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* LOCAL MATTERS, PHIRCH DIRECTORY. EpiscopalChvkcii. Cornerof I.yttlctori and Laurens streets, Rev. James \V. Miles?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and C P. M. Baptist Church. Broad street?Rev Robert Thomson. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. ni.'and 7' p. in. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. Methodist Church,?JDcKalb street? Rev. J. W. Kclley. Pastor?Services at 10} A. M. and 8} P. M. on Sunday Prayer Meeting Thursday at G P. 31 Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rov.S. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A. M* and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 1'. M. -mr v4<kl AB I'iB'i I SONS OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO- 9 ^ Attend the Regular Meet yjrV ing of your Division at Tun pcranee llnll on MONDAY evening next, at 7 J o'clock By order of the AY. P. W M. AY ALL ACE, R. S. llook and Ladder. f&*The Annual meeting of Pikemx IIook and Ladder Company, No. 1 will be held at their Truck House on this (Thursday) evening. September 3d. By order of the Foreman. AY. R. iAJcCREIGHT, Se'ry. ???11 h ihiiiir ttmwtnw The Ladies of the Presbyterian^hurcli propose liaving Ice Cream for sale on the Monumental Square, every Thursday afternoon daring the season, at 5 o'clock beginning on the 4th of June. CaTThe Ladies of the Episcopal Church will continue the sale of. Ice Cream at , the Rectory Grove, every Saturday eve- , ning, at 5 o'clock. Religious Notice.?The Rev. O. F. ' Grcgoric is expected to preach at the I Baptist Church this (Thursday) evening, at the usual hour. ? 1 The Camden Tax Union will meet at | Temperance Hall next Monday, at twelve < o'clock, M. i The National Rank.?A meeting in the interest of this institution will be held at Temperance Hall, next Monday, at 12 ' o'clock, 31. A Mistake.?In our last issue, we wcreguiltv of an unintentional injustice to some of our young friends. In the notice , of the Base Ball match between the Wa- ( tcrec and Palmetto ('lubs, we stated that | the game was won by the "Palmettoes.'* . This was a mistake, the 41 Watereeo" were j the victors. , meeting of the Onmdcn Base j Ball Club w ill take place on Friday evening next, at o'clock, over the Store of Phelps <fc Billings, to attend to business of importance, and all the members are requested to attend. By order, T. Lang, President. Tiie Board of Equalization.?The County Board of Equalisation give notice of a meeting' on the 11th instant The Board is composed of the County Treasurer. County Auditor, and Messrs. T. H Clarke, J. McClair, and R. K. Wall. Oub Supplement.?We issue, this week, a Supplement, which will well repay the examination of our readers, containing. as it docs, certificates of the excellency of the A'cblett &, (joodrich Cotton I Gin, Smith's Cotton Press, and other ar- < iticles, for which those prominent mer- h /chants, Messrs. J. k T. I. arc agents.; I There is but one opinion expressed by ' I those *ho have used the above named Gins and Presses, that they are superior 1 ' rr 1 i. il. j to anything of me sort ever onercu w mv i l public, affi.rding uncqualed facilities fur , J the proper managemout of the great sta- , pic, cotton. I ^fmnojk tant to sdlool teachers ? !' The notice of School Commissioner, FraiiL Carter, Tffafcitbcr column. The attention of Dealers in Cigars, Ac., j is called to the\dvertiscuicnt of Messrs. Larousseliere ?Ss "chwing, of Charleston, which appears fn another column. I See notice ofZ^auui JJros., of their store | being closed. \ i An Important Bridge.?Wo arc glad to learn that steps arc being taken by the Commissioners of Kershaw and Chesterfield Coun0^ to rebuild Blakeney's Bridge, o\cf Big Lynches Creek, which was washed away souio months since.? This bridges on a road, which is a thoroughfare f<* the mails, as well as for many thriving firmer* whose trade is of great value to-famden, and its loss has caused 1 mucty inconvenience. Contractors, notice. 