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I MK AL HATTK1W. < Ul'HMI lHKMTOKY. KriM'oi'.v 1. Cm m il. tVmerof l.vttleton and Lauren- streets, ilov. Jausts M . .Miles?services at 11 "'clock .\. M. and t; r. M linguist Church. 1'mad street?ilev ilubert i'h"iu- ji. Pa-. >r. Service- every Sunday at 1 1 a. in. ami T ] ]>. in. 1'raver MeetingThursday at S |?. m. Methodist Church. PeKalb >ireot? Rev. .J. W. Kolloy, Pastor?Services at b\\ A. M. and vj 1'. >1. <>n Sunday I'ruyer Meeting Thursday at > 1'. M Presbyterian Church, PeKaib street? Rev.S. 11. 11 iv, Pastor?Services at 1"' A. M.and t'? l?. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at t> P. M. iw r % J ikJ I.!, i g inn. SOXS OFTK.MPEKAXCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO 9 Attend the Regular Meet /\ ing of your I tivision at Ti m f'lrmict I loll on MONDAY evening next, at 7' o'eloek /'TT^\ My order ut the Y\*. i'. YVM. WAI.LAt'K, 1!. S. j THE MAII& Northern, Southern and Western mai opens daily *J. 7:30 l\ m., and closes daily at 5:30 A. M. Flat Rock and Pleasant Hill mail ar rives every Monday and Friday evening at 0 o'clock p. in. and leaves every Xuos- > day and Saturday at (? o'clock a. in. Russcl Place and Dry Creek mail ar-! rives every Wednesday at 0 p. in., and leaves every Thursday at 0 a. ni. Jefferson and Tillers Ferry arrives every Friday at 12 M.. and leaves Friday! H 1 !' Office opens from 0 a. m. to 1 p. m vnd from t i?. xt. to S p. xt. Sundays from 0 to 10 A. XI. Mail closes on Sundays at 5 p. xt i ??????? Ice Cream Notice.?The Ladies of Grace ('luirch give notice that the time < for selling ice cream in front of the Jlec-I tory, will be changed, after Saturday next. I to Tuesday evenings, and continue on this time throughout the season. T'o? Ladies of the Presbv lerinn Church propose h** M?g ice (,'rcaui fur sale on the I h'rnoon^w 1 aro- cver.v Thursday af- 1 . . uuring tti.. , - >11 a ?The < f> o'ehtck. * ",JA.* iirto 1 P. M., and from to 7' P. M. A Itft'i.e Ci.i'h.?A meeting wad held at Camden on Thursday hist, ltith inst.. | fur the purpose of organ izing a HiflcCluh, lien. J. I'. Kennedy being chairman. A committee was appointed to prepare a constitution for the Club. Tlio li-t of members is large and constantly increasing. Tup. Champion Ki.ah.?The Hag. presented bv the I*<lies t>> the Kershaw l?a.-c Pall Club, is the prettiest thing of the' kind we have ever seen. It is on cxliibi- : tion at l>r. Young's store. ami i? a model 1 of taste in dcsipi, and skill in execution | Yorkvili.k FkmalkInstiti tk.?W? j invite attention to tho advertisement oi "\V II. McCorkle, Knj.. Chairman of the Kxecutive Committee of the Hoard of t rustees of this institute, which i? pub? Ji.sllCMl in another column. Sot Tir Cakoi.ina Raii. Ro.\i>?It is said hv those fvlio know, that the track of the South Caro'tna ltailroad is in better condition than it has been lor many, years. Too much prafsc cannot be award-1 ed t?> Mr. .lames Trumblc. 'he efficient supervisor, atid the officer- 211J fi,Lr> who serve under him. Cajit. S. II Rh-d^ett, the well known' and accommodating conductor on the Camden Branch, say* lie has everything to liis notion now. and that all pains will be taken to increase the comfort of traveler-. - l?y the way. we hope the company will not think if impertinent Cr u? to call their attention to the fact that a warehouse,' shed, or somcfhini' of the kind, is vcr\ much needed at the Camden depot, for storing ^uaim etc. Such a huildimr could 1 111.!., n.,.t mil now ! 4 I??: CI C'H'I .11 III , ,m, . ... . the time for the j- h t'< be done. (Fi tt Nkxt ti??vt:itx<?K A rorresjioti- i dSht o.f the I tit.'if lit' was told by men. who said tlicy ki,':w what, tlicy averted, that l'resi-1 lent t rant '? favor of (ieiieral .1 I! Kershaw a> n."*xt iverm>r <>f'S nth faroliun Wo a<;tee wifli the I're-idenf. - TlIK Cu'?rs.