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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ? \V. I). T RANT II AM & J T H A V / S EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. / ~ OCTOBKIt S. IS7 4 The I.iberul Rojuiblicmis. The State Convention of this party met i in Charleston last Friday, and elected lfon T. 0. Dunn, of Horry, President, ?- ^..11 ? ?C \'i^a.Pra?ii)i>ill4 and Willi <1 IUII VUI Jl.1 VI i ivv-1 Secretaries. Kershaw County was represented by John McKain, Charles Carter, and Wm. Burrows. Several Counties were not represented on Friday from various causes, and Mr. Dunn, in explanation of the absence of delegates f rom some of tho counties, read a 'confidential circular." issued to the Chairmen of the County Committees, by K. B. Kiliott, Chairman of the Stato Committees of the Chamberlain party, advising them to be diligent in watching the movements of the Independents, with a view to thwarting their designs; to cause ^Chamberlain men to attend the primary meetings in sufficient numbers to control such meetings and prevent the nomination of delegates to the State Convention of the Independents; and to report promptly to headquarters tho result of the "Bolter's" meetings.? Mr. Dunn also stated that threats had been freely used against such as should act independently and that he had received letters from several counties saying that they had been prevented from sending delegates by the very means recommended in the circular. On Saturday, Judgo John T. Green, of Sumter, \?as nouiiuated for Governor, and Martin K. Delany for Lieutenant-Governor, amid great enthusiasm. T#e following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Independent Republican movement is not hostile to the domination of the Republican party in South Carolina, but is designed to main tain its integrity against the corrupt "rings" which control Jit, and at the same time protect the common interests of the whole people of the State, Resolved, That while maintaining the integrity of the Republican party iu South Carolina, we cordially invite the whole people of the State t<> support the nominees of this Convention as the only means of preserving their common interests? especially requesting the Conservatives that having persistently declared that their desire was only for good government. - .1 without regard to partisan |cuiiiw, will now attest the sincerity of their declaration.* by marching with us. shouldci to shoulder, for the triumphant election oJ Green and Dclany, and the certain redemption of the State from the corrupt "rings" which have disgraced the Republican party, arid trampled upon the interests of Republicans and Conservative.' ?? - alike. Congressional District caucuses wort bcld with the following results : lu the First District, the nomination oj J. II. Rainey, regular Republican candidate, was ratified. In the Second District, Col. E. W. M. Mac key was noiuina ted in opposition to Major ('. \V\ Rutiz Chamberlain candidate. In the Third District. R. II. Cain was nominated in ?ip. position to Comptroller-General Huge. Chamberlain candidate. The Fourth i>is trict made no nomination, but resolved tu sujjjtort (ti n. ,/. 11. A*' I'shmc, for ('onyets, in case in. fas jmt into the f. /</ /y the Coiiservutinf. In the Fifth District. J. P. M. Eppiug, of Reaufort, was nominated in opposition to Robert Smalls. Chamberlain candidatq. ? Tho Liberal Republican patty ha* thu.been launched upon the- stormy sea of South Carolina politics. Tho members of this party refuse to he called "Loiters."