1 "The Ciheton's Mill Sabre Club" . was organized on Saturday last, with 1 about tirfy members. Tbo officers nre: I President?Dr. W. R. Nelson. i First Vice President?V. S. Jordan. t Second Vice President , I Third Vice President?A. A. Boykin. < Secretary and Treasurer?L. K. Isbcll. I The Club expect to have a grand Barbecue ut Curetou's Mill, next Saturday- ' 4 r~A Tax-Vxoin was organized [at Flat Rock <>n last Saturday under the most encouraging auspices. Tho following arc the officers : President?T. J. Cauthen, Vice-President?C. C. Ilailc, Secretary?YV. Ji. Patterson, Treasurer?Ezekicl Cask in, Executive Connnitt;c?Hr. ?T. T.Tranthani L. I>. Stevenson Wui. lv. Russell. Pclegates to County Unicn.?Jas. TCauthen. L. C. Hough, W. H. Patterson The National Game at Orangeburo?A Triumph for Kershaw.?A large and light hearted party left Camden last Thursday morning, on the railroad, to participate in. and witness tho match game between the " Kershaws" and the "Auroras," which was to be played at Orangeburg. We were safely and courteously conveyed to our destination by the South Carolina Railroad, and found our Orangeburg friends in waiting w?th an abundance of conveyances* The whole party, numbering over twenty, were conducted to Meroney's Hotel, where the kind proprietor provided for all our wants. After dinner, the two Clubs formed at the Hall of the Hook and Ladder Company, and marched to the grounds of the Aurora Club, situated on the western outskirts of the town. Here the game was called by the Umpire, Dr. J. T. Butler, at five minutes before 3 o'clock, P. M., and the ''Auroras" took the bat. FIRST INNING. "Aurora"?L. H. Wannamakcr took the first base on wide balls. He and Easferling each made ono score. Hall took the first base on wide balls. Cannon atid Hull were in succession caught out on foul balls by Maguirc, (catch.) Betterson was caught out on the fiy by J. Boykin, (pitch.) Kershaw"?Lang made third base twice 011 balls struck out into tho field. 1 Grubbs made the first base, Kennedy the 1 second. Nelson the first, A. J. Boykin the second, Johnson the first, B Boykin the first, by good batting. Scores were uiade by Lang, Grubbs, Kennedy, Nelson, A. J. ' Boykin, Johnson and B. Boy kin. Ma- 1 ljuire was caught out on the third strike ' by Cue, (catch.) J. Boykin was caught < jut on a foul ball by Guc, (catch.) as was ' also Grubbs, leaving Lang on third base. SECOND INNING. Yose and Cannon took the first base on < wide balls. Guc made second base, L. H. ' Wannakcr first, Kastcrling first, Hall first, J. L. Wannamakcr first, Betterson first, ' Yose first, Gue first by good batting. 1 flail was caught out on third base. Bull I and L. H. Wnnnauinker were caught out < m the fly by A. J. Boykin, (at second I base.) Two scores were made by Yoso, ( ind one each by Gue, L. H. Wannauia- ' kcr, Kastcrling, J. I?. Wannamakcr, Can- ' lion and Bcttcr^on. I Kennedy took first base on wide balls, as did also B. Boykin, Grubbs and Johnson. Mnguirc made first, Nelson first, A. J. Boykin second, Johnson first, Lunglj first, Kennedy first, Nelson first, and B. Boykin first, by good batting. J. Boy- | kin was caught out on the fly by Cannon , c--. i?