ul'party, tlio full .wing Ticket l'.r 5'out tv i Officers, has been nominated: ;Vi Viotc, 11. K. Wall. JfullHC ol !! y/'rsCltttlfll'i'X, T, A. Cht'.smit, \\. D. Tnintlbiin. J Jj. Tlio;ii))son. F. M. l'iuckiicy. ot Probata .1. F. Sutherland. Poll lit 1/ ClOlllHlxXiOllfIX, T. 11. Clarke, Frank, W. K. Thompson. 1 Oi'OIU'l', William JJeas, POSTPONEMENTS IMPOSS IHIjE. S20 vi i.i. nrv First Mortgage Premium Bond nKTIIE \1 I Industrial Exliiliition Coimi auv. 1 J. I Autlmri/oil l?.v tli.> Legislature of the State ot New York j tM Premium Mi-awing-, I'er. 7. 1S74 i!i| Series Itfiiwinp. Jan. I. |S75 K\ 1'* 11Y I'.ON |? will he reji-enieii uitli :i 1're ' tuiittn. a- iia equivalent f..r Inter. s| CAPITAL PREMIUM, $100 OOO A'Mithi lor l.omls an I lull informalion, MORGENTHAU. BRUNO & Co. Financial \gents. 'JJ I'AIIK ltt?\V, N. Y. I'. 11. |)rawer 'J'.'. alioif lor agencies rer< ivcl. ITental card. Tiieuinlersigiie.l resjo-. Molly informs I I'riemls desiring hi* set-Tires, Ilia! ho will; visit ('annl'-n on or ahoiit llie'JlUli in I., ami : reniiiin ten <lavs. I II M.KX AXDKIC. IIctohei H. It TO ISK.Vr. rnin: l'l in? i:i..u..t tiifi.-iut.-i.i A. i.. hoh.v. 1 on the V? est si.le of tin- Wnlerer lliver. elevrtl miles tVolli Calii'Ien, convenient to the l.'.ii linc. in : high stale o| etilli-( vat ion. with ?l wel 1 i t> jc house ami several i house - tor <'oo|.ei s. Also 11risl N| ill, t in ami Screw, run hy water. Possession given 1st of January. For terms imjuire of <?ct. 1 ?It. A. M. KI'.NNKi)Y. Adin'r. ISisctiits, 1 iixriiit n! .10 bbls. Biscuits. l'ur sale by UAUM HRO'S. IMMENSE STOCK oK PALL AND WINTER < j ia >ri 11 ><;, AMI FURNISHING GOODS, AT l>. KI'STLN'H, Under Columbia Hotel. My Slock for this season einliraccs all the new an<l popular styles of the very 'test makes, ami is sc?i in pari as follows: r i la Beaver, Chinchilla, i'etersliain ami Plain J <'lotli Overcoats. Business suits, ; Of every style and description known to the popular Buyer. The New Diagonals, Klegunt Patterns. Velvet IJeauties. l^ine Drews Goodts. In endless variet.y. Tlie Furnishing Goods Department 1* replete with ever liing ft-timl in a First Class Clothing House. A Full Assortment of A\!> HOYS" HATS. Special attention is called to the PERFECT FITTING SHIRT, Which, for <|itality. durability and make, has 110 Superior in this market. Trunks. Valises and I'mUrellas Of all tirades Purchasers will find it to their advantage in call and examine my Murk ere purchasing elsewhere, for f am -till the I'll A M PION OF LOW riilt'li.S in the Clothing lupine.-* in this City. ( living close- a; I do enables me to sell chsaji and :? small prodts. Thanking the public for past favors I respectfully nsktt eontiinmnee of the same, feeling assured that with my present facilities 1 Can continue to give KNI'IUK .> \TI*lWCTION TO ALL. s>. hfktix. i*M>KR Ool.l MIMA lloTKI. Sepij^nhev -1. ton. NEw'aaQPA koi! till-: PAIiL Trauk. I tic ?ui: is now iv;vivuit\$ his Stuck ??f Fall and Winter Goods, wliicli, wl. -n :11' 1. will Ik* oik* ?T ihe Most Desirable it In- owr Ij. i-ii li ]<ha-itrr ?> ollfr ! IiiiVivn?is j.ii i ' .!' tuiiiiT*. t iiibniciii;1 ? v?i \ \:irirty i f 1- ' /n ::!nl I'..tuiMic s>i*v < jooos. CLOTHING, HATS, &C.| I'o wliii.'h In* In\ it> - tii uiti'titi-'ti .t |>ur. ha* .1. W. MeCl'KKY. .'I'jiHMulie:' 'J I. II 'i'SEs': WAREHOUSE! ATTENTION PLANTERS, j ~~ ~~ We have ju.-t received a Must complete Slock of i)KV VOODS. &Sc?:t4lAv-5ia'!<m Clofifeiaag. Hats, Boots and t It t;, BAGGING & TIES. (We keep oiiiv lb. ju.-tlv popular Ar-j r :< T ics A ! Heavv 1 *i:t11* i:i ?:i Uriilles, lianas. Traces. (''.a / I'oinl's, Kopo. Steel vaiiF. Shovels. Kmks, \Y ell I'rekels, ' 'niton I'anF. Spun Vara. < >ATS. KV!