- I'r .hi .? planter "!' fxri sive experience and lint? judgment. \\ ' learn 'that tl?e < r in the tv -o n p?,r - tion of this t'oun'v, and tin- hc.vcr part < I Fairfield are looking well. but are v< r, (backward A late lall and no cnN'rp !!; rwdl enable the firmer- to inahe a yoml crop. . The Trial dii-liec- are Ini-y with \Is gaults and Haltotic*. I#arecnic?. and other petty matters. 1 S hi'i'i, Mki:i'IN<;.? A number of eiti- j ki*11- assembled at Temperance llall on the lota instant, f?*r the purpose of considering the practicability of establishing a Female College in <'amdcii. <Icn. J a me- Chesnut was called to the !chair, ami James M. I'avis appointed sec-j rotary. <hi motion of (Sen. J. lb' was !' </. That the meeting organize itself into an associatioii for tho purpose i of establishing a Female Institute in the town of Camden, and that those present subscribe their names to a roll, stating j the amounts they are willing to give for i one year?each individual guaranteeing I .1...>tir tn ]);uronn^i' iu mu obiiuvi *-.'i v?*?* ^H,.. . the amount subscribed by him. On motion of 1 )r. I>urhaui. it was Jitsuff (/, That by the words "guaranteeing patronage,' in the above resolution. it is meant that each subscriber is to send a scholar or scholar? to the seho'd. according to the amount sub-t-fibed by hint, or pay the money subscribed. On uiootin of (Jen. J. 1? Ktrdiow. Ji> itolnuf. That a committee of three bo appointed by jhc chair/ to enfrespond with Professor Reynolds and. J)r. Bookhart, with a jic.v of procuring their services as 1'rinoipals of the Camden Female Institute. The Chair appointed J. B. Kershaw , I K. 31. Boykin and Bev. A. K. Durham. I On motion of J. 15. Kershaw. Ji'iK'Jiotf, That a committee of five he I appointed by the chair to canvass the community for the purpose of procuring I subscriptions to the guaranty required,! for the eotntnene euient of the Camden Female Institute. The Chair appointed \V. M. Shannon, J. W. McCurry. J. M. Davis, 31. Bautu, 2nd J. J*. Kennedy. On motion of A.M. Kennedy, AV,W/W, That these proceedings bo published in the Oauidcn papers. On motion, the meeting adjourned to i meet again upon the call of the chairman, i J A MKS (MI KSNl "J\ Chairman. \ J. M. Dams, Secretary. A Xr:\v Division.?The following is ai list of the officers of .Sandy Hill Division.' So. 7<>, Sons of Temperance, organized ' abouttire miles south ofa('auiden on Satur-1 day last, by A. M. Kennedy, Esq.. I'. (I. | \Y. 1'.. assisted by (Jen. J. 11 Kcishr.v and other members of Wateree Division 1 So.!' : T. K. J Juggins. W. P. Lucas Davi?, W. A. J. D. 1'helps, 11. M. d. ,J. Thompson, A. II. S. II. (\ llrown. F. >S. II. Hinson, T. W. K. Druce, Chaplain. IV. C. Deasonovcr, C. M. M. Thoini>sou, A- C? Philip Druce. 1. S. J. K. llvatt. O. S. * ? * i. ii 11 I . . 1 I-. 11- . 1 . The meeting of the Crand Division id j the > 'tis of Temperance for South ('aro-1 lina was appointed at Timuionsvillo, Par-: lingtou County, yesterday, l?:id instant. We tender our thanks to our friend. I Mr. Lauchliu MeKinnoii, lor a present of i some tine apples. One I'huk.?Mr. S. A. llenjauiin is' selling out his stock of summer clothing at >>t See his advertisement. iiaurn lire's advertise N K\v Ci.oi'it and l-'ruit Jar:?articles suitable to the seasoli. Mj?ks. Kikki.ey A: Oakland?These j go-ahead merchants advertise a large tjuan-} tity of New Kj.oriiof the tincst quality at / < r>j loir juice*. They say they are, selling it cheaper than it can he bought, anywhere else. They are doing a fine business in spite of the dull times. CYr Eton's Mii.i.?1'ursuaiit to a call, issued by several oftlie influential citizens living on the west side of the Watereo. i . ... I <{ilitea largo and enthusiastic meeting was , held at Cureton's Mill on Saturday, the j l^th inst., for the purp >so of organizing a, Tax I nion. Capt. T. II Clarke was, on Motion, requested to take the chair, and doing so explained, in a clear and con- ' cine ina",l'4tri 'hit object of the meeting to to he an abovO stated. He was followed by ''apt. James M. .'Tnis, who, in u forcible at. 1 stirring address, nr,.rcd all good citizens, irrespective of part v or race, t ? lend a helping hand in this movement, | which has f.r its object the overthrow of; the corrupt government under which we arc lew living, lie presented most ear-j nestly, tic.