> ~-.i ? ~ o..,i i,?n v.,, , UIM uuau,y UHU VII a 4VUI UUII brj vi?v, (catch.) A. Boykin was caught out , on the fly by L. H. Wannamaker, (left field.; Two scores each were made by Kennedy, Maguire and Nelson, atid one ' score each by A. J. Boykin, Johnson, B. 1 Boykin, Lang and Grubbs. Maguire made ' the only home run" of the game on "this , inning. i THIRD INNINO. J. L. Wannamaker took first base on wide balls, Kasterling and Hall mado first base > by good batting. Cannon and Yose were ' L-aught our on foul balls by Mflguire, 1 (catch,) and Bull was caught out on the I Hy by A.J. Boykin, (second base.) Scores were inadoby Kastcrliug, Hall, and J. L. ' Wannamaker. Lang made first base, Grubbs first base, < Maguirc first base, A. J. Boykin first base, 1 Johnson first base, B. Boykin second base, ' I. lio}kiu second base,and hang first base, by good batting. Kennedy was caught out on first base, J. Boykin on home base, and Nelson on a foul ball by Huci (catch ) Scores were mado by Lang, Hrubbs, Maguire, A. J. Boykin, Johnson, ind B. Boykin. FOURTH INNING. \'ose, L. II. Wnnnnmakcr, and Ilall took first b:uc on wido balls. Hue mado first base, L. II. Waiinatnakcr first, KasLerling first, J. L. Wanuauiakor first, Can. non second. Bull first, Bcttcrson first, Hue first. Kasterling third, by good batting. . Ilall was caught out on the fly by Hrubbs. (short stop.) Cannon on third base, and Betterson on a foul ball by Maguire, (catch.) Two scores each were uiado by Clue, Kasterling, L. II. Wannauiakcr, and ! J. L. Waniiamuker, and one scoro each by Bull, Bcttcrson, Vose, Ilall, and Cannon. Johnson, B. Boykin, and A. J. Boykin took first base on wide balls. Grulobs made first base, Kennedy first, Maguire second, Nelson first, A. J. Boykin first, L Boykin first, Hrubbs third, Kennedy first. Maguire first, Nelson first, Johnson first, B. Boykin first, J. Boykin first, Lang third. Kenr.ody third, Maguire first, Nel<on first, A. J. Boykin first, and Johnson first, by good batting. Hrubb? was caught j out on the home base, and ngain on the By by J. L. Wnnuntnnker, (centre field.) B. Boykin was caught out on first base*? Ihrcc scores each were made by Kcnuedy,' 9 wmmmmmmp?mmmmmmmmmmmmmi Maguire, and Nelson. Two scores each by A. J. Boykin, .Johnson, B. Boykin, J. Boykin, and Lang, and or.e score by Grubbs. FIFTH INNING. Bull took first base on wide balls. Vose made first base, Gue third, L. II. Wannamaker first, Cannon second, Bull first, Bottcrson first, Vose, first, Hall first, J. L. Wannamakcr| second, Gue first, L. II. Waniiauinker first, Kasterling first, Ilall first, J. L. Wannamaker first, and Better, son first, by good batting. Kasterling was caught out on a foul ball by Maguire, (catch.) Cannon was caught out on first base, and Bettersonon second base. Two scores each were made by Vose, Gue, L H. Wannamaker, Hall and J. I*. Wannamaker, and one score each, by Cannon, Bull, Bettcrson and Kasterling. Maguire and A. J. Boykin took first base on wide balls. J Boykin, Kennedy and Nelson, made first base by good batting. J^ang was caught out on the fly, by Kastorling, (pitch.) Grubbs, on three strikes, by Gue, (catch.) and Nelson on third base. J. Boykin and Kennedy each made one score. Mnguire reached home base before Nelson was caught out, but 1 this run was not counted. ( SIXTH INNING. 