University of South Carolina Libraries
m^m ?c^p. ^^^^Hi.ily ^ ^ in .vn-l lac ili | S i-ii, n >:iwyor m< on thv\ ts.o ?4ii i igt .- I . j.; > \ .-.I; An H' "I ivi ill i Wf 1 .;!! ! ll>j ri ll'." i. tup v. CO. :l in on f r ^ .Irr.i; ??<1 iu ? ! ? ^Hr'! - 1 in .i?.-j><u, - J ?. li ,iu?im n-. s.llllid ali i u'v"* !:? !y rooic! >nl on i? ntaid with hoi in h< r e?lieo tin- -. urn bcmt.v ^^ it i- the world, wiiutoveronr lot. U'l ;in'l - .'ting fur have n?i ii \?o i ** <?? ? ??- JU i x mt jyu j*r--.ryu' a?*?? i.irfc Twain ami the Comet. ^^^Bmakkalu: cklk-tial excursion*. ^^^Kliis is to inform the public that ii ction with Mr, 1 >:iri>uin I have I "the comet for a term of veav?. desire also to solicit the publi* .nage in favor of a beneficial en which wc have mi view. Wc propose to fit up comfortable i i-ven luxurious, " ^Lthe comet for as nkcv persons "a L' ^Nionor u- with their pain age, an i* an extended excur.-ion anion, heavenly l-.rf, j. We ?-hall pre 1,000,0'V> slute-romes tin '* die C't'. n i. w ;h hyj ami l gas, 1?. :s, parachute. V IBi -anl-room.-.eard-r in-.iou ; vot-n and free th< rvk-c!; we PL .' ro:ul".v:iv it. '_fs will l? 'J'iii . IS 1?C? it Stat < . . t<>. A -;ili; t:t; A iron 1 :i:1in :I 1.0 put li.'i tl:-' ! ?. 1 I 3. m-^H| thy V * Till : T.U. II 1*o of tli'- compl<' nam ?tor.? I .*?! will ' ?? aM" I ami receive a reply clove Hr Niglit rate. The wh..i ii - V: ! |"?-t. will r \i :! .. . r M , P s< n I ed in the st-r? v ?on liargc 1 extra. | We hall nk v tli u . fi of ci.a; _ / | . : A axon FORCEOF MISSIONARIES, and sited tlx true It.lit u|.*?n tin* eeb bra ted orbs winch, j.hy-ieai'y ayl-ra are yet inor .lly iir d :? ) 4 .S?t:nln schools will be i -1..?ii !: 1 aheivvi J iacticable. ' ?mpi r;. 1 : ah > will also be juttodutvT The comet wilt vis t M; rs .i,j\-i, a;, then proceed t<? M< i?-i . y. .fun,\ nus and Saturn, i ' s niiic-tc with the government ;'ti i >i- .i -t < Columbia, or with ti. not r e.'tv p v *: timeibt of Nejv Yorij. !. >n >y d- -it to inspect the rings, .v.i 1 ' . ? . . u?l cve? y f.o W ininent jnagpi ^'1- ="d tiini. :u!..vr.'.i : u cXCttl-ions t j *tii: * of inter r inland. Clothing suitable for wear in ti: pun should ' ju'ovio i. Our ]?r< T uie has -u so aria .?* i tlrat w stall seldom : > inorc'than 10u,00fl ' ? of mil ? :<t .1 ti? Kith.iitr ^, ping at some g nr. Thi will i.. . ?-?ri ]y make thro stoppages ... t a . ) - rve ill i itcrest <jl' ! oA-'t. ' *agc clw ked throu in par , .i ' r< ?: . ^ Ait"r vi-iiing a"'! ' < t; . UU'S < 11 > t -i ' - : <>h. -?\ t. -t:.?l - ?ii: i. , : r t - t ]j ; !':i! f j-r-. tli" fii mair.' fit. no > i}i > . < I v.>* < i !.: art I A m i ; . v-.-, i,t < "Vol ainoji^'; ill;.- noritls Ti. * III.;! i .. :i in! ' t y w:p s ??;" > ? , { ; !" ;?<ilolli1 -*>!::?i ' ii !; i 1 i : . ah!- vastn< . billi< - n I 11 ions o mbc* a?:tV i * ?! ? ' ,';rr>i. .. . Ot ti !' -.C'?J?io ~ 'r.. 'i ? tho iit'.lo Spark . n i Caz? at Oli ;i.! ?i si i < ;) i a l'i Tli 'liiliop il j .. l 'i';!*". < Ii' ! jo g'cs which "in<' I !' i" i [i av stirri ! into 111 ! r i r\t t, ami wl r'-!: t ' r i i n ^ O" J>!iOS|lll(., ;! J ; l-i;.go of tin. } :? ! ? 'vn: 1 t ka i Incident ntti i !y ti ial iri.. . r< >! I Ot.jn. (iiiihcn otccupyii.g stats s fMsrrere- ? ? ? :il the in ! table will !>< eharged lull . . , kev- tmfaskbc - ?? : - 1-1 L.\^ 1 VI.! I'MnrtHe e'fv'li to { minis, utclii'Ting! . -:t- t-? llit* >un :i5; = l inand all the ' nriueipa: planets >11 the route, will 1>o charged at il?o low rate of two dollars fbrvVerV b'M ?0 ??0 mile-! of aetuul ravel. This eoniet s*new ami in tho-' tougl v. pair, and is now on her first \oya_e. Site i,; e ufessedly the fa.-te t ,e ti.e line. She uuskes liO.tfO'h-tH.Mrj mil* day. with her present fai ihtie. t' hut, v. i'li -i pi ! : d Ami riean erew and . - i. w atln-r. we are <-??* I: .1 ut that we i;. : <^. { !'mmmi.OOO out ?