? The Charleston convention was not the secession of a few dissatisfied ii.en from a regular Republican organization. The body that nominated Chamberlain was suffered to do its work, and adjourn intact. That, which places Judge (Jrecti in notni. nation, was an independent representative assonibly, sent directly from the people, fudge Green stands as much a regular Republican nominee as does Mr. Chamberlain. 'fu i IIIMVl'llPIlt isflH I 111, JilWIUJ 1IVI/UVKV Uli Ml ' VI.IV... at itb base, a princir-V that is 'rue. and will prove health) ! its operation, if allowed to develope?that the white and colored people of South Carolina have mutual rights aud interests, which must ba consulted and protected, in order that the general good may bo advanced. The spirit of the party, towards the Conservatives, is shown by the action of tlie Con vention in reference to the Fourth Con gresaioiial District. .Judge Juo. T. (irecii, who has been nominal d li?r (.iovcruor, is a Republican aud lias tilled tlio ollice ?>!' Judge of the Third judicial district, since Reconstruction, with ability and success. Nothing can he said against him by his bitterest political opponents. Mu.tin It. J Many is a full-ulooued negro, remarkably able at. I well iducatid for one of hi- rate, lilted to ho a leader of liis people, has been an oliicer in the I'nitcd Ftates army, hut !m.- liini Itr/tf a Stat' ti(firi m South (''arolina. We do not hesitate to-av tl at. should the Co;..--native Convention, that meets to-lay, make n? n nninaiion, the clear and imporaiiduty of ovary conservative citizen is to support andvot^^Lr ^^H^^^^^entoUs issuib oi Stall' should rule, and nit personal preferences or dislikes. The Civil Rights Bill feature of the Liberal Republican platform ma}' cause souic to hesitate.? j W e have said before, and repeat now. that opposition to this, so far as concerns South Carolina, is merely the fighting of a shadow. A civil rights law has been in force in tiiis State, fur scleral years, much more sweeping in its provisions than the proposed Act of Congress, and we arc not aware that any one's rights have been infringed thereby. In addition to this. Congress lias not vet passed that law, and the elevation of Judge Orccn will not promote, nor will his defeat retard its passage, i .-11 .!.. > hvrishitnre be nlcascd lilt" 4MUU'??m? - i to enact a measure, which meets with bitter opposition in the North ami \\ est. South Carolina wants, before everything else, an honest and just government. (let this, and civil rights will take care oi I themselves. The ( oliniibia riin-ni v. Its wishy-washy, milk and cider policy, to say the least of the course pursued by the J'hoiii.r since South Carolina has been cursed with the presence of John -T. Patterson tk Co.. caused lirut Colonel -J. P. Thomas, and afterwards the late Win. II. .Mi.Caw. to retire from its editorial man. j agcmcnt. l-'ur the sake of independent journalism in Fouth Carolina, it was hoped ! that those gentlemen had withdrawn pre i maturely; but subsequent events leave i no doubt that they were moro familiar i than the outside world, with the statu? of the paper they edited. In the present i crisis, when every man, in whose breast | the (lame if patriotism has not been to' . tally extinguished, is expected to set his | face as flint against ti. evil influence? of the times, and work unceasingly foi i nt' tlii> State. Mr. Selhv proclaims to the world that henceforth lie will occupy a position of "armed neutral ity"? between the Columbia King, composed of the most consummate villains whoui tied in his