University of South Carolina Libraries
r THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ! vV. !>. TRANTHAM k J T HtY EDITORS AND IMtOl'IU KTORS. OCTOBER 22. 1874 FOR COXtiRESS. Geii. J. 15 KERSHAW. | The Campaign in (he Stale. Reports from dif i parts o? the State are very encouraging. as to the progress of the Independent Republican party.? The movement is not only well received by the Republicans, to whom its success is vitally important, and whose nominees, fJrcen and Delauv are. but also by the Conservatives, who have no ticket in the lield, but have resolved to support the Circcn ticket, as such a course offers the only feasible method of breaking the iron phalanx of the ''Columbia Ring." And vet. some men, and notably, the Trm Southron, a newspaper of respectability and influence, arc doing all in their power to retard the progress of political good feeling and co-operation. Happily, the number of such malcontents and mischiel makers is small, and their influence, is limited, otherwise, South Carolina would be a constant scene of violence and bloodshed. The wiser and more temperate counsels of a patriot like lien. Kershaw, are listened to. The sneering accusation, that he and other trusted leaders of the people advise to a dangerous and dishon. orable course, is entirely unheeded by the masses, who know that those men are tried and true. .Major Delauey, in a speech delivered before the Convention which nominated Chamberlain, tried to impress upon his race the truth, that the white and colored people of South Carolina can live together prosperously and happily, only by conceding each other's rights, and working together harmoniously for the common good. This is the foundation stone of i.latform of the Libera! Republican party, A When patriotism, justice ami Kelt-interest all call so loudly upon our people to move together harmoniously and actively at the present time, surely no one will hold hack. Xo sacrifice of principle is involved. The principles of honor am! honesty demand that every good man should go to the polls, on the third ul Xoveuibcr.and cast his support of a movement that looks to the regeneration of the .State. An organization of the * character of the Independent Republican party, is destined to be tho only instrument by which our political status v. ill be ameliorated. The present movement may be defeated in its ussoults upon the strong entrenchments of the party in power; but it will triumph in the end. Notwithstand.. ing the desperate efforts of the Ring," maddened by oppo-ition, and hesitating not to use any at? : that . dice and fraud can suggt1 .o embitter the two races, a better state of feeling exist.- no,, between the white and colored people of . the State than at any time since the war j 'ibis spirit of kindness and conciliation j is natural and necessary, and must go on j increasing. Oyr duty is to support those who favor iXCa policy of conciliation, eo-nperuti n,, and good government The nominee.- ol the Independent iuovi uient must he sup-1 ported in u 3mm. They are on the right side, and they have heeu adjudged worthy of confidence. Let us have no defection our ranks. < ('11. hcrsliuu for Congress. We take the following extracts from the . Charleston iVwv ??</ Courier, in reference to General Kershaw's canvass in the up country : Grkenvim.k, S. 0.. October I I.?