>f her. Sidl' w. -h ill never juish li r to a danger.r? ' s^'i j.jl v.e >iiftil rigidly prohibit. racing with other comet-. Passengers desiring to diverge at any point or re-j turn will l?e transferred to other cotnets. V. o make eluse connections at all ( principal jioints with all reliable Tint . S i fety ea u he depended upon. It is not tt be (hided that the heavens arc in-; fi< red Ol-i> 1IAMSH U'Kl.B COMETS that hare.not been inspected or over-1 1 hauled in j If 000 years, and which J ! ought long ago t<? have been destroyed ; or tinned into hail barges, but with i these we have no connection whatever, j Steerage passengers not allowed abaft: 1 the main match.. Complimentary round trip ticket.-1 have been tendered to General Butler.' , Mr. Shepherd. Mr. ltiehardson. and j other eminent gentlemen, who-e public services have entitled tliem to the r??st and relaxation of a voyage of this kind. i' The entire voyage will be completed, apd the passengers landed in New1 . Vork again on the 14th of December, j 1001. Tliis i> at lea.-r forty years! 'juicker than any oilier rotnet can do it in. Nearly all the back-pav mem> hers contemplate making the round. - t?ip with us incase their constituents | will alh?w tbem a holiday. Every barm j i ie.vs amusement will be allowed on I b -;ird. ' at no pools permitted on the' run of the cornet?no gambling of any ! kind. All fixed stars as seem to neenl ' fixing we shall fix. If it makes trouble! . v?e shail be sorry, but firm. Mr. <' 'gg!:i having lease I his comet : it', -lie will no longer be called bv !' - but by my partner's. L' tr further particulars or f v freight 1 :t) ] !v ! ?.?ai*'l 01" to IJ?V partner, but not to me, siuee I ?i<? not t'ikt.' ('inir^o ''I* the comet uuiil she is 1 i v..iy. It i iiv <v-:in\ at a time i !.. 11 -i. ii:y iniiitl shouM r.ot be bur1 ']<(' ! ivitli business details. Makk Twain. I j i?\? !I * i I! \ ! < a 11;I.S ( AN A I.: ;-i. \ M .MAN fkom A i: < 'I fact i- iii<1i*pi!!uble. bWlrffiKKl says tliut "the fact of : : . : !!-!iv "i- ( A< t.v, .isliin i- written '' HUIIi > "]>( ?.'VaiiCC licit / i.m . . tit\ can coWai it. ft*. v. ! i l' i- vUiiO inexplicable ih*hat ?e!ls u- whether an individual ui:? mine. fortune, and eirciim? <.? aif t ?:ai!v unknown) ho, <?v he a married man. Whether it is a - c< rti-iii undue 1 1'M.k, such as* tiiat ulijt'ii characterizes the in a mcri\ and <!iV>i:-rnis!trs tlu.m from ' i ! ii' < [' iih' ii. -crt. ?< cannot tell: l'ii! the truth is >, we positively " a Hi i in. . i A Seniors I'i:' mi:xt.?A sto iv i' iTn-i the crushing force ol i" evvutn-tantial evidence, has for " In-iM a l?n- i::ri gentleman of dis' i.eti.iii. who. provid ! v.i:ii .-trono v 1 llattcring lc< 'tiiiiii.aiil .tioii-, vi-itc.l the coin an i modal room of a ccr tain national in tiluti ?u The coins and jnc 'a!- :n this collection hcing t<> y a i intents and purposes priccle.-s. the < :;ral"i-> are "hi y e I to exercise the i' wry utmost caution as to the admission "fs>i.:> gers. and to ke< p a sharp lookd out (.? ; the visitors while tiny arc inspctiiig tlic r.uv<t of the numissnatic I treasures. The Russian gentleman d wi.-Ji d to see a medal ?av of t'oii'i -tantine Ohloru?which was of gold, w ..fury d/.e. and ic| uti<lto'-eun.ijac. 1 Sudji 'i.iy.. v.?si! 1: wn- her.ding over it, the medal d: ij j?? ari d.and the f r c'u'ncr d 'dared that i: slipped 1'i"in hi- in . ! .ad la!. u on :40 : r >i*. (Akir a scrupulous ex .minat!"!! of e ov rv chink an 1 cranny' i*i tuc 1 > n, - the oiliciais began to 'lonhr t!:e stratiV 1 integrity, an I intimated tin! i: , \\ iitid he lie < n;ii:y to e i!l ill a d t' - - i.i>i ? ? f.avr tiiiu -vaiviieii, v.neiv ij on ?l.f !fiuait cviiiO tl great Iri 1*1 t;i2 alH'v. ,\- this a^i'at . n jiv ? i.Jinui-1 the -'i-jiicion- < !' his ' !* :t 1 II. . i was a Uiallv sillllmi i't-'\ a tin; iia!i'-i mi-ting i as- ;i!j it ! > in.' I'XJf -i'i tu . - ));'iVi?]in! is: ii'.' liiv. an ;t!t mlai'i I'i ih- " in t I I ;;ir? ! ii nit al. ' V* !!: _ . H , I i" i '. l':t! a t ? tie i Mr i aii-l l i ur.'itM* <.!" > !' tlu! < is: 'furs "! I Ii'' ('< '1 it ''*ti"li. , -.I course, >v< ru' lineal i??? Russian . 'it i ri;.i. ;i i : <, !< ;t 11. \ i- >! .I : i.' r. ii ; i". ji L g l . , ' .ir? !i? I. "i ; i- i i- 'ii.' v rit a:fila! : >ii. "It !?.i ' m i' . '!V a -c! i ali'l : .? I I Ml 1 i ru lmslul i- lint to bl I .1 i>i liif \\ iti.'c Wdi M. ii nit' .it, half a >i" ''ii tiiii' . t! ni'iiiii ;> . Ni.n I ' i . j . ji t>> | *?