Infinite mercy ever allowed to live, and the oppressed, plunder nd, tax-ridden and poverty-stricken people of his native state; and this is done that he iuuv come in for a division of the spoils. Mr. So!by endeavors to explain lis position, hut lie cannot do so to tla satisfaction of the public. An "armed neutrality," at such a time, is something that was never hoard of. It would he a phenomenon in journalism, and thereforejnexplicable. Mr. Sol by cannot ceasi to work on behalf of the people, without lending his influence to the other side.? . Had lit gone s?juately am! fairly, and in . open daylight, over to the King, his coiusc would have been more commendable A> ? it is, his position is pusillanimous, and lii> fate scaled in the estimation of all right minded W c hope soon to see at the Capital ??l the State a staunch Conservative paper u iiieh will not enter int > any eonelave with hose wli.t r<di the people, nor remain si i lent while othcis do so; Lut which will . expose and denounce the villainies < f tin I ling, and excoriate the members there >f. o long as the State sufii-ison account of the.r presence. Chiton.? I he market yesterday was active. The lc st M iddling Cotl u bri ught 1 I . \\ il. Hi i?so.\, Ksij.?From the i'ur,nrr'.< JoiU'mif. of I lie 2"'d lilt . (published at Columbia, Ky., the home of Mr. Hudson,) uo copy the following:? Mr. \Y. If. HuJsm If It hore on the .1th iii>'... with :i drove f h<u>es f.r the ''amden, S. ('.. market., a point with which he ; annually. lie took with him some 1 I'o'ir Iv-i. .--addle iiit-J harness !ioj>' among which were the well-known _rrav mare ' Nannie.'' the last racking !h : -o .! tliuny Montgomery;" tlie i'ainou.saddlehorsc "Pa'," atul the gray horse Fa-hint:."?the two latter purchased lr? tn J'r Jthorer. lie had also many otlmr very valuahie horses. We understand that .Mr. Hudson lias g veil general satisfaction at Camden, an 1 we r c >in oil to! him as being in.; our ojst citizens, i reliable trader, and a through gentle man. U'c wish him >'t ec?s, and hone to see his smiling lace at ' us soon. Mr. Hudson has a line I t <d'saddle and draft horses, and expects :t choice stock of mules, i:i the course of a mouth or six weeks. V. c endorse what is said of him above. Tiik I*u<?i:aie.m: Viki.d of Cotton.? Kroin the returns of tlie various Kxchanto the National ('??ttor* Kxohan;;c, ho* the mouth of September. we uive be! >\\ the replies t?> t^ucstion 5, which reads ai'.l."Wn : With frost at the usual time, will the vivid be tin: same, greater, or less than last .ear ti your county? Char!' ston I'xehanue?Thirty coiimi?\- J in ;-hiit!i Carolina. SI replies average I I per cent. less. Savannah I'xchan^e?South Western (ieoioia, somewhat more: Midda: ticm. |.i averat: 15 per Cent, !c Norilti*ru tieor *_*i:i, :P( per eenl. Iws; Mast 11 >rid:t, le Middle and West Florida, more. Mobile iixcliatiot! fwcnly enmities in \l.iIsaina. miislly bottom lands, 10 per i (eenl. more; twenty five counties. upland- j II per cent, less; thirteen counties in' .Mississippi up!and-. ih'S per c?lit. less; 5 counties, uplands, less; one county, uplands, same. ^ Memphis Kxehntiyo West Tennessee,. B^h^ies average fl'i per cent, less;' ^^^^H^issippi, 51 replies average to H^^^^^LA/katisus, north of Kivcr, North ' ^l k u TilK SlPKRVtsolts OK Kl.eition-?! United .Static Marshal Wallace has just j arrived in the city from New \ork. He states that Mr. P. T. Poinicr will arrive here -in the 10th inst.. after \vhichtiineapplica tions for supervisors, of election, for actry j tih't'iit/pm im t in the