- ucces ity of organizing. A bundle of -tick-, h "and t get her cannot b'- - > ea-dy broken a- one by 11-elT: likewise one man or a lew men are powerless t ? acc 'iiipIMi any god; hut if all the' good people of the State will combine together in the Tax I nions an 1 make a de-j tcrmined effort in favor of the right, we shall certainly .-ueeced in rescuing the government IV mi tlie ban 1 of robbers vvho are despoiling its. A commit tee consisting of Mossrs. \\ 111 I II- .n. J no tiurdell and ! 'r \V !?. Nv!- n. w in ij ; int> 1 to propose a -uilahic name and to nominate ojjiccrs, which couimiitee n poficd a follows; *1?t lb. name o| thi- I ni**u be tic ' ('urcton's Miil'l it: n" md rioiniii iic I t'apl I ii 1 larkc l ir I'rc-idt at. N\ hi V? hila|kerf?r Vice President, \V lb Hogan j Trc i-uier and I. I! l-lvll "ecp'taiy, nil 'of whi I. \v 11ii.ii iiji i-i', ad j.ted The, | Chan .appointed the ! ibuving li.w utivc, Committee; Mcs-is. \ S. Jordan, Jiio inn mill !!! ?I mil?IHIMIII II Willi I Burdcll, ."ind K. P. 1 i < 'I I is, and. oil mot ion,' the President and Vice President wetcl added tliorc'o. The Secretary was in< structed to enroll the names of members.: whereupon some uty voters, among! them several colored men. placed their names upon the roll of the I nion. All classes of citizens secnt to feed an abiding interest in the movement. The Inion then adjourned to mo-t again on the Hist Saturday in August. 'MWitonkp.?We have been informed that the match came between the Base Ball Clubs, which was appointed for this I afternoon, has been postponed on account! o? the absence or sickness of members of the Camden nine. A Critiosm.?A kiiteu was born in Camden a" few days since that was (juite j remarkable, .surpassing the Siamese Twins. It had one head,'which was rather abnormally large. The first half of the body was ainglf); .and about the middle, the body divided into two petfect parts.? There were eight legs and two tails. Two' of the forcTcct were above, and two below) the body. The parts were quite perfect, and well developed. The kitten was dead when nrst found. Cow Tiiikvks.?Bob Arthur, one of j the parties arrested for killing a cow of Maj. Blair, escaped from jail on Thursday last, taking advantage of the door being opcn?d by the jailer, Mr. Cooper, in the dischargo of his dutiei. S\/cp Bcfyuo>ure, another of the parties "charged, lias! been released, as no evidence appeared to criminate litm on the preliminary examination. Pharaoh Nelson is held for trial' ar. M kktino.?On .Saturday, the 18th instant, the colored people ofi this County, residing on the West side of the river, held a meeting at Starke's | Mill, some twelve miles from Camden, for ! the of hearing addresses, upon the i political status of tho country, Ac,, by' Messrs. Adamson and (iaithcr, members j of the J.egislature for the past four years, and others. The two ex-llepresentativesarc reported to us as having defended the heneral As-: sepibiy from all the charges that have hcon preferred against itiat tjody, and solicited a' re-election, Adamson to the Jlou.-o, and (iaitlier to be promoted to the position of Senator! They were backed by Scott Urov.'tjj who was himself a candidate for! the Legislature on the Loiter?' tjeket two : \ears ago. Messrs. R. E. Wall, John A. Cncsnut. and others, made .stirring speeches, urging ! the colored men to make a manly light for ^ reform ui thy only means of their own j ^ivubiuu, Mtimig ittcm mat tin* cculu j not be effected unless honest and competent met) were chosen to office. If'allowed to remain uninfluenced by emissaries of the Columbia Ling, we arc persuaded that the colored u.trj c{' this community will, it: the next election, do : lbr honesty and economy in the uov-! 