University of South Carolina Libraries
r LOCAL JIAITERS CHURCH HBKTWI. Kpiscopai Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and (? 1*. M. Baptist Church. Broad street?Bev Robert Thomson. Pastor. Services every | Sunday at 11 a. ui. and S p. ui. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p. in. Methodist Church, PeKalb street? ] Rev. J. W. Kclley, Pastor?Services at j 10} A. M. and 8} P. M. on Sunday ? Prayer Meeting Thursday at t? P. M .] Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? llev.5. 11. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A. M. and 4} P. M. ou Sunday; Prayer I Meeting on Wednesday at 4} P. M. 1 iscmw. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. 5 ^ w * innnnn tntttiotav kto q W A i?iXVC<ri mv loiun, iiv/- v Attend the Regular Meet ^ ing of your Division at Tern perance Hull on MONDAY ] evening next, at 7* o'eloek By order ot the W. P. \ WM. WALLACE, R. S. J To Subscribers.?A large number of * our subscribers are in arrears, and we trust that they wili pay up as soon as possible. V We have just passed through a hard sum mer, aod are in need of money. Our friends will oblige us, if they will not wait for us to see them personally, as we have a great deal to do, and it i9 easier for each n >^?uan to make one call, than it is for us to c IVmfce a hundred or more. n To Contributors.?We occasionally j receive contributions from our friends, and are always pleased to do so, as it shows an interest in the welfare of our paper, n and implies that the Journal is consid- ( ered a desirable medium for the couiuiu- .1 nication of valuable ideas, and the display g of literary talents. If, at any time, we fail a to publish articles sent to us, we hope that failure will be attributed to the want of space in our columns, and not to a lack of appreciation of the efforts of the writers. This must be taken as a general excuse, as time docs not suffer us to make apolo- y cries in individual instances. j Religious.?A successful meeting h:is j been in progress at the Baptist Church. ,j at which Rev. 0. F. Gregorie lias been preaching. Last Friday afternoon three converts were immersed by Mr. Gregorie, and on Sunday one additional, by Rev. ^ Robert Thomson, at Worrell's Mill. Those do not embrace all of the fruits of the meeting, as there arc others who were not ^ ready for immersion. Court for Kershaw Counits regular term next .Won21st ^^^^mi'skmknt.? We learn that our citisens are to be offered something in the way of amusement, about the first of Oc- i tuber. Preparations are being made for J a Concert, which will be conducted by the 1 Palmetto Cornet Band, assisted by other ( young men of the Town. The programme will embrace music on both "brass" and j ' stringed" instruments, and songs, comic } and sentimental, solos and choruses.? There is a good deal of musical talent among oar young men, aud we doubt not that their entertain incut will be creditable to theui- ^ selves, and enjoyablo by their patrons.? j Their efforts in this line are fully equal ( to the majority of the travelling "shows." and are certainly more entitled to the 1 countenance and patronage of our people. 0 The programme will be published before the time fixed for the Concert, which will a give all needful information to those who J wish to spend a pleasant evening, and patronize "home enterprise." u Jury List.?We are indebted to our S friend, Capt. S. B. Hall, Jury Commissioner, for the following list of Petit Jurors, who are to serve at the ensuing term u of the Circuit Court: ' u Abrain Brown* I Benjamin (J. Team, I Aaron Alexander* I J. M. Perry, e Herman Baum, John 1). McCaskili, Samuel Page,* Aaron Logan,* j, Moses Hough, Angus McGougan, ^ Jesse McCaskili,* Bram Manigault,* George Patterson,* Amos Jones, A. J. McDowell, George It. Sowcll, " Henry Rotan, Robert Turner, ti James Burrus. jr.