Shift , will he promptly attended to. In tho meantime the marshal states that it will be ad visa-1 bin for all parties to prepare their appliea-1 tions us soon as possible, and hand them into his office, when they will he presentJed to Mr. I'oiner on his arrival tluil ('tltllitr. A CARD OF THANKS. Mn. Solomons and Mr. Harmon wish , to tender their sincere thanks to the young 'ladies who kindly sent them each a l?o; ijuct of Flowers on Thursday last. October S, 1871. Kershaw County Bible Society. The anniversary of this Society will he celebrated at the Presbyterian Church in Camden, on the second Sunday filth day) of Oc: intier. prox.. at "A o'clock. P. M. ltcv. R. A. Bolles, the District Superintendent.! will he | present, J. B. KTKSHAW, President. W. If. It. Workman, Secretary. DENTAL C ARD. The undersigned respectfully informs those friends d< siring his h i-vircs.'thnt lie ill visit Camden on or about the-Oth inst., ami | remain ten <la vs. 1 II. ALEXANDER. | October X. 4t. THE DeKALB MILLS. This is to inform my friends and the public ' i at large, that i have just completed the FINEST GRIST MILL i in Kershaw County, which is fully equipped. and provided u ith the best ' French Burr' Mill . stones. The Mill is situated at "TheFnc j lory," one mile from Camden. To Farmers. I shall have several thousand bushels ol COTTON SEED for sale during the ginning season, which will be sold cut: a t* run cash. W. F. MOKKELL. Octobes 8. "?t ?Sli< riir-s >^alf . In the Probate Court. Martha Clementine Rush. mjaiiifl Itcnjamin Howi-ii ami wife KUen 1$,, Jasper Illleson 'I Rush, >! ?//? l'eiitiali to sejl I'e-'l Ksl tte of (| l'eter Hush, deceased, and jlistriliite the I I proceeds in accordance with his will. In compliance with an or<ler ma tie in t li in | ease, to tac ilirecteil. I will, on the ftr-i Moti1 'lav in November next, being the I'd day of ! -.aid month, oiler for sale at public outcry, according to lit eo.-loiji of Auction". In-fore the court house in Camden, The I'eal Kstutc of l'eter Hush, deceased, consisting of some ."?'?<) acres, more or less, lying on the West side of Wateree Rivet, in Kershaw t'oiinty. on Hear <?r? ?!:. linnm-gnn's 1 Hrattch, Elia-' i'raneh and Map'e Hraiich. Terms?So tum-li cash us will pay the cost<>f these proceedings; balance oil ,a credit of one and t wo y ars. 1'nri l asers I., git e bond. | with good ami approved security, an I a niort, gage of the premises,"and to pay for paper" 1 and recording. S.\Ml I.I. I'l.ACK. S. K October S, It Shi'rill's Mary A. I.vies , \;i<iin*t Snsaniiali II I'ickett. Kx'rx, f Execution. a ltd tb" Trustees of Wof- j ford College. Hy viritie of the above execution. I v\ i 11 s**ll i on ih? tir.t \|oiiday in November next, being the Jtid <lay of said month, before the court house at I'atmleii, within the legal hours of ! sale. 1 !*: ? ? ??' i.rihM. > < 111; 11 r m imtmiuh t huh. I IV. 1> :i.iT oil Sji'.i iii'v' s efc. i?o four i lint ii I r' li-v, iiji.'c or It.--. I ? !!n>l?*?l North I V l.lll'lf "!' .J. J. 11?!.' 1. II !?? < . S Wlllll 11V I'ickrII Ian i--. I'.iis: l?v' Vv iteree Itiver. ami West l?\ !:;ii?!- i.: .I. J. Ilinv.abee. Levied iij'on as ih?* land* of tlie above-named defendants. SAMl'KL riiACM, N. /?'. C. October -It. . TO i?K\T. fl'llll Plantation t>f i lip Km.lipid' A. !!. I'nhy. I J on the IVi-'t side of tlit* Wnterec Kiver. , !