> --a i i >111: t i'|art <>! ' i- . i v :!. ! if |>i >1 < I I. a . . i?>Jx>. f.' >:11 Ii v.ii< >.r | n|i : !l ! i? V X !li V U i :| <ii I'll i11V \ lilt' Jiil'.fiiv?> v.ii 'i ! j?i v;< 1 f'> ynii '* .. . mr !? ":! in" w is not uni ,um? ! iJ V. ii:it W jlii 1 i . ? t il 111V JmsiiloU ' , it'your nieiiai hutl not come to .tifl i. i*:s had lr.-cn f>un I isi my poek-; v,r. .' Vt i;o ?voui>l iiuv?-' ncii.eved iit my i store about : 11? counterpart.' Tliisi i- strange. 'ml true. .1 ' IJ.? ??' " \ v L.\ Kii'iiv t.ons ts>A?K\.?/V-riroQ." preachavimSelirtft; Aim. hrtfc i ag lii /'vori^h'^ullu)! 'il ytr'aiigv yarn,, whi h might p do for "tun uia j riim>, l)U; is rather stee). for ?-ii? | ill p [! . lie .-aid that a young! liji'.i. Jiving in one of the many towns In' had vi-itcd, asked a young ladv to accompany him to church ".i li, Sabbath day. Sim replied, pettishly. tli it lift liairliad not becncurl d. and that si; would to tho had place with lmr eye- wide open before -lie would venture to church with her hair uncurled. Ami she went not, at that time; but the next Sunday having gotten her eur!- adjusted, she ventured out and listened patiently to the sermon until its close. When the congrcgat.on had been dismissed -be moved towards the door, but fell, on reaching the portal, with her feet to the door and her head towards the pulpit. As she fell her clothing cracked like Chinese crackers exploding, and on examining her face it was found that her eyelids were completely gone.? --- - 1 '1 -L .... Olll' >>;i> tu'ini. uui u ini| "jmuju m close her eyes, because of the loss of the lids. When her friends crowded around to raise her up, they found themselves unsihle to move her. The sequel showed that it took twelve men to lift her from theiloor and twelve to put her in the eofiin. It also required the united exertions of twelve minister'.-. to preach her funeral an exceeding heavy job. doubtless. When the last sad rites were being observed, the lid "fthe coffin -uddenly raised of its own accord, ami something 'about the size of a Mack eat. but which was not a black cat." leaped out. And as the creature jumped to the iloor it cried aloud to the petrified audience, "Wait wait! until 1 curl my hair!'' "As I expect to answer in the day of judgment." said the sable divine, "1 saw tins scene with my own eves, and it was just as 1 have told it ' j A L)kau Di etc.?Dickons tells the j following story of an American sea .captain; On his last voyage home ; the captain had on board a young lady of remarkable personal attractions?a phrase 1 use as one being entirely new i and one you never met with in the newspapers. This young lady was in j t.11 viy iMVCii i?v live voting men, j?:isI scngcrs. and in return she was in love with tlicMi nil very ardently, but with.. i nut any particular preference foreitliJ er. Not knowing !iow to make up lier ' dcti rniination in this dilemma, she consulted my friend the captain. The ! captain lming a man of an original turn ! of mind, says to the young Iadv, "jump overboard, and marry the man that j jumps after you." The young lady, struck with the idea, and being naturally fond of bathing, especially in '.vh.*. leather, as it then was, took the advice ot ii.v captain, whe had a boat j manned in ease? ot accident. Aeeord j in-ly, next morning the live lovers being on deck, ami looking devotedly at the young lady, she plunged into the sea ln-ad foremost. Four of the lovers immediately jumped after her. i \\ lien the y ung lady ami i'mir lovers got out again, die said to the captain. "What am 1 to do with them now, they are so wvW Fays the captain, " l ake the dry one!" And the young lady did, ami die mat i it 'l him. "What are vou hulloningabnul, Hill"'" l .1 , ii r sal'i a iiioiuer ai itic smir-loot one eve. liinir- after Iter two hoys litnl been put to ' Please, mother," s:ii?l Hill, J.-tu wants half t lie hcil." "Well.' says site, "lei 1- m have it, :m?l you take i the other half. " Y.mother." sai?i Hill, "hut he will have his half out of the inhhllo, ai <1 u:ake ine sleep on hotli Miles of hiin. j Conversation hetweeu an imjuirinj: stiaiij- r ami a .steamboat pilot: "That is IHaek Mountain.' "h. s, sii; hiir'tii s. niolintaili aliove Lake (iearjre. ? "Any s.or .