(lex. i Kershaw spoke here to-dav to a 1 irgc and 1 snletidid audience and with great effect.? lie won golden opinions. His -perch was | sensible, just, patriotic, and was listened to with marked attention. iK will sweep the Congressional district. Many of the leading Republicans will sii]>port him, a!! of ?!recti's men, and some of ('iiauihcrIain's. Gov. I'errv was present, and ga\c his cordial approval to Kei haw's views. Wallace will he nowhere on the .'ird of November next, and Kershaw will ivpre St.'lit US 1!) I !1C IlL'Xf < Ollgn^-. , >;<>n>ivu vote is were present, as they are all lm-\ in the cotton fields, and. except at night, d > nut attend political gatherings, and even tluii are weary of speeches. and are getting lieartiiy tired of j, 1 iti*>. Si-AtsTAMitlUJ, .S. (1., October III.?"A tremendous meeting here to-day. Major Hclany. Gen. Kcisbaw and Hon. T. A JVivis addressed the meeting. Vou may put Spartanburg down for two thousand majority for Green, Delany and Kershaw. Another meeting is called for to-night. The j. joule say they cannot bear enough about 1 the Green, Delany and Kershaw move-j ment. There is a pcifeet revival among! them for tlie independent ticket, and the I n; aninious cry is. -Away with the llond ' K'ng ! Spail.uibttrg is one of the counties the King said liicy were going to carry with a | rush. A grand Chamberlain meeting is 'book- i cd for Camden on next Tuesday, when j the Bond King caudidaio, supported by a, long retinue ot bis con 11 derates in v. rongj doing, will doubtless n akc his bow to the good people (if tins ancient ^orougli. Wo trust that the !o;ed people, who may differ with Mr '.ambet' and his fuglemen as to the i inner of reforming the State government, will allow them a,' fair opportuuty to do the host they can for J< their side. It is the right of every zen to express his views upon matters ol public policy without molestation. llitli evti?. our colored citizens have been noted for their orderly and good behavior. Democrat it* Victories. The recent elections in Ohm. Indiana. West Virginia, and Arkansas, have resulted in Democratic victories. The Democrats are supposed to have carried the State of Ohio by 20.000 majoi loctiug twelve or fourteen out of twenty Congressmen.? In the present Congress, thev have only six out of the twenty. In 1872. Grant carried the State by 37.531 majority. Tn Indiana a majority of Democrats lias been elected to the State Legislature, which will ensure the choice of aDcmociatin place of Morton, to the United States Senate. The Democrats gain 5 members of Congress in rhisStato. In Iowa the Democrats claim one Congressman, in West Virginia, the Democrats have two ">ut of the three Congressmen beyond all doubt, with the third district doubtful. Thcs* results are said ' ' 1 .. .... to rausc nmen surprint! anu coiimci iiaimn among officials at Washington. If the IVniocratic party gains in the sauic ratio in other States, they will have at least tworh ir<I of t he next House of lleprcsciitutives in Congress. Arkansas lias gone against lladicalisin by 7.">.000 majority. Democratic triumphs were feared by the leaders of the Republican party, ami to obviate them i:i the elections ol' the present fall. rec? urse was had to reports ol outrages, rebellion, and insurrection at the South l?ut malice and falsehood have ftiled in accomplishing their purpose.? The voters of the North-west have declared agaiii?t the party which upholds carpetbuggery and proscription in the oppressed Southern States. The day of our deliverance is at hand, if we act patiently, diserectly,aud justly,but violence, bitterness, and wrong" doing will cause a revulsion of popular feeling against us, which will reuntild the Southern States, haying a lie publican majority, to another term of opm-e.-sion and robbcrv. . Camdenniid her^hnw Diblo Society. Ca.mdkn, S. C , October 11. 