'eminent. | UlILDKKS' AND CoNTIlACTOUS' Sl'K< lAl.j XoTICK. Vour wants in the Building Material Line, including Sashes, Blinds. Boors | Hardware, Mantel 1'icccs, White 1'inc W'..l,,iit,l I'atH'v Lumbers. 1'looriny Hoard*. Ac.. will be furnished the coining1 season by tlie (.Ireat and Old Ivstubli.-hed Builders' Kmporium, at very advantage i mis prices, and a warrant given on all work propc/ly used. They are also tlioj Agents ibr Asbestos' Hooting felt, the material com-titute- one of unusual merit, much superior to any of the class previously brought to notice, and worthy of trial by those who desire a durable, easily applied, comparatively inexpensive and safe roofing, being practically fire proof | Scud for price li-t and circulars. I II. Ham. \ (V. Charleston. S C A Fatal Difllcu Ily. The <ircenville A'?? * furnishes the following particulars: About two weeks ago, Initcd States) Heputy Marshal Uobcrtsoii and Collector Mattisoii seized in the upper part of ibis Couuty, near 1,000 gallons central and I whiskey, the property of one .John 1'avis. which was brought to the residence of Captain Jennings, eighteen miles above this city, ami deposited in his cellar for I lie uight. Mr Pavi* nticcocded in makiiiL' liis escape. About one o'clock, A. M., tiic officers were aroused by a party of iiion. who demanded the surrender id' the whiskey, whi'di prudouce dictated they should do ?t (a the whiskey tvahauled oil, and in body hurt I rnui iu.. formation received "ii Saturday moniin. last, ('apt. A Mati'.anii and ('. \ Par lin;:. Poputy Collect r?. piuece'lci o. I'd tun, for the purpose ?d capturing John Pav's: mi their arrival, they prised burseiut'i net vice, and rode ah nit six iniies from Helton, where they overtook P ?\ i- an I his w n. with three barrel- I whiskey I lie officer.- deniaiidei] a -unviider. hotli parties drawing arms Alter s-,me talk. I '.n i- and ' 'iniiier -unciidered, delivrii::: 1 up their ann- Matli-oii a a- in the road ^uardniL' tin? part ie- when Pai line pro cceded t i tlie mule- I pt M ule a ^Irap u lo-ii P av i- start id t?' the W" d- and w ilircd at by ('apt. Matti.-nij Tlio shot look etli i but Pavis proceeded mi, and the ..flic i re!i i ed III- sti j - when they di"Ve h.n iv I Iielt'ill. it i? in.: 'he -lalili-iilin lit II et' . and th t w offioi iw it It ' 'r-iiuer in ehai. ? ? ah ,r-1 the It iili and rime t t ireinvilli'. when t rutin r was h d ed. in jail \limit ii'i*! ck ' n Sa'.m Ja\ n -lit, a tcle^iajii v,.. - l i\i I -latin.- that Paviv.a dead, m l to have the partiesarrested .lame- I! Seh'itiehl. li-.j . i -nod a war..' rant, which Vhciifl Somliern executed by I y ijuictiy arresting (' ptaiu Matlison audi lodging him in jail whence lie will be I transferred to Ander an this morning. I I'roiu infiirinatio1 ^ received. Sheriff Southern deemed it prudent to place a guard around the j: d on Sunday night, to prevent a distur ?ancc. but nothing threatening transpirt d. The report, no doubt, arose from the f'aet that four persons (a commitroe f .0111 Mushy ('reek Lodge of (hid Fellow .j arrived in town, who wore appointed t ^proceed ti Jieltou and bring the body oi Davis home. The coroner's jury L the^casojf Mattison found wilful ioSkT .I 'avis was shot in tlm side, the billl ranging upward through the lungs, atld came out about the centre of the breastl The coroner of' Anderson forwarded bn^arrant to Sheriff Southern, and the priSatier'Tvi/i' be sent to Anderson jail for confinement. The body of Mr. Davis passed through our city yesterday in charge of a committee who had been appointed for fliat purpose. The deceased was about thirty yoats old. lived about eighteen miles from this city, and was a single man. > The down train, yesterday morning, for Columbia, carried Deputy Marshal Darling. When the train arrijj.d at Helton, the Ci'Qiyd pipehct} intyfffc train in search of Darling, who had taken refuge in the mail car, and was covered up with the mail bags. Mr. SheltOn, the mail agent, closed the door, and stated that the property in the room belonged to the Cnitcd States, and