1 Ensterling, Hall, and took first base on wide balls. Vose made first base. ( L. II. Wannamakcr fiftt, J. L. Wanna- ( maker first, Bull first, Bcttcrson third, and Guc second, by good batting. Gue 1 was caught out on first base and Hall on ? second, L. II. Wannamaker was caught 1 out on foul ball by Maguire, (catch.) s Vosc made two scores, and one each was c made by L. II. Wannamaker, Ensterling, 1 J. L. Wannamaker, Cannon, Bull, and ( Bcttcrson. ' c A. J. Boykin, Johnson, and B. Boykin, in succession, took first base on wide balls, c Grubbs also took his base in the same way, S J. Boykin made first base, Lang first. ^ Kennedy first, Maguire first. Nelson first, A. J. Boykin second Johnson first, by good batting. Johnson was caughtout on the home base, Kennedy on the third base, 4 and B. Boykin on the fly, by Eastcrling, ^piieh.) One score each, was made by A. ^ J. Boykin, B. Boykin, J. Boykin, Lang, u Grubbs, Maguire, and Nelson. s SEVENTH INNING. j Gup, L. II. Wannamakcr, and Ilall v look first base on wide balls. Kasterling p aiade second baso, Hall second, J I<. v Wannamakcr second, Bull first, Bctterson ^ first, \'ose first, J. L. Wannamakcr first, j a Cannon first, and Betterson, first, by good j oatting. L. II. Wannamaker was caught ' t >ut on second base. Battcrson 011 second ; t jase, and Bull on a foul ball, by Maguirc. 1 li catch.) Two scores each were made by p Kasterling, Hall, .J. L. Wannamakcr, and ! a Cannon, and one score each, by Bull, Bet-! y Person, Yose, and Gue. ! c Grulbs took first base 011 wide balls. J d Boykin made second base, Lang second.1 s Kennedy first, Maguire third, Nelson c first, A. J. Boykin first, Johnson first, B. c Boykin first, J. Boykin first, Lang third.! by good batting. Grubbs was caught out I on third base, Nelson on third baso, and Grubbs on the fly, by Hall, (second base.) { J. Boykin made two scores, and one cadi! ' was made by Lang, Kennedy, Maguire. I A J. Boykin, Johnson and B. Boykin. ! ^ The seventh inning closed at 0:25 1 o'clock P. M., and, as it was growing dark, ? the Umpire called the game. Victory was J declared for the Kershaw Club by a score o of 02, against GO for their opponents.? v This game was played with spirit and emulation. Though a long time was con- u sumed in playing only seven innings, and " a very large score was made on both sides, o this must be attributed to some mistakes t that were made, and not to general bad playing on cither side. The batting of 8 both clubs was good, and the balls struck 8 wcro of a character that baffled the skill of the basemen and fielders. The j uneven character of the ground was against the "Kershaws," who are accus?5 > ? tomcd to u level truck. This caused them 1 u to miscalculate, and thus "muff" several ex- ? (. client flys," which might have decided fi the destiny of the game much sooner, and i a treacherous foot-hold frcrjuontly pre. v rented the fielders from getting the hall a to the bases us soon as they might have " lone. Their success, in spite of disad- ? . . . , . ? vantages, is due to average good playing, mil to blunders of the "Auroras," which iverc more frequent than when the latter played at Cuuidcn. The success of A. J. ^ lioykin with "flys" on second base, and ot f NIaguirc with "fouls" as catch, was espe- Hi dally remarked. The "Kcrshaws" made *< wenty scores on the fourth inning, and, " it its close, stood 41 against lib for their ipponents, but the "Auroras" neutralised v his advantage almost entirely in the fifth lining. Wc were glad to notice that our boys presented a fine and attractive ftp. ? pcarance in their brilliant uniform, while * :hey did credit to themselves by thoir j manly and spirited playing. li n At night we wore entertained with an li alogant supper at Meroncy's Hotel, after/ which the whole party went to the Hook j, t Ladder Hall, where