< _ id eoiiiieote'l with that in utti! tin? "L it- of h ni. Two !o. er.s w. 11 up that ill'ui nt a in onee a ml in . r came hack a^uiii. "Indeed! V. r.yuii 't i . auie oi them?" "Whv, tin . went down oil the other suit1. " i t> i! you, s si | \\ isroi a'n man t . a ie i^lih >v ne\t day after burying IIIWile, "when ! ea Me to ^et into bed ami lay thar, ami not hearing l.ueimla jawing Minimi foi an hour ami a half, it in t'le Lie fe. | a> if I In I moved into a strange counti v. iii -1; \ \P? If. as i said before, Matii la, Voll still ( ill-risheil tlillt feelI'll' I.I M it ?M*f li ill 111!* III.* ? !l if Villi j'l'cI jfri '!. IHV v.! Ii wniiM In- !:i?v t'l Von. I I ?J ..I it. M:i i !.i M \ i ii.i? v liui?I'ii, i ! : -llr.l i- '! * !:i! ' :i. I 1!! *-t ?!*:! J if I i" \ iy <'i ,i<. i:;;r that :i ::i: ti iia-Im iMi run (ivcr I*v :> lo ? t c ami eight or ! i j ( ! U' * (ji rorii'ios, \rc? T3-A/U" jVL 13JZ O'B. ii \vi r. i .1.1;. < .. FAMILY GROCERIES \\ !< FIABTATM SUPPLIES. . V? hich tliry lire nflVi in;: "'i their uhiu?1 !i'??-r;?l j iii.-. I in) ; t n I i. i'! In* g l'i'|'\ I- ' I ' Ii*. - tui \ I*- juii* At ay -8. ' II I } \ iiEA et^j:v\s FLUID EXT1 ACT BUCBU. Cp Tli .j on!/ known rq nedy lor BRIGHT'S DI BEASE, Ami :i positive < ire S'"r COl T. GRAVEL. STRIP PRES. DIABETES. io.-i'Kl'Sl A w. 'KHVOl S I>1.1 , l.i !'V, |? \fsv. ?> on - vi't ?-m i:?i: ?>r 1 nroiii injici- <>t I'rine. Irrili'Oi. i nllamiuUtTnCrrnjXj^llioll of IIII* BLADBSll ANfflKIDNEYS, Eelichori lnea. \t IlilCS/llisMiSV-i I>| tin* Prostate Gland, Si one* in the Bladder. I'aloiilii- Gravel ir liri<*k<turft Deposit ami >1 u. elisor Milky Discharges. Ei IliRXM'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all "Diseases ??f* the BLADDER. K11 INK VS. AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Wfttfe^.and, Children. SktF SO MATTER WHAT THE ACE! Prof. Steele >tys: "One bottle of Kearney's Flail! Extract Rnchu is worth more than all other Muchas combined." Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Di'ijot, 10-1 buanc St., Nrw York A Physician in attend* n.e I>. answer corj respondencc ami give advice gratis, 1 Send stamp for Pamphlets. free.'tjjiM TO Til K Nervous and Dobiliti^ed. OF UOTIISEXKS. X<> ('/tmyr fur Adno: mid ('otisidfuttnu. l>it. li. Dvott. graduated of Jefferson Medical t'ollegc, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, caa to- consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or I'rinnry Organs, (which lie lia- made an especgj1 study ei'itcr in male or female, no iiinttlrfroin want cause originating or of how li'iig standing. \ practice ofHO year- enables to treat diseases with success, fun- guaranteed. Charge rea-oiiiihlc. Those at a distance can forward leiier describing inptoius and tnclo-ing >.amp to prepay postage. Send for tin (ini'l- ( > Ilftldi. Price lOcVuts. d. it. DVOTT. M. P.. l'hy.sieiaii and Surgeon, I'll DuaiicS'.. N. V., ; A Medical Triumph DR. D. S. PERRY'S VKUKTAULi: AliO.MATlO HITTEIJS. > Tlio'o r.irior- ,ll(> roiucilv of t n o. I ll ik. invi^ff i; r I lie .;!!?! I give new lift* awl t<>tic t<> the broken tl?wn !|. ill llii:islll?lic HWl tlllllalMilM ?i I trices' iIk'.v i'* Aurili a chip l?*:i?l <>i ?uii w jutwlrr- an I ; ill*. Tliey an*?jieoi:;!l\ |>j it* I :.i j>fr>.i?;? *;i!T'*ring i'roin ; Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Costivcuess, Hea-clache, j Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Chilis and Fevors and Piles. ! _ To Delicate Females. Lai lies, otl or rnuoir.will ti ti< I f li ltiin*r-* I'Sfii'cially :? !..} ?t fl In ili<r-:t ] 111 isi * I i heir m*\. WrYntiMi!"", La^-ilwl'*. Waw .\|ij?fiii<*. filial l!i'i?i*ral IWiilitf. all yirl i in the niacin charm of iln-e itc*.tiiiiaL!<* !ti11 r-. IfKA11 WHAT IS SAID. III!Alt WHAT IS SAID. 11 ILIl WHAT IS SAID. i ?\'<iiiili>rf:il dlccf li:i\I'rCMiltfu I'roin } ' i?r. IVmV Hitters ' Mv chill- are g*ie. I can h:ii 'l! \ 1 ??-li? it." S'-tnl in one cii?' of Perry's Hitlers ug; in. Nothing lil; hi iere." 1 vnclo-" y >? nli'Juvii of my < ;!