drew a pistol to defend it. Hy the aiivictf of (Japt (3. Lj. Yfolb and Mai. Whitner. the crowd Tf3s ouieted. and ? ' ' ( 4 permitted .Mr. Dariiiijr?o go 0,1 uniiurt. It is suprmicil tlmt we will have one bur lint; less in this community for a short 1 while, at least. The excitement about 1 the murder of Mr. Daws in Anderson is intent. ? Professor Kastumn, of the National Observatory, says that comets arc "nothing more than attenmted gas," and this is only a fourth rate comet at beat; and its nucleus or head is "so attenuated that if reduced fo a ball of solid matter, you could probiWfJkold it in tin? palm of your hand WINTER TURNIP SEEDSonic very choice Winter Turnip Seed, oil the plantation of Mr. John Purdell, can tie had ct W. h. AItTliril. July L't Js rur. Fno.v i H ank.?As to a good article j or n low price. Messrs. King-land .\ Ilealli are keeping in the front rank of those who sell Ionise turiii-Jiiug goods sucli lis kcry, china :.ii i gnjit Miueis pf .)H kinds, useful <?r urn :iiici.tal. Visitors, tlihrefore, io *??liiin'iia during tlie sutiimer, will and it In their advantage, if ihey desire ti) pi.reliuse in this line, to visit th'-ir Ware Emporium under 'lie! Columbia Hotel. The presi'il Mid increasing popularity of their store s proof that the people !,?, where to go for sugli things. Tut: (ii'.ntlcman ix Httiri"wlio is the tutelar demon of dram-slni-J assumes hisourest aspect when the it;M progress of ViNKCAit HiTTKitrJs roporo^-l^Hi* below.' TTic"l' 'pic'- VetrctalilcTOnic is playing the uiiscl.iet v.itli In-i.ho i- r.ri t with rum. All diseases wiiich those demoiiinc n .-Irion- aggravate. under pretense of reliev ng, such aindigcslioii. sick-licadaclie, const ipatioti rhcuiuai i.-m, gout, and iiitermittci i levers are cured hv it. GO TO TKXAS , VI \ TJ1K lo\i: stak koiti:! 1 IXTKKNATloN A I, ANi> U liKAT NOBTI.'I.HN 11. II. | I'assctijiers jr to Texts '?ia Memphis and Kittle !: ? !?. ur tin Sliretrrpcrt. strike this line :tl noiteview. the Host Kutilc to l'al'e-tiitc, llearnc. Waco, Ati-tin. Iliiiit-villc, l|ot!vl?!l. I Jal \ e-'l t> >1 & ! Sill Jtyittl.- ill Wcstffll. Centra!. II;:. leftt ticl r*OUtl?*ri? Ti xa^. I'nv-eiijie/- \ ia Nc? Oilcans villlind it I litl'.e.-t K?-iite t > T) i- r Mintiilii, t tvcrton, (.'rockett, I.;ittjjview itu?l til point- in Ka-tcrn ami Xortlicu-lorn Texas. I This lino is well hnill. iboroiijrhh equipped i with every modern improvement, including New and lilegalit l'av Cotclie-. 1'u'inati l'.tl- j nee Sleeping (Jar.-, Wcstinghonsc At Drakes, , Miller". l'a:t vifet\ I'lalf. tin-; kl Coup- | ers: and iii'C lu ;? ft Ire can lie pn--ii}Mr ?o ( completely depend "ti a -pecy. -atetiid com- , fort aide journey. The l.ttNK >T.ii: llol'TE lias utuirnldy ? answered the ?jtn-ry: liow to go toft \as? j l.y the ptlldieatioti of an intcrt-tiugatl truthful tiociiment. e .:it;ii11iiiir a valnnldc id cor reel iinip. which c: tl l>C olilaitlCtl. free ( charge l.yad !r --i:i..' th- CIlNKIlAl. TIOK.T A tiii.VI, 1 titerii.i.;eo..l and Ureal .Mmhern llailroad. lion-ton, Texas. j | District li. I February1"J-dm. 1 CHOWAN BAPTIST FEMALE IHSTIIIHS. MUEFPEESBORO . N. C Tlli? is ((If ! lite I' -i aid .(" ' t'ulli-llcl ^ I'cliciie Sdi cilh ;:i t' StmtIi. I'lic i( .-.-i"ii ju-i clx-ci \v 4- iii< -1 jii iisperdiis or'l liis 14.iv. 'l ie- 1) : -i'--i.4ii will Mgill I > !ii-i . \V I is - 4 In \ i (I, ; nlior. ' I'lriiu | > r - ii el nine nioiitln-, p^nl'le. w ( in- tniirili i.t i iiirulice, nnt-lialf i!i 1 'itIi ( 1 Ki,,'rti:ir\*: 'lie i cinaiiulei at ilieeloso i.t liie : l.iteiMi v Tuiiinn ami llmirii I jf Mii?ic mi Piaiiri,??i mii ni 1 i ml at. ca., .Vt.iMij , I'M 1 IIIIIIVTT taunt I 1 I t :iu >njf. \\ i\ u. i k. limit., elf, caili, 1 >.< <? V.n*:il ill r'.a^oa, In (HI ISw.Sfs >* . ?*tc . fnrnUln .1 r. j- v -nhitlili- ti ri: . 1'i.r 'aii ! 'I !? ?? , :: A. M.ImU i.,I. Mtirfreesluit . N. '...lulv 10. f t I'YiifiJ lYuil ijr.v \ lnrjjclot i?t ik. flclirutcil ' ?;iAl | l*|T l\K.> -el: -< > f-n sill-at \?;ini.i'wj KIKKI.i:\ \ t.\l!L\H?