*T? v;'ii mill's l'roin t'anel'ii, convenient in the t : Si Miuliuiit l.a nd'tijf. in n hi;?h slate of etilli| Vi.ti.m, vviili <luriling house and several | j iionscs lor ConjioiAlso lirisi Mil!, tiinntidj Screw, rit\i by water, Possession given 1st t'.Initiiarv. For terms in<|nii' i.f del. 1 ? If. A. M. KKNNKIiY. Adm'r. S( I3IOOii. riVrl!! exercises ?; 1" t lie Public School. i while, i j ) under fiie luanagcinoiu of Miss lleNonii ami Miss Tweed. will lie t?|at the Itrick ! A'-ailvmy, next to the Pi e-hyiorian t'hiirch, on the first .Momlny in Oetnbi r. Ity order i f (ho Trustees. .1. K. WITHKIISPOON, t'liin n. Hoard Tnistee.s. October 1. of WA>'Tlil). All mv frioinl-. customers, s:M 1 the public j if ju-iH*v. I" come ami examine mv lsti-*;?stoek "1 COOKING STOVES, before jiii im'Iiii-*! ii j; el -ew lie re. Tliev are ul ! superior <junliiy. ami a! llie lov.*c?t prices. ,\l-o - i large a-sort men) of the best are, ut wholesale an I retail. !{(It>! 'I N<!. tiiitli : !ii('. Stove 1'ipe, ami all j Job fV irl;, promptly .".it' n?{?* I to. Thankful tor tin vi ry liberal | atioiiaj-ebe.v I a j. on no in s li j 11 -1. I ri - |io< t fully -olieit a eoiiliiiuaii -e of tin- .-aine. J NO. It. OOODALK. (lelober 1. ? GKOCEEIES. The sub-i-riber olli is ! Iiis customers i!?I the public gene ally, HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES^ iiiileil to lh< season, which w ill be sobl low j for i n.- It, ii barteii'I foi i"oiitili v Pio-liiO. j .i. w. Mccntitv. so jit ember L' I. " HIK'dii, ltiicoii! . 4M.0U0 lbs. HACON. l'or nnlc by V < W. L. A! OFFE An Immense Pall 01 ' Dry Goods BOOTS A > HATS Ready-Mad I Choice JPanii I Mtv purchases ha Since the late And in consequence. ATTRACTIY1 1 Kvery Care j Jl:i3 been paid to the selection of I Superior and Relia i Would du well to examine my Stock b w. < K'tober S. I NEWS FOR 1 HAVE i L^A-ZE^O-IE LAMES' m IONSIS ' J SLACK AND COLOHKD A I.I TAMKSE CLOTH, 1?LA( K SI ODKSSA CLOTH, SILK DIM Also?a Shawls, Dotilevaril Skirls, Opt ra Velveteens, al! colors, at ftOr. per " i II ... n. l,;, hosiery, i loves sum jiuiuh\? " i \ i i j v i Five hundred pieces of Kibb -lis. ii A/l of which ore offered ot j>/'tcr.i //? . jpx/r'<':t!l early and examine them 8 2 ()ctober X. HEAD THIS! | A large stock lias just been carefully so- j lected. mid is now being offered to the public, consisting of K( >ci8:i: r i Flour, Macon. Hams, Shoulders, Co flee, Sugar, Lard, Molasses, ?\e. I?I{ V <J< M>])S 7 Fine and Heavy Kcadv-Mtiulo 4'iol A large assortment. HATS, BOOTS AND SHOTS- | Ono of the finest stocks in town. Hardware and Crockery. Fiiii?\v <*?mh1s and Not Ions, fi ?s? i*.* :i n<8 r I^i< -?-:. ' AT KI:nm;ip\ & hovkins SVjiftMnlicr - I. 11 mi ALU ATA DEMY. rnm: i:\rm-m ..i mrs. r. j. si; \n\non . 1 SCHOOL will 1?c resumed, "ii Tiiiu 1 a \, Hciobi* 1st, ut her midcnco in kiilo< 1. 10. ? ?r. RTHUR KS and Winter Stock jr. md Notions, n> SIIOEH, ID CAPS, e Clothing, lj Cjri'ooeries. ve all Ix'oii lihtile Heavy Declines, I am prepared to ofl'er B BARGAIN, ?) 11it<1 A ( tent ion jnv Stock, ao<l t!n>.se in want of a ble Grade of Goods, efore puiviiusin^. L. ARTHUR. if. TH? LADIES. H'ENKK A STOCK ESS GOODS,, rix?i <?k WCAS. iitiMIJAZINE. U.K. J.\ r SILK. !'< >.\?; KH, [,(?N \ LS. iii! wihi] iii.1.A!a 1*.S, As.<i?!:T N i ? !* l;!:uil'fi> HI;'! I' llii-y S.u lvill^s, Vitro, *? '? Hi * i t>, i a'i >! an ! siiii'l'*. ft ll't'/l V/ y // (!,. m, ill [. t!A15tClfS, If .. - _ I Heavy Arrivals. .1. M. WIS.I.! '.i!S I! ;i ; i' I \ 111>>i:i - < t<> I . I i| t ] ..-! 1 tllfli ' ly ("nil Ifll i: !i :i Isirjro *[.. . ..f D"R/D GOODS, j O i!! If*-. ri|><it?a?. Clot-ling, Eats, Boots, Shoes,1 NOTIO I>T?iy i i : i-ii i';,v \ :rici v | JIM? AND FANCY GROCERIES.; SADDLKS. AND lilllPLKS. HAIIPWAKK. kr. \> ili ti J :l ili ii'i'lllillC I t?? soil ;l( till' Very Luvvesfc prices for Cash <;<><>!