they might have ? free scope for laughter, merriment, and songs. After enjoying this fur a while, with flegars and other things, the more sober went to bed, but by some the frolic was kept up until the small hours of the morning. On Friday our parly returned j honifj feeing themselves under many ob. ' 1 4 ligations to their Orangeburg friends for unremitting kindness and abundant hos_ pitality, and to the officers of the S. C. 11. R., for their courtesy. ' The following is the official score : KERSHAW. t Batters. R. O. Lang, 3 b. 7 1? Grubbs. s. s. 5 6 , Kennedy, c. f. 8 2 Maguire, c* 8 1 11 Nelson, 1. f. 8 3 (Boykin, A J. 2 b. 7 1 n Johnson, lb. 6 1 v Boy kin, B. r. f. 7 2 y Boy kin, J. p. 5 4 a 62 21 ce AURORA f( Butters. 0. R. Waniiauiakcr, L. II 1. f, 7 3 a Kasterling, p. 9 1 h Hall, 2 b. 6 3 J Wannamaker, J. L. c. f. 9 0 h Cannon, lb. 6 4 G Bull, 3 b. 4 4 . H Bettcrson, r. f. 5 4 Vosc, s. s. 8 1 i Gue, c. 6 1 60 21 1 V Not Quite Sharp .Enough.?During a ast week one of our' merchants secured a v justomcr who wished to purchase quite a ^ rill of goods, beginning with whiskey. \tter considerable tasting and testing, he ( :oncluded to have ten gallons of three liffercnt kinds put up into different casks. This being a "good thing" for these dull imes, of course our mcrchaut was all imilcs, and forthwith ordered "all hands" nto the store house to ransack thoroughly, itid procure the necessary casks, and in luc time, after muclf work, thejr were i wrought forth. A suit of clothes was then c tailed for, and our merchant rubbed his ^ tands and smiled again, and after pur* p hasing the suit, the customer put thcui " in and continued his bill,and everybody o ccmed pleased. Tho customer then re- ^ [ucstcd that his bill be made out, stating hat in the meantime he would go down 1 ,nd order his wagon to call for the goods. Die polite and smiling merchant suggested ,t once that his porter would do that, but J he customer thought that possibly the lorter might not know the wagon, kc Our ucrchant then began to "suicll a mice," nd requested that his customer leave the ^ uit of clothes with the other articles ; this lispleased him, and he seemed to think it / cry strange that anybody would doubt lis word. Then they both becanio vexed, 1 rhen the customer left, followed by the loi ter, who had instructions to sec if the \ foresaid purchaser had any wagon at all n town. After following him for somo imc. the customer turned around and told lie porter if he continued to follow him. ic would regrc' it. dec. This incensed the >ortcr so much that 1^ closed in on liiui, nd brought him hack to his employer, ,j rho, after giving his recent friend and oi Uhtomer a genteel lecture, told him to icpart. Our merchant wanted to make a ^ ale, and the customer was anxious to se- ti urc a suit of clothes, but neither succeed- f d. Look out for him, ye merchants. * t< h iUILDKUS' AND CONTRACTOR*' SPECIAL Notice. a Your wants in the liuilding Material hue, including Sashes, lllinds, Doors lardwarc, Mantel Pices, White Pine ' ' e Vainut and Fancy Luuibors, Flooring h Joards, \c., will be furnished the coming cason by the (ireat and Old Established Guilders' Emporium, at very advantage h us prices, and a warrant given on al a rork prope. ly used. They urc also the a Agents for Asbestos' Hoofing felt, the rtn#rk**tnl oaiictitntnc Ann aP nnncunl *riAt*W utiivi mi vviictiiuhvo uiiv vi uiiuouui uiv>? ?vj ouch superior to any of the class previously brought to notice, and worthy of rial by those who desire a durable, easiy applied, comparatively inexpensive and afc roofing, being