* Jack Duron,* James T. Cauthcn, II. II. Hall, , John K. Mahaffy, A. 1>. Jones, jr. B. E. Clyburn, Alfred Peay,* Abram Brisbane,* Peter Allen,* M. K. Yarbrough, L. C. Thompson. 1 f TK^iui marked thus * are colored. "" I The Camden Tax Union.?This body j met at Temperance Hall, on Monday last. 1 Fifty-six persons made application for membership, and were elected, thus increasing tin roll of the Union to one hundred and forty. Generals James Chesnut, ( J. B. Kershaw, and J. D. Kennedy wore ( elected additional delegates to the County | Union. 1 Sons of Temperance.?Antioch I>i- < vision, No. 58, S. of T., celebrated its < anniversary on Friday last, at Antioch I Church. Addresses were made by Gen j I J. B. Kershaw and P. G. W. P., A M. I Kennedy. We are glad to learn that the 11 Division has done welh, and that tho pros-1 < pect for its continued success is cucour- i aging. There was a large audience pres. < snt, aud much interest was manifested in the good work. 1 The County Tax Union was organized on Tuesday, (he 8th instant,by (he election of the following officers: President?Dr. E. M. Boykin. Vice President?Capt. T. 11. Clarke. Secretary?J. K. Witherspoon. Treasurer?Theodore Lang. The following named gentlemen were :he delegates from the precinct Unions: camden. Wm. D. Tranthatn, T A. Moore,* J. K. Witherspoon, Washington Carlos. T Lang, l>r. E M. Boykin, Gen. J. B. Kerihaw,* Gen. James Chesnut, and Gen, r. D. Kcuncdy. cur Eton's mi i.e. T. II. Clarke, John Burdell. I>r. W. j i. Nelson, V. S. Jordan. Win. Kelley, ilenry Roykiu, and Win. Burdell.* Bl'FKALO. Col. B. Jones * W. A. Addison, J. N. iowell.* Samuel West and J. K. Haley.* pi.AT rock. J. T. Cauthou, L. C. Hough, W. Il# 'atterson, and J)r. J. I. Tranthaui. oakland. [. F. Holland, B. T. McCoy, II. Pate, nd J. F. Turner. i.ibkrtv mr.L. Rev. J. G. Richards, W. K Thompsn, and Col. L. J. Patterson.* turkey creek. J. Duncan Shaw and W. B. Gardner town creek. Not- represented. Those marked thus * were not present. , Gen. J B. Kershaw, Gen. James Ches- i ut, and Dr. E. M. Boykin were elected Iclegates to the State Union, which will; leet to-day, at 12 M. Alternates?Gen. J. D. Kennedy, Col. i. J. Patterson, and J. F. Kelley. Another Tax Union.?Pursuant to! otice a meeting was held at "Marshall's Jhurch," on Tuesday, 1st instant, and the J Oakland Tax Union" was organized with I fly-nine members. The officeis elected re: t v nrtn?.wi X IVOIUVI1V 1. X HVIIIUIU, Vice-President?13. T. McCoy, Secretary?13. M. Brown, Treasurer?J. E. Alexander. Executive Comniitte?President, and rice-President, ex officio, A. M. Dunn, F. E. Pearce, and E. L. McCoy. Delegates to County Union?I. F. IIoland, 13. T. McCoy," II. Pate, and J. F. rurncr We regret that circumstances prcventd us from attending this meeting, in com iliance with kind invitations. Camden, S. C., Sept. 3, 1874. The Camden Female School Association net Thursday, at Jones' Hall, in pursu,nce of the oall of the Chairman. Gen. lames Chesnut in the Chair. On motion of J. 13. Kershaw, it was Resolved, That a Board of Trustees, to consist of eighteen members, be forthwith dected. BOA It D ELECTED. lames t'hesuut. W. D. Trantham. r. B. Kershaw. J. A. Young. V. M. Shannon. J. W. McCurry. S. M. Boykin. Jatncs Jones. 