< I i. i'l to i'i. -n t<i i otivicc yul of llir u i|i<!p fiii cure." Surdy ili y :it llip i.iust <l> ligiiiMil win tonic in iin- .. rM. I?i . Wi' ill si- yell tire n jii; "lie lit'iipfacior." ' IIiii r.iii! "o lure liinuiniti-ni. No :i. re in u.lrii . thanks y..iii" We eoiiM I.:' Hi- leu -r ltvi -e over . jjn-t -in ii tm i it > ext r ,f|j. 'hi! ii -Hot. , t i u * t i ttie -. Uiir5ilier arc prcpar. tin i i the sujiervi-i hi of >r. I> >. i'. rry. M - i I 1(1 till* < lift* 1)1 I'lr.-H'nlllH Uliii . I ' aii'l nl l!" M<* li< H'liliic <it ?ii I >\x I \I! ni'l'i- -Imirl In1 ? lr'~-i'l H i'. I'KIMO a?: ?\i \*l?" isiT'i 1:1: ru . t?W YORK. i s. 1 77/.' /?///>. '/ . ftl'l ',/ fl'i ' th' - i '.<( (tf 'S 1 /'<'/' /'(?///? . ! _J | !' 11: i?-~ in M hjr l..r -.! . i\: :i In ' !i< i r i||?. : 11! ci lifi-i- ifiiiti- ' iV- ; 1 . \ i ?i i? ti:? iii<- t I'-Hii y ;i?w i* 11 - i ii \\ 'In y I -- ill-- 11 I ill -Ml,' II- :: I I 1i i :i .iiiiI ni l i .ill :iiiint}iiiirc il I.ii- ? . ) nli-ITVl-ll. Tlir lVn\ Voin;?Jic Kilter <-*? . I J <*niii;! i ii - i - i M n.-li I AN UNDliPlJ T?D FACT That iiin.' . .1 - il pK CASH, u ! <*lil'H]l I.Ill :! ...1. 'ill ill II.I tilIK', \| ! S . I v.-I.:. 2 .- i\' II M'. ft ii: (' \ > i i IP ii iiyji /3L Xj E. 700II I I:I n il I i It- ! 11 -I 11 1 Kft I i ulu at I Ii jirii-i-- I i i i ' . II K I?!"i:<? l ! >i?i : i. I! Flour! Hour!! I'll ii ii ii---* r?i din.'Mii L't'niii f?r sale l.y lKI'M KKltO I) r*.^' H i a Vineirar liitlers njf? n purely Vegeta Ide preparation. made chiefly from i the native herhs found <>n t'.ie lower ratines of the sierra Nevada inouii- ; tains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted , therefrom witliout the use of Alcohol. The question i.s almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vixkoak HrrtkitsOur answer is. that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Ucno vnitir ami luupiiiiim m nn; 'J Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Hitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious I Diseases The properties of Dit. Walk1 ru's Vixega tt Hitters are A pericnt, Diaphoretic. Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific. Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system No Person can take these Hitter s according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital urj gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, 1 Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, ! with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach aud liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Hirrizrts. as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of tlio liver, 11 i. ?M... | . :*il p'liirnuiv ir?u>i'iiiu uu; uiraiLuj iuuv tioits of tho digestive organs. Fortify tlio body against disease by purifying ail its fluids with \ iNhoAit Urn khs. No epidemic caii take hold of a y.-tem thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, HeadEructations < f the Stomach, ! i Ta to i:i the Month, Bilious Attack?, Palpitation of tin.- Heart, lnlluiinn.'ition of tlio bungs, I'.iin in tlm region of the Kidney?, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Une bottie will prove a better guarantee of its tncrit- than a lengthy advertisement. tiernfiilu, or Kinir's Kvil, Wliito Swellings. I'leers. Erysipelas. Swelled Neck, Goitre. Scrofolona Inflammations, Jmlolent Inilammutions. Mercurial allectious, Old Sores, Eruptions of tlm Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, a- in ail ('titer constitutional Disease-. Wai,kei:'s Vinegar Hitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate uud intractable ca.-es. For IiiflaninifitorynndCiironic Diininiatisiiljiout, Hiiious.Kcinitt ut and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Itlood, Liver. Kidm-ysaml Gladder, i llie-c itillers navo no ei|iiai. rvu-n m<>catcs arc caused by Vitiated l!lo< I. Median iral Diseases.?Persona engaged in Paint- and Minerals. such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters and Miners, as they advaneo in lite, are subject ! paraly-i-of tho Howels. To guard fttfuit : this, ttike a doso of Walkek's Vi.M.'iA.'t i>i i riiita oeea-'touully. For Skit) Diseases, Li options, Tetter. Salt 1,'hcuin. Hiotchcs. Spois, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kingworms. Scald head. Sore Eyes, Erysipelos. itch, Scurfs, DNcolorations of tho j Skin, Humors and Disca-u s of the Skin of ; whatever name or nature, are literally i! .,' u,. and Carried out of the svstem in a short time by tlieuse of the-o j'i: Dili, Tape, and oilier Warms, lurking in the system of so many thousand . are elleetuully destroyed and re- ! moved. No system of medicine, no vermifages, no unthelmiuitics will free tho system from worms like these Hitters. rai IVmalt'Campiaints, in young or .dd, married or -iiiglo, at tl:e dawn of womanhood, orthe turn olTife, thc.