1>71. According to a resolution passed at its last auniversary meeting, and to previous notice, tlii* So'-ietv celebrated it> li 1'ty-tsftli antiiversary in the I'rcsbvtcriau Church ol' Camden, S. this evening at 7? ! o'clock. The Itov. K. a. J;o!!es District Super: intendent of the Auxiliary Sot-iciij*. in ; the Stare of South ('atolina. was present, and conducted the openine religious c.\_ erciscs. which consisted of singing, reading the ltnh ihudin, mayor. and prai?e. After which the Society v."'.- ciguuized ' by (Jen. ) H. Kershaw, the ['resident taking tile chair and calling around him the other officers. The minutes ol' the last meeting were , read and approved. The Depositary, or 1'ouk Agent, submiit ' :s report, sliow'inj; that s'ticc ll.c las: annual met ting. [ there 4tad been sold and gratuitously lis tvibutcu. some ninety copies of the Scrips litres, or portions thereof. <T ti.e value of - in to i ii ,i c... ... -..I. I */.-? aii?! in: iiui'.'ii ii i i v>?t i i?\. < i nvkii riin war .>1 <(!). which h.ul been turned ovet *'i iiij Treasurer, ami >iiil war mi i;an;I: 28 small Testaments, 1'fc. s mj sit 13 Miiali Testament.- & Tsalins, 1 -~?c. 1 ! ."? 21 Diblcft, 60c. 12 60 7 i.u;v Testaments. GOo. ! 2" 2 ; .41,. i. ii.d'vj. 83 :?0, 7 lit' 82- bo Tins Treasurer subiiiit:e<l his report, rh'iV, iuj; at the last anniversary nirctinj* au't suose<jUC)it ly, there hud been collected Ibr the U;e ui" the Pociety the sum of -S'J 1.1 ), o! w Inch -'lit ! ii i iiail I ecu t rans milled tliruii'ih t!ic i'isirict Siip&riuteiu.U cut to the Talent Society?2b cents paid for premium on check, and that there was a balatico of GO cents .' till lelt hi his hands; which reports were accepted. 'I he Society was then addressed by the liev. ?J M . ivcily, of t!.e .Methodist Church. upon the objec t- ii liad in view, and the necessity which exi ted fir such a Sot i i v-- the ;_' )/ ! acein.pii died by luroi-!iino th' .se who were rc.-trninid and pre vented through the :nf!ueiici of pride or povmtv. < ! nrit;voiles.-on account o| the latter, or 1>\ other causes from attendiup* ' o i. " i..., ,i : ,i I ,.i 1 \ I? 'I I II. >*i 4 11 ! I I ???' \ lil 111 ii r -.p i u?l r< :i?-i..!iu- at li??lin*. 01 l.avc I hem ro.'iij tit I hen. ? and tlie ncc-i o| family J?ibl? slicing furnished to i; families. J stating souio destitutions that had boon ihut with ami supplied in Ij - < ur.-e of pas ! \ ;~its this year ? s iiou ing the hnl? I >wed, battel;t\ ing, ami v111: influence it <M-; 11 <1. t VfTi t h rough Ih< teachings tin'if of which Is: ?! been incorporated into. ami distributed through -ut. !*.i._?1? lircrntiiic ? even in "if.'U pai i? oft he eai ill as India, w i.ere no eflort was allowed t > circulate or color -e it- t< aching* directly- - i?u! how il i??ifilit ahie -t be tccompih d from t best* sources, were it by any supjiOsahlc means eVc-i ??? be lot. which was almost. If not <|iiit<\ an impossibility?also bow it was appreciated bv tlio.s?j in destitute places, deprived of sanctuary priv ilges and intoreouisu with Christian friends, nar.. rating several affecting instances ul the same. The I'cv. 1*1. A. Holies, District Super it??? sub ill for .v uith t' is'oiin.t. being called Upon .I'ldresM'd the Society?staling that in- had been connected with ihi- work for twenty J ears?hud been blessed in it, and iiis zeal had no* abated, and that tie a I ways looked forward to the meeting of this Society with interest Also giving' an account of his nc clings with other. Auxiliaries throughout the State, and the intcrot which seemed to be manifested by them iii this great cause. The President rlso addressed the Society upon the terms by which one was constituted ft member of tic into, and there-1 spunsibility which resi . u one as such j to promote the objc t.? t,. mot by direct individual effort-, aud tracing the inelii eicncy of the Society to a neglect of this i indi\idual cxortimi and rcsnousibility?