practically lire proof end for price list and circulars. I II. IIALL& Co.. Charleston. S. C fURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, OITit to the pultliudealers in general. an tin- _ icuae unit well selected stock of DUV 0001)8, AHI'ETS, OILCLOTHS, MATT1NOS, Ac., at the west price*. Herewith they annex the prices of few articles?Calicoes, front ft to 1th-., Long Cloths, rout c to lI'.rown Homespuns, extra heavy, runt T1--2., inc., Jeans, from 12 l-2<\ upwards, Cassl- ol teres, from 40c upwards, Flanupels, from 2otofi0c. ad I v:?o' and Gent's Hose, 75c., $1,14, f2.txt n( ml upwards, suspenders, 11,40 per do*, and nn- w aids, Ladle.' and Gents' I'ooket Handkerchiefs, i.. rum oOc per do* and upwards. Illack hud Colored Iparus, 2tie, nud upwards, Press Goods, from 2fto. pwards, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, alley. Goods, KIMmns. Notions, Ac., from lh to I per cent, cheaper than elsewhere. Samples sept ud orders promptly filled, ah Rrtaii, orders from I io.imi upvayds, sent per Express flee or i harge.? I liberal discount to wloUpaale dealest*. * * Sin is often tlie result of physical ill heahh ' ml feeble stomachs. lhtpipg 0,,<' *tiiril of I ur liuic Ill?' piu<:?ss of digestion continues, b bo dyspeptic is to be miserable: dyspepia is the fonnJatioii of fevers ami all disears of the blood, liver, skin and kidneys.? lyspepsia yields to (fie virtues of the regit* le ipgredifaids of that great purifier of the lood and restorer of health, Ur. Walker's INKl'All 111TTKits. lv tiic KlI.lSV II.VK- An In u ..linln . - ..... . . ...... .. . mmmw . w i? (II I IV IV I iv lowor price, Messrs. King-land & Heath re keeping in tlie front rank of those who | nil house furnishing goods. such iim crockery, hina itn<l glaas wares of nil kinds, nsetul r ornamental. Visitors, therefore, to Column in during tin- summer, will ft ml it to their (vantage, if tin y desire to purchase In this ino. to visit their Ware Emporium under the 'olumhin Hotel. Tin-present and increasing opulnrity of their store is proof that the icople know where to go for such things, ' I _ . Flour! Flour!! 25 barrels of N KW FLO I' 11. For sale by 1 ItAUM HIIRO'S. Rubber Belting. 1,000 feet KI BBKR HKLT1NG. [ 'or sale by HRO'S. I GO TO TEXAS i VIA THE LOXK STAR ROITE! IXTKR.V AT I ON A I. ANt> GREAT NORTHERN R.R. Passengers going to Texas via Memphis tnd Little Hock, or via Shrcveport, strike hi9 line at Longvicw, the Best Route to Pnlistine, Hearnc, Waco, Austin. Huntsvillc, louston, Galveston and all poinlsin Wescrn, Central, Eastern and Southern Tcxa9. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the lest Route to Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton, frockett, Longview and all points in Eastern nd Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped rith every modern improvement, including few and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palce Sleeping Oars, Westinghouse Air Brakes, Iiller's Patent Safety Platforms and Coupirs: and nowherefclse can the passenger so ompletelydepend on a speedy, safe and comortable journey. The LONE STaR ROUTE has admirably nswered the query: "How to go to Texas?" y the publication of an intercstingand truihil document, containing n valuable and corcct map, which can be obtained, free of charge yaddressing the GENERAL TICKET A(ENT, International and Great Northern lailread, Houston, Texas, fDistrict E.l Februiiryl2?3m. New Advertisements. rXTORKING PEOPLE?Male or Female. If Employment :?t liome, $80 per week 1 : 1 rar anu'u. nu capuai ririju rcu. i anivuuua nd valuable samples cent free. Address nth fi cent return stamp. 