-:. VfiRN. 4\.e. Attention City f olks, You i an altvnt > liti I .i rliuict* tiu i a-cIuMp :t >i: j j ! v ?r i 1 y 'tfli'oiM'rii's ii- t:?it I> lintiid .lie. \\ In'fo in tile ('lit. ('all mi'i pvo n* i trial liofnr,' jonclia-in^ i?Nt'wliert', I). W. JOKJUN, Agent. Septenibor 21. if. lincou, ItiU'on! 40,000 lbs. BACON*. Fur sale by 1 BAUM BRO S. New Advertisements. ? " I TP T) T7IT7I SAMPLE to Ageuls. Lours' CoMBISatiON ff It Hi H? NkkhI.k-uook, with chromoa. Send stamp. J i iiuu j?KAN a co. New Bedford, Mass. WORKING PEOPLE?Male or Female. Employment at Iiiiiim', ! >:?( per week warranted, 110 capital i*ei|iiii*o?I. Particulars and valuable sample* sent free. Address with '? cent return slump. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. V. \M,\r*\f At home, male or female; $;g> per week, VV OlK 'lay or evening. No CAPITAL. We send Crtr olI Valnal'ie Package of (foods Fkkk. AdlUI all dress with six cent return stamp, M. VOt.'NO. 173 (ireenwiuh St., N. V. W A TvTrn?n AOENT8 for I the BEST W X1.1N 1 JLJLf?HKI.LINO ARTICLES IN THE WORLD. $2.1)0 worth of samples given away to those who will become ageuts. J. BRIDE A CO". 7C.7 Broadway, N. Y. iipsVcllol.oifY. or Sori.-CIIAR.MINO." How A either sex may fascinate and gain the'love and affections of any person they cho- se Instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 2? cents, together with a marriage guide. Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt, Ac. Ac. A queer hook. Address T. WILLIAMS A- CO., Piths. Philadelphia, For COUGHS; COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, I'w'Li 1 OJJ Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Itemed). . SoM by Druggists. START IN LIFE. BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLER \ BUSINESS COLLEGE. NO VACATION?KXTEU ANY TIME. Cf'Por Documents, Money. Specimens, Patrons ami Terms, suitress W. II. SADLER, President; Baltimore. The U. States Publishing Co. 13 UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEW YORK,:. Wan! Ayrnt* Erfri/teht. re /or l/i* following: OPIRIT OP THE HOLY BIBLE. Edited by Frank ^ Moore. An elegant 8vo.. SflO pp., 3<5o Engravliifrs?from the Old Masters. Price fa.Ofl OUR FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. TheLifeofthe Republic. By C. Edwards Lester. "12 monthly parts. 90 pp. each. Royal octavo, so cts.'each part, f M E AND PUBLIC SERVICES of CflAKLES 13 SUMNER. By v. Edwards Lester. 9th Edition revised ahd enlarged, svo. 700 pp. $3.US. rrilK NEW YORK TOMBS. By Warden Sutton. A A complete history of Noted Criminals of N. York, und the Romance or Prison Life. Svo. tiin pp. $3.80. Cllculars, specimen pages alid terms to agents on application as above. IIAVE Yen TRIED JURUBEBA ARE YOU TTT 1 IT TN .1 fill _i_. 10 weaK, iNervous or jjeDimaLecr Arc von so Languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you are capable of making? Then try Jl'RUBKBA, the wonderful Tonic and lnvigorator, which acts so beneficially on the secret ve organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall ton lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly ; the liver and spleen. It llegulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, hut is character ized by great gentleness: the patient experiences no noMeii chalice. p" mark'**! results. JziTT "gradually liis troubles ' Kohl their tents like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest authorities, "the most powerful Ionic .and alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale l>v W M. F. KIDDER & t'O. New York. New Establishment I XKW STOC K. Tlie sul>seril>ers liave removed to tlieir NEW STORE, Opposite Mr. II. M. Kennedy, and now offer a Varied and Select Stock, I comprising ^ncli articles as tho people ot Camden and lvorsluiw County need. HKoCERlES, DRY HOODS, SHOES, IIATS, HARDWARE, and other articles too numerous to mention Kvcrytlilng is sold <riiKAi> fihc i \sn . u. i /,, .. .11 .