> r'l.on?. Oil I) ? <}..*?) ;*(? \ . \ ; i i \ i >| A i?PI,!!S. its \viii?*li I I- |\ . Kttl|l('l <1 ?! ?. I wi-"!t ii ! i - n? : 1 \ it ii I i -loti'l. lliat I will nut In* nii'lt i I'V a a v "in . }. " i ' iliir .111-1 *?' i! Vi M1-11 \ oil is III > ' nin . , ,; .s .ti iv a a. i j.ui .s. ( j. : :I ii. \Men's. Ili' Strocl, t' \ >! i ?i:N, S. (Iiii.'ur I. ?f Hisi'iiilts! .'JO bt!?. Biscuit*. I'nf sili- l?v UAI'M BltO'S. * I ii? wi1*1 imnMiwwi i New Establishment HEW STOCK. The subscribers have removed t>> their 3XTjS-W STORE, Opposite Mr. I!. M. Leunedy, ami now offer a J Varied and Select Stock, comprising such articles as Hid people ot'| Camden mid Kershaw County need. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, and of her articles too numerous to mention. { Everything is sold CI1KAP FOR CASH. early call is solicited. N. E. SMITH & BRO. From the Ashes. I DIi. ZE31P Has risen?ami establish^!.himself at his (>/./> ST. -where In will he happy to receive ali his <?1<I friends and customers, ami as many new ones as feel disposed to visit him. Thankful for past favors, he will spare <o pains to make it agreeable and profitable to all who may rail on him. 1ST Oonittntly on hand, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, KEROSENE LAMP CHIMNEYS, PERFUMERY, GARDEN SEEDS 1 every article pertaining tn a wcll-siippi. i Store. PHYSICIANS* PltKSCltiPTlON.S will receive especial attention. . t f BOOTS & SHOES! The attention of ptivchasera is invited tc my large and well selected stock of the abort articles. It is intended to make this branch a ?i?idf 11 at ;rv - ~ | ami I can confid. ntlv recommend lay stock, : l?>!ii n to 'jiiali y ami material, as unexcelled in this market, J. W. McCrilRY. Sejitt inucr 2if ( Wait for the Wagon, and we'll all take a Ride." F. WHITMAN k SOX'S IIU.M iii i 1 i'r \? \tION'S, of sti^ J- ri? ' , t:ik ! ::11"-'i. 'triers '.eft with I the ItII I' ." : 1 Wilt It:: V.- *?roS*H?l iittdltiolJ. I For j:i-i. - .! i ;1' ; !sK ts, j Sept. 17. ' t:,:o. M.ltl'N*. Iii the Disirid Cuutl ef ilia U. Status, If;! Fth !H CAKoLlNA. In the . a:i i- ( f <"11 Al'l.KS II \ M \.\ of fani lt !i. IT.ti.: at| - itii.n for Fell mid Final 1'i- 'I-, i iii H itikrn) :i y. (i,iii that a liiaiii'jj l?c ha I oil the 1-th du\ o! ?iv ' her, 1.-71. nt F-ueral I'otn t House in t*l::ti'!-. ! ti. "v <' : a:- I that all creditors. &c., nfraiJ |tabkru|>i ?ar:?t aid time and place, -7 cause it' any they can, why the |.r.v?rit the I'ctitioitcr should no; he k'rant.d. ... I;\ oi li r e.' t'-.m t. tile 11th day of Sijitemi her. is7 1. i?.\mi:f. *i\. I Clrrk l)i*iric' i' /' f>/ CailtdSfata, y, y. .'/, i ,' S. |.i.-:ihcr 17. It QX 'Xk T? ' /'/?. ( \i,i /.#.// . // . , l,tlf ii> liriititV.' A i.I! l.n <>r lK -TKAS: (MU.OWC. iMIY.iiiAi.. HVSn.N*. CI M cWIM'ii. iiii'l i:\cl.isil I IKK A IvKASTT l'..r v, . I v CKn. ALDKX. iii'nT !7. il' To Ifii'iii. T-: M.-Mov l'l:u-t\..n ilm WV-i - M.-.-f il.c Wnl? rei' liivi'r, a:from i 'stwlen and on** fn I'll -ntf 1 . i iy. nit ;!i Wiiin.-!ioro" row!. ii.iCi:" : ' . ' ;i*?11" i.v.' liiiii'lrt'ii acres' nfel I iau-l. . i .' "! ' ti.v. *\:i!i jjooil a I! i:;.iinii:R -i\ room*. din 11 m a til! S f'.v. ati I : ! I nriv.-*nry ?iif I'.iii! I:ii _ . I'iis- -Cull ^ivi ii mi tlu- lil?t of 1 uir.i .v.. I>; ?. i i k| \v. .. \v< ?1! k man, arimiIs. S. j it _'7. ii' SHOE SHOP, li ?:>ji > v-v i I J KINS \ w11 !.! ' 1'. ''! }? loavo to iii5_ fuitii ilu'ir'i : m! I lie public generj;"\. ii. i f. \ !i*i ' -iv i their Slinji lo tlif I i:t ' 11*. \ i' v.i!-> !, iiiic iltmr I.?i>t ,.I tin- It.'. ili'. . -.v .r.v tin-y are |>roiiiii,-il I i r? iviif ?!i will in their line uitli ' li- i:im? Uii'I "Ii"]' :lTt * i.j'i.ii a.- l easoiti,' iiTiiii . iIn* -:i- ii In' dene at a?y 11. j'laff in Si ii. : ('.-indian. IHMKI, lit)SKINS. C VITA IN U ILK!.V.MS. Si J ii'lliinv J i. ?111. m it yr ' s? c- .a b .1 .'J il k . it ii t> l:!tl* i'!i.. a Si ?r ma* fl'ered for sale in CaiMMt ii I \ lv..> -iiaiiM' mimed men itii']. i.- i. i "in-' in "'i I"in!in ilia: ill v ? a -i' ClIII of I lie.. |a 111 mii. ii ii i have i: i been heard fi'om \ Liner. The Steer is about four years old, of I i i a!e r ! i. ! -i. ! "1 i! - tad lij'jif'l j ivii'i ''i it'. K.iili c ! i white. a small i |\ Il; 11 I I '1 "i. L Mi' lilll.i l-lliu iiorn.1, and tva brought across the Watercc llri.lge. I' lier j.^ aj >li at I lie Journal e. t.-lol'l I I. If r3,.,5^ .%<'ad<ki?y ii ilie I'annl n t)i-|i'iaii Sieicty will lie .; i in-.I "ii Monday, the L'Stii instant, at the vln>"! ILiiMinjr. Trims as last session. |.avnMe in advance. JOHN' W. JAMISON. Soi'toiubei-17. 4t / KommmmammBaMsmmmammmmmmmmm IMMENSE STOCK OK FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, AT D. KPSTIN'S, CJnder Columbia Hotel. My Stock for this season einhraccs all the new iiml popular styles of the very best makes, ami is composed in part as follows: Oapo Overcoats, In Ileaver. Chinchilla, l'etershara an?l Flain Clotli Overcoats. Business Suits, Of every style and description known to the i ' popular Buyer. The New Diagonals, Klegant Patterns. Velvet Suits, Beauties. \ . l^ine Dress Goods, In endless variety. The Furnishing Goods Department Is replete with every thing found in a First Class Clothing House. A Full Assortment of HEX* A\I) HOYS' HATS. .Special attention is called to the PERFECT FITTING SHIRT, Which, for quality, durability and make, has no Superior in this market. Trunks, Valises autl Umbrellas, Of all Grades. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock ere purchasing elsewhere, for I am still the CHAMPION Of LOW PRICES in the Clothing business in this City. Buying close ns I do enables me to sell cheap and 011 small profits. Thanking the public for past favors I respectfully ask a continuance of the same, feeling assured that with my present facilities I can continue to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION* TO ALL. 3). EPSTIX. Columbia Hotel. September -4. 6tn. NEW GOODS, FOR TUB Fall. Tradk, The subscriber is now receiving his Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, wl.irh, when complete J, will lie one of the I < Most Desirable it has ever l?cen his pleasure to offer to his friends ami customers, embracing every variety of Foreign urn: Domestic I>UY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, <*C. Tii which he invites tie attention of nurchaJ. W. McCURRY. September 24. tf THE ri.AMlilt'S WAREHOUSE! ? as* nv * vsmWTVfl ATTAIN T1U1N riiilJNXlttWt. We have just received u most complete .Stock of GROCERIES, mr Goom? Rea(l(v-)fadc Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, J SAGGING St TIES. We keep only the justly popular Arrow Tics.} Heavy Plantation Bridles, Hamcs, * '^ /Traces, Curry Combs, Kopo, Steelyards, Shovels, Forks, Well Buckets, Cotton j Cards, Spun Yarn, OATS, ltYE, CORN, &c. &c. Attention City Folks, *ou can always fin,l choice and as cheap a supply of l^iuuily <ri,o(?orics ax can he found anywhere in the City. Call and give us a trial hoforc purchasing ? -4 Isewhere, P. W. JORDAN, Agent. September 24. tf. Soap, Soap! 10 boxes at lew prices. BAl'M BRO S. 4