0. ROSS, Williamsurg. N. V. ? For OUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tri^d and Sure ltcnic<l.v. Sold by Druggists. Episcopal Female Institute, Inder direction of CHRIST CHURCH, Winluster, Vn.: Rev. J. C. Wheat, A. M., Prinipal, (formerly Vice-Prin. Va Fein. Insi.,) nth competent assistants in the various dcnrlments of English, Mathematics, Natural Icience, Languages, Music, vocal and insirulenlal. Drawing and Painting. '1 he session | t ten scholastic months, begiasSept. 2, 1X74. lireulars of course of study, terms, &c , sent n application to J. C. WHEAT, Winchester. References? Tiie Bishop and Clergy of the \ 'rot. Epis. Church of the Diocejeof Virgiuia. S20 win. bi*t | :irst Mortgage Premium Bond ! or the INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., *!Ve\v York. .utborized by the Legislature of the State o New York. Vrst Premium Drawing, Sept. 7, 1874. Address for Bonds and full informnlion, ' dORGENTHAU, BRUNO & Co. Financial Agents. PARK ROW, N. V. P. (). Drawer pplications for Agencies received. have you Tried JURUBEBA ARE YOU Veak, Nervous or Debilitated? Are you so Languid that auy exertion reuires more of an effort tlian you arc capable f making? Then try Jt'KUBFBA, the wonderful Tonic nd Iuvigorator, which acts so beneficially on ie secretve organs as to impart vigor to all te vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates ira short time, only to let the sufferer fall ) a lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetu!e tonic acting directly on the liver and pleen. It Regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, nd gives such n healthy tone to the whole ystom as to make the invalid feel like a new crson. Its operation Is not violent, but is character ted by great gentleness; the patient experinccs no sudden change, no marked results, lit gradually his troubles Fold their tents like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but as been long used with wonderful remedial esults, and is pronounced by the highest | uthorlties, "the most powerful tonic nnd 1 I. ! I ? ucnmve kiiuwji. Ask your druggist lor it. For sole by \VM. F. KI DDK It & CO. Sew York. BOOTS AND SHOES! HATS MlT CAPS! NEW STOCK! I Just received in great variety and style, ltd for sale at prices to suit the times, by KIRK LEV k GARLAND. August '27. tf FORSALE. The IIOUSH and LOT on Rroad Street, now . copied by the subscriber, a first rate Busi- ' ess Stand. Tlio House contains seven rooms, itli good Store in front. A bargain can be id if applied for soon. U. D. DRONSON. August 'J7. 4t MEW FLOUR!! i i SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR, ! EXTRA FAMILY FOUR. SUPER. FLOUR, AROUND AT ^ t AMPNI^ N YffLLM. 1 FROM rvi:w WHEAT, FOR SAI.K IN BARRELS AND SACKS, AT CXTREMELY LOW PRICES, ISY KIRK LEY & GARLAND. Jul)' 23. tf. A * v? mmms wmnmmmamtmammmmmamm ; Atji AliA T1J EE: BA] OFFERS THE MOST A'l Mew gmim and at such LOW PRICKS as to guarant It would, therefore, CALL 1 and procure some of these NICE GOOD March 26. \ *A ^ ATU-pillhMb^niiHd This rem-Vy ^ ? vl with great suocees in edy willV ft Aprivate practice. It in almost\\ 53 Acannot produce any every caseY Kr ^ \\iU effects, and a immediatelyY ^ % Afair trial will conrelieve theW^s==*=^jVhice every one mostsevere^^ PSOITIS.0* Ta^ne cases of>7 * \w.of this , / JACKSOFS 1 remedy I > I fICIIF Pill SB eft- Vluw?LjJ.i-"//with S \ PEIOI: /that and prove 50o? ^^moet inTaJnablfg^^s^ _^T\\P r e 8 8 in g in Neurilfll, tt o Wdisease, Intermittent revere,\\ o ^ \ ? and Headache, and iA \ ? a splendid Toano for\\ Q ^ A ^ reduced conditions of\\ 9 ^ \ the system. \ \ ^ BOWIE & MOISE, Wiiolesale Druggists, Agents, Charleston, 3. C. Cotton Gins and Scales. We lire agents for the well-known nnd popular NEBLETT k GOODRICH COTTON G-INS, lud arc now receiving orders, to be delivered it the shortest possible notice. Also, for 3MIT1I S IMPROVED HAND POWER Cotton Press, And FAIR BANK'S STANDARD SCALE1S, 1a Ka lk/? Ut or iv ftip Wnntn IMIIM) itruguu IU ?