1. I). Kennedy. S Baruch. \. K. Durham. J. M. DcSaussure. < ?. L Zemp. A. A. Moore. V. Z. Leitner. T. II. Clarke. J. Bauui. J. M. Davis. V/U LIlUllUII, It WiW Resolced, Thatllcv. S. II. Hay. Rev J. iV. Kelly, Rev. Robert Thomson, and the lector of the Episcopal Church be elected lonorary members of the Hoard of True.! ecs. Resolve<?, That the Hoard of Trustees >c requested to take immediate steps to rganize the proposed Female College. The meeting of the Association then djourned, and a meeting of the Hoard of trustees was held. Uen. James Chcsnut was elected Chairnan of the Hoard of Trustees, J, M. Da is Secretary, and W. D. Trantham, Trcaurer. On motion of J. R. Kershaw, Resolved, That there shall be an Execitive Committee, to consist of the Chair, lan. e.c officio, and four members, to be lectcd. Members Elected?W. M. Shannon, A. I. Durhaui, K. M. Roykin ami J. \V\ IcCurry. The following were appointed a Coinlittce to report a constitution and by-laws > a meeting to be called by the Chairian : J 11. Kershaw, J. M. DeSaussure, \ L. Zcmp, J. I). Kennedy and James Tones. Resolved. That the Executive Commit-' ee be requested to report, as soon as posiblc, to this Hoard, a suitable corps of eachers for the Institution. Resolved, T hat the papers of the town >c requested to publish these proceedings. J A >1ES C11 ESN IT, Chairman. J, M. Davis, Secretary. " " An Extraordinary Cask.?Information bus reached us of another case, in irhich Mr Trial Justico Cousart exhibited nis remarkable power of inventing law to uit the emergency. It appears that 3ha's. Walters and Sophia Cuuthon, (both jolored.) are not on the most friendly terms. One day last week, Charles went !o Mr. Cousart, and made affidavit, "that the said Sophia Cauthcn wilfully, uin. liciously. and unlawfully ruwj a bill in hi, yicn house, with intent to ihsturb hiui, the said Charles Walters, contrary to thr peace ami ilii/nity of the State, Ac., Ac." Upon this affidavit, the Trial Justice issued a warrant for "Maliciuiu Miichtef," and Sophia was arrested. Everything seemed to be working smoothly towards a nice case of "costs" against the unfortunate colored woman, who had undoubtedly committed the fearful crime of ringing the i bell in her own house, and thereby dis- ' turbing the mid-day slumbers of Charles j Walters; but happily she conceived the idea of taking legal advice, and finding i out if Mr. Cousart might not be I mistaken in his construction of the law.? i She therefore consulted Mr. A. 1*. Linning, 1 who thought that this was a rather pecu liar case of "Malicious Mischief" and promised to appear for the Defendant.? On the dav of trial, he appeared, no doubt ' V ^ j much to the surprise and contrary to the expectations of Mr. Consart, and moved to "quash" the indictmcut, which was ' promptly done. The Defendant was thus s saved from ' costs," but these inevitable ^ consequences of all law suits must fall 0 somewhere, and will, in this case, be borne v J by our bankrupt Countv. It is disgraceful that the law should be thus perverted u into an instrument to gratify private mal- u ice. and oppress the poor and ignorant. 0 _ ft] Cukkton's MiLL.-i-The meeting at b Cureton's Mill last Saturday was a com- s plctc success. The crowd was the largest S' that has assembled at that point since the war, being estimated at tluee hundred, and was quiet, earnest, and attentive throughout the whole day. Capt. T. II. Clarke, President of the Tax Union, presided, and introduced to the.audience, in ( succession. Col. K. M. Poykin, Gen'l. J. N B. Kershaw, Col. W. M. Shannon, Judge ^ \V. /. Loitner, and A. P. Dinning, Ksq.? ^ who made able and temperate speeches, counselling great moderation and caution of action upon the part of our people, but t insisting upon a firm, manly, and intclli- p gent maintenance of their rights against ii a corrupt and ruinous government. A c large accession was made to the ranks of I the "Cureton's Mill Tax Union." An v elegant and abundant barbecue had been t prepared, and was much enjoyed. The s west side of Watercc is thoroughly aroused r to the emergencies of the times, and can be depended on. t It would have afforded us great pleas* I urc to have met with our friends on this occasion, but the exigencies of business ! forbade. ;j a The Cotton Crop.?The fields are be ginning to look white, and there will soon be a considerable