-eTojiic Hitters display so decided an iiillt: -rico that improvement is .-mm pereeptiblc. Cleanse lite Vitiated lilood wheiie\? i you tiiid its impurities bursting through the >kin in Pimples Irruptions, or Son ; cleanse it. when yo i liml it obhraetcd and sluggish in the veins: eleansn 1! when u isibiil; i oar feelitu will tell you when. Keep Oieblooilp ire. and tho Jieaith of the teni niil follow. it ii Si, iui\ v i.i? .v ?a?. 1?ih."^ihIm A iJi ii AiriH.San Fruiu fco?> C.ilift'r* i. .; ,v cor. nf \s i <(iiiifrtiKi itii<l 1*1. ?rli?-ri St?. N. V*. >olil l>> itii !Jtut;ui?l? unil l)tn lira. TiJi-: IMUIV.SY KSi) KKST \ suri I ii . ciicli mill Vitu'i icaii ; O C* . ' J XF1ACTIONS, \ 1 -. i i r>. i \ \ M i? i .i >i' ,\r. .ii I 11ti I a! uli.Kl I V .v ?;AUL\.\I>\>. I . -. , . i > i. i i '<*? ^: j 5 <'. . ) i > ) ! \ \|> ,, mil. . )! }' t - . . .. . . I ?il i' , N ?.| : ? Mi n ... !i . : I | J *.r ful'IJi. ! II. .'I < !, M rlii. * ' i I ? \ \" I ^ . 20,oo?'> i i r, * 11r* i. ii \ I i. I . SMI 11 liUO 1*7-1 1*7 :t. FALL TRADE. W< :iit now receiving a large stock of imv I>K, i CLOTHiNO, ior Men tiinl 1 J<ivs, HATS, of all stvies, 10 0 cases HOOTS AND SHOES, , HARDWARE AND CLOCK KEY. i j SADDLERY AND HARNESS, i I In furl, it great mariv articles li.o tciliousto j tiietitiiiti?all of which we will sell at oi/r j usual low prices. j RACM RRo. I September If Iron sai?<! Sloo!. 15.0(1(1 lbs. IRON, of different sizes, 15,0(10 lbs. PLOW ST K I'll j. " For sale by RAL'M RRO. January 22. tf The Wilmington Star. EHtablislictl only Six Years. DAiLY STAR. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Newspaper in the Stale, and a circulation in Wilmington nearly twice as large as atiy tiiiin JIIIJU I . All the news of ihc ilny will be foil ml in it. I when unimportant, at length when 1'in-client, utrl always jiresenttil in a clear, ntciiigent uii'l interesting maiiiier. griiscuirTiux [is advance.) One Year, ST 00 Six .Mouths, .'1 50 Three months, - 00 WEEIirA" SrrAR. PlilCE ItEDUCED. Tiie Wkkki.v Star is now combined with the Nut: rii t' \ Karmkic. ami i? one of I tho jiajters in the country, at the : following ItHDirCKI) KATES: t'no copy, one year, .~?1 AO One ropy, six months, 1 (Mt , ('liihs of A to lit. one year, Si '2~> per copy. S'lubs of 11? or more, one year, only Si 00 Specimen copies sent on application. Address, W.M. H. KKRXAKD, Editor nti'l Proprietor, Wilmington. X, P. R. R. R. DAnuf a vio dc a nv DCI icc nnunni o ntnui iituitr CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. KOT ONE HOUR after read iogthij advertisement need any ono SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAVS READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. Ii was Ute urst and is Tlic Only Paiu Romedy llmt insfnntly mops tho most excruciating pain., allav* lnlUinumtt'tn. and cure* Congestions. whether ol the Lungs. Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by cno application. IX FROM ONB TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or etcruelstins (be pain tbo ^ailriila -1^*' ' '"'ppled, Ni rni'ii, ! RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WII.I. AFFORD INFTA.VT EASE, i INFAMMATIoN OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION UK IHB BLADDER. INFLAMMATION TUB IIOWKIAL c? not-hon of the i.l'xossore throat, hikm't |,t ukratiiino. P A I.I'I i \TloN of THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CUOIT, PII'IITKRI A. , VI ARKU. INFLUENZA. ' HEADACHE, TOOTH Willi ( Mil RAl.OIA, RHEUMATISM. Cold chills, aoi e chills. Th?ap c.ion?..'tlie Hrmly ltrlier?otliepar;or f I porta wl.ttrutbe paiu ur dnbculty cii<ts will r.2ur I e-uo . and ComnrL Twenty drops In ha]'" it tumbler of water will In a few i r. manuc ir*CHRAMFS.Sl' ItUUHyiutlII STOMA* II, HE Alt) It CRN, SICK H KADACIIB, J>I A K It HOE I. mxKM Mil. i iti.ic, J.N JIJJ; uoWELs. UIidalllSTEltNAI. I'A I.VS. Tiurelcre should alunvb carry a bottle of Radway'j Ready Relief wltliihem. A tew drop. in Water will prevent st'-kiics* or p.itm from change of water. It u betierUiuu French fir.mdvor iiitUrs r.ta tUnulaut. FEVER A.