/v (UC urici 1.1 mn which we offer at Manufacturer's prices with sxpenses added. J. & T. T. JONES. May 28. tf Glass and Crockery Ware. A large and well-selected stock of srw and UKAt'TiFi't glass and crockery ware, lust received and for sale CHEAP, by kirkley & garland. June I tf THE PiAJfTER'S WAREHOUSE! Wc have now on hand, and are constantly receiving A Full and Complete Stock OF GROCERIES, FOR THE Spring and Snmmer Trade, together with .AA1 oilier Articles in our line. Desiring to do, as far as possible, a STICTLY CASE BUSINESS, we arc offering our Goods at the Lowest Cash Prices, We invite attention to the following prices: Drown Sugar, 10 cents per lb. D. S. Sides, atlOJ cents per lb. C. R. Sides, at 11 cents per lb. Rio Coffee, at 33 cents per lb. Family Flour, at 810 to 812 per bbl. Kerosene Oil, at 35 cents per gallon, And everything usually found in a first ; ilass Grocery. tt corresponding prices for CASH. It j being our determination to Skli, Goods. , )ur fronds would do well to give us a ;all. I). W. JORDAN, Agent April 2. tf CONRAD M. WIENGES, manufacturer and dealer in HARNESS. SADDLES, &c. BROAD-STREET, Camden, S. C. In the building formerly occupied by S. A Benjamin,) Trunks thoroughly and neatly repaired Orders solicited, and work promptly done. All work warranted. Terms?Ponitirtly Cu*h on delivery, with no txeeption. February 5 If. Grain Cradle*. Superior Grain Cradles. For sale by 13AU.M BRO S. I .' JL v A # ije f1ustj . t* - *>. i # 3/uch tractive stock of >Brntim 0wm? cc an EARLY DISPOSAL of the be well lor you to :arly3 S, at such low prices as are offered by H. BARUCH. HARD TIMES!! W* cali the attention of the public to cur LARGE And Carefuliv Assorted ^' Stock of GENERA L Ai ERCHANDISK CONSISTING OF Choice Family GROCERIES, Dry Goods, SHOES, HATS, Hardware and Crockery. Our Goods have been purchased with a view to the HARDNESS OF THE TIMES And the Wants of onr Patrons, t. 7 And are offered at the Lowest Possible Priees, TO Cash. Buyers. J. & T. I. JONES. May 28. tf FRESH AND MEDICINES. Our ?torc and jjn ents having been tietsroyed by the la.e fire, we have opened with an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, kc. kc. &C. One Door above Mrs. Crosby's, Where we hope t? see our old friends and custoneis. HO!KiSO\ A DI XLAP. % January 10. tw : t 'T 1 'x 'I 3/JEKis \ jii MM* J; ^iikv>i>.. >:, \Ba8dmIUrdt\irrttrf5r/-;l- . ISUttadUuV'1for.lh\r:!'! y ;0r -M ? 7ttbV)Wdkfdi^Vkh ?d ? LjibinctMiAersiuuX sotU&c. , n AllWor^lirnwitcd. 'v J LOWESTPRICES.jl ^ Send forPriee List. ^ LH, HALL & CO,fr i JlinnfarfurmhUMlArt. ? > ra 9,4s6,B,MM.irAet Str et. "S k2S,213,Jirit2*y, gfl CHARLESTON, S. C. f s Thi?? Cul entered according to Act of t * gress in the yenr187<1. by l.H. 1!m.l4 Co.. in the office of the Librarian cf Congress at Washington. In n Few l>ays. We will be ready for business, a(d have tine stock of (.ioods to offer, received site lie fire, consisting of DRY GMDODS, Hardware and Groceries. Our slock of Jjon. !S,eol. 1'ltuj.h MeuMa Trace*. Ajkes, ?nn . Nn?l", ami u'l n '? e for Vlanimion ose, is complete, nr?1 wi'.lh sold low for oash. KENNEDY 4 BOY KIN. January 14. if