quantity of new cotton in market. The caterpillar holds (-ft", and ^ if lie observes this policy for a while, we * will be able to laugh at him. ? __ p Fall?1S7-I*?Baum Bros, announce j, that they are now ready for the fall trade. v A large and varied stock has been carefully selected from the leading markets of 1 the country, and is now offered to the ^ people of Kershaw and surrounding coun- t ties. This old-established house has. by "* well directed effort, secured a position for t character and reliability in business, that ) is sf-oniifl to none in the ennntrv. This is .1 shown by an extensive patronage, which c requires a heavy stock every season, ami a constant replenishing of what has been 1 purchased. For (lie Fall and Winter. Haum Bros. have procured a full stock of ? 1 < Dry Goods, Hats, and Shoes, of all qualL i< ties, Groceries of all classes, Baling fi and Ties, and all other articles usually n kept in a leading commercial house, to 1 which the attention of all is invited. A Georof. Aldk.n, Esq.?This gentle- ,'j man has returned from a trip to the North, ? undertaken, principally, for the purpose of enabling him to supply everything needful to the transaction of a jirst-ciuss .i business. With that marked attention to ^ neatness and convenience, which is eon- s' spicuous in nil that he does, his place of ^ business has been arranged so that a large 11, trade can ho conducted without delay and '? crowding of customers. A visit to his premises shows a large ware house in the rear of his store, with a platform admirably adapted to the loading and unloading of cotton and heavy groceries with the greatest despatch. Hero is stored everything that a farmer can want, bacon, flour, salt, su- tl i . .. C... 1 ..11 ,.f ,|.? i C! gar, OUgglllg. HUH, tVC., l\c., ?ou all ill uiu I || very bent quality, for Mr. A Id on never i, keeps any inferior articles. 11 is stock of Family (Iroceries is also very select, and c varied He also offers a choice lot of Shoes, and the heavier quality of Dry Hoods. A ^ w corps of competent, active, and obliging N clerks is always in his employ, who know, |j where to find what a customer wants, and *\ how to satisfy the most exacting, as t? ?' quality, prices, Ac When a merchant of Mr. Aldon's capacity announces , . | h a certain lino of business policy, we know r, that implicit faith can be placed in his j'1 professions ami promises. i; ) H Dhy (loops for F.VKKViuniy ?11. Haruch, Ko?j., is certainly an enterprising merchant. Dong before each season opens, | he goes to New York, Boston, and other leading markets, ami there selects with euro and judgment every imaginable thing in ' the Dry Hoods line, that his patrons can < call for. These arc in Camden by the 1 time that the earliest customers can want | | them. As usual, he is ' roady for the j1 tfado" this Fall. Head what lie has to say elsewhere, and when you pay him a I visit you will find an enormous stock,!J that for brilliancy and variety is perfect i ly bewildering. Five hundred packages have already arrived, and they ate still coining. His goods aro admirably arranged. and his show-windows arc beautiful and attractive. The proprietor and his obliging clerks are as active and attentive as they can be, and never fail to sell the heat articles at the loiccst possible urice*. A large assortment of Carpets and Furniture is also offered on the most reasonable terms. Call early and examine he ' Grand Array of Goods at H. BaruchV Builders' and Contractors' Special Notice. Your wants in the Building Material, including Sashes, Blinds, Doors Hardware, Mantel Pieces, White Pine Yalnut and Fancy Lumbers, Flooring Boards, &c., will be furnished the couiing cason by the Great and Old Established [Builders' Emporium, at very advantage u3 prices, and a warrant given on al rork propc/ly used. They are also the Agents for Asbestos' Roofing felt, the laterial constitutes one of unusual merit, lueh superior to any of the class prcvinsly brought to notice, and worthy of rial by those who desire a durable, ca.