\I> AGUE. FEVER AVP AOI'Eotredfnrfifty cent*. Th?r" it not a remedial agent tn this v .rid that will cure Fever and Ague, iir.t! alt other, Itiloiu, Scarlet, Typhoid. Yellow, and other Fevers taided by ICAD WAY'S .pi.'-k . . RAHW.WS READY RELIEF. Ftlty < clitepcr bot'le. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! f stroxo and rniE rich nr/ion?increase I * tll'FI.KSII \XI) WEItillT?t'l.KAK SKIN ANI> 111 JIKAL'i IFI'LCOMI'LEXIUN SKl'U RED TO ALL ;l I DR. RADWAY'S " Sarsaparillian Resolvent t THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. |J HAS MADE THE M< >>T ASTt>NIS||IN(! VERES : SO it' Ol ICK.SO KAl'IH A UK THE t'll VN'iHS. THE t Hull Y I NIIKIliliillS I NDIIK TilK INFM'EM'K -1 OF THIS TKLI.Y Wu.NDKlUTl. MKHiCl.NK, Til AT I j ^ Every Day an Increase ia Flesh' and Weight is Seen and Felt, j Frcry tirop rf th* S\R<Al\\RIT*MAN' PESOL. . VK.VT rori.ii. r. :i'r? tl roii^'tilli* JU>I. Swat, I rini, , .'1 fcndothi r I .nt- uimIjii <?'s ?>f ti.* m?mui thevicoror It! . f r itn | rrntiie w i?t**4n! tl?% I'OdjT Willi nw nod >< n.uia, >> CVnsmi jiti ^ ..rtta: i ir duk . i In too I Mouth* Tu- \\j . s lesAiit ' I -< lotlicrparuoflheMyiteiils ... .. -r di rnitil 111.. I'.'ire nr.A IV the u. r*t I n till of M%!!1 dne.lfcOS, Krup'.loii*, Ki'vcr j ;? , > . ! < . *?. till ||? t|, iting Worm.Mdt nhenui.Kryfii cUa, ; 1 Artie. IJi'icksp \V?-i m?n tho Klrah, Tunior*. run* ' \i rt?ri:pt!.c W ml?, a lid all v. ukt'Diiii* and paiuiul dt#?. > btdweau, I fSperanndaulwatlniof j ** the lu* principle are within the curative ravtc^pf 4 wondcrol Modern rbf'mi?rr;*. and* few di> s' im.mxM ' provep'-r- ?n tiHtfii: it":?rc iber of tWc forms wf l?r dtiintlg potent power locure then , Ifth* p.ituM'. d iilv i? ?mhu rtdu cd bftbf^tei an I do mpontti *u tft.ill* n titnoially prnjrresStin:. hu?. \p cciMaliiiinostiti^ llt?>o \\n n>. hit I up n:i tb? uno w itb li**vv III ?t??: i.ihii.i lc Ir? :ti lit i!tl?> M * <!?*1 <1 liwd 'If theS M5S \l* \ III I.I.I \ V mil and il- >m . uie? .ir ;ro Iscvrun; i r \\ lo'ii intra tl. !y < tniiiem 14 ira . work of pnrifi.Mlii'fi, .? 1 v ?.t i* to ii.. m-loni; the ' A loan of wastes. it* repair* will be ra| l.andevi yd*y lln'P i em willt'-alliinoit M^-romm; I coor .?ul Mr- n^rr, thai . i.?tile improving .?i u :;?r-u iii.d weight HUT-- mlru' N< tOlll> dot 4lU .<ITAMI Hit ItK?n| t I IT ei-'Clsi allkn ii :i i ned 11 igeituln the < nri 11 'hion . > i .? i fulm:* r. oAuui'ionu!, and Mttu duiiMtts , but it l? the only positive cure lor Kidney ?1'* Bladder Complaints, rrlnary and Wonihdii* r* \ tn, rj h pi i.-r I t \V* ' . i : I. " i't uhl I ' - Q J i .. v . i, and m ill m * I are there are l?r rtv P;*ti|. pti t*.? r iter i?* l! k. ? oiK.ti I | w:i!i* i *:.? r? i.k. .,* aln ?*ft ,tt. t . .. tlirf t .?like uiiitemlk. ? rIh?*ie i? i? mot hid. ?!? k Hi i* at., e. n 1 white - met u heather* If I :ir> ? 1 .. . . nud i I no i ii lUc "??. i.i I this lt?*k and a. *ae I. in Tumor of 1? Yrars* Growth Coral hi/ liwl way's liesolvrut. OS? RADWAY'S [*' hid Purraiivc?Regulating Fills, i .lib arret k m. 1/ ... .. .. . k?! 1 I ?i.JIMIa. for Ui? ....I .1 , : - ? ? - .. \ I * | * . N > ? l> a ' .1 III .: . M ? : ... . I...1. I)... I . I a I I I i v ... .. w II ii i .< r >< :> ? . '?."fiin'ftift"."1' .ii.- ir<iel??(t- 1 J t| r'diM. \ nW \ \ SPH.t ItillfMllltlin. I - I"..... SUi'CuU | I . Ml lit I'l.l ...I I I i.' M.?' \ NI? lid Spnl i.n. S^'lrr I . i i K.tlHV.W A r?? N ' WaiMI M . ?w I ?..k ll.l.ii... i Ii U.i'lll tliO.,.?Jli.