| stating the easy terms upon which the | Bible eeuId be obtained, by application to ' any member of the Kxccutivc Committee,! land all were invited to assist in the "nod I ... I [ work?that contribution# luadi* to t he So-1 j ciety went to supply either sueh destitu11ion as might exist among us or elsewhere. Bev. K. A Holies. District Supcrin| tendent, stated that a eoiitiibiition of ?8(1 I at anyone time, would make one a life mcmi ber, and enable the Society to supply one ' hundred families, and SI."?(> contributed at j any one time, would make one a l.ile Pi. rector, and enable the Society to supply live . hundred families. i On motion of Bev. K A. Bollcs, Bis1 trict Superintendent, the same officers were | continued for the ensuing year, and the i minutes of this meeting ordered to be published in the Caiafeii .Journal, h'rrxfmir ' Sou the rii J'ltslo/I'iiiin. Christian A'lfoeatt. and Wiwhtiuj Christian. A contribution was taken up in behalf of the Society, which amounted tu the sum I of S7.S5. which was paid over to the Bev. i !v A. Bolles, and the Treasurer directed I 'to transmit to ltim any funds that may i hereafter he contributed for the purposes j of the Society. On motion, the Society adjourned, to 'meet in the Presbyterian Church of C'auiden, in (tetoher next, the time to he more . definitely fixed hereafter. A Iter singing the hong Metre Doxology j and having the benediction invoked by Bev. .1. \V. Kcllv. the Society adjourned .). 15. K BBSIIAW. President. \Y. II. K. Wonkmax, Sac')-. MAllllIGll?On the 15th instant, by Rev. .T. II. Iloditers. Mr. 11. A. Marshall .and Miw M. S Mostly. All of Kershaw. < (hi die lSili instant. 1?\ (lie same, Mr. .foli 11 ihivis and Miss S. L. Caraway. i Roth of Sumter Countv. ? J. W. DePASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t (Ml TRIAL JUSTICE, Will givi- j-.* >It*]>t :ilt< nfimi lo all business ^, entrusted t.i itiin. especially. in iln- collection . of fllillllS. Otliee iiii-iairs in 1 lie Workman building. October 22. im ; ELECTION NOTICE \n fleciimi will he liehl mi Tuesday, the third day of November. ju-nx.. for the followl ing olliccrs. viz: (lovernor, I.ieiitcnnnMiiivirnor. Stale Senator, three llejiresenlaiive* School Commissioner. Judge of Probate, and j three I'o.iiity Commissioners. Polls will be opened at the following Prejiiiets. viz: CA M UKX? MAUI: hi l/? uubj'rs?Jtin. K. Withl'ispooll, K. .). Cntitiv?ay, James K. Small. (' \ MDKV ?Cm kt Hoi SK. lA/m/i/i r.%?lus. I>. I >iiii!:i{>. AllllllOt! rte\uoM<. J. Nelson ('arter LIZKNBY'S. Mouuijirs?Laiiehliu McKinnon. KelK !'c!i. Ben. li.iiu. SL'II IKICR'S MILL. Vannyers- I. F. Holland. S. I>. Hall, , Benj. F UlTFALO ( 'fiiii'tr r.-i?<diaries Jin ley, Sampson Newman. Ceiumbiis MurcliLni RKI> HILL. ?J. lloss 1 )ye, II. Z. i>enja.i jniri. jr.. .1. A. Roswell, l.riJKKTV HILL. <" ?Alexander Mallicson, K. I'. Keliv. J'. A lames I L \T ROCK. J/'/'i's? . I> Stephenson, i homas i DraiuUmL Nathan I'v-' CLHKTONS .MILL. 1/mn' /'/>?A. A. Huckaleo, Adam Cunningham. Robert i,>i;ai!-. I The Polls will open from 6 o'clock, M. in (>'< !. !.. !'. M.. wiilinut iiiii'rriiissiun. A!! Har-r.. a.. . Saloons. am! oiIm-i- plnees f'-r liu- m.1?* "t' l.i<;inir-< l?v retail. shall In 'I. - 1 ii <i\ o'cSoek >(' (!: eveninj; j.rcer* 'l.i r lli. ' \ hi -:it-!; i l?cii"li. and remain I u I alii .