>J HP CI A , A U? I in I I I \ i. i i' i "ItS \ |{S. ' ii ..| i ! I i'i I- -iii'l i-rii-'S i limri i lirw iiiiii'l Snink'Tif 'I ! .h i ui KUi \:\ \ .iMMiANi' I rOKSAIiK. ' i UI.'-II: \1.1 i ! \ mii.S m-JiniAt'i: i?v _\ III !: ) St i. | -1: ? I In* 111 | I i -I l iulT i Ii in ('iitiulen. I'niit itiiijr SKVEX (OHMS. -.; Ii ill in-i - ii \ i' ii mi i lut aii i jimiil V -tiii I '! rxi'i'UvniJiV ell of W nte* ii iIn* ^ ii-l. ;inl II.m i lianln in front nt ilir n-I'll'.H i I i tni ili'i [miir iiit<i ' i I .ii-. 11 1*1 V I'll Mil | I i ini-t ? I .lulv " . * V w I New Advertisements. \ 0^ mA DAY GUARANTEED uting our, C Jfc WELL AUGER & DRILL in good' territory. Endoned by Governors of IOWA, ARKANSAS A DAKOTA (UUIcecyrti. W. OILIS, It, Lstij, Ui,' For COIGHS. COLDS, J10ARSKNESS. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, est: Wells' Carbolic Tablets. I'L'T I I' ONI.Y IN ULUK 1JOXKS. A i'rici! iiikI Sure* llciiicd) . .Sold by Druggists. LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD- " For :I0 Years Millions have intently watched hid I't.Kii oi yet ukuoic sti:i (;i?i.k?, and .it vnit aciiikv kmknts, and now nil/nil/ desire iho COMPLLTK LIFE-HISTORY of this icnihl-nno'i'iieil iikbo and ukxkkactou, which unfolds also the crniosiTiKs and w^altIT of a wii.ii and won in: urn, country. It Sa /u?f. fiuly. lit Hi ?.?///,'> > tti.ii '(QiiiPj.l.f. tine agent sold 1N4, a nut her 111'! one week. For particulars, address III HI!Alii* WHO'S-, either Philadelphia, liostun or Cincinnati, (). 200 Pianos and Organs, j .New ana secona xiana, Of FIKST CLASS innkcrs, will Ik* sold at ! LOWh 11 - i'-i un>h, in, instalments, ?</ ' fur nnt in City or < ountry, ?l?iriibis month, hif HOllACi: WATKKS & SON. No. j IS1 Broadway, thnn ever bctoro offered in Now York. SPECIALTY: I'i.-in<>> and Or-! gnus t?? let until tlie rent money pays //.? | price "/ i'n Instrument, Illustrated Cata- ' logues mailed. A largo discount to Minis tors. Clint dies, Schools, Lodges, etc, .Forewarned, Forearmed. To he foroarinod now when you are threatened with ill the ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Summer weather is to make free use of. JTJE/UBEBA, whirl) will make tlje Li\i,u aotivo, assist Dt- !l gestion, 1'iuirv the blood, strengthen the, Ctkiiinb and I'iuxauy organs, invigorate the 1 SyvrtiM. and make you enjoy life as you.ougbt Price SI a bottle JOHN (4. KKLLOGl!, Agent, N. York. AGENTS WANTED Ff?R TIJ? PFNTF NNIIAI GAZETTEER I W_.? . . or tilR I UNITED STATES. .V<> book has ever been published of such unirir*<tl intfrf.U to the American people. It { !l!'l'c*:(l"> 1,1 "? l'tt'titular class itluiu, but to till classes: to men an 1 women of till profe->iuns, ereeils, occupations and political opinions?to Farmers, Lawyers, Business Men. .Mechanics, Physician-, Politicians. : Teacher-. Students, Manufacturers, Sales-1 > men. men of learning ami men who can only ! read, to ulil ami young. A11 want it as a book | i.| constant reference, nml to p.eaervc lor' their chiblrcn ami chiMren's chiMren as the ; on!v complete .and reliable worK, showing the i gigantic results of THE FIRST ONE II I N- j I)It KI) Y K RS 0K THE UREA'11-SI KK- ; PUBLIC THE WORLl) EVER SAW. It is not a luxury but a necessity to every well-in-' formed American citizen. Agents make Sinn': to 5?o0<> per month. Send for circular. 7.KIGLKK & MclTRDY, Philadelphia, l'n. iSlierill 's Sale. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Catnden. S. C-, July ?i, 1874. ItV virtue of an execution to mc directed, T , will offer for -ale on the Firftl Homlay in August. next, it being the Third day of said rtCnth. I . . . . . . _ -... ,i... luring niu legal nours 01 sate. jjiirum "i un-| Court House Door, all that lot of land and 1 buildings thereon, in tin* Town of Camden Imunded Xorth I>y Market lot and buildings. 