<rif applied, comparatively inexpensive and afe roofing, being practically lire proof end for price list and circulars. I II. Hall& C*.. Charleston ..S. C A Fine School for Girls.?Mrs. C. . Shannon's, advertised this week. A Fine Establishment.?The Dry loods IIous > of C. A E. L. Kerrison, at *o. 297 King Street, Charleston, S. C.? 'isitors to that city will do well to give Iictn a call. The American Farmer for Sei>ember.?This old-established farm paer is promptly at hand. We notice that I has this month absorbed one; of itsyoungr contemporaries, The He*/ Virginia 'utrvi Journal. Its pages are filled as usual with sound and practical iuformaion. Xo farmer, gardener, dairyman or tock raiser but would be benefited by eading it. All branches of farm work arc treated, mt especial attention is paid in this numicr to the wheat crop. Published by Sauil. Sands & Son, Xo. 9 Corth St., Baltimore, Md., at 81.50 a year; i copies, 85.00. Specimens sent free on pplication. CHARLESTON TO THE TRONT. Among our new advertisements, is that of one of he oldest establishments in this State. Established n 1S3'?, ii has maintained the first place in its line f business. With large experi-m e and unsurpaseil facilities, Messrs. Walker, Evans A Cogswell are rcp&rcd t-> sustain the reputation of : ii?-ir cstabshinent. Like A. T. Stewart, they believe in newsaper advertising, and take this means toannounce hat they have this season added very largely to heir stock of type and machinery, and are better repared than ever to please their cust-oners. We rish them every success. ZT*?: . AW?;t.i, Establish r.n Horsr.?It is a fact leyond dispute tlmt Messrs, Kingsland & Ieutli, ol Columbia, by their energy and close ttention to business, have established fotheir house an enviable reputation. They pare no time nor labor in keeping up their tock. and being always on the u atch for anyliing new under the sun, iilwnvs have such a ariety as cannot fail to give the utmost satisfaction. If you want anything forhed-reom. lining room or kit -hen in crockery, glass, hinu, iron, tin, wood or willow ware, go to he store iiit um* me i omnium inun, TRCHdOTT, BENEDICT A CO.. CHAUI.KSTOX, S. C. Offer to the public ami dealers In general, an Itnlense and well selected stock of I) BY HOODS, 'AKPSTH, OILCLOTHS,MATTINGS, Ac., at the west prices. Herewith they annex the prices of few articles?Calicoes, from 6 to 10c., Long (lotha. rotn <> to l.v., Brown Ilomespitns, extra heavy, rotn it--j., 10c., Jeans, from 12 i-2<\ upward*,CaaaU teres, from sue upwards. Plaiinnels, from jotohOe. ad lea Misses' and dent's Hose, 76c., $1,14, t-i.oo ml upwards, Suspenders, $1,40 |?er doz. ami ttprards, Ladles' and Hents' Pocket Handkerchiefs. ! rotn fifle per doz. and upwarils. Black ami Colored j Ipacas,'joe, and upwards, Dress Hoods, from 26c. pwards, Ladies' aud dents' Furnishing floods, 'ancy. Hoods, Kihimtis. Notions, Ac., from lfi to ' 5 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere, satopics sent ( ml orders promptly tilled. All Kktaii. orders from lit.'hi upwards, sent per Express free of charge.? , liberal discount to wholesaledealears. Sin is often the result of physical ill health ml feeble stomachs. During one third of ur time the process of digestion continues, o be dyspeptic is to be miserable; dyspepia is the fottiulntiou of fevers and till disea* es of tlic blood, liver, skin and kidneys.? lyspopsiu yields to the virtues of the vegeta 1c ingredients of that great purifier of tin* lood aud restorer of health, I)u. Wai.k?:r's INKt'AIt DlTTUKS. 