-i \ o'i ! k ii? I In' i.. in nl lie nl t lie !i tl (Mcufier. j.-ii I In' linn* al'iin*ii'l. liic - .! ?>! iiiinXHwliiig liijiioi* i? jiro l i' >i! ?i|. i c',airri.:iii of i-acli Ii 1 ol' Maiiaucr^ i-. ill mil nil r lioini'c ilie :!1-i tiny "I' October fur II:!!"! !! x< i : ii'I in li uciii'iisi. J. I". SI 'Tl! Kll LAN It | II. II. WALL Unanl. \. No|,DS. ) October l'.i.?lit. FOUND AT LAST! THAT BOSWKLIAS IS Tl IE PLACE. V. 11 \ I \ I ni' i s i> in \ 11 ! Iii rail ami JO JO H GROCERIES, H CD * :tisn<'i2 (nootls, C) n.nKvvn.vm'ttv.Xi'tv.z O 0> ^ , 0) CrnclLors, S in :i]| I.iii'!-. S CIGARS AND TOBAl'CO [*J h I l n*-* t?? !~ r i ' ':,H ;l" I >:i'1 iy yourselves 'BOSWELL'S is the place to I my clir;i|i (i /'orrt'ifM Uinl 1''iijV('tii>Hnr .*. lla\ili<^ laillL'llt for c.t ;ii. lie can afioi-'l l?> sci! as eluaji a any one 1l.-o in town for tin* same ijiialiiv of ixooils. a\ p. eoswphjIh. Oclnliir Dm . I SIMON WOLFE, \i I lie Store one door Noith "t Judge licit* ner's Law Ohiie, I'ii* s tin1 highest in ices fur ''? 11 ?*i. Corn. IViir, OKI Iron. I'.l.l-- llll'l t'oji|ier. (i rri'll :i ?l?l 11i v Hid*"!, lilies. Wool, i.i almost any oilier article ottered lor rale. October J.. I in Stt'l'TElS. Fiebh Cioslit'ii ami Mountain Butter, at McCrKUV'S.1 I wmammamaammammmmamaBm. huasu 1IV STORE, i ANI? TO ARRIVE. A FULL LINE OF Groceries i V I i I ' PROVISIONS, BOUGHT AT TIIE LATEST DECLINE, And will bo sold for CASH ONLY, AT Til K Very Lowest Figures. Hoots and Shoes l ' Dry (iloods, Hardware, Urockery, ir..;.. I As usual, to which the :itteut:on of our friends and the public generally ispecially invited. I PHELPS & BILLINGS. Octobci Great Attractions! i AT i IS ' 3IAAV-N. I ! . Tliouii'iersi^iie<l ros|>c?ctfully invito*uttvntioii t" It!- st ok, consist intf, in i-art, < ! o Ilats aiul Capw, DIR/Y" G-OOIDS, CliOTHIHTG. Boots and. Slioce. SADDLES AND BRIDLES, Hardware, Crockery ware 1 TRUNKS, VALISES, \e., ,\c. At.SO?A FUI.I. I.INK OF Choice Family Groceries. Ali : wiiicli will ! m>M njuwi As Reasonable Terms, I'D I; t'ASll. .IS tllf SUIIlf fill! lit1 I'll If I seis.-wlier. in the State, out-iile til' t'l.nricsioa (live iiio ii fall before jnircl:a>iti^ fr..n ; others. ISV.IIW, Agent Ocltibcr 'JJ. -in Administrator's Sale. ; Oil \Ve<liic-.lay. 1 lie lltli lily < ! Nov. nili.-i ' next, I will oiler for sale, at I'uhlie Outcry. | ill liis lute n i.lciice, till of the 1'KllSoN A I. KST \ 1 li of the lute \\ ilev .Maloue, ?! < .1 IV- It. MALOXK, Ailm'r. October'JJ Notice to Trespassei-s. All pereons are forbhl.leli entrance on any of my Ian-Is Jo fish, hunt, or Tor any othei jiir1 j ?wiiiioiit a written |.ertiii->ion from me. Parties iii.-n y.iinlinjr this notice w iil be jo-o-e ciitcl to the full extent of the law. Tic- . i<( la'i'ls are 1;I: >nn a- the ' .Muliley Place nml the |'v;i\ I l:;ee," on the west ,-i?l?* ol Waterec Kiver. JOHN JAt'KSoN. t tetolier I to rr\ n?. ?tn the I-tli nil., a Steer ivti" oll'erc.l to iale in Ciiiinli-u by two strange colore.! in. a uinler sir j'icioiii' circntnstaio i's. tin tiioliu Mill llll"\ IVl'tf S11 > | K'CI I'll III Milium; II II.I I li-ll InWIi, :ili I ImVi* IiiiI I im ii Iir.- i'il 1 li 11 -ill' Tlir Siivr IH almiil lull!- vr:'.r.? :i 11 t!rcil cnlur, I h rinl nl t In* I :i 11 li|i|.rii wit'i w it it ?>. Inilli liiinl feel while. :i nnli \\ 11i11-till" il: I Im lorelidl, ll>?* liill'i liiii;; i rn :tII I IV |1 lirnl|i;l|l ;|i*I'tlS ill:' Mllll'lec l'lM:i l-'iir luriiiiT I' trl irulur*. iijij'Iv iti the .Imii mil Oilier. I liinlii'l- I. II BAGGING AND TIES. Units Mini ll.llr Hulls l.csl lll'llVV l!.