1 East by 5'roa \ street. South by Hutledgej street, West by vacant lot. and known ns tlie ' Hank of t 'iunifeu, leri* >i upon and to be sold! nt the suit of 1'. I). Iloeott. for the use of the | Hank of Camden, against James S. Clover. as J Administratordc bonis nouof the estate of; o. II. Verdier. deceased. Ti:kms:?Terms of sale, castt, purchasers to |'ay lor papers. SAM UK L PLACE. Sheriff of Kershaw County. July'.'. It" ftlierifPs Sale. SlII'.itlFF'S OFFICE. Camden. S. C , July 1*74. lly virtue ufnu execution ' ? me directt1 i will jffer lor sale on t First Monila) in August \e\(, l bring the Third day of said month, during lie legal hours ut sale, iti front ot the Court House door, till that tract of laud in Kershaw ' unity, lying on the waters of Hig Lynches 'rei k, containing t K it Tttotsanh ink Eu.iitv I'mi (IdSi'i acres, more or le.-s, bounded sorth by land- of S illie W . lllair. Nouth by amis "t Daniel Met'a-Uill, Ea*t bv Hig bvit-1 'lies Creek. ami Wi^t by Iamls of Sullie \V. ilair. I.evinl iipi-n ; 11 <I u? In- as i lie pv.i|urty ifW I.. I'm-I'-i-. ni'l FreelnVr I'. t ?? ! *:i - - a! t Ik -nit ?ii Maw Terrell, ami tium-ferreil in 11 I T. Hay. Tkkm.-:?Cash ; Purchasers to pay lor p.-i ers. SAMl'KL PLACE. Sheriff of Kershaw County. July '.i. It* 1RCTIC SODA WATER, r The Arctic Soda Water Fountain is now n operation, and prepared to furnish all ,ho desire it with this refreshing: levergo. Thankful for the very liberal patronage \ estoweil ujion us last season, we respect- c ally solicit a continuance of the same. a We are supplied with a large and more aried assortment of syrups. \e. KlllKLKY & (i \RLAXD. N"EW STORE. New Goods! ( i liMI III-IM. ti l. I III j I. n i si ii:s i \ ' ni. iifii <in<J /' 'nil *'if ' /<'. ' i /. ///, .* *. f' null'f I'm it*. ,v I t}, . .v. T> ,/y. I . 'ii connection with my establishment will! In I .mi I ? *' ! villiii'f I" i taiiiin^ i.i tin- l>ii i lief of A * I BAKERY. I lave SCt'llia I tin* ?i- \ ,.i-? >t i l liiST j i I \\s I'. \ !\ I' It I ' ii :'inl i : uoil | up .-.1 iii -io n ill tIn* wli i I i\ I mi with I ln': i ) i! i ill a;. I. E\ 5fcOSn i I'1 M. l\> inn <<j. ^ \(;ai> rn ec. ba: itrFKHS TIIK MOST X New wi :ilid at such LOW I'JIIC'KS as to guar. It would, therefore, CALL X and procure some of these NICE GOOI March 2G. . a . \ A This pill hat been used This rein-V> 4 % \with great success in edy -willy, ft ^private practice. It in almostU 9? \ vicannot produce any every case y Jr t & \iU effeets, and a immediatelyV % ufair trial wiU conrolieve the\\ ?vei7 one most severOy^^W^r^T^^N. va*ae ? ^ Jtrl\\Jr \ - fct . cases ot/ \?* "1I8 _ f JACKSON'S V-* liujmji V P P ICS: JJthat andprove\^ OOCi ymo^ deinraluable ^js^^_^g^\\pro3sing in li0uralgiar"fc7^ ? v\<ii??aso, Intermittent fe?er?,\ $ % \ 2 and Headache, and isV ^ S \ | a splendid Tonic forV % ^ \ e? ! reduced conditions ofy \ t> the system. \ ^ \ D0W1E & KflISE,Wiiotesale Drnigists, Agents, Charleston, S. C. Cotton Gins and Scales. We are agents for the well-known and popilur XOI.KTT \ GOODRICH COTTON G-INS, Mid are now receiving orders, to he delivered it tin* shortest possible notice. A!?o, for vWITII'S lMl'ROVKD HASH l'OWKR Cotton Press, And FAIRUANK'i* STANDARD SCALES, acknowledged to he the TU:?r is the Would. which we offer nt Manufacturer's prices with expenses added. J. & T. T. JONES. May lit*. if CI lass and Crockery WareA large anil we!l-scl(xl<-*^'ft<,l5 s, w an'' ukai'TIFI'L fit. AS^*^trOKOCKEK\ \N AKE. Just rt-ceiviF^^O'01'^ule Cfth'Af', r>v K1IMCLEV i 0 All LAND. ;func I if THE PL IXTER'S WAREHOUSE!! We have now on hand.and are constant!}' receiving A Full and Complete Stock OF GROCERIES, eon Tiny run lllii Spring and Summer Trade, TMCinilKK WITH ^\.ll other Articles IN Ol'K I.INK. 1 >esirinti to Jo, as far as possible, a STICTLY CASH BUSINESS,; we are offering our (ioods at the Lowest Cash Prices, Wo invito attention to the following rices: llrown Sugar, 10 cents per lb. Ik S. Side?, at 10} cents per lb. 11. Sides, at 11 cents per lb. Kio Coffee, at cents per lb. Family Flour, at Sit) to SI 2 per bbl. Kerosene Oil, at .