|( ?.il 1 ! kl-Ul you. J ; ( V South-Carolina Rail Road, Cjiaulkston, jj. C. Oct. 18, 187o. On.:M,?1 .ificr .Suii'lay flic lthli iiiM.. tl,c Passenger Trains of this Komi will run us follow.?? Leave Columbia at X 40 a. in. Arrive r.t Charleston at 4.I'll j?. in. IA'U?C VlliU ill i'#"" H. Arrive at Columbia at 5. UOp. m. night express. (Sundays Excepted.) Leave ("oluniliiit at 7 15 p. in. Arrive at Charleston at 7.10a. in. Leave Charle'stoiiHt 7.10 p. hi. Arrive at Columbia at 0.30 a. in. Caimlon Accommodation Train. *. W'il run tlirougli toColnmhia, Mutnlii}', Wednesday ami Saturday a.s follow*: Leave Camden at 0 .70 a. in. Arrive at Columbia at 11 50 a. hi. Leave Columbia at 1 00 a. iii. Arrive at Camden at 0 35 )? iii. fs-'iV Nigbt Trains connect at Augusta with the Georgia Itond, and tiie Macon ami Augusta Itoad. This is the 'jiiiekest ami most uirect route ami as comfortable and us cheap as any oilier route to Lauisyille, Cincinnati, | Chicago, St. Louis, and all other point* W ert and Northwest. lir.y Uny Trains connect frith the Charlotte Road. Through Tickets on sale, via this route, to all points North. fi-.y Camden Train connects at Kingsvill daily (except Sunday) with Lay Passenge Train. ' S. S. SOLOMONS, Vice President. S. 15. Pickexs,,G. T. A. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road. Wilmington. May 15. 1874. Change of Schedule. The following schedule will go'*into effect on Mondnv the 18th inst. X Pi I IT EX PH ESS TR AI N?# ? Leave Wilmington,' 0:10 p. m. Leave at Florence 11:37 p, Arrive at Columbia 4:00 a. m. Leave Columbia' * 8:4o p. m. Leave rlorence . 2:10 a. m. Arrive at Wilmington 7:15 a.m. 1'asseiigT* going West to points beyond Columbia will take Express Train leaving Wilmington at 0 10 A. M. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 8:00 a. m. Lear cat Florence 4:00 p. m. Arrive at Columbia ti.55 p. y.? Leave Columbia at. 0.00 a.m. Leave Florence * 12:25 p.m. A VIMVh ill - r- -- ... lil'J l\ II. Accointiiop.ition Train makes no connection at 1' oliimbio. Express Train makes close cotincction both North ami Soatli. JAMES ANDERSON', Gen'l. Supcrin't. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road. 01 M:I:.\LSI TI:KIM kndaxt'S OFFICJ:^ Columbia, May l*i, On ami after this date the follow^" " nlc will be run over this ma?l? liolXti Sol Tit _ . v0, Trail. X... I. ? . J' Vfi'ivi' nt Auniistii, 8 fKV p m (ioiv'i; NottTlt. . ' " Train No. I. Train No. 2. ' heave Augusta. 0 .u a m 4 lo p. ni. heave t'tiliimbia, II o* u m b ."T p. in? Yrr. at t'iiarh tie. 4o p m Standard time, ten niinutes slower than iVasliin;in!i riiy time: six niinutes nluiail of "nluiiibin: . Train No 1 dnilv: No -. daily, Sunday* -xeeplel. " 4 Roth trains make close connection -4onl minis Nortii. South and West. ' Through ii.-hi ts sold and baggage check 1 to all principal points. JAM lis ANDERSON. General Siiperintendiint A. Piipk Gen. E. jc T. Agent. iii ' !.........Sit I I'-.l ? " ii n lit nil- auu i omnium liaiirOilU.. IhiMy, Sumlays excepteil, connecting with ight Trains uiitlio South t'arolitiu Ilailioa<l, [> an<l down: also with trains going North ml South mi Charlotte, Columbia uml Aui.-ta Kailroail, ami Wilmington, Columbia nl Augusta Kailroail. UP. eavet'oluinliia at ? 7.1 *"? a m. pave Alston i 9.05 a. m pave Newberry. 10.40 a ni. pave okesbiiry l!.0O p m, pave Helton 3.60 p m. rrive at (ircenvilleat t Dtiiu p ni, DOWN. >ave firecnvillc at 7.30 a ni. lave Kelt on #~l?.30 a ni. ave Coke-bury 11.13 n ni. ave Newberry i!.3tt. j> ui. ave Alston ? * l.'JOpui. rive at Columbia C.00 p m. ?'/. rson lh'nn<h (Old lihtt liuhjc Ihritu n LKA V i: ilhalla 3 45 a m. Arrive 7 13pm rryvillc C. 1'3 a in. Leave t'< 36 p in lull-ton 7 10 n tu." Leave 6 60'p m i 1 ersi.n J- 10 a in. Leave 4 6<l j. m . at Helton 00 a in. Leave 3 60 p in L " Aeciiiiiaiiiilaiiiiii Trains on Abbeville aneh Momlays.W eileiisilnys ami Friilavs. i?ii Imler-on Hraiioh. between ltvllnii and on TiivmIiivk, TIiiitkiIiiv* .tii-l *vit? ilsfw. T lit is. IK i|?.V M K.\ 11, (irnl. f?u]ii. iir/. Norton. iJriil. Ti. kji ,\gi, RICHMOND : INKING AND INSURANCE 0< >>l I * A A A . ? - - * >00000 i:i:?>\S v -liin^r in in?urr iii nlir-1 i Imkh i ii'jiniiy :ii lou 1:11ik. xvil' jiIi'um1 n i i'ly _ w. ? i.via un. in - ^ and ( lime. ."in liiivo- niKKSK. lT> firkin* (JOSIIKN lU TTKll. For sale I y BAlTM DRO * A