\l i( i I N< i. HH? Iiumiii S \ It HOW TIMS. SIM.M'KO Tills. Fur sail* 1>v 1*11"KLI'S ilc HI I.LINUS August I.'!: u SSiiUcr ;IIHK CIictw. HIKSH (Lisbon Uuttor and Fartury CIk'i'm;. .lust rociMved by KiUKLKV A CAIiLAMb Sepleiiibor 17. It ( round (linger. Cloves, 1'ej jcr, ('in., uanion, &c . in air tight box pp. I'm- sale by .1. \\\ MoCriiKV. ( 'ollbc. ( ^ollbe. 10 bags C'OFFHK. For sale by BAUM BHO'S. I # TIIE WILMINGTON EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE, j AM) SI UtileM. lSl-WMAUY, ! 47 it 4!> X. I'HO NT SIR KKT. j THIS INSI'I'IT'I K, which offers all the comfort | and privacy of a Home, while possessing the conI vtnicmvs and appliances of a pnhlh* hospital, in prepared !> receive patient* mill.'rintr f.oai disease j (ir injury ??l the Kvk or Kir, or oilier surgical alfectton requiting operative tnatiuent. ] One o! the lurgest ami ilnest rc-iileii -es in the I city i- upl' il for the Jin i?o-(, aii.I the Surgeon ' in charge aesides in the Building with his family, hav; the nursing ami Jrcntmeut alter tlelicate opera* Hons under his persona! care ai ! supi i vision. To person from the C'arolinas ami slates further South this I list il ute olfers every advantage of the large northern cities, without the seventy of their climate, am! with considerable economy in time and expense. The medical pro I tssion and others are. invited to address, for information. I)u. M. J. liP.HOSSKT, Resident Surgeon. I*. o. Box ..T'2, Wilmington, N. (', October is :it. ITHE BEST PLACE IN CAMDEN ! rro HITY YOCJR !IIATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, X3XXY GOODS, of nil cjualilies. GROCERIES In ally ity. Sa<hl)e? ami ItrMles, Leather, Hardware, ami a full stock of I lie choicest Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. [ In fine, whatever is needed hy La?ly or tlenj tleinan, in town or country, can ho fouml at | KALISKY & GOLDBARTH'S. Thankful lor past favors, we propose to ilo a tnorc eSleiisive business in future, amJ Iihvc, consei|iiently, lisj'lnycil ffieal euro in the selection o' our htr-4-' ami constantly inerea-in^ which will I- at prices ! to ilefv competition. i I'.elne salisf.i .1 ..ill. a small profit, we , shall ni.'lersel! all others in ('annicn . j (live ns a call. KAI.ISKV & CoLDBARTII, \t t.'onaway's OLI Slaml. t)etolier l"?. 1 lit E. C. GREEN, JR., Commission Merchant, I'llAlll.HSTOX, s. <'. ! I will sett (<?TT<iN, N.W.M. STMtfiS, or any Pr<?In< < -in| |>..) to iiii1. mill iiKiki- |ii*iiiu|it returns, j AND Vt'll I. l-!I.I. ?t<>r:mv kind ?.f goods cit?iit il. ?iilli'c i .1. A. (?l'ACKKM:rSII 'A CO., Wholesale Grocers, 12s l'v>T l'.vv, ClIAHI.KSTti.V, S. WJltTi* I VV !| Itf n'i;i?-i| In see III* fT < tr.v i iii<* n: 1 I >viil save vi ii iiii(in > ixitli in selling your cottnii ai.d liitviii>? is. K ('. CKKKN. .IKj ^Oct.lh.T Dill For Service ! | , . Buy the Stylish, Good-Fitting Doubli-SrrJtd FINE SHOES! For LADIES' and MISSES' wear, with thi* Trade Mark in every shoe. r( Pn PomiUIT UTIU . The Soles arc attached to the Uppers with Jtvo rows of five-cord waxed thread, (instead of one row as in other shoes,) and are WARRANTED Never to rip from the uppers, ! ... I 85 A TIB *3. '(MlSlM'l ioSKM'il'S. 1"'iv 1 ii'Ii and American ('uulectiuncries, 11 itr.^o vari-1 v i1 r ~ tI?v -I. U\ V: I'l iMlV. LL a r\rie.?, I' 1 ;n i ' >!s. .v ,ij. .s-'tact'li, Soda, i'airi.' . i> :. '.iiij Ac. I'.-r .salt,' l>v i. Y?. .Wri I iiliY. I W: :l l'of the Wagon, and we'll' ail take a Ride." t:. whitman a so>;*s I 1 I r.i I . . ^ s? 1 p, | |' 1 ......!i Order* left witli I 1 Ki* . * I ' 1 1..| i -tit. in ion. I i f '. i -i st'iiil for ; . .. ai !?I:N. J ! THii Ea&iLB MILLS. | ? -- . I I i o . .1; i i i I 11 it I : ! 