*{;"> cents per gallon, ind everything usually found in a lirst * lass tlrocery. t corresponding prices for CASH. It cing our determination to Si t.t. (Jonns. | ur fronds would do well to give us* a I all. i). W. JOIMIAN, As:nil April 2. tf | JONRAD M. WIENGES. M \M KMTI RKK AXU i>KVLi:K IV IAKNKSS. SADDLES, Ac. BROAD-STREET. < ':i nxh'ii, S. < la tIn-1 tOiin, iIt .'vciij o 1 l>_\ S \ j I'niliLs tlr t'-'ll./Jii'/ Itl) f hi (lflt/ '*< julii'i <I i ii l> i - ?i.]icii?' 1. -i? 1 w oi k promptly done ill WOl k ? HI r.-i nt I. Ter?s?rosittMy Canh on b U v . with no r.'liniiify > ft. S ip, i it (.(nisi (i i'. i!o ' v ISA I'M lilti) S. M i> ' * p?? in i.miw iii bamumm*?*wb| 11: n iwt! fl RIJCH ^ rTRACTIYE STOCK OF 1 > $ VMM EliOoODS^^L the to JUL.RLY iHfl IS, at such low prices a.s ar? offered l?y II. BARUClf. SOUTH CAROLINA 1 LAND AGENCY. J THE undersigned offers his servw GEN Ell AL LAN I) AG EXT: having rstnhli_^^^H oil cointimniC^iion with persons of all c!u.-spa"^^^H who may he Induced to Luy land in Motf Carol i oft. It is of great importance that H peculiar attractions offered hy our stcti lJai. those wishing to settle upon //<?> oirn l-m brought into notice. This can only bc'""^^^^H hy making it a specialty. The class of immigrant8most needed U"?, ^aii mucin, UI tuiiiDc, uic Ul'iCOnif,) 1." II* one who brings with him enough to *?uy?eve in a small way?a certain quantity of our land, ;ho pitnl v. is easily dune, by such n me. as one-fourth the estimated value paid down, will give him a title, and possession; with three or four, and IH even five years, to pay the balance. This class of settlers, native or immigrar must be.dcalt with personally -must t o co vinced that this country.with nil its advanta ? ges does exist, and is within his reach. satisfied on tiiis point, the rest is easy. They know nothing of our country, heretofore closed to flic outside world, and ithas'tobe told ^^B to them. The object of the AtlKNCY is to do this: to ^ apptoach the man?wheresoever he may be? who has the means, an?l induce him by stay^ '"f A mentMADE IX SUCH A JfMTHAT HE ^ OHLICKD TOl'l'T b!All,lTlXTTTfiM to i. I^B vest in our land. This will give the land a commercial value and bring the best class ofsitttlers. l'cisoirs wishing to dispose of lands should a first have llient surveyed, and laid off in farms of from fifty t" ::> hundred and fifty acres.? H Nothing can be done, under the plan propos- Va^B ed. with bodies of land in block. The thing* to lie -Id inn -1 be if. r i ;n ! < to suit ^^B purchaser. All 'ou-'ine-.- in this connection wi I receivo strict atfention from the undersigm ,,.?^B EDWARD M. DOVKIN. M Camden. S. 0. February 11', !?" ?. Rf. rKitr.xoFs.?Ocji. .lay. ( hesnnt. t el. }l Shannon, (bui. J. i?. Kershaw, ('apt ^B t.'larke, Maj. .lolm M. Dc.^.iussiiic. -'t D. Kennedy, Catndcn, S. ' C * "* H terson. Liberty Hill. (bo. ?rohn L. Manning. Clarendon. S <" ^ 0W % J , : . . / ' IDIR/UGrS A .N i l MEDICINES. Our store .if! ; intent - having been ?letsroyeii hy i!h'1:i> tire. w< haw opened with nti ENTIUKLV NEW STOCK ?f I Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, (, Putty, iVc. \c., \c. One Door above Mrs. Crosby's, Where we hope u .-co our oi l friends mid OUMolllCIS. IIOUCSO^ A lU XLAP. .lutiiiitty J'.'. ? ?< f A o, j S-iSis1' te! r m2e ' ' , : . ? *.-J S\ 4 /!? .. : '. "\. ;v ( ':e> ' >-" : ' Kci- V- ;? { - j .jj KsQStV/ i* >;< /77:;,'W/V'r./.? '. ' ''' ;. H jufctobft, ! !/' ticiL ' ' . J . ASbteanJirirfUi . C \e\ *air<ca?S i'fV# !> -t ?! : &: 'c* .4 $ f,'?< r' ?? '.?r.i/ vf." ' Vc.ltr. L? i ,ii' l!; ?? d -j LOWEST PRICF.S.jr 5 SWfirrr.rLUS (J ij I. H. HALL ft CC.f! Vi Mfi'. /'" ' ' '' " Uau'-'f. 2,-w, -ir'M-cd. ' J ??????? w.l'/ ?7. C. Titi- I'llt ?*Ht? f? ! .i'-i V lilisT t? \<M i'f In gro?s in i!u* v?vir It>7 1.1?\ I I!. II u.i ?'. , in t hi- > !?:? i<t' i lii'>r;ii i:ni of ?' :i _. i -., !i i in 11 ii. E ti.:i S 'OM 1 >siy >*, iV?- * ' r?':i?h ) : i i:-?m?. nti< li-iv liin? - i?nk it in i.l- in I'tlii. r?'Ci'i\?il iinci' lii' !iri'. < iMiM-iir.j; ft DRY GOODS, Hardware and Groceries. I'f.v v^mIm'. ' !i iii'l; MoiihU ^ r: mill 111 a