* 7 -I K * '<l (if r (Iff f<% Ol'fM ((!'? N. li. SMITH & 13110. From the Ashes. ?>at. zio^ip I (us risen- inn! entile 4 himself at his "/./' ST.I.V/'?where will he happy to receive a!, hi- nhl tVieinU and customers, mill ;is inniiv new inn? as t't el disposed to visit him. 'I'h mi u in I tor | i,i -t favor.-. he will spare Ho pains in inni agreeable ami profituhle to all who may ' all on him. Goii.-taiitly on hand, MliDM'IXHS. I'AINTS. OII.S. W|N|niU til. ASS. KKKOsi:m: i.ami- i'iiimm:ys, pkkkimkky. <i M?I>I!N SI'.iiMS. an I every artiele pertainino to a w?'l-supplieil Store. PHYSICIANS- PKKSt'lll PT10XS will ro[ eeive espeeial attention. August 'J7. tf BOOTS & SH0ES| ! The attention of purchasers is invited t" hi: lur^e ami will selected stork of the above articles. It is intended to make this branch I .V Sl?KOIAI,TY, and I cau confidently recommend my stock, hothns to quality and material, as unexcelled j in this market, J. W. McCUllRY. tiepttiahvr 24. If AT MY OL wr A NEW STORE,, 25 YEAR'S E IN CAI\ i respectfully invit: THE PI to an inspection of Best Assorted S I Have Ever I BOUGHT TI And intend to Sell tlieu LOW PRICE K. IVI I d s Z 0 O 187 ? 2 a" ^ h CD GEO. I falls attention to his la STOCK 01 FOR 1 | l^all and W: 6 '* 2 v c? ? h = _| B uj CD Hugging and Tie*. A full stock of lingering and Ties. For sale by J. W. McCUKllY. FREDERICK J, HAY," 8 U1? VK YOR, OFKKKS his services to the people of Kershaw an J adjoining t'oiinties. Business OUIlusted to liiui will he pron.ptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed i'mmlnn Vn<rnut 'III tf T. T. T. " /'//< 6Vy< f/mf checre but ne'er inebriate*." A full line of l>C!?iri?l?lif TKAS : OOLONG, IMPERIAL, HYSON, GUNPOWDER, and KM! LIS1I BREAKFAST For sale by GEO. ALDEN. September 17. tf l^loiii*9 l^iour. 300 barrels For sale by BAUM BRO S. Horse Nails. 10 boxes Horss Shoo Noils. For sal* low ly BAUM BRO'S. DSTAN^^ * rH A NEW STOCK, xmiEircE * I N% nutra. E THE ATTENTION OF * A JBLIC 1 THE LARGEST AND ^ itock of Goods Purchased. IEM CHEAP, n at Prices to snlt the % OF COTTON. . KENNEDY. " ? O. g o * o ? 3 f H 1 (D a a> * \LDEN irgc and well-assorted ? GOODS, THE inter Trade. 0 s o 11 o z 6 CO GO TO TEXAS VIA THE LOXE STAR ROUTE! International and Oriat Northern R.R. Passengers going to Texas via Memphis au<l Little Hock, or via Sbreveport, strike this line at Longview, the Best Route to Palestine, Heitrne, Waco, Austin, Iluntsville, Houston, Galveston and all pointsin Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longview and nil points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Pay Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, Wcstinghousc Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Platforms and Coupers; and nowherefclse can the passenger se completely depend on i speedy, safe and comfortable journey. The LONE STaR ROUTE has admirably answered the query; "How to go to Texas*" by the publication of an interestingand truthful document, containing a valuable and correct map, which can be obtained, freeof charge hj addressing the GENERAL TICKET AGEST, International and Great Northern Railroad. Houston, Texas. [District E.l February 12?8m. PUBLIC SCHOOL. mifE exercises of the Public School, (white,) 1. under the management of Miss DeNoon and Miss Tweed, will be opened at the Brick Academy, next to the Presbyterian Church, on the first Monday in October. By order of the Trustees. J. K. TVITHKKBPOON,