2 I !i I ( I., ? ' . I I lit.* . . . i, i? t I ; 11 FINEST Oft I ST MILL !n iv ..I !i . Si.lU < i|iii| I"1'!.. -in i |i'. - i "!'ii in ii' I: Mill Imiiik'i. 'iii- Mil- r -inai.-l :ii "The Km* i I lui'v. in iii: 111 iii <'.liin! ii. rl\? i'iu<'r>. I ! I ! !.. - i*Y i'I'H I I HI > ln-ls ul I iTi'|T<*\ . !.! I' I'nr ill* liuriiijj iIh* y.inniiij: I i';;Si II. V Mi ll 'A ill In- Sulil i II K % I* I nil i \.ll. W. !. MOIIKKI.I,. i ( li'l iilirS "*. ?! i ? YV.A TVriOJK \!l ni t fi-ii-hi|?. cii.sluiiii'i . Mill I !h> jiiiMic I J v_i >i i-r;i 11 v. i" i-miie : ii I t-\: in i in* l n \ I a ?*ij ? coome stoves, i l i-fori'jiiiri'l -In;; i1 i'hIiiii-. Tlirv ni-?? ol ?i!jiri . iii.iliiv. Miiilal ( 111w i >i |i|-n-n?. \1?.. :i la. a'. urMiioM ul i in 1'ivi oil - "Varc, at w !inli" .ill' iiinl i I'lail. i!Oi?FI Mi. il'ilfi-i in jr. SinVi* i'ijtr. iill'l nil: Job Work, promptly ntleiit'cil to. "I*it: iikt .1 l"i tin' vi'i-v ! ' i I:.l } -itI vliari'l>o?Jnw I ii) iii- ia ! ! ?? ! ;?.-1. I iv p.'rifully solicit a i otiliiiii.-iTit*e i>! i'h' .- iTiir .1X0. Ii. OOODALE. October I. i5i*f ' mwi in?BBaa???? W. L. A OFF An Immense Fall ( Dry Goods BOOTS Jkl HATS A] # Ready-Mac Choice Fam , I I I M.y piircliiist's In Since the late And in consequence I ATTRACT IV lOvorv Care * . Has keen paid to tlio selection ol Superior and Relit (Would do Will to examine my Stock w (K-tnW S. j urn FOR I HAVE LAE/GI I LABl^S'' dp ro.NSI I BLACK AM) COLORED AI TAMESE CLOTH, BLACK i ODESSA CLoTiL SILK I)LAlso?a lar<i i-itawis, IJoulovani >Kiris, wpora *1 vet?vus. a!! colors, at oOc. po Hosiery, U! >\vs and Ilandkcrchi Five hundred pieces of ltibbous, AH fi tela'It (//*. offered k( prices ti i I '.ill early and examine tlici I t h'fob. r S. EE AD THIS ' A laii .has ju?t been carefully solei !id. Mel is now bciiijj ottered to ;'i public, con^istiuji of ? ; loiuijs. Ihoo i. 1 lams. Shoulders, i'oilee. Sil:.':ir, Hard, Mf.lassos, n L < ? T, ' *' II / 3 <k B \ 1 * f 1/ ? rim* ami Heavy BSoiii^v-iiiiuio iiot li i ng, ,\ large assortment. HATS, BOUTS AMD SHOES. I >ue of the tino.-t stocks in I \vn. Hardware and Crockery. Fancy (Joods and Notions, I iii' i i?l?" si n<l AT K ENXKIIY & BO YKI JUS. September 24. tf >1 a <*koi*el, Mnckei'el. loll kits. To arrive and for sale Lv HAT'M HUG'S. I lRTHUR ERS , and Winter Stock 0 jV and Notions, VI> SHOES, ND CAPS, 4a ^Irt+hinff A Vy WIVhl 111 Igy ily Grroceries, nvc all been made Heavy Declines, , I am prepared to offer E BARGAINS. -(") mid F n?v Stock, and those in want of a able Grade of Goods, before purchasing. . L. ARTHUR. tf. THE LADIES. OPENED A "! STOCK cf ST1XO OK AW CAS, COMPAZINE, SILK, JAP. SILK, PONGEE, ^GONALS, all wool DELAINES. E ASSORTMENT OF . Flannels and Fancy Sackings, r yard, worth $1.00. efs, in all colors and shades, '/.// will siireh/ sell them. n at I. BARIJCII'S, tf Heavy Arrivals. J. 31. WILLIAMS Respectfully announces to the (ttililic tliat lie line just returned to Camdeu with a large stock of JDJEllT GOODS, Of nl! description*. Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, NOTIONS, lu endless variety. j HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. SADDLES, AND BRIDLES, HARDWARE, &c. Which I aim determined to sell at the Very Lowest prices for Cash. GOOD FLOUR, Only $050 per Barrel. \ large variety of SADDLES, in which I defy competition. I wish it distinctly understood, that 1 will not be undersold by any one. BfS^t'oine and see if what 1 tell you is not truo.-vfjjj J n WILLIAMS, Opposite Deo. A Men's. Broad Street, CAMDEN, S. C. October 1. tf Soap, Soap! 40 boxes at low priecs. BAUM BRO'S.