00 TO TEXAS VI \ THE LOXE STAR ROI TF ! S'TKIIN ATtoN VI. AMI II11 f.AT NOKTIIKHN ll.ll. l'assetigets going to Texas via .Memphis ml Little Hock, or via Shreveport, strike lis line at ..otigview, the llest lloute to l'al tine, lleariio. Wat Vustiii. IItintsville, ( ouston. Galveston and nil poiitlsiit V. es- ^ rn. Cent ml. ilastern- and Southern Texas. | I'a-seiigers via Now Orleans will litnl it the ... II ...... \l i Il..ll.,? II,, I'M IIUIIIU Uf ? ,> * ? .miiivuii., i/iiim iii-.i, rock ell. Longvicw and all points in Pastern ad North oast er u Texas. This lino is well hnilt, thoroughly equipped ith every modern improveinont. including cw and Klegunt Day Conches, Pullman Pal o Sleeping Dais. M estinghnuse Air Drakes, liller's Patent Safety IMtttforins and Couprs: and now hcrefrleo can the passenger so inipletely depend on a speedy, safe and com rtahle journey. The DON K ST.\I' HOCTK has admirably aswered the iptery: "How to go to Texas?" y the puhliciitinu of an interesting and truthil docuiiietit. eoiitniuing a valuable and cori?ot map, which can he olitnined, free of charge vaddressing tlie llKSKRAL TP'UKT ABNT, International and Orcai Northern ail road. Iloiulon, Texns, | District K.l Fobruaryli!?din. From the Ashes., l)lt, /10>l 1? Has risen?and established himself at his ST.l\i> where he will be happy to ;?-eive ali his old friend* and customers, and is many new ones as feel disposed to visit tint. Thankful I n- past favors, he will spare 10 pains to make it agreeable and profitable u all who may rail on him. lit#' Constantly on hand, MP.PICIN'KS, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS, KKKO<KNB I.AMP < III M.N FYS, l'l'lt KCM PHY. 1 \UDKN SKKDS. and every article pertaining tu a Well-supplied Store. PHYSICIANS' PitKSCH1 PTDt.NS will rei-eive especial attention August i!7. tf ' New Advertisements. WOKJ>IXG PEOPLE?Male or Female. Employment at home, per week warranted, no capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address with t? cent return stamp. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. V. For COUGHS, ( OLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IX BLUE BOXES. .1 Tried and Sure Itemed)-. Sold by Druggists. Episcopal Female Institute, Under direction of CHRIST CHURCH, Winchester, Ya.: Rev. J. C. Whkat, A. M., Principal, (formerly Vice-Prin. Ara Fein. Inst.,) with competent assistants in the various departments of English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Languages, Music, vocai anu instrumental, Drawing and Painting. The session of t en scholastic months, begins Sept. 2, 1874. Circulars of course of study, terms, &c , sent on application to J. 0. WHEAT, Winchester. References?The Bishop and Clergy of the I'rot. Epis. Church of the Diocese of Virginia. $20 will buv First Mortgage Premium Bond ok tub INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., TVew York. Authorized by the Legislature of the .State 0 New Vork. 1 First Premium Drawimj, S<pt. 7, 1874. Address for Bonds and full information, MORGENTHAU, BRUNO & Co Financial Agents, 2d PA RFC 110 W, X. V. P. 0. Drawer 29. Applications for Agencies received. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA ARE YOU Weak, Nervous or Debilitated? Are you so Languid that any exertion requires more Of nn eff ort than you arc capable of making? Then try JURUBEBA, the wonderful Tonic and Invigorator, which acts so beneficially 011 the secretve organs as to impart vigor to all I he vital forces. It is ho alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It Regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives sueli a healthy tone to the whole system as to make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is character ized by great gentleness; the patient experiences no sudden change, 110 marked results, but gradually bis troubles Fold their tents like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but Iimu Imi.Ti 1 .?nr? u-itli wonderful remedial results, nnd is pronounced by the highest authorities. ''the most powerful tonic and alterative knowp." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by \VM. F. KIDDER & CO. New York. OFFICE OF School Commissioner, | KKKSIIAW COUNTY, CAMDEN. S. C.. Sept. 1. 1874. The County Doar l of Examiners will hold meetings on each Monday. Tuesday and Friday. during the month of September, for the purpose of examining persons who desire to engage in teaching in the Free Schoois during the next ensuing scholastic year. Teachers whose certificates of qualification have expired will present themselves before the Board for re-cxamination. FRANK CARTER, Co. Sell. Coni'r. .September 0. Ut lioard of Equalization. ; OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, K Kits haw County. Camukx, S. C., September G, 1874. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Equalization for (lit.-: County, will meet at the Auditor's Office in Cauidcn, on the lltli of September, 1S74, for the purpose of opinl-! izing the Ileal and Personal Property of' Kershaw County for the fiscal year, 1874. The Hoard will meet from day to day until the equalisation will have beeu completed. 11 v permission*of the Hoard. X. W. BLAIR, County Auditor and ex officio Clerk. September !l. lit BOOTS AND SHOES! HATS MD~ CAPS! I NEW STOCK! 1 Just received in great variety and style, md for sale at prices to suit the times, by KIRK LEY X* GARLAND. August 127. tf FOR SALE. ? < The HOUSti and LOT on Broad Street, now : )ccuj>ieil hy the subscriber, a first rate ltusi- | less Stanil. The House contains seven rooms, vith pood Store in front. A bargain can he ' mil ifa|ij)lie<l for soon. ' 11. l>. BKONSOX. August 27. It NEW FLOUR!!, SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR, EXTRA FAMILY FOUR. SUPER. FLOUR, ( nnot xi) at i ijirsiix-s niiiLN, from > 10W W1I10AT, for sale in BARRELS AND SACKS, at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES,' HY KIUKLEY A GARLAND. July 23. tf. V Wi V AThii pillhas been used This rem A ^ S With great sacceea in edy willy & Apnvate practice It ia almostV S? ^ \\cannot produce any every casey ^ S \iU effecta, and a immediately\\ ^ ^ v^a'r will conrelieve the \\^-J~!^vince every one mostseverePEOF ^\?^eva*ue cases of/7 _ this ? / JACKSON'S W*y I tt PILLS 1 eg V J W 11 h s? \ 3? IRi IOIE3: JJ that and prove 50Ci sx most deiny.aluablec^s^^ r es a i n g in Neural gi a Y" IT o VI disease, Intermittent Fevers ,Y o & \\ and Headache, and isY p 5 \\ ^ i -? onlfln/li^ Trtirr/i PnA\ ^ 5 A ^ reduced conditions ofV ^ \ t> the system. \ ^ \ ? BOWIE & MOISE, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, Charleston, 8. C. Cotton Gins and Scales. Wc arc agents for the well-known and popular NEBLETT & GOODRICH COTTON GINS, ftud are now receiving orders, to be delivered nt the shortest possible notice. Also, for SMITH'S IMPROVED HAND POWER Cotton Press, And FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, acknowledged to be the Best is the World, which we offer at Manufacturer's prices with expenses added. J. & T. I. JONES. May 28. tf Glass and Crockery Ware. A large and well-selected stock of new and beautiful GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, Just received and for sale CHEAP, by KIRKLEY & GARLAND. June I tf BACGINC AND TIEST Rolls and Half Rolls best heavy BAGGING, 100 bandies ARROW TIES, 50 " SPLICED TIES. For sole by PIIELPS & BILLINGS. August 111: tf BAGGING AND TIES, 14.0(10 yard. BAGGING, :;u,000 lbs. TIES. For sale by Aug. 20. BAUM BRO'S. THK PLAYTEB'S WAREHOUSE! Wc have now on hand, and arc constantly receiving a r..n 1 n M run anu oumpitue oiuuk OF GROCERIES, FOlt THE Spring; and Summer Trade, TOGETHER WITH All otlier ALi'ticles 1\ OUR LINE. Desiring to do, as far as possible, a 3TICTLY CASH BUSINESS, wo are offering our Goods at the Lowest Cash Prices, \Yc invite attention to the following >rices: Drown Sugar, 10 cents per lb. I). S. Sides, atlOj cents per lb. C. 11. Sides, at 11 cents per lb. Rio Coffee, at 35 cents per lb. Family Flour, at 810 to 812 per bbl. Kerosene Oil, at 35 cents per gallon, And everything usually found in a first lnea llrncnrv.. "MWW v"' v; it corresponding prices for CASH. It Doing our determination to Sell Goods, uir fronds would do well to give us a 1). W. JORDAN, Agent April 2. tf CONBAD M. WIENGES, MAM FACU HKH AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES, &c. BROAD-STREET. Camden, S. C. In the building formerly occupied by S. A Benjamin,) Trunks thoroughly and neatly repaired Orders solicited. and work promptly done. \ll work warranted. Teras?I'ositivrht Cath on (Mir try, with no ir>'i>tian. February 6 tf. In ii Fow l>ayw. '?Ve will be ready for business, and have tine stock of Goods to offer, received sine lie fire, consisting of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Groceries, Our stock of Iron, Steel, Plough Mould* Traces. Axes, Hatnes, Kails, and all Brticli for Plantatior.'use, is complete, and will I sold low for cush. KENNEDY" & BOYKIN. January 15. tf \ Hampden Sidney College. The next session of HAMl'DEN SIDNEY will begin September 3d, 1874. FACULTY. Rev. J. M. I'. Atkinsok, D. D.f President and Professor of Moral Science. L. L. Holladat, A. M., Professor of Natural Science. Waltkr Blair, A M., Professor Latin and Instructor in German. Df.l. Kkmcer, A. M, Professor of Mathematics. Addisox Hogk, A. M., Professor of Greek and Instructor in French. HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE is aituated in Prince Edward county, Vs., within a few hundred yards of Union Theological Seminary, and seven miles from Farmville, on the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio railroad. In this institution the curriculum is retained; instruction is comprehensive and thorough, and no student is advanced to another class without a searching examination. Expenses are moderate, and, from the retired location of the College, temptation! to extravagance are few. Provision has been made for the establishment of a " MESS HALL," whioh, to those availing themselves of its advantages, wil 1 materially lessen the expenses of board. Catalogues can be obtained on application to the undersigned. REV. J. M. P. ATKINSON, President Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edward County, Va August 13 ly. HAEb TIMES!! W> call the attention of the public to our LARGE And Carefully Assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE' CONSISTING OP Ohoice Family GROCERIES, Dry Goods, SHOES, HATS, TTflrHwflrA owil OwmiVSW ww v iwm vi wavi j ? Our Goods have been purchased with a view to the HARDNESS OF THE TIMES And the Wants of our Patrons, And are offered at the Lowest Possible Priees, TO Cash. Buyer?. J. & T. I. JONES. May 28. tf FRESH AND MEDICINES. # Our 9tore and jontcnts having been d?tsroyed by the la?.e fire, we have opened with an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Ac. Ac. Ac. One Door above Mrs. Crosby's, Where we hope to see our old friends and customers. liODGNOX & DEWLAP. January 19. 1 zvmesk I IJulldrriHtrdwf sj>JS '/>pIits.Mjaiw>^, (T ( Brichdi^Vmlt JUHj&dbwttrs, H is* 6'wuii8| i Shtt*niUtrbleMintLti;Floor on?Doomo3 i TUutPjWhitr Tint, HilMtflMQlAtmSe/? H I tdbwetHdlrrjFnr Jffodfd e. ^ n All WorA W&rraxttd, (5 J LOWEST PRICES.v ^ Send fbrPrict Liit. g LH. HALL & CO. 8 | Jftnufiefurcrj A Unites. K 2.4>,6, 9,10, ?jdrkct Street, ?l ' m| 223,225, Fast Boy,' ] . Ej CHAfxLESTOK, S. C. gg , This Cut entered ]accotdingto Act of C\ gross in